Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

What does the number 55 on the door mean? Numerology of an apartment and a house - how numbers affect housing. Number "5" - expansion symbol

Every house and apartment has its own numbers. Most often, such signs are applied to a sign that is attached to the wall or on the entrance doors of the home. Pythagoras believed that numbers are individual entities that carry their own information and have a special influence on people.

Feng Shui experts say that each number has a special energy, so it is important to surround yourself only with favorable numbers that attract health, luck and prosperity. Thus, the Feng Shui number assigned to a house or apartment has a huge impact on the life, health, mood of the owners and the general atmosphere in the family.

About numerology

Mathematical numbers are not a simple set of random numbers, but a real secret world of a wide variety of energy flows. In spiritual practice, a feng shui number is usually considered not as a whole meaning or a set of symbols, but as the individual symbols that make it up.

For example, if the apartment number is 145, then you need to consider individual numbers: 1, 4 and 5. In this way, you can easily interpret the influence and meaning of even a very long number.

In addition, the action of mathematical signs is divided into certain categories, where each meaning carries its own form energies and special vibrations:

  • positive;
  • negative;
  • neutral.

You cannot rely on the fact that if there is one positive number in the room, then according to Feng Shui the apartment number will automatically have good meaning and energy. This is not always the case, because numbers have a strong influence on each other, especially if they are nearby. Therefore, a negative value can stop or significantly reduce the positive energy of a good number.

How do numbers influence each other?

In the practice of Feng Shui, the influence of signs on others is interpreted as follows:

  • first the number is broken down into its constituent digits;
  • and only after this can we begin to study the influence of each on neighboring values.

It turns out that a number has the strongest effect on those numbers that are to the right and left of it.

For example, take the number 635 and divide it into the numbers 6, 3 and 5. It turns out that only three affects 6. In turn, the sign 3 is influenced by 8 and 5. And the meaning of five is deformed and modified only by three.

Understand this science It's not difficult at all. There is nothing tricky in interpreting numbers according to Feng Shui. In addition, there are ready-made tables that tell you the meaning of each number.

It is important to understand that a not very harmonious combination of values ​​can actually reduce or completely suppress the effect of positive mathematical signs.

However, there are very few negative numbers in the practice of Feng Shui, and most of them have a relatively neutral interpretation. Therefore, even if there is a negative number in the apartment number, then most likely it is surrounded by positive values, the vibrations of which remove the energy of the negative number.

For example, the numbers 2 and 4 have rather negative energy. But the value of two can have not only a negative effect. It all depends on which number is next to the two.

The number 4 in Feng Shui literally means death, and knowledgeable people try to avoid such a number. However, if in the numerology of a house or apartment according to Feng Shui the number 44 is found, then this means the sum of two digits, which is equal to 8. A Eight is one of the most favorable signs.

Well, if the apartment has number 42, then literally it means “easy death” and rather carries a fatal sacred meaning. The ideal solution to the problem of an apartment with this number would be to change your place of residence.

Meaning of numbers

Basic meanings and their interpretation:

1 - literally means honor or gain. One is a positive value and brings unity, harmony and creation. It is subject to solar influence and can enhance the properties of other signs. Well suited for creative people, helps in self-expression and manifestation of abilities. Artists, painters and writers feel ideal in houses and apartments with this number. It is advisable that the room be bright and always well lit.

2 - translated as "easy". This is an ambiguous number because it acts as a catalyst and can have both positive and negative effects. Two is under the active influence of the Moon, where contemplation and intuition predominate. Caregivers, teachers and cooks get along well with this number. This meaning is also suitable for lovers of the water element. The number 2 is undesirable for people with weak psyches. Calm tones and aquatic shades are suitable for the interior of a house with this number.

3 - means growth, development and life itself. Three has a pronounced positive meaning and perfectly complements other good numbers. This figure can be called a kind of provocateur for decisive action. It is simply impossible to sit in an apartment with such a number. The rowdy threesome can be calmed down with the help of a calm interior. In such an apartment, swearing should not be allowed, lest it develop into something more serious.

4 - translated as death and often carries a negative meaning. In addition, the number 4 has a negative impact on neighboring signs and aggravates their negative influence. At the same time, the number four patronizes people who make money with their eloquence and know how to influence others.

5 - nothing or not. Five can sometimes exhibit negative effects if it has an unfortunate neighborhood. But the same goes for a positive neighborhood. This figure is suitable for those who like to be in the spotlight. The number five is adored by book lovers, collectors and politicians - it brings them good luck. It is desirable that an apartment with sign 5 have a separate space for everyone who lives in it.

6 - gives the value of income and wealth. A favorable number that helps increase material well-being. Six gives the home comfort and tranquility. Feminine energy will prevail here. The negative influence of the number 6 brings weight gain to everyone who eats in her kitchen, since the housewife elevates cooking to the category of art. To add positive energy, you should get bright details in the interior.

7 - interpreted as the concept of confidence and certainty. Most often, seven confirms the meanings of other numbers, making their influence firm and decisive. This is a positive sign that brings success and helps to achieve your plans. Its disadvantage is some uncertainty of desires. The advantage of the figure is the ability to save, and the disadvantage is the rash use of everything you have.

8 - translated as jewel. It symbolizes income, prosperity, happiness and wealth. This is the most favorable sign in all respects in the teachings of Feng Shui. The number eight is loved and revered by many. It helps people with superpowers to realize and open up. Housing with such a number is considered especially hospitable.

9 is a symbol of longevity. It brings physical and mental health, a positive charge and is revered by Chinese practitioners. Although this figure is not easy and can impose some negativity on the house. In such an apartment you need to live consciously, with purpose. Otherwise, illnesses may come, as well as problems with drugs and alcohol.

0 - or nothing. This value is absolutely neutral and has no energy of its own. However, it can increase the value of adjacent digits tenfold.

How to correct negative influences

In feng shui the number of an apartment or house has a strong impact on life person. You can understand this by observing yourself or your neighbors from the outside. If there is a feeling that the numbers are having a negative impact, then you can try to balance this situation.

Lucky numbers according to feng shui

21 is an easy win. Promotes haste and attracts good luck. Things will go well under any set of circumstances.

23 means easy growth. An apartment number with this combination of values ​​will ensure a rapid rise in well-being, career, enhance productivity and help achieve what you want in the shortest possible time.

39 - translated as “growth of health”. It will improve your physical condition, give you moral strength, and help you achieve spiritual harmony and inner balance.

29 - easy longevity. Helps you enjoy a long, cloudless life. Will save the whole family from diseases.

76 is probably wealth. This number helps improve your financial condition and will help in increasing your income.

88 - success in everything. Housing with this number will make its owners happy, and adversity will bypass them.

Do not despair if the number of an apartment or house does not have the most favorable meaning according to Feng Shi. As a last resort, you can always exchange housing and choose one where the numbers carry only positive energy. But first, you can try to neutralize the negative influence by arranging the interior decoration of the house using the Feng Shui technique. This accessible and effective technique will quickly transform the interior space of your home and human life in general.

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According to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, all numbers have certain vibrations that can have both positive and negative effects on a person. Any number in your life has meaning, especially your apartment number. An apartment number, according to Feng Shui, emits vibrations that can affect a person’s personal development, career, personal life and even health. Find out what your apartment number means.

How to calculate apartment number according to Feng Shui

Each number in Feng Shui from 1 to 9 has its own specific meaning. If your apartment number consists of a two-digit or three-digit number, then the number is calculated by adding all the digits that make it up.

For example, number 47. Add 4 and 7 and get 11. This result also needs to be brought to a single digit number: 1+1=2. Two will be the number that affects everyone who lives in apartment number 47.

Naturally, if you live under apartment numbers from 1 to 9, then you don’t need to calculate anything, since these numbers already carry the original Feng Shui energy.

Feng Shui: the meaning of the apartment number

Number 1 – the energy in such an apartment is creative, active and positive. The atmosphere in the room is open, bright, and kind. In such an apartment there should always be a lot of guests, laughter and children. This apartment is a good place to live for people of art - artists, writers, performers, musicians. The energy of number 1 will help the owner of the house to realize his creative potential and become a famous and respected person.

Number 2 – the atmosphere of the house is conducive to contemplation and reflection. It would be good in such a house for people who are raising children or who love cooking. The number of this apartment will have an unfavorable effect on people with an unbalanced psyche. Quarrels and conflicts will often arise in the house if one of the household members is hot-tempered and aggressive. The most favorable place in such an apartment, according to Feng Shui, is the bathroom.

Number 3 – the energy in this apartment is very active. The owner of such housing will not have to sit still. He will always be busy. He will have to quickly make decisions and take responsible actions. The atmosphere of the apartment will have a positive effect on your career.

Number 4 is the number of thinkers, doers and speakers. An apartment with this number will punish those who lie, flatter and swear. This is the house of communication energy. According to Feng Shui, such an apartment is good for negotiations and meetings. There should always be a lot of guests and conversations here.

Number 5 – number of development. In such an apartment, residents will always strive for something, improve and gain new knowledge. Five will push residents to long journeys, career growth, active work and personal growth.

Number 6 is the number of love, friendship, relaxation and openness. People with this apartment number are usually happy in their personal lives, they have many friends, relatives and pets. An apartment with a Feng Shui number 6 can be called the center of goodness, love and fun. This is a good apartment to relax, relax and raise children.

Number 7 - the most unfavorable number in all respects. According to Feng Shui, a house with this number carries the energy of heaviness, gloom and routine. I want to run away from this house, let alone live! However, the vibrations of the seven will have a good effect on a person who wants to gain life experience and become wiser.

Number 8 – this apartment number will have a beneficial effect on innovative owners. Any undertakings will have a successful continuation here. The apartment is perfect for both creative individuals and pragmatists and rationalists.

Number 9 – the number has negative vibrations. Illnesses, addictions, failures and all the like are a frequent companion of residents of apartment number 9. Only people who have already gained some life experience and achieved everything will feel good in such a home. The atmosphere of this room will also have a beneficial effect on psychics and musicians.

Don’t be upset if your apartment number turns out to be unfavorable according to Feng Shui. There is always a way! You can enlist the help of feng shui talismans. They will help normalize the atmosphere in the house and attract good luck, love and money. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

27.02.2014 11:41

According to Feng Shui, the Gua number reflects a person's personal energy. It allows you to calculate the most favorable zones in...

It’s wonderful to live in your own two or three-story cottage. In such a house it is easiest to maintain the harmony of energies. It is very important that it does not lose connection with either the Qi of heaven or the Qi of earth. The bedrooms are usually located on the upper floors, where it is easier to establish a connection with the heavenly Qi, and the living room and dining room are on the ground floor, where all the inhabitants of the house go down every morning and easily restore the connection with the earth's Qi.

It is no coincidence that many people in the West prefer low-rise individual houses.

Constant stay on the upper floors is less favorable, but the negative impact can be smoothed out if you go to a country house in the summer or at least periodically take walks, restoring your connection with the earth.

If you have to choose which floor to live on, it is advisable to approach this consciously. Different floors carry different energies, and the harmony of your life may depend on this. The most favorable from the point of view of energy harmony are three-, five-, seven-, nine- and twelve-story buildings. Four- and eight-story buildings, as well as all houses above twelve floors, are unfavorable. In a high-rise building, on floors above the twelfth, a person’s energy is most often not enough to fully master the space, so there is a feeling of restlessness, as if suspended in the air, discomfort, discomfort, instability and instability.

It happens that we do not have to choose which floor to live on - our karma decides for us. It simply brings a person to the floor that is most appropriate for him, or rather, for solving his karmic problems. Each floor carries some kind of karmic lesson for us.

A feeling of stability, stability and a strong connection with the earth appears, if you live on the ground floor, but this also causes an exacerbation of many problems. The strong Qi of the earth on the first floor will contribute to the fact that your unresolved psychological problems will quickly find expression in the form of illnesses. In this way, the Qi of the earth will push you to solve your problems, get rid of negative feelings and destructive attitudes, which on higher floors may not manifest themselves for years.

If you live on the second floor, get ready for the fact that you will have to learn to make decisions and act, and not run away from your problems. The energy of the second floor pushes us towards honesty with ourselves and others. It will be difficult here for someone who is used to dreaming and talking a lot and doing little. You will have to honestly look fate in the eye and figure out what you are really capable of and what you are worth.
· If you live on the third floor- your karma is to learn to achieve everything on your own. You will have to become stronger, more resilient, toughen up, learn to cope with difficulties and overcome obstacles. This is not the easiest life, but it gives very good results - there is a chance to become a “self-made” person and achieve everything he wanted only through his own efforts. Such success is the most reliable and most worthy.
· The fourth floor is often becomes a habitat for people who are either insufficiently communicative or too conflicted, who do not know how to find a common language and establish normal relationships with others. The task is to learn to understand and hear others, to look for and find true friends and good acquaintances.
· For those who live on the fifth floor, it is very difficult to find harmony in life if they are confined only to home and family. To balance your energies and improve your karma, social activities are necessary.
Those living on the sixth floor must learn to earn money on their own, provide for themselves financially, and also get out of all sorts of dependencies on other people.
· For those who live on the seventh floor, you have to go through the path of spiritual formation and development. For them, with the move to this floor, the time has come to analyze their lives, look for the reasons for their failures and correct them through their own improvement. You cannot continue to complain about unfavorable circumstances - the time has come to harmonize your own energies and thereby improve your circumstances.
· If a person is on the eighth floor, this means that he does not have serious karmic problems, but he himself ruins his life with the habit of thinking negatively. You need to learn positive thinking, and then everything in life will go well.
· The man living on the ninth floor capable of foresight, he has been given the ability to comprehend the laws of world harmony, but he does not yet know how to use his gift perfectly. The task is to learn this.
· The tenth floor gives energy of leadership - a person living here must be active and lead people, otherwise unrealized energy will lead to illness. You just need to try not to abuse your power, not to put pressure on other people, but to lead them gently and with love.
· The Eleventh Floor Calls to intellectual activity, perhaps to science. In any case, those living here must develop and train their minds.
· The twelfth floor gives great willpower, allows you to achieve a lot, provided that the person living here can take control of their energies and curb their emotions, will not be scattered and will become a wise master of their life, directing it along a certain path.

What is written on the doors of each of us?

In Russia, the numbering system has become firmly established - both in apartments and houses. It’s a pity, because in England, for example, there is a tradition of giving residential buildings - not only mansions, but also ordinary, typical ones - poetic names, such as “Flower Field”, “Poplar Stable”, “Heron Yard”. The abstract numbers in our apartment numbers, it would seem, do not evoke any emotions and mean nothing. But the Pythagoreans, however, had a different view of things. Pythagoras viewed numbers as independent entities with their own qualities and individuality, which could be compared with the planets and their influence. Each number corresponded to its own planet, the conductor of which it was. The influence was determined using a numerological sum - the digits of complex numbers were added until simple numbers were obtained - the conductors of the planets. So, for example, the number 157 was represented as 1+5+7=13=1+3=4. Now let's see how your apartment number and the atmosphere of your home correlate from the point of view of one of the numerological systems.

Digit 1
Under the influence of the SUN. Creative energy, joy of life. This place promotes creative self-expression, allows a person to express himself, stand out, and attract the attention of others. Artists, actors, writers live well here - all those in whose work a personal position is important, whose calling is to illuminate the lives of others: these could be poets, writers, journalists. Such a home will help them, without forgetting about the eternal, to honestly and objectively record the present: knowing about the bad, loving life and enjoying the good - all kinds of lamps play an important role in the decor of the house. They stand out and attract attention. The colors are predominantly bright, orange-red. The whole atmosphere of the house is a little beachy, carefree, open. One tests a person: if he has a good heart, the house will sparkle, if he has an evil heart, there will inevitably be a dominance of flies, spiritual and material decline, and carelessness and disregard can lead to a heart attack.

Digit 2
Under the influence of the MOON. Intuition, contemplation. It would be good for those who work with small children or in the food industry, as well as clean rivers and canals. Folk musicians will find new themes here. In the apartment, the most eye-catching things are the mirrors and the bathroom. The color scheme of the interiors is in milky, soft cream shades, emerald green is possible. In unbalanced people with an unstable psyche, mental illness can worsen, and attacks of hysteria are possible. In this case, if things haven’t gone too far, you can lock yourself in the bathroom and, turning on the water, sit there alone to calm down.

Digit 3
Under the influence of MARS. Will. Here we need to act, and not sit in thought. A place where decisions must be made quickly, otherwise they will be made for you. At times you will feel like you are a firefighter or an operative. In a softer version - a mechanic or carpenter. At least no one at home will have complaints that you are sitting idle. And it won’t be long in coming - the water supply will require major repairs, and the tables and chairs will require minor repairs. In general, you will always want to do something. And don’t be lazy, otherwise you can get seriously ill, possibly even undergoing surgical intervention. This is how unclaimed energy will make itself known. The most active colors are all shades of red. The most comfortable places in the house are the toilet (sorry!) and the hallway. Avoid quarrels and assault: you may be provoked.

Digit 4
Under the influence of MERCURY. Contacts. Arm yourself with eloquence: the maximum load in this house falls on the telephone and on your thinking abilities. Here you will feel like a telephone dispatcher or a stockbroker. You will be doomed to handshakes (or hand-slapping, depending on your honesty). Don't lie or mislead anyone - everything will be returned in the same currency.
Favorable colors: blue and yellow, blue, gray. The favorites are those devices from which any information can be obtained. I often feel like going for a walk or going on a trip.

Number 5
Under the influence of JUPITER. Extension. This is where the big library will probably be. Here I only want to do something comprehensive: politics, science - something that can unite people on the basis of some common idea. Perhaps it will be a spiritual association, some kind of church. Residents of such a house will most likely want to be carried away into the distance (abroad, including the unknown, the main thing is not beyond the border of what is permitted). Favorable color is purple. The house will be decorated with things from afar and bronze dishes, as well as globes and telescopes. Don’t give free rein to your anger, although sometimes you are tempted to flare up: take care of your liver.

Number 6
Under the influence of VENUS. Everything here seems to be created for relaxation, love and comfort. You can feast with friends, sing songs. The owners are very cordial people, with good taste, they can make a lot of things, and make the house cozy and comfortable. They cook skillfully and tasty. In the worst case, they are obese brawlers, and they have a house to match. There are many large, soft objects in the decor: sofas, carpets. Colors are warm, flesh-colored, brownish. There is often a cat or dog living in the house, and there are many flowers. At times you really want to be among living nature - you shouldn’t deny yourself this. If you really want to make a scandal, first think about who is really to blame: someone else or yourself. If you don’t feel like cursing, then most likely it’s the latter.

Number 7
Under the influence of SATURN. This is where life is a test! In all respects! It’s very difficult to live here: it’s always cold, hungry, stuffy, and you’re constantly haunted by all sorts of restrictions and constraining circumstances. But this is the best place to master a skill, a profession, and for savings. If a person living here does not realize the need to sit silently and think about his life, he gets back his “deficiencies” in the form of problems with the spine and forced limitation of mobility: osteochondrosis, salt deposits, etc. But cleansing fasting and exercises are excellent here for concentration, Hathayoga classes.
The dominant color is dark blue.

Number 8
Under the influence of URANUS. Freedom, surprises, mutual assistance. A place to meet loyal old friends and make new ones. Any new beginnings and inventions are particularly successful here. Glassblowers, astrologers and clairvoyants, lovers of anomalous phenomena and unconventional technologies will feel very at home here. Rationalists, materialists and pragmatists will receive nothing but collapsed plans, frayed nerves and confusion. Window glass should be thoroughly washed. Be careful with electricity! Preferred colors are the whole spectrum of the rainbow and sky blue.

Number 9
Under the influence of NEPTUNE. This is also a difficult place. If you are not..., not an oil worker, not a sailor or a psychic, not a musician or a priest, then you will have a hard time. Trouble with water, painful addiction, craving for alcohol and tobacco, an endless search for objects that have disappeared from under your hand at the moment when they are most needed - all this will attack your psyche, shaken by sleepless nights. Beware of toxic substances, study the realities of the invisible world.

Why do different people live in the same building: some are rich and others are poor?

Without a doubt, Feng Shui should be the same in one building in general and different for different residents (visitors) in particular. Everyone has their own personal gua number, depending on their gender and date of birth according to the Chinese calendar. For example, a person was born in 1989. In this case, he (she) is a Dragon. His gua number is 2. This means he is a person of the Western group. Her gua number is 4. Therefore, she is a person of the eastern group. Their happy or unhappy directions, as we already know, are opposite.

If a person has Pig or Rat zodiac signs, their element is Water. The last numbers 1 or 6 (floor), another 11, 16, 21, 36, 41, 56, etc. all suit them. Besides these, a person with the Water element lives even better on the 4th or 9th floors, which are suitable for the Metal element. Metal should enhance Water. If a person with the Water element lives normally on the 2nd or 7th floors, which are suitable for the Fire element, Water extinguishes him.

If a person has Snake or Horse zodiac signs, their element is Fire. The last numbers 2 or 7, 12, 17, 22, 37, 42, 57, etc. suit them. They live even better on the 3rd or 8th floors, which correspond to the element Wood - it enhances Fire. They normally live on the 4th or 9th floors, which are suitable for Metal. The fire melts him. The zodiac signs Tiger or Rabbit correspond to the element Wood. They should live on the 3rd or 8th floors, it is better to live on the 1st or 6th floors, which are suitable for the element Water, which enhances Wood. They normally live on the 5th or 10th floors, which are suitable for the element of Earth - it is limited by Wood.

Zodiac signs Monkey or Rooster belong to the Metal element. They should live on the 4th or 9th floors; it is better to live on the 5th or 10th floors, which are suitable for the Earth element. It is strengthened by the Earth. They normally live on the 3rd or 8th floors, which are suitable for the Wood element. Metal cuts Wood. People with the zodiac sign Ox, Dragon, Goat or Dog (their element is Earth) are suitable for the 5th or 10th floors. Even better, they live on the 2nd or 7th floors, which are suitable for the Fire element. Fire strengthens the Earth. They normally live on the 1st or 6th floors, which are suitable for the elements of Water - it is limited by the Earth.

Water is good for the Tree - But the Tree devastates the Water

Wood is good for Fire - But Fire devastates Wood

Fire is good for the Earth - But the Earth is devastated by Fire

The Earth is good for Metal – But Metal depletes the Earth

Metal is good for Water – But Water depletes Metal

Therefore, it is better for a person with the Water element not to choose the 3rd or 8th floors, which are suitable for the Wood element, as well as the 5th or 10th floors, suitable for the Earth. It is better for a person with the Fire element to give up the 5th or 10th floors, which are suitable for Earth, but his life will be normal on the 1st or 6th floors, suitable for Water. A person with the element Wood lives worse on the 4th or 9th floors - they are suitable for Metal, also on the 2nd or 7th floors, which are suitable for Fire. A person with the Metal element cannot live on the 1st or 6th floors, which are favorable for Water. He also cannot live on the 2nd or 7th floors, suitable for Fire. It is better for a person with the Earth element not to live on the 4th or 9th floors, which are suitable for Metal, let it be the 3rd or 8th floors, favorable for Wood.

If you do not want to change anything or changes are impossible for some reason, then the following way out of this situation will help:

1)stick two yellow Ling Fu directly on your entrance doors for protection(Ling Fu talismans help protect against bad energy and evil forces in China. They are a special calligraphic inscription on yellow paper or peach wood. Such a talisman must be hung or pasted in four directions that are unfavorable for you. I must emphasize that Lin Fu must be in the original, and not in the form of a photocopy.Yellow is the color of the emperor, which gives strength and power, drives away evil spirits.
There are Lin Fus that help defeat evil forces or spirits, bringing victory in court. Others will help with promotions. There is Lin Fu to help with business, prosperity, increasing wealth, well-being and peace in the home. There are Lin Fus that protect against enemy attacks and robbery. These talismans will also help get rid of quarrels and disputes between spouses, children, neighbors, insomnia and nightmares, and will help women in labor and pets. When a new house is built, Lin Fu is always laid in the foundation. And if a wise person dies, Lin Fu is also placed in his grave), their image can be found on the Internet.

2)paint the entrance doors in a suitable color. For example, an apartment owner who belongs to the elements
Tree, lives on the 2nd or 7th floors, which are suitable for the Fire element, or on the 4th or 9th floors, which are suitable for Metal. It is known that Fire burns Wood, and Metal cuts it down. This means that a person living on this unsuitable floor may suffer from regular health and business problems. If he wants to change this bad feng shui, then he needs to paint the front door blue or light blue, which is suitable for the element Water. Because Water not only strengthens Wood, but also extinguishes Fire and depletes Metal.

Another case: the owner of the apartment, belonging to the element Earth, lives on the 3rd or 8th floors, which are suitable for Wood, or on the 4th or 9th floors, more suitable for Metal. We already know that Wood damages the Earth, Metal depletes it. Therefore, you should paint the front door red or pink (orange), a color favorable to Fire. Fire melts Metal and warms the Earth.
Have you ever noticed how your mood changes every time you step into your own home? Observe yourself and you will see that this is so. In ancient times, people paid a lot of attention to everything that related to the place where they lived. The front doors of mansions and castles were decorated with family coats of arms and mottos, the portals and doors of churches, churches, and temples were decorated with sculptures and carvings.

If you live in an apartment building and this house has a number, just like your apartment (for example, your address is house 79, apartment 27), you are influenced by both the house number and the apartment number. However, your apartment number has a stronger influence. House number 79 is calculated as follows: 7+9=16; 1+6=7; Seven is the vibration of your home. The energy of the “Seven” signifies spiritual growth in solitude and solitude. Your apartment number 27 corresponds to 9 (2+7=9); The energy of "Nine" means promoting humanity. Thus, you will find that the energy of your apartment will be directed towards caring and devotion to people (Nine), albeit through loneliness and spiritual solitude (Seven).
If there is a letter in your address, for example, house 38A, translate the letter into a number (A=1) House 38A corresponds to 3+8+1=12; 1+2=3. Here's the key to converting letters to numbers:

S T U V H Ts Ch Sh Shch
b y b e y
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Having determined the final number of your house, you can comprehend the numerology of your house. And now the aspects of each number.
House with vibration Units ideal for a person who is going to start his own private business. A person living in a One's house will learn more from his own experience than from the advice of others, and will also follow his intuition. A One's home will support the courage, individuality and integrity of those who live in it. It's not one of those houses that is always tidy. If your job involves caring for others and you are in a position where you always have to be first, then move into a One's home. You will feel more confident, independent and willing to take risks in a home like this. This house is also for you if you are too tired of people.
Problems at home Units. Sometimes in such a house you can feel lonely and isolated, even in the presence of other people. In this house, many will have to deal with the problem of tolerance. It may not be suitable for addicted people. In the house of the One, everyone is master and there is not a single servant.
House with the vibration of Twos great place for two people. The feelings of those with whom you live will be important to you. Living in the House of Two, you will strive for peace and harmony and try to share everything you have. You will often listen to the opinions of others and think through situations rather than insist on your point of view. You will find that you will understand others completely. In the House of Two, you will begin to develop a sensitivity to the subtle energies of nature, art, music, magic, and they will flourish in you. This house is perfect for exploring and developing your physical abilities and intuition. It will improve relationships and strengthen marital ties. You can't live alone in this house.
Problems of the House of Two. Since the vibration of Two can expand sensitivity, any conflict or disagreement will become a problem for those who live in it. In this house there may be a strong desire to accumulate a lot of unnecessary things. House number 2 requires balance in all respects.
House with Troika vibration is a home where you can feel confident and comfortable. This is also a house where you will have to socialize too much. Here you can expand your outlook on life. This house supports your enthusiasm and increases your charm. Here people of different views can meet and interact with warmth and love. It promotes self-expression and is great for parties and entertaining. The House of Three is a conductor of spiritual and sexual energy. Move into this home and you'll expand your social life.
Troika house problems. In the house of a Three, there may be a tendency to throw away energy and become overly enthusiastic. Take care of your finances, as there is a strong desire to waste money. Sometimes this house is in creative disarray. The problem at home can be spontaneous, impulsive actions. This house is best suited for carefree people.
House with Four vibration gives solidity and stability. If you have experienced destabilizing influences and uncertainty in your life, move into this house. You will feel practicality and security returning to you. This is a wonderful home to build the foundation of your future and nurture your dreams. It requires order and economy. In such a house it will be good to live for a group of people who are working towards a common goal. This house promotes respectability and solidity of the people living in it. It is a safe haven for those who are not afraid of hard and responsible work.
Problems of the House of Four. Sometimes, living in such a house, you feel like you are working endlessly and never resting. There is a danger of becoming curmudgeonly or stubborn. Relax. There are many other numbers in your life that can help you. This house is not suitable for workaholics as they will work even more.
House with Five vibration is the center of activity. If you are stuck in one place, then this is the home for you. The House of Five is all about energy, movement and change. Here you will find many meetings, phone calls and a busy daily routine. The energy of the Five stimulates connections, the collection of information and the ability to share it. This house allows you to gain experience in many areas. It promotes ingenuity, enterprise and encouragement. Anything can happen here. There will never be boredom here. In the house of a Five, your sex appeal will increase and it will be a good place for romantic adventures. The people living here have a special magnetism and are more prone to competition than others.
Problems of the House of Five. Sometimes life in such a house seems too busy. Most likely, hasty but correct decisions will be made here. Living in a Five's house, you usually need to trust your instincts. But if the decision is too important, then gather your thoughts and weigh the pros and cons again before making it. The house is contraindicated for people inclined to a calm, measured life.
House with a Six vibration is the center of harmony and balance. This is a great vibration for a family, especially when there are children in the house. Living in a Six's house cultivates a sense of duty to society and a desire to help the less fortunate. This home is perfect for those who want to develop their artistic abilities. Money and comfort are constantly present in this house. Life here is filled with the energy of goodness and humanity. They love pets here. This home is especially attractive for those who like to decorate their home and yard with a variety of flowers.
Problems of the House of Six. Too much kindness and caring for others can upset the balance. In addition, responsibilities and duty will come first in this house. For many, this may not be possible.
A house with a Seven vibration is a temple of contemplation and solitude. This is a place where you can rest and recuperate, as well as reflect on past experiences and present situations. The house is good for those who want to live alone, reflect and seek divine revelation. Such a house is suitable for a student, writer or researcher, since the vibration of the Seven is conducive to concentrated research. The Seven vibration promotes intuition, dreams, visions, telepathic experiences, the study of philosophy and metaphysics - anything that helps you find your path in life. Luck in this house is achieved through knowledge, specialization and skill. This house is for very private people.
Problems of the House of Seven. This house is not for those who want to achieve material success or advancement in business. Energy focuses on spiritual rather than material values. It is problematic to establish marital or partnership relationships here. Number seven craves loneliness and is not conducive to living together.
A house with an Eight vibration means abundance in all areas of life: family, friends, material possessions, etc. If you want to improve your financial situation, move to a house with an Eight vibration. Eight strengthens organizational skills that contribute to the achievement of material well-being. With discipline and insight, you can strengthen your position. Awards, honors and social recognition are all possible when living in this home. This house is not a home, but a center of business activity. It attracts people of power, money and success. The number eight embraces integrity and promotes self-improvement. In this house, you will realize that your spirituality increases your material achievements.
Problems of the House of Eight. There are usually a lot of expenses in this house, so a constant flow of money and/or careful control of it is necessary. If you are focused on material wealth, you should always be focused and organized. This house is not suitable for people who do not know how to manage their finances wisely.
A house with a Nine vibration is a house where one reaps the fruits of past efforts. This is the house where your love and compassion for people increases. This vibration will allow you to see different possibilities and rise above pressure and limitations. In this house you gain wisdom, which can even result in prophecy. This is a wonderful home for accomplishing something, achieving deep understanding of other people. Dreams, intuition, spirituality, healing, art, philosophy - all of these can be a source of inspiration in this house. Such a home will help you find people and money: they will be attracted thanks to your compassion and wisdom.
Problems of the house of Nine. When you think about the needs of humanity, you may overlook the needs of those with whom you live. Nine is a very powerful number that demands impartiality and universal love. This house is contraindicated for altruists, since in it they will live with the problems of others, forgetting about their needs and thus harming themselves.
The above characteristics do not mean that you urgently need to change your apartment or house. We all understand that choosing the address of your home is very difficult and sometimes impossible. Therefore, it is very important to remember that the vibration of each number has its own beauty and at the moment the number of your house or apartment is exactly the one you need. But perhaps this knowledge will help you understand the reasons for some of your failures in life and will provide guidance in the future when exchanging real estate or purchasing it. It is not without reason that it is said: knowledge is power.

The walls of your home often hide discomfort, quarrels with loved ones and financial problems. Often the reason for this is not the person’s lifestyle, but the energy vibrations of the numbers. The numerology of an apartment not only affects physical and mental health, but also predetermines the outcome of events.


The value of the bit depth of an apartment number in numerology

Apartment numbers are divided into single-digit, two-digit and three-digit:

  1. Apartments with single-digit numbers often belong to people who live easily and joyfully. There are very few of these, due to the fact that there are few single-digit numbers. Therefore, owners of such apartments are rare. To the surprise of those around them, they wisely get out of difficult situations and freely unravel the tangles of fate.
  2. Behind the walls of the apartment with a two-digit number, the true purpose of its owners is revealed. To find happiness and achieve success, you have to understand yourself. It is not so much one’s own behavior and actions that becomes important, but one’s internal state.
  3. The desire for harmony in words and actions is what the three-digit number prepares for its owners. In such a home, you should pay attention to the balance of physical, mental and emotional state.

Numerological analysis of the apartment number will help you accurately choose a home with a lucky number in case of buying or renting real estate. If the number is multi-digit, then you should calculate the total value of the digits that make up it. Then carefully study the interpretation of this number and each number separately.

Owners of apartment 179 will need information about the numbers 1, 7, 9 and 8 (1+7+9=17; 1+7=8).

In the video, astrologer and numerologist Fatima Khadueva talks about the features of numbers for the TVC channel.

Address numerology: how to calculate the code

Address numerology will help reveal the meaning of numbers and obtain reliable information.

To calculate the detailed code, pay attention to the following values:

  • House number;
  • floor number;
  • apartment number.

Just like in the numerology of an apartment, adding these numbers will help determine which numbers influence fate.

  • house number 18;
  • third floor;
  • apartment 47.

In this case it is equal to 5 (1+8+3+4+7=23; 2+3=5).

Numerologists advise carefully studying the summary code of the address and the numerological codes of the house, floor and apartment separately. This is explained by the probable difference between the energy and numerical vibrations of the house from the vibrations of individual apartments on a particular floor

In the example above, complete and reliable information about the numerological code of the address is revealed through numbers:

  • house code - 1+8=9;
  • floor code - 3;
  • apartment code - 4+7=11, 1+1=2;
  • total code - 5.

In the numbering of houses there are not only numbers, but also letters, for example, house 22A. In this case, the calculation is made based on the data in the following table.

1 AANDWITHKommersant

The calculation of numerological data for house 22A looks like this: 2+2+1 (A)=5.

If you wish, you can not waste time on independent mathematical calculations, but calculate the numerological values ​​of your address online using a special calculator.

Numerological interpretation of numbers

Using a detailed description of the meanings of the numbers, you can find out what the number of a house, apartment or floor can mean.

Numerologists decipher the meaning of numbers as follows:

  1. Number 1. Patron - the Sun. People under the influence of this star are endowed with extraordinary creative abilities, keenly feel the joy of life and have powerful energy. In apartments with rooms containing one, representatives of creative professions feel comfortable: writers, artists, performers. Such houses are open to guests, and the ability to dream and create is activated in them.
  2. Number 2. Patron - Moon. Two is responsible for intuition and contemplation. Teachers and food and water treatment workers live comfortably in such housing. Musical abilities in such a house reach their peak development. People with an unstable psyche should better beware of such places, since it is difficult to control emotional outbursts within these walls. You can feel calm in such a house in the bathroom with the sound of water.
  3. Number 3. Patron - Mars. Active and warlike Mars awakens initiative. If housing is under the sign of three, it means you are courageous and ready for action. People of courageous professions live in such apartments - firefighters, rescuers, operatives. It is better not to quarrel in this house, otherwise tragedy cannot be avoided.
  4. Number 4. Patron - Mercury. The epicenter of this apartment is formed around the telephone, because Mercury is responsible for communicating with people. The owner is a successful banker or stock market player: life consists of work, and work takes place in telephone conversations. Gadgets are held in high esteem in such a house; they are not allowed out of hand.
  5. Number 5. Patron - Jupiter. Residents of such apartments are characterized by constant expansion - knowledge, skills, influence - and the desire to be in the center of attention. Here you will find shelves of books or extensive collections of anything. Politicians, scientists and social activists live under the sign of five. In this apartment you should not become like angry emotions.
  6. Number 6. Patron - Venus. Peace, relaxation, comfort - everyone feels easy and serene in this house. The hosts are kind and welcoming. They cook deliciously and do a lot of crafts with their own hands.
  7. Number 7. Patron - Saturn. Living in such a house is difficult due to constant restrictions. However, it is the number seven that creates favorable conditions for learning a new profession or craft. Residents of such an apartment condemn wastefulness. Here, the consequences of rash decisions are expensive, so the only way out is a balanced approach to resolving issues.
  8. Number 8. Patron - Uranus. In such a house the spirit of freedom and mutual assistance reigns. These walls are ideal for meeting old friends and making new acquaintances. Astrologers, psychics, and lovers of paranormal phenomena can live comfortably here. Skeptics under the sign of number eight feel uncomfortable. For materialists, life in such a house is a chance to change their worldview and feel the magical manifestations of the Universe.
  9. Number 9. Patron - Neptune. Life in this apartment is easy only for sailors, oil workers, psychics, musicians, priests and hoaxers. For others it will become painful and difficult. The possibility of constant leaks and flooding cannot be ruled out. The owners of such apartments suffer from tobacco, alcohol or drug addiction and chronic lack of sleep. There may be strange missing items.

Feng Shui meaning of apartment number

In Eastern culture, belief in the magical power of numbers is widespread. It is not surprising that in China, the birthplace of Feng Shui, the interpretation of numbers has acquired special significance.

Apartment numbers according to Feng Shui can carry different charges of information:

  • positive;
  • negative;
  • neutral.

Numerological analysis according to Feng Shui suggests that the numbers in a number influence each other. A number with positive vibrations “improves” a negative number. Therefore, numerologists note that you should not focus on “bad” numbers.

Number 1 - “honor, gain”

This number:

  • carries positive vibrations.
  • symbolizes unity, harmony and creation
  • brings good luck.

Affects other numbers.

Number 2 - "easy"

The deuce is interpreted ambiguously. Strengthens the meaning of other numbers. Can represent auspicious and inauspicious symbols.

Number 3 - "growth"

Troika is life in all its manifestations:

  • carries a strong positive charge;
  • “improves” other numbers;
  • symbolizes the beginning.

Number 4 - "death"

Often deciphered negatively:

  • negatively affects neighboring numbers; experts in Chinese Feng Shui avoid it;
  • can also mean a difficult, insurmountable obstacle on the way;
  • interferes with the positive vibrations of the numbers it stands next to.

However, if the number contains two fours - 44, then the numerological value is 8.

Number 5 - “nothing, no”

Five symbolizes the harmony of the five elements and the balance of the elements:

  • wood;
  • fire;
  • water; metal;
  • land.

Number 6 - “income and wealth”

"Income and Wealth."

This number in Chinese practice means an increase in wealth.

Number 7 - “confidence, for sure”

Symbol of knowledge and confidence. Seven confirms the meaning of other numbers.

Number 8 - "jewel"

Eight is the most revered number in Eastern culture.


  • income;
  • prosperity;
  • abundance;
  • success.

Number 9 - “longevity”

Nine is considered a symbol of divine wisdom available to man on earth.


  • health;
  • longevity;
  • connection between heaven and earth.

It has a positive effect and is revered by Feng Shui practitioners.

Number 0 - “no value”

Zero has a neutral meaning. Zero cannot affect other numbers.

In magic, numbers are given special attention. With the help of numbers you can guess a lot and predict your future. Astrologers and followers of Feng Shui generally believe that it is useful for a person to determine his lucky numbers and guess so that these numbers accompany him throughout his life.

Feng Shui will help you choose the right home

The same applies to the apartment number. The Feng Shui apartment number will help you figure out the house where you will feel especially happy.

How is the apartment number determined according to Feng Shui?

Add the sum of the digits of the apartment address and get the Feng Shui number

If you think that in order to find out the Feng Shui apartment number you just need to look at the sign hanging on the door, then this is not so.

To understand the apartment number according to Feng Shui, you need to get the sum of the numbers of the entire apartment address. Let's say your address is building 34, building 1, apartment number 5, add all the numbers together: 3 4 1 5= 13. Then: 1 3=4. It turns out that in this case the apartment number according to Feng Shui is 4.

Quite often, the apartment or building number also contains letters. To do everything according to the rules, it is advisable to convert the letter into a number using a special Feng Shui table. In the future, we also get the sum, which we add to form a prime number.

Now we’ll tell you what each number means as an apartment number according to Feng Shui.

Apartment number one

Let's face it, a measured life does not threaten those who live in apartment number one. One, both in numerology and in Feng Shui, is the number of leaders, those who pave their own way and at the same time lead people. So, in a home with this number there will also be the energy of leadership and change.

But you should not think that change is bad; on the contrary, it is movement, what life itself consists of. Such a home is perfect for creative people:

  • If you cannot exist on one schedule for a long time.
  • If you take on something new every now and then.
  • If in many ways the process means more to you than the result.
  • If all this sounds like you, then apartment number is right for you.

What does your apartment number say? Lucky number.

Feng Shui. Numbers in feng shui


The atmosphere here will help you create. Moreover, it doesn’t matter in what area you create, the main thing is to have a creative approach. And you yourself can be a businessman, writer, artist or hairdresser.

It has also been noted that dwelling number one tends to have more guests than other dwellings.

Number two

If there has come a time in your life when you want family warmth and comfort, then apartment number two will help you feel this family atmosphere. The meaning of the number is that family members here will happily sacrifice their interests for the common good of the family. Such a home involves a real dance between feminine and masculine energies.

However, feng shui experts also warn that a house with this number is dangerous for people prone to depression. Here melancholy is able to capture them even more. If you are a depressed person and live in a home where such a number appears, then be on your guard. As soon as you feel a feeling of bitterness coming on, try to quickly change the situation.

Number three

The number three in the case of housing produces energy that forces a person to constantly move forward in his career. In this case, Feng Shui experts say that there is energy of purposefulness in the house. The positive thing is that there will always be money in that home.

The negative point is that here, as in dwelling number two, there will often be guests in the house, and these guests will not hesitate to ask the owners for a loan. Therefore, money will also easily flow out of the house.

However, the advantage for hosts is that they have a great opportunity to learn social activities from their guests. The number three - in many theories means helping people.

Number four

Anyone who wants their house to become a real fortress for them should try to find themselves apartment number four. This number symbolizes the energy of security in Feng Shui.

In addition, the energy of security will spread to both your personal life and work. Your personal life will delight you with harmonious, calm relationships without unnecessary passions. And work will give you a feeling of security because of its stability.

Four is also the number of hard work, which is needed in every business, especially at the beginning. If you are starting something new, in which you need support, then try to visit rooms whose number has a sum of four more often.

Number five

If you are a traveler in spirit and cannot imagine life without novelty, then apartment number five will support your spirit.

The number five means energy that forces apartment owners to experiment in everything, to try to find new forms of life where this can only be done. Don't be surprised if, after settling into apartment number five, you notice that you want to read books that you didn't care about before. It may also happen that you want to travel in person to see the places described in the book.

If you feel that you lack the spirit of adventure and curiosity, then try to get these qualities through housing number five.

Number six

Six in Feng Shui means harmony. This harmony of all the positive energies that exist. If home is a place for you where you want to dissolve in love, harmony, kindness and nobility, then an apartment with this number is for you.

This apartment is suitable for people who work from home. Clients will feel as relaxed as possible in their home. We can say that the premises in this case will carry out part of the specialist’s work.

As for love in a home with the number six, sometimes there may be a bias towards passion. This feeling can overwhelm the owners, resulting in conflicts and scandals. However, if the owners of the apartment correctly perceive this flow of energy, then they may even get pleasure. Think of it as a passionate period that will end on its own. Moreover, after such passions, the participants usually experience a period of mutual compassion and kindness to each other.

Number seven

There are many spiritual vibrations in this number. In an apartment with this number, life is very good for people who are determined to grow spiritually, who are gradually trying to get rid of the material world. Divine subtle energy reigns here, which helps internal work on oneself. In such a home it is good to meditate and perform various ascetics. Be silent, fast, pray.

Materialists, those who have a clear goal of acquiring wealth, will feel uncomfortable here. The energy at home will not contribute much to this.

But, if you feel that a period has come in your life when you want to be alone with yourself in order to decide on your future path, then try moving to apartment number seven for a while.

Number eight

This is a suitable abode for a materialist. This is apartment number eight. The energy of abundance prevails here. Moreover, there is abundance here in everything. There is enough imagination and desire here to set yourself a life goal. Apartment number eight has enough determination to achieve this goal. There will be enough balance not to completely retreat into materialism, but to maintain contact with the spiritual principle. And earthly joy will be enough to sincerely enjoy what you have earned.

Hard work develops very well in such an apartment. Over time, wealth comes to the hardworking people of such a house, even greater than expected.

If you are a dreamer, but lack the pragmatism and grounding to confidently pursue your goals, then try to acquire these qualities in the abode of the number eight.

Number nine

The meaning of the number is rest energy. Such a house is dominated by the energy of calm. This is the peace that people have been looking for for a long time. If your attention has been focused on non-external things for a long time. If you have been trying for a long time to keep up with the external rhythm, to conform to something. And if you are tired of this, then you can find peace in monastery number nine. Here you will focus on your inner world.

Perhaps here you will understand that giving is much better than taking, learn to enjoy the process.

If you are young, ambitious and have not yet enjoyed achieving your goals, then it is better not to live in apartment number nine. Avoid such a house Since such housing, its significance will drown out ambition, and as a result, dissatisfaction with oneself may appear.

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