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History of the Woman of the executioner during the war. Victor Ginzburg, Husband Antonina Makarova: Biography. In peacetime

This woman in Russia does not like to remember. That is why many take her story for a terrible military fairy tale, showing what a brutal war. But her story, the story of the only woman in the world who personally killed one and a half thousand people, mostly their compatriots, the history of the only woman, shot after the war, is not a myth. She was and should be remembered.


The man-gunner's thinker, as she was called then, worked at the occupied by the German troops of the Soviet territory from 41st to 43rd, leading to the fulfillment of mass mortal sentences of fascists to partisan families.

Crossing the shutter of the machine gun, she did not think about those whom she shot - children, women, old people - it was for her just work. " What nonsense, that then torment the remorse. What those who kill come at night in nightmares. I still have no one dreamed"," she said to their investigators at interrogations, when she was still calculated and detained - 35 years after her last shot.

The criminal case of the Bryansk punisher Antonina Makarova-Ginzburg is still resting in the depths of Spetchran FSB. It is strictly prohibited access to it, and this is understandable, because there is nothing to be proud here: in any other country of the world, another woman was born, personally killed one and a half thousand people.

Thirty-three years after the victory, this woman was called Antonina Makarovna Ginzburg. She was front-line, labor veteran, respected and revered in his town. Her family had all the status of benefits: an apartment, signs of distinction for round dates and a scarce sausage in the product soldering. She also had a participant in war, with orders and medals. Two adult daughters were proud of her mother.

They were equal to her, an example was taken from it: he would still, such a heroic fate: the whole war is fused to swim a simple nurse from Moscow to Königsberg. School teachers invited Antonina Makarovna to perform on the line, tell the younger generation that in the life of each person there is always a place for the feat. And most importantly in the war is not to be afraid to watch death in the face. And who, if not Antonina Makarovna, knew about it best ...

She was arrested in the summer of 1978 in the Belarusian town of Lepel. A completely ordinary woman in a sandy spot with an accident in his hands walked down the street when the car was stopped near, inconspicuous men in civilian clothes jumped out of it: " You need to urgently drive with us!"Obtained it, not allowing the opportunity to escape.

"You guess why you were brought here?"- asked the investigator of the Bryansk KGB, when it was led to the first interrogation." Some kind of error"," the woman grinned in response.

"You are not Antonina Makarovna Ginzburg. You are Antonina Makarova, more known as the Muscovite Language or the Machine Maker. You are punisher, worked on the Germans, produced mass executions. About your atrocities in the village elbow, that under Bryansk, there are still legends. We were looking for you more than thirty years - now it's time to answer for what you have done. No limitations for your crimes do not have".

"It means that no wonder the last year on the heart became anxious, as if he felt that appear, - the woman said. - How long ago it was. As if not with me at all. Almost all life has already passed. Well, write down ..."

Birth of legend

From the interrogation protocol Antonina Makarova-Ginzburg, June 78th:

"All those sentenced to death were the same for me. Only their number was changed. Usually I was ordered to shoot a group of 27 people - so much partisans accompanied the camera. I shot about 500 meters from prison at some pit. Arrested put the chain to face pit. At the place of execution, someone from the men rolled out my machine gun. At the command of the authorities, I kneel and shot in people until it fell everything ... "

"Come in the nettle" - on the jargon Tony, this meant a story to shoot. She herself died three times. For the first time in the fall of the 41st, in the terrible "Vyazemsky Boiler", a young girl-Saninorian girl. Hitler's troops then came to Moscow as part of the Typhoon Operation. Soviet commander threw their army to death, and this was not considered a crime - the war has another morality. More than a million Soviet boys and girls died in just six days in the Vyazemhouse meat grinder, five hundred thousand were in captivity. The death of ordinary soldiers at that moment did not solve anything and did not bring the victory, she was just meaningless. Just as the help of nurse to the dead men ...

19-year-old Nurse Tonya Makarova, woke up after the fight in the forest. In the air smelled burned flesh. Near the unfamiliar soldier. " Hey, you still? My name is Nikolai Fedchuk". "And me Tona"," she did not feel anything, did not hear, did not understand that she was contusted, and one human shell remained, and there was an emptiness inside. I stretched to him, trendy: " Ma-a-amochka, coldly as!" "Well, beautiful, do not cry. Let's get out together"," answered Nikolai and unbuttoned the top button of her gymnasters.

For three months, before the first snow, they wandered together on the chains, choosing from the environment, not knowing how to move the movement, nor of their ultimate goal, no where their own enemies. The hunger, breaking for two, stolen slices of bread. Day was shakeped from military units, and at night he won each other. Tonya washed by both spheres in student water, prepared a simple dinner. Did she love Nicholas? Rather, he kicked out, burned with rotable glands, fear and cold at home.

"I am almost Muscovite, - Proudly blocked Tonya Nikolai. - In our family a lot of children. And we are all partfenov. I am the eldest, like Gorky, went to people early. Such a beech grew, undiscoverable. Somehow came to school rustic, in the first class, and his name was forgotten. The teacher asks: "What is your name, girl?" And I know that Parfenova, just say I'm afraid. The children with the back of the party shout: "Yes Makarova she, her father Makar." So I was alone in all documents and recorded. After school in Moscow left, the war began here. I called me a nurse. And my dream was another - I wanted to scatter on the machine gun as Anka-gunner from Chapaev. True, I look like her? That's when you choose to our, let's ask for a machine gun ..."

In January 42nd, dirty and torn, sinking with Nikolai came out, finally, to the village of a red well. And then they had to break out forever. " You know, my native village is nearby. I now, I have a wife, children, "Nikolai told her for goodbye. - I could not confess you before, I'm sorry for me. Thanks for the company. Next itself somehow choose". "Do not throw me, Kolya"," the sinking thumbsy, hanging on it. However, Nikolai shake her with himself as the ashes with a cigarette and left.

For a few days, sinking through the huts, Christaradniced, asked for a post. The compassional mistresses first were allowed, but after a few days they had invariably denied the shelter, explaining that there was nothing to have. " Hurts her a bad, - Women said. - To the men, our sticks, who are not on the front, climbs with them in the attic, asks it to warm it".

It is possible that the sinking at that moment really tried to the mind. Perhaps her betrayal of Nicholas, or just ended the forces - one way or another, she had only physical needs: I wanted to eat, drink, wash with soap in a hot bath and sleep with someone so that only one in cold darkness. She did not want to be heroine, she just wanted to survive. At any cost. And she succeeded.

In that village, where the sinking stopped at the beginning, the policemen were not. Almost all of its inhabitants went to the partisans. In the next village, on the contrary, we prescribed some punishers. The front line here was in the middle of the gods. Somehow she was Brela in the sidelice, half-sized, lost, not knowing where, how and with whom she will hold this night. She was stopped by people in shape and asked in Russian: " Who is she?" "Antonina I, Makarova. From Moscow"," answered the girl.

It was led to the administration of the village elbow. Politsa told her compliments, then in turn "loved her". Then she was given to drink a whole glass of Moonshine, after which they put a machine gun. As she dreamed - to overclock the emptiness inside the continuous machine-gun line. By living people.

"Makarova-Ginzburg told at interrogations that the first time she was taken to the shooting partisan completely drunk, she did not understand what was doing- recalls the investigator in her case Leonid Savoskin. - But they paid well - 30 brands, and offered cooperation on a permanent basis. After all, no one from the Russian policemen wanted to do, they preferred to make a woman's execution of partisans and their family members. The homeless and lonely Antonine was given a bed in the room on the local cone, where you could spend the night and store a machine gun. In the morning she voluntarily went to work".

"I did not know those whom I shoot. They did not know me. Therefore, I was not ashamed before them. It happened, shoot, come closer, and someone else twitching. Then she shot himself in his head so that the person would not suffer. Sometimes several prisoners on the chest were suspended a piece of plywood with the inscription "Partizan". Some sang something before death. After executions, I cleaned a machine gun in a guard room or in the courtyard. The cartridges were in prosperity ... "

The former apartment hostess Tony from the Red Well, one of those that once also kicked her out of her house, came to the village elbow for salt. She was detained by the police and led to a local prison, ascribing a connection with the partisans. " Not a guerrilla I am. Ask your little gun"," Woman frightened. Tonya looked at her carefully and chuckled: " Let's go, I will give you salt".

In a tiny room, where Antonina lived, the order reigned. Standing a machine gun that brushed from the machine oil. Clothes were folded next to the chair: clothing: elegant dress, skirts, white blouses with ricochet holes in the back. And trough for washing on the floor.

"If I like things from the sentences, so I remove later from the dead, what to disappear- explained the sinking. - Once the teacher shot, so I liked her blouse, pink, silk, but it hurts everything in the blood of the blood, I was afraid that I did not wash it - I had to leave it in the grave. Sorry ... So how much do you need salt?"

"I don't need anything from you- Woman backed up to the door. - I poured God, sony, he is, he sees everything - so much blood on you, do not be abandoned! "" Well, since you are brave, what did you ask for help with me when you were in prison? - shouted Antonina after. - That would die in the heroic! So when the skin must be saved, then the Druzhba is suitable for the skin?".

In the evenings, Antonina dressed up and went to the German club for dancing. Other girls who worked as prostitutes from Germans, did not be friends with her. Tonya looked into his nose, beaten by the fact that she was Muscovite. With a neighbor of a room, a car of a village older, she also did not frank himself, and she was afraid of her for some kind of torn look and for the early rearrangement fold on his forehead, as if sinking too much thinks.

Dance dances were drunk on dance, and changed partners as gloves, laughed, choking, shot a cigarette from officers. And I did not think about those next 27, whom she had to execute in the morning. It is terrible to kill only the first, second, then, when the bill goes for hundreds, it becomes just hard work.

Before dawn, when the partisans were sought after torture after the torture, the tonya crashes quietly from his bed and climbed the clock for the former stable, conveyed to prison, peering into the faces of those whom she had to kill.

From the interrogation of Antonina Makarova-Ginzburg, June 78th:

"It seemed to me that the war will spend everything. I just performed my work for which I was paid. I had to shoot not only partisans, but also members of their families, women, teenagers. I tried not to remember this. Although the circumstances of one execution remember - before shooting a guy sentenced to death shouted to me: "I will no longer see, goodbye, sister! .."

She was awesome lucky. In the summer of the 43rd, when the battles began for the liberation of Bryanzachina, Tony and several local prostitutes were revealed by a venereal disease. The Germans ordered them to be treated, sending them to the hospital in their distant rear. When Soviet troops entered the elbow village, sending traitors of the Motherland and former Politsaev at the gallows, only terrible legends remained from the atrocities of the Munchers.

From things of material - dyspheated bones in fraternal graves on an unnamed field, where, according to the most modest estimates, the remains of one and a half thousand people were resting. It was possible to restore the passport details only about two hundred people shot tone. The death of these people and went on the basis of the correspondence charge of Antonina Makarovna Makarova, born in 1921, presumably a resident of Moscow. More about her did not know anything ...


"The search for Antonina Makarova Our employees led thirty years old, passing him to each other inherited , "said Major KGB Peter Nikolaevich Golovachev, who was engaged in the 70s by the wrapping of Antonina Makarova . - Periodically, it fell into the archive, then, when we caught and interrogated the next traitor of the homeland, it came up again to the surface. Couldn't the thinner disappear without a trace?! It can now be accused organs in incompetence and illiteracy. But the job was jewelry. For the post-war years, the KGB officers secretly and gently checked all women of the Soviet Union, who called this name, patronymic and surname and approaching the age, - such Things of Makarov found about 250 people in the USSR. But - it is useless. Real Machine Machine Maker as in Water Ranoula ... "

"You do not scatter thin, - said Golovachev. - You know, I'm even sorry for me. This is all the war, damn, to blame, she broke her ... She did not have a choice - she could stay by a person and herself would be herself among the shocked. But I chose to live, becoming a pall. But she was in the 41st year for only 20 years".

But just take and forget about it it was impossible. " Too scary their crimes, "says Golovachev. - It just did not fit in my head, how many lives she took. Several people managed to escape, they passed the main witnesses in the case. And so, when we interrogated them, they said that the fan was still coming to them in dreams. Young, with a machine gun, looks intently - and does not take eyes. They were convinced that a girlfriend was alive, and asked to find it to stop these nightmares. We understood that she could get married long ago and change the passport, so thoroughly studied the life path of all its possible relatives on the surname of Makarov ..."

However, none of the investigators guess that it was not necessary to start looking for Antonin, but with parfunov. Yes, it is the random mistake of the village teacher Tony in the first grade, who recorded her patronymic as a surname, and allowed the "gunner" to escape so many years from the retaliation. Its real relatives, of course, never got into the range of interests of the investigation in this case.

But in 76th, one of the Moscow officials on the name of Parfenov was gathered abroad. Filling out a questionnaire to a passport, he honestly listed the names and the names of his native brothers and sisters, the family was big, as many as five people of children. They were all partfenov, and only one for some reason Antonina Makarovna Makarov, from the 45th year to her husband Ginzburg, living in Belarus. The man was called to OVIR for additional explanations. At the fateful meeting were present, naturally, people from the KGB in civilian clothes were present.

"We were terribly afraid to hit the reputation of the respected women, front-line, beautiful mother and wife- remembers Golovachev. - Therefore, in Belarusian lepel, our employees secretly went secretly, the whole year was observed for Antonina Ginzburg, brought there on one surviving witnesses, the former punisher, one of her lovers, for identification. Only when everything was said to the same thing - it is she, a man-gunner, we learned her on the noticeable fold on the forehead, - doubts disappeared".

Husband Antonina, Viktor Ginzburg, a veteran of war and labor, after her unexpected arrest promised to complain to the UN. " We did not admit to him what they accuse the one with whom he lived happily a whole life. Afraid that the man just does not survive"," said investigators.

Viktor Ginzburg threw the complaints of various organizations, assuring that he loves his wife very much, and even if she committed some crime - for example, a monetary embezzlement, "he will forgive her. He also told about how the wounded boy in April 45 lay in the hospital under Königsberg, and suddenly she entered the ward, a new nurse turntable. Innocent, clean, as if not in war, - and he fell in love with her at first glance, and after a few days they painted.

Anton inina took the surname of the spouse, and after demobilization went along with him to the Belarusian lepel forgotten and people, and not to Moscow, from where she was called to the front. When the old man was told the truth, he went overnight. And no more complaints wrote.

"The arrested husband from the SIZO did not give any lines. And two daughters who gave birth after the war, by the way, also did not write anything and did not ask for a date - tells the investigator Leonid Savoskin. - When our accused managed to find a contact, she began to tell about everything. About how he was saved, fled from the German hospital and hitting our surroundings, polished foreign veteran documents for which he began to live. She did not hide anything, but it was the most terrible. It was created that she sincerely misunderstands: for which she was planted, what did she commit such a terrible? She seemed to be in the head of a block of some kind of war to be so crazy, probably not to get away. She remembered everything, each shot, but did not regret anything. She seemed to me a very brutal woman. I do not know what she was in youth. And that forced her to commit these crimes. Desire to survive? Minute permanent? Horrors of war? In any case, it does not justify it. She ruined not only other people, but also their own family. She just destroyed them with his exposure. Mental examination showed that Antonina Makarovna Makarova is sane".

Investigators were very afraid of some excesses from the accused: previously there were cases when former policemen, healthy men, remembering the past crimes, ended with them right in the chamber. Aged pinking attacks did not suffer. " It is impossible to constantly be afraid- she said. - The first ten years I waited for a knock on the door, and then calmed down. There are no such sins to torment the whole life".

During the investigative experiment, she was taken to the elbow, at the very field where she was shot. Rustic residents were spoiled to her as a revived ghost, and Antonina only mowed on them, scrupulously explaining how, where, who and what was killed ... for her, it was a distant past, another life.

"Disgraced me at old age, "she complained in the evenings, sitting in the chamber, his jaensmen. - Now, after the sentence, you will have to leave the lepel, otherwise every fool will poke my finger in me. I think that I will give three years to give. What is more? Then it is necessary to somehow anew life to arrange. And how many salary are in the detention center, girls? Maybe I get a job to you - the work is familiar ..."

Anton inu Makarov-Ginzburg was shot at six o'clock in the morning on August 11, 1978, almost immediately after making a death sentence. The court decision was an absolute surprise even for people who led the investigation, not to mention the defendant itself. All petitions of 55-year-old Antonina Makarova-Ginzburg about pardon in Moscow were rejected.

In the Soviet Union, it was the last major thing about the departments of the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War, and the only one in which the woman appeared. Never later women in the USSR did not execute the court.

Probably, the Antonine itself was also interested at least once in his life look at the execution of the eyes of the victim, and not the executioner ...

On August 11, 1979, the verdict of the executioner of the "Locodsky self-government" was carried out - Antonina Makarova-Ginzburg, on the nicknamed "Muthettil Thawer", the only woman in the world - a killer of 1500 people.

During the Great Patriotic War, the territories of the Bryansk, Kursk and Oryol regions were announced by the Nazis new administrative-territorial education - the Locodsky District, with all the completeness of the authorities in local governments, which were fascist accomplices.

Makarova, being a nurse in 1941, came to the environment and after 3 months old wandering over the Bryansk forests was in the "Locodsky district".

A 20-year-old girl became a pall, every morning from the master's home-held machine gun, shooting people - partisans, sympathizing with them, members of their families (children, teenagers, women, old men!). After the execution, Tonya Makarov won the wounded and collected the women's belongings. And in the evening, revealed blood stains, smoking, went to the officer club to find another friend at night.

Makarova is the only woman-punisher shot in the USSR.

We bring to your attention the main facts of the terrible life of "Munchetchychychitsy", which are difficult to realize and cannot be forgotten.

For the first time Makarova killed after drank moonshine. She was caught on the street, torn, dirty and homeless local policemen. Heat, drank and, putting a machine gun, brought to the courtyard. A completely drunk tonya did not understand what was happening and did not resist. But when I saw 30 brands in my hand (good money), I was delighted and agreed to cooperate. Makarova was allocated to the bed on a cone and said in the morning to go to work.

Tonya to "work" I used to get used to: "I did not know those whom I shoot. They did not know me. Therefore, I was not ashamed before them. It happened, shoot, come closer, and someone else twitching. Then she shot himself in his head so that the person would not suffer. Sometimes several prisoners on the chest were suspended a piece of plywood with the inscription "Partizan". Some sang something before death. After executions, I cleaned a machine gun in a guard room or in the courtyard. The cartridges were in sufficiency ... "; "It seemed to me that the war will write everything. I just performed my work for which I paid. I had to shoot not only partisans, but also members of their families, women, teenagers. I tried not to remember this ... ".

At night Makarova He loved to resemble the former stable, conveyed by policemen to prison - there after brutal interrogations were overcome by the sentenced to the execution and the girl silently peered into the face of the people whom she was in the morning to deprive life (of course, nothing personal!).

Retribution immediately After the war, Makarov quickly escaped - at the moment when the Soviet troops came, a venereal disease was revealed and the Germans ordered to send to his distant rear to be treated (as a valuable frame?). When the Red Army entered the elbow from "Munchetchich's Tonglets", only a huge fraternal grave with a number of 1500 people remained (setting passport data was able to have 200 dead - the death of these people and went on the basis of abuse of punisher Antonina Makarova, born in 1921, allegedly residents of Moscow - More about the executioner was not known anything).

Thirty with too much Years KGB employees were looking for a killer. All Antonins of Makarov born in the Soviet Union were tested in 1921 (there were 250 people). But the "Martherometer's Tong Machine" disappeared. "

In 1976. Moscow official by the name of Parfenov issued documents for travel abroad. Filling out a questionnaire, he listed the passport details of his brothers and sisters - 5 people. All were American and only alone - Antonina Makarovna Makarova, since 1945, Ginzburg (on her husband), living in Belarus, in the city of Lepel.

Sister Parfenova - Antonina Ginzburg became interested and the year was observed for her, fearing in vain to specify ... Warm veteran! Receiving all due to benefits, regularly speaking at the invitation in schools and labor collectives, an exemplary wife and mother of two children! I had to carry the witnesses in the leprenel for a secret identification (including some of the tongue colleagues-policemen serving punishment and lovers).

When Makarov Gunzburg They were arrested, she told how fled from the German hospital, realizing that the end of the end - the fascists go, married Frontovik, straightened the veteran documents and disappeared in a small, provincial leprenel. Sleeping thinner is good, nothing tormented: "What a nonsense, that then tormenting the remorse of conscience. What those who kill come at night in nightmares. I still have not dreamed of not one. "

Shot The 55-year-old Makarov-Ginzburg early in the morning, rejected all the petitions about pardon. What has become a complete surprise (!), She repeatedly complained of the prison wrappers: "I disgraced me at old age years, now after the sentence you will have to leave the lepel, otherwise every fool will push me a finger. I think that I will give three years to give. What is more? Then it is necessary to somehow anew life to arrange. And how many salary are in the detention center, girls? Maybe I get a job to you - the work is familiar ... "!

Forty years ago, a death sentence was brought out of a woman, widely known as a man-carfish thinner. The number of its victims, according to various sources, is from 168 to 2 thousand people, which allows some authors to attribute it to the number of the most bloody killer women in the history of mankind.

In the media, it is often possible to encounter and try to justify the killer, declaring it with a mentally ill-treatment person or an unfortunate victim. However, experts who worked with the documents in the case of thinners do not see grounds for such statements.

Thanks to the media and cinema Antonina Ginzburg (Makarov) became one of the most famous palable-collaborators operating in the times of the Great Patriotic War in the occupied territories of the Soviet Union. However, her life is so shrouded in all sorts of myths, which to understand who was actually a Machine-Maker's thinner, is quite difficult.

Experts believe that the history of her life can help answer the question why at a time when most Soviet citizens defended their homeland, there were people who are ready for a small salary and grocery pieces to kill their compatriots. In the history of life, the route-machine guns and the motives of her crimes RT helped to understand historians Dmitry Zhukov and Ivan Kovtun, the authors of the Burgomaster and Palach book.

Principal biography distortion

"In newspaper articles and documentaries, for some reason, a lot of machine gunners is incorrect, even in those based on real documents. On the emergence of certain ideas about the history of life, the slopes influenced the series "Palace". It is clear that this is a feature film and no complaints about its creators about the accuracy of the description of the events can be, but it should be understood that it cannot be perceived as a historical source. In addition to some moments of the common canvas, it has nothing to do with reality. Part of the events in it is distorted, the other is at all one hundred percent fiction, "

Spoken in an interview with RT Dmitry Zhukov.

The disputes also cause the date and place of the birth of Antonina Makarova. According to the most common version, it was born on March 1, 1920 in the village of Small Volokovka Smolensk province. In other sources, 1922 or 1923 are indicated, and Moscow is called Moscow. A person with the same name and initials, as well as the father Antonina Makarova, appears in the "All Moscow" reference book for 1917, but disappears from it in 1923. Therefore, the parents of the future-malel-leaders could really be the capital inhabitants, for some reasons who left Moscow and moved to the province. However, the most fundamental distortion of the biography of the future collaboration was not the date and place of her birth, but the names.

"The surname of Parents Antonina - Panfilov. But it was in the early 1920s. Metrics were not clear how, and Antonine's birth certificates were not written. Upon admission to school, it is most likely, named after Father - Makara - recorded as Makarov. On the same surname then issued a passport and a Komsomol ticket.
The paradoxical situation was formed: parents, brothers and sisters - Panfilov, and Antonina - Makarova. After the war, this sharply complicates the life of state security agencies, which will look for the "Lokot Palace", "

Spoken in an interview with RT Ivan Kovtun.

In the mid-1930s, Antonina moved to Moscow, where Mary Yershova lived at his aunt. After graduation, she worked for some time on the leather, and then on a knitted factory. However, this work, the girl, apparently, did not like, and, referring to the problems with his eyesight, she was transferred to the post of waitress in the Table Plant named after Ilyich. Even before the start of the war, Antonina Makarov visited the courses of the Red Cross, so in August 1941 it was sent to a military registration and enlistment office on the Komsomol journey. The first place of her service temporarily became a buffet of one of the military units.

Many years later, Antonina, hoping to soften his fate, it would declare that in this period she allegedly did not give her oath and did not assign a military rank. However, this is a lie: according to the documents of the Ministry of Defense, in August 1941, Antonina Makarova was called for military service and has become a sergeant in the fall. It was translated from the buffet to the post of Sannaster in the 422nd Rifle Regiment of the 170th Division of the 24th Army of the Backup Front.

Lokotskaya Palace

During the Vyazemskoy operation, Sergeant Makarova was captured, where he met the soldier for the name Fedchuk (according to the same way, his name was Sergey, according to others, Nikolai). There was a personal relationship between them, and together they escaped from the camp for prisoners of war, heading to the village of Red Well of the Basovsky District. "In the TV series" Palace "shows the scene of the rape of Antonina by a soldier, together with which she was in the German rear. There was really nothing like that. Her relations with Fedchuk, apparently, was completely mutual character, another thing that, on the parish to his native village, he threw it and returned to his family, "said Dmitry Zhukov.

In the Red Welcome, Makarov lived for some time in an elderly woman named Nyura. The village was next to the village elbow, where the administrative center of the Collaborationist Lococcian Republic was located and a large garrison of the Motherland was stationed. He was created with the support of Germans Hitler's accomplice Bronislav Kaminsky. Subsequently, the so-called Russian Liberation People's Army (Ron) was formed on the basis of the garrison.

Someone introduced Antonina with the deputy chief of the local police Gregory Ivanov-Ivanin. That in December 1941 took Makarov to his service and made his mistress. She received a salary in the amount of 30 brands per month, free food and room. Antonina took part in several punitive operations. In the course of one of them, Antonina was inadvertently almost shot the head of the police - the relative of his lover, after which she was transferred to the service in prison.

Makarova fell into the number of guards, of which a shot team was formed, which was carried out by the sentences made by the occupying authorities. Antonine issued a machine gun and a gun. She began to take part in the shootings of the Soviet partisans and civilians and soon received the nicknamed-gunner's nickname.

"In a number of sources, you can find a statement that Makarova allegedly liked the killing process that she received sadistic pleasure from this. In fact, nothing does not indicate. Maniac in the generally accepted understanding she was not. First, she had a completely prosperous family - none of her brothers and sisters was noticed in unseemless actions. Secondly, the "work" of the executioner did not like her. She treated her negative sensations in alcohol and left the elbow at the first time, "

Stressed Ivan Kovtun.

At the same time, according to Dmitry Zhukov, its activities in 1941-1943 itself was a unique phenomenon.

"The uniqueness was already the fact that a woman was a palach. Performed executions turned into a terrible theatrical representation. They came to watch the leaders of the Locodsky self-government, were invited by German and Hungarian generals and officers, "

Noted the historian.

From his position, the Machine-Machine's Tongue tried to extract the maximum benefit.

There is evidence that she took the things of people killed by her, in particular clothes. After parting with Ivanov-Ivanin, Antonina saw a lot and entered the disorderly connections for money both with police houses and with German officers.

In 1943, she fell ill with syphilis and was aimed at treating one of the rear hospitals. But during the liberation of the elbow of the Red Army in September 1943, Makarova was not there.

There were even rumors that the Germans did not send a thinner for treatment, but killed. It is impossible to exclude that Makarov herself tried to go away to the rear, as he felt that the situation was changing.

Having cured, Antonina met the German efreitor, the military unit of which went to the West, and asked him to him as servants and mistresses. In fact, she was deserted from the rows of collaborators. In the future, according to some sources, the Efreitor died, according to other data, he simply could not cover his fellow traveler for a long time: Makarov drove into a common column with other refugees and sent to Eastern Prussia. There she fell on forced work on a military plant, becoming one of the millions of Soviet Ostarabiters (the definition adopted in the Third Reich to designate people exported from Eastern Europe to use as a free or low-paid labor force).

In 1945, Makarov liberated Soviet soldiers. Due to the huge number of former prisoners of war filtering at this time, sufficiently superficially was carried out. Antonina called its real data by Soviet law enforcement agencies, while taking the fact of work on the Germans, and the filtering was safely passed.

Search and retribution

Makarova was restored to the service and got into the 1st Moscow Division. In the summer of 1945, due to the health problems, Antonin was in the hospital.

Here she was demobilized and remained to work as a civilian nanitarian. In August, Makarova got acquainted with a mortar who was at the treatment of a minister, Guard, ordinary Viktor Ginzburg. He passed the whole war, and in the spring of 1945 committed a feat, destroying about 15 enemy soldiers in one battle and having received a heavy contusion. Antonina and Victor began to live together, and in 1947, after the birth of the first child, married.

Replacing several residences, Chut Ginzburg moved to the Motherland of Victor - to Belarus. Antonina tried to organize the movement of the family to Poland, but she did not come out. In 1961, she settled to work on the Lepel Promcomblent, who soon allocated her apartment. In Lepele, Makarov was considered a respected veteran of war - she participated in meetings with schoolchildren, her photos were exhibited on the Honor Board.

"After the war, Antonine, as a participant in the war, was awarded several medals, and it is formally fair, since in the Red Army she really served. Even at the court, her awards were not deprived - perhaps just forgot about it. "

Told Dmitry Zhukov.

Back in the war years, Antonina Makarov began to look for state security bodies. However, the wanted list was in the metric records in which it appeared as Panfilov. Therefore, the search turned out to be unsuccessful. Antonina was careful - even on holidays did not delay in the company in order not to say anything superfluous. Only in 1976, her brother, who became a colonel by this time, pointed out in the questionnaire that he had a sister who was called Makarov's surname and visited Germans.

KGB employees are interested in this fact. The test began, to the lepel began to briefly bring people who knew the Machine gunner. She was identified, and in the summer of 1978, Antonina Ginzburg was arrested.

Employees of the KGB managed to collect so much evidence by this time that the Honored workers of the Lepel Promcomble did not have another choice, in addition, to admit that it was indeed the famous "Locod's Palace". At the departure to the elbow, she clarified some details and accurately indicated the place of executions. True, he recognized personal participation in only 114 murders.

"The number of victims is one of the most famous myths associated with its activities. In the press she is credited with about 2 thousand victims. But this is a mistake. About 2 thousand Soviet patriots were killed by collaborators on the territory of the village elbow in 1941-1943, but, in addition to the thinners, there were other executioners. Evaluating all the facts, the court found the personal participation of Antonina Ginzburg in committing 168 murders. Her victims, of course, could be much larger, but not 2 thousand in the expulsion of the Machine-Machinery, its former accomplices accepted the active participation. After the war in the USSR, the death penalty was canceled for some time, and some traitors instead of execution were sentenced to a long time, from 10 to 25 years old, detention. But in 1978 they were already free, "

Ivan Kovtun told Ivan.

In early November 1978, court sessions began in the case of the Women-Palach.

Signed Dmitry Zhukov.

To preserve your own life, she began to serve the executioner from the German occupiers. For one execution, she received real money. She shot almost 1500 people. And all this - for a year and a half. During the war, she was called a thin-powered machine gunner. The next three decades she was an exemplary Soviet woman. She is Antonina Makarova-Ginzburg, a man-gunner thinner, a biography, the real story of which will be told in the article.

Ideal Makarova was Anka-Marthercher

Antonina Makarova was born in 1920 in one of the villages of Smolensk province. However, according to some other information, she was born in the capital and in 1923.

In the metric, her surname was indicated as Parfenova. The fact is that when she began to study at school, in terms of lack, the teacher confused her not only patronymic, but also surname. In the class magazine, she recorded it as Makarov. It is because of this, in all subsequent official documents, the tender was under that surname. This reliable accident subsequently helped her hide from justice for three decades.

A powder-gunner, biography, whose family was not distinguished by anything, did not have a happy childhood. Family of the future punisher lived quite poorly. Her mother had to work a lot to raise children. He helped in this plan his small garden. But they also needed to be constantly engaged. Accordingly, combining homemade troubles with the upbringing of the daughter was very difficult. She lacked all time. And young sneaking in his dreams, like any girl, hoped that Mom would buy her beautiful dress, new shoes for the purpose of this robe to appear on the local dance floor ...

In addition to such hobbies, she had his ideal - Anca-Machine Maker. As you know, this film is also a prototype. We are talking about Mary Popova. During the civil war in one of the battles, she replaced the deceased machine gunner. Ahead of events, let's say one thing: inspired by M. Popova, Antonina also received a machine gun. Only here the character and prototype of the book and the film "Chapaev" fought with the enemies, and Makarov shot sentenced ...

In school, young Tonya studied quite diligently. True, she did not show a special zeal to the exact sciences. She preferred objects such as geography and history.

For eight years, a man-gunner's thinned, biography, whose childhood was not rainbowd, studied in a rustic school. In high school, she has already been trained in Moscow school. The whole family moved there.

Having received a maturity certificate, she entered the school, then in the technical school. She planned to become a doctor.

"Vyazemky boiler" and retreat

When the war began, she went to the front, becoming a sinaster. The German army then fell on the Soviet capital.

As a result, Makarova with its parts was in full surroundings, in t. N. "Vyazemsky boiler." At some point, retreating, she fell into the hands of the Germans. After a while she managed to escape. And not one escaped, and with the soldier Nikolai Fedchuk.

Together, they wandered through the forests, sometimes stole to feed. At the same time, they did not look for the chance to find partisans or break into parts of the Red Army.

In the course of this wandering, Fedchuk stopped ceremony with a representative of the weak gender and made it his "hiking wife." True, the unwitting "spouse", in fact, did not particularly resist.

In early 1942, the surripens were in the village where Fedchuk lived before the war. It was there that he admitted to the tone that he was married and his family lives around. In a word, Makarova remained quite alone.

Over the course of several days, Antonina has begun at home. At first, the villagers did not drive it out, but since they had enough of them without her worries, to keep a long-unknown woman did not decide. She, it was, tried to make a novel with one of the villagers. But in the end, she was able to adjust almost all locals against themselves. She had to leave the village.

They say the betrayal of Fedchuk and the lack of physical and moral forces at that time finished it. They say she really climbed the mind. But it was only temporary. She wanted to survive. And at any cost.


The wandering of Antonina ended in the vicinity of the Bryansk village elbow. Recall that during the war in this territory, the T. N. The Lococcian Republic, which was founded by Russian collaborators, that is, the minions of the Nazis.

The unfortunate nursing was detained by the police she liked. They took to themselves, gave food, offered alcohol and raped. True, the fact of this violence was very controversial. For at that time, the tears agreed absolutely to all.

Thus, for some time, the former Sanning worked with policemen as a prostitute.

Once it, heavily drunk, brought out to the street and gave the Maxim machine gun - exactly the same as at Anquie-gunners.

There were people in front of her who should now be executed. Tone gave an order: shoot. Massigorant did not make much work for her. And she did not feel remorse. Of course, Makarova had a choice. She could be among the shocked. She could also become a pall, which happened, actually. She chose a second option, hoping that he was later able to write all the war. Well, in the end, her long-standing dream came true in something - she became a machine gunner, like her favorite character. Also began to improve her life.

For the next day, her bosses decided that it would work for a prostitute - an unsuitable occupation. Much better she fulfills another job. In a word, she was offered to participate in executions on an ongoing basis. According to Makarova itself, the invaders did not want to paint his hands. They believed that it would be more convenient if the Soviet woman would shoot sentences.

As a result, when she agreed to the Offer of the Germans, she was given a machine gun for personal storage. From now on, she was an official believer. The management suggested her salary in thirty brands. Also, after many months, she finally gave bed. And there lived a man-gunner (biography, photo - in the article) in a separate room, which is at the local factory.

"Drag in nettle"

The routine of Antonina's Day as the executioner was too monotonous. She woke up, had breakfast, after which she cooked his machine gun to the violence. Meanwhile, the sentences were in Saraj. In fact, he fulfilled a peculiar prison. In this "camera" there was exactly twenty-seven people. According to eyewitnesses, there was a constant terrible moan in the dunge. The arrestants were stuffed into the room that it was impossible to sit down. And since the prison was never empty, with sentenced quickly spread. And immediately, new unfortunates arrived in this season of suicide.

When Antonina's machine gun was ready for executions, sentenced to the shot pit and the sentence itself was performed. The survivors of the Much Machine Maker won the pistol in the head. By the way, a story on the shooting on the jargon Makarova is to "bring up to nettle."

According to her testimony, she just conscientiously performed her work. Especially for this "work", as mentioned above, she received real German money.

Sometimes she executed not only the Soviet partisans, but also members of their families. True, she did not want to remember this at all and tried to forget about those whom she shot. Yes, and do not know her themselves. Therefore, it never experienced remorse. However, the circumstances of one crucifier remembered to the last. An unknown young guy who was sentenced to death, managed to shout to her: "I will not see now! Farewell, sister!"

Sometimes Antonina Makarova (a tuny-gunner, whose biography was told in the article) allowed "marriage" in the work. So, several children were able to survive in this meat grinder. The reason was alone: \u200b\u200bdue to the small growth of the bullet passed on top of their heads ...

Rustic residents who were buried shot, were able to take unfortunate teenagers and transfer them to the Soviet partisans.

Solver about the bloody punisher Tongle-gunner crawled throughout Bryansk region. Partisans even decided to declare hunting for her. Unfortunately, these searches seemed in vain.

When the sinking ended his violence, she cleaned her favorite machine gun. In the evenings, she came to the German club, danced, drank together with representatives of the Aryan nation, after which he relaxed in the arms of officers and policemen.

Also, often at night a man-gunner, biography and the history of the life of which are described in many historical documents, came to the suicide cameras and carefully considered sentenced. Whether it was morally preparing for the morning shooting, whether she looked in advance the things were doomed. In any case, as encouraging her, she was able to pick up the clothes of those killed. Over time, she has a volatile number of outfits.

Although there were serious chagrins in her work. Sometimes she complained that not only large blood spots remained on the clothes, but also holes from bullets ...

Metamorphosis of the Palacha

In the summer of 43th, Makarova's life made another turn. Soviet troops began to liberate Bryanzchina. Accordingly, in the light of the last reports from the front, it did not foretell her anything good. But by the same summer she was sent to the rear hospital to be treated from venereal diseases. In short, she managed to escape from retaliation at that time. Note immediately, the Red Army and the partisans were released the elbow in early September.

In Makarov's hospital walls, it was more than uncomfortable. After all, Soviet troops are very quickly approaching. The Nazis began evacuation, but they were transferred only to the Aryans.

Meanwhile, in the rear, Antonine managed to start another love novel. The gentleman became the gentleman. He secretly was able to take her to Ukraine, and then - and to Poland.

But here she was not very lucky. The lover was killed, and the Nazis sent it to the death camp, which in Königsberg.

In 1945, the Red Army captured this city. Then Makarova used a stolen Soviet military ticket. In this document it was written that from 1941 to 1944, she served in one of the sanitary battalions. Thus, the thinker managed to give himself for a Russian nurse, and she began to work in a mobile hospital.

In the same period, the executioner's tank-gunner, the biography of which makes terrible even the most comprehensive people, met one of the wounded soldiers. His name was Viktor Ginzburg. Only one week later the beloved signed. Of course, the bride decided to take the surname of his groom. And when the war finally ended, the young couple went to the town of Lötel - the homeland of Ginzburg.

So, Antonina Makarova, a man-gunner, whose biography caused the contempt of everyone and behind which the guerrillas hunted for a long time, disappeared. A well-deserved veteran appeared, Antonina Ginzburg Frontovik. Only after three decades of the man-gunner, the biography and victims of it in wartime unexpectedly surfaced to the surface ...

Double life

When Soviet troops freed not only Bryansk, but also the elbow, the investigators were discovered by the remains of 1.5 thousand victims of executions. Unfortunately, the consequence was able to identify only 200 executed. In addition, witnesses were also called for interrogation. The information was constantly specified and rechered. But the man-gunner is rushed into the water. At her trail could not attack.

And the tuny-gunner itself, biography and life after the war of which were established, became an ordinary, simple Soviet woman. She was engaged in the upbringing of his two daughters, she was invited to meet with schoolchildren, where she talked about her heroic past. She worked. She managed to work on the lepel sewing factory. Antonina was responsible for product quality at the enterprise.

By and large, she was considered not only a very responsible, but also a conscientious employee. Her photo was repeatedly postponed to the board of honor.

According to her former colleagues, Antonina always seemed closed. In the conversation she talked little. And when corporate holidays happened at the enterprise, it almost did not use alcohol (apparently not to say).

In general, Ginzburgh were respected people. And since they were front-line, then all the benefits that were relying veterans, they received. Well, of course, nor the spouse, nor familiar families, nor neighbors were not aware of the fact that the Honored man of Antonina Ginzburg is and there is a sad-famous Machine Maker ...

Unexpected turn

Only in 1976, the case of the Locos punisher moved from the dead point. And the following happened. At one of the squares of Bryansk, an unknown man unexpectedly attacked his fists on a certain Nikolai Ivanin. The fact is that he was able to recognize the head of the German Locoda prison during the war. Ivanin, hiding all this time, like Antonina, did not unburify and give a consequence of his testimony. At the same time, he mentioned the man of the gunner (he had a short love romance with her). Of course, the investigators called her surname.

It was this hook that made it possible to develop a complete list of USSR citizens who wear such a name. Alas, but in this list, law enforcement officers did not find the Makarov needed. They did not yet know that there were weaker sexual representatives here, which were registered under this birthday. Well, a man-gunner, as mentioned above, was originally recorded as Parfenov.

Nevertheless, first, the investigators were mistaken to reach another Makarova, who dwells in Serpukhov. Ivanina had to agree to conduct identification in this city. He was settled in one of the hotels, and the next day in her room he brought abacus life. The reasons for this suicide remain unexplained.

After these events, investigators began to look for all the surviving witnesses who can remember Makarov in the face. However, they did not identify it.

But the search was continued. Found real Antonin almost by chance.

A certain Soviet citizen of Parfen was going abroad. To get a departure permission, he sent an appropriate questionnaire, where information about his relatives was contained. The native sister of Parfenova - Antonina Makarova was also in this questionnaire. Then it turned out about the error of the school teacher of a young sloon ...

Jewelry work of operatives

Investigators had to work jewelry to discover the Locodskaya Palace. They could not blame in such atrocities of an innocent man. Therefore, Honored Veteran Antonina Ginzburg began to carefully check. Secrely operatives brought witnesses to the leprenel.

So, in 1978, law enforcement officers conducted an experiment. One of the immediate witnesses came to the city. At the same time, Makarov under the fictional pretext was asked to go outside. And the obvious to the crimes watched the antonina from the window. She confirmed that the employee of the sewing factory is a man-gunner thinner. However, this fact was still little for arrest.

Then the investigation decided to hold another experiment. Two more witnesses arrived in the lepel. One woman pretended by the employee. Makarov caused to supposedly recalculate her retirement. The gun-gunner was immediately recognized. Another eyewitness was on the street next to the building. She also identified Antonin. And only after that they decided to hold it all the same. On this day, Makarova Ginzburg went to the head of the personnel department. Operatives stopped it and presented an arrest warrant. According to the memoirs of investigators, when she was arrested, she immediately understood everything and behaved absolutely calmly.


When Makarova was in the chamber, she was steady in Bryansk. At first, law enforcement officers were very afraid that the treated would end with them. To prevent possible suicide, a woman was attached to her "whispered". According to her, Makarov was not going to reduce the scores with life at all. She was quite sure that because of her retirement age, the court would give her a minimum term - three years. At the same time, for the interrogation to the investigator, it caused itself. Demonstrated enviable composure when they answered the direct issues of the Machine-Maker. Biography (a documentary filmed in 2010) is tape in the Rent "Retribution. Two lives of thin-powered machine gunners. " The presenter told that Makarov believed that it was simply not for punishing it. And, accordingly, all the sad events that occurred were written off exclusively on the war-gunner's foam.

Biography (film tells details about this woman) told that when she was brought to the elbow, she also behaved very calmly. She herself admitted that during the war she was called a small-hand gunner. Then the investigators led her to a shot rally, near which it brought to the execution of sentences. And the local residents, seeing and learning her, was spoiled.

Investigators asked her about whether nightmares were not tormented after mass executions. Makarova said that such never happened. By the way, the mental examination confirmed that the Machine-Maker's thinker is absolutely sane.

The officers of the investigation proposed her to communicate with his spouse and with children. She refused. And even the news decided not to transmit.

Meanwhile, Makarova's unfortunate husband ran through all the instances. He was ready to write a complaint with Brezhnev himself and in the UN. He demanded to immediately release his beloved spouse and his children's mother. Investigators were forced to report what his wife is accused. They say that brave veteran, having learned the truth, went overnight. The whole family replaced Antonina and left the lepel forever.

Inevitable retribution

In the fall of 1978, the trial of Antonina Makarova-Ginzburg began in Bryansk, which was not only the last major process in the Soviet Union over the traitors of the Motherland, but also the only one when they judged punisher.

The fault of the man-gunners in the execution of 168 people was documented. In addition, nearly 1300 civilians remained unreserved victims of Makarov.

The Munchetcher Summer itself, the biography, the photo of which appeared in many investigative protocols, was sure that the punishment of a priori could not be strictly years. She was just worried that she would have to move to another city because of a shame and, accordingly, to look for a new job. Honestly, the investigators themselves believed that the court would show condescension to it. Moreover, its post-war biography turned out to be exemplary.

But the court decided to make a harsh sentence. On November 20, 1978, the gunner was sentenced to shooting. The words of Judge Makarova listened absolutely calmly, but at the same time did not understand why this measure is so cruel. Then she explained: "After all, the war was. Life is so formed. And now I have sick eyes. I need operation. Do not survive? "

After the trunk-gunner, a biography, whose history does not cause any regret, rocked appeals. She hoped for forgiveness, because the coming 1979 should be the year of the woman.

Alas, the court decided to reject these petitions. And on August 11, 1979, in the morning, at 6.00, the sentence was carried out ... This life was lived by a man-gunner. Biography, documentary should be interesting to everyone who studies history. Just regret the fate of this woman will not cause anyone.

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