Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Whose year was it according to the eastern calendar? Horoscope zodiac signs by year, eastern animal calendar

On New Year's night, they try to appease the symbol of the coming year in every possible way. For this New Year greeted in clothes of the desired color and prepared for festive table certain dishes.

What animal is 2016: horoscope

2015 was the year of the Sheep, and what animal is 2016? The calm and peaceful white Sheep will be replaced by the Fire Monkey. This patron has his own special character. The monkey is characterized by such traits as emotionality, touchiness, ingenuity and resourcefulness. The Fire Monkey is very curious, she constantly sets new goals for herself and achieves them thanks to her cunning.

People born in the year of the Fire Monkey are leaders in life who always get what they want from life. They are very emotional and at the same time always know how to hide their feelings from others, which allows them to achieve success no matter what. Children born this year are distinguished by their intelligence. They are characterized by a sharp mind and analytical thinking. Such children inevitably grow up to be successful people, sometimes even famous artists. But still, many born in the year of the Fire Monkey suffer from their excessive activity. These people do not have the perseverance that is so sometimes necessary.

What to expect from the year of the Fire Monkey?

Each patron influences his own year, making some areas of human life more successful and others less successful. The good thing about the Fire Monkey is that it has a positive effect on almost everything - health, personal relationships, career growth.

IN professionally The monkey will help everyone with his resourcefulness. Perhaps, in addition to their main income, many will have new ways to replenish family budget. So if you have ideas that you would like to implement, but just don’t dare, be sure to take the risk of doing it in 2016.

In personal life, the charisma of the Fire Monkey will help you find your soulmate when you least expect it. Single people need to attend as many events as possible that they have not been to before, discover more and more new places and acquaintances. We recommend that lovers who are already in a relationship think about legalizing it. Marriages made in the year of the Monkey will definitely be promising, happy and full of feelings.

In 2016, you should take a closer look at your health. An overly active lifestyle can worsen existing chronic diseases. To avoid this, you need to be regularly examined by your doctor and do not forget about rest - alternate workdays with relaxed weekends.

According to the eastern calendar, 2016 is the year of the mischievous, cheerful and active Fire Monkey. Take advantage of the patronage of this talented beast, and you will definitely reach heights this year!

People born between the dates of February 8, 2016 and January 27, 2017 belong to the Fire Monkey sign according to the Eastern Calendar. Among people born in the year of the Monkey, there are a lot creative personalities, many of whom achieved great heights and became famous.

Year of the Fire Monkey

Two thousand sixteen according to the eastern calendar will be the year of the monkey. In the Chinese horoscope, the year of the monkey brings a strong positive, cheerful charge of energy. This year you can gain new intellectual knowledge and a lot of emotions, although not always positive. Those born in the year of the monkey would do well to become a financier, journalist or doctor. In this case, they would most likely become excellent specialists in their field.

People born in the year of the Monkey have every chance of becoming famous and famous person. Regardless of what exactly such a person does, sooner or later, their inherent charm and luck will make them successful people in life.

This energetic people, and this quality makes them suitable for a wide variety of professions. Those born in the year of the Monkey, especially when they need something, are capable of brilliant and imaginative planning; they are real virtuosos when it comes to cunning or bypassing competitors and enemies. They are intellectual, often deeply insightful people into any situation, and once they set a goal, a rare set of circumstances can prevent them from achieving it; in general, it is difficult to imagine that they will fail.

It is important to remember that there are some specific skills and areas of expertise that these people should focus on first. Also, you need to understand that they also have a limit to their luck; you should avoid playing for money and philosophical reflections on the vicissitudes of fate. It is no secret that most of them have the ability to assess risk and have a keen sense of financial situations. They have a trait that helps them take on new challenges, understand the problem accurately, and delve into the details until they find it. the right decision. They are usually endowed with good organizational skills and are quite satisfied with work that involves research and obtaining quick results.

The monkey is very independent and creative, so this year you can implement different ideas. The Year of the Monkey is good for change and new beginnings. Monkeys are excellent architects, doctors, consultants, brokers, and literary figures. These are the professions that are most suitable for people born in the year of the Monkey.

Each year has its own patron animal. The Year of the Goat (Sheep) has just replaced the Year of the Horse, and everyone is already interested in the next year, 2016. According to the eastern calendar, the next year will be Fire Monkey . Ninth sign Chinese horoscope characterized by variability of character and sudden changes in mood born under it. The previous year of the monkey was 2004, and the next year after 2016 will be 2028, every twelfth year there is a cycle of changing one sign.

Characteristics of the fire monkey

Temperament and emotions are combined with cunning and cunning. Those born in the year of the monkey will go towards their goal by any means. For this animal there is no morality, no constancy, mood changes are involuntary and can alternate with sadness, unbridled joy or anger within a few minutes.

Laughter, tears, depression, rage, melancholy, it's all about her. Emotions change, but the scope of action remains constant. In any mood, for the monkey the goal is above all else. She will remember it, strive to achieve it, to achieve more than she has, and persistently carry out her plans.

Intelligence and ingenuity, charm, universal love and magical attractiveness - all this allows the monkey to go through life easily, without holding evil or nostalgia for the past in his soul. A flexible and quick mind gives you an advantage when thinking about many decisions and tasks at the same time. Makes a good impression on the opponent, can easily insist on his own and win the interlocutor to his side. Takes advantage among other signs of the opposite sex and skillfully manipulates this.

Color, element and other signs of the 2016 year of the monkey

What color is our monkey? The answer is clear: it will be the year of the fire monkey. The exact change from the year of the Goat to the year of the Monkey occurs on February 16, 2016. Each year has its own characteristics color, element, zodiac sign and month. For the Monkey, the patroness, they are as follows:

  • color - red;
  • energy - yin;
  • month - July;
  • zodiac sign - Leo;
  • element - fire.

There are only five elements, unlike animals: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water. They change differently, for example, 2004 was the year of the wooden Monkey, and 2028 will be the year of the earthen one.

What awaits us in the year of the fire monkey

Each patron animal influences its year, strengthening some spheres of influence and weakening others. The symbol of 2016 promises us a lot positive emotions in almost all matters.

Professional activities

You can achieve something unprecedented in your work this year. career growth. Everything will be easy, your salary will increase, management will notice and appreciate it.

In addition to the main income, some additional source also promises material success.


Health will need to be monitored more closely than this year. There is a possibility of complications after illnesses, and the number of cases of injury will increase. Therefore, astrologers recommend taking up disease prevention now, starting a visit to a fitness club or gym, doing gymnastics, and getting into running. It should be remembered that treatment is much more expensive than disease prevention.

Social sphere

In the year of the fire Monkey, communication will be fine. Sociable, with easy character the animal will help people find new friends, it will be possible to regain former friendships, and establish relationships with distant relatives. This year you can unexpectedly fall in love and find your destiny.


Marriages that take place in the year of such an animal as the Monkey bring a lot of joy to the newlyweds. Stronger, less discord in the family, easy relationships without jealousy, good fertility. For married couples Those married under the sign of this animal are characterized by noisy quarrels that suddenly begin and just as suddenly end with a stormy reconciliation. They live in marriage for a long time, divorces occur less often than in other years.


For those who are organizing this year new project or decide to implement what has been planned for a long time, new horizons will open up. It's time to dare and bring ideas to life. The Monkey is the most reliable patron of those who want to radically change something in their life. This could be the start of construction of a new home, moving, changing jobs and much more.


Pregnancy at this time proceeds better than in other years, there are fewer complications, since the baby is already striving for life in the womb and is trying with all his might to help his mother. During these years, there are fewer premature babies, and babies with pathologies, especially of a mental nature, are born less often. If you want an active child with the makings of a genius, feel free to plan your pregnancy and give birth in the year of the monkey.


Children born in the year of the Monkey are distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence. About 60% of geniuses were born during the years under the patronage of this animal. A sharp mind, the ability to think analytically, and instant problem solving are all signs of a talented person. But they lack perseverance; excessive mobility interferes with their studies at school. If a child learns something, he does it “on the fly”; it’s difficult for him to delve into it for a long time.

Excessive mobility both helps and hinders. Such children need discipline and constant mental stress. For them, there is only first place; the desire for primacy arises from birth.

Horoscope for those born in these years

People born during the years under the patronage of this animal are more likely to become famous, influential and famous people . Such geniuses as Leonardo da Vinci, Gaius Julius Caesar, Dickens, Dumas fils, Jack London, Byron, Gauguin. Many scientists and politicians, illusion geniuses, directors, poets: Diaghilev, Harry Truman, Fellini, Omar Sharif, Houdini, Ian Fleming, Mick Jagger, Rozhdestvensky, Igor Kio, Chekhov, Elizabeth Taylor, Spinoza, Schopenhauer, as well as Rockefeller and the Pope John Paul II.

The list goes on and it will be very long. People of different mindsets, mathematical, analytical, creative, humanities and politics, economists and philosophical geniuses, in no other year has there been such a “starfall” of extraordinary people born, achieving success and recognition.

Popularity comes to the majority in more mature years, rarely achieves a lot in his youth. As a rule, young years are spent exploring the world, intensive study, sports, hobbies and aspirations to find oneself.

Especially a lot outstanding people born in the year of the Monkey, among businessmen and representatives of the creative intelligentsia.

Excellent leaders who achieve everything with their intelligence and ability to work are real workaholics, but everything comes easy to them, thanks to their exceptional intelligence and desire to achieve their goals.


Those born this year can lose everything overnight. Luck can turn away from them at any moment. You should not get carried away with alcohol and gambling, you should not get involved in dubious projects and be too trusting. It is necessary to restrain mood swings, emotional attacks and not follow the lead of all sudden desires. We also recommend reading horoscopes for 2016 for each zodiac sign.

If you limit yourself a little and restrain yourself, those born in the year of the Fire Monkey are guaranteed success.

Each year has its own patron animal. The Year of the Goat (Sheep) has just replaced the Year of the Horse, and everyone is already interested in the next year, 2016. According to the eastern calendar, the next year will be the year of the Fire Monkey. The ninth sign of the Chinese horoscope is characterized by the variability of character and sudden changes in mood born under it. The previous year of the monkey was 2004, and the next year after 2016 will be 2028, every twelfth year is a cycle of changing one sign.... Characteristics of the fire monkey Temperament and emotions are combined with cunning and deceit. Those born in the year of the monkey will go towards their goal by any means. For this animal there is no morality, no constancy, mood changes are involuntary and can alternate with sadness, unbridled joy or anger within a few minutes. Laughter, tears, depression, rage, melancholy, it's all about her. Emotions change, but the scope of action remains constant. In any mood, for the monkey the goal is above all else. She will remember it, strive to achieve it, to achieve more than she has, and persistently carry out her plans. Intelligence and ingenuity, charm, universal love and magical attractiveness - all this allows the monkey to go through life easily, without holding evil or nostalgia for the past in his soul. A flexible and quick mind gives you an advantage when thinking about many decisions and tasks at the same time. Makes a good impression on the opponent, can easily insist on his own and win the interlocutor to his side. Takes advantage among other signs of the opposite sex and skillfully manipulates this.... Color, element and other signs of 2016 monkeys What color is our monkey? The answer is clear - it will be the year of the fire monkey. The exact change from the year of the Goat to the year of the Monkey occurs on February 16, 2016. Each year has its own color, element, zodiac sign and month. For the Monkey, the patroness of 2016, they are as follows: color - red; energy - yin; month - July; zodiac sign - Leo; element - fire. There are only five elements, unlike animals: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water. They change differently, for example, 2004 was the year of the wooden Monkey, and 2028 will be the year of the earthen.... What awaits us in the year of the fire Monkey Each patron animal influences its year, strengthening some spheres of influence and weakening others. The symbol of 2016 promises us a lot of positive emotions in almost all matters. Professional activity In your work this year you can achieve unprecedented career growth. Everything will be easy, your salary will increase, management will notice and appreciate it. In addition to the main income, some additional source also promises material success. Health Health will need to be monitored more closely than this year. There is a possibility of complications after illnesses, and the number of cases of injury will increase. Therefore, astrologers recommend taking up disease prevention now, starting a visit to a fitness club or gym, doing gymnastics, and getting into running. It should be remembered that treatment is much more expensive than disease prevention. Social sphere In the year of the fire Monkey, communication will be fine. A sociable animal with an easy character will help people find new friends, they will be able to regain former friendships, and establish relationships with distant relatives. This year you can unexpectedly fall in love and find your destiny. Marriages Marriages that take place in the year of such an animal as the Monkey bring a lot of joy to the newlyweds. Stronger, less discord in the family, easy relationships without jealousy, good fertility. Married couples married under the sign of this animal are characterized by noisy quarrels that suddenly begin and just as suddenly end with a stormy reconciliation. They live in marriage for a long time, divorces occur less frequently than in other years. Prospects For those who this year organize a new project or decide to implement something long-planned, new horizons will open up. It's time to dare and bring ideas to life. The Monkey is the most reliable patron of those who want to radically change something in their life. This could be the start of construction of a new home, moving, changing jobs and much more. Pregnancy Pregnancy at this time proceeds better than in other years, there are fewer complications, since the baby is already striving for life in the womb and is trying with all his might to help the mother. During these years, there are fewer premature babies, and babies with pathologies, especially of a mental nature, are born less frequently. If you want an active child with the makings of a genius, feel free to plan your pregnancy and give birth in the year of the monkey. Newborns Children born in the year of the Monkey are distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence. About 60% of geniuses were born during the years under the patronage of this animal. A sharp mind, the ability to think analytically, and instant problem solving are all signs of a talented person. But they lack perseverance; excessive mobility interferes with their studies at school. If a child learns something, he does it “on the fly”; it’s difficult for him to delve into it for a long time. Excessive mobility both helps and hinders. Such children need discipline and constant mental stress. For them, there is only the first place, the desire for primacy arises from birth.... Horoscope for those born in these years People born in the years of the patronage of this animal more often become famous, influential and famous people. Such geniuses as Leonardo da Vinci, Gaius Julius Caesar, Dickens, Dumas fils, Jack London, Byron, Gauguin. Many scientists and politicians, illusion geniuses, directors, poets: Diaghilev, Harry Truman, Fellini, Omar Sharif, Houdini, Ian Fleming, Mick Jagger, Rozhdestvensky, Igor Kio, Chekhov, Elizabeth Taylor, Spinoza, Schopenhauer, as well as Rockefeller and the Pope John Paul II. The list goes on and it will be very long. People of different mindsets, mathematical, analytical, creative, humanities and politics, economists and philosophical geniuses, in no other year has there been such a “starfall” of extraordinary people born, achieving success and recognition. Popularity comes to the majority in more mature years; rarely does anyone achieve much in their youth. As a rule, young years are spent exploring the world, intensive study, sports, hobbies and aspirations to find oneself. There are especially many outstanding people born in the year of the Monkey, among businessmen and representatives of the creative intelligentsia. Excellent leaders who achieve everything with their intelligence and ability to work are real workaholics, but everything comes easy to them, thanks to their exceptional intelligence and desire to achieve their goals. Warning Those born this year can lose everything overnight. Luck can turn away from them at any moment. You should not get carried away with alcohol and gambling, you should not get involved in dubious projects and be too trusting. It is necessary to restrain mood swings, emotional attacks and not follow the lead of all sudden desires. If you limit yourself a little and hold back, those born in the year of the Fire Monkey are guaranteed success.... Read more.

No one can know for sure what the future holds. Even those who call themselves psychics and predictors can make mistakes. But to lift the veil of secrecy to look into the next year, to the common man You can if you find out which animal’s year is 2016 according to the horoscope. The Eastern calendar has prepared a meeting with the Red Fire Monkey for everyone.

General characteristics of the year

It cannot be said that 2016 is an easy year, because it is a leap year. And according to signs, this is a very difficult period for everyone. So, in 2016 it is not recommended:

  • marry,
  • divorce,
  • start building a house (dacha, barn and even a bathhouse),
  • move to new place of residence,
  • invest in something large sums money.

All these signs have nothing to do directly with eastern horoscope, but give a description of the year itself. And what exactly can you expect from the hostess of 2016 according to the Chinese calendar?


From what the monkey is like in itself, we can conclude what its year will bring to all signs.

Since this animal is careless and, in a sense, frivolous, this quality cannot but affect its health. Most people in 2016 will begin to put off going to the doctor, thereby complicating their health situation.

However, other qualities of primates - dexterity and ingenuity - will make it possible to “outwit” diseases and emerge victorious in the fight against them if people begin to show resourcefulness, perseverance and ingenuity.


What year is 2016 according to the horoscope and how will it affect love front for all signs?

  1. Since at the very beginning of the reign of the Monkey from all the planets greatest influence will have Saturn, then there is no need to expect any new and strong connections. There will be acquaintances, but it’s unlikely that anything worthwhile will come of them.
  2. Closer to the middle of the year, the situation will change (precisely because the planets will be positioned differently), but this will not affect the overall picture, but the subjective component - people will become more open and sincere, which will allow them to let real feelings into their hearts.
  3. The third part of the year is not favorable to making new acquaintances, but it is a great time to strengthen existing connections. Those who are legally married will (or should become) be especially attentive to each other during this period. If you do not pay due attention to your half at this time, then there is a risk of pushing her to betrayal, because just in the third period of the Monkey’s reign, loving, but not the most permanent, individuals become active.

You also need to remember that the monkey never forgets about himself, so you will have to love yourself first of all.

Finance and career

The gambling inherent in a monkey can play a cruel joke on anyone, even the most inveterate skeptics. Therefore, the horoscope warns representatives of all signs to be vigilant and, if possible, not to succumb to the temptation to invest money in dubious enterprises. You can try to appease the obstinate housewife at the very beginning of the year by decorating it correctly.

For those who want to achieve career success in 2016, keywords should become:

  • hard work,
  • intuition,
  • cunning,
  • teamwork.

If you need to take any financial risks to expand your business, then you should wait until the second half of the year.

2016 for each sign according to the eastern calendar

To find out what 2016 will be like for a particular sign according to the eastern horoscope, you need to turn to their compatibility with the Monkey:

  1. Rat. The similarity between the Rat and the Monkey can play a cruel joke on them, because they are both leaders by nature. Therefore, the main quality for the Rat in the coming year should be perseverance and confidence.
  2. Bull. He's not the best best friend for a monkey, so representatives of this sign need to be attentive and careful. But the Ox will be helped by his strength. And it’s unlikely that anything or anyone can stop him.
  3. Tiger. Lucky - this can be said about representatives of the Tiger sign in 2016, even if they themselves do not think so. Tigers must be prepared for the most unexpected turns in their lives.
  4. Rabbit/Cat. A comfortable year awaits the representatives of this sign if they don’t act weird and remain themselves.
  5. Dragon. This is the favorite of the Monkey, and if the self-confidence of the representatives of the Dragon sign does not develop into self-confidence, then everything in life will turn out well.
  6. Snake. Both snakes and monkeys are quite cunning animals. The outcome of their confrontation will depend on how the Snake behaves and whether it can adapt to the circumstances that will be offered to it.
  7. Horse. The monkey is indifferent to her. But how to react to this is a personal matter for the Horse. She will worry about this - the year will be difficult, she will perceive it as a gift - she will be able to change a lot.
  8. Goat. The daydreaming of Goats and their not entirely realistic view of things can hinder them. If the Goat calls a spade a spade and has no illusions, then everything will work out well for her in 2016.
  9. Monkey. In the year of their name, Monkeys can relax and let everything take its course. This does not mean that everything will turn out well, it just turns out that even negative things will be for the better.
  10. Rooster. The Monkey does not like the Rooster, but he must stand his ground. This is the only way something worthwhile can come out.
  11. Dog. This is not to say that 2016 will be easy for Dogs. But hard work and perseverance will bring results.
  12. Boar. The Year of the Monkey will not bring problems for Pig. But it will be difficult to concentrate when everything is going so well.

All signs need to understand that primates are very capricious. And what they demanded yesterday may not bring results today. Only by sensitively feeling the situation can you achieve success.

What's the Zodiac cooking?

Not only what year a person was born will affect his life in 2016, but also what sign he was born under. What is the horoscope for 2016 according to zodiac signs?

  1. Water. Pisces and Scorpios have a chance to dramatically change their lives during the “rule” of the Fire Monkey; they have enough strength, energy, and most importantly, motivation to do this. But Cancers will have to stand their ground - this is the only path to success for them.
  2. Air. This is a wonderful period for Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. Aquarians will be able to show their creativity to the fullest, Gemini will become more confident, and Libra will finally be able to enjoy the results of their labor.
  3. Earth. The Monkey requires extreme composure from Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus, but this will not be difficult, because such signs have everything not to get confused in a difficult situation.
  4. Fire. A little more, a little more - this is the motto of Sagittarius, Aries and Leo. Sincerity and attentive attitude towards yourself and your desires will help you take a step towards ultimate success in all your endeavors.

In general, it is difficult to say what the next year will be like; according to the 2016 horoscope, it promises one thing, but in reality it may turn out to be completely different. So it is best to adhere to the golden rule “trust, but verify” and not rely entirely on the stars, but believe in your own strength.

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