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Is a rare name for a child a sign of parental pride? What is the name of Eve baptized in Orthodoxy

The name Eva is one of the most famous female names in the world. According to the Abrahamic religions, which include all branches of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, the name Eve is the name of the first woman in the Old Testament world.

From Hebrew, the name Eve (written as חוה‎, pronounced as Chava) is translated as "giving life", and if so, then we can safely say that Eve's name means "giving life". However, in the context, the name Eve can be translated as "naughty" or "mobile". Like many other names that come from the Bible, the name Eve can have several meanings.

The familiar sound of the name Eve in other languages ​​sounds completely different. In the Czech Republic and Poland, the name Eva is pronounced as Eva, and in the UK as Iva. The closest pronunciation of the name Eve in Georgia to the original source is Khava.

The name Eva is also short form a large number of other names. These are the names of Eugene, Evangelina, Evelina, Evdokia and many others.

The meaning of the name Eva for a girl

Eva grows up as a cheerful and active girl. No wonder the name is translated, including as mischievous. This imposes certain obligations on parents. With little Eva, you need to walk a lot on the street, and as you grow up, it is best to direct this activity in a positive direction. Eva enjoys attending all kinds of circles, but often changes them.

Eva studies well, but she takes her studies calmly. She does not have the desire to be the best in the class. Studying for Eva is not a tool for self-realization. Eva is successful in all subjects, but she will definitely have a few favorite disciplines.

The girl grows up in good health. She rarely gets sick, which is facilitated by her love of physical education. However, in adolescence parents should pay attention to the child's diet. Often, getting carried away, she forgets to eat, which in the future can negatively affect the digestive system.

Short name Eva

Evka, Eva, Yves, Willow, Ivvy, Efa, Efi.

Diminutive names

Evochka, Evushka, Evonka, Evusik, Evunya, Evusha, Evulya, Evita.

Name Eva in English

IN English language the name Eva is spelled Eva, but reads Willow.

Eva name for passport-EVA.

Translation of the name Eve into other languages

in Azerbaijani - Həvva
in Arabic - إيفا‎‎
in Armenian - Եվա (Eve)
in Belarusian - Eva
in Bulgarian - Eva
in Greek - Εύα
in Hebrew - אווה‎
in Spanish - Eva
in Italian - Eva
in Chinese - 伊娃
in Latin - Eva
in German - Eva
in Polish - Eva
in Romanian - Eva
in Serbian - Eva
in Slovenian - Eve
in Ukrainian - ЄVA
in Finnish - Eeva
in French - Eve
in Czech - Eva
in Japanese - イブ

Church name Eva(V Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Eve. Eve can be baptized under her worldly name at baptism, but she can also change her name.

Characteristics of the name Eva

If the characteristic of Eve in childhood is active, then at an older age she can rather be called hardworking. She is still mobile and cheerful, but most of her energy is spent on various useful things. Eva is an adult self-sufficient person. She does not need listeners, in the form of girlfriends. She's very good at judging herself. life situations and knows what is good and what is bad. Because of this, I often consider her secretive and self-confident.

Eva is a winner by nature and is ready to work hard to win. She has strong willed qualities, which helps Eve a lot in life. Sometimes tired of easy victories, she herself begins to look for more difficult and interesting tasks. Eve's defeat is extremely difficult. She temporarily loses the strength to do anything and it is treated only with time. The task of relatives is to support Eve.

Eva loves to work, but she loves work, where there is a place for a real life feat, otherwise she will get bored. If Eva did not give her best at work, then she believes that she worked dishonestly. But this does not mean that Eve will do stupid pointless work, do not underestimate her. Eve can make a great leader. By her example, she will charge the team with confidence in the success.

Well, the most important calling in Eva's life is a family. In her priorities, the family is the most important and the most important. Eva is a born mother and a wonderful wife, but not every man can live next to her. Her activity and diligence cause in some men dumbfounded and even fear. It is not surprising that, feeling this well, Eva is in no hurry to get married and chooses a mate for a long time to start a family. She simply will not be able to love such a man, no matter how hard he tries.

The secret of the name Eva

One of the secrets of the name Eva can be called her wonderful intuition. Eva is not a fan of sharing her inner experiences anyway, and she considers intuitive sensations to be completely personal. Therefore, her intuitive abilities remain a mystery to many. Those around her, trying in every possible way to influence her, often do not understand that Eva clearly sees their thoughts and motives.

The second secret of Eve can be called her vulnerability. She does not know how to defend herself at all and is very worried about aggression from other people. Here Eva needs support and protection from loved ones and, best of all, from a man. Such a man for little Eve can be a dad or brother, and for an adult - a husband.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- Aries.

totem animal- Lan.

Name color- Red.

Tree- Date palm.

Plant- Magnolia.

Stone- Rubin.

Adam gave the name Eve to his wife after Gre-ho-pa-de-nia. Eve would co-create from the ribs of Adam during his sleep: "and put God from stepping on Adam, and succeed, and take one from his ribs and use full flesh instead of him. And Adam said: behold, now the bone is from my bones and the flesh is from my flesh, this was taken of its own" ().

Eve is the great-mother of the human-lo-ve-che-th-ro-yes, the great-ro-di-tel-ni-tsa of all living things. The flattered dia-vo-crowd in the form of a snake, Eve on-ru-shi-la for-after all, God - taste-si-la for-for-forbidden fruit and slope -la to that and Ada-ma: "and see-de-on, as if it were good wood for food and as it pleases, but eyes-ma vi-de-ti and there is red, hedgehog ra -zu-me-ti, and take it from the fruit of its poison, and give it to my husband with my own battle, and poison-hundred "(). For pre-stup-le-ni-em after-to-wa-lo on-ka-for-nie - from exile from paradise and damnation. He entered the si-lu for the birth-da-e-mo-sti and death. The first people would have been co-created by God immortal-us-and we-would-have-been-for-eternal-bliss-we-we-ness, and the method of multiplication, like that of animals, was not given at the same time. And did Adam and Eve only know well. Come out of listening to God, if they knew evil - moving away from God, and did they suffer spiritual death, death-we-we became-whether and their bodies. But the Lord, according to His-e-mu-lo-ser-dia, gave the great-ro-di-te-lyam both something-va-nie: se-me-we rub off the head of the serpent. This both-va-nie became the first-in-van-ge-li-em, for it is magically-foretelling-sy-va-lo about Spa-si-te- le mi-ra, Someone is born from Zhe-na - Pris-no-de-you of Ma-ria, New Eve, and His Cross Death and Resurrection -se-ni-em abolishes the power of dia-vo-la, and ve-li-kai na-dezh-yes-la all-le-na in the hearts of people.

Expelled from paradise, Adam wept much more than weeping that he had lost his dominion in the world and, having lost his royal pre- hundred-in-stvo, became a slave. Great was the cry of Adam, and then, when, by the inspiration of the dia-vo-la, Ka-in killed Ave-la, his brother.

The disease of sin has become an inescapable part of the souls of human beings, pe-re-yes-va-e-mine from the fathers of the children. If the first man-lo-age was co-created in the manner and in the way of God, then about the offspring of Adam, people born -my, chi-ta-em in the Bible: Adam gave birth to a son according to his own way and according to his own way ( ). And the offspring of the sinful went, and became-la on-se-lyat-sya earth-la people, having-u-schi-mi sickness of the soul. But both of God's things, pro-from-not-sen-noe still in paradise, were kept in the hearts of Adam-ma: che-lo-ve-che -stvo waited for Spa-si-te-la mi-ra.


Prayer to the holy forefathers Adam and Eve

To you, our progenitor, O Adam and Evo, we resort, your weak child. Look graciously at us from the height of your heavenly glory and wake up our helpers in temptations and temptations, from the enemy of the human race arriving to us. Even if you were seduced by the ancient flattering verbs of the serpent and lost paradise of sweetness, both remain the rest of your earthly life in repentance and contrition for your foolishness, and so condescending in the abode of sorrow. In the last days, the Promised One came, to crush the power of the prince of this world. Before His saving sufferings, He sent to the departed the belly of this preacher of repentance, who was His forerunner on earth and in the underworld of the earth. But you will gladly listen to these words, understanding, as if speaking about your Seed. For a little while, hell shook and grieved, for the Destroyer of hell came down. Grieve hell, for it has been abolished, grieve, for it has been desecrated, grieve, for it has died, grieve, for it has been bound. But you rejoice and grow up in spirit, seeing your Redeemer, who came from you according to the flesh, while God is without beginning and coexistent with the Father. For now, vouchsafe us this earthly and much-sorrowful life in repentance, and in the future life see the Savior of our souls and our Lord Jesus Christ, He, with the Father and the Spirit, deserves honor and worship now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

The meaning of the name Eve, of course, will interest many of the fairer sex, because that was the name of our single biblical ancestor. What secret does it hide? Will its owners be happy and does the meaning of the name Eva affect the character of the girl?

What does the name Eva mean?

Name Eve: meaning for a child

In childhood, this is a sweet, kind, dreamy child, who, however, likes to be stubborn and play pranks. The girl is very mobile, which imposes certain obligations on her parents. The baby needs an eye and an eye, and when she grows up a little, her energy should be directed in the right direction. Eva is a name for a girl with many talents. She sings well, is flexible enough to do gymnastics or dancing, and can compose poetry. Eva studies mediocrely. She does not try to be the best in the class and prove her superiority to anyone. "As it will be, so it will be" - this is the principle by which Eve lives. In the character of the girl there is some mystery, mysticism. She loves various stories about magicians, psychics. She invents some events on her own, and tells them so realistically that she herself eventually believes in them. Eva is a very athletic girl. She likes skiing, swimming, hiking.

Mystery of the name

What is mysterious about Eve? The secret of the name manifests itself already in the teenage years of the girl. One of them is her intuition. Eva is a secretive girl, she does not like to share her experiences with anyone, especially if this manifests itself only at the subconscious level. That is why her amazing abilities go unnoticed.

What else is special about Eve? The secret of the name lies in the vulnerability of the girl. She absolutely cannot defend herself and does not tolerate aggression from people she knows. Eva really needs the support of relatives, especially men. The best protector for little Eve is the father or older brother, at an older age - the husband.

Name characteristic

The main character trait that distinguishes the adult Eve is incredible sensuality. However, along with this, there is also jealousy, sometimes completely groundless. Despite this, there is no shortage of men. Moreover, the fans do not give her a pass, so the girl can choose as much as she wants. Of course, in the character of Eve there are many positive qualities. First of all, it is romance, kindness. The girl is diplomatic, in any situation she tries to find a compromise. However, he does not forget about his own interests.

Unfortunately, the girl also has negative character traits. She believes that everything in the world will work out by itself and she can only go with the flow and collect bonuses. Eve is completely unable to concentrate and somehow act in difficult situations. However, sometimes her passivity helps her get dry from the most difficult alterations.

Eva, as a rule, is very decent, which she requires from others. The girl is ethical by nature, strictly follows the rules of morality. She is responsive, but if she believes that a person can cope without her help, she can show firmness. Eva loves animals very much. In a fit of tenderness, he can bring home a homeless animal picked up on the street and faithfully care for him.

As friends, Eva prefers educated people with good manners. She does not like advisers and plans all her undertakings herself, without relying on anyone. Despite this, the girl turns out to be a very grateful person and tries to repay any service rendered in the same way. Eve's quarrels with friends may arise due to her inconstancy and unwillingness to fulfill some promises.

Eva: full name and shortened version

  • Evushka, Evochka, Evulya, Evusik, Evita, Evusha is a diminutive name.
  • Efi, Yves, Efa - an abbreviated version.
  • Eve - full name.


By nature, Eva is a careerist, but she can not find herself in all areas. As a rule, the girl has the greatest inclination towards medicine, pedagogy, and philology. As a boss, Eva can prove herself in an administrative position, as a subordinate girl she is very attentive and diligent. In the professional field, it is better for a girl to pay attention to work that makes it possible to learn something new. It can come out of it good journalist, writer, circus worker, choreographer, advertising designer, translator.


Consistent, prudent in business, in love, Eve is the complete opposite. She is vulnerable and vulnerable. The girl is hard going through any insults, especially she will not tolerate betrayal. Eve likes to be surprised, gives preference to partners who have a passionate, fiery nature. In a society of rationals and "crackers" the girl is bored and feels insecure. Sexual relations play a very important role for Eve. She herself is very inventive and happy in bed if she can deliver unearthly pleasure to her partner. Prolonged abstinence can make her character excessively quick-tempered, sometimes even unbearable. However, despite its sensuality, the moral side wins. Sexual intercourse before marriage for a girl is an exception to the rule and is almost impossible.


The family is of particular importance to the girl. The name Eva left an imprint on the fate of its owner. A woman will not tolerate betrayal, but she herself will always be faithful to her husband. However, despite the fact that Eva is a wonderful wife, not every man can get along with her. This is influenced by her diligence and activity, which sometimes frighten the representatives of the opposite sex. Eva feels their fear and therefore is in no hurry to connect her fate with them, choosing a mate for a long time. Eva's first marriage is usually unhappy. Often, mother-in-laws are to blame for this, with whom the girl has a strained relationship.

Eva values ​​her family very much. She knows how to create comfort, cooks well, but rarely quits her career because of her family. The maximum that a girl is capable of is to take a break during the birth of a child. If it so happens that Eve will raise a child alone, then she will do everything for him, but with age she will require the same attitude towards herself. In her advanced years, Eva becomes despotic and tough.

Name Compatibility

A strong marriage with Eva can develop with Eugene, Maxim, Alexei, Vitaly, Konstantin.

Eves, born in winter, are contradictory and quarrelsome, give birth, as a rule, to sons. "Summer" owners of the name, on the contrary, have a soft character, are attentive to loved ones, have daughters. Those born in the autumn period are patient, easily forgive insults. "Spring" Eves are intellectually developed, have a swift character.

Eva is a kind girl. She looks more like her father than her mother. Having matured, Eva becomes principled and persistent. At the same time, Eva is very sensitive and impressionable. She is also unpredictable. It is not known what to expect from her and what surprise she can present. Eva is quite jealous, which causes her to have frequent conflicts with her boyfriend.

Eva chooses a husband who is similar to herself, with strong character. Eva does not like softness and tenderness in men. The search for a future husband can drag on for Eve for a long time. Often she is left alone. But if, nevertheless, Eva got married, she becomes a good housewife who cooks well, maintains order in the house and brings up children. Eva loves to be in society. Her house is always full of guests. Eva has many friends who are with her throughout her life.

Fate: A woman named Eva has a strong-willed character, which is complemented by the ability to control herself in any situation. She has such qualities as poise, restraint, perseverance and attentiveness.

Eve Angel Day

From the Hebrew language - the giver of life. “And Adam called his wife's name Eve, for she became the mother of all living” (Genesis 3:20). The name comes from Jewish name Havva, which means "life, living". Corresponds to the Slavic Zhivee, personifying life.

In terms of its sound energy, Eva is a slightly chilly name, but groovy and purposeful. The idea of ​​“original sin” also plays a significant role, and due to the small distribution of this name in Russia, such a connection can be traced quite clearly, leaving a certain imprint on the character of Eve. No, this does not mean at all that modern Eve will be a copy of the legendary foremother of mankind, however, the ambiguity of this biblical image and the interest in this issue that has not cooled over the centuries testify to its importance. In addition, this idea resonates well with the general energy of the name.

Indeed, in the name there is a sensual aspiration, activity, perhaps even passion, but at the same time a certain lack of softness makes the name somewhat cold. Isn't it very similar to the biblical tradition, when the passion for "eating erotic apples" turns into anxiety, and then the coldness of expulsion from a happy paradise? In addition to everything Eve herself, these thoughts will come to mind at an early age, and first impressions, as you know, are most profound.

When it comes to love, its inherent logic and rationality recede into the background. Now she is an affectionate, gentle, cheerful woman, she will never get bored with her. As a life partner, Eva most often chooses a man with the same character and temperament as hers. She does not tolerate cold partners next to her. She will not marry until she finds a man who would fully correspond to her ideals. It often happens that Eve's first marriage may not be entirely successful.

In the family, she is the head, but she exercises this leadership tactfully. A woman with that name is a wonderful hospitable hostess and an excellent culinary specialist who will delight not only her family, but also guests with her edible masterpieces. From this, the husband is constantly crazy about his wife. Usually family life Eve always brings her happiness and lasts long years. However, she does not want to live with her mother-in-law and tries to build a family nest outside her husband's parental home.

My niece was named Eva, she was born on January 4th. This is the day of memory of Anastasia the Solver. The mother of the child was categorically opposed to naming her daughter Anastasia. She insisted on naming her daughter Eva. In the Saints it appears that the day of memory of the fore-mother Eve is on the Week of the Forefathers (2 weeks before the Nativity of Christ) (unfortunately, I don’t know exactly what this means - the Week of the Forefathers?), i.e. according to the Saints, the name Eve still suits her. We baptized Eva on August 27, on this day deliberately. This is the day of memory of the New Martyr of Russia - the Great Martyr Eva (Pavlova). Is it correct to assume that her heavenly patron is the VMC. Eva (Pavlova)? And where can I get her life? Where can I find out if the icon is painted with its face? We have an icon depicting the foremother Eve, can the foremother Eve also be considered the Heavenly patron of my goddaughter Eve?


Victoria, Canada

Dear Faith, the heavenly patron of a person in the proper sense is one saint, in whose name this person is named in the sacrament of Baptism. Therefore, if the girl was baptized in the name of the new martyr - still not the great martyr, that's for sure - Eva Pavlova, then she should be revered as her heavenly patroness. Most full assembly The biographies of the New Martyrs are books published by Abbot Damaskin (Orlovsky). Collections are also published on a territorial basis - the lives of the New Martyrs who labored in a particular diocese. As for the painting of icons of the new martyrs, even if you cannot find an individual icon, there are so-called common orders for painting saints, according to the face of the saints: there is a common icon of a martyr, a common icon of a saint, a common icon of a saint.

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