Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

A funny New Year's corporate party with Russian grandmothers! Analytical report for the year. Sketch “New Russian grandmothers

Summary: A sketch about three old women and their grandchildren, one became a businessman, the second a scientist, and the third a believer.

The action takes place at the home of one of the old women.

Well, Matryona, open up,
Treat me to some tea or something!

Two old women come to visit the third.

Hello, hello, how are you?
Life is almost over!
You've grown old, my friend,
You are already quite an old lady!

And you're not the same anymore
Yes, the years take their toll!
It’s already two thousand ten years,
We need to re-weigh the calendar.

What are you, what are you! God be with you!
Today is a different year!

1 and 2 together:
Twenty eleven!

Oh! Oh! Oh, what a disaster!
And where do the years go!?

And it used to be that when we were young, we would sit down in the evening,
Candles thin light
It will illuminate us and we will sing,
And now we don’t live like that...
Here is my grandson who distinguished himself:
He's in America now
There he got all rich
You, Matryonushka, believe me:
Two cars or four,
And the frock coat is not like that.
He goes to the gym to lift weights,
Wears a gold ring!
He doesn’t eat cabbage soup or potatoes -
Hamburgers, soda!
And lives on the Avenue...
Well, yours was a little boy
Very smart guy...

I already graduated from four institutes in the summer,
Smart passion, ah…. I don't understand anything about this..
He keeps telling me one thing:
What's a window without plastic?
That the stove is outdated.
He says there are no plates! (surprised)
Where do I pour the soup?
Not on the plate? Would you like some tea? (offers tea)
Yes, I, girls, darkness...
Well, what about you Daryusha?
I'm completely upset!
Tell me about your...

Oh, my friends, you have
Grandchildren are in first grade! (confused)
And my Vanechka is worthless,
He's not at all fashionable!
He began to attend church! (whisper)
Can't stop praying!

Everyone with horror: Oh, oh!

Everything is strange there: there are no icons! (whisper)
No candles, different law!
Everyone is singing together there!
And they don’t know prayers at all!

Everyone with horror: Oh, oh!

At this time, the grandson of the 1st old woman comes in. Businessman from America, dressed in latest fashion in hand there is a bag with a broom.

1st grandson:
Well, Grandma, Happy New Year!
Here's an overseas gift for you!

(holds out the bag, grandma takes the fruit from the bag in surprise)

Thank you, dear!
Come in, sit down, dear.
Pour some tea or something,
Tell us about the State region.

1st grandson:
I can not…
There's a lot of things to do these days,
We are celebrating the New Year!
I need to see all my friends
Not to offend anyone.
Be healthy, don't be bored,
I went: business. Be there!

The grandson leaves.

Grandmother examines the broom.

What kind of strange fruit is this?
Like apples, the current is big!?

And I girls know something (joyfully, remembering)
What kind of fruit is this?
This, girls, is POMELO! (with emphasis on the last syllable)
It has arrived from across the sea!

The old lady puts it back in the bag

I then...
I'll tidy it up for now...
(quietly to myself)
The piglets eat everything
I will treat them!

There is a knock on the door and the second grandson, a scientist, comes in.

2nd grandson:
Congratulations, woman!
And I give you, lovingly,
The laptop is almost new.
Everything is ready for work:
Here is the modem, here is the mouse, here is Skype,
Well, grandma, don’t be boring!

The grandson quickly leaves.

What is this strange thing?
It might come in handy.
But for now it's of little use,
I'll put it on the shelf!

There is a knock on the door, the third grandson, a believer, comes in and hugs his grandmother.

3rd grandson:
Happy New Year!
And I wish you good health!
May the Lord protect you all!
May he give you more strength!
Here's a shawl for you, grandma,
You're sick - it's a pity.
Put it on your shoulders -
You will feel better immediately!

He throws a shawl over Grandma’s shoulders and hugs her again. Grandma is overjoyed with happiness.

1st and 2nd together in admiration:
That's how the grandson pleased me,
I gave you this shawl!
Hugs so lovingly
God bless him!

3rd grandson:
Do you want us to read it?
Are we talking about the Lord Christ?
How he suffered on the cross,
How he resurrected and how he walked
Together He and his disciples
As He taught the people in the temple,
How he loved all people
He healed those who asked!
How He was born in a stable,
Not in a dream, but in reality!

The grandmothers nod in approval, the grandson takes out the Bible and begins to read. "In the beginning was the Word..."

1st, 2nd and 3rd together in a whisper:
We'll go to church tomorrow
Together we will sing there,
Hush, hush, let him read,
We will learn about the Lord!


Grandmothers Dunya and Glasha, Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden

Two women with packages tied with blue and pink ribbons run into the hall from different entrances.

And they sing ditties:

We walk through the village, we walk through the village, handing out gifts to everyone!

Some have a son, some have a daughter, on New Year's Eve, the men need to help! (2 times)

Don't kiss my hickey, don't kiss my hickey, I'm not the Mother of God.

All the same, Jesus Christ, all the same, Jesus Christ will not be born from you. (2 times)

In my hayloft, in my hayloft all the grass is crushed-ah-ah!

It's not a horse, it's not a cow, it's not a horse, it's not a cow, but damned love. (2 times)

A star fell from the sky, a star fell from the sky right into my dear's pants,

Let whatever burns there, let whatever burns there, as long as there is no war! (2 times)

We walked through the village, we walked through the village, we delivered gifts to everyone!

Some have a son, some have a daughter, some have twins this night, we need to help the Motherland! (2 times)


Why are we sitting, why are we looking, come to us quickly, right with your daughters and sons, we will hug, kiss, and say hello!!! And don't forget to bring glasses of champagne! Dunya and Glasha have arrived!

All guests come out from behind their tables with glasses and packages onto the stage. Dunya and Glasha hug and kiss everyone with their bright red lips, leaving a mark on their cheek. New Year's music is turned on. All the guests clink their glasses in a large circle and loudly shout “Happy New Year!” “And at this moment, to the sound of a sleigh with horses and bells, Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall. Greet guests and congratulate you on the New Year!

And suddenly catchy New Year's music sounds (Disco Accident, for example) and Father Frost starts dancing, the Snow Maiden picks him up, and the Grandmothers organize all the guests in a large circle. The hosts bring one or two guests into the center of the circle and dance with them. Afterwards, all guests go to the tables and raise their glasses in unison!


Well, you're right on time. I can check my watch by you... I didn’t even have to call you...

Father Frost:

This is all my dear wife, Winter, keeping track of time. He looks with all his eyes at where to bring sparkling winter beauty, where to wrap him in snow, and where to let in a blizzard and a blizzard. Yes, he has time to equip me everywhere!

Snow Maiden:

Hey Grandma Winter! A real hostess!


Yeah, I already felt with all parts of my body how winter was wrapping itself up...


What kind of stove do you have behind you, wow, Glashka?


What there is, that is, thank God, there is something to take on, unlike some...

Father Frost:

Why are there so many newborns, both boys and girls, in our hall??? This is the first time I’ve seen this... (scratching the back of his head in bewilderment)


So this is what we gave everyone for happiness in the New Year!

Snow Maiden:

Now what should we do with them at the New Year’s corporate party?


Let the little ones sleep, and I ask the happy fathers and mothers to go to the school of motherhood and fatherhood?

Competition "New Year's Maternity Hospital"

Valeria's song “Magic House” is playing (about the maternity hospital)

All guests with packages are divided into pairs of mom and dad. Moms and babies stand opposite dads in one line at a distance of 2-3 meters. Dads are given questions on pieces of paper. New fathers need to imagine themselves under the windows of the maternity hospital, and mothers need to imagine themselves behind soundproof windows. At the same time, mothers rock their child outside the window, kiss him, and show him to dads. Dads shout their questions, you can also ask additional questions, and mothers must answer them with gestures. The couple must show their most exuberant acting skills. The most original parents win and receive prizes from Santa Claus's bag.

Questions may be: so who was born in our country, are you at least New Year I met there how much she weighs, and the neighbors in the ward don’t offend, the doctors are at least sober, or everyone is celebrating New Year, there’s a bill for the rent, when are you going to check out, I don’t know how to pay, and when they took away the Christmas tree for a long time, they took you away for a long time, there at least you they are feeding me, today I can drink beer with my friends, what shall we call our child, but Santa Claus was not at the birth???

Father Frost:

I definitely wasn’t present at the birth... That’s not my purpose.

Snow Maiden:

And I adore babies, let me go feed them.

He takes the kids from all the couples and takes them out of the hall.


How happy everyone is! Right to tears (sobs upset)


Why are you Glafira? Completely despondent. What do you need to be happy?


And I want my soul to unfold. I want to waltz for the last time in my life, like 40 years ago when I was a bride...


Sings “When the bride is young and pretty...”

Father Frost:

There will be a gentleman in the hall who will make our Glashenka happy! Come on, darling, help me out! (a man comes out)


It's not fair. I also want a gentleman, to shake off the old days.

Father Frost:

What a drive... My wife doesn’t dance like that... I’ll definitely teach her!

Snow Maiden:

Grannies, how are you feeling? Everything is fine?


This is what I gave! I didn’t even expect such passion from myself... I switched!


You know, something just jumped in my stomach when they turned on Cha-cha-cha. What a skirt, what complexes... There is still gunpowder in the flasks!

Snow Maiden:

You showed yourself in all your glory here! Let's look at our beauties in the hall. Every woman will like this competition because it is a fashion show.

Father Frost:

Wow! I'll be happy to take a look and admire it!

10-15 participants are invited.

Competition "Fashion Show"

The music is not very loud!!! The Snow Maiden shows the participants how to move. The ladies take turns walking down the catwalk, posing as models.

Grandmas comment into microphones about each lady on the podium and come up with a title for her (socialite, prankster, tigress, curly Sue, cutie, priestess, heartbreaker, cheat). At the same time, they manage to run up to each one, correct, guide, and make fun of each person in case of humorous need. And Father Frost and the Snow Maiden reward the contestants with medals with inscriptions.

Father Frost:

How did you get here, Dunya, Glasha?

The grandmothers take turns singing one line at a time to the backing track:

“Wait the locomotive, don’t knock the wheels, the conductor press the brakes...

We need to go out, dear, because they are already waiting for us.

And it’s time to celebrate the New Year!”

Father Frost:

By train, that is! Let's see what carriages our guests traveled in?

Competition "New Year's Duet-Karaoke"

Grandmothers go into the hall and choose 3 men and 3 women. They are given three songs to choose from. Each couple chooses one. The couple performs a Karaoke song with New Year's artistry. The most original couple wins and receives a prize - a bottle of champagne and a box of chocolates.

Snow Maiden:

But tell me, dear guests, did everyone come with their husbands and wives? Raise a hand. And now those who came with their beloved woman-man?

Father Frost:

Sometimes you can leave your wife at home, this is a New Year's corporate party?

Snow Maiden:

Or maybe you don’t even need to take a husband... To distract yourself...


Listen, friend, how is your hubby doing, what is he doing?


What, what? Now he hammers, now he solders, and he backs it all up with choice words... Ugh... infection!



This is what you gave away to Glashka, I’m really interested in it! Look how many men have gathered here, let's check it out?

Competition "Ideal Husband"



And I liked to twist and turn my nose, everyone turned out to be such a noble person. You know that the length of a man’s nose says a lot...

Snow Maiden:

And I want love to come to me this year!


What are you thinking about, you will melt from the friction...


And no one forbade love! Can we start already?

Snow Maiden:

What, right here?

Father Frost:

Of course here, and right now! Love is already here. Come out honest people, we will receive love! To each his due.

All guests come out to the hosts and stand in a large circle (male-female). To the music, guests need to kiss as erotically as possible, but not with their lips, but with their ears, bellies, backs, legs, arms, necks, butts... Grandmas help with this. For the Snow Maiden, choose 3 different gentlemen in the center of the circle.

At this moment, confetti rains down, fireworks burn and all the guests light sparklers.

Summon Father Frost and Snow Maiden.


The scenario is perfect for a celebration New Year's Eve in any group, it can be used for display on stage. Contains funny monologues, humorous poems, funny games, musical numbers. Able to decorate a corporate event and lift the mood of the participants to unprecedented heights!


1. HOST.
2. SANTA CLAUS. From the very beginning - drunk. Small in stature, comical. Patriot. Wherever you throw it New year's night, always returns to his homeland.
3. THE SNOW Maiden. Long. Skinny. Also comical. Sober at first, then as it goes.
4. SANTA CLAUS. Friend and faithful drinking companion of Santa Claus, regardless of sanctions. From the beginning to the end of the action - in the trash.
5. NEW RUSSIAN BABKA (MATRYONA AND FLOWER). Stars in every way and place. Also “after yesterday.”
6. VERKA HEART. Doesn't need recommendations. International CW-class star.
7. GYpsy. Tells fortunes on maps, globes, navigators. The result directly depends on the amount of payment for services.
8. TRIO OF DEER. Dance, vocal and glass group with a logistics focus. Intercontinental transport.
9. GYPSIES. A dancing group. The number of dancers depends on the director’s wishes.

The presenter appears in the hall, to the side of the audience. She speaks on the phone – “in a low voice.”

HOST. Where are you?! What traffic jam?! Let's be there in five minutes! I'm already starting. (Turns off the phone, hides it in his bosom, talking as if to himself.) He’s standing in a traffic jam... He stepped on a champagne cork, and he’s standing... (Turns into the audience, feigns a joyful smile). Dear friends! Allow me this festive evening congratulate you... (The phone rings. The presenter takes the phone out of her bosom and brings it to her ear). Yes! I’m already working... Are you going or not?! (Disconnects, hides the phone. Back into the hall.) Dear friends! Allow me on this wonderful, festive evening... (New call. The presenter pulls out the phone and, without listening, speaks first): Hello! Your call is very important for us, please do not switch, stay on the line... (Disconnects, hides the phone, speaks into the audience again): Dear friends!..

At this moment, music sounds (chorus from the song “Old Grandmothers”, 15–20 seconds), during which “new Russian grandmothers” appear in the hall. They smile, mince hand in hand, push each other, and approach the Leader.

MATRYONA (Host): Well, we’re late, aren’t we?
HOST (in a low voice, through clenched teeth): Why did you show up so early?! How did we agree? Twenty minutes after my entry...
FLOWER (to Matryona): Well, I told you that it’s too early to show off! We could have lit up in the foyer for another half hour!
MATRYONA (to Little Flower): Listen, you lighter... You should have eaten enough first, otherwise you’ll be as dry as a board! Breathe on you on the first of January in the morning, such a fire show will begin! No Ministry of Emergency Situations will put out the fire!
FLOWER: Don't be jealous! Don't be jealous of my slimness! (Turns around herself and tells the audience): Have you seen the daisy girl?
MATRYONA. What kind of daisy are you?! You're dried out saxaul! It's a shame to show up in public with you! (To the hall): Comrades! I can’t resist, I’ll tell you. We went with her to the beauty salon yesterday. So the fool sat down in the chair and said to the stylist: shave me! And he puts his feet on the table! The stylist says to her: grandma, we don’t shave our legs, we only deal with hair! And she said to him: “Isn’t there hair on your legs?” And brazenly cover your stilts with shaving foam!
FLOWER. You're lying about everything! That's not how it was!
MATRYONA. I’m not lying, as it is – I’m not lying! She squeezed three bottles of foam onto herself and screamed - I’m a snowflake! I'm a snowflake! Her stylist is like a grandma, like, come on, get out of here! And she jumped onto the tree!.. The tree is a grunt! Toys are in the trash! Damn, it snowed... I just found myself in the police!
FLOWER. And herself! And herself!.. Who in the department decorated the palm tree with artificial paper clips while the district police report was being drawn up?!
MATRYONA. I thought it was a Christmas tree! There were already toys hanging on it!
FLOWER. These are bananas, stupid! (Into the hall). Oh, comrades, I can’t resist telling you! At the police station, the district police officer takes her handcuffs off, and she says it so playfully to him - and that’s all, they say, she’s a naughty girl? Maybe you can search me again?.. A hint...
MATRYONA. There was no such thing!

The grandmothers argue for some time. Finally, the Presenter stands between them.

HOST. So, girls, I don’t understand what kind of market this is? Arrived ahead of time, behave with dignity!
FLOWER (to Matryona): Did you hear what they told you? If you're drunk, act approachable!
HOST. We already have problems. Father Frost and Snow Maiden are late!
MATRYONA. How are they late?
HOST. Stuck in a traffic jam somewhere. That's it, girls, I'll try to get through to them, and in the meantime you sing something, entertain the guests... Just this... (Strictly) No pictures! Otherwise I know you!
MATRYONA. You offend! We don't sing with pictures!
FLOWER. We are only with lustrations!

The presenter leaves, Matryona and Flower sing a song.

NEW YEAR'S PARODY of O. Mityaev's song "KNIVES".

Visiting the neighbor again,
The Christmas tree in the corner is burning,
Eight on the clock.
Forks, saucers, napkins,
Cognac is poured into glasses,
A holiday, after all.
Heaps of salads, cervelat rings,
And you can’t see the herring from under the fur coat.
The vodka is steaming, the chicken is ripe,
The old year will be celebrated first.
The clock struck ten.
Light smell of cigarettes
Louder conversation.
Cervelat has already been eaten,
The herring doesn't have a fur coat,
There's ketchup on the carpet.
The guitar was used, and the empty container
Starts to appear under the table.
Zinkin's husband Andryukha and girlfriend Ksyukha
For some reason, the two of us locked ourselves in the bathroom.
It's midnight, it's striking twelve -
The cork shot into the eye,
No need to yawn!
Congratulations, dance-schmantz,
Serpentine flies into the salad,
And you can’t make it out -
Where are the husbands, where are the wives? From lit candles
Sparks fly, and maybe even from the eyes.
They felled the tree. District police officer Kolka
The doorbell rings... Well, come in, you're just right.

The continuation of the song is in the full version of the script.

At the end of the song, the Snow Maiden appears in the hall. She is militant.

HOST. Well, thank God! They have appeared! Where is Santa Claus?
SNOW MAIDEN. I would also like to know where this old bastard hangs around?!
HOST. How?! Are you not together?!
SNOW MAIDEN. Let's go together! And then he met Santa Claus.
SNOW MAIDEN. And - nothing! Both have disappeared!
MATRYONA. Well, maybe a FAQ happened?.. Here, Little Flower, lost her bearings three times on the way here. After every pub!
SNOW MAIDEN. What happened there? He will appear and again begin to tell how every year, on the thirty-first of December, they go to the bathhouse with other Santa Clauses!
FLOWER. How does it feel to go to the bathhouse? Our Santa Clauses don't go to the bathhouse! Our people dive naked into the ice hole!
MATRYONA (suspiciously): How do you know? Have you been there?
FLOWER (Shy): Well, I was... I dived topless a couple of times...
FLOWER. Well, topless. This means bare-breasted.
MATRYONA (looks at Tsvetochka skeptically) Did you tie rubber around your chest? So, did you dive with your board?
FLOWER. Well, why are you humiliating me all the time?!
MATRYONA. Yes, because you are lying! You couldn’t dive into the ice hole.
FLOWER. I'm not lying! There was a heated ice hole.
SNOW Maiden (angrily interrupting the attendants). Yes, it’s the other Grandfathers who don’t go, but mine is a scumbag, he’s like a bathhouse or an ice hole! Last year I actually learned something! I followed and disappeared! Then he calls from Africa and says that the navigator is frozen and the deer have lost their course!

SONG OF THE SNOW MAID (To the tune of “Hop, Trash Can”, gr. “Thieves”).

What are you talking about, old man, this crap is irrelevant.
Why do you keep telling me about the bathhouse every year?
How many years have I put up with you, the drunk,
And I was waiting for you to improve any moment now.
And I already live without a folder and without a mother,
Just don’t lie to me about your love.
Other Snow Maidens are given ice castles,
And you decided to get rid of it with icicles.

Hop, Santa Claus. He went wild.
It’s not even evening yet, but he’s already tired.
Eh, pour it, set the table,
The bearded refrigerator is knocking on the door.

The full lyrics of the song are in the full version of the script.

HOST. What should we do?! The people have gathered, they are waiting for Santa Claus, but he is not there! Urgent - radio announcement! (Takes out a phone and dials a number.) Hello! Ether? I have an urgent announcement. Santa Claus is missing! We ask everyone who meets him: urgently deliver him to our corporate event!
SNOW MAIDEN. I knew that I would have to take the rap alone
MATRYONA. Wait, wait, swear. I know a gypsy woman... She always tells me fortunes about some grandfather. He’s telling the whole truth - what’s his pension, and what’s his apartment, and what’s... well, this... um... IQ level! Now let’s ask her to throw it at Frost too! Maybe it will clarify the situation! (Takes out the phone and rings.) Hello, Zemfira. Come see us here, we have something to do... Yeah, yeah... Come on. (Snow Maiden). He'll come now.
SNOW MAIDEN: That's how I knew it!!!

Gypsy music sounds. Gypsy appears.

MATRYONA (to the Gypsy). Listen, Zemfir... Tell us a fortune about one blond.
GYPSY: Yes, I’ll tell my fortune, why not tell my fortune! Eh, Diamond!.. (takes out cards, spreads them on the table, looks, shakes his head. “Gypsy” sounds. The Gypsy tells fortunes and sings together with the Snow Maiden, the dancers dance the gypsy dance, Matryona and Flower also shake their shoulders and the rest of their bodies).

Eh, lie down, trump card,
Hit, six, king.
Snow Maiden:
And it seems to me that tomorrow
I will beat someone!

Eh, once again, once again,
My mattress is creaking.
I pump my abs on it,
To lose excess weight!
The full text of the ditties is in the full version of the script.

GYPSY (Extends her hand): Gild the handle, silver!
SNOW MAIDEN. I can only silver it. Moreover, I don’t know yet, maybe you’re lying.
GYPSY. Don't be greedy, crystal! Zemfira never deceives! She said your diamond will come, so it will come!
HOST (takes time). Tell me, can you tell our guests’ fortunes?
GYPSY. Otherwise!

Description of the game in the full version of the script.

A song is heard from behind the doors, Verka-Serduchka and Santa Claus enter, arm in arm. They chant in unison: “And I’m coming, all dressed up in Dolce Gabbana...”. Santa Claus holds on to Verka and stumbles.

VERKA SERDIUCHKA: And here’s another one, my beloved (sings): let everyone pour themselves a drink, drink with us and sing... New Year, New Year, New Year...

Santa Claus smiles bleakly. He is completely drunk.

VERKA SERDIUCHKA: And we are walking... we are having a festival... la-la-la...
GYpsy (to the Snow Maiden). Well, what did I tell you, diamond? Zemfira never lies! She said - with a woman, that means with a woman!
VERKA SERDIUCHKA (to all those present): A star has descended from heaven to earth! No need for applause! I'm with you again, and this time - by announcement! And I walked, walked, walked... I found Santa Claus... I sat down, looked, and brought him to you. (Takes Santa by the scruff of the neck and shows everyone in turn): Is this yours?
SNOW MAIDEN. That's not mine!
SANTA CLAUS (completely happy, in a drunken voice): Hello, dear!
SNOW MAIDEN (puts his hands on his hips). What children?! Where are you going, foreign mug, my Frost’s business?!
SANTA CLAUS (smiling, rehearsed): We, Dieda Moroz, every year, on the thirtieth December... we go to the bathhouse!
HOST (indignantly): What bathhouse?! What does this have to do with a bathhouse? Our New Year is coming to an end! There is a Snow Maiden, but there is no Santa Claus!
VERKA SERDIUCHKA: So, I don’t understand, are we taking the goods, or am I looking for another buyer?
HOST. This is not the same Santa Claus. This is not our Santa Claus at all! I ordered another one!
VERKA SERDIUCHKA. Different, not like that... not at all like that... You won't please me! Why pay more if the results are the same? Girls, I never cry more than I should. Axis, marvel (shows fingernails). Do you think it was done at the salon? The company is “Made in the house”! I took the varnish... Well, my varnish, you know, is like this, it’s already three years old, it’s all dried up! Doesn't matter. I poured some solvent into it, gurgled it, stirred it, chattered it around... (Gestures) Then I applied it to my nails. I chewed the paper with a hole punch, these circles, you know? So I made some circles, poured a glass of Hennessy... Did you drink Hennessy? I drive it myself... Well, I drank a glass of yesterday's distilled Hennessy, and like this (takes air into my chest, then exhales onto my fingers) Ha!.. And the manicure is like from Dolce Gabbana. Not nails, but Faberge eggs! With the aroma of yeast. By the way... By the way! Who knows the game “Guess the alcohol”? Nobody? So, yes. Let me explain...

Verka plays with the audience.
Description of the game is in the full version of the script.

HOST. Girls, well, I don't know. Maybe we can really use what we have? (looks skeptically at Santa Claus).
SNOW MAIDEN. Why do I need this mistake of nature?!
VERKA SERDIUCHKA. Naive simplicity! What are you doing?! Who is throwing men around these days? Here, you know, I’m trying, I’m taking the lost to them, I’m wasting my precious time!
SNOW MAIDEN. Yes, this is not our Frost!
VERKA SERDIUCHKA: What difference does it make to you? (Points to Santa): Is your nose red? Red. Do you have a beard? Eat. Go to hell! The spitting image of Santa Claus, well, the spitting image! Well, turn around! (turns Santa around, he obediently turns around) Bend over! (Santa leans over, standing with his back to the audience, does not maintain his balance, stands on all fours. Verka points at him from behind): One face!
SNOW MAIDEN (looks at Santa Claus for a while, then frowns and shakes her head negatively). No! Mine was not like that!
VERKA SERDIUCHKA (brings Snegurochka to Santa, puts her next to her. She walks away and admires it). What a wonderful couple! I don’t know why you’re kicking? Excellent import substitution!
SNOW MAIDEN. More like export substitution!
HOST. Maybe you can sing something for us while I solve the problem?
VERKA SERDIUCHKA. (to Santa Claus) Sanya! Do you remember how I taught you?
SANTA CLAUS. There's no glass of vocals!
VERKA SERDIUCHKA. Look, I remember! I'm already starting to like him!
SANTA CLAUS. Pour it up!
SNOW MAIDEN (desperately waving her hand): Pour it!

Dear friends! Those who are interested in this script can get it full version, if they write to me by email:
[email protected]. The conditions for receiving are almost symbolic, like gratitude to the author for his work.
Happy New Year!
Sincerely yours, author Evelina Pizhenko.

Scenario New Year's holiday“New Year with new Russian grandmothers”

The year 2014 is coming, or rather galloping towards us, according to Chinese calendar Year of the Horse. What do we know about this wonderful animal and are we ready to meet it with dignity? We know that the horse does not like snakes, does not like their malicious and insidious character, but now these two animals - two years old - are about to meet, one will hiss and wriggle, trying to bite, and the other will trample the reptile with its hoof.



Father Frost

Snow Maiden


On the stage there is a table with a TV and chairs for the presenters.

Grandmas go to the TV. They sit down.

M: Look, am I dressed properly?

C: Wait, I'll take a look...

M: (looking at himself and straightening his scarf) Beauty, slices for the wild boar..

C: Bah, why are you wearing unironed tights?

M: I don't wear tights at all.

C: Is this your skin? With a backcomb... Look... Okay, no worries, don't worry.

New Year's TV channel begins its work. In the program... (voice cough)

While waiting for Santa Claus from Lapland, we will watch the following TV programs:

1) Visiting a fairy tale

2) Ice dancing

3) Fashionable sentence

4) Minute of fame

2. Grandmothers come out of the TV onto the stage.

M: Hey, you scared me...

C: What's your favorite show?

M: The one where Kolya Baskov is.

C: But I’ve been dying to hear fairy tales since childhood, I love them...

M: Yes, you yourself are like from a fairy tale, the one about Koshchei.

C : (looks at Matryona) - And I see that you are just Princess Vasilisa Toothless. Okay, let's watch the fairy tale.

M : So, transfer"Visiting a fairy tale"

There is a performance of an amateur performance performed by

Grandmothers come out and dance with lanterns on skates. Matryona rides confidently, humming a song, Flower - hesitantly, groans.

C: - Matryon, look, can I do it?

M: - Oh, yes, especially by the lantern.

C: Well, old gangrene is jealous that I’m so flexible.

M: Look how people dance.. So, time for ice dancing.

snowflake dance grades 1-4

Competition 1. Dream dance.

4 boys and 4 girls are selected. They will have to dance in pairs to different styles music. The best pair is selected.

Competition 2. Dance with a thing (lambada, tango).

3-4 students come out, pull out a card with an object with which they have to dance.

Flower: - For some reason, Matryon is a bit boring for me, my soul requires New Year’s fun. And you know what? Let's click on the Snow Maiden. May it set us in the right mood.

We guys really need it

Everyone call the Snow Maiden!

Let's all call her together in chorus!

Children in chorus : Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden:

Hello girls!

Hello boys!

I'm glad to meet you at the holiday!

I congratulate you on your decorated Christmas tree,

Joy. I wish you all happiness!

I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday

I was afraid of being late.

Let us be

The fun continues.

And now we will stand in a circle.

Let's join hands,

And in a merry round dance

Let's walk with a song.

Snow Maiden:

Quiet, don't make any noise. Prick up your ears
Through the deep snow. Someone is coming here for us
Fur coat, hat, red nose - Who is this? (Father Frost)
You're right - it's Santa Claus! He brings gifts to us all.
I wouldn't have spilled it, I'd have conveyed it. And gifts, they say,
He gives it to everyone!

Girls and boys,

Our fingers are freezing

Ears are freezing

My nose is freezing

Santa Claus is visible close

Oh, guys, he’s coming towards us and not lightly

To greet the guest amicably,

Tell everyone, guys:

Santa Claus! –shout three times

Father Frost:

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all the children!

Congratulations to all guests!

I visited you a year ago,

I'm very happy to see everyone!

May this New Year

Will bring a lot of happiness!

Come on, give me the answer

Aren't you bored here, kids? (No)

I love someone who is cheerful.

I'm Grandfather Frost!

If someone hangs his nose,

Let him raise his nose higher!

D.M.: - Oh, I'm tired. I barely got to you through the forests, through the fields...

Grandmothers approach D.M.

M: Bah, familiar face. Father Frost. Why are you, old man, tired?

D.M.: I visited many Christmas trees: in Moscow, and in Unda, and even in Karaganda. So I came to you.

M: Grandpa, sit down, relax and look at the fashionistas.

The flower enters the stage with the inscription “Fashion designer of the year” on his chest.

C: Well, you see, old lady, I decided to take part in the competition.

M: I do not mind. Is the competition called “Miss Straitjacket”?

C: The competition is called “Modulier of the Year”.

M: So, have you decided to become the second Versati? Come on, spin...

C: You don’t understand anything about fashion, Matryona.

M: Don't embarrass yourself, old man. Better watch the program “Fashionable Sentence”.

Competition - Fashionable verdict.

There is 1 model and 2 fashion designers from the class. -8th grade

While the participants are preparing for the fashion show, a game is played with the audience “Mummy”. The winner is the one who creates a mummy out of toilet paper the fastest.

Models walk around the Christmas tree. At this time, grandmothers are sitting on TV and commenting on the models.

Moment of glory.

The flower comes out and sings a song. Matryona makes fun of her.

Chastushki-grades 5-6

Round dance “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”

Grandmas come out of the TV. Matryona grimaced and held her back.

M: Back... Grandpa, maybe you can give me a massage?

C: You need to lie on the couch less.

M: Need to warm up. Santa Claus, let's sing and dance?

Santa Claus gets up, knocks his staff on the floor, and gathers everyone in a round dance around the Christmas tree.

D.M: Why is the Christmas tree sad?

And there are no lights.

So you need to ask.

Come on, Christmas tree, light up!(Christmas tree lights up)

Oh, how fun it burns!

Let's go around the tree

Let's sing a song for her!

song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” -

Snow Maiden:

So, what's on our Christmas tree?

Bright toys? (on site)

Loud firecrackers? (on site)

Old pillows? (Walk in a circle)

White snowflakes? (on site)

Torn boots? (Walk in a circle)

Cotton wool bunnies? (on site)

Winter shovels? (Walk in a circle)

Red lanterns? (on site)

Bread crumbs? (Walk in a circle)

Apples and cones? (on site)

Mishka's pants? (Walk in a circle)

Game "Christmas trees happen"

Let's play! In our New Year's fairy tale Christmas trees are very different.
Wide, and thin, and low, and tall.
Let's turn into Christmas trees.
Now, if I say "high" - raise your hands up,
“low” - rather squat and lower your arms,
“wide” - make the circle wider,
“thin” - make a circle narrower, etc.
Be careful!









Christmas trees on one leg

Christmas trees dance with their backs in a circle

Funny Christmas trees



After the round dance, the competition “The Most original congratulations Happy New Year". Music sounds, children pass the mitten in a circle. Whoever they settle on says their wish.

Snow Maiden: Guys, have you prepared New Year's poems today? Then come closer to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and sweet prizes await you.


Congratulations from the school principal.

After the recording, the chimes can be heard.bb

D, M.: While the chimes strike 12, guys, let's make all the wishes!

After the chimes strike 12, the classes pop balloons with confetti inside.

D.M. Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden:

Another one has passed wonderful year,

In which there was singing and sadness,

And what didn’t fit in it,

Let everything happen in the new.

Hours go by, days pass, This is the law of nature.

And today we want to wish you a Happy New Year!

Collective congratulations on the New Year.

Flower: On New Year's Day we wish with love:

Let us all not be let down by... (health).

Matryona: So that your life is more fun,

We wish you more reliable... (friends).

D.M. We wish everyone in addition:

May... (luck) accompany you.

Snow Maiden: We wish peace on earth

And bread and salt on... (table).

Color May you be the happiest of all,

May... (success) accompany you.

M. Why did the people gather here?

Because soon... (New Year).

DM. May all the good things be remembered

And what are you planning... (will come true).

Snow Maiden:

Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Be kind in any home!

Let the songs sound everywhere

All the people are having fun.


Joy comes to every home,

New day, and New Year!

Let people live for the joy

Faith, happiness and love.


Guys, do you know what year is coming? Right. Year of the Horse!

Let the Horse this year
Will bring a lot of happiness!
How much snow is there outside the window,
So much warmth to your home!
How many light bulbs are there in a garland?
So much joy in your eyes!

Snow Maiden: - Grandfather, it’s time to reward all the children for their elegant fairy-tale costumes!

Please play the music louder.

We will reward you for the best costume!

Father Frost:

To then flip through the album

And remember our holiday,

I propose today

Take a New Year's photo!

Snow Maiden: And then everyone comes together to us -

Gifts are waiting for you there!

Presentation of gifts by class


1. Competition "Tripods"

4 pairs compete. We choose who will participate. Now your feet will be tied ( right leg one is tied to the other), you must run to the chair, go around it and go back. The couple that runs the distance the fastest wins.

New Year's riddles:

    A fish swims
    With carrots and potatoes.
    Put it in a bowl
    And catch it with a spoon. (Uha)

    White-faced chubby
    Huddled on a plate;
    Yellow eyes bulging,
    Sends greetings from a plate. (Fried eggs)

    The girl is obedient,
    Quiet, not boring;
    Closes his eyes,
    He falls asleep quickly. (Doll)

    Runs on two tracks
    Wind-up centipede,
    Friends are running behind -
    She can't live without them. (Locomotive with carriages)

    White flakes are flying

    They fall quietly and circle.

    Everything turned white.

    What covered the paths? (Snow)

    Gray flannelette animal,
    Long-eared clubfoot.
    Well, guess who he is.
    And give him a carrot! (Bunny)

    His days are the shortest of all days,
    Of all nights longer than night.
    In the fields and meadows
    There is snow until spring.
    Only that month will pass -
    We are celebrating the New Year. (December)

    twelve brothers
    They wander after each other,
    They don't bypass each other. (months)

    The fat man lives on the roof
    He flies higher than everyone else. (Carlson)

    She's beautiful and sweet
    And her name comes from the word “ash”. (Cinderella)

    Near the forest, on the edge
    Three of them live in a hut.
    There are three chairs and three mugs.
    Three beds, three pillows.
    Guess without a hint
    Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears)

    The grandmother loved the girl very much.
    I gave her a red cap.
    The girl forgot her name.
    Well, tell me her name. (Little Red Riding Hood)

    New Year's relay race "Winter"

    Participants form 2 teams, the captains of which receive a felt-tip pen. Leaflets hang on the board, to the music the captains go to the board, draw a Christmas tree and 10 balls on the entire sheet, run back to the team, pass the baton to the next player, the second runs and writes a word related to winter with a felt-tip pen on one of the balls, return to their team , passing the felt-tip pen to the next participant (repeated words cannot be written). Thus, each participant decorates the Christmas tree with balls with winter words. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

    Competition “Telegram to Santa Claus”

    name 13 adjectives: “fat”, “red-haired”, “hot”, “hungry”, “lethargic”, “dirty”...
    When all the adjectives are written down, the presenter takes out the text of the telegram and inserts into it the missing adjectives from the list.
    Telegram text:
    "... Santa Claus!
    All... the children are looking forward to your... arrival.
    New Year is the most... holiday of the year.
    We will sing for you... songs, dance... dances!
    It's finally coming... New Year!
    I don’t really want to talk about... studying.
    We promise that we will only receive... grades.
    So, quickly open your... bag and give us... gifts.
    With respect to you... boys and... girls!"

  1. Buttons

    Several couples are invited to participate in the competition. aloneclothes with buttons are given, and the other is given mittens. The task of those wearing mittens is that they must fasten as many buttons as possible on the clothes of the other participant.

    Whoever fastens the fastest is declared the winner.

Lyudmila Kashtanova

Flower: Matryona, ah, Matryona! Let's make ourselves Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for the New Year. We will visit kindergartens New Year's parties. Let's earn some money for our outfits.
Matryona: It would be nice to make some extra money. Which one of us will be Father Frost, and which one will be the Snow Maiden?
Flower: Clear Sea - I am, of course, the Snow Maiden!
Matryona: Well, why not?
Flower: Yes, I am more beautiful, and younger, and my waist will be thinner than yours - the sea is clear.
Matryona: But it’s not clear!
Flower: If you don’t believe me, let’s measure your waist. He takes out a folding meter and tries to measure his friend’s waist.
Matryona: (not given) No-No-No! Okay, okay, yours took it.
Flower: That's right. (satisfied, folds and hides the meter in her apron pocket)
Matryona: Well, good! Let's say you are the Snow Maiden. What are you going to talk about with the children? How will you entertain them?
Flower: Don't worry: I'm already prepared.
Matryona: How are you?
Flower: I will tell them riddles.
Matryona: What kind of women, for example?
Flower: For example: a girl is sitting in a dungeon, her hand is on the street.
Matryona: Not a hand, but a scythe, what a fool!
Flower: That's it, hand.
Matryona: And who do you think this is?
Flower: This is an elephant in a cage.
Matryona: Wow, a mystery! What kind of hand does the elephant have?
Flower: So this is a trunk. She does everything with it as if with her hand (depicts a trunk with her hand).
Matryona: And all my life I thought that an elephant’s trunk was its nose. Okay, give your friend a riddle?
Flower: Listen: the hut was built without hands, without an axe.
Matryona: (sensing a catch) bird's Nest, what?
Flower: (mockingly) You think so, but in fact it’s an mortgage.
Matryona: (shakes her head) Isn’t it too early for children to know about this?
Flower: (waves his hand) Let them develop.
Matryona: What else will you do with the guys?
Flower: Sing songs.
Matryona: What kind, for example?
Flower: I came up with my own New Year's Eve. (Sings)
Harness your horses, boys.
Yes, go to the forest quickly
Cut down the Christmas tree
And deliver for children...
Matryona: (interrupts) Amazing, no words! Well, how am I? What should I, Santa Claus, by your grace, do and what should I say? If you are such a master at composing, then compose riddles for me too.
Flower (thoughtfully): No, the riddles for Santa Claus will somehow not be solid. Here you need to give out fantasy to the children in the calm!
Matryona: FAQ? What kind of calm is this? Don't scare me!
Flower: Oh, Matryona, I am once again convinced of the narrowness of your mental horizons.
Matryona: Well, take it easy, Spinoza! It won’t take long to destroy our creative tendency. You will look for another Santa Claus.
Flower (peacefully): Okay, Matryonushka! Don't you get the joke? Well, fantasy is a fairy tale with a modern twist.
Matryona: There’s no point in making things up. My whole life is fantasy, only with nightmares under the elms. OK! Where can we get the props?
Flower: Yes, I already had my eye on it - here, not far away. It seems like someone left it specially for us. I'll bring it right now. (goes backstage and returns with a bag; pulls out the beard and Santa Claus hat, gives it to Matryona):
This is for you, put it on. (takes out the Snow Maiden’s hat and braids)
Matryona (puts it on somehow and incorrectly): So, what?
Flower (laughs and corrects): Oh, he looks like an old boletus!
Matryona (touched): I’ll give it to you, little old man, who do you look like? Baba Yaga in his youth!
Flower (sternly condemning): Matryona, vigorous root, don’t you understand jokes? How will you entertain the children if everything is: boo-boo-boo, yes boo-boo-boo?
Matryona: I understand jokes, but I can’t laugh at my partner!
Flower: Okay, my touchy one, peace! Try on Santa Claus' fur coat!
Matryona (puts on a fur coat): Well, how?
Flower (satisfied, admiring): No, not Santa Claus...
Matryona (not understanding): And who, the vigorous louse?
Flower (admiringly): Grandfather - Frost - Red Nose!
How do you like me? (shows off in front of her in a Snow Maiden outfit)
Matryona: The outfit is suitable, but the face... (shakes his head) needs to be ironed.
Flower (calmly) What about the face? I’ll put on makeup, glue on eyelashes, make a mask, and everything will be perfect.
Matryona (approvingly): A mask is good, preferably like Marilyn Monroe, otherwise you won’t look good next to Santa Claus.
Flower (laughs, patting Matryona on the shoulder): Everything will be as you want!
(to the audience) Well, wait, kids, the money will come to you soon!
Matryona: You yourself are a grandmother! And I personally am Santa Claus. I’ve already gotten into the role (adjusts my beard).
Flower: Well, sorry, grandpa! (giggles sarcastically) I always said that you are a hundred years older than me... no less.
Matryona: Let's get to the point!
Flower (not hearing): Closer to the body?!
Matryona: Read the poem I prepared for the children! Otherwise I’ll freeze it right now!
Flower: Happy New Year
From the heart with Matryona!
We wish you health and joy,
And many millions...
Matryona (indignantly): What millions?! We will congratulate the children!
Flower (judgmentally): Multi-colored balls,
Candy wrappers, flashlights.
Matryona: Aaaah!
Flower: So that you can dream about elephants,
And the dreams came true.
Matryona: Whoa! All my life I dreamed of being the Snow Maiden, but I had to become Father Frost! So dream, my dears, dream. And where your dream will take you with girlfriends like mine, no one knows.

(They leave to the applause of the audience.)

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