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Find out if the girl was bewitched. How do you know that you've been bewitched? Signs that indicate a love spell

Clear signs of a love spell will help you understand that you have been bewitched. The symptoms of magical effects are different for men and women, while the rituals for revealing a love spell are the same for both sexes.

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Signs of a love spell

Love spells are dangerous, mainly because it is extremely difficult for the victim to appreciate the substitution of feelings. However, there are a number of symptoms that directly indicate that a love spell has been made. There are also indirect manifestations that should alert the victim of a love spell and signal that she needs help.

Direct signs

Direct signs that help to understand whether a person is bewitched or not include:

  1. There were problems with eating or sleeping associated with falling in love. Feeling sore and unnaturally tired.
  2. Other people's small objects found in the house or personal belongings. These may include needles, rags or homemade dolls. It is also worth being alert when, in a certain place at home or when wearing some element of clothing, thoughts about a lover intensify.
  3. After falling in love, self-esteem plummeted. There is an impression that not only will there be no desire to attract anyone, but there will also be no opportunity.
  4. After starting a relationship with a partner, there is no need to talk with close friends and buddies. Even if earlier a person was very sociable, all his thoughts are now occupied only with the object of his passion.
  5. The desire and determination to argue with a person disappears, including in things that you absolutely do not like. Actions are performed under the invisible canopy of approval / disapproval of the object of passion.
  6. Constant dreams of a bewitcher. There is a feeling that fantasies are not connected with the joyful feeling of falling in love. Happy dreams involving the object of love do not bring positive emotions.
  7. The victim of a love spell begins to act in an absolutely unusual manner, the style of clothing and habits change.

Indirect signs

Indirect signs indicating the presence of a love spell include:

  1. Frequent meetings with a friend who is not part of the environment.
  2. Obsessive thoughts about a stranger.
  3. Sudden nostalgia for an ex-boyfriend, husband. Although the relationship did not end too peacefully, only positive moments are remembered and there is a strong unmotivated desire to resume them.
  4. Flaws and ugly deeds of the object of passion do not repel. The bewitched prefers to justify or turn a blind eye to the partner's shortcomings.

How to distinguish sincere love from a love spell?

It is rather difficult to distinguish true love from a love spell, but some features are characteristic of magical interference with feelings:

  1. Falling in love suddenly arose for a familiar person who had never attracted anything.
  2. Feelings seem unnatural. With a reasonable analysis, an understanding arises that a person is absolutely not suitable, does not correspond to tastes, there are no common hobbies and interests. However, there is an inexplicable anomalous feeling of euphoria when thinking about the object of love.
  3. There is a need to constantly be near a loved one, but there is no relief when meeting. Dates are desirable, but oppressive.

How does a bewitched person behave?

The main features of behavior during a love spell:

  1. Love spell affects willpower. A bewitched person agrees with the bewitched in everything, obeys, can justify cruel treatment and beatings.
  2. A love spell has a strong effect on energy flows. Those who have fallen under the influence of love magic have problems with inspiration, they look weak and lethargic.
  3. The feeling of falling in love is abruptly replaced by apathy or aggressiveness and again turns into euphoria. The victim of the love spell is emotionally unstable.
  4. Criticism of the object of passion is not perceived or ignored. Sometimes it can provoke anger on the part of a person who is in the power of a love spell.

Features of the behavior of charmed men

Cursed Guy:

  • may become whiny, weak, apathetic;
  • does not pay attention to anyone except the chosen one;
  • throws hobbies;
  • becomes passive, cannot keep up the conversation in the company;
  • all his actions are aimed only at winning love.

Features of the behavior of charmed women

  • ceases to follow the appearance;
  • does nothing without partner's approval;
  • avoids contact with other potential partners;
  • angry at any mention of unnatural feelings.

Analysis of relationships to identify a love spell

Proven methods for analyzing relationships to identify a love spell:

  1. Happy couples often remember the period when sympathy was born. At the beginning of a relationship, the foundation for interaction between lovers is laid - the partners learn each other's views and needs, and the characters are adjusted. In situations with a love spell, there is no such period. The bewitched is suppressed by the will of the caster, completely obeys him, does not pay attention to the lack of mutual understanding.
  2. In a relationship, subconscious attention rushes to the strong qualities of a loved one. Attracts character, mind, appearance or hundreds of small details. Love spell does not take into account such nuances. When feelings arise for a person in whom there is nothing attractive, it is worth suspecting the influence of magic.
  3. Sincerity is not characteristic of a person who decides. You just have to look your lover in the eyes. Looking away, confused or angry facial expressions are a sign of likely influence or problems in the relationship.

Rites to reveal a love spell

There are several effective rituals that allow.

These rituals include:

  • magical ritual with candles;
  • rite with an egg;
  • ritual with wax to determine a love spell.

Magic ritual with candles

To determine if a person is enchanted, at home, you will need:

  • oil lamp with dim light;
  • 6 drops of ylang ylang oil;
  • matches or lighter;
  • 1 green candle (it can also be a red candle, think about which color you like more) 15-20 cm in height;
  • one red ribbon (about 1 m long);
  • one green ribbon (about 1 m long).

The best time to cast the spell is in the second half of the lunar cycle. The ceremony can be performed at any time of the year, but effective results are achieved in the spring.

Ritual process:

  1. You need to create a magic circle.
  2. Pour oil into an oil lamp, light a candle and pray to Mary Magdalene.
  3. Take a green candle in both hands and say: “I give love to the true chosen one. Love comes into my life like spring comes after winter.
  4. Tie an elastic band around the bottom of the candle.
  5. Then repeat the step with the green ribbon and say: "My love is true, the unloved will not bewitch me, the word is stronger than stone, harder than iron."
  6. Do not extinguish the candle, pray in gratitude for future love. Meditate during the ritual. Then you need to remove both ribbons from the candle and weave them together so that you can wear it on your wrist.
  7. The amulet is worth wearing until the dream partner comes to life. Love spells on the owner of the amulet will not work.

You can learn about how to understand that you have been bewitched from the video. Taken by Evgeniy Green.

Rite with an egg

A popular way to determine if you have fallen under the influence of love magic is the following rite with an egg. This technique can be used to absorb negative energy or to see if there are strong magical disturbances that require immediate attention.

For the ritual you will need:

  • fresh egg;
  • transparent glass;
  • aroma oil or incense;
  • holy water.

Actions in the rite:

  1. Take a clean transparent bowl and fill it with holy water.
  2. Add aromatic oil or frankincense to the water and pray to the Gods/Universe to bless the mixture and help see the truth in the situation.
  3. Take the egg out of the fridge and pray that the egg absorbs the negativity.
  4. Place the egg on the top of the head, run it along the top of the head.
  5. Move the egg from the back of the head, to the back of the neck, then to the center of the back and around the chest. It is necessary to focus on any negative impact absorbed by the egg.
  6. Then run the egg over the open palms and over the soles of the feet. It is necessary to perform manipulations from top to bottom in order to remove the negative effects of malevolent magic from the body.
  7. After breaking the shell and pour the egg into a transparent glass of water.
  8. Carefully inspect the egg for signs of conspiracy, looking for anomalies, blood, or changes in color.

You need to pay attention to such signs:

  • bad smell;
  • blood in a glass;
  • muddy water.

These features indicate a magical effect, the need to create an amulet or conduct protective rites.

Wax ritual to determine a love spell

If there are suspicions that a love spell was cast on a son / daughter, friend or loved one, it is worth checking the effect of spells. One of the strong rites is a magical ritual with a candle.

For the ritual you will need:

  • paper and pen;
  • white wax candle;
  • a large container with a flat bottom filled with water;
  • mirror.

The ceremony is best done on a full moon, in a closed room, all alone.


  1. It is necessary to wait for the night. It should be checked that no light enters the room.
  2. In a bowl of water, you need to lower a piece of paper with your own name or the name of the person who was bewitched.
  3. Lay out sheets of paper with the names of people potentially involved in the love spell around the bowl.
  4. Place a mirror in front of the bowl.
  5. Light the candle by tilting it and slowly moving it over the container, drawing an invisible circle. Make sure that the movements remain smooth and stop subconscious attempts to hold the candle closer to the name of the alleged "offender".
  6. It is necessary to spend ten circles clockwise and ten circles against.
  7. After completing the ritual, carefully look for a large accumulation of wax near a certain name. Repeat the ritual if necessary.

How to find out who did the spell?

To find out who made the love spell, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. The bewitched often mentions the name of the one who subjected him to magical influence.
  2. The person on whom the spell has been cast can name the object of their desire in a dream. Sometimes close people can also come in a dream to the image of someone who was engaged in witchcraft.
  3. A bewitching person is constantly found in places where he has never been before.
  4. If the bewitched person behaves inappropriately after meeting with the “beloved”, then there is a reason to suspect this particular person.

Do I need to remove the spell?

A love spell is a strong blow to the energy background. Of course, you should get rid of extraneous magic. To remove the dryer, you should contact the magician, go to church or create a protective amulet on your own. The bewitched must be helped morally in every possible way, not to provoke him and not to cause aggression.

It is imperative to remove the spell. Moreover, if too much time is lost, then the person's attitude will be irreversibly destroyed, and then it will be almost impossible to return everything to its place.


You can find out in the video. The video was filmed by the channel Marina Sugrobova.

To determine the presence of a love spell on yourself, it is not necessary to have psychic abilities or be a professional magician. It is believed that everyone has psychic abilities in one form or another. It is important to be able to use them at critical moments in your life.

A bewitched person does not always realize that someone is intentionally influencing him. The meaning of any love spell comes down precisely to making the victim think that the choice of a partner was made by herself. However, strange behavior can be noticed by relatives and friends.

You need to pay attention to the following:
  • The bewitched often moves away from those whom he unconditionally trusted until recently. The composition of a love spell often includes the words that a person should love only the one who made a love spell on him. In addition, the rite can also cause distrust of others;
  • The bewitched one fiercely defends his right to be close to the one who "dried" him. If love was caused naturally, a person is usually ready for a constructive dialogue with relatives and other close people. However, the bewitched categorically rejects any attempts to dissuade him from a new relationship. If relatives try to reason with the “poisoned” by a love spell, he immediately begins to see them as enemies who have set themselves the goal of separating him from his beloved (beloved);
  • The bewitched one does not pay attention to the physical shortcomings of the one with whom he is "in love". This does not mean that a person who, for example, lacks limbs, cannot be loved. However, not everyone is capable of this.

Do I have a spell? How to test yourself?

If you catch yourself thinking that you are in love with someone, you cannot live without this person, you seriously begin to think about suicide, etc., you should think about it. You've probably been bewitched.

Determining the presence of a love spell "by eye" is quite difficult. Sometimes people choose unworthy or outwardly unpleasant partners as partners in life. It seems to others that such a rude, cruel, sloppy person is simply impossible to love. However, for some, it becomes the only joy in life. And this does not necessarily have to indicate the magical effect that the bewitcher has on his victim.

Esotericists believe that if an unworthy partner appeared in a person’s life, without which he cannot live, this may be due to some karmic debts of the one who got an unsuitable life partner. Perhaps in your last incarnation you blamed alcoholics too much, not realizing how serious this disease is. In your current incarnation, you are forced to live with a drinking person to whom you are attached by love.

However, it is still possible to identify some signs of a love spell. Love for a girl (boyfriend), which arose without outside interference, does not cause the disappearance of previously arisen attachments, for example, to parents, a child, brothers, sisters. It is impossible to call love and the painful need to be near a person for whom, deep down, you do not even feel sympathy. You constantly think about those whom you truly love, but some inexplicable force forces you to be close to a hated person.

Magic techniques for diagnosing a love spell

It is not always possible to determine the presence of someone else's interference in your life on your own the first time, by conducting only one rite.

To do this, try to perform a few simple magic techniques:
  • Bring holy water from the church and pour it into a glass. Then light a torch (or an ordinary match), hold it for a while with two fingers, and then throw it into a glass of holy water. Pay attention to how the torch will behave. If it stays on the surface of the water for some time and burns, no one has any magical effects on you. However, if the torch quickly went out and drowned, it is likely that you became a victim of the rite. Thus, it is possible to determine not only the presence of a love spell, but any other negative magical effect, for example, damage;
  • Take any thing of the one who supposedly bewitched you, and go to church with it. If at the moment you already live with this person and have access to many of his things, choose clothes, in particular, underwear. In all other cases, even a ballpoint pen, which has been used for a long time by a person who fell in love with you, will do. The item must be hidden so that it cannot be seen by others. You need to be in church as long as possible. To have a reason for this, attend a service or come to the temple on a holy holiday.
  • Say mentally several times:

    "The innocent - the crown, the guilty - the end!".

  • After these steps, quietly return the thing to its owner and observe how this person will behave. If he did not cause you any harm, his behavior will not change. However, the one who did the love spell should feel the strongest discomfort. He may begin to complain about feeling unwell, depression. A person who has made a love spell usually has a big trouble, for example, he loses the keys to the apartment, breaks his arm, he is robbed.

In addition to magical diagnostics, try to find confirmation that you have been bewitched. If you live together, this is easy. Check your partner's personal belongings, look on the shelves in the closet. Perhaps you will find a doll that resembles you. This is a Voodoo doll, with the help of which a person can be subjected to various influences: damage, love spell and even complete destruction. Watch how your partner (especially if it is a woman) prepares food for you: does he pour, does he add something to your food and drinks?

First of all, you should not go into a frank conversation with the person who bewitched you. Don't try to get him to confess what he did. Most likely, you won't succeed. You may even make things worse. The person whose victim you have become will try to apply an even stronger love spell. The consequences can be unpredictable.

The impossibility of just getting rid of a love spell is due to the fact that you do not know exactly how you were bewitched. Contact a specialist you can trust (he really could help your relatives or friends, and he was recommended to you). But if you are afraid of fraud, try to fight on your own. Go to church, pray to your saint, Jesus Christ, Mother of God, ask them for help and believe that your request will be heard.

Go to the trick and become uncomfortable for your partner, change your behavior, be different. Men are often bewitched because of wealth. Start supplying money to the "second half" much worse and less often. Soon your partner will think about finding a new victim.

Not only a wealthy businessman, but also a person with an average or low level of income can become the object of a love spell. Be careful when choosing your circle of friends.

If a person suspects that his feelings of love and affection are not dictated by personal feelings, but by magical influence, then how to understand what a love spell is on you, and whether the suspicions have an underlying reason. You need to be able to abstract in order to see the main signs of negative attachment that appear in a bewitched person. To confirm suspicions, diagnostics are carried out. Having all the information, you can take further measures to destroy the negative.

What is a spell and who does it

A love spell is an ancient magical ritual, the purpose of which is to fall in love with a person. The customer of a magical rite that creates a binding may be an unrequited love girl or a mature woman. Parents arrange a marriage of convenience in such a simple way. Less often, a young man or a middle-aged man who decides to tie a young girl to himself decides on a magical ritual. A love spell on a girl can recently be found as often as on a man, although it is believed that the fair sex is more likely to turn to the services of psychics and magicians.

People in love after a forced separation go to extreme measures. Having decided to use magic, they do not take into account the destructive effects of a love spell. Both the customer of the ritual and his victim cannot find peace of mind and happiness. The effect of reaching the goal from magic will be very short-term and costly in terms of energy needs. You need to think before you decide on a fatal step that can change your future life for the worse.

There are many types of love spells, which are divided according to the strength of the impact on the victim. They can be performed both by an ordinary person at home, and by a master specializing in this matter. When the ritual is performed by a specialist, the love spell is stronger, and its consequences are very pronounced. Among the common methods of conducting the ritual, a love spell is distinguished:

  • cemetery;
  • Muslim;
  • to the moon;
  • by photo;
  • food or drinks;
  • with menstrual blood.

Signs of a working love attachment are easily identified by energetically strong, emotionally stable people. They quickly begin to feel an outside influence on their energy due to the suppression of the will, and stubbornly resist the negative. If the bewitched person before the ceremony had a rather malleable and compliant character, it will be difficult to determine a love spell in the initial stages.

When a person has a love spell, it can affect:

  • bad habits;
  • refusal to communicate with friends and loved ones;
  • leaving work;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • mental disorders;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

To understand if there is a love attachment on a girl or a guy, you need to carefully observe the object from the side. If a person has a magical effect, he will be characterized by unusual behavior, a deep interest in a previously insignificant person, deterioration in health and detachment from life's problems.

How to recognize the symptoms of love attachment

There are the most characteristic signs of a love spell for each specific case, which can be identified at home. Observing the actions of a person will help to identify the impact, which will allow both to understand that a love spell was made on someone from close people, and to determine the initiator of the magic ritual. Before you understand that you have been bewitched, you need to conduct a thorough analysis of your internal state.

The main symptom is the presence of a pathological dependence on one person. Its detection will allow not only to understand that a love spell has been made, but also to quickly cut off the resulting binding. A bewitched person constantly thinks about the initiator and is constantly looking for meetings and communication with the customer of the love spell, experiences spiritual, intellectual and even physical dependence. The victim of a love spell yearns for separation, and is relieved when they meet, but the feeling of anxiety and tension does not disappear even at the moments of contact.

A love spell always suppresses a person's will, but people, who are naturally timid and soft, especially suffer from magical bindings. A person under the influence of a magical binding becomes especially nervous, and is constantly in a state of emotional stress. Under the influence of a love binding, he does not want to discuss other people, events, plans, except for the object of adoration. When trying to translate the topic, a bewitched person may be covered by outbursts of aggression.

A woman who begins to be affected by a love spell becomes more impulsive, hysterical, it is difficult to communicate with her even to close people. Strong rituals can completely deprive a lady of the desire to communicate with everyone except her “chosen one”. The victim may start drinking, smoking, slandering, even if nothing like this has been noticed before. Love spells always take away health, both soul and body.

Men show unusual aggressive reactions, detachment and indifference to life. The very first signs of a love spell for both a married and a free man are a complete passion for one woman.

If the wife suspected a love spell on her husband, here are his signs of action:

  • indifference to the family, even to children;
  • lack of sexual interest in his wife;
  • previously unusual reactions of the husband;
  • the difference of an outside woman next to her husband.

The negative consequences of a love spell resemble damage, the evil eye. A bewitched man can lose his family, job, status, friends, and both mental and physical health. There are frequent cases of binges and fatal addiction to alcohol.

You can find out if a person has made a ritual for love by carefully observing him, carefully analyzing his reactions. The main signs that the prisushka exists are an obsessive and undisguised desire to be with one woman, ignoring everything around except her.

How to prove to a person that he has a love spell on him

If the signs that there is a love spell on a person are obvious, you should try to gently call the bewitched victim to the mind. We must try to explain that the existing signs indicate a love attachment, feelings do not belong to him, he is just a puppet in the wrong hands. Sometimes it is very difficult to reach out to the common sense of a person who has already been affected by a love spell, but you should not give up, because the consequences of such witchcraft can be very deplorable.

When a love spell has been cast on a person, you need to act quickly and decisively before the situation gets completely out of control. If there is a suspicion that love magic affects a loved one, you need to analyze his behavior in the most detailed way, creating a situation of discussion. You can prove to the victim that there is a love spell on him by the following signs.

  1. There is a feeling of falling in love with a person who did not particularly like before. This can become the main argument in the dispute.
  2. Next, you need to draw the attention of the victim to unusual behavior for him personally.
  3. The third argument is the loss of sexual interest in other members of the opposite sex.

Three proofs are enough to make the victim wonder if there is a love spell on it and find other proofs of this on their own. To understand that a love spell is on a person, some features will also help, depending on gender, which will be discussed later.

How can you determine the love binding of a girl and a man

Not every woman or girl can feel a love spell, because its action in the first stages resembles the most wonderful feeling of falling in love. To learn a love spell will help certain signs characteristic of this rite. If a girl does not know how to understand that you are wearing a love spell from a guy, then the following symptoms of a negative attachment can suggest:

  1. Irresistibly attracted to one single person.
  2. There is no desire to communicate and even more so to trust any other person.
  3. Violation of the menstrual cycle.
  4. Unbridled emotions, uncontrolled reactions.
  5. Lack of self-esteem.
  6. Dual feelings towards the "beloved" person.
  7. When love meets hate.

If a man has a love spell that a woman in love with him made, he will immediately receive reciprocity from her, but there will be a feeling that she was just waiting for this. Such a plot should alert the representative of the male half of humanity.

When a man was made an object for a love spell, he stops paying attention to other women, does not even look in the direction of an attractive girl, which used to happen on its own.

If a person is bewitched, he is not interested in anything around, except for his object of adoration, he does not take care of himself or business, he does not meet with friends and relatives. And if he does, such gatherings are no longer of any interest to him.

A distinctive factor in the performed magical ritual is sexual intimacy, or rather the emotions that appear after it. In men, on whom the rite acts, there is a strong sexual craving for the object, but immediately after intercourse there is repentance, a feeling of guilt for intimacy. This is typical for both married and free men who have no reason to feel guilty.

The behavior of the person who was bewitched

A detailed analysis of a person's behavior will help you find out if there is a love spell on him. The symptoms of a love spell are quite noticeable and conspicuous. Firstly, the person to whom the binding was made is painfully attached to the object. Here lies the answer to the question, "how to understand who made a love spell on me" or "on me a love spell, who did it." Most often, the one who is unrequitedly in love, he makes a strong rite of love. And now a loved one becomes very close.

The second obvious sign in behavior that there is a love spell is inadequate reactions that are different from the previous behavior. A person becomes detached, apathetic, as if he is not himself, constantly in thought and sadness. If a person was uncommunicative even before the ceremony, then on the contrary, he will become quick-tempered, impulsive, openly expressing his emotions. Simply put, a person's behavior changes in the opposite direction after a love spell is cast on him.

The third change is not so much in behavior as in physiology itself. Under the influence of witchcraft, a person can change outwardly, in the truest sense of the word. A person under magical pressure changes not only habits and habits, but also the style of speech, timbre, voice, gait. A bewitched person has a devastated look, a downcast look, exhaustion, fatigue.

How to remove a spell

It is not only difficult to remove a love spell on your own, in most cases it is not at all possible, because for this you need to have a strong energy potential, which has already been undermined by the binding. Therefore, in order to carry out the removal of a love spell, it is best to contact a specialist as soon as you feel that something negative is happening in life.

Removing a love spell is a delicate work that an experienced person should do. It is unlikely that it will be possible to do without consequences at all, but a competent specialist will make every effort to minimize losses. If a love spell is made on someone from relatives or relatives, and especially a husband or wife, you do not need to wait until the situation becomes uncontrollable or goes before a divorce, contact a specialist immediately.

If by all indications it is established that a love spell is on you, you should not hesitate and contact a specialist in this field to remove the effect of the black ritual. The consequences of the ceremony are devastating and unpredictable, even cases of suicide are known, so it is extremely important not to waste time and solve the problem right away.

It is strongly not recommended to experiment with home methods of removing negativity, the wrong ritual can only aggravate the situation. Therefore, if it seems to you that you have a love binding created through a magical ritual, you need to seek help from an experienced magician as soon as possible.

A person cannot be alone. We all need a couple. This is how the world works - "each creature in pairs." Love is the very feeling that makes us rejoice, create and develop: he loves me, I love him. Having found our other half, we become full-fledged and begin to build our family.

But, how do you know that your feelings are under the ice? Perhaps you are an addicted person. If you feel out of place and doubt the sincerity of your feelings, analyze your behavior. How to recognize a love spell? What are the symptoms of a love spell? What leads to detrimental consequences? How does this disease manifest itself?

A love spell is a ritual in which there are magical paraphernalia

The main signs that you were bewitched

How to understand that you have been bewitched? First, watch your sleep. The consequences of a love spell are manifested in sleep disturbance. Insomnia begins, but even if a person can fall asleep, he is overcome by terrible nightmares. It is possible to understand how to determine a love spell. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the characteristic signs of magical intervention.

There are the most common signs of a love spell.

  • A radical change in behavior. The bewitched sharply abandons his favorite habits, behaves negligently at work and forgets about his family. It seems to him that there is nothing in life more important than his new love.
  • Indifference. A person loses interest in everything that surrounds him. Become lethargic, without initiative and apathetic to the attempts of others to help.
  • Suggestibility. The bewitched is like a zombie. Becomes an obedient slave of the bewitcher. The desire to serve and please his beloved overcomes the feeling of disgust and hatred that he secretly experiences.
  • material hardships. Avoid problems at work. She loses interest, which leads to trouble. At the same time, you forget about the family - money does not appear in the house - it goes to your beloved.
  • Attachment. A love spell is manifested not in passion, but in an obsessive desire to be with your new idol. There is no interest in communication, more guilt.
  • Illogicality. The desire to be with the person who has bewitched seems ridiculous. If a person tries to resist this, it leads to the opposite. With each passing day, the love spell only intensifies.
  • I have not got problems. Everything that others have long begun to notice becomes too obvious. The person consciously keeps himself aloof. An attempt to find out what is happening or an offer of help is instantly rejected.
  • Mental disorder is a clear symptom of a love spell. A possible psychological disorder under the influence of growing depression leads to a temporary clouding of the mind, and sometimes to insanity.
  • Problems in intimate life. The bewitched loses interest in the opposite sex. Spouses do not spend time together, but if it comes to intimacy, then sexual intercourse does not bring pleasure. This intervention is called Egillet.

The consequences of a love spell are manifested in sleep disturbance

Do not forget that a love spell is a ritual in which there are magical paraphernalia. How to determine a love spell by ritual signs? It can be done provided that there are traces on the threshold of the house or near his dwelling. It is possible to find them in the pockets and shoes of the bewitched. In these places there may be needles, earth, feathers, pins, melted candles, matches, nails.

There are different signs of a love spell in men and women. Let's try to figure out what is the difference between them.

Bewitched men: behavioral features

Women have long resorted to small magical rituals to determine their fate. They tell fortunes about love, ask the betrothed to dream on festive evenings or look for his face in the mirror. What if love came and turned out to be non-reciprocal? There is a possibility that she will want to bewitch her lover. Happiness cannot be built on someone else's misfortune, but in war all means are good.

It is easy to identify a bewitched person, knowing the signs of a love spell in men. The consequences of a love spell are visible to the naked eye. A person changes in habits, habits and preferences. Is this enough to answer the question: “How to understand that you have been bewitched?”. Let's take a look at the worst signs.

  • Impotence. The object of desire for him can only be a new lover. It makes no sense to try with the rest. Worryingly, the effect of artificial stimulation can be very short-lived.
  • Alcoholism or other forms of drug addiction. Love spell affects the emotional component. The feeling of internal conflict with oneself pushes to addictions.
  • Loss of status. The person becomes aggressive.

    "Don't touch me again! I am fine"

    - so a man begins to push society away from himself and isolate himself from everyone except his beloved. There is no doubt - only she makes his life complete.

How to understand that you have been bewitched and find out if there are other manifestations of a love spell, only a careful analysis of a person’s behavior will help. They may have an individual character for a particular man.

Alcoholism is one of the signs of a love spell

Women as victims of love spells

It has long been considered that if we are talking about a love spell, then the scenario is as follows - women bewitch men. What if women become victims? Signs of a love spell in women manifest themselves in the physical and moral condition of a woman. The symptoms of a love spell will help you find out about the presence of an intervention.

Signs of a love spell in women can be easily identified.

  1. The family is crumbling. Women forget about husbands and children. A mother may abandon her children. It all depends on the degree of intervention.
  2. Violation of the menstrual cycle. First of all, the emotional component suffers. The consequences disrupt the normal functioning of the chakras, and hence the internal organs and the psyche. You feel disruptions in your body. The reproductive organs of women suffer the most: diseases, tumors, cycle failures occur.
  3. Change in taste. Many people think they are pregnant. The reaction to a love spell is similar to toxicosis and a change in the sensations of receptors. Women are overwhelmed with a sense of loss and begin to eat a lot. Often a change in the hormonal background leads to obesity.
  4. Self-isolation, apathy, suicide. It is important not to take an irreversible step. Depression, feelings of loneliness and stress are a dangerous environment for suicidal thoughts. The woman's behavior becomes illogical. The main thing is to have time to help her.

The consequences of a love spell are detrimental, as they can be transmitted by gender. As a price for intervention, not only the bewitched person suffers, but also the bewitching one. People conducting the ritual have the ability to protect themselves from what they have done. The ransom is borne by the participants.

If you think that you have all the symptoms of a love spell, it is recommended to seek help immediately. It is important to be aware of your condition yourself, which indicates that your energy field is resisting a love spell. If there is a possibility that you have been bewitched, you need to make an effort on yourself. To help yourself, seek help from a specialist. Inaction leads to consequences: health problems, the destruction of the psyche and the violation of the fate of descendants.

How a bewitched man behaves what are the signs of a love spell in a woman, what to do when bewitched, and how to find out if there is a love spell on her husband - we will try to answer these questions in this article.

In the article:

Spell what is it

A love spell is a conscious energy influence on the biofield of another person in order to awaken reciprocal feelings in him.

D. Raven "Love spell: essence and impact."

What emotions the bewitched person will subsequently show is decided by the client when the love ritual is performed by order, or the bewitcher himself, when the attraction of a person is carried out independently.

The range of feelings is wide: from easy love to animal passion and inexplicable craving to be around.
Depending on the degree of complexity and quality of the love spell, the object will have different sensations. Any, and refers to black magic, in fact it is a violent act against another person.

Each magical tradition has its own rituals of love magic. On the territory of the countries of the former USSR - a variety of prisushki and conspiracies, where they turn to the forces of nature, and to Orthodox saints.

"Pure" conspiracies are also read, but more often they are accompanied by rituals using needles, eggs,. Depending on the required force of influence, conspiracies are made over food: wine, sweets. And then it is easy to understand that a person has been bewitched: the symptoms occur after taking the enchanted food. Such a love spell has a strong negative impact on the physical health of the object.

When to turn to spells

More often they want to bewitch the person with whom they were in a relationship. The less time has passed since the break, the more effective and faster the result will be.

When the ritual is carried out in the first months after the breakup, the result will become noticeable after a couple of weeks. And half a year is a period, although love spells work with this option, but they will require other forces. When more than a year has passed, months are waiting for the result.

When you order a love spell from a specialist or decide to do it yourself, remember that the result is influenced by factors:

  • moon phase;
  • partner compatibility;
  • break time;
  • meeting frequency.

An interesting nuance- the better and more serious the love spell, the more expensive it is. The magician sets such a price for a love spell, not because he does not have enough money, but in order to make her think once again whether she really needs it.

We will also mention separately rollback - energy return of witchcraft from the object of love spell to the customer. Why does the customer get a kickback when the witch performs the ritual, and he only pays her money, you ask.

The fact is that magic is not so simple. Witches and sorcerers who perform such "dirty" work from the customer take care of their own protection in advance. Not all magicians offer it to clients. And the customer receives a rollback. On an emotional level, it is expressed in the form of apathy, negative mood, drowsiness, nervous tension, aggression. When a serious love spell was performed or the bewitched turned to the magician, and the magical effect was removed, the rollback will be expressed in the form of sudden illnesses, subsequent failures in personal life, a long streak of bad luck.

"L easy "love spell acts gently - stimulates the object of feelings of tenderness, love. When you appear next to the person who bewitched, you will feel a state of trance, which is similar to the first, pleasant stage of alcohol intoxication.

The behavior of a bewitched man using black magic tricks is different. Instead of euphoria, a person feels when he meets a woman who has bewitched him.

To the question of how to understand that you were bewitched with the help of black magic, the answer is simple: the feeling that it is bad without an object of passion, and next to it is even worse - the first indicator of a serious love spell.

The stronger the dark influence, the deeper its physical results are manifested. The bewitched has frequent causeless apathy, unmotivated irritation, physical deterioration in health (frequent colds, hair loss). Not understanding what is happening to him, a person starts drinking, stops interacting with society, tries to spend time with the object of passion.
However, before you run, make sure that what is happening with a loved one is really a love spell, and not the usual seasonal depression.

When you decide to turn to extreme measures and try to bewitch a person with the help of black magic, remember that the bewitched will constantly feel that something strange is happening. Subconsciously understands who caused this. It is naive to think that you will not build an alliance.

With the help of love magic, you can “cook” a relationship when a client has unrequited love. Such a love spell is determined by the causeless growth of attention to an indifferent person.

How to behave when bewitched

When you notice the symptoms of a love spell in yourself, first try a free, but also effective option - go to church or go through a purification ritual.

Another effective way is visit a psychotherapist. It is important to understand that going to a psychologist does not mean that a person is mentally ill, it is an indicator that there is a problem that he cannot cope with on his own.

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