Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

How to propagate clematis in spring and summer: main methods of propagation. Recommendations for self-propagation of clematis How to take cuttings of clematis in summer

Today there are many varieties of clematis. A seedling of such a plant today is quite expensive, and purchasing even a few clematis to decorate the garden will require significant financial expenses. Few people know that propagating clematis with your own hands is a fairly simple process and even a novice gardener can do this work.

The plant can be propagated in several ways, and if the sequence of actions is followed correctly, it is easy to get a strong and lush flowering plant in the future.

Main methods of propagation of clematis

Main methods of propagation of clematis can generally be divided into two main groups

  • propagation by separating a part from the mother plant - the method of division and layering;
  • propagation by rooting - a method of cuttings.

Each of these methods is effective and allows you to propagate the flower. Hybrid varieties do not transmit their qualities through seeds, so they are propagated only by cuttings, layering or dividing the bush.

Cutting method and propagation by layering are considered the simplest in terms of wasting time and effort. The effectiveness of dividing a bush largely depends on the correctness of its implementation. It is worth considering that old clematis bushes have strong and powerful roots. The process of separating a part from such bushes greatly injures both the parent bush and the plots themselves. For better survival, it is recommended that a year before the planned division of the clematis bush, fill its base with a layer of humus, which will contribute to better formation of young roots.

Propagation of clematis by seeds

This method is not suitable for all varieties of clematis. Only wild and small-flowered species can be propagated by seeds. Depending on the size, seeds are divided into three main categories:

  • from 1.5 to 3 cm - small;
  • from 3 to 5 cm - medium;
  • from 6 to 12 cm - large.

The larger the seed size, the more germination it has. Small seeds germinate after 3-4 weeks, germination of medium seeds can be expected from 1.5 to 6 months, large seeds only after 6 months from the moment of sowing. The ability to germinate depends not only on the size, but also on the shelf life. When purchasing planting material, you should check its expiration date.

Before planting, seeds must be stratified. The procedure is performed as follows:

  • the seeds are soaked for several days;
  • the seeds are covered with wet sand;
  • The planting material is stored in the refrigerator for 2 months.

Sowing is done at the end of April directly into the soil. To increase the germination of seeds and the possibility of control, some gardeners carry out preliminary planting in a container, and then plant it together with the seeds in open ground. At the same time, you can always accurately determine the location of future seedlings and, if necessary, dive the seedlings.

Possibility of sowing seeds in autumn, in this case, in the spring you can expect natural germination of sprouts. Some types of clematis are able to reproduce independently by sowing. These species include Tankut clematis. Reproduction by seeds can occur so actively that after some time the flower becomes a weed.

Propagation of clematis by cuttings

Propagation method by cuttings is quite simple and does not require special skills in the field of floriculture, therefore it is the most commonly used method of propagating clematis. When using this method, depending on the clematis variety, you can expect a cutting survival rate of 60-90%.

The best time for cuttings is considered to be the end of May and the beginning of June. During this period, clematis begins to form buds, and rooting biostimulants are most active. You can take cuttings later, but the survival rate of the shoots is significantly reduced. The following deadlines should be adhered to:

  • until the beginning of August - hybrid species of clematis;
  • until mid-August - small-flowered varieties.

The first thing you need to do is choose the right flower for cuttings. Young and strong clematis over two years old are suitable for this. Clematis for cutting cuttings must be healthy, otherwise the transplanted shoots will also be sick and may not take root.

The upper part of the shoot cannot be used for cuttings. The correct choice would be the central area of ​​the plant, which has strong buds ready for flowering. The presence of at least one good bud is considered sufficient for reproduction. For cutting, it is better to choose cloudy weather and carry it out in the evening or morning, which will protect the flower from possible dehydration. You cannot take more than a third of the shoot from one clematis at a time.

Trimming the cuttings is done as follows:

  • 1-2 centimeters of shoot should remain above the upper bud;
  • You need to leave 3-4 centimeters of the stem under the bud.

The second stage will be proper preparation of soil for planting. It should be:

  • light;
  • moisture-intensive;
  • good air flow.

Soil for planting can be purchased in a store or made with your own hands at home. A mixture made from sand and humus in proportions of 1:2 has proven itself well for planting clematis. The process of rooting cuttings in vermiculite, coconut fiber or perlite works well. Such soil should be used for a short time and after the roots appear, the plant must be transplanted into a nutrient substrate in a permanent place.

It is very convenient to plant cuttings in small transparent plastic cups, since you can control and see the growth of new roots. To plant, perform the following steps:

  • drainage holes are formed in the container;
  • the substrate is poured;
  • the soil is shed abundantly with water;
  • the lower part of the cutting is treated with root;
  • The cutting is planted in such a way that the internode is half in the ground.

After landing The cutting must be covered with film or a glass cap. For better rooting, you can use growth stimulants. Every 2-3 days it is necessary to spray with water to maintain a sufficient level of humidity. Once a week it is recommended to spray the plant with a zircon solution. Watering with sodium humate no more than once every 2 weeks has a good effect on plant growth.

Clematis does not tolerate high temperatures, so propagation by cuttings can be carried out at temperatures not exceeding 30 C 0. The optimal temperature is +25 C 0. On average, the rooting process takes one month, and after a month and a half, clematis can be planted in the ground.

Reproduction by layering

Reproduction of clematis by layering considered simple and reliable. To do this, the flower shoot is buried in the ground throughout the summer. At the same time, a small bush sprouts from each internode.

  • a furrow 7-8 centimeters deep is formed in the ground;
  • the shoot is placed in the ground;
  • Using hooks, the stem is fixed and pressed to the ground.

The end of the shoot does not need to be completely buried in the ground; it must protrude from the ground by at least 20 centimeters. It is recommended to completely fill the furrow only after the appearance of the first young shoots, which have grown by 10-15 centimeters. Humus or loose soil is used as backfill material. It will be necessary to pinch out the young shoots. During the summer it is necessary to maintain sufficient moisture levels for clematis to grow. If you want to propagate a large number of clematis, you need to add in drops from 2 to 5 shoots of the plant.

For the winter, young shoots are sprinkled with leaves or pine needles. After overwintering the shoots on the mother plant, the cuttings are transplanted. At the same time, you need to dig out young shoots of clematis very carefully. You should be prepared that most of them will end up without a root system. Each flower bush is connected to each other by a stem, so when you dig up and try to strongly pull one of the young bushes, the root of the neighboring shoot will break. First, the shoot needs to be cut in the ground with a shovel, and only then can you start digging it up.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Propagation of clematis by dividing the bush is considered an effective, but more labor-intensive method. It is recommended to transplant in the autumn or spring, after the onset of warm weather.

The division process depends on the age of the clematis bush. A plant at the age of 5-6 years is simply dug out of the ground and divided into parts using a cutting tool. To divide a small bush, you can use pruning shears; if the plant has a large and strong root system, then you should use an ax. The division must be done in such a way that each part has a good bunch of roots and at least 1-2 shoots.

Adult clematis have a very powerful root system, so simply digging up and dividing such a flower will not work. Under such clematis, an excavation is made from one of the sides, and it is necessary to dig as deep a hole as possible. The root is washed with a stream of water until it is exposed and it becomes clear where to chop. The rhizome is cut with a shovel or an ax, plots with good bunches of roots and shoots are formed. After transplanting into the ground, the shoots of all plots must be trimmed, leaving only two buds.

Next year, you can dig from the opposite side and get new material for propagation. From one clematis bush you can get a year 2-6 new seedlings, which, if successfully dug up and established in a new place, are capable of blooming in the same year.

How to choose a landing site

For good survival of a young shoot of clematis, regardless of the chosen method of flower propagation, it is necessary to choose the right planting site. For planting, you should choose open sunny places, protected from gusts of wind and drafts.

Clematis does not have any special requirements for soil, the main thing is that it provided sufficient air access. Clay and heavy soil, places with high traffic, and periodically flooded areas are not suitable for planting. Before planting, it is recommended to first loosen the soil, add sand and peat.

When landscaping a garden plot, the attention of summer residents very often falls on clematis. This perennial shrub will delight you with a very long flowering, throughout the entire season. In this article we will talk about plant propagation.

You can propagate clematis at home in many different ways, which differ from each other in complexity and technique. Everyone, even a novice florist, will be able to choose the method that is most suitable for him, because if all the recommendations are followed correctly, any work will be successful.

Propagation by green cuttings

This method is one of the most effective, but at the same time time-consuming and complex. When cutting green shoots, the survival rate is 60-95 percent. It is also propagated by cuttings.

It is necessary to harvest green petioles during budding, before flowering begins. In this case, they will be more viable and the survival rate will increase greatly.

To avoid dehydration of cuttings, it is best to cut them in cloudy weather, in the morning or evening.

Preparation of shoots for cuttings is as follows:

  1. Cuttings are taken above the first or second true leaf, and the middle part of the shoot is best suited for such purposes;
  2. Then you need to leave one node on the cutting, to do this, make an oblique cut at a distance of 4-6 centimeters below it and a straight one 2 centimeters above;
  3. To reduce moisture evaporation, large leaves are shortened by half;
  4. Will help speed up the rooting process treatment with growth regulators, which include heteroauxin, rootin or sodium humate. 1/3 of the cutting is placed in the prepared solution and kept there for 10-12 hours;
  5. After that shoots are rinsed with running water, and the preparation process can be considered complete.

Clematis can be rooted in greenhouses, greenhouses, tunnels and in ordinary pots for indoor plants, which are also placed under a film or glass cover. As a substrate, it is best to use a mixture prepared from equal parts of sand and peat.

To protect the buds from drying out, when planting, the node is buried 1 centimeter. The distance between plants should be 5-6 centimeters, and between rows 10-12.

One of the main secrets of successful rooting will be the presence of diffused light. To achieve this effect, a thin white cloth, such as gauze, is placed under the film, and a translucent layer of white paint is applied to glass structures.

In order for the shoots to actively grow roots, they need proper care:

  • the optimal temperature is considered to be between 18 and 22 degrees;
  • For the first month, seedlings are watered daily, and after that 1-2 times a month;
  • clematis prefer moist air, so they need to be sprayed 2-3 times a day;
  • The plants are also sprayed with a cycron solution once a week.

If all the rules are followed, the cuttings will take root in 50-60 days. After this period, the plants begin to ventilate, and then the film is completely removed, while in the winter the plants are covered with sawdust or peat, and a sheet on top. In the spring, the seedlings are planted, and in the fall they are transferred to their permanent place of residence.

Rooting cuttings in bottles

Experienced and resourceful gardeners have come up with a rather interesting way of rooting clematis cuttings; when using it, you can significantly save space in a common greenhouse.

To root plant shoots in a bottle, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. A large plastic bottle is cut in half and the substrate is poured into the lower part;
  2. Then the prepared cutting is deepened, and the upper part of the bottle is placed in place and secured with tape. This unusual solution will allow you to create your own small greenhouse for each plant;
  3. The resulting bottle is buried in the ground to the level of the substrate poured in it, and it is recommended to choose slightly shaded areas;
  4. After 15 days, they begin to ventilate the greenhouse, that is, unscrew the plug for 20-30 minutes a day;
  5. As soon as the first shoots appear, you need to completely unscrew the cap and make several drainage holes in the bottle.

Few-flowered and wild varieties of clematis are well suited for propagation by woody cuttings. When using this method, the success rate of work is 60 percent.

Cuttings are cut in early to mid-August. Shoots 7-10 centimeters long with one or two nodes are well suited for such purposes. Before rooting, the cutting must be kept in a root growth stimulator for 24 hours.

When choosing a highly lignified cutting, it is recommended to completely split it into two parts. In this case, the percentage of successful rooting will greatly increase.

Then the prepared cuttings are planted in a pre-moistened substrate at an angle of 45 degrees, so that the upper part is recessed by 1 centimeter and the bottom by 3.

Further growth of lignified cuttings should take place under the following conditions:

  • in winter, the shoots are covered with film and placed in a cool place;
  • in March they are transferred to a greenhouse and the temperature is gradually increased to 20 degrees;
  • It is necessary to water the soil as it dries;
  • as soon as the shoots reach a length of 10 centimeters, they are pinched above the second node, this procedure will help speed up the rooting process;
  • after 3 months the first roots should appear. At the same time, to stimulate growth, the plant is fed with complex mineral fertilizers;
  • The cuttings should spend another winter in boxes or a greenhouse, while they are covered with peat and covered with film;
  • With the onset of spring, clematis are planted in the garden bed, and in the fall they are moved to a permanent place.

Many experienced flower growers believe that this method is the simplest and most effective. The probability that new, independent plants will appear from the cuttings is 90%.

In order to obtain young clematis from layering, you must perform the following steps:

  1. In early spring, when tying clematis to a support, a young and healthy shoot is selected, which must be placed in a previously prepared groove 7-8 centimeters deep, with the end of the shoot protruding 20-30 centimeters from the ground;
  2. The top with well-developed buds must remain on the surface, otherwise the shoot will not germinate;

To avoid unforeseen situations, the escape must be secured using metal hooks or staples.

  1. Then the groove must be regularly moistened, and as soon as the young shoots grow 10-15 centimeters, the distance between them can be covered with humus or loose soil;
  2. During the summer, the cuttings are watered and mulched, and in the winter they are covered with leaves or pine needles;
  3. Next spring, small plants are carefully cleared from the ground and cut between the nodes into individual bushes.

After all the work done, the clematis will be ready for further cultivation and transplantation to a new location.

This method is the fastest, although quite labor-intensive. When reproducing it, you will have to perform complex and painstaking work.

If a young bush, whose age does not exceed 5-6 years, is to be divided, then it is simply dug out of the ground and cut into several parts. Moreover, each division must have a bunch of roots and 1-2 shoots.

Old clematis is much more difficult to dig up. In this case, a kind of deep dig is made from the side and the exposed root is washed. After this, a part of the rhizome is cut out with a shovel and divided into several more seedlings.

When planting small bushes in a new place, they are shortened to 2 buds.

Propagation by seeds

Propagation of clematis by seeds is a rather complex and troublesome method., which does not provide any guarantee of obtaining new plants. Also, when hybrid species are propagated, the varietal characteristics of the mother plant will not be preserved.

Clematis can be sown both in autumn and spring. In the first case, in mid-autumn, unprepared seeds are scattered over the garden bed, and a small layer of sand is added on top. In this case, the planting material will undergo natural stratification and the first shoots should appear in the spring.

Plants can also be sown in April-May, but before that the seeds need to be stratified. To do this, they are first soaked for several days, then placed in damp sand and put in the refrigerator for 2-3 months.

Further care of the plantings will consist of timely watering and weeding. The first sprouts that appear are protected from direct sunlight. As soon as the first true leaves appear on the sprouts, they can be picked into separate containers.

Time to propagate clematis

The specific time for clematis propagation will depend on the method chosen. If we summarize all the information said earlier, we can come to the following conclusion:

  • in the spring, green cuttings are harvested and rooted;
  • lignified cuttings are harvested at the end of summer, and they take root throughout the winter season;
  • in the spring, the cuttings are bent and secured, which are subsequently dug into the ground;
  • It is also recommended to carry out work on dividing the bush in the spring;
  • Clematis can be propagated by seeds both in autumn and spring. When choosing this method, each gardener independently determines the most convenient time period for him.

It is also worth noting that all methods of propagating clematis, with the exception of dividing the bush, are quite lengthy, because rooting and preparing young plants for replanting takes at least 9-12 months.

The most effective way to propagate clematis

The simplest, most understandable and fairly stable way to propagate clematis is to use layering. In this case, the percentage of successful completion of the work is quite high.

Dividing a bush, although not the simplest, is the most effective method, in which the quality and result will depend only on the skill of the grower. Moreover, using this method you can obtain clematis seedlings on the same day.

Propagation by cuttings very often gives a positive result, but in this case you will have to make a lot of effort and carefully monitor the shoots for a long time. Seed propagation is less popular due to the fact that it is unlikely that the original characteristics of the plant will be preserved.

Clematis is a very beautiful and colorful plant that can be propagated in many ways. When choosing a certain method, you should start primarily from your skills and capabilities.

Popular varieties of clematis that are grown in our area are usually hybrid. Therefore, the only suitable option for their propagation is vegetative. Very often, plant owners root cuttings. This can be done not only in spring or summer, but also in autumn. Flower growers give step-by-step recommendations with photos and videos on how to properly cut clematis.

How to take cuttings correctly

Whatever time you choose to propagate clematis, start the procedure by obtaining cuttings. As mother plants, florists advise using healthy, well-developed and well-groomed specimens no more than 5 years old:

Attention! Most quickly, the roots form short side shoots, which the clematis released after severe pruning. They contain the greatest amount of substances useful for rooting.

When preparing cuttings, cut off no more than 1/3 of the shoots. This is important so that the mother plant continues to live and develop normally. After the procedure, feed the flower with mineral fertilizer. For example, Kemira-universal.

To strengthen the cutting, soak it in Kornevin solution before planting. The drug is prepared according to the instructions. An alternative for soaking is a solution of succinic acid. Dilute 2 g of powder in half a liter of water and soak the cuttings for about 10 hours. If time is short, a cut of the cutting can simply be treated with dry Kornevin.

Proper soil preparation for rooting cuttings

One of the key conditions for the survival of clematis shoots is loose and light soil with a high level of moisture absorption. For example, soil made of 2/3 plant humus and 1/3 river sand meets this requirement. In this case, your main task in the process of growing a flower is to ensure that the soil under it does not dry out.

Attention! Alternative materials for planting cuttings are also very popular: perlite, vermiculite, coconut fiber.

For ground rooting of clematis, ordinary plastic glasses are often used:

  • make holes in them for drainage;
  • pour the substrate;
  • moisturize generously;
  • deepen the cutting so that the internode is half in the ground.

If planting in a large container or on a plot, dig a hole in the ground. Fill it with a nutrient substrate, cover it with a 3 cm layer of sand on top. Deepening the cuttings occurs according to the same principle.

With both planting methods, the cutting will require a moist environment at the first stage of rooting. For this:

  • build a greenhouse;
  • spray the plant with water at least 2 times a day;
  • irrigate the cuttings with zircon solution once a week;
  • after 2 weeks, begin to ventilate the plant by opening the film or glass for 15 minutes. per day;
  • remove the greenhouse after shoots appear.

Advice. Irrigation with sodium humate 2 times a month has a good effect on a young plant.

An alternative method of rooting clematis cuttings - in bottles - is considered even simpler and more effective. Plastic containers are suitable for this procedure. Cut off the top of the bottle. Root the cuttings into the stable lower part, as in the case of cups. After this, put the top of the bottle in place and wrap it with tape. You will get a mini-greenhouse.

Take the bottles out into the garden and bury them down to the level of the soil inside. The plant needs light to form roots, but direct rays and overheating are contraindicated. It is best to choose partial shade. To ventilate the plant (after 2 weeks), simply unscrew the plug for 20 minutes. After strong shoots have formed, remove the top of the bottle and make drainage holes in the bottom.

Features of clematis cuttings at different times of the year

Some gardeners call the best time for cuttings of clematis May, others - the end of June and the beginning of July. In fact, focus on the developmental phase of the flower first. The optimal time is the beginning of budding or a period of intensive growth. At this time, the green mass of clematis is filled with juice, which is a stimulant for flower growth.

Spring, summer and autumn reproduction differ slightly:

  1. In the spring, to obtain planting material, not cutting, but breaking out is used. Carry out the procedure carefully.
  2. In June, when clematis begins to bloom, the shoots are cut off. Leave at least a couple of developed buds on each stump.
  3. In summer, cuttings are rooted in spacious pots, containers or directly in the flower garden. You can first place the shoots in water to take root. In spring, it is better to plant them in small containers indoors.
  4. In autumn, clematis is propagated in September. For this purpose, a flowering vine is used. Rooting is carried out exclusively in closed ground.

The most important thing when rooting a cutting is its proper preparation, as well as temperature. It is optimal to keep it in a greenhouse at about +25°C. With proper care, the new plant will take root in about 1-1.5 months.

Propagation of clematis by cuttings: video

The popular ones that are grown in our area are usually hybrid. Therefore, the only suitable option for their propagation is vegetative. Very often, plant owners root cuttings. This can be done not only in spring or summer, but also in autumn. Flower growers give step-by-step recommendations with photos and videos on how to properly cut clematis.

How to take cuttings correctly

Whatever time you choose to propagate clematis, start the procedure by obtaining cuttings. As mother plants, florists advise using healthy, well-developed and well-groomed specimens no more than 5 years old:

Attention! Most quickly, the roots form short side shoots, which the clematis released after severe pruning. They contain the greatest amount of substances useful for rooting.

When preparing cuttings, cut off no more than 1/3 of the shoots. This is important so that the mother plant continues to live and develop normally. After the procedure, feed the flower with mineral fertilizer. For example, Kemira-universal.

To strengthen the cutting, soak it in Kornevin solution before planting. The drug is prepared according to the instructions. An alternative for soaking is a solution of succinic acid. Dilute 2 g of powder in half a liter of water and soak the cuttings for about 10 hours. If time is short, a cut of the cutting can simply be treated with dry Kornevin.

Proper soil preparation for rooting cuttings

One of the key conditions for the survival of clematis shoots is loose and light soil with a high level of moisture absorption. For example, soil made of 2/3 plant humus and 1/3 river sand meets this requirement. In this case, your main task in the process of growing a flower is to ensure that the soil under it does not dry out.

Attention! Alternative materials for planting cuttings are also very popular: perlite, vermiculite, coconut fiber.

For ground rooting of clematis, ordinary plastic glasses are often used:

  • make holes in them for drainage;
  • pour the substrate;
  • moisturize generously;
  • deepen the cutting so that the internode is half in the ground.

If planting in a large container or on a plot, dig a hole in the ground. Fill it with a nutrient substrate, cover it with a 3 cm layer of sand on top. Deepening the cuttings occurs according to the same principle.

With both planting methods, the cutting will require a moist environment at the first stage of rooting. For this:

  • build a greenhouse;
  • spray the plant with water at least 2 times a day;
  • irrigate the cuttings with zircon solution once a week;
  • after 2 weeks, begin to ventilate the plant by opening the film or glass for 15 minutes. per day;
  • remove the greenhouse after shoots appear.

Advice. Irrigation with sodium humate 2 times a month has a good effect on a young plant.

An alternative method of rooting clematis cuttings - in bottles - is considered even simpler and more effective. Plastic containers are suitable for this procedure. Cut off the top of the bottle. Root the cuttings into the stable lower part, as in the case of cups. After this, put the top of the bottle in place and wrap it with tape. You will get a mini-greenhouse.

Take the bottles out into the garden and bury them down to the level of the soil inside. The plant needs light to form roots, but direct rays and overheating are contraindicated. It is best to choose partial shade. To ventilate the plant (after 2 weeks), simply unscrew the plug for 20 minutes. After strong shoots have formed, remove the top of the bottle and make drainage holes in the bottom.

Features of clematis cuttings at different times of the year

Some gardeners call the best time for cuttings of clematis May, others - the end of June and the beginning of July. In fact, focus on the developmental phase of the flower first. The optimal time is the beginning of budding or a period of intensive growth. At this time, the green mass of clematis is filled with juice, which is a stimulant for flower growth.

Spring, summer and autumn reproduction differ slightly:

  1. In the spring, to obtain planting material, not cutting, but breaking out is used. Carry out the procedure carefully.
  2. In June, when clematis begins to bloom, the shoots are cut off. Leave at least a couple of developed buds on each stump.
  3. In summer, cuttings are rooted in spacious pots, containers or directly in the flower garden. You can first place the shoots in water to take root. In spring, it is better to plant them in small containers indoors.
  4. In autumn, clematis is propagated in September. For this purpose, a flowering vine is used. Rooting is carried out exclusively in closed ground.

The most important thing when rooting a cutting is its proper preparation, as well as temperature. It is optimal to keep it in a greenhouse at about +25°C. With proper care, the new plant will take root in about 1-1.5 months.

Propagation of clematis by cuttings: video

The magnificent extravaganza of large flowers rarely leaves anyone indifferent. Even the most unattractive buildings, entwined with plants, are transformed. To decorate other corners of your own garden with clematis, it is not necessary to buy young seedlings. Take advantage of one of the most effective methods of propagating clematis - cuttings.

Propagation of clematis by cuttings in autumn - preparation of material

For autumn propagation of clematis by cuttings, not young green shoots are used, but slightly lignified ones. Of course, such cuttings take root and take root much worse, since with the arrival of autumn the plant enters a period of dormancy. However, with proper care, your event will most likely end successfully.

To propagate clematis in the fall, use the middle part of a long woody shoot. It is cut into cuttings about ten centimeters long. It is important that each segment consists of one internode with leaves on the sides and developed buds. Moreover, the cuttings are cut in such a way that the distance under the internode is two to three centimeters, and above it – one to one and a half centimeters. The cut must be made at an angle; large leaves of the cuttings are recommended to be shortened by half.

Propagation of clematis by layering in autumn - soil preparation

Selecting the right soil will allow you to grow new plants with maximum success. Light, non-greasy soil with good breathable properties is suitable for clematis. It is important that the substrate retains moisture well, which is necessary for the formation of the root system.

A mixture of one part humus or peat and two parts sand is perfect for this purpose. Vermiculite or coconut fiber tablets can be used as soil.

Planting clematis cuttings in the ground

For cuttings use small pots or plastic cups. Each container is filled with prepared soil and then watered. The cuttings are then inserted into the soil with the long end cut off at an angle so that the internode is half in the ground. It is at this point that small roots will form. By the way, to speed up root formation before planting, the cuttings can be left for several hours in a solution of “Kornevin”, “Heteroauxin” or “KornyaSuper” or simply dipped into the powder at the end. Containers with cuttings are placed in a warm place (about +25 degrees) or covered with film. To ensure a high level of humidity, the cuttings are sprayed with a spray bottle up to two to three times a day. As a rule, rooting occurs within a month to a month and a half. For the winter, young plants are placed in a cellar or basement.

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