Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Due to the urgency of the matter.  letter of request typical phrase - business speech for civil servants library of Russian textbooks

Sergey Vladimirovich 18/02/2016 at 19:05

We ask you to objectively understand and conduct an internal check on this fact and bring these traffic police officers to justice under the law, and check how the head of the traffic police, Frolov A.E., actually conducts internal inspections for similar and similar violations by traffic police officers in the city of Pyatigorsk, and also whether the above protocols are valid. We have made many appeals to different structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but there is no result since the wife of the head of the traffic police, A.E. Frolov, works as a federal judge in the city of Essentuki, Stavropol Territory! If possible, bring this issue to the general council and television! We want the traffic police in Pyatigorsk to work according to the law and without any cronyism! We hope for your support!!!

Sergey Vladimirovich 04/22/2016 at 18:24

We ask you to consider the actions of traffic police officers in the city of Pyatigorsk, Stavropol Territory. So, on April 26, 2015, at approximately 23:40 on Kirov Avenue, opposite house No. 67 in the city of Pyatigorsk, my friend and I observed such a moment as a traffic police patrol car, Hyundai Solaris, registration plate U 40-03 26, stopped an Audi A7 car. registration plate M002AE-26 black, which was in a circular film covering. A driver unknown to us got out and sat down in their patrol car, after about 5-7 minutes he got out of the patrol car, got into his car and drove off at high speed. After this, about 5 minutes passed and a traffic police officer with the rank of police major got out of the patrol car and went to the nearest trash can and threw the crumpled papers there and then left the place. After he left, we approached this trash can and saw two protocol forms there;
1) Protocol prohibiting the operation of land-based vehicle, number 26 ШШ 004565;
2) Protocol on the detention of a vehicle, number 26 PZ 004690; in which it is not clear that it is written, and along with copies of protocols, and as they say traffic police officers, strict reporting forms, but based on the actions of this employee, I think that there is no and they see a violation of the law.
Similar cases have happened before, copies of protocols were burned, copies of decisions that drivers who violated traffic rules should have received, and where there are video recordings as evidence.
Also, in similar cases, we turned to the head of the traffic police, police lieutenant colonel for the city of Pyatigorsk, Alexander Evgenievich Frolov, but he answered us “in words” that official checks are being carried out and these employees will definitely be punished, but everything continues as it was before and there are always no there have been no changes in the area of ​​traffic police work, and the head of the traffic police, A.E. Frolov, is aware of all violations of the law committed by traffic police officers, but no measures are taken by them.
We also asked the same question to the deputy head of the traffic police for the city of Pyatigorsk, police lieutenant colonel Vladimir Vladimirovich Khorogrov, but to which he answered us: deal with your problems yourself and escorted us out of the building of the traffic police department for the city of Pyatigorsk.
We sent the above protocols to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. of the city of Moscow to check and identify violations in the actions of a traffic police officer and whether the protocol data that ultimately ended up in the trash bin is genuine.
We believe that these are violations of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and the law on the police, and where there is a corruption component in the actions of these traffic police officers, as well as the implementation weak control for the work of the traffic police by the head of the traffic police, Frolov A.E., and the deputy head of the traffic police, Khorogrov V.V.
We ask you to objectively understand and conduct an internal inspection of this fact and bring these traffic police officers to justice under the law, and check how the head of the traffic police, Frolov A.E., actually conducts internal inspections for similar and similar violations by traffic police officers in the city. Pyatigorsk, and whether the above protocols are valid. We have made many appeals to different structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but there is no result since the wife of the head of the traffic police, A.E. Frolov, works as a federal judge in the city of Essentuki, Stavropol Territory! If possible, bring this issue to the general council and television! We want the traffic police in Pyatigorsk to work according to the law and without any cronyism! We hope for your support!!!

Asking for help is not the case when you can give free rein to your imagination and creativity using a free form of appeal.

  • It is optimal to maintain a formal business tone. Polite words are appropriate ( “thank you”, “please”, “permit me”).
  • The text should be logical and structured.

You can use either an electronic or paper form.

  • It is better to write it on company letterhead, indicating the details and logo of the company - it looks presentable.
  • You should start by addressing the addressee. Optimally, if it is personal, a specific person is indicated. In business correspondence, the first name and patronymic or the “Mr. Petrov” format are preferred. The word “dear” at the beginning doesn’t hurt either. If it is addressed not to one person, but to a team, the message still needs to be personalized as much as possible - for example, “dear partners.”
  • If you can choose an unobtrusive compliment that suits the occasion, it is appropriate to use it. For example, note that you value the recipient's opinion as an expert in your industry and his help, or you are grateful for the support provided in the past. It’s just very important not to fall into ugly flattery - this is unlikely to increase the chances of a positive response.
  • Then follows the essence of the request - we will describe in detail below what rules the main part must comply with.
  • It must be completed by indicating the date and signature of an authorized person.

Maximum specificity

Money loves precision. And the people who earn them and in the future can help your project financially, too. An ideal example contains the maximum amount of verified data and accurate indicators.

Operate with numbers, percentages, quantities, deadlines.

This indicates a serious approach to the matter, inspires confidence and makes the task more tangible, measurable, allows you to understand what exactly is required and how possible it is to fulfill the request.

Who will share money or other resources after reading the request for financial assistance on a large scale, long-term loan, section prospect high interest rates from profit in a couple of years? Perhaps a comedian or philanthropist. There aren't too many of those in business. But if exact amounts and deadlines are indicated, expectations are clear, a positive response is more likely.

Strong arguments

To earn trust and receive help, you need to justify the need for it.

This will require convincing arguments. It is necessary to search and compose them, based on standard rules arguments, including:

  • Unambiguity - the thesis must be such that its meaning is clear, ambiguity is excluded;
  • clarity and clarity;
  • truth.

Nothing extra

Only those facts and circumstances that are relevant to the case should be included. There is no need for unnecessary details, lyrical digressions, emotional, even very touching experiences. This forces a person to waste time and reduces the chances that, for example, the desired amount will still be transferred to the account.

Conversation in one language

When composing an appeal, it is important to use vocabulary that is understandable and familiar not to the writer, but to the person who reads it.

For example, if an advertising agency turns to a bank for help, there is no need to use slang and professional terms that are not clear to representatives banking sector. It is better to choose words that are familiar in the financial sector - this significantly increases the likelihood of mutual understanding, and therefore success.

Honesty is the best trick

When describing the current situation that requires help, it is better to rely on sincerity and real facts, do not minimize, but also do not exaggerate the seriousness of the situation. If not for moral and ethical reasons, then at least because everything stated in the letter is usually easy to verify. The business world is also a very small place.

Mutual benefit

IN business sphere Money is rarely given for “just because” or for “beautiful eyes.”

Usually, when helping someone financially, and intangibly too, an investor expects to receive something in return.

If it is not monetary debt, which will return after some time with interest, or a share in the business, you need to indicate other benefits. It could be anything - for example:

  • Product discounts;
  • advisory support;
  • free services;
  • sponsor status;
  • contribution to the image of a socially responsible company, etc.


In any important document key value has its content. But we must not forget about the form. Lots of grammatical errors spoil the effect. There are many online services for checking spelling and punctuation.

A letter of request is a request to receive necessary information, goods, services, documents, about providing recommendations, about organizing a meeting, etc. When drawing it up, you need to justify the need to fulfill the request. It may be addressed to a specific to an individual or legal entity— organizations. This type letters may contain more than one request.


“Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

Your company has been participating in the Career Guidance Program for applicants for several years now, helping them decide on their choice of profession.

As a HR manager, you are interested in training professionals, and we are ready to help schoolchildren begin to train masters of their craft. Today, the profession of manager is one of the most common, but many applicants do not have a clear idea of ​​its meaning.

In this regard, we ask you to organize a meeting of the general manager with applicants on March 23 at 15.00 at the base of your company.

By telling the guys about the secrets of the profession today, you are laying the foundation for training real professionals tomorrow. Perhaps in a few years it will be one of them who will bring your company to new level development.

With respect and gratitude,

Director of the employment center

P.P. Petrov"

About charitable assistance

The right column of the table presents full text letters, the techniques used are listed on the left.

We start with a compliment to the recipient

Dear Pavel Ivanovich!

Your enterprise is one of the largest in the region, and you, as its director, are part of the business elite of our region.

We offer the recipient an attractive opportunity At all times, business-minded, enterprising people have strived not only to achieve material success, but also to leave their mark on the history of the city, region, and country, and to be remembered for their good deeds.
We show how we can help realize this opportunity

And today, when our country relies on youth, it is difficult to find a more necessary, sacred cause than helping young men and women from disadvantaged families.

In our city there are those who already provide such assistance - under the auspices of the mayor's office, our Heritage charitable center operates on donations from citizens, teaching difficult teenagers folk crafts.

We show the importance of our request. "We take it to heart" Children from difficult families often lack warmth, and one of the warmest, sunniest crafts is that of a potter. Therefore, we want to open a pottery workshop in our center. Making traditional food for visitors to the center and tourists pottery and souvenirs, the guys will be able to master new profession and earn the gratitude of others - and this is very important for their social adaptation.
We voice our request To equip a pottery workshop, we need a kiln for firing ceramics - we ask you to help us purchase it. The cost of the stove with installation is 2 million rubles.
We invite you to take a step in our direction All design and estimate documentation for its purchase and installation has already been prepared, and we will be happy to provide it to you so that you can know exactly how your funds will be used.
Let's summarize: if you help, there will be happiness

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