Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

“I’m going to Magadan”: the mayor of Nizhny Tagil, Sergei Nosov, resigned. Sergey Nosov: “If to be, then be the first!”

The appointment to the gubernatorial post of the mayor of Nizhny Tagil has long been expected, or, in any case, has been discussed for several years. Starting with the position of governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Chelyabinsk region, Kemerovo region, and now, this has taken place - the Magadan region.

Rumors about this arose periodically over the years, and it seemed that Nosov was being targeted for potentially free vacancies that arose in problem regions. Therefore, after the publication of Putin’s Decree, several questions arise at once:

  • In Magadan, a place was simply freed up “for Nosov,” or was he specially prepared to increase the status of the mayor of Nizhny Tagil?
  • Who will take his place in the largest city in the Middle Urals after Yekaterinburg?
  • And, by the way, isn’t this appointment a device to finally push through in the Sverdlovsk region a scheme to abolish direct elections of heads of municipalities, thus increasing the controllability of municipalities to the regional and federal centers?

On this matter, the editors of the site collected the opinions of a number of experts.

The opinions gathered were very different. In particular, Doctor of Political Sciences and Candidate of Philosophy Sergei Moshkin refused to comment in detail on the phone about Nosov’s appointment to the Magadan region, since he is not going to engage in “conspiracy theories”, and he still has little information for a detailed discussion. Although his Facebook page shows that he was interested in this topic. Apparently, we should expect more detailed conclusions from him in the near future, based on additional data.

Eduard Koridorov, expert RASO (Russian Association for Public Relations):

The governor of Magadan has long been featured in various ratings and lists marked “to be eliminated.” The reason for this is mainly the age of the outgoing governor. The appearance of Sergei Nosov in a new role so far from his small homeland is both a tribute to the charisma and potential of the Tagil mayor, and a consequence of the obvious fact that Nosov is cramped in the position of mayor, which is why tension has arisen between him and the regional authorities. A calm, civilized parting of Nosov with the Middle Urals is the best solution for both sides. Of course, according to the logic of things, now a new scheme for electing a mayor should triumph in Nizhny Tagil: none of the regional managers need a third experiment with an independent obstinate mayor. Nosov's new appointment is another recognition of the reliability of the Ural school of realpolitik. Burkov, Nosov, Yakushev, Kobylkin are living examples of its success.

Andrey Rusakov, executive director of the Center for European-Asian Studies:

On the one hand, replacing Governor Pecheny, who left “at his own request”, is quite logical; the latter is already 68 years old, and everything is happening in accordance with the requirements of the legislation “On the Civil Service”. Pechenov, it seems, really decided to retire, since he did not appear in the United Russia primaries and did not intend to appear for the next term. On the other hand, the appointment of acting Sergei Nosov, who is far from the specific socio-economic features of the Magadan region, looks quite unexpected. On the third hand, it is obvious that his managerial experience has finally become in demand at a higher level than the head of the municipality. Nosov, as a person and leader, has long needed growth. Another thing is that now he will have to build relationships with local elites, which is not easy, given the remoteness of the Magadan region, and the political experience of Sergei Nosov, who is used to working in the Urals with the heads of metallurgical businesses, on whom local politicians directly depend. If we talk about the final change in the scheme of municipal elections in the Sverdlovsk region, then, indeed, this appointment can be used to ensure that the regional authorities “help” finally implement federal politicians in switching to the “Soviet” scheme of local elections in Russia. Based on the Presidential Decree, it is not so difficult to come up with mechanisms. Who can replace Nosov in Nizhny Tagil? It seems that here we must first of all look at the deputies close to him, but taking into account the fact that their candidacies will be satisfied and approved by the owners of the city-forming enterprises of the city. I don’t see any specific candidates yet.

Mikhail Korabelnikov, political scientist:

In this case, I believe that the person was simply given status, but was sent to hell as a strong figure in the Urals. Moreover, not only in the Sverdlovsk, but also the Chelyabinsk region. It is worth recalling here that in Magnitogorsk, and in the Chelyabinsk region as a whole, Sergei Nosov, like his entire family, are highly respected as a dynasty of metallurgists. And this must also be taken into account. I do not rule out that this appointment could be used to finally close the topic of direct elections of mayors in the Sverdlovsk region. It is enough to pass a regional law, taking advantage of the Presidential Decree, and appointing an acting head of Nizhny Tagil for a certain period. And then, after that, simply change the election scheme in Nizhny Tagil, the only city in the Sverdlovsk region where until now the scheme for electing a strong mayor was alive. Who can replace him? It seems that here we can consider at least several figures with whom the owners of city-forming enterprises would agree in any scenario - this is either Igor Kholmanskikh, who may be a 100% protégé of Sergei Chemezov, or Alexey Balyberdin. The latter, being a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, and a native of the same UVZ, can become, in the sense of choosing a “simple working guy,” a very successful find for the ideologists of the next appointment to the post of head of the city, or his elections, if they take place at all.

Roman Zykov, political strategist:

Sergei Nosov has long and very often been removed far away from Tagil and the Sverdlovsk region in general. Two factors come into play. First, he interferes a little with the Sverdlovsk regional elite, you know, such a mayor from the category of “untouchables” - you cannot touch the owner of Putingrad, he is in Moscow with garters and is even a federal figure, and Putin is rushing to Tagil in a helicopter instead of walking with first and second person in the region. Remember how the Tagil direct elections of the mayor were kept alive at the big request of the big bosses? The second factor is that with this establishment gloss, it is inconvenient for him to be some kind of mayor of one of the municipalities of the region. Fakes about the appointment of Nosov either as head of Chelyabinsk or Kemerovo are not smoke without fire, these are flashes of obvious processes regarding the personnel arrangement of a seasoned politician and administrator. And Kolyma is not an exile - it’s just that a federal subject is better than a regional municipality. The brain trust of the governor's administration is thinking about who will take his place, and the main thing is that the candidate pleases the corporate leaders of NTMK and UVZ. There will be no “Varyag” in such a city. This is not a technique for eliminating the last islands, where the mayor is elected by direct vote, but it is definitely a convenient event for the final resolution of the mayoral issue. Tagil no longer rules in this situation!

In general, the interlocutors agree on one thing: now in Russia the most experienced mayors are promoted to governors, and successful governors to ministers. A new political trend has also shown itself in the career of Sergei Nosov.

There was a rotation, a number of governors were replaced by mayors. Will this help the regions?

According to a correspondent of The Moscow Post, the mayor of the Ural Nizhny Tagil, Sergei Nosov, was promoted; he was appointed by presidential decree to the position of acting governor of the Magadan region. Before this, the post of governor was held by Vladimir Pecheny. “We need to figure it out and understand what kind of region it is,” Nosov commented on his appointment.

There is no doubt that the newly appointed interim will figure it out very quickly, because he has a wealth of managerial experience behind him. True, this experience was overshadowed by several major scandals. So whether residents of the region should hope for fundamental changes for the better in their region is a big question.

On the other hand, there is room to turn around; the region is a gold mine.

From the city to memes?

People started talking about Nizhny Tagil as the capital of patriotism after the head of one of the Uralvagonzavod workshops, Igor Kholmanskikh, spoke to the president during a direct line. At that time, it became fashionable for dissatisfied people throughout the country to loudly express their opinions and even take to the streets. This could not leave the plant employees indifferent. Therefore, during the direct line, Igor Kholmanskikh said that he was ready to come to Moscow with the men and disperse the protests and defend the interests of Russia from the “fifth” column.

These words quickly “flew away” into mass culture and gave rise to many jokes (memes) on the Internet. It is not surprising that with such devotion and zeal, Kholmanskikh himself became the presidential plenipotentiary in the Ural Federal District. But this played a role not only in the fate of an individual worker, but also in the history of the entire city. After his election, Vladimir Putin inspected the city and the plant’s employees. After this, federal funding "flowed" into the city. And it would seem that we can put them to work - restoring dilapidated housing, organizing new spaces. But no.

All that Sergei Nosov did as mayor was to renovate the drama theater. Not he himself, but he found an opportunity to allocate part of the money for this. And here it is appropriate to ask the question: where did the rest of the funds go?

Although, given that 400 million rubles were spent on restoration, maybe all the funds really went towards it? Although is it any wonder if the embankment cost half a billion.

On the other hand, is it possible to spend such a cosmic sum on the restoration of a provincial theater? Local residents were somewhat at a loss, and even joked that part of the funds “stuck” to the officials.

Igor Kholmanskikh

True, many in the Urals believe that this is far from being the merit of Sergei Nosov. "Nosov is a manager who can manage well when there is a lot of money and there is no need to count it. But now Nizhny Tagil is a headache for the entire region because of the loans that Nosov imposed on the budget. This is ****** [terrible ], but he doesn’t know any other way, because managing in the absence of resources is wildly difficult. But to take 10 billion, so that 5 of them disappear somewhere, and 5 go to useful things - this is Nosov’s way,” said a local political scientist. , City Duma deputy Konstantin Kiselev, quotes his words from Novaya Gazeta.

Sergey Nosov

By the way, success did not save Uralvagonzavod - one of the largest enterprises in the city was miles away. He was rocked by a series of scandals related to former owners and bankruptcy trustees, but we will remember his fate later. But it is worth noting that the enterprise was practically a city-forming enterprise, and its final difficulties caused social protests. So here, too, Nosov showed his inability to solve an important problem for the city.

With French charm?

Nosov failed to become famous as the savior of Russian cities, but he almost got into, frankly, an international scandal. And he could have ended up there because of his relative. He "lit up" in the bribe that Muammar Gaddafi ordered to hand over to Nicolas Sarkozy, who at that time was the President of France.

This story is worthy of the pen of the great Dumas. This mysterious story involves a certain Alexander (Ahmed) Dzhuhri, a French businessman of Algerian origin. In some circles he is considered Gadaffi's liaison, in others a man capable of resolving any issue, no matter in what way. But what is known for sure is that the daughter of Mayor Sergei Nosov is married to the son of Dzhukhri, that is, she is the ex-mayor’s matchmaker! writes the portal "In Tagil".

Alexander (Ahmed) Dzhukhri

True, something bad happened. Jihri was arrested by French police on corruption charges. They have a hard time with this matter there in France!

Rostec and everything, everything, everything

Time to remember about Uralvagonzavod and rumors about Nosov’s friendship with the head of Rostec, Sergei Chesezov. There were rumors on the Internet that Nosov “earned money” on the side. Those. While mayor, he was also a “part-time” adviser to the head of the Rostec corporation, writes the Ozersk 74 portal.

Can these slander be believed? If you consider that as a result of long and complex manipulations, Uralvagonzavod fell into the hands of Rostec, it is possible. Moreover, it can be assumed that Nosov was not only a part-time assistant, but also created a conflict of interest.

If so, this is a direct violation of Russian law. This is why vague doubts about the bright future of the Magadan region begin to torment us.

The mayor of Nizhny Tagil and hereditary metallurgist Sergei Nosov replaced Vladimir Pecheny as governor of the Magadan region. Baked served almost his entire term of office and managed to leave before the official launch of the election campaign in the region. Observers characterize the new leader of Kolyma as a tough person and a truth-teller who is not afraid to argue, but at the same time has a strong charisma, thanks to which the population loves him.

The governor has changed in the Magadan region. Vladimir Pechyony, who has ruled the region for the past five years, resigned on the eve of the start of a new election campaign. As experts note, the main reason for Pechyony’s departure was his age (68 years old), and not complaints about his work from the federal center. Even in April, when rumors about the imminent resignation of the governor were already circulating in the region, the Magadan region was included in the rating of “St. Petersburg Politics” among the subjects with high stability.

At the same time, Pechyony’s powers expired in September 2018; he did not complete his term until the end of his term by only three and a half months. The Kremlin was obviously not happy with the change of the head of the Magadan region in the fall, when Pecheny’s replacement would have to work in the status of acting for a whole year until the next elections. And the acting governor, Sergei Nosov, who was appointed on May 28 and is a member of the supreme council of United Russia, will still have time to take part in the primaries of the party in power.

Nosov will move to Magadan from the Urals. In September 2017, having received 90.8% of the vote, he was re-elected for a second term as mayor of Nizhny Tagil, a metallurgical center and the second most important city in the Sverdlovsk region.

Doctor of Political Sciences from Yekaterinburg Sergey Moshkin in a conversation with the Club of Regions, he noted that although rumors about Nosov’s appointment as governor had been circulating for a long time, his transfer to the Magadan region was a complete surprise: Nosov, as a hereditary metallurgist with gubernatorial ambitions, was considered as a contender for the post of head of the region of Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Kemerovo regions.

Moshkin considers Nosov to be a rather tough person. “This is a truth teller, a man who was brought up in a factory environment. This is not a career-type official, he came from real production and ended up in the civil service almost by accident. He is not afraid of conflicts, he is not afraid to argue. In Nizhny Tagil he was the favorite of the population, he is very charismatic. He really values ​​people's support, this is fundamentally important for him - if he wins, then with a real big result in the elections. He is a very consistent and firm person, he is not afraid to make enemies for himself, but at the same time he knows when to retreat, and he retreats,” the interlocutor of the “Club of Regions” described Nosov.

Sergei Nosov is 57 years old. He comes from Magnitogorsk (Chelyabinsk region), where he graduated from the Mining and Metallurgical Institute, after which he went to work as a steelworker's assistant at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. By 1994 rose to the rank of Deputy Director of MMK for Production and Investments, and in 1998. due to a conflict with the management of the enterprise, he moved to Nizhny Tagil, where he soon became the general director of the Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works and vice president of Evraz-Holding. Since 2007 worked as an advisor at Rostec. He was elected several times to the House of Representatives of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region (the regional equivalent of the Federation Council), and participated in gubernatorial elections. In 2012 was appointed vice-governor, but left this post in connection with his election as mayor of Nizhny Tagil.

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Editor of "KP" - Yekaterinburg Rinat Nizamov spent one working day with the candidate for mayor of Nizhny Tagil and - for now - the vice-governor of the Sverdlovsk region [photo gallery]

Photo: Alexey BULATOV

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So, is anyone here taking protocol?! - Nosov knocks on the table with his fist, not hiding his dissatisfaction with the organization of the first meeting on the agenda. - So, you - write down after me!

It seems that the vice-governor has been out of sorts since the morning, but those around him calm him down: it’s always like this - the boss simply doesn’t tolerate a mess...

For several months now, yesterday's capital resident Sergei Nosov has been living in Nizhny Tagil. He was sent here on behalf of Yevgeny Kuyvashev “to raise the second city in the region.” So he lifts it up. Almost with bare hands.


This working morning of the Vice-Governor begins in a sporty, cheerful way. A short participation in a meeting of the political council of the Gornouralsk urban district, after 10 minutes - a visit to the unfinished ski jump complex on Mount Dolgaya. The Continental Ski Jumping Cup will be held here in March. Must pass. So far, even some of the project’s implementers are not sure of this. This infuriates Sergei Nosov, who arrived here with an inspection. He is sharp, straightforward, but still terribly charismatic.

If anyone here wants to disrupt the Cup, let them raise their hand! - he suggested at a meeting after inspecting the territory of the sports complex.

The audience, represented by sports officials, customers, designers and builders of ski jumps, lowered their eyes. Nosov continued, more calmly:

The government of the Sverdlovsk region allocated an additional 373 million rubles for the construction of this complex. None of you will receive a penny until I see that all your estimates are in order. Not a penny! Provide me with information about how funds are spent within a week! It's clear? One week due! You can punch each other in the face, but in a week I’ll have it! And please don't joke.

Joking with the most likely new mayor of Nizhny Tagil (even today, two days before the elections, his ratings are off the charts) in this society is tantamount to suicide. The lieutenant governor slammed the table again - he, by the way, likes to “summarize” in this way - and went on. Sergei Nosov's schedule is scheduled, if not by the minute, but by the hour and until the evening. The next hour is devoted to the potential electorate - residents of the suburbs of Tagil.


He was going to Chernoistochinsk to tell the local residents the good news: the development of the diorite deposit in the Visimsky Nature Reserve, which the Chernoistochinsk residents so protested against, has been stopped! The people gathered in the village administration were, of course, happy about this. People fought for a long time for Yuriev's stone, and they were finally heard. But at the same time, the residents of the village realized that an official of such rank could not be allowed out of the hall. Not under any pretext. For the residents of the village this is unforgivable. Otherwise, local officials will continue to not care about their troubles...

The villagers burst through.

Sergei Konstantinovich, the water in our pond is not considered potable, and out of seven pumps for the entire village, only two are working. We have been sitting without water for so many months! We can't find the owner of these speakers! We write, we write... No one answers!

Regular buses pass by Chernoistochinsk because there is no road. And you can’t even get to the cemetery...

There is no gas in the village, and officials do not want to take on this!

Our only hospital was left without heating, the firebox was turned off, the pipes were cut off, people were fired... How are we going to survive the winter?

We are boiler room workers. We have a wage debt since May, Sergei Konstantinovich...

It seemed that the entire village howled in pain. No one needs him that much.

Salaries have not been paid since May - this is the prosecutor’s office, not Sergei Konstantinovich... - the vice-governor was frankly confused. - How many people are sitting without money?

About two hundred people.

Nosov whistled.

In general, call here tomorrow the prosecutor, housing and communal services, and employers - everyone. Let them explain themselves to the people. Who will be responsible for the fact that people are sitting without money?! We will resolve this issue. As for your journey. This is where your road paver lives. Make them make the road! Without any government order! Do you have any equipment in your village? Well, at least a cart? Dump him a mountain of gravel in front of the cottage - let him make the road. Clean up the mess immediately!

The honest officials nodded in unison. At this Nosov stood up:

We need to go...

Last question! - a local resident pleaded. - You see, what a thing... We don’t have a landfill, but a nightmare! Everything there is managed by a visitor from Tagil. The money is terrible. Where do you want the garbage to be taken out?

Break the contract with him, since he is so smart! - Nosov became completely angry with the local officials. - Drive with a stick! If your stick is not enough, I will get my club.

The vice-governor receives friendly popular applause.


Nosov travels between Tagil villages in a jeep, without flashing lights or escort. The roads here are even better than in Tagil itself. There we drove along Nosov Street (it was named even before Sergei Konstantinovich arrived here - in honor of the first chairman of the Nizhny Tagil City Council

Vasily Nosov). Because of the potholes, it didn't look much like a road. It feels like you can only drive a tank along it...

We arrive in the village of Uralets. To the local hospital. To the unfortunate local hospital... The doctors working here are heroic. Firstly, there are no working conditions - the hospital is falling apart before our eyes, the equipment is broken. Secondly, they pay little. Thirdly, it is unsafe!

Recently a bully came and beat up a nurse! - the doctor tells Nosov with eyes wet from tears. It’s as if he’s not complaining to an official, but to the Commissioner for Human Rights, a savior. - Yes, he just took it and beat him. And the nearest police officer is in Tagil, forty kilometers away. Our local police officer is there.

Do you want to say that there is not a single police station in the entire village? - Sergei Nosov frowns.

No! - the thin nurses shrug their shoulders. - We used to be here, but they were cut down. In general, while we were waiting, the bully ran away. And the local police officer arrived only an hour later. Imagine, you can die!

Before the important guest had time to answer anything, the doctors began to cry vying with each other:

We have a lot of free positions: we need both a pediatrician and a therapist... But they don’t want to come here from the city, because there is nowhere to live. No new housing is being built.

And what exists is emergency. Life is scary...

We have houses - no water, no bath!

These houses need to be demolished! - Mr. Nosov remarked menacingly.

When will you build new ones? Where do you want us to wash now?!

In the bath! - he suggested.

But there is no bathhouse!

How come there is no bathhouse? Even public? How many people suffer like this?

About three hundred people...

Hmmm, thought the vice-governor. - We will still demolish dilapidated housing at an accelerated pace and build a new one in a new place! But that will only happen next year. We just physically won't make it in time. And we will build you a bathhouse. Big, good.

From the old hospital, Nosov went to a meeting with a businessman, the owner of a local mechanical plant. First of all, I asked him to rebuild a bathhouse for the residents of the Urals. Big, good. He didn’t shrug it off and promised: “We’ll do it!”


The day ends in the village of Ust-Utka. I am talking with Sergei Nosov on a bench. During the day of communicating with people, he became seriously hoarse. Also, local geese, as owners, shout down the vice-governor.

Was the trip interesting? - Nosov asks me first.

Very! Do you have these every day?

Lately every day.

A logical question will arise from our readers from other cities and villages: “Why not come to us?” You are not running as a candidate for mayor of Nizhny Tagil, but as the vice-governor of the entire Sverdlovsk region.

It's not about the village. The most unique thing is that we are located in the city of Nizhny Tagil. And this is not a village - these are houses, housing of the Nizhny Tagil municipality. There was a specific order from the governor, and I now understand that it was not without reason. Nizhny Tagil today has a territory larger than Moscow. But in Moscow there are no such unique things: from agriculture, geese, that means, to heavy industry, such leaders of Russian mechanical engineering as Uralvagonzavod, and such leaders of metallurgy as NTMK, and so on, so on, so on. There is no such contrast anywhere on such a vast territory. Tagil is unique. And the governor gave instructions specifically regarding Tagil in the first place. On assignment, I must reach everyone and take it seriously.

Today you yourself said that your task is to have these minor problems solved without you. But please tell me why they can’t install a water pump in the city without your help? Without your help, two hundred people cannot receive a salary. The road cannot be repaired. You yourself said that it would look like foppery: they say, you came and decided everything with one click. But so far from the outside it looks like this...

This is what it looks like. But if they contact me today, I need to help today. Help consists of only one thing - a good kick in the ass to those who were supposed to do this. This alone is not enough for some officials. But when I say that this should be decided without me, I mean that there should be a system of responsibility for the entire vertical of municipal government, there should be control over the actions of officials, over how they carry out their basic duties. Daily fulfillment of these responsibilities consists of specific small examples - to solve the problem.

So you want to say that they can’t put up a column without the vice-governor?

No, that's not what I want to say. I want to say that the work system should be such that the official who is responsible for the district or region should have feedback. It must be addressed and it must respond. Often these questions are not a miracle, you need to call and say: “Do it!” But there are no decisions, no control influence from those who should do it, to the performers. And my task is to configure the operation of this system.

Sergei Konstantinovich, I won’t open America to you, do you agree that we saw a depressing situation today?

Yes… ( sad).

And this is the situation in all small towns and villages of the Sverdlovsk region. Some are even sadder. Will you go to each one and solve problems with gas, roads, hospitals and why officials don’t answer people’s letters?

Officials are always complaining that there is no money, this is not there, that is not there. Here you simply need to worry not only about yourself, but also about people, because this is part of your job responsibilities. It's no secret that I am a candidate for mayor of Nizhny Tagil. I also see my task as using the example of Nizhny Tagil to show that the work of the administrative apparatus can be effective. And you don’t need to blame everything on money, you need to start with organization.

So you want to say that there is no such system in the Sverdlovsk region yet? Are officials not working at all places?

I won’t tell you for the Sverdlovsk region, I can tell you what I see in Nizhny Tagil. There is a principle that I learned from industry: you need to take and stretch one section, and others will follow it. Here you saw huge territories, but this is, in principle, one area. If you pull it out, the rest will follow, including other districts of the Sverdlovsk region. This task is set by the governor.

The people we saw today will, of course, thank you. For the bathhouse, for the hospital, for the roads. But all these are just pre-election methods...

You heard: people need help today! What does this have to do with elections? What they started telling me at the hospital… if you can decide today, why put it off until tomorrow? Today you can simply call to solve some specific issues. But I clearly understand that this should become a habit, like brushing your teeth: find out in the morning what’s going on and make timely decisions, send the same master, for example, who is on vacation. Was it impossible to do this before? When proper organization of work becomes a habit, then you can go on vacation, hunt, or somewhere else.


Today we were driving along Nosov Street in Nizhny Tagil...

Not in my honor.

Yes, I know. You may not have noticed in the jeep, but we noticed in our car that this was not a road, but a series of potholes.

You have not yet driven along all the roads of Nizhny Tagil. This is excellent asphalt compared to some streets in Nizhny Tagil. Everything is relative.

Let's imagine for a moment that you are the mayor of Nizhny Tagil...

I can't even imagine it.

Do you have an idea how to improve the situation on the roads?

Eat. Firstly, I have an engineer's education. And engineers are taught to follow technology - that's it. The second is completely non-engineering: don’t steal!

We speak with some populist slogans. There is a specific technology for creating road surfaces...

There is, it is prescribed, but it is not followed. If you don’t follow technology in metallurgy, you will get a defect. You get the result in an hour and the effect in an hour and a half. And here... either you poured sand instead of gravel, or something else. It will be clear in a year and a half, but the company has already collapsed.

I can see straight away, Sergei Konstantinovich: a year passes, you are in the chair of the mayor of Nizhny Tagil, the roads in the city are ideal...

Is it possible. There are many masters in Tagil - golden hands. Now, if someone plans or forges a magic wand for me, there will definitely be good roads within a year, even earlier.

Today, even in Nizhny Tagil there is a catastrophic shortage of housing, and you have already promised to build it in the villages.

I did not promise to build, I said that emergency housing should be demolished according to the program. In order for it to be included in the program, it must at least be registered. It's not registered anywhere. That's the problem. But the fact that these people have the right to demand and be included in the program is certain. We need to start with basic things. These people live here, these houses exist. Here they are, the shacks. We need to dance from the stove.

Can you and I agree to meet, relatively speaking, in a year? You, as the mayor of Nizhny Tagil, will travel with us through these beautiful places...

You are thinking wrongly; the mayor comes for five years. In a year we will change everything here. There will only be one condition, you know, like in Harry Potter, where they have different wands. When you decide what kind of wood to cut the wand from, God grant that it becomes magical.

There are things that can be solved - you promised to repair a monument in the village, a sports ground...

85 thousand to veterans... Call the administration on payday, say: “Well, they didn’t finish the inspection, there wasn’t enough money, let’s donate for the monument, we’ll chip in!” These people didn’t finish it somewhere, didn’t care and sent it around in a long circle. You can decide. And, maybe, if this happens, let’s say, you’ll see that other issues will begin to be resolved not at the expense of the call of the heart and at the request of the vice-governor, but through the competent organization of the work of the apparatus.

When you were appointed vice-governor of the Sverdlovsk region, you said that you were transporting your family from Moscow...

I was talking about my wife.

Have you moved?

Not yet. She'll come wherever she goes. He won’t leave me alone among the women of Nizhny Tagil.

So how about meeting in a year?



In 1983 he graduated from the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute. G.I. Nosova.

In 1995 he graduated from the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Since 1997 - Candidate of Technical Sciences, since 2003 - Doctor of Technical Sciences. After graduating from the institute, he worked at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK): steelmaker, furnace production foreman, deputy shop manager, and from 1989 - head of the oxygen converter shop at MMK. Since 1994 - head of department, then - deputy general director of MMK for production and investment. He was a member of the board of directors of MMK. From 1999 to 2005 he was the General Director of the Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant. Since 2006 - General Director of JSC Russpetsstal. Since 2012 - Vice-Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region.

Acting Governor of the Magadan Region Sergei Nosov, Mayor of Nizhny Tagil, in connection with the resignation of the former head of the region Vladimir Pecheny.

Sergei Konstantinovich Nosov was born on February 17, 1961 in the city of Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region, into the family of a hereditary metallurgist. His father, Konstantin Grigorievich Nosov (1937-1996), headed the Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Plant and the Krivorozhstal plant in the Dnepropetrovsk region of Ukraine. Grandfather - Grigory Ivanovich Nosov (1905-1951) - was the chief engineer, director of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK; known as "Magnitka"). The Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute currently bears his name.

In 1983, Nosov graduated with honors from the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after G.I. Nosov (now Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov), in 1994 - the Academy of National Economy of the Russian Federation under the Government of the Russian Federation (now part of Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation).

In 1997, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences on the topic “Improving the technology of smelting and continuous casting of steel in the oxygen converter shop of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works in order to improve production performance.”

Doctor of Technical Sciences. Defended his dissertation on the topic “Methodological foundations for effective management of the metallurgical complex in modern economic conditions” (Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys; 2003).

In 1983-1998, he worked at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works as a steelworker's assistant, production foreman, deputy shop manager, head of the oxygen converter shop, and deputy general director of the plant for production and investment. Member of the Board of Directors of MMK.

In December 1998, he moved to the city of Nizhny Tagil (Sverdlovsk region). From 1998 to 2002 - Deputy General Director, General Director of OJSC Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant (NTMK; since 2001 - as part of the Evraz group).

In 2002-2005, Nosov served as managing director of Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works OJSC and the West Siberian Iron and Steel Works (Novokuznetsk; part of the Evraz group). Headed the directorate of the NTMK industrial site. He was vice president for technical policy at Evrazholding LLC.

He combined work in the metallurgical industry with political activities. In 2000 and 2004, he was elected to the House of Representatives of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region (the upper house of the bicameral parliament). He ran in Leninsky constituency No. 17 of the city of Nizhny Tagil (2000 - 73.02% of the vote; 2004 - 88.72%). He exercised his parliamentary powers on a non-permanent basis.

In 2002, Nosov took part in the elections to the Regional Duma of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region (lower house), headed the list of the Unity and Fatherland movement. The movement took second place (18.35%) after the pro-governor electoral bloc “For the Native Urals” (29.43%). Nosov refused his mandate, remaining a deputy of the House of Representatives. Regional media called him one of the possible competitors of the head of the region, Eduard Rossel, in the upcoming gubernatorial elections in 2003, but Nosov did not participate in them.

In March 2004, he again ran for the Regional Duma of the Legislative Assembly on the United Russia list (second after Governor Eduard Rossel), but subsequently refused the mandate.

At the same time, he headed the regional branch of the United Russia party. In April 2004, he was replaced as secretary of the political council by Alexey Vorobyov, head of the regional government.

He served on the boards of directors of OJSC Tagilbank and OJSC Seversky Pipe Plant. He was the Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Vysokogorsky Mining and Processing Plant.

From 2006 to 2007 - Advisor to the Deputy General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosoboronexport. In 2007, the company became part of the newly formed state corporation "Russian Technologies" (since 2014 - "Rostec").

From 2007 to 2009 - General Director of the Moscow CJSC Russpetsstal (a subsidiary of the Russian Technologies State Corporation; declared bankrupt in 2012).

In 2009-2010 - General Director of OJSC RT-Metallurgy, in 2011-2012 - Advisor to the General Director, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Lex Electa LLC (Moscow).

From July to October 2012 - Vice-Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region (head of the region - Evgeny Kuyvashev).

On July 26, 2012, he won the preliminary vote for the selection of candidates (primaries) from the United Russia party for the post of mayor of Nizhny Tagil. Sergei Nosov received 817 votes out of 946, second place was taken by the head of the city branch of the Young Guard of United Russia, Maria Lisina (194).

From 2012 to 2018, he was the mayor of Nizhny Tagil, the second largest city in the Sverdlovsk region.

He was elected on October 14, 2012, receiving 92.35% of the vote. He ran for the United Russia party. His closest rival from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, City Duma deputy Alexei Kubasov, scored 2.35%. The inauguration of Sergei Nosov took place on October 17, 2012.

In June 2017, he was nominated as a candidate from United Russia for the next election of the head of Nizhny Tagil. According to the results of the primaries, he took first place (198 votes), the first vice-mayor of the city, Vladislav Pinaev, was in second place (181).

On September 10, 2017, he was re-elected mayor of Nizhny Tagil, gaining 90.72% of the votes. Second place was taken by the director of the Nizhny Tagil Technological Institute, candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Vladislav Potanin (3.99%). Sergei Nosov took office on September 15 of the same year.

Since 2012, during Sergei Nosov’s leadership of the city, a program for the comprehensive development of Nizhny Tagil was adopted. Within its framework, cooperation has been established between the mayor's office and the city-forming enterprises of the region (Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works and Uralvagonzavod), as well as with the administration of the Sverdlovsk region. The city has begun implementing the projects “Kindergartens”, “Emergency Housing”, “Safe City”, as well as the investment project “Bright City” (modernization of the external lighting system).

In 2014, the Ural Clinical Treatment and Rehabilitation Center was opened in Nizhny Tagil, built under a public-private partnership program (the main investor is the former head of the VSMPO-AVISMA corporation, Vladislav Tetyukhin). In 2015, the Presidential sports and recreation complex with an area of ​​100 thousand square meters opened its doors. m, the construction of which was carried out on behalf of Vladimir Putin and with the support of the federal center. The reconstruction of the Nizhny Tagil Drama Theater named after D. Mamin-Sibiryak was carried out, and the reconstruction of the Nizhny Tagil Circus began. A new road bridge across the Tagil River was built on Frunze Street, landscaping of the Tagil Pond embankment was completed, a four-star hotel complex Park inn by Radisson was built, etc.

Member of the United Russia party (since 2002) and the party's supreme council (since 2016).

The total amount of declared income for 2017 was 3 million rubles, the spouses - 6 million 900 thousand rubles.

Awarded the Order of Honor (2000), medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (1995).

Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in 1995 for achievements in the field of science and technology (for the creation and industrial development of resource-saving technology for converter processing of low-manganese cast iron), Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology in 1999.

He has the Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, III degree (2000). Awarded the Cherepanov Prize (Sverdlovsk region, 2001).

Married, wife - Alla Nosova. The family has three daughters: Tatyana, Natalya and Ekaterina.

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