Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Definition of performer. Meaning of the word performer. What is included in the rights of a performer

EXECUTOR EXECUTOR - 1) according to criminal law (Article 33 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) one of the types of accomplices in a crime. I. is recognized as a person who directly committed a crime or directly participated in its commission together with other persons (co-perpetrators), as well as a person who committed through the use of other persons who are not subject to criminal liability due to age, insanity or other circumstances provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; 2) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on copyright and related rights - actors, singers, musicians, dancers, i.e. persons who perform works of literature or art in any way. I. also include stage directors and conductors. What is created as a result of their creative activity is called “performance” or “staging”. The related right of I. arises from the moment of the first performance; 3) as defined by the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” of February 7, 1992, “regardless of its form of ownership, as well as individual entrepreneurs performing work or providing services to consumers under a paid contract.”

Large legal dictionary. - M.: Infra-M. A. Ya. Sukharev, V. E. Krutskikh, A. Ya. Sukharev. 2003 .


See what “PERFORMER” is in other dictionaries:

    PERFORMER, performer, husband. (book). 1. A person who performs, practically accomplishes something. Task executor. The constant fulfiller of all her desires and instructions. 2. An artist performing some kind of role on stage or stage, what... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    In the field of copyright and related rights, an actor, singer, musician, dancer or other person who plays a role, reads, recites, sings, plays a musical instrument or otherwise performs works of literature or art; director… … Financial Dictionary

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    Executor- (English executor) 1) in obligatory legal relations, the party who bears the obligation to perform work or provide a service. For example, according to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”** I. are recognized ... Encyclopedia of Law

    A company that performs work or provides services under a contract. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001 ... Dictionary of business terms

    In computer science, a person or automatic device tasked with executing an algorithm or program... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    PERFORMER, me, husband. 1. The one who performs 1 (in 1 value) that n. I. someone else's will. Judicial and (an official who enforces court decisions and rulings). 2. An artist performing a work of art in front of... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - “PERFORMER”, Georgia, GEORGIATELEFILM, 1995, color, 70 min. Psychological drama. One day in the life of a death penalty executor. Cast: Gia Gamkrelidze, Nino Koberidze (see Nino KOBERIDZE), Shota Khristesashvili. Director: Mikho Borashvili.... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    Any person (enterprise, organization, firm, person) performing work or providing services under an order, assignment of another person, or in accordance with an agreement with the customer of work and services. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B.. Modern... ... Economic dictionary

    executor- An enterprise, organization or entrepreneur providing a service to the consumer. [GOST R 50646 94] Topics of services to the public ... Technical Translator's Guide


  • Performer, Boris Rudenko. The heroes of Boris Rudenko's works always act in extreme conditions. Professional skills help them defeat their enemies - bandits, murderers, corrupt officials - and get out of...

Counterintelligence Dictionary

Efremova's Dictionary


  1. m.
    1. The one who performs, accomplishes sth.
    2. One who performs a musical, literary or dramatic work.

Modern economic dictionary. 1999


Dictionary of economic terms


any person (enterprise, organization, firm, person) performing work or providing services under an order, assignment of another person or in accordance with an agreement with the customer of work and services.

Dictionary of musical terms


a musician who recreates a work - a singer, instrumentalist, conductor. For the performer, in addition to knowing the text of the work, it is of great importance to study the era in which the work was created, the features of the biography and creative views of the composer, as well as the existing interpretations of this work by various performers.

Ushakov's Dictionary


performer, performer, husband. (books).

1. A person who performs, practically accomplishes something. Task executor. The constant fulfiller of all her desires and instructions.

2. An artist performing some role, some work on stage or stage. Performer of the role of Khlestakov. Performer of folk songs.

Bailiff ( official neol.) - an official who implements a court decision based on a writ of execution.

Ozhegov's Dictionary


1. The one who performs(in 1 value) what. I. someone else's will. Judicial and (an official who enforces court decisions and rulings).

2. An artist who performs a work of art in front of an audience, in cinema, on television. I. musical works. I. Famusov's roles.

| and. performer, s. I. romances.

| adj. performing, oh, oh. Performing skills.

Sentences containing "performer"

Many of them will only do part-time work or fall into the hands of enterprising businessmen as sellers or order fulfillers.

According to him, during rehearsals discussions constantly arose, leading to desperate arguments, because each of the performers has his own experience and his own opinion about the relationship between a man and a woman and what a family is.

The honorary guests of the festival were the Deputy Head of the Government of the RME, the Minister of Culture of the Republic Mikhail Vasyutin and the head of the Gornomariysk regional administration Leonid Kubekov, who warmly congratulated the performers.

The place where everything is worked out, where every performer knows exactly what to say, where to go, what to do and how to change.

Subsequently, the prize was also received by the direct authors or, if you prefer, by the performers of the work.

In the case of gang rape by prior conspiracy or carried out with the threat of murder and possible infection with a sexually transmitted disease, the perpetrators can spend 15 to 20 years in prison.

He forced dramatic actors not only to dance, but to express feelings and perform actions with the help of virtuoso movements, invented taking into account the character of the character and the texture of the performer.

This is how he copes with his responsibilities as a performer.

The head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Boris Gryzlov, said that they were the direct perpetrators of the crime.

On March 19 of last year, the Supreme Court of Dagestan convicted a group of organizers and perpetrators of this terrorist attack.

At first glance, it becomes clear that the noun “performer” is formed from the verb “to perform.” That is, a performer is someone who performs something. But is this all the meaning or are there any pitfalls and nuances unknown to us?

Lexical meaning

To find out the answers to the questions that interest us, we turn to explanatory dictionaries for help.

  1. The one who performs.
  2. The official executing the decision; for example, a bailiff.
  3. An artist performing someone else's work of art.
  4. A person or an automatic device that must implement a given algorithm.
  5. The person who committed the crime.
  6. One of the books of the Soviet and Russian writer Boris Rudenko.

Morphological characteristics, declination

The word "performer" consists of eleven letters, ten sounds, of which four are vowels and six are consonants.

Performer is a common noun, often an animate masculine noun of the second declension.

Case Who? Singular Plural
Nominative Who? What? A performer is someone who performs a musical or literary work. Bailiffs must attend advanced training courses in September.
Genitive Whom? What? Unfortunately, the lead singer developed a sore throat and lost his voice. The project organizers could not find suitable performers.
Dative To whom? Why? Fans and fans ran up to the performer asking for his autograph or to take a photo as a souvenir. Successful performers have to rehearse and work hard and hard.
Accusative Whom? What? I have never met such a talented performer before. I don't like stupid, uninitiated performers.
Instrumental case By whom? How? Clouds gathered over the performer. Our team is proud of such performers.
Prepositional About whom? About what? All magazines and newspapers wrote about the brilliant performer. The performers wore identical costumes.

Synonyms for "performer"

There are many synonyms for the noun “performer”:

  • Artist/actress: Lyudochka Klevtsova dreamed of becoming a famous artist from a young age.
  • Actor/actress: The actor’s performance was mesmerizing and made you forget about everything in the world.
  • Actor: This unfortunate activist ruined everything for us.
  • Dancer/dancer/dancer: The young dancer performed his part without a single mistake.
  • Reader/reader: The school has announced a reading competition dedicated to the anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.
  • Narrator/storyteller: Arina Rodionovna was an excellent storyteller.
  • Vocalist/vocalist: The strongest vocalists in Europe took part in the concert.
  • Singer/singer: This singer has no voice at all.
  • Soloist/soloist: The soloist let the whole group down.
  • Contractor: Contractors miss all deadlines.

Compatibility with adjectives

What kind of performer can he be?

Good, best, bad, unimportant, inspired, brilliant, talented, mediocre, stupid, cool, beautiful, ugly, rich, poor, beggar, wealthy, homeless, old, young, young, promising, strange, hardworking, lazy, diligent, self-confident, shy, arrogant, daring, polite, arrogant, responsible, obligatory, tall, plump, thin, slender, lanky, pretty, strong, healthy, sick, deceitful, truthful, sincere, cowardly, expensive, highly paid, visiting, local, talkative, silent, sad, cheerful, cheerful, depressed, nervous, crazy, rural, urban, tired, tanned, pale, ruddy, dark-skinned, happy, unhappy, lucky, sleepy, cheerful, friendly, next, hungry, well-fed, calm.

Eight sentences with the word "performer"

To better understand the meaning of the noun "performer", you need to carefully study its use in the context of sentences.

  1. At first glance at the word we are studying, it becomes clear that the performer is the one who performs.
  2. I am just an executor of someone else's will.
  3. The bailiff behaved arrogantly and impolitely.
  4. The performer put his whole soul into the aria.
  5. The performer must not deviate one step from the plan.
  6. The contractor was identified; it would be nice if he led us to the customer.
  7. "The Executor" is a crime story by Boris Rudenko.
  8. List all the meanings of the word "performer".

In the field of copyright and related rights, an actor, singer, musician, dancer or other person who plays a role, reads, recites, sings, plays a musical instrument or otherwise performs works of literature or art; director… … Financial Dictionary

Cm … Synonym dictionary

Executor- (English executor) 1) in obligatory legal relations, the party who bears the obligation to perform work or provide a service. For example, according to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”** I. are recognized ... Encyclopedia of Law

1) according to criminal law (Article 33 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) one of the types of accomplices in a crime. I. is recognized as a person who directly committed a crime or directly participated in its commission together with other persons (co-perpetrators), as well as... ... Legal dictionary

A company that performs work or provides services under a contract. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001 ... Dictionary of business terms

In computer science, a person or automatic device tasked with executing an algorithm or program... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

PERFORMER, me, husband. 1. The one who performs 1 (in 1 value) that n. I. someone else's will. Judicial and (an official who enforces court decisions and rulings). 2. An artist performing a work of art in front of... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

- “PERFORMER”, Georgia, GEORGIATELEFILM, 1995, color, 70 min. Psychological drama. One day in the life of a death penalty executor. Cast: Gia Gamkrelidze, Nino Koberidze (see Nino KOBERIDZE), Shota Khristesashvili. Director: Mikho Borashvili.... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

Any person (enterprise, organization, firm, person) performing work or providing services under an order, assignment of another person, or in accordance with an agreement with the customer of work and services. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B.. Modern... ... Economic dictionary

executor- An enterprise, organization or entrepreneur providing a service to the consumer. [GOST R 50646 94] Topics of services to the public ... Technical Translator's Guide


  • Executor
  • Performer, Boris Rudenko. The heroes of Boris Rudenko's works always act in extreme conditions. Professional skills help them defeat their enemies - bandits, murderers, corrupt officials - and get out of...

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