Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

What vitamins to increase the chance of getting pregnant. How to increase your chances of conceiving? Truth and fiction. Sexual intercourse at the right time

Fertility (fecundity) is a person’s ability to conceive a healthy child. The fertility of men and women depends on many factors, general health, age, lifestyle and so on. Whether you're undergoing fertility treatment or trying to conceive naturally, you can boost your fertility and increase your chances of getting pregnant.

How to increase fertility in men and women and increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Watch your body weight.

Maintaining a healthy weight is very important for normal hormone levels. Both excess and underweight can interfere with conception.

In women who are too thin, there may be a lack of menstruation and ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary); in overweight women, excess adipose tissue leads to increased levels of certain hormones, irregular cycles and rare ovulation. Fertility treatments are often ineffective in obese women, and they are also more likely to have early abortions.

Normal weight is calculated using the body mass index: weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. A body mass index normally ranges from 18.5 to 24.9, less is considered underweight, more is considered overweight.

It is also important for men to monitor their weight. Some studies show that as body mass index increases, sperm count decreases.

However, those planning a pregnancy should not lose weight with the help of medications, dietary supplements, fasting and extreme physical activity, as this can aggravate the problem.

Pay special attention to your diet.

Eating well helps you maintain a healthy weight and get all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals you need. Poor eating habits contribute to the development of some serious diseases and reduce the chances of a normal pregnancy.

For example, excessive salt in the diet increases blood pressure, and excess weight and overeating increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.

For a couple who wants to get pregnant after 35, and even more so 40, it is especially important to monitor their diet, as they may have age-related problems (hypertension, diabetes).

Medical science has also accumulated a lot of data on the effect of diet on fertility. For example, many studies have proven the benefits of folic acid in the prevention of fetal malformations and early pregnancy losses, and an adequate level of this vitamin in the body is associated with more successful infertility treatment. Cm. " " .

A healthy diet is known to improve sperm quality in men and increase fertility in women. To increase the chances of pregnancy, it is necessary to avoid overly processed foods (canned food, chips, instant cereals), limit refined sugar, flour products, trans fats (found in confectionery, baked goods).

You also need to limit your intake of caffeine, which is found in tea, coffee, and energy drinks. Coffee and strong tea are allowed no more than two cups per day. The basis of the diet should be: sea fish, poultry, fruits, vegetables, herbs, whole grains. Nuts (walnuts, cashews, almonds) are very healthy.

Maintain normal physical activity.

Long-distance jogging and professional sports can negatively affect a woman's menstrual cycle and reduce her chances of becoming pregnant. But moderate physical activity is beneficial, it reduces stress and allows you to control your weight.

Exercise is also beneficial for men, but again in moderation, since exhausting workouts in the gym and prolonged exercise can increase the risk of infertility.

Give up bad habits.

Studies have been conducted on the effect of smoking on sperm parameters. Smoking negatively affects sperm motility and sperm count; sperm counts are especially worse in those who smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day.

Smokers also have a higher number of abnormal sperm. There is evidence that smoking reduces the successful outcome of IVF and ICSI. Also, the risk of not achieving pregnancy increases for couples undergoing IVF if the woman smokes.

Women who smoke deplete their egg supply more quickly and may experience menopause earlier. In addition, the likelihood of early miscarriage increases.

Men and women who have difficulty conceiving should quit smoking. If you have been diagnosed with infertility and are thinking about using assisted reproductive technologies, you should make every effort to give up the addiction.

Alcohol can also negatively impact a couple's ability to have children.

Alcoholism in men worsens sperm quality. There is also evidence that alcohol consumption by both men and women reduces the chances of pregnancy if assisted reproductive technologies are used.

Drinking large doses of alcohol in a woman negatively affects the ovarian reserve (egg supply), but even moderate alcohol consumption can affect the ability to conceive. The safe dose of alcohol is currently unknown.

It is worth remembering that the negative effects of alcohol on the fetus can begin after implantation, so women planning a pregnancy are advised to avoid drinking alcohol altogether.

In the case of artificial insemination, men need to abstain from alcohol at least a week, and preferably a month before donating sperm for IVF.

Have sex on favorable days.

It is known that the release of an egg occurs only once during the menstrual cycle. An egg is capable of fertilization for 24-36 hours, and sperm can “wait” for it in the fallopian tubes for a maximum of 5 days.

It turns out that the period in which you can become pregnant is quite short. To achieve pregnancy, you need to have sex regularly, for example, two or three times a week, and four times before and during ovulation, every other day or every day.

However, ejaculating too frequently, such as every day or several times a day, can lead to a low sperm count in your semen, reducing your chances of pregnancy. If a man has problems with sperm, then it is advisable to consult a specialist about how regularly to have sex.

Ovulation can be determined using special tests or other methods. Cm. " " .

Learn to deal with your emotions.

The connection between stress and infertility has not yet been precisely proven, but nervous tension can affect the level of hormones in the body. Scientists also suggest that managing stress may affect IVF results.

Use relaxation techniques. Meditation, yoga, relaxing massage help cope with negative emotions and distract from problems. This skill will also be useful during pregnancy, when the expectant mother is overcome by anxieties and worries associated with her situation.

Avoid harmful work.

Women planning pregnancy and pregnant women are not recommended to work night shifts, as this may negatively affect the production of certain hormones.

Lead and pesticides are also known to negatively affect fertility, and exposure to high temperatures in early pregnancy (when you may not yet know it) can lead to fetal malformations.

Talk to your doctor about the medications you are taking.

Some medications can reduce the ability to conceive in both men and women. If you must take any medications, check with your doctor to see if they are safe for those planning a pregnancy.

Sometimes a decrease in fertility is associated with age-related changes or health problems in a man or woman, then simply changing your habits, diet and lifestyle is not enough to increase your chances of getting pregnant.

If you have not become pregnant within a year (six months if the woman is over 35 years old) of regular sexual activity without contraception, then it is advisable to contact an infertility specialist.

Some people find it difficult to prevent pregnancy, while others fail to conceive despite all their efforts. It can take a healthy couple as long as a year to conceive a child, and for many couples it takes even longer. Luckily, there are ways to improve your fertility and increase your chances of conceiving.


How to conceive a child

    Have sex the night before, during, and after your most fertile days. When your fertile period arrives, start having sex regularly! Your chances of getting pregnant will be higher if you have sex daily before, during and after your fertile window. However, if you can't have sex that often, try doing it every 2-3 days before, during, and after your peak fertile period.

    • If you use lubricant, buy a special water-based lubricant specifically designed for conception.

    Advice: Create a comfortable environment, don't demand too much from your partner, and try to treat the process as an opportunity to be alone with each other before the baby arrives.

    Continue measuring your basal body temperature. This will allow you to collect as much information as possible about your menstrual cycle and determine your fertile days for the next cycle. If menstruation does not occur, and the basal temperature at this time is higher than usual, this may be a sign of pregnancy.

    • If the temperature remains elevated for 14 consecutive days after ovulation, there is a high probability that pregnancy has occurred.
  1. Pay attention to signs of implantation. Some women experience bleeding during implantation - you may find a small amount of blood on your underwear due to the attachment of the zygote to the wall of the uterus. As a rule, this occurs 6–12 days after fertilization. This is completely normal and nothing to worry about, but if you are concerned, contact your doctor.

    • Implantation bleeding may be accompanied by mild cramping, headaches, nausea, mood swings, chest and back pain.
  2. Take a pregnancy test at home if menstruation has not occurred. After the end of the ovulation period, a waiting period begins. Wait until your next period and if it doesn't come, take a test. Home pregnancy tests are about 97% accurate, but they can show a false negative result if the test is taken too early. Test again after a week if the first test was negative but you still have signs of pregnancy.

    • Remember that most couples fail to conceive right away. Out of 100 couples who try to conceive a child every month, only 15–20 succeed. However, of all couples, 95% achieve pregnancy within two years!

How to determine the most fertile days

  1. Keep track of your cycle using an app or calendar. To determine the most fertile days, you need to monitor your menstrual cycle. Download a special application (for example, Clue or Flo) or mark the dates in a regular calendar. You will need to mark on your calendar:

    • First day of menstruation. This is the beginning of the cycle, so opposite this day you need to put a unit. Number the remaining days until the end of the cycle, that is, until the day before the next menstruation.
    • Daily basal temperature measurements.
    • Changes in cervical discharge.
    • Positive ovulation tests.
    • Days on which you had sex.
    • Last day of the cycle.
  2. Measure your basal body temperature . During ovulation, your basal body temperature rises slightly, so a higher temperature reading is a sign that you are fertile. Keep a thermometer near your bed and take your temperature immediately after waking up in the morning. Try to always take your temperature at the same time to make the data more accurate. Record your temperature every day. If a difference of up to 0.3–0.4 °C degrees persists for more than one day, this may indicate ovulation!

    • Peak fertility occurs in 2–3 days before increase in basal temperature. If you notice repeating patterns in temperature changes, you can calculate your ideal time to conceive.

    Advice: Buy a special thermometer to measure basal temperature. Do not use a regular thermometer as it will not show slight fluctuations.

    Monitor changes in cervical discharge . If your vaginal discharge is clear and stringy, like egg white, you are likely fertile. Have sex within 3-5 days from the start of such discharge. When the discharge becomes cloudy and dry, the likelihood of conception will decrease.

    • You may be able to go to the toilet and collect the discharge with toilet paper, but you can also collect it by inserting a clean finger into your vagina.
  3. Use an ovulation test kit. Buy an ovulation test kit at a pharmacy or online. Pee on the end of the strip or dip it in a jar of urine and wait a few minutes before checking the result. If you used a simple test, ovulation will be indicated by two stripes of the same color or two stripes, one of which is darker than the control. If you have a digital test, a positive or negative message will appear on the screen.

How to prepare your body for pregnancy

    Get examined by a gynecologist. Even if you don't have any known fertility problems, it can be helpful to get tested. Some diseases can get worse due to pregnancy. The doctor will examine your pelvic area and order some simple blood tests. Before pregnancy, it is important to diagnose the following diseases:

    Achieve your desired weight before pregnancy. Scientists have found that it is more difficult for women with clinical obesity to conceive and bear a child. However, being too low can also negatively impact fertility. Talk to your doctor about your ideal weight and try to gain or lose weight before pregnancy.

    • Women who are clinically underweight (with a body mass index below 18.5) may stop menstruating, making it difficult to conceive.
  1. Take vitamins for those planning pregnancy. If you start doing this before you become pregnant, you can prepare your body for the arrival of your baby. For example, taking folic acid before pregnancy may reduce the risk of developing spina bifida and other neural tube problems. Choose special vitamins yourself or ask your doctor to prescribe them.

    Start eating healthy foods to boost your fertility. A healthy diet can help you improve your fertility and your chances of getting pregnant. Eat lean protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. The following products will be useful to you:

    • lean protein: skinless chicken breast, lean ground beef, beans;
    • whole grain cereals: brown rice, whole wheat pasta, whole grain wheat bread, oatmeal;
    • fruits: apples, oranges, grapes, blueberries, strawberries, melon;
    • vegetables: broccoli, bell peppers, tomatoes, spinach, carrots, various types of cabbage.
  2. Encourage your partner to eat foods that improve sperm quality. Men should take a multivitamin that includes vitamins E and C, eat more fruits and vegetables, and limit their intake of alcohol, caffeine, fats, and sugar.

    Stop smoking . Smoking negatively affects not only pregnancy, but also the ability to conceive a child. Breaking a habit during pregnancy can be very stressful, so it's best to prepare ahead of time.

    • Remember that secondhand smoke also affects your ability to conceive. Avoid secondhand smoke.

    Advice: Your partner should also quit smoking! Men who smoke regularly have reduced sperm quality and sperm count.

    Avoid alcohol to increase your chances of conceiving. Even one glass a day can negatively impact fertility. To maximize your chances of conceiving, avoid alcohol completely. If you drink alcohol occasionally, limit yourself to one drink. Consuming more than two servings dramatically reduces a woman's fertility.

    • A man should also limit his alcohol consumption, as alcohol reduces sperm count and negatively affects sperm quality.
  3. Limit caffeine intake to 200 milligrams per day. This amount includes food (chocolate) as well as drinks (coffee, tea, cola). Women who drink more than three cups of caffeinated beverages per day are significantly less likely to conceive compared to women who drink two or fewer cups.

    • 1 cup (240 milliliters) of coffee contains approximately 100 milligrams of caffeine. Drink no more than two cups (580 milliliters) of coffee per day.
    • Tea and cola have less caffeine, but excessive consumption may exceed recommended amounts. Try to drink no more than two caffeinated drinks per day.
  4. Stop using contraceptives. When your body is ready for pregnancy, stop using birth control. If you are taking oral contraceptives, it may take 2-3 months before ovulation returns, which will affect your conception time. However, if you use barrier methods of contraception, pregnancy may occur immediately.

    • If you have an intrauterine device, you will need to make an appointment with your gynecologist to have it removed.
  5. See a reproductive medicine specialist or sexologist if necessary. If you or your partner are unable to feel interested in sex, you may have trouble conceiving. A specialist will help you overcome these difficulties.

How to seek help for problems conceiving

    Set a time limit after which you will seek help, taking into account your age, how long you have been trying, and your health status. It may be difficult for you to just wait, but it is necessary. If you set a time frame for seeing your doctor, it will be easier for you to relax and prepare for your next ovulation. You should seek help in the following cases:

  1. Get tested for common fertility problems. Everything from illness and stress to exercising too much and taking medications can negatively impact your fertility. Some drugs make it difficult or prevent you from conceiving. Tell your doctor about all the medications, supplements, and vitamins you take, as well as any special drinks or foods you eat, so your doctor can look for possible causes of your difficulties.

    • Get tested for sexually transmitted infections. Some infections reduce fertility, and some can cause infertility if left untreated.
    • Some women develop a tissue obstruction in the vagina that prevents sperm from reaching the egg (it can be removed), and some have diseases that affect the menstrual cycle (for example, polycystic ovary syndrome).
  2. Get an extensive fertility screening. If both you and your partner are found to be healthy by your GP, you should undergo a fertility examination and a semen analysis.

    • Men should have their sperm analyzed to evaluate the quality of their sperm and the number of sperm released during ejaculation. Men may also have a blood test to evaluate hormone levels and an ultrasound to check the ejaculation process and detect blockages in the vas deferens.
    • Women are usually given hormone tests to check their thyroid and pituitary hormone levels, as well as other hormones, during ovulation and at other times in their cycle. Hysterosalpingography, laparoscopy and pelvic ultrasound are more complex procedures that examine the condition of the uterus, endometrium and fallopian tubes. These procedures provide an opportunity to identify scars, blockages and pelvic diseases. Your doctor may also order an ovarian reserve test and tests for genetic diseases associated with infertility.

A false impression is created that one unprotected sexual intercourse is enough, and in a few days the girl will begin to experience all the delights of toxicosis. Such a development of events is possible in the cinema. In real life, for pregnancy to occur, a number of factors need to develop in a certain way. There are ways to increase your chances of getting pregnant, but they will not give a 100% guarantee of happy motherhood.

What does successful conception depend on?

According to statistics, only 30% of unprotected sexual intercourse results in pregnancy. For artificial insemination this amount is slightly higher and reaches 40%.

Conception is a complex mechanism that is regulated by the hormonal system. The rhythm of the secretion of sex hormones comes first. There should be a clear division of the menstrual cycle into the follicular and luteal phases. The first one happens. Then it bursts and an egg emerges, ready for fertilization. This moment is called ovulation. During the luteal phase, the corpus luteum is present, which should prepare the endometrium for implantation of a fertilized egg.

At first glance, everything is simple. But each stage can be interrupted for many reasons, and this will not allow pregnancy to occur. If the follicle does not burst, it will turn into an ovarian cyst, and there will be no ready-made egg. If ovulation occurs, but the fallopian tubes are altered by adhesions, the meeting of the egg and sperm cannot occur. A very large corpus luteum is a cyst, which also prevents normal gestation.

Many pathologies of other organs can affect fertilization. If a woman has hypothyroidism, then becoming a mother is very difficult for her. The following diseases are also important:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Any pathology of the reproductive organs can reduce all efforts to zero.

If fertilization is successful, this does not mean that pregnancy has occurred. The fertilized egg needs time to attach to the wall of the uterus before it is ready to receive it. There is a certain period of time called the “implantation window.” This is the time when the endometrium is functionally most prepared to meet the embryo. If this does not happen, regular periods will begin in a few days.

Ways to influence conception

In a healthy woman, pregnancy should occur on its own, without additional influences. This requires several attempts, but there is always a chance of getting pregnant the first time. There are methods that can help with this. These are non-specific techniques that work in some cases.

Calculating ovulation

If you know exactly the day of your ovulation, you can accurately determine the timing when it is optimal to have intercourse. Pharmacies sell special ones, but you won’t use them every day. Therefore, you can increase your chances of getting pregnant during ovulation by measuring.

The countdown is from the first day of menstruation. Every morning, without getting out of bed, you need to measure the temperature in the rectum. The obtained data is entered into a graph. After a month, you can evaluate the result. The moment the temperature rises approximately in the middle of the cycle is ovulation.

But the cycle can be uneven and sometimes go astray. Therefore, it is necessary to spend another month in measurements and compare the results.

Knowing the date of ovulation, you can purposefully have unprotected contact the day before. The first days of the post-ovulation period are also suitable. To increase the chance of getting pregnant a day, it is not necessary to have sexual intercourse several times in a row. With each repeated ejaculation, the quality of sperm decreases. It begins to look like a cocktail of seminal fluid and single spermatozoa.

Adjusting your diet

Nutrition determines your overall health. Lack or excess of nutrients can disrupt the maturation of germ cells, deteriorate the quality of cervical mucus and make it unsuitable for sperm.

With proper nutrition, you can increase the likelihood of successful conception. It is necessary to maintain a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Your food must include red meat and seafood. They contain essential amino acids that are essential for the body. These substances cannot be obtained from plant foods or synthesized independently.

Proper nutrition involves a large amount of vegetables and fruits, fiber. They help cleanse the intestines and help maintain normal peristalsis. Timely bowel movements help maintain the uterus in the correct position. With constipation, feces distend the rectum, it puts pressure on the uterus and can disrupt its position. This condition does not promote conception.

Correcting your diet involves avoiding drinks containing caffeine - coffee, tea, and some carbonated drinks. Alcohol is also prohibited. It disrupts microcirculation, and its metabolic products poison the body. Scientists estimate that drinking 10 drinks per week reduces fertility by 50-60%. This is also due to the work of the liver, where waste hormones are metabolized.

Changing lifestyle

Quitting smoking also increases your chances of getting pregnant quickly. This thesis applies not only to the expectant mother, but also to the spouse. In men, sperm is completely renewed within 2 months. Therefore, the highest quality sperm will appear 2 months after giving up the bad habit.

In women, smoking negatively affects the condition of eggs and reduces fertility by 2 times. In the body of a smoker, especially over 30 years of age, blood clotting increases. This creates the preconditions for the formation of microthrombi. Thrombosis of the endometrial vessels disrupts the nutrition of the uterine mucosa; the embryo simply cannot find a place where it can attach. Or it will attach, but will not be able to provide food for itself and die. After 35 years, the chances of getting pregnant are largely related to giving up this bad habit.

You also need to remember about sufficient physical activity and walks in the fresh air. This keeps all systems in good shape. Dosed physical exercises also affect the peristalsis of the fallopian tubes. Their microvilli move in the right direction - towards the uterus, and push out the fertilized egg there.

Adding vitamins

Vitamins are activators of biological processes in the body. Women have their own characteristics: each phase of the cycle requires certain substances. Vitamins that increase the likelihood of successful conception are taken by day of the cycle. In the follicular phase from days 5 to 14 of the cycle, vitamin B₆ and E are especially necessary. They will help rebuild the endometrium and mature the dominant follicle.

The luteal phase lasts from days 15 to 25. It requires vitamin C, B₁ and E, but the latter - in double quantity. These substances will help the endometrium grow blood vessels that are necessary to nourish the embryo.

In preparation for pregnancy, vitamin E and folic acid must be taken daily for 2 months before the planned conception.

A trace element that increases fertility and the ability to conceive is zinc. Its norm for the normal functioning of the reproductive system is only 15 mg per day. Peanuts, almonds, oysters, steak or chicken are rich in zinc.

Getting ready psychologically

During stress, certain hormones are released that suppress the reproductive system. This applies to both emotionally negative situations (distress) and positive ones (eustress). Any of them is a shock to the body.

Fertility is also affected by the anticipation of pregnancy itself. Some women, whose numerous attempts to have a child remain unsuccessful, become fixated on this thought. Their whole life is built around the likelihood of conception. This is also stress, leading to... Once they let go of these thoughts, everything works out by itself. Some people can cope with such a psychological problem on their own, while others need the help of a psychologist.

Additional methods

It is known that in China there is a ban on children. Married couples are not allowed to have more than one child, with the exception of natural multiple pregnancies. If you don't resort to reproductive technologies, there is a way to increase your chances of conceiving twins.

Chinese women know about it and use it successfully. The secret is in regular birth control pills. If you take combined oral contraceptives for a short time - 2-3 months, then the ovaries have time to rest a little. After stopping the drug at the first ovulation, a rebound effect or rebound occurs. The ovaries are actively involved in their work, and even 2 eggs can mature in them.

For some patients with minor hormonal imbalances, gynecologists also recommend short-term use of contraceptives, and then, in the first month after stopping use, active attempts to get pregnant.

Boy or girl?

The sex of the child depends on the father. It's all about the chromosome set. In women, the egg contains the X sex chromosome. In men, 50% of sperm have X chromosomes, and the other half have Y chromosomes. Which one will be the first to penetrate the egg, the sex of the child will be:

  • XX – girl;
  • XU is a boy.

It is almost impossible to influence this. But there is some anecdotal evidence. Spermatozoa that carry the Y chromosome are more mobile and have less weight due to the absence of one arm. But at the same time, they die faster. Their counterparts with the X chromosome are slower, but also tenacious.

You can get pregnant with a girl if you take into account the following notes:

  1. From long-term abstinence, some of the sperm with the Y chromosome presumably die, leaving the X ones that carry the female sex.
  2. In the acidic environment of the vagina, more motile sperm are also the first to die.
  3. It is necessary to increase the proportion of magnesium and calcium.

Bottom line: if you have sexual intercourse infrequently, keep your vagina healthy, and eat foods rich in calcium and magnesium, you can increase your chances of conceiving a girl. Women are advised to consume more dairy products and cottage cheese. Recommended fruits: grapefruit, lemon, watermelon, pears, apples, strawberries, raspberries, pineapple.

If all else fails...

You can try to get pregnant on your own for up to a year. The number of intercourses should not be too frequent. 2-3 times a week is enough.

If the long-awaited pregnancy has not occurred within a year, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. It is possible that there are health problems on the part of the husband or wife. In this case it is necessary. It is imperative to determine the presence of sexually transmitted infections, check hormonal levels, and the presence of ovulation. For men, a spermogram is required.

It is possible that there are diseases of the endocrine organs that prevent pregnancy. You need to visit a therapist and endocrinologist and find out this issue.

In many cases, timely detected pathology can be treated. But sometimes the condition of the genital organs does not allow pregnancy to occur naturally. Then there is nothing else left to do but resort to.

Do you want a baby, but all attempts are in vain? There are several recommendations that will help significantly increase your chances of getting pregnant and giving birth to a healthy baby.

The right time to conceive

The most favorable period for conception is the day of ovulation - the release of a mature egg from the ovary into the fallopian tube. Ovulation generally occurs mid-cycle, around day 14 from the start of your last period. A basal temperature chart will help determine its onset. Measurements are taken every day in the morning, without getting out of bed. An increase in rectal temperature indicates ovulation. The readings increase by about 0.2-0.6°C the day after ovulation and remain elevated until the start of the next period.

You can determine the day of ovulation by a change in the consistency of the lubricant (vaginal secretion) - it becomes more sticky. In addition, the amount of lubrication increases.

Nowadays you can buy special tests in pharmacies that determine ovulation.

What medications prevent you from getting pregnant the first time?

If pregnancy was previously regulated by hormonal contraceptives, they are canceled 3 months before the expected conception.

Anabolic steroids suppress the function of the pituitary gland and disrupt hormonal levels. Long-term use of steroids by men leads to disruptions in the endocrine system.

Taking vitamins for those wishing to become pregnant

An alternative is foods rich in folic acid - fresh greens, cabbage, beets, carrots, beans, peas, bran, seeds and nuts, whole grains, potatoes in their skins.

How to increase your chances of getting pregnant: lifestyle

Proper nutrition

A diet enriched with vitamins is the key to a healthy body. First of all, you should exclude coffee and drinks containing caffeine from the menu, as this substance reduces the chances of conceiving a child.

It is recommended to temporarily give up salty, smoked, fried, sweets in large quantities, and limit foods containing preservatives. An increase in blood sugar provokes the production of adrenaline, a hormone that “attacks” progesterone. The latter, in turn, regulates the secretion of lubricant and prepares the uterus for conception.

The menu increases the amount of fresh fruits and foods rich in folic acid. It is recommended to increase the amount of animal proteins in the menu, for example, prepare more chicken and beef dishes.

For 3 months, completely eliminate the use of alcoholic beverages.

Sports activities

Both partners need to take care of their physical fitness. This is especially recommended for women. Shaping, dancing, swimming, yoga, various physical exercises - all this strengthens muscles and prepares the body for pregnancy and childbirth. Particular attention should be paid to the muscles of the back and abdominals. The latter supports during pregnancy and childbirth, and the back - after the birth of the baby.

The chance of conceiving a child increases if you spend time outside every day and travel out of town more often.

Loads should be moderate, as you can achieve the exact opposite effect - deplete the body.

It happens that stress leads to irregular menstruation or its cessation. In this case, you need to temporarily reduce the pace and rhythm of classes, but you should not give them up altogether.

Sex life and successful positions to help you get pregnant

You don't need to have sex every day for the week before and after ovulation to get pregnant. Scientific research confirms that men who have an intense sex life have low sperm counts - spermatogenesis does not have time to recover.

You don't need to have sex every day. It is enough to do this every other day. It must be remembered that sperm is active for 72 hours after ejaculation.

The most favorable positions are “missionary” and knee-elbow for a woman (man on top and behind, respectively). The chance of getting pregnant increases if you lie down for a while after sex, raising your pelvis.

Before sex, it is not advisable to overdo the toilet - use products that can change the acidity of vaginal lubrication. Douching is strictly prohibited. Traditional hygiene procedures are sufficient. This is due to the fact that sperm are very sensitive to the chemical composition of the environment where they enter. Also, do not use synthetic lubricant.

Before you get pregnant: preparing for conception

If a family is planning a child, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for conception and pregnancy. While carrying a baby, the body is subjected to higher stress, so ailments that previously did not bother you may become more active. Some diseases can attack weak points in the body. It is necessary to ensure that the woman is as healthy as possible at the time of conception.

To increase your chance of getting pregnant, you need to visit doctors of several specialties, undergo a series of tests and get vaccinations - these are necessary conditions, since even the most banal diseases can affect the course of pregnancy and the health of the fetus.

Doctors will help you get pregnant

To increase your chances of getting pregnant, both partners should first see a GP. Prenatal counseling helps detect diseases that sometimes future parents are not even aware of. This will allow you to cure the disease or take into account its presence during pregnancy. Doctors, knowing about pathologies, will be able to minimize the risks associated with toxicosis, edema and other unpleasant phenomena. In addition, they will be able to prevent the threat of miscarriage caused by a certain disease.

If a woman has a serious illness, for example, epilepsy or diabetes, then she definitely needs to consult a specialist. He may suggest other methods of treating/controlling the disease. This is due to the fact that some drugs are harmful to the fetus and can interfere with conception.

Before you get pregnant, you should visit your dentist. Perhaps the doctor will advise you to take an x-ray, which is prohibited for expectant mothers. In addition, diseased teeth are a source of infection, which is extremely undesirable for a pregnant woman to encounter.

You can get pregnant the first time and give birth to a baby even with serious vision problems. The only thing a doctor can prohibit is giving birth naturally. That is why it is worth visiting an ophthalmologist first.

If you have genetic diseases, you should visit a geneticist. Sometimes it happens that it is not possible to get pregnant precisely because of the presence of such pathologies. In addition, a geneticist will determine the degree of risk in the presence of hereditary pathologies.

Get tested and vaccinated

Traditional tests are mandatory: blood, urine, feces. During preparation, vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed. Iron supplements are often prescribed along with folic acid to avoid anemia during pregnancy. Saturating the body with useful substances increases the chances of getting pregnant.

If a woman has not had rubella, she needs to be tested to see if she has immunity to this disease. If the result is negative, you should get vaccinated. Rubella during pregnancy increases the risk of fetal defects. After vaccination, doctors allow you to get pregnant only after 3 months.

Why can't you get pregnant the first time?

The problem can be caused by several reasons, which differ significantly from each other.

It is worth highlighting a few main ones:

  1. Lack or complete absence of sperm in the semen, as well as their lethargy;
  2. Problems with ovulation, its absence, pathologies of the genital organs, for example, obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  3. Hormonal incompatibility of specific partners.

Everything flows, everything changes... Some time ago, you and your partner did everything possible to avoid getting pregnant, but your life priorities have changed and now you dream of having a child.

Most couples expect pregnancy to occur almost immediately after stopping contraception. In fact, most often conception does not occur as quickly as we would like. According to statistics, only 15-25% of couples conceive in the first cycle, 50% of couples achieve the desired result within 3 months, 75% conceive within six months, and 90% after a year. According to statistics, 10-20% of couples will need additional medical care to achieve pregnancy. ()

Often, a man and a woman who have firmly decided to become parents in the near future resort to various tricks that supposedly promote conception. Some of these measures are truly effective and necessary, others are a waste of energy. Let's try to figure out what ways to get pregnant, or rather, what actions will help increase the chances of conception.

1. The more often, the more likely. Or vice versa?

In different sources you can find directly opposite opinions on this matter. Some scientists believe that frequent ejaculation leads to a decrease in the concentration of sperm in the ejaculate. Other researchers, without, however, refuting the claims of the first, prove that with daily sexual intercourse, the percentage of sperm with damaged DNA decreases. The truth, as always, is somewhere nearby. Of course, if you are trying to conceive, sex should be frequent and regular, but at the same time remain a pleasure, not a duty. Forcing yourself to be intimate is a recipe for stress, which is known to interfere with pregnancy.

2. Cult of the calendar

Let's consider the other extreme. Some couples are convinced that the best way to get pregnant is to save all their fervor and desire to have a baby until the “special occasion,” which in this case is ovulation. At the same time, the fact is taken as an axiom that this “event” occurs from the 10th to the 18th day of a woman’s cycle, therefore only during this period can conception occur.

Yes, ovulation is indeed necessary for successful conception. But the indicated time frame is nothing more than “average temperature in the hospital.” Each person is individual.

To calculate when ovulation occurs for you, you need to measure your basal temperature daily for 3 months and draw up a chart. Based on it, it will be possible to draw a conclusion about which days of your cycle are optimal for conception. Or you can buy at the pharmacy a brilliant invention of mankind - an ovulation test.

3. Passion for a birch tree

“First, the top pose from page fifteen, then the position from page thirty-two, only in a mirror image, and then be sure to jump fifteen times on your left leg,” shares a friend, a happy mother of three tomboys. According to her, this is the fastest way to get pregnant. And we obediently jump, relying on the experience of “professionals.” In fact, you don't need any special positions or exercises to conceive.

After intercourse itself, it is better to actually lie down for a while, so it will be easier for sperm to reach the uterus. Sometimes the position of the uterus creates certain difficulties for sperm to penetrate into it; gynecologists call this a “bend”. With this feature of the body, the likelihood of conception actually increases in certain positions, in which positions it depends on the position of the organ. In this case, only a gynecologist can advise you on how best to position yourself during sexual intercourse.

4. Vitamins, minerals and other benefits

Regardless of what methods to quickly get pregnant you decide to use, vitamins are truly necessary. But, again, conception is promoted by certain substances that are not contained in full and in the required concentration in conventional vitamin complexes.

For men who want to become fathers, a special Spematon complex has been developed.

Spematon has a beneficial effect on male fertility due to its composition.

L-carnitine increases sperm count and motility.

Vitamin E increases the number, motility and viability of sperm. Effective for certain disorders of spermatogenesis (asthenozoospermia and oligoasthenozoospermia).

Zinc is necessary for the production of testosterone and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which regulate spermatogenesis and sperm maturation.

Pregnoton vitamin and mineral complex will help women prepare their bodies for pregnancy. The effectiveness of the drug is due to the properties of its constituent substances.

Folic acid is essential for cell division and growth. At the stage of early intrauterine development, it is required in increased quantities. Taking folic acid during planning and pregnancy itself reduces the risk of miscarriage, bleeding, and the development of neural tube defects in newborns.

Vitamin E improves oxygen saturation of tissues, is necessary for the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, in addition, this vitamin is an excellent antioxidant.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) enhances the effect of vitamin E, is involved in the metabolism of folic acid and iron, the neutralization of toxins, as well as in the synthesis of steroid hormones. A lack of vitamin C in a pregnant woman's body can lead to premature rupture of the membranes.

Vitamin B6 is needed for the synthesis of amino acids, from which proteins are subsequently formed. It ensures the proper development of the brain and nervous system of the fetus. B6 reduces irritability and aggressiveness, reduces the manifestation of toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy.

Zinc is one of the most important minerals for those planning a pregnancy. Like folic acid, it is necessary for the formation and development of the cell nucleus, for cell growth and division. Zinc takes part in the regulation of the synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as nucleic acids. It helps prevent placental abruption, complicated childbirth, malformations of the child and other pathologies.

Selenium is part of many enzymes, including those that increase fertility. Selenium deficiency can lead to hormonal imbalance.

Magnesium regulates more than 300 biochemical processes in the body, including protein synthesis and amino acid activation. It is these reactions that are especially active during pregnancy. Magnesium deficiency is common in women and is especially dangerous during pregnancy, as it can cause slow growth of the child, miscarriage, and eclampsia.

Arginine is an amino acid that improves blood circulation, including in the pelvis, and oxygen saturation of tissues, which promotes conception.

Vitex extract stimulates the production of the pregnancy hormone progesterone and at the same time reduces the secretion of prolactin. When a high level of prolactin is combined with a lack of progesterone, implantation of a fertilized egg becomes difficult. Taking Vitex eliminates this reason for the possible failure of pregnancy.

It is important to remember that special complexes not only increase the likelihood of conception. With their help, the health of future parents improves, which means the risks associated with pregnancy, childbirth, and the health of the child and mother are reduced.

To increase the chances of having a healthy child, both parents should prepare for conception, and the complex of drugs Spematon and Pregnoton is intended precisely for this purpose. Experts recommend starting to take Spematon and Pregnoton three months before the expected conception.

Esoterics and ficuses

Some have high hopes for religion and religious objects. Others believe in the magical powers of more mundane objects. Botany lovers are confident in the miraculous effect of ficus on conception, and gemology fans are convinced of the mysterious role of garnet beads.

On the Internet you can find thousands of conspiracies and rituals for “conception” and the same number of hereditary sorcerers and clairvoyants who promise to help speed up pregnancy.

To believe or not to believe in what official science and medicine rejects is everyone’s personal choice. After all, the placebo effect sometimes exceeds even our wildest expectations. However, try to be critical of promises and the money that is strongly recommended to be spent on these promises.

So, some tips on how to get pregnant quickly are really worth using when planning a pregnancy, others you should just take note of. Well, really esoteric “ways to get pregnant” are worth trying in practice only if you have a heart for them. The most important thing to remember is that what is most important is the physical and psychological health of future parents, their readiness for changes in life and mutual love.

(1) Jacky Boivin, Laura Bunting, John A. Collins and Karl G. Nygren. International estimates of infertility prevalence and treatment-seeking: potential need and demand for infertility medical care - Human Reproduction 2007;22(6):1506-12.

Attention! It is important!

All information in the article, as well as norms and tables are presented For general information purposes only. It does not provide any basis for diagnosing yourself or prescribing treatment on your own. Always consult a doctor!

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