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How to choose a manicure table: Tips and photos. The size of the manicure table. Comfortable tool for work - We make a manicure table with your own hands with built-in hood How to choose the right table for the manicure wizard

Of course, independent design and directly assembly of the manicure table is not only saving money, but also to obtain pleasure in the process of work. But in any case, it is necessary to take into account certain nuances, and of course, the table for manicure is no exception. In this article, consider the main aspects and rules that should be followed by each wizard when making the product assembly.

As for the optimal parameters of the manicure table, made with their own hands, the drawings and the dimensions of which are mainly standard, so these are the following indicators:

  • Height is 750 centimeters;
  • Width - 460 cm;
  • Length - 950 cm.

In addition, it is possible to calculate the magnitude of the built-in wardrobe of the manicure table made by its own hands, where it is convenient to store the tools you need. This is usually 400 per 300 centimeters, where the height and width are according to the first and second value. Thus, you can safely create a standard table, with your own hands, the sizes of which are checked by a certain number of people.

Of course, you can create your own sketch and navigate it. However, you should not forget about changing all the indicators if you decide to change one of them. It is necessary in order to preserve the proportions and not lose the stability of the entire structure.

Drawing up product drawing

After you have decided on dimensions, you can safely start creating an outline. Some people misses this moment in the process. But it is he who helps not to get down from the right path.

This means that even when problems, if you, for example, have forgotten the item, you can always refer to the scheme.

Rules for assembling manicure tables of various sizes

It is very important to prepare for the process, namely to collect all the necessary materials and tools for the table for manicure do it yourself. These include:

  • Screwdriver;
  • Pencil;
  • Roulette or measuring tape;
  • Electric jigsaw;
  • Scissors;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Keys (important! They should be with six faces);
  • Iron;
  • LDSP.

After all are ready, you can start the main stage. All actions are recommended to be performed in the proposed sequence, otherwise the product may not lead the desired view. So, you should conduct the following manipulations:

  1. First you need to fix the ends on the stops. Next, cut off the small part and apply it to the surface of PVC, while attaching an iron from above. It is very important to remove the heating agent on time, namely, at the moment when the glue starts to melt a little, and the space lay down down. ATTENTION! All actions should occur at an accelerated pace, as the glue can quickly cool, which is undesirable in our situation. The edges that remained can be eliminated by circumcision.
  2. Turning to the sides, you should make holes. They will be needed for a wad. As a result, you should have two recesses on one part of the couch and two on the large shelf. After that, you can safely fix products with glue.
  3. Go to the eccentrices. To do this, it is necessary to retreat 15 millimeters in the depth of where the big shelf is located.
  4. Now you need to deal with the rear wall. Namely, to join the wanks. Previously need to drill 4 holes. The same is done with the side parts. IMPORTANT! Do not forget to add glue when fixing parts. This will provide additional reliability for the entire design.
  5. The next step is to connect all the details with each other, namely the sidewalls with the upper side. This is done, thanks to a specially intended mechanism, counterclockwise.
  6. Then it is desirable to pay attention to the depressions for the loops. They must be at a distance of 20 centimeters from the very edge.
  7. Go to the remedy of the bottom. To do this, turn over the product and drill a place for the ducks. You can fix the product with self-draws.
  8. After that, you can think about the legs. They can be used in the finished form in any construction store, and make it possible to make it possible at home with small bars. To attach the named item, it is necessary to retreat from the edge of the table approximately 20 centimeters. It is recommended to arm a pencil in advance and outline the alleged places for the legs.
  9. The main part in the tabletop is fixed. The whole process can be diluted with metal corners. But this is done in cases where it will not be necessary to move the table on the room in the future.

Often, professional beauty salons are equipped with everything necessary for the work of their masters. However, salons workers often take orders to the house - you can create your own customer database, provide a decent level service, but at least.

Order for the order, client for the client - and you begin to think about how a written or kitchenette is not so suitable for work at home. When work at home
it becomes per stream, it's time to take measures to improve the workplace. Where to take such a table for manicure, comfortable and for the wizard, and for the client?

Buy the table in beauty salons is often expensive, but make a manicure table with your own hands - a practical solution. Especially since this is not so difficult, it is worth only not to bypass the following nuances:

  1. Rounded corners. The table top in no case should contain sharp corners, it is the basis of comfort and security of the master and client.
  2. Standard and retractable boxes. Under the tabletop, the storage facilities for tools and materials used in the course of work should be located. Use the place is rational so that everything you need in the extended hand area.
  3. Hood. Believe it, it is better to pay the table assembling a little longer and effort, but install a special compact extract for dust from waste nails in a manicure table. Such equipped with all professional tables, and not in vain, because cleanliness and tidy at the head of the corner.
  4. Light and color. It is not enough to install the table in front of the window, the movable lamp will certainly need a mobile lamp on the table, let it be compact, but bright and with a white daylight lamp. For the table, choose the materials of the light color, the eyes are not tired from light table tops, and you can serve more customers in one day without any discomfort.
  5. Adjustable legs - a manicure table refers to the category of mobile furniture, and therefore, when assembling the table, choose such legs that will not fly at the slightest push; Typically, the legs of M-8 behave well, they do not fly out of the nest, the design does not break.

Why start the construction of a manicure table with your own hands

One of the disadvantages of finished tables is that they do not always fit into a small space of the city apartment. This is usually a large professional furniture containing all the necessary elements and still standing.

When you make the table with your own hands, then focus on individual sizes, you can make an angular or folding table. The table, originally intended as manicure, is subsequently able to be used for a wide range of cosmetic procedures.

Proceed from the fact that the countertop is quite long and comfortable for two people, that is, the masters and the client. In addition, that under the tabletop it would be nice to place the Tumba and retractable boxes, take care and that in the table there are various superstructures - the shelves on which the material and tool will be located.

On both sides of the manicure table there should be no long supporting Tsarg countertop.

Table for manicure can be made of any girlfriend. Most often for domestic crafts use Phaneur, OSP, plastic and even organic glass. But it is best for making a manicure table at home, leafy wood materials are suitable, such as LDSP, chipboard and MDF.

For example, you can bring such a manicure background assembly scheme:

  • LDSP (16 mm);
  • PVC edge (2 mm);
  • PVC edge (0.4 mm);
  • table leg (thick metallic);
  • handle for cabinet of the cabinet;
  • self-tapping screws, confirmates, eccentrics and rods for them;
  • 10 mm ducts (16 pcs.);
  • four-starry furniture loops (2 pcs.);
  • polkteroders or Sucks (4 pcs.);
  • pVA glue (or carbon black).
  • from the tools you will need a pencil, roulette, meter, electrolybiz, metal ruler, scissors, crisp screwdriver, hexagon keys.

As noted earlier, it is not necessary to save no means or efforts to install an exhaust or mini vacuum cleaner in the table. To do this, purchase the appropriate equipment, then ride a hole in the worktop and install it. The rosette can be fixed on the LDSP with screws or screws, the optimal place will serve the back of the couch.

The exhaust or mini vacuum cleaner usually goes and a dust collection container. So that it was inconspicuous, hide it for the box. The latter is conveniently located under the exhaust hole, however, make sure that it is a small size and prevented either the master nor the client.


Master Manicure is a creative profession. To realize yourself on this field, you must have accuracy, feeling of taste and the artist's deposits. In this case, you can easily create masterpieces on customer nails. But even such exquisite work in some issues requires a practical approach. For example, it will be needed to organize a workplace. Beginner masters underestimate the importance of the proper arrangement of the table, for which they serve customers, but sooner or later each of them all the same comes to the conclusion that many things depend on the convenience of the working area, including the efficiency of work, and the number of forces spent during the day. In addition, the inconvenient position of the body, which is forced to take a master due to incorrectly selected table size, and insufficient lighting negatively affect health. Therefore, the right arrangement of the workplace is the question of not only convenience, but also security.

From how conveniently the workplace of the master is equipped, the quality of the services provided by him directly depends, therefore it is not necessary to neglect the organizational moments of the novel service. The importance of the correct situation is due to several factors.

  • First of all, it must be borne in mind that a manicure specialist often spends all day at its table, in the morning and until the evening. Therefore, it is imperative that the table is comfortable. Otherwise, the master will experience discomfort. For example, too low furniture will force him to lean, provoking constant voltage in the back and neck, and the narrow table will not allow the hands correctly. An uncomfortable posture must be reflected in the quality of work, and in addition, the permanent stay in it is harmful to health. After a while after the start of the day, fatigue, headache and other unpleasant symptoms may appear.

    When choosing a manicure table, you need to pay attention not only to dimensions and functionality, but also on the design, because it creates the client's mood

  • An equally important factor is the functionality of the table. It must have several boxes for materials and tools located in such a way that the master can quickly reach everything you need. If the most common table is used for work, in which there are no compartments, then, as a rule, the materials necessary for work are either littered its surface, or they are chaotic lying around somewhere nearby, or they are not found at all. This situation is unacceptable.
  • Lighting plays a primary role in the processing of nail. First, the master can track his work without leaning close to the client's hands. Secondly, under the bright light visible the slightest disabilities.
  • The convenience of the client is the factor, the neglect of which is one of the main mistakes of manicure professionals. A person who comes to the master, most likely, if desired, he could make a manicure himself, but he wants to relax and enjoy the processing process of nails. For him, comfort is extremely important, it is always necessary to remember. Competition among the masters of the nail service is great, therefore the client, having experienced any inconvenience during a manicure, with ease may next time to make it to another place. In this regard, you need to pay attention to the height of the table, the quality of the armrest for manicure and other nuances.
  • And finally, no need to forget about aesthetic pleasure. A fully equipped workstation immediately creates the impression of professionalism, inspires confidence customers.
  • In the matter of arrangement of the workplace, the manicure wizard can not be missed by any little things. Any detail concerning not only the manicure table and its contents, but also the premises where the service is provided may affect the level of customer comfort. Specialists decide this question differently: they care that the client can drink tea during the procedure and watch the TV, offer slippers, use individual clips for the client's chair, etc. But there are factors that should be taken into account in any case. This is the need to maintain cleanliness indoors and in the workplace, ventilation, as well as observance of sanitary standards. For this, special equipment will also need. So, the master must be taken care of the uninterrupted work of the manicure drawing so that neither Himself himself nor the client had to breathe dust. Apparatuses for sterilization of manicure tools should also be nearby.

    It is necessary to take care that the client has a comfortable chair: a soft and equipped back

    Table for manicure

    The first thing you need to pay attention to the workplace arrangement is the table for which the master and client will sit.

    There are several models of manicure tables.

  • Transformer. Perfect for small rooms. After the work is over, its cover is descended, and it turns into a regular bedside table.

    Folding manicure table - the best choice for homemade masters

  • Portable. Suitable for masters traveling to the house to the client. It has a relatively small functionality, but in "hiking" conditions, it is indispensable.

    Portable table folded placed in a special bag

  • Classical. This is the most common model consisting of a tabletop connected with a table in which there are several boxes.

    It is better to choose models with a maximum number of boxes

  • Table with built-in elements. A lamp or hood for manicure can be attached to it.

    The table with the built-in elements is the most expensive, but at the same time convenient model

  • Self-making table

    In order to make a manicure table with their own hands, you need, first of all, take into account its size before buying a material.

    Suppose the following parameters are selected:

  • height - 75 cm;
  • width - 130 cm;
  • depth - 55 cm.
  • For work you will need:

  • three furniture shields: 1500 × 300 cm, 1200 × 600 cm and 1200 × 400 cm;
  • lobzik;
  • hacksaw;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • furniture corners;
  • sandpaper;
  • round furniture leg;
  • edge for ends from PVC;
  • varnished coating.
  • Relying on medium sizes, you can create your own drawing table of the desired form

    The work is made in the following order:

  • You need to cut out and cut furniture shields:
    • one of them (1200 × 600) leave for a high side wall;
    • the shield 1500 × 300 is cut into 4 parts: 3 in 24 cm (for shelves) and one 73 cm (for the side wall of the couch);
    • from the remaining shield, the tabletop is cut out.
  • Sections of cuts to handle sandpaper.
  • With the help of furniture corners and screws, the side sides of the bedside tables are attached to the table top, and the shelves are inside.
  • To the table you need to make a leg with fasteners and four screws, which usually go complete.
  • The ends of the details can be saved by the edge of PVC. To do this, it is enough to attach the edge, thoroughly try it with an iron and press your hands. In order not to burn while working, it is recommended to put on construction x / b gloves.
  • After the table is ready, you need to cover it with several layers of varnish forming a wear-resistant coating.
  • The most expensive table detail is a furniture shield. One thing of the required size costs from 600 to 900 rubles. In total, they will need three + cost of additional parts and furniture legs (300-400 rubles). Total, the manufacture of the table will cost an average of 3.5-4.5 thousand rubles.It is quite economical, but it must be borne in mind that this is the most primitive version without boxes, built-in parts and other interesting elements.

    Choosing a finished table

    What kind of desktop option to choose, depends on personal preferences, financial capabilities and working conditions.

    But in any case, in order to provide the convenience of the wizard and the client, the table must correspond to several conditions.

  • Optimal size. The generally accepted standards are as follows: height - 730 mm, width - 450 mm, length - 1150 mm.Little deviations are possible within 10 cm.
  • The presence of several boxes and shelves. They are needed to place tools and materials.
  • Stability. There are various manicure tables on sale, including on wheels. This option is not worth buying, because in the most responsible moment, he can leave somewhere, spoiling all the work.
  • The presence of space under the table for the foot of the client and the master. The manicure table should not resemble a tumba or bar counter. It's not good when the client leaving the walls into the wall.
  • Surface resistant to aggressive substances. A liquid for removing varnish itself can be periodically spilled on the table, varnish or gel itself. In addition, the work surface requires disinfection, and after each client it is necessary to process it. Therefore, it is important that the table is made of the material that will endure all this.
  • Video: Placement of materials and tools at the workplace Master of Manicure

    Lamps for manicure and workplace lighting

    There are several types of lamps that perform different functions.

  • Table lamp. Used to ensure sufficient lighting. There are:
    • halogen;
    • luminescent;
    • incandescent lamps;
    • lED.
  • Lamp for drying nails. It directly participates in the process of creating a manicure. Divided into:
    • UV lamp;
    • LED lamps;
    • CCFL lamps;
    • lamps-hybrids.
  • Most of the Masters of the Nail Service switched to the use of LED lamps, as it saves time significantly

    All lamps for drying nails have the same principle of operation, but each work due to a certain type of ray. The most common option is an ultraviolet lamp. But the LED lamp gained popularity relatively recently, but are already considered the most comfortable, because they allow you to dry the gel on the nails in just 1 minute. They work at the expense of light-emitting diodes.

    About the CCFL drying system (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp) today, many have not even heard. They are an option UV lamp with a cold cathode. The light bulb inside is filled with gas. It does not have a thread of incandescent, and therefore it practically does not distinguish heat.

    Hybrid lamps combine various types of radiation. For example, you can find UV + LED or CCFL + LED on sale.

    Well, if the light bulbs inside the device for drying the nails are located not only from above, but also on the sides - it provides uniform gel polymerization

    Independent manufacture of lamps for nail drying

    The device used by the masts of the nail service is working due to the emission of the most ordinary ultraviolet or LED lamp, which can be purchased in the store. If you choose the optimal case to it, it will turn out a full-fledged self-made machine for drying nails.

    Before work, you need to prepare:

  • 2 ultraviolet lamps of 9 W;
  • electronic ballast 18 W;
  • 220 V power wire;
  • the upper part of the future lamp (it will be good for the old case from the power supply);
  • foil and glue;
  • screeds for fixing parts.
  • For the manufacture of an instrument for drying nails, you need to purchase a conventional ultraviolet light bulb.

    The work is made according to the following algorithm:

  • It is necessary to take two lamps and remove the socles from them.
  • Connect them with the entrance and output of the electronic ballast.
  • Connect the power wire to the free end of the ballast.
  • Stick foil on the inside of the body of the future lamp.
  • Secure the electronic component of the lamp on the inner side of the housing using the screeds.
  • Purchase lamp

    If we are talking about lighting, experienced masters prefer luminescent or LED lamps. They have an undoubted advantage over other options. Such lamps consume some electricity, while provide bright lighting. In addition, the LED lamp can work up to 30-40 thousand hours, so it will not be necessary to constantly take care of its replacement. It is important that the lamp itself is comfortable, was well attached to the table. His position should be adjusted.

    Table lamp should not be too small

    The selection of the lamp for the drying of the nails is carried out on the basis of the personal preferences of the wizard. A couple of years ago, most specialists used ultraviolet in their work, but at present many are preferred by LED lamps, since their use will significantly saves time. And those and other devices are effective if they have sufficient power. It is this factor that is crucial when choosing a lamp.

    Optimal power:

  • for UV lamp - 36 W;
  • for LED-LPMP - 12 W;
  • for CCFL lamp - 18 W.
  • Before buying a lamp for a nail drying, you must also pay attention to the following:

  • well, if there is a built-in timer in the lamp - this greatly simplifies the use of the device;
  • removable bottom makes it easy to replace the lamps;
  • the reflecting surface inside the lamp ensures uniform drying of the nails.
  • Video: Comparison of desk lamps for manicure table

    Armrest or Pillow for manicure

    The manicure master should take care that its workplace is equipped with a special armrest, to which the client will put his hand during the procedure. This accessory is needed so that the hands do not get tired and not shown, but conveniently located on a soft stand. In addition, the armrest ensures the stability of the client's hand, which is very convenient for the wizard.

    How to make it yourself

    Even who at least knows how to sew a little, under the power of the independent production of the armrest for manicure. For this, only the filler and the segment of the fabric will be needed. You can use foam rubber rolled in the form of a small roll as a filler. The fabric is best selected with wear-resistant, such as leatherette.

    After the materials are prepared, you need to do the following:

  • Create a pattern of the desired size. The main part of the rectangular shape should be seized, the edges of which will subsequently connect the seam, and two mug, the side sides of the roller. Dimensions can be different. Averaged:

    When covering a manicure pillow, the main part is formed, and then the sides are sewn

  • Video: Master class on making armrest for manicure

    How to choose a finished armrest

    It is necessary to focus on convenience and practicality. Before buying, it is enough to put a hand on a pillow as it will subsequently take a client, and watch your feelings. The roller should not be too wide or, on the contrary, too narrow. It is important that it is elastic, but at the same time not quite mild, otherwise it will come and lose the form.

    For convenience, you can purchase or sew interchangeable covers for manicure roller. At any time, the case can be removed, wrapping and carefully disinfected.

    It is better to purchase an armrest from the washing material, because it will have to handle the disinfectant solution after each client

    It should also be paid to the material from which the armrest is made. The sanitary rules oblige to handle its disinfectant before each new client, that is, daily several times. The usual fabric will not stand it and very soon will come into disrepair. In addition, the material that absorbs the liquid, after processing, for some time will remain wet, which is why the pillow cannot be used.

    At first glance it seems that the arrangement of the workplace of the manicure wizard can do very expensive, but in fact it is not. The main, largest and most expensive element of the equipment is a table, but even it will not require high costs, if thoughtfully approach the process of its choice. On various specialized sites, manicure tables are sold for fabulous money (you can meet for 20, 30 and even 50 thousand rubles), but, in fact, it is the most common furniture made of ordinary material. It is simply equipped with the necessary boxes and has certain sizes optimal to accommodate the wizard and the client. In order to prevent unjustified costs, but at the same time make the workplace as comfortable as possible, it is necessary to study the features of its arrangement in detail.

    The most important thing draws a girl attention, it is care for the nails. Always makes manicure, and covers the nail colored varnish. Some make manicure in the salons, and someone at home.

    The manicure process is very long and painstaking out - for this not everyone wants to spend time on a long procedure in the cabin, since at home you can sit more convenient.

    But, in order to conduct such a procedure at home it is worth understanding that the relevant furniture and tools are required. Furniture can be bought in the store or do it yourself.

    If all the same decided to do on their own, then it is necessary to free up time for the whole day, and get a building tool and material.

    We will do a manicure table with built-in hood

    To choose the material, it is necessary to be repelled from your cash in the wallet. There are budget options and better if you choose them.


    Material is suitable for manicure table:

    • LDSP;
    • plastic;
    • plexiglas;
    • wood;

    Material for making a manicure table is a very large amount. It remains only to choose from what is better to do.

    Choosing the material necessarily take into account:

    1. Quality.
    2. Wear resistance.
    3. Safety.
    4. Durability.


    The size of the table can be chosen by any, no standards. But it is worth considering the free space in the apartment, where there will be a table for manicure.

    A very comfortable table will work if the width is 45cm, and the length is about 110 cm. Immediately it is worth considering than if the service station is long, then you can put more material there.

    But if there is no in the room so much free space, then reduce the size of the table

    Tip: If the apartment is small, do not make a big manicure table that will not clutch the place in the apartment. But if after all, the size of the apartment allows it best to make a folding staircase.

    The shape of such a table is always different, for example, they can be:

    • rectangular;
    • curved;
    • rounded;
    • angular;
    • figured;
    • T - figurative.

    What makes the table to choose only those who will sit at this table. The most needed is that the table was combined with the common room design and it was convenient to sit behind him.


    Before starting to build a manicure table, it is necessary to start sketch on paper.

    In order to collect the table itself without errors, so making everything in memory you can do something wrong, which will significantly affect the table, it will become less convenient.

    You can also try to take advantage of the special program for furniture, or ask for a fee to draw the table in the program.

    In general, the design of such furniture is very simple, which consists of the couch and the folding countertops.

    Make such a table on their own very easily, reading this article Go step by step and necessarily a homemade beautiful table for manicure will stand in the apartment. After you finish the material worth it, then the table will simply flash not one dozen years.

    Table for manicure - Workplace of the nail and skin care specialist in hand. This subject needed When receiving customers in both home and salon conditions.

    A stationary vacuum cleaner can be installed on such a table or hood For collecting dust from nails. Wooden table can be used for various cosmetic procedures.

    Presented by B. furniture or professional shops manicure tables are enough expensive And not always suitable on dimensions. Easy and fast making Table for manicure do it yourself.

    Manicure table design

    The countertop must be enough long and convenient for two Man (master and client).

    On one side of the table are made boxes or cabinet. Tumba - more convenient option because it can be folded oversized Things that will not fit into small retractable boxes.

    On the surface Countertops Install various superstructures - shelves, on which the material necessary in the work is exhibited and tool.

    At both sides manicure The table should not be long supporting countertop tsarg.

    IN little The place to save the place will allow you to make a folding table for manicure with your own hands, you can take the basis design

    Manicure table folding.

    Table for manicure

    The ideal option is the table with tumbay and one leg, The manufacture of which we will consider in this article.

    Table for manicure can making from any submituer material.

    But it is better total for the manufacture of manicure table at home is suitable leafy Wood materials such as LDSP, Chipboard and MDF.

    Materials and tools

    For the manufacture of the manicure table, the following are necessary. materials:

    • Ledp. 16 mm;
    • PVC edge 2 mm (for table top);
    • PVC edge 0.4 mm (for the other parts);
    • leg for table (thick metallic);
    • a pen for cabinets of the cabinet;
    • self-tapping screw confirmates Eccentrics and rods for them;
    • 10 mm ducks - 16 pieces;
    • four-starry furniture loops - 2 pcs.;
    • polkteroders (can be replaced by the wanks) - 4 pcs.;
    • glue Plow (or carpentry adhesive).

    Set tools, Which will be required for work:

    • pencil, roulette, meter;
    • electrolovik;
    • metal line;
    • scissors;
    • screwdriver Cross or screwdriver;
    • hexagon keys;
    • forser Drill;
    • iron.

    Drawing of manicure table and sizes

    Stages of manufacture

    Step 1. Cut out from LDSP details Table: table top (950 x 480 mm), rear wall tombs (750 x 300 mm), side walls of the couch (750 x 460 mm), bottom (460 x 300 mm), a large shelf (450 x 290 mm), a small shelf (450 x 280 mm), door For the couch (400 x 300 mm).

    Step 2. Ends of all parts need to be saved edge From PVC. For this fasten Detail at the stops (clamps). Cut a piece of edge with a reserve and apply to the surface, we put on top iron. As soon as the glue on the edge melts, it is a bit wakes up. At this moment you need to remove the iron and smooth out Surface with soft cloth.

    Do it need carefully, but quickly because glue cooled instantly. Excess edges along the edges cut metal ruler.

    Note: The thin edge is easy to glue the iron, but for past-tales, the construction hairdryer and the milling processing are needed by the edge.

    Step 3. In the side walls of the cabinets we make holes under shkants (5 mm) - 2 pcs. On one side and 2 pcs. For the top large shelf. With the help of the waders, we will fasten the cabinet and plant a large shelf. Wash the shkants glue And insert into the holes.

    Step 4. Retreating from the hole for the large shelves inside 15 mm, screw the rods excentrices.

    Step 5. In the rear wall drilling 4 holes, Lubricate the PVA and insert the seasons. In the upper large shelf drills holes for eccentric Using the forster drill (at a distance of 10 mm from the edge) and over the sides, drill holes under the rods of eccentrics.

    Step 6. Slides on the side lubricate glue, krepim large regiment and tighten the eccentrics by hourly Arrow in rods.

    Step 7. We scrape glue Sknots on second side and fasten her eccentrices to large shelf (clockwise).

    Step 8. Making holes under loop Forcener drill at a distance of 20 mm from the edge. Fresh the base of the four-stroke loop on the door with the help of self-tapping screws. At the same level, we screw in self-drawing response planks (3-5 mm from the edge).

    Step 9. I turn over the end and drills the holes by the sewage (5 mm). On the bottom Also drilling holes for the seasons (5 mm). Shkants Lubricate with glue and insert into the sidewall, close on top. Advanced bottom fasten Samores or eccentrics. If it is planned to fasten the eccentrics, then with drills of Forcener We make two holes on each sidewall (10 mm from the edge) and in the resulting holes Sadim Eccentric.

    Note: The legs for the cabinet can be purchased ready or make them alone from small bars, which will be attached to self-drawing to the bottom.

    Step 10. To the tabletop crepim leg (about 20-25 cm from the edge). Drills two holes for the wanking and eccentric. If you do not plan to transfer, then the countertop can be fixed corners and wrenches. Eccentrics are needed for excellent countertop fixation. The drilling points of the holes must coincide with the sidewalls of the couch, so they need them before drilling outline pencil.

    Step 11. Krepim tabletop to the end Insert into the hole polkteroders and install on them small Shelf.

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