Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Yeast saf moment recipes. Dry yeast for mash: saf-levure and pakmaya

It's hard to believe that dry yeast has been around for over 40 years. They have been produced by the international company Lesaffre since 1973 and throughout their existence have become the leading product on the global dry yeast market. Thousands of bakers from different backgrounds, cultures and areas of expertise have relied on Saf-Moment yeast for generations. And today this product meets all the high demands of housewives: quick and uniform rise of dough and the absence of an unpleasant yeast odor. We'll tell you more about how to work with instant yeast in our article.

Difference between dry yeast and compressed

Yeast is a single-celled organism, a biological leavening agent for dough. They come in dry (active and fast-acting granules) and pressed (regular, live). In general, dry and compressed yeast are the same product with a similar effect. The difference between them lies only in the production method: a significant part of the moisture is removed from dry yeast to obtain the required consistency. Under certain conditions, they begin to actively multiply, promoting the fermentation process, raising the dough, making the baked goods fluffy and beautiful.

According to most housewives, the best brand of the “dry” group is “Saf-Moment” (yeast). Recipes for pastries, pizza, and bread that use dry yeast involve adding it directly to the dough, without preparing liquid dough. This significantly speeds up the baking process.

Varieties of yeast "Saf-Moment"

The Lesaffre company produces two types of dry yeast: active and fast-acting. There are significant differences between them:

  1. Active yeast "Saf-Levur" is inactivated yeast cells coated with a membrane. In appearance, they resemble granules of different diameters. To activate them, you need warm water and about half an hour of free time. Active yeast dissolves in warm water, where the fermentation process begins.
  2. Dry yeast "Saf-Moment" is fast-acting - living cells that retain their activity thanks to vacuum packaging. They are not enclosed in a shell, do not require prior dissolution in warm water, and their activation occurs when directly combined with other ingredients. In addition to the traditional dry yeast of this group, there is Saf-Moment yeast for pizza and baking.

The difference between classic and other types of instant yeast lies in the additional ingredients that are included in their composition. For example, baking yeast contains vanillin and beta-carotene, which give baked goods a unique aroma and contribute to a golden crust. Pizza yeast contains onion powder, which gives the finished dough an interesting onion aroma.

Advantages of Saf-Moment yeast

It is impossible not to note the undoubted advantages of Saf-Moment yeast:

  1. Lesaffre products are made exclusively from high European quality raw materials and do not contain preservatives.
  2. For the production of yeast, specially developed strains of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae are used.
  3. "Saf-Moment" is the same compressed yeast, but without the moisture content, which has previously been removed from it. At the same time, vacuum packaging allows the yeast cells to maintain their viability.
  4. Instant yeast "Saf-Moment" does not contain GMOs and casein, but only class mushrooms Saccharomyces cerevisiae and emulsifier E491, which reduces their activity in packaging.
  5. Yeast is mixed directly with flour, without dissolving in water. A bag weighing 11 g is designed for 1 kg of flour.

Features of working with dry yeast

There are special rules for working with yeast and storing it, compliance with which will preserve its activity and improve the quality of baked goods:

  1. After opening the vacuum package, the yeast loses its activity, so the opened bag is not stored, but used immediately.
  2. Salt neutralizes the effect of dry yeast, so it is recommended to mix it with other ingredients only when the dough is already kneaded, as a last resort.
  3. The dough works well when it contains a sufficient amount of liquid, which enhances the action of yeast microorganisms.
  4. When working with instant yeast, follow the instructions on the package. If you add more yeast to a given amount of flour than necessary, the process of rising the dough will occur faster, but the baked goods may also have an unpleasant aftertaste.
  5. Yeast "Saf-Moment" is produced in vacuum packaging and does not require special storage conditions. In order for them to retain their properties, you just need to make sure that no moisture gets inside the packaging.

Yeast "Saf-Moment": recipe for bun dough

You can make delicious and aromatic buns from dough based on dry instant yeast. The baking sequence is as follows:

  1. Beat eggs (2 pcs.) with sugar (100 g) until foamy. Melted butter (75 g), milk (250 ml) and salt (1 teaspoon) are gradually introduced.
  2. Sifted flour (5 tbsp.) and dry yeast "Saf-Moment" are mixed and gradually introduced into the dough.
  3. The finished dough is placed in a pan with walls greased with vegetable oil and sent to a warm place for 50 minutes or until it doubles in volume.
  4. The risen dough is rolled out into a rectangle the size 40 × 50 cm. The top layer of dough is greased with melted butter, sprinkled with sugar (150 g), cinnamon (2.5 tbsp.) and raisins (½ tbsp.).
  5. The dough with filling is rolled into a long roll and cut into 12 pieces.
  6. Place the buns in a rectangular pan and wait until it doubles in size.
  7. Place the enlarged buns in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, for 15 minutes.

Pizza recipe

Pizza dough is prepared by mixing the ingredients: flour (350 g), yeast (11 g), sugar (25 g), salt (2 g), water (250 ml), olive oil (1 tbsp). The kneaded dough is placed in a bowl and “ripened” under a towel for half an hour. Immediately, without preliminary preparation of the dough, “Saf-Moment” (yeast) is added to it. Pizza dough recipes are always similar, but the filling can be different, according to taste preferences.

When the pizza dough is ready, roll it out on the table in the shape of a circle, place it on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, and distribute the filling. First of all, the dough layer is smeared with tomato sauce (2 tablespoons), oregano is sprinkled (½ teaspoon), after which chicken fillet (150 g) cut into pieces and canned pineapples (120 g) are laid out. The top of the pizza is sprinkled with grated cheese (150 g). Cooking time in the oven is 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Yeast "Saf-Moment" for mash

The process of preparing mash based on dry yeast includes several stages:

  1. Water preparation. To prepare mash, purified, bottled or home-filtered water with a temperature of 28-30 °C is suitable. It must sit for at least 4 hours before use.
  2. Yeast activation. For this, active yeast "Saf-Levure" (100 g) is used. To activate, you need to pour them into a separate container and add 500 ml of boiled water. After 20 minutes, a characteristic “cap” will appear on the surface of the liquid.
  3. Dissolving sugar. 5 kg of sugar is poured into the fermentation container and filled with 15 liters of water. After this, the sugar is thoroughly mixed until it is completely dissolved. Then the dough is poured into the container, another 10 liters of water and rye bread (200 g) are added.
  4. Defoamer. Since a large amount of foam is released during the fermentation process, it must be extinguished. For this purpose, Saf-Moment yeast is used at the rate of 4 g per the above amount of ingredients.
  5. Fermentation. The duration of mash preparation is about 10 days. During this time, it should become lighter and sediment will fall to the bottom of the container. After this, it can be used for distillation.

Many housewives avoid recipes for yeast baking, citing the fact that the dough is too capricious and does not rise well. In practice, it turns out that the problem is low-quality yeast, which is the basis that ensures the fluffiness, softness and taste of the finished product. Today there are a lot of yeast from different manufacturers on store shelves, but not all of them are good in practice. We suggest considering a proven product - Saf-Moment yeast.

Operating principle and reasons for failure

Yeast is one of the oldest “tamed” microorganisms. They have come a long way, accompanying humanity at every stage of development. From the most primitive sourdough, which consisted of fermented unleavened dough, yeast moved into a convenient dry form, which is perfectly stored and allows you to prepare baked goods in an ordinary home kitchen.

The principle of action of yeast is as follows - it remains dormant until it enters a humid environment. Some of them need to be “awakened” by placing them in water, while Saf-Moment instant yeast can be added to flour and immediately kneaded into the dough - they will perfectly find all the water they need in the total mass.

All recipes for yeast baked goods contain sugar or its analogue, since this is what the yeast feeds on, releasing alcohol and it is the latter that ensures the finished baked goods are soft and airy. There is also no need to be afraid of alcohol - when the dough is heat treated, it evaporates.

If the dough refuses to rise, then the main reason is the yeast. The main requirement for dry yeast is sealed packaging. They become exhausted from contact with the external environment. In order to check for viability, place them (1 teaspoon) in a glass, fill with warm water and add 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar. Cover the glass with a lid and let stand for 5-10 minutes. If a foam cap forms on the surface of the water, it means the yeast is active and can be used. Next we will look at how you can use Saf-Moment dry yeast. The recipes given below are not complicated, but can perfectly diversify the menu with minimal labor.

Bread is the head of everything

Beginners should start their victorious march through yeast baking recipes of varying degrees of complexity with bread. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • Simplicity. Basic bread dough consists of flour, yeast, sugar and salt. As you can see, it is more difficult to get lost in three pines than to get lost in a grocery list.
  • Composition transparency. Modern bread, which is offered in stores, often has a controversial composition, containing an abundance of additives that cannot be called beneficial for the body. When making homemade bread, you are always sure of the quality.

  • Flexibility. Once you have mastered the basic recipe, you can always change it by changing the flour or adding other products to taste. In this case, Saf-Moment yeast favors innovation, and the result will not let you down.

So, to make bread, take:

  • warm water - 1 glass;
  • dry yeast - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • flour - 3 cups;
  • vegetable oil - 8 tbsp. spoons

The volume of the glass indicated in the recipe is 200 ml.


Mix water, yeast and sugar in a container of suitable volume. Cover and wait for the foam to form. If you are in a hurry, you can skip this step by using Saf-Moment instant yeast - just mix all the products.

Add butter, salt and flour to the yeast mixture. The latter should be poured in gradually, achieving a soft, elastic dough. Knead for 5-7 minutes. It’s not scary if there is excess flour left - it differs in its “strength”, some require more, and some less. Focus on texture.

Place in a bowl, cover with a towel and let rise in a warm place for an hour. The dough will increase approximately 2-2.5 times.

Divide the risen dough into two parts.

Roll each part into a rectangle, then roll it into an even roll.

Place the rolls on a baking sheet lined with baking paper or sprinkled with flour. Cover the pieces with a towel and let them rise for an hour.

Preheat the oven to 220 C.

As soon as the rolls are ready, make transverse shallow cuts on them with a sharp knife and bake for 25-30 minutes until golden brown.

Wrap in a kitchen towel and let cool completely.

If you plan to use gluten-free flour, then you should use Saf-Moment dry yeast when baking, since it can provide a fluffy finished product even without the usual abundance of gluten.

Viva la Pizza!

This Italian “dish of the poor,” beloved all over the world, has not passed over the tables of Russian residents. In most cases, all that remains of pizza is the name, since everyone prepares it based on their own vision of beauty. In most cases, the “beautiful” lies on ready-made puff pastry, which is also quite tasty, but does not convey the richness of the filling. The “correct” base is made from a dense base; it should be thin, but soft under the filling and with crispy edges.

“Saf-Moment” (yeast) is perfect for preparing this dough. Pizza recipes are endless and at the same time quite subjective, since everyone puts the foods they like on the flatbread. Therefore, to get excellent results, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The right dough! We'll give the recipe below.
  • Quality products. Easy-to-melt cheese and natural tomato sauce - no liters of mayonnaise or ketchup.
  • Using several - something that melts easily (for example, mozzarella) and stretches, plus a flavorful cheese (for example, Parmesan).

Pizza dough

To prepare a delicious universal pizza base, take:

  • flour - 500 grams;
  • yeast "Saf-Moment" (ideal for pizza) - 5 grams;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • warm water - 250 ml + 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • olive oil to grease the bowl.

Mix yeast, sugar, 4 tbsp. spoons of water and 4 tbsp. spoons of flour (take it from the total amount). Knead a homogeneous stiff dough. Cover the resulting dough with a towel and let it stand in a warm place for half an hour.

Sift the remaining flour into a heap, add the appropriate dough, water and salt, knead for 10-15 minutes until a homogeneous, firm and elastic mass is obtained. Despite the fact that the dough made with Saf-Moment yeast can be suitable without dough, you should still not neglect it in this recipe.

Grease a bowl with oil, place the dough in it and cover with a kitchen towel.

Let it brew for an hour, the mass will double.

Punch down the dough, divide it in half - two pizza blanks are ready.

Roll out each of them individually thinly, place on baking paper or in a frying pan sprinkled with flour. Do not form sides.

Brush the dough base with the sauce, slightly moving away from the edges, and add the filling to taste. Bake at 230 C until done.

Let's say a word about breakfast

This meal includes food rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber, as they provide the necessary energy boost. Pancakes stand out among breakfasts - they are tasty, healthy with certain additives and cook much faster than the same pancakes. Housewives especially appreciate pancakes made with yeast, as they always turn out fluffy and porous.

Pancakes with apples and rolled oats with yeast:

  • water - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • dry yeast - 10 grams;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • raisins - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • large green apple - 1 piece;
  • rolled oats - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk - 100 grams;
  • flour - 100 grams;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • eggs - 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml.


Dissolve yeast and honey in water. Cover with a napkin and place in a warm place.

Wait until the mass doubles.

Mix all dry ingredients in a separate bowl.

Add yeast, egg, milk and oil to the same bowl. Stir until smooth and cover again with a napkin.

The mass should double again.

Peel the apple and cut into small cubes.

Wash and dry the raisins.

Add fruit to the risen dough.

Fry the pancakes over medium heat until cooked through, lightly greasing the pan with oil as you go.

Serve immediately.

It is worth noting how versatile Saf-Moment yeast is. The data we have given above can be changed depending on your preferences. For example, you can add more milk to the pancake batter and make yeast pancakes.

For tea

We can't forget about the pies. There are endless variations of them.

We will give a recipe that is suitable for both portioned pies and buns, and for a large pie:

  • flour - 700 grams;
  • warm milk - 250 grams;
  • melted butter - 60 grams;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • salt - 2 pinches;
  • sugar - 40 grams (if the filling is planned to be unsweetened, then reduce its amount by half);
  • yeast "Saf-Moment" - 20 grams.

Knead the dough from 400 grams of flour, milk and yeast. You should get a stiff, homogeneous dough. Place it in a bowl, cover with a kitchen towel and place in a warm place. After an hour, cracks will appear on the surface of the dough, which means it’s time to use it.

Mix eggs, salt, sugar, butter separately. Add to the dough and stir until smooth.

Sift the remaining flour onto the work surface, place the dough in it and knead into an elastic, soft, homogeneous dough. It is recommended to stir for at least 5-7 minutes.

Place the mixture back into the bowl, cover and let it double in volume. This will take approximately 1-1.5 hours.

That's it, the dough is ready. Using Saf-Moment yeast for pies and pies, you can be sure that the baked goods will not fail and will not settle like a stone.

A little about alcohol

Of course, we will talk about mash. Some general information: mash is an alcoholic drink whose strength reaches an average of 15 degrees. Obtained as a result of fermentation.

What does fermentation provide us with? That's right, yeast.

Basic sugar mash recipe:

  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • dry yeast - 20 grams;
  • water - 5 l.

Heat water (4.5 l) and dissolve all the sugar in it. This is very important because... the sugar that settles to the bottom will not participate in the fermentation process.

Separately, dissolve the yeast in the remaining warm water, add 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Let the yeast come to life (this will take no more than an hour, provided that you are using Saf-Moment yeast for your mash).

Mix the sugar solution with the revived yeast and pour into containers of suitable size. Place in a warm place, but do not close it tightly - otherwise the containers may explode from the pressure.

The drink matures in 7-10 days. After this period, carefully pour the mash into storage vessels, being careful not to touch the sediment.

Quite often in reviews of baked goods and bread, the following phrase appears: “I did everything according to the recipe. But the dough didn’t rise well.”

Many people are very surprised when they learn that not all dry yeast is the same.

Moreover, you need to be able to store them correctly.

What is the difference between dry and compressed yeast?
-Dry active yeast “Saf-Levure” and dry instant yeast “Saf-Moment” are yeast milk, from which ordinary pressed yeast, dried in a special way, is also prepared. Thus, dry yeast is the same compressed yeast, only a significant part of the moisture has been removed from it.

What is the difference between instant yeast and active dry yeast?
Both yeasts are produced by drying yeast milk, but in different ways. Thus, the differences between them are as follows:
Appearance: active dry yeast is granules of various diameters, that is, living yeast cells are covered with a shell of inactivated yeast cells;

Instant yeast is similar to small noodles and is a living yeast cell that is preserved in a unique vacuum seal.

Method of use:

dry active yeast “Saf-Levure” must be dissolved in warm water before use, and fast-acting yeast “Saf-Moment” must be immediately poured into flour in dry form.
What is the difference between the yeast “Saf-Moment” and “Saf-Moment for baking”, “Saf-Moment for pizza”?

Saf-Moment fast-acting yeast is considered classic, does not contain additives and is suitable for making all types of baked goods. In particular, fast-acting yeast is ideal for automatic bread makers, especially when using the “delayed baking” mode, since it does not require prior activation.
Yeast "Saf-Moment for baking" contains confectionery vanillin, natural beta - carotene (provitamin A) and special yeast for butter dough. Yeast gives baked goods a subtle vanilla aroma and a golden color to the crumb.
Saf-Moment Pizza Yeast contains natural onion powder made from onion juice and special yeast for pizza. The baked goods acquire a spicy onion aroma.

If you open a packet of dry yeast, use it completely, since dry yeast cannot be stored if opened; it loses its activity.

Salt neutralizes the action of yeast, so it should not be mixed with yeast or added to the yeast solution. Salt should be added at the very end of kneading the dough, when all other ingredients have already been added. --High sugar content also slows down yeast fermentation.

There should be enough water in the kneaded dough, this makes the action of the yeast more active, in this case, when the dough “fits,” its pores become larger and the dough increases in volume well.

When purchasing yeast, pay attention to the recommended amount of yeast per kilogram of flour. If you increase the recommended amount of yeast per kilogram of flour, this will not speed up the “rise” of the dough, but may impart an unpleasant taste to the finished product.

Never use an oven or microwave to increase dough fermentation. This can negatively affect the finished product and it may lose flavor and shape. The dough takes at least 2.5-3 hours to rise and the most suitable temperature for “rising” the dough is +27 degrees.

Do not forget that yeast is living organisms and cold and heat are contraindicated for them. Yeast dies at a temperature of +45 - +50 degrees, and if it is frozen and thawed several times, it loses its properties.

And now a little about my personal experience: I accidentally came across packaged instant yeast "Pakmaya" on a supermarket shelf.

I noticed the word “instant” on the packaging, decided to Google it and found a very important discovery for myself.

Many housewives try to get rid of the yeast taste in the dough, some start using less yeast, some change the brand of yeast, but in the end, the yeast taste is still present in the product, but as it turns out, everything is much simpler. Instant yeast must be used to prepare the dough. They are the ones who will not spoil all your and my pies with this taste. This yeast rises the dough perfectly, mine rose in about an hour, it holds together flawlessly along the edges of the pies, the filling does not fall out or leak out. And after half an hour, we were eating the most delicious pies with different fillings.

I have made yeast dough so many times, but this dough made me incredibly happy. No yeast taste whatsoever.

As they say, live and learn.


We all know that yeast is nothing more than a living microorganism. To be more precise, it is a fungus that, when favorable conditions are created, is capable of actively reproducing. During its life, yeast “eats” sugar, turning it into carbon dioxide and alcohol. They are able to give the dough a characteristic sourness and a loose, bubbly structure. The calorie content of instant yeast is 410 kcal per 100 grams of granules.

Today, on the shelves of almost all stores you can find three types of yeast: fresh, dry, and quick-acting. We'll talk about the latter.

Instant yeast Saf-moment They absolutely do not require pre-soaking - they are mixed directly with flour. Yeast dough with the addition of this natural leavening agent rises consistently and very quickly. Due to the property of yeast to “rise” dough almost twice as fast as compared to its fresh counterpart, the demand for this product is increasing every day. Many chefs have long appreciated this advantage, so a bag of small granules has become a desirable and reliable assistant for every modern housewife.

Use instant yeast Saf-moment recommended for preparing almost all types of baked goods, the dough is extremely airy, and the baked goods are fluffy, with a delicate crumb, golden brown crust, pleasant taste and appetizing aroma.

Dry fast-acting yeast Saf-moment: Useful properties.

Benefit instant yeast is that these are natural leavening agents. They play one of the main roles in the formation of high-quality bread. Their important function is determined precisely by the composition of yeast, which, in turn, consists of 44-75 percent proteins and 30-50 percent carbohydrates. They also include mineral inorganic substances (5-10%) and nitrogen (5-12%).

Being special proteins, yeast has all their properties, and the content of some vitamins in this food product is many times greater than, say, in milk, vegetables or other fruits. The benefits of fast-acting yeast are evidenced by the fact that in dry form the concentration of vitamins is much greater than in fresh form. In the process of drying and removing excess moisture, as well as treating them with ultraviolet light, the qualitative and quantitative state of useful substances does not decrease, but, on the contrary, is preserved.

Dry yeast contains a significant amount of protein, valuable and beneficial for humans - it is easily digested and absorbed. In addition, dry yeast is rich in carbohydrates - the average amount is eighteen percent.

Dry yeast also contains vitamins PP, C and group B. They also contain useful mineral salts that are so necessary for the normal functioning of the human body - magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, calcium, copper, manganese, selenium, sodium and iron .

Dry fast-acting yeast Saf-moment: Harmful properties.

The harm of fast-acting yeast and contraindications to its use can affect the presence of diseases such as dysbiosis, gout, endocrine disorders and kidney disease. If you want to use this product as food, consult your doctor first to rule out any individual intolerance.

Dry fast-acting yeast Saf-moment: Vitamins.

Saf-Moment instant yeast contains: Choline 32 mg, Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) (PP) 49.2 mg, Vitamin PP (PP) 40.2 mg, Vitamin B12 (cobalamins) (B12) 0.07 mcg, Vitamin B9 (folic acid) ( B9) 2340 mcg, Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) (B6) 1.5 mg, Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) (B5) 13.5 mg, Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) (B2) 0.8 mg Vitamin B1 (thiamine) (B1) 10.99 mg, Vitamin C (C) 0.3 mg, Vitamin K (phylloquinone) (K) 0.4 μg

It's hard to believe that dry yeast has been around for over 40 years. They have been produced by the international company Lesaffre since 1973 and throughout their existence have become the leading product on the global dry yeast market. Thousands of bakers from different backgrounds, cultures and areas of expertise have relied on Saf-Moment yeast for generations. And today this product meets all the high demands of housewives: quick and uniform rise of dough and the absence of an unpleasant yeast odor. We'll tell you more about how to work with instant yeast in our article.

Difference between dry yeast and compressed

Yeast is a single-celled organism, a biological leavening agent for dough. They come in dry (active and fast-acting granules) and pressed (regular, live). In general, dry and compressed yeast are the same product with a similar effect. The difference between them lies only in the production method: a significant part of the moisture is removed from dry yeast to obtain the required consistency. Under certain conditions, they begin to actively multiply, promoting the fermentation process, raising the dough, making the baked goods fluffy and beautiful.

According to most housewives, the best brand of the “dry” group is “Saf-Moment” (yeast). Recipes for pastries, pizza, and bread that use dry yeast involve adding it directly to the dough, without preparing liquid dough. This significantly speeds up the baking process.

Varieties of yeast "Saf-Moment"

The Lesaffre company produces two types of dry yeast: active and fast-acting. There are significant differences between them:

  1. Active yeast "Saf-Levur" is inactivated yeast cells coated with a membrane. In appearance, they resemble granules of different diameters. To activate them, you need warm water and about half an hour of free time. Active yeast dissolves in warm water, where the fermentation process begins.
  2. Dry yeast "Saf-Moment" is fast-acting - living cells that retain their activity thanks to vacuum packaging. They are not enclosed in a shell, do not require prior dissolution in warm water, and their activation occurs when directly combined with other ingredients. In addition to the traditional dry yeast of this group, there is Saf-Moment yeast for pizza and baking.

The difference between classic and other types of instant yeast lies in the additional ingredients that are included in their composition. For example, baking yeast contains vanillin and beta-carotene, which give baked goods a unique aroma and contribute to a golden crust. Pizza yeast contains onion powder, which gives the finished dough an interesting onion aroma.

Advantages of Saf-Moment yeast

It is impossible not to note the undoubted advantages of Saf-Moment yeast:

  1. Lesaffre products are made exclusively from high European quality raw materials and do not contain preservatives.
  2. For the production of yeast, specially developed strains of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae are used.
  3. "Saf-Moment" is the same compressed yeast, but without the moisture content, which has previously been removed from it. At the same time, vacuum packaging allows the yeast cells to maintain their viability.
  4. Instant yeast "Saf-Moment" does not contain GMOs and casein, but only class mushrooms Saccharomyces cerevisiae and emulsifier E491, which reduces their activity in packaging.
  5. Yeast is mixed directly with flour, without dissolving in water. A bag weighing 11 g is designed for 1 kg of flour.

Features of working with dry yeast

There are special rules for working with yeast and storing it, compliance with which will preserve its activity and improve the quality of baked goods:

  1. After opening the vacuum package, the yeast loses its activity, so the opened bag is not stored, but used immediately.
  2. Salt neutralizes the effect of dry yeast, so it is recommended to mix it with other ingredients only when the dough is already kneaded, as a last resort.
  3. The dough works well when it contains a sufficient amount of liquid, which enhances the action of yeast microorganisms.
  4. When working with instant yeast, follow the instructions on the package. If you add more yeast to a given amount of flour than necessary, the process of rising the dough will occur faster, but the baked goods may also have an unpleasant aftertaste.
  5. Yeast "Saf-Moment" is produced in vacuum packaging and does not require special storage conditions. In order for them to retain their properties, you just need to make sure that no moisture gets inside the packaging.

Yeast "Saf-Moment": recipe for bun dough

You can make delicious and aromatic buns from dough based on dry instant yeast. The baking sequence is as follows:

  1. Beat eggs (2 pcs.) with sugar (100 g) until foamy. Melted butter (75 g), milk (250 ml) and salt (1 teaspoon) are gradually introduced.
  2. Sifted flour (5 tbsp.) and dry yeast "Saf-Moment" are mixed and gradually introduced into the dough.
  3. The finished dough is placed in a pan with walls greased with vegetable oil and sent to a warm place for 50 minutes or until it doubles in volume.
  4. The risen dough is rolled out into a rectangle the size 40 × 50 cm. The top layer of dough is greased with melted butter, sprinkled with sugar (150 g), cinnamon (2.5 tbsp.) and raisins (½ tbsp.).
  5. The dough with filling is rolled into a long roll and cut into 12 pieces.
  6. Place the buns in a rectangular pan and wait until it doubles in size.
  7. Place the enlarged buns in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, for 15 minutes.

Pizza recipe

Pizza dough is prepared by mixing the ingredients: flour (350 g), yeast (11 g), sugar (25 g), salt (2 g), water (250 ml), olive oil (1 tbsp). The kneaded dough is placed in a bowl and “ripened” under a towel for half an hour. Immediately, without preliminary preparation of the dough, “Saf-Moment” (yeast) is added to it. Pizza dough recipes are always similar, but the filling can be different, according to taste preferences.

When the pizza dough is ready, roll it out on the table in the shape of a circle, place it on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, and distribute the filling. First of all, the dough layer is smeared with tomato sauce (2 tablespoons), oregano is sprinkled (½ teaspoon), after which chicken fillet (150 g) cut into pieces and canned pineapples (120 g) are laid out. The top of the pizza is sprinkled with grated cheese (150 g). Cooking time in the oven is 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Yeast "Saf-Moment" for mash

The process of preparing mash based on dry yeast includes several stages:

  1. Water preparation. To prepare mash, purified, bottled or home-filtered water with a temperature of 28-30 °C is suitable. It must sit for at least 4 hours before use.
  2. Yeast activation. For this, active yeast "Saf-Levure" (100 g) is used. To activate, you need to pour them into a separate container and add 500 ml of boiled water. After 20 minutes, a characteristic “cap” will appear on the surface of the liquid.
  3. Dissolving sugar. 5 kg of sugar is poured into the fermentation container and filled with 15 liters of water. After this, the sugar is thoroughly mixed until it is completely dissolved. Then the dough is poured into the container, another 10 liters of water and rye bread (200 g) are added.
  4. Defoamer. Since a large amount of foam is released during the fermentation process, it must be extinguished. For this purpose, Saf-Moment yeast is used at the rate of 4 g per the above amount of ingredients.
  5. Fermentation. The duration of mash preparation is about 10 days. During this time, it should become lighter and sediment will fall to the bottom of the container. After this, it can be used for distillation.

When it comes to choosing yeast for mash, the first to come to mind are the French baker's yeast Saf-Levure and Saf-Moment. You can buy them in any supermarket at an attractive price of about 50 rubles per 100 grams, so many people choose them. But How effective are they for fermentation?? Does it make sense to overpay for more expensive analogues or can you safely put mash on them? We will answer these questions in detail below.

Regardless of our point of view, this type of yeast will be used by many moonshiners in their production. We will share our approach to their use and present the optimal proportions at which your mash will “play” as efficiently as possible with Saf-Levure.

Is it advisable to use baking fungi to start fermentation of mash?

Does anyone bother that we use a baking product to make moonshine? 🙂 In fact, it should be confusing, because technologically these fungi are designed for dough, and not for mash.

The argument that fungi are fungi is inappropriate here, since they really come in different varieties: wine, wild, alcoholic, pressed. They are used in different quantities, the fermentation process is not the same, and the end result is also different.

The undoubted advantages of Saf-Levur include price, availability And storage. There are no problems with searching, you don’t need to go anywhere and you have to pay a little. That is why they are so common among ordinary moonshiners.

Bakery fungi cause excessive foaming

Now let's talk about the disadvantages, which are very significant:

  • Braga reaches a maximum of 10–12% strength (this is 20% less than alcohol).
  • Harmful substances are formed in larger quantities.
  • The foam “cap” often behaves extremely unstable.

The efficiency or “exhaust” of alcohol per liter of mash is the main factor that should influence the decision to choose one or another yeast. In the case of bakeries, it is noticeably lower. This is especially important with large volumes, when losses begin to be felt by your wallet.

Which exit? Continue to use cheap and ineffective baking fungi or switch to more expensive but high-quality alcoholic yeast. We compared different options and compiled where Saf Levur ended up on the last line.

How to use Saf0-Levur yeast correctly


The optimal proportion is the ratio 1:4:20 , which stands for 1 kg sugar we take 4 liters of water And 20 grams of Saf-Levure yeast. Based on this approach, we have compiled a calculation table of ingredients to obtain a certain volume of mash: 15, 30, 40 liters and so on.


Below we will describe the correct technology for making mash from Saf-Levur yeast. I will try to capture the maximum number of pitfalls that inexperienced moonshiners encounter at first. This information will be useful to you in order to reduce losses and obtain a high-quality final distillate.

Classic water seal for fermentation

  1. We calculate and prepare the ingredients based on the proportions above (in the picture).
  2. We heat the water to 30 degrees and pour it into the fermentation container (it is important that one-fourth of the container is free for foam to be released).
  3. Pour in sugar and stir until dissolved.
  4. Activate the yeast (in a glass of water for 10 minutes) and add it to the fermentation container.
  5. To reduce foam production, add 4 grams of Saf-Moment yeast (it acts as a defoamer).
  6. We wrap gauze over the neck or install a water seal. We take the container to a dark place with a constant temperature of 20–26 degrees for 5–10 days.
  7. The mash can be considered ready when it brightens, stops gurgling and tastes bitter. After this, we filter it through cheesecloth and pour it into the distillation cube.
  8. We carry out the distillation and enjoy the resulting result.

If you want to get a higher quality distillate, then it will be necessary to re-distillate to separate the “head”, “body” and “tails” fractions. You can read more about this process in this article.

You can find an educational video on the topic of this same Saf-Levure yeast on the Youtube channel samogonhome. An experienced moonshiner shares his vision of this issue and gives advice on the correct approach to setting up mash and distilling moonshine. The link is provided below.

Making moonshine at home is a complex and exciting process. The taste and smell of the resulting drink depends on how high-quality the raw materials are chosen. No one wants to spoil their tasting experience with unpleasant odors or yeast flavors. Therefore, you need to pay great attention to the quality of the selected products.

To make a good mash, you need to choose the right yeast. This affects how much alcohol and over what period of time will be obtained after fermentation, as well as how pure the moonshine will be. Therefore, many people taking their first steps in moonshine brewing are wondering: what yeast is best to use for mash? If in Soviet times there was no special choice, they used ordinary bakeries, but today stores offer a large selection of this product.

Why is yeast needed?

Yeast itself is a mushroom, which, when reproducing, process sugar and release carbon dioxide and ethanol. This is the fermentation process. Of course, these organisms need a suitable environment, a certain temperature. They can exist in a liquid that contains ethyl alcohol, but only to a certain concentration. There are many types of yeast, but not all of them are suitable for making moonshine.

In order for yeast to begin to multiply and ferment, a number of conditions must be met. They can carry out their useful activities only in the temperature range from 22 to 28 degrees Celsius. On top of that, for better fermentation, jars of mash should be placed in a dark place. If, for example, you mix water and sugar, and then add yeast, cover the container with a glove or a water seal, after a while the liquid will become lighter. When opening the can there will be a smell of alcohol. This will be the desired result of fermentation.

These mushrooms are very sensitive to water quality. You cannot use tap water here. Spring water is best, or at least bottled water sold in supermarkets.

Variety of varieties

Strains that are used for moonshine can be sold in pressed and dry form. The former are more used for baking. They have a limited lifespan, so before using them for mash, you should carefully inquire about the expiration date on the packaging.

Dry yeast is a fungal spore, which are just waiting to be placed in a favorable environment for reproduction. Many people think that they are not suitable for making mash, but this is far from the case. Supermarkets offer a large selection of these products.

Yeast itself comes in different types:

  1. Bakery.
  2. Wine;
  3. Beer houses;
  4. Turbo yeast;
  5. Alcohol.

Not all of them are suitable for mash, they give different ethanol yields, and so on. Therefore, it is better to study the issue thoroughly, and then decide which yeast is best for moonshine.

You can purchase this product in supermarkets and specialty stores. There are websites that sell yeast specifically for making mash and moonshine. The quality of the resulting moonshine depends on this product no less than on the moonshine still. Many people do not take this point into account, and then are very surprised that the drink smells strongly of fusel and is impossible to drink.

Bakery strains

These strains are the most common. Previously, they were the only ones used to make mash. But it is worth noting that this is not the best option. Making mash with baker's yeast takes a long time - up to two weeks. The result is a drink with a strength not exceeding 10 degrees. At the same time, a large amount of fusel oils accumulates in the liquid. As a result, moonshine from such mash is of low quality; it needs to be distilled a lot to get rid of impurities and unpleasant odors.

At the same time, the baking variety has its advantages:

  1. They are sold in all grocery stores;
  2. They are very inexpensive;
  3. Can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator;
  4. Easy to use.

Baker's yeast is sold in dry and compressed form. After opening the package and using the latter, they must be placed in the freezer so that they do not spoil. To prepare mash, take 100 grams of product per 1 kg of sugar.

This type is also good because it can be immediately added to the wort, and the fermentation itself begins quite quickly. Wherein This product also has disadvantages:

  1. With them, the mash turns out to be weak, 9-11 degrees.
  2. Moonshine has a characteristic smell that not everyone likes.
  3. If the product is stored incorrectly, it will quickly deteriorate.
  4. Needs feeding.
  5. They produce abundant foam, since these mushrooms produce large amounts of carbon dioxide.

Dry yeast can be used to make mash. They are quite suitable for moonshine; they are sold in small bags and must be diluted in water before use. Famous brands include Saf Moment, Saf Levure and Pakmaya yeast.

Among their advantages are:

  1. Cheapness and availability;
  2. Ease of use;
  3. Long shelf life.

The proportions of dry yeast mash are as follows: for 1 kilogram of sugar, take from 16 to 20 grams of product. Before adding it must be diluted in water.

The mash on this product arrives slowly, there is a high probability of foam formation. Here you will need a defoamer, which can be purchased at the store. Otherwise, you will have to regularly wash the floor around the place where the jar of mash stands.

The yeast smell, although slight, is still present. The yield is also not very strong: the mushrooms die at an ethanol concentration of 14 percent.

Wine yeast

This product is suitable for to make moonshine, but with some restrictions. Wine yeast lives in the wild on grape berries and is used in Italy and the Caucasus to prepare strong alcoholic drinks: grappa and chacha. In fact, they are ideal for fermenting grape marc that remains after wine production. Grape moonshine is made from this mash, which has an excellent taste and aroma.

This product is well suited for the production of mash from berries or fruits. But it is not recommended to use it for sugar mash.

Dry wine yeast is sold in stores.. They have great advantages:

  1. With their help you can get a drink with a strength of 17 degrees.
  2. They do not have the characteristic yeasty smell in either mash or moonshine.
  3. They are very unpretentious in storage.
  4. There are no foreign organisms in them; it is a dry, clean product.
  5. They add a special taste to drinks, especially those made from grapes.

You can make your own wild yeast at home, and there are many different recipes for it. But the quality of purchased ones is also quite acceptable.

Brewer's yeast

This product is not suitable for mash and moonshine.. In itself, it is indispensable when making beer. It will also be useful as a dietary supplement. Brewer's yeast was invented in Germany in the 19th century.

This strain is not suitable for moonshine for two very important reasons. Firstly, during fermentation they produce a very large foam output, which is completely unacceptable. Secondly, as a result, too little ethyl alcohol is formed in the liquid. However, there are craftsmen who use brewer's yeast to prepare mash and moonshine. You can also make this product yourself at home.

Turbo yeast

This product occupies an intermediate position between bakery and alcohol products. The attitude towards him is ambiguous. Some praise him, others, on the contrary, criticize him.

Manufacturers promise record results; the fermentation process, according to them, takes no more than two days. The output should be a mash with a strength of about 20 degrees. Of course, this is a good result. In addition, turbo yeast has other advantages:

Some experts are critical of such statements. This composition is used in the food industry. There is a high probability that the result will be a strong, but tasteless mash. Therefore, to obtain good moonshine, it is worth feeding the crop.

Turbo yeast is not cheap, this is also a drawback. An ordinary pack of Turbo-24 should be enough for 40 liters of mash, but it is not a fact that the costs will be recouped. You can purchase them on the websites of winemakers or in specialized stores.

Alcohol strains

Alcoholic yeast is considered the best option for making mash and moonshine. They themselves were created specifically for the creation of alcoholic beverages. They are suitable for sugar mash. If moonshine is made from grains, then these strains will also be the best option. This is due to the following reasons:

  1. High fermentation speed. 4 days is enough;
  2. Strains begin to die at an ethanol concentration of 18 degrees, therefore, the result will be a mash with exactly this strength.
  3. There is no smell left from this product, so it turns out to be a very high-quality drink;
  4. They do not produce foam. The container with mash can be filled almost completely. Defoamers will not be needed.
  5. They are easy to store, easy to use, do not contain unnecessary impurities, and so on.

Alcoholic yeast is sold in dry form. To prepare mash, strains are required in a ratio of 2.5 grams per 10 liters of wort.

You can buy the product in specialized stores and on the Internet.

How to properly prepare sourdough

To create the most comfortable conditions for the mushrooms, they need to be fed. This will increase colony survival and fermentation rate. The culture will need vitamins, microelements, ammonia and phosphorus salts. Fertilizers can be used as fertilizing; garden owners usually have them. We are talking about adding superphosphate, urea, ammophosphate, and so on to the liquid.

There are also traditional methods of feeding. For better yeast growth, you can add to the mash:

  1. Raisin;
  2. Boiled peas;
  3. Nettle leaves;
  4. Rye bread;
  5. Rye flour, brewed with boiling water;
  6. Ground malt.

Feeding for the colony can also be bought in stores. They are specially produced industrially for moonshine brewing. They already have all the necessary nutrients. Often winemakers use a preparation from the shells of brewer's yeast, which have already been used and dried.

Terms of use

It’s not enough to buy the right strains, you need approach the preparation of the mash correctly. There are a number of rules that will help create high-quality strong alcohol with good characteristics.

It is impossible to say for sure which yeast is best for mash. You can experiment with different types of them, but this is the lot of experienced moonshiners. For beginners, alcohol-based ones are most suitable. Thanks to them, you can create high-quality moonshine with a minimum of disadvantages.

Attention, TODAY only!

Quite often in reviews of baked goods and bread, the following phrase appears: “I did everything according to the recipe. But the dough didn’t rise well.”

Many people are very surprised when they learn that not all dry yeast is the same.

Moreover, you need to be able to store them correctly.

What is the difference between dry and compressed yeast?
-Dry active yeast “Saf-Levure” and dry instant yeast “Saf-Moment” are yeast milk, from which ordinary pressed yeast, dried in a special way, is also prepared. Thus, dry yeast is the same compressed yeast, only a significant part of the moisture has been removed from it.

What is the difference between instant yeast and active dry yeast?
Both yeasts are produced by drying yeast milk, but in different ways. Thus, the differences between them are as follows:
Appearance: active dry yeast is granules of various diameters, that is, living yeast cells are covered with a shell of inactivated yeast cells;

Instant yeast is similar to small noodles and is a living yeast cell that is preserved in a unique vacuum seal.

Method of use:

dry active yeast “Saf-Levure” must be dissolved in warm water before use, and fast-acting yeast “Saf-Moment” must be immediately poured into flour in dry form.
What is the difference between the yeast “Saf-Moment” and “Saf-Moment for baking”, “Saf-Moment for pizza”?

Saf-Moment fast-acting yeast is considered classic, does not contain additives and is suitable for making all types of baked goods. In particular, fast-acting yeast is ideal for automatic bread makers, especially when using the “delayed baking” mode, since it does not require prior activation.
Yeast "Saf-Moment for baking" contains confectionery vanillin, natural beta - carotene (provitamin A) and special yeast for butter dough. Yeast gives baked goods a subtle vanilla aroma and a golden color to the crumb.
Saf-Moment Pizza Yeast contains natural onion powder made from onion juice and special yeast for pizza. The baked goods acquire a spicy onion aroma.

If you open a packet of dry yeast, use it completely, since dry yeast cannot be stored if opened; it loses its activity.

Salt neutralizes the action of yeast, so it should not be mixed with yeast or added to the yeast solution. Salt should be added at the very end of kneading the dough, when all other ingredients have already been added. —High sugar content also slows down yeast fermentation.

There should be enough water in the kneaded dough, this makes the action of the yeast more active, in this case, when the dough “fits,” its pores become larger and the dough increases in volume well.

When purchasing yeast, pay attention to the recommended amount of yeast per kilogram of flour. If you increase the recommended amount of yeast per kilogram of flour, this will not speed up the “rise” of the dough, but may impart an unpleasant taste to the finished product.

Never use an oven or microwave to increase dough fermentation. This can negatively affect the finished product and it may lose flavor and shape. The dough takes at least 2.5-3 hours to rise and the most suitable temperature for “rising” the dough is +27 degrees.

Do not forget that yeast is living organisms and cold and heat are contraindicated for them. Yeast dies at a temperature of +45 - +50 degrees, and if it is frozen and thawed several times, it loses its properties.

And now a little about my personal experience: I accidentally came across packaged instant yeast “Pakmaya” on a supermarket shelf.

I noticed the word “instant” on the packaging, decided to Google it and found a very important discovery for myself.

Many housewives try to get rid of the yeast taste in the dough, some start using less yeast, some change the brand of yeast, but in the end, the yeast taste is still present in the product, but as it turns out, everything is much simpler. Instant yeast must be used to prepare the dough. They are the ones who will not spoil all your and my pies with this taste. This yeast rises the dough perfectly, mine rose in about an hour, it holds together flawlessly along the edges of the pies, the filling does not fall out or leak out. And after half an hour, we were eating the most delicious pies with different fillings.

I have made yeast dough so many times, but this dough made me incredibly happy. No yeast taste whatsoever.

As they say, live and learn.

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