Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Project on the history of chocolate. Project on the topic of chocolate: benefits or harms. While working on the project, we learned

Nagovitsin Oleg

student's research work on the topic "Chocolate: harm or benefit" (work + presentation for work)



Municipal educational institution Polovinskaya secondary school

Research work on the topic: health


Completed by: O.E. Nagovitsin

4th grade student

Head: L.A. Gracheva

primary school teacher

S. Half -2011

1. Introduction.

2.Historical information about the origin of chocolate.

Origin of chocolate

Making chocolate

Chocolate classification

3. Practical part of the study.

4. Conclusions.

5. Interesting facts.



“No chocolate, no breakfast!”
Charles Dickens

1. Introduction

Chocolate... It’s rare that anyone can say with a clear conscience that they are completely indifferent to chocolate. From Latin, the word “chocolate” is translated as “food of the gods.” Chocolate is a favorite treat for children and adults. I took the topic about chocolate because I really love this delicacy. It was interesting to find out how it came to us, what it is made from, what kind of chocolate is there? Does chocolate harm or benefit our body? Now, in the modern world of sweets, there are a large number of different chocolate products, sweets, and cakes. I believe that it is necessary to understand all this abundance, to understand their quality, to know the benefit or harm they bring to our body. At home, I constantly hear from my mother that you can’t eat a lot of sweets, because it spoils your teeth and causes caries. But they don’t write on chocolate packages that it is dangerous and unhealthy. Scientists' debate about the dangers and benefits of chocolate continues to this day. Supporters and opponents of chocolate have strong arguments. Therefore, I believe that the topic I have chosen is very relevant today.

Subject my research work is: “Chocolate: harm or benefit?”

Purpose my research work will be to search for arguments that prove the harmfulness or usefulness of this product. I will accomplish this goal through a series of tasks.

Tasks : 1. Familiarize yourself with the history of chocolate.

2. Analyze the composition of chocolate and what substances it consists of, find out their effect on the human body.

4. Draw conclusions about the benefits or harms of chocolate.

Research methods:

1.studying literary and electronic sources of information;

2. systematization and generalization of the found material;

3. survey;

4. analysis of the results obtained;

Object of study: chocolate

Hypothesis: I believe that chocolate has a positive effect on the human body

2. Historical information about the origin of chocolate.

The history of chocolate began a long time ago - more than 3000 years ago.Chocolate, like the cocoa tree, is native to Central and South America.

On the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, the Mayan civilization began the cultivation of wild cocoa trees. Cocoa is a tree that grows in the tropical zone. Cocoa trees do not tolerate direct sunlight.

The plantations are located at an altitude of 400-600 meters above sea level. The soil should be rich in nitrogen and potassium, well supplied with water reserves. For tree growth, a humid climate and an average temperature of 25 to 28 C are required.

The fruits of the cocoa tree are called cocoa pods. Young trees usually begin to bear fruit after 3-5 years. A cocoa pod weighs approximately 200 to 800 g and bursts with a dry crack when ripe after 5-6 months. During this time, it changes in color from green to yellow and from red to orange.

The height of cocoa trees ranges from 5 to 7 meters, and the lifespan is from 25 to 30 years. The leaves of the cocoa tree are large (20-40 cm long and 7-1 2 cm wide). When the tree is 3-4 years old, it blooms with white flowers (1 cm in diameter). On average, the tree produces 30 pods, each containing 30 to 40 beans embedded in the white flesh of the fruit.

And even then, at the dawn of human civilization, they developed methods for preparing different types of chocolate using various additives and components. After the fall of the Mayan civilization, the Aztec Indians continued to prepare cocoa, adding sugar, vanilla, cinnamon and honey.

The first European to discover the power of cocoa beans was Christopher Columbus. In 1502, He received them as a gift from the local inhabitants of the island of Guanaja (in the Caribbean). From that moment on, chocolate began its triumphal march across Europe: this delicious exotic drink won the hearts of the Italian, Austrian and German aristocracy.

Making chocolate.

In 1770, the first French company was created to use a hydraulic press in the production of chocolate. And in 1828, the Dutchman Van Houten discovered chocolate powder, but in 1875 in Europe, Henry Nestle invented powdered milk. Solid chocolate was invented only in the 18th century. How is it made? A lot has to happen to cocoa beans before they turn into the beloved chocolate bars. First of all, so that their aroma becomes even more unusual and the scales fall off more easily, they are fried. When they are fried, the alarm bell rings. Next, a wide crushing and sorting machine, similar to a huge chest of drawers, mercilessly crushes and grinds the beans, turning them into semolina. From the sorting machine the grist goes to the mill. But what is it? Why doesn’t flour pour out of the mill, but dough creeps out? After all, the semolina was dry! It turns out that the cocoa beans ground into grains turned into dough because the oil was squeezed out of them. After all, the seeds of all plants contain oil. After this, the hour comes when it is necessary to add the required amount of sugar, milk or any other drug. The chocolate is almost ready. All he had to do was hold out. They don’t do anything to the chocolate mass; it sits quietly in the finishing machine and will stay like that for three days. And all this time she should be very warm, even hot, fifty degrees. And only on the third day will chocolate become the way we love it - tasty, aromatic, and can be stored for a long time.

Classification of chocolate.

Chocolate is divided into groups according to the following classification:

  • by structure: liquid and solid
  • by taste (by cocoa powder content):

Gorky – more than 60%;

Semi-bitter (dessert) – about 50%;

Dairy – about 30%.

  • by color scheme:dark brown (black), brown, white.
  • by composition: with the addition of various ingredients - raisins, nuts, cookies, etc.,no added - pure chocolate
  • according to form:

Tiled monolithic;

Tiled porous;

Bars (monolithic or porous) with or without filling;

Chocolate medals and chocolate figures;

Patterned chocolate (for decorating cakes).

  • depending on the recipe and processing method:

Plain, with or without additions;

Dessert, with or without additions;

With fillings;



Here are some basic facts about chocolate.

3. Practical part.

While working on the theoretical part, I learned a lot of new and useful things about the origin of chocolate, its production and what types it is classified into. I wondered what the students at our school knew about chocolate. I surveyed 37 students in grades 2-5 and got the following results. From the analysis of questionnaire No. 1, I learned that most of the children from the offered sweets prefer chocolate; more than half of the students love chocolate. The shape of the chocolate does not matter much when choosing it, but the taste - most guys like milk chocolate. By color, a large number of students indicated white chocolate. (Annex 1). After analyzing questionnaire No. 2, I found out what the guys think about the benefits or harms of chocolate for the body. It turned out that more than half of the students (59%) believe that chocolate can be harmful to health, 78% of students think that chocolate spoils teeth, 36% of students suggest that chocolate makes you fat. And 59% of students believe that their mood improves after eating chocolate. Almost none of the students know the history of the origin and production of chocolate, but 89% of the children would like to learn in more detail about the origin, benefits and harms of chocolate. (Appendix 2) Analysis of the data obtained further convinced me of the correctness of the choice of my topic and its relevance, because more than half of the students surveyed do not agree with my assumption that chocolate is good for health.

The next stage of my research activity was to study the opinions of opponents and defenders of chocolate about its dangers and benefits. The data turned out to be quite interesting. Some say that chocolate makes you fat, others talk about a delicious chocolate diet. Some argue that chocolate does not contain vitamins, others believe that chocolate contains many useful substances. Some argue that chocolate is harmful to the heart and blood vessels, while others argue that chocolate is very beneficial for the heart and blood vessels. (Appendix 3) I have already stated my personal opinion in the hypothesis - chocolate is good for health. I decided to see this for myself and convince the kids at our school. For every argument made by chocolate opponents, I decided to find a worthy answer in defense of chocolate. To do this, I studied the scientific literature and found out the following: most doctors are of the opinion that chocolate is an extremely healthy product that should be included in your diet. So is chocolate good or bad? Let's try to figure it out.

In order to be knowledgeable in all questions about the dangers and benefits of chocolate, and to give a scientifically based answer, I decided to study the composition of chocolate. I studied and analyzed the composition of chocolate according to labels. (Appendix 4). This study of the composition of chocolate according to labels showed that all brands of chocolate contain such substances as: cocoa mass or cocoa butter, cocoa powder, sugar, vegetable fats; Depending on the type of chocolate, additives are present in the form of milk, cream, vanillin, and peanuts. Energy value is determined by the amount of organic substances:

Carbohydrates – 50-55%;

Fat – 30-38%;

Protein – 5-8%;

Caffeine – approximately 0.5%;

Having studied the scientific literature, I learned that in addition to organic substances, chocolate also contains mineral substances, the data for which is presented in the table and is not written about on the labels. (Appendix 5). This table shows how many substances are included in chocolate (theobromine, caffeine (1-1.5%), microelements - sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamins B1, B2, etc.). Honestly, these words were new and difficult for me, but I found out what they mean, tried to remember these complex names, and it was not difficult to understand how they positively affect our body. (Appendix 6) Now, knowing the composition of chocolate and what effect each element has on the human body, we can have a more reasoned conversation about the benefits and harms of chocolate.

So, let’s consider the statement of chocolate opponents and let’s try to give a scientifically based answer to all their attacks about the dangers of this product.

Statement one:chocolate is the culprit of excess weight.

Only partly true. Even during the Second World War, chocolate was part of the rations for pilots. It was capable of maintaining a person's strength for many hours. The main sources of calories - milk and glucose - are quickly broken down and quickly consumed. When consumed in excess, they can be “stored” as fat, but when consumed in moderation, they are not.For comparison: 3 bananas or one sweet bun have the same calorie content. Especially for those who love chocolate, but are afraid of excess fat, dietary varieties have been created - dark chocolate. Regarding excess weight, let's say briefly: excess is excess. Any product is harmful in large quantities...

Statement two:chocolate is the culprit of tooth decay.

The claim that chocolate causes tooth decay has been refuted by scientists. Unlike other treats, chocolate is the least dangerous. The cocoa butter contained in chocolate envelops the teeth with a protective film and protects them from destruction. Cocoa butter contains substances that have an antiseptic effect. They destroy bacteria that destroy enamel and cause caries. Japanese researchers believe that an extract made from cocoa bean shells should be added to toothpaste and mouthwashes. Of course, eating chocolate is not a substitute for brushing your teeth, but dentists believe that chocolate is less harmful than caramel.

And in 1998, dentists made a sensational statement: childhood caries is not retribution for the love of sweets (including chocolate), but the result of a streptococcal infection that the baby receives from his own mother. Dentists advise mothers to give their children chocolate instead of regular sweets (especially caramel): pieces of it spend less time in the mouth, while caramel takes a long time to be sucked on, and accordingly, the time for the harmful effects of sugar on teeth increases. And chocolate contains less of this sugar, while caramel is essentially melted sugar.

Statement three: chocolate does not contain any vitamins.

It all depends on the quality and type of chocolate. Some of them contain not only vitamins, but also iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium. In terms of the amount of vitamins and microelements, good chocolate can be on par with such traditionally healthy products as an apple or yogurt. It has been proven that one chocolate bar contains more potassium, calcium, minerals and vitamins than one green apple. Iron is necessary to increase hemoglobin in the blood, magnesium plays an important role in the transmission of nerve impulses and is important for the rhythmic functioning of the heart muscle, potassium, together with sodium, normalizes blood pressure and is important for maintaining a normal heart rate. Chocolate contains a substance - tannin, which is known for its ability to regulate intestinal function and even promote the elimination of toxins. And one more thing: one bar of chocolate is superior in calcium content to a serving of salad made from carrots, apples, oranges and bananas. And recent studies have shown that chocolate has an anti-cancer effect.

Statement four: chocolate is harmful to the heart and blood vessels

It is not true. Research by Californian scientists has shown that cocoa contains substances that protect the arteries and, therefore, are beneficial for the cardiovascular system. They are called "phenols". These substances prevent the deposition of fats on the walls of blood vessels. Contains chocolate and flavonoids, substances that delay the aging process of cells. Cocoa reduces the production of cholesterol, which is harmful to the heart and arteries. And the polyphenols (organic compounds of plant origin) contained in cocoa beans have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. They promote more efficient blood flow, reducing the load on the heart, and are able to destroy blood clots. It has been found that a small piece of dark chocolate contains the same amount of flavonoids (natural antioxidants) as 6 apples. Scientists compared the blood of those patients who ate chocolate and those who ate white bread. No changes were found in the second group, but the risk of blood clots in the first group decreased significantly.

Statement five: chocolate increases blood pressure and is a source of high cholesterol.

Yes, chocolate contains fat, but vegetable fat, i.e. cacao butter. And the product of plant origin does not contain cholesterol, since the latter is of animal origin. Cholesterol can only be found in milk chocolate, but even there it is only 25 mg per hundred grams. For comparison: one hundred grams of meat contains 75 mg of cholesterol. There is no need to worry too much about the effect of chocolate on blood pressure. Just keep in mind that one hundred grams of chocolate contains 20 mg of caffeine. For comparison, a cup of coffee contains 120 mg of caffeine. Experts do not recommend chocolate only for children under 6 years of age and adults with hypertension. By the way, numerous studies show that stearic acid and vitamin F contained in cocoa butter help lower cholesterol in the blood, have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, protecting it from atherosclerosis, and reduce the likelihood of developing heart attacks and strokes.

Statement six: chocolate has no effect on a person’s well-being and does not bring any benefit to our body.

It is not true. Scientists believe that chocolate relieves depression. And they are right! After all, when you eat chocolate, you are distracted from other thoughts, and thus the irritation goes away. Fats and sugar, which are abundant in chocolate, are the main suppliers of energy for the body. Carbohydrates provide easily accessible and burnable energy, while the fats contained in cocoa butter are absorbed slowly and provide the body with energy for a long time. The magnesium and potassium contained in it are necessary for the normal functioning of muscles and the nervous system. Therefore, chocolate is useful for children, as well as those who play sports. Parents give chocolate to children for exams. Scientists have proven the benefits of chocolate for brain function. Chocolate can improve mental abilities for a short time. This was proven by scientists from the University of Nottingham. Chocolate not only stimulates brain activity, but also has a beneficial effect on the emotional background. In 2000, studies were conducted in America that showed that people who eat chocolate 2-3 times a month feel better than those who completely gave it up. This is due to the fact that chocolate contains antioxidants - these are biologically active substances that protect the human body from diseases. Cocoa contained in chocolate has a stimulating effect on the immune system. Scientists from the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College London have found that theobromine found in chocolate may be useful in treating coughs and could even be used to treat chronic respiratory diseases. Scientists have found even the smell of chocolate to be beneficial. Its aroma contains almost 40 volatile compounds. The smell of chocolate relieves irritation, calms the nervous system, and improves mood.

It has been proven that 40 g of chocolate per day provides:

A surge of strength and vigor;

Memory improvement;

Resistance to stress;

Strengthening immunity;

Prevention of colds;

Strengthening blood vessels;

Normalization of pressure.

Statement seven:chocolate contributes to the appearance of acne on the face and diathesis.

Not true. There is no such thing as acne from eating chocolate! They occur when the sebaceous glands become inflamed, which often occurs in those living in environmentally unfavorable areas, as well as when personal hygiene rules are not observed. There is an argument for white chocolate. This is best for children who are allergic to cocoa. White chocolate consists of harmless products - milk powder and cocoa butter. Thanks to the content of the latter, this dessert can not only be eaten, but also treated with it. Cocoa - oil is useful for throat diseases. So melt white chocolate in boiled milk - and the medicine is ready. Children will enjoy drinking this.

Chocolate, like any other product, can be harmful if: - firstly, you eat it in large quantities (for example, eat half a kilo a day), but this is practically impossible;

Secondly, eat fake chocolate, not real chocolate.

Having studied and read a lot of literature, I have compiled a reminder for everyone who cares about their health and wants to consume only high-quality chocolate in order not only to enjoy the product, but also to stay healthy. (Appendix 7)

4. Conclusions. Returning to the topic of research...

As a result of the research carried out in this work, the study of literary and electronic sources, I came to the following conclusion: my hypothesis was completely confirmed. Chocolate really has a positive effect on the human body. Comparing the arguments of supporters and opponents of chocolate, I came to the conclusion that there are simply no serious reasons to deny yourself the consumption of real chocolate! It would only be worth adding that moderation is needed in everything. The last and most important argument in favor of chocolate: almost everyone really loves it! Maybe this is a sign of its usefulness? After all, if something tasty gives pleasure, then the body needs it. So “FREEDOM FOR CHOCOLATE!”


The material I collected can be used in history lessons, familiarization with the surrounding world, biology, and technology at school. And as a result of this work, I acquired the skills of collecting information, making presentations and working with the Internet and literary sources.

Slide captions:

The topic of my research work: Chocolate: harm or benefit? Completed by: Oleg Evgenievich Nagovitsin, 4th grade student of the Polovinskaya secondary school Supervisor: Larisa Aleksandrovna Gracheva, primary school teacher. 2011

searching for arguments that prove the harmfulness or usefulness of a product such as chocolate

Introduction to the history of chocolate. Study and analysis of the composition of chocolate, what substances it consists of and how they affect the human body. 3. Draw conclusions about the benefits or harms of chocolate. 4 . Make recommendations for identifying quality chocolate.

study of literary and electronic sources of information; systematization and generalization of the found material; survey; analysis of the results obtained Research methods:

I assume that chocolate has a positive effect on the human body

Brief historical background

The birthplace of chocolate, like the cocoa tree, is Central and South America.

The first European to discover the power of cocoa beans was Christopher Columbus in 1502. From that moment on, chocolate began its triumphal march across Europe.

From cocoa to chocolate Sorting Cleaning Roasting Grinding

Cocoa beans Cocoa mass Cocoa butter Cocoa cake Chocolate Cocoa powder Processing process

Types of chocolate By structure: Liquid and solid; By taste: Bitter, milky, creamy; By color: Dark brown (black), brown, white. Ingredients: With the addition of various ingredients: raisins, nuts, cookies, etc. Without additions - pure chocolate.


1.What sweets do you prefer?

2.What kind of chocolate do you prefer to taste?

3. What color of chocolate do you prefer?

4. Do you think chocolate can be harmful to health?

5. Do you think chocolate spoils your teeth?

6. Do you know the history of the origin and production of chocolate?

7.Are you interested in learning in detail about the origin, benefits and harms of chocolate?

Do you think chocolate can be harmful to health?

Opinion of opponents and supporters of chocolate opponents 1. lacks vitamins 2. does not affect human well-being 3. source of high cholesterol supporters 1. contains many useful substances 2. improves memory, strengthens the immune system 3. has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, strengthens blood vessels

Opinion of opponents and supporters of chocolate opponents 4. increases blood pressure 5. contains a large number of calories, it makes you fat 6. the culprit of tooth decay supporters 4. normalizes blood pressure 5. the chocolate diet is a delicious diet 6. it does no more harm to teeth than other sweets

Nutrients and microelements substances cocoa butter cocoa their effect on the human body strengthens the immune system reduces the production of cholesterol, covers the teeth with a protective film and protects them from caries

Nutrients and microelements substances glucose, fats, proteins, carbohydrates caffeine their effect on the human body suppliers of the body's energy, improves brain activity increases blood pressure and provides stress resistance

Nutrients and microelements substances magnesium sodium, potassium, their effect on the human body is important for the rhythmic functioning of the heart, normalizes blood pressure, maintains a normal heart rate

Nutrients and microelements substances calcium, phosphorus, iron fluorine, catechin phosphates, their effect on the human body prevents the development of osteoporosis, increases hemoglobin in the blood, prevents the appearance of tartar and caries. protects against heart disease and cancer

Nutrients and microelements substances theobromine phenols polyphenols their effect on the human body is useful in the treatment of coughs prevent the deposition of fats on the walls of blood vessels reduce the load on the heart, destroy blood clots

Nutrients and microelements substances flavonoids tannin serotonin their effect on the human body thins the blood, delays the aging process of cells, prevents stroke regulates the functioning of the digestive system improves mood, relieves anxiety

Vegetables are good for health

Conclusion As a result of the research, I concluded: my hypothesis was completely confirmed. Chocolate really has a positive effect on the human body. It would only be worth adding that moderation is needed in everything.

For example: Black (bitter) chocolate is prepared with the highest cocoa content - more than 60-80%. Milk chocolate contains cream and a smaller proportion of cocoa - about 30-40%. White chocolate does not contain cocoa beans and is made from cocoa butter and milk powder. The healthiest one is dark (bitter) chocolate without fillings or additives.

Signs of quality chocolate: smooth shiny surface; melts in the mouth and does not smear in the hands; characteristic crunch when breaking, breaks with a dry crack and does not stretch in any way

Eat chocolate and be healthy!

Thank you for your attention!


Relevance: Like most people on the planet, I love chocolate very much, but I have no information about it. And so I became interested in where chocolate came from, how it is produced, what properties it has, and also trying to make a chocolate bar at home.

Target: Making your own chocolate at home.


  1. Learn about the history of chocolate.
  2. Learn about the process of making chocolate.
  3. Study the composition and properties of chocolate.
  4. Learn about the beneficial and harmful qualities of chocolate.

Hypothesis: Delicious chocolate can be made at home.

Object of study: Chocolate.

Subject of study:Chocolate production.

During the work the following were used methods:

  • Search method: use of reference and educational literature;
  • Practical method.



What is chocolate? This is not only a favorite treat for children and many adults, it is a confectionery product made using cocoa fruits. This is a universal gift for people of all ages.

It turns out that the history of chocolate began more than 3 thousand years ago in Mexico. Then the Olmec Indian civilization was born. That's when the word "cocoa" appeared. At that time, crushed cocoa beans were diluted with cold water and drunk. Cocoa beans are a fruit that takes 4 months to ripen. Its length ranges from 20 to 38 centimeters. In appearance, it resembles a large cucumber or a small melon, with a slightly woody skin, a red, reddish-brown, green or yellow color that changes during ripening.

After the disappearance of the Olmeco, the Mayans appeared. For them, the cocoa tree was a deity, but magical properties were attributed to the grains. The Indians used cocoa beans as a bargaining chip: for 10 fruits of the cocoa tree you could buy a rabbit, and for 100 you could buy a slave. The Mayans even had their own God of cocoa, whom they worshiped.

After the disappearance of the Mayans, the Aztecs appeared. The Aztecs believed that cocoa seeds came to them from paradise, and the fruits of the sacred tree were the food of the celestials, from which wisdom and strength emanated. They first began to cultivate cocoa trees and set up plantations. The Aztecs changed the taste of the bitter drink by adding pepper and other spices. They, like the Mayans, used cocoa fruits as a bargaining chip.

Chocolate existed only in liquid form for a long time. It was the drink of marriage rituals. It was also used as a medicine.

The first European to try the divine drink was Cortez, who visited Mexico. In 1528, Cortez presented cocoa beans to King Charles V.

Then the Italian traveler Carletti brought cocoa beans to Italy in 1606. In 1615, Spanish Princess Maria Teresa gave chocolate to her fiancé Louis XIV. When Spain lost its power and monopoly on chocolate, it began to be made throughout Europe - Italy, France, Germany and England.

The first soft chocolate appeared in 1647 in the form of bars and rolls. The first milk chocolate appeared in Switzerland. In 1879, the first chocolate that melted in your mouth appeared. In 1913, the first chocolate with filling appeared.

The turning point in the history of chocolate was 1828. The chocolate has taken on a solid form. This happened thanks to the Dutchman Conrad van Houten.

The mid-19th century was the heyday of the chocolate industry.

Chocolate was first brought to Russia by the Latin American ambassador and officer Francisco de Miranda as a gift to Empress Catherine II. In the mid-19th century, the first chocolate factories appeared in Moscow.


Today, chocolate delicacy with its long history is available to everyone. Chocolate factories and confectionery shops offer a huge selection of chocolate products. The following are used as additives: milk, cream, vanillin, nuts, candied fruits, cookies, raisins. Thanks to this, we have a large selection of different products on our shelves.

Nowadays it is difficult to find chocolate in the form in which it was originally, it is considered exclusive.

In the modern world, chocolate contains: 5 carbohydrates, 35 fats and 5-8 g of proteins. Also added to it are 0.5% alkaloids and approximately 1% minerals and tannins. Substances that affect the emotional centers of the brain are also added to chocolate. They also add iron and magnesium.

According to modern technologies for the production of chocolate, in addition to cocoa beans and sugar, vanillin, glucose syrup, low-fat milk powder, ethyl alcohol syrup, lecithin, pectin, aromatic substances of natural or artificial origin are added to it.

Depending on the cocoa powder, chocolate can be milk, bitter, semi-bitter and dessert.

Milk chocolate contains 30% cocoa powder,

In dessert or semi-bitter - 50%,

In bitter - 60%.


My mother always tells me that eating a lot of chocolate is very unhealthy. But by studying the history and composition of chocolate, I learned a lot of interesting things. As it turns out, chocolate has many beneficial qualities. It has healing properties when used internally and externally.

The valuable health properties of chocolate are due to the fact that cocoa beans contain up to 300 different beneficial substances: fats, proteins, cellulose, starch and polysaccharides, tannin, water, minerals and salts, organic acids, saccharides and caffeine. The fats found in cocoa beans are classified as saturated fats.

The cocoa product is consumed in two forms - liquid, as a drink, and solid chocolate.

The beneficial properties of chocolate allow it to be used to prevent colds, and cocoa also strengthens blood vessels. Vitamin A contained in cocoa beans helps reduce blood pressure. The microelements contained in chocolate have a healing and tonic effect on the skin.

Chocolate is also an excellent product that improves mood and drives away melancholy and sadness. Chocolate is widely used in cosmetology. Various masks, wraps, peelings, etc. are made from it.

But in addition to positive qualities, chocolate also has negative ones. People with liver disease, metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus and overweight people should limit their chocolate consumption.

We conclude, like all other products, chocolate must be good; the more expensive the product, the better the processing. But, as with everything, there must be a line. Cheap chocolate contains many different harmful additives.

So I decided to make chocolate at home.


My family loves dark and milk chocolate, and we also often make cocoa drinks.

My mother and I decided to try making milk chocolate at home.

To avoid harming myself, I used safety precautions in the kitchen!

  1. Keep the floor clean and dry to prevent slipping.
  2. Do not allow the gas stove to be flooded with boiling liquid, fat or sugary substances. Make sure that no liquid gets into the heated fat, as you can get burns from splashes or from the flame of burning fat.
  3. You should use an oven mitt to handle hot dishes, and open the lids of pots with boiling liquid away from you so that drops of hot water do not fall on your feet.
  4. Do not pour hot liquid into glass containers: if the container breaks, you may be scalded.
  5. Do not try hot food without first cooling it.
  6. Make sure your work area is well lit.

Cooking technology.


Work sequence


Products, materials, dishes

Heat 100 grams of milk to 80 degrees

Saucepan, whisk

Add 1 tablespoon of cream 33%


Add 50 grams of butter to a saucepan


Sugar 2-4 teaspoons to taste

Tea spoon


Mix everything and cook over low heat until the milk begins to acquire a thicker consistency: 5-7 minutes. Pour the finished mixture into a mold, cool and place in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Chocolate mold


So, having studied the history and types of chocolate, as well as its impact on human health, I found out that:

Chocolate is not only a delicacy, but also a very healthy product;

You can consume chocolate only in reasonable quantities, then it will not be harmful, but on the contrary, even beneficial.

Chocolate is easy to make at home.

The healthiest one is dark (bitter) chocolate.

My hypothesis that delicious chocolate can be made at home was confirmed. Homemade chocolate turned out to be not only tasty, but also healthy, without the use of preservatives or dyes.


  1. Kokashinsky G.R., Production of chocolate products. – M.: 1973 – 128 p.
  2. Severyukhina T.V., Sentemov V.V.,Food research. Chemistry at school.– M.: 2000. – No. 5. – 72 s.
  3. Joanne Harris, “Chocolate” – BMM: 2008 – 55 p.
  4. Korkunov A., Suchkova E., “Chocolate” – EKSMO.: 2008 – 154 p.

In the mid-20th century, chocolate became the most common high-calorie food product. The first milk chocolate appeared in Switzerland, after which the Swiss company Nestlé gained popularity. The first chocolate with filling appeared in 1913. The biggest sweet tooths in the world are the Germans and the Swiss: according to statistics, each of them produces 10-11 kg of chocolate per year. In Brussels there is a chocolate museum, as well as a tea and chocolate salon, in which all courses - first, second and third - contain chocolate. By the way, Belgian chocolate is made without preservatives. That is why, alas, it does not last long, but it is incomparably good. The first chocolate factories in Russia were opened in the mid-19th century, and were subject to careful control by foreign specialists. The most famous and largest companies at that time were: the Red October factory and the Babaevskaya confectionery factory. These days, chocolate comes in all forms - liquid, hard, soft, powder. It is even used in medicine and interior design. And, of course, chocolate is still one of the favorite desserts for children and adults.

Individual project for 4th grade “Chocolate - harm or benefit”

The work was performed by Arina Avtushkina, 4 "b" Class. Gymnasium No. 1. R. p. Linevo.


1. Questionnaire

2. History chocolate

3. Useful properties chocolate

4. Harmful properties of chocolate

5. Practical task



List of sources


Chocolate- my favorite delicacy and therefore I took this topic to find out in more detail what they are made from chocolate, which beneficial or harmful to health because mom speaks: "A lot of chocolate is unhealthy that from chocolate spoils teeth" And I decided to look into this.

Target: to figure out is chocolate harmful or beneficial?, its effect on the child’s body.


Study the history of occurrence chocolate;

Identify positive and negative properties chocolate;

Conduct research;

Find interesting information and facts about chocolate.

Research methods: questioning, searching for information from sources and literature, literature analysis, research, summarizing the information obtained.

My work plan:

Study literature on the topic.

Conduct a survey.

Find out interesting facts on the Internet and watch on TV.

Before starting work, I conducted a survey.

I interviewed 23 classmate.

1. Questionnaire

Chocolate- The most popular delicacy for children. To determine popularity chocolate among children, we conducted a survey among students 2 class"b" Gymnasium No. 1. We interviewed 23 children using questionnaires and displayed the survey results in a table.

Question answer "Yes" Answer "No"

1. You love chocolate? 20 children 3 children

2. Do you think that chocolate is harmful? 14 children 9 children

3. Do teeth deteriorate from chocolate? 20 children 3 children

4. Do you know what they are made of? chocolate? 13 children 10 children

We also asked: How often do children eat chocolate? 15 children - once a week, 6 children 2-3 times a week, 2 children use every day chocolate.

After conducting a survey, we concluded that most children love chocolate, but know little about him. Everyone really wants to know if it’s useful or chocolate is harmful, and where it came from, and how it is made. In our work we explore and develop this topic about the benefits and harms of chocolate. What can a lot of eating lead to? chocolate? Does this threaten us with health problems?

2. History chocolate

Homeland chocolate, is Central and South America. The Aztecs used chocolate drink. According to one version, the word « chocolate» comes from the Aztec word "xocolatl" (chocolatl)- the name of a drink made from cocoa beans, literally "bitter water". The main raw materials for production chocolate and cocoa are cocoa - beans - the seeds of cocoa - a tree growing in tropical regions of the globe.

Chocolate exported by the Spaniards from Mexico, it became known in Europe. In 1600 chocolate began to spread throughout Europe. Skillful preparation France was famous for chocolate

The first one was released in 1847 chocolate. For a long time chocolate was only available to the very rich. Only at the end of the 19th century did a sharp decline in the price of cocoa and sugar chocolate has become available to everyone.

3. Useful properties chocolate.

Sweets are carbohydrates, that is, the most important source of energy. Children move a lot, their energy consumption is high, it needs to be replenished quickly, from this point of view, sweets are useful for children. Carbohydrates are also involved in the construction of cell membranes, blood proteins, and hormones. That's why chocolate is good for children, as well as those who play sports.

- Chocolate also rich in calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, thanks to which we become beautiful and smart. Phosphorus nourishes the brain, magnesium regulates cellular metabolism, calcium ensures the strength of bone tissue. Theanines contained in chocolate, have antibacterial properties and prevent the formation of plaque; phosphates and fluoride strengthen teeth.

Thus, chocolate can in no way cause caries, for which it is unfairly accused.

IN chocolate Antioxidants have been discovered - substances that have a good effect on the immune status, metabolism, and prevent the development of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular pathology, malignant tumors, and infectious diseases.

Sweet dishes are a source of pleasure and joy, and this is important.

According to experts, for full development a child needs to consume 30–40 g "sweet carbohydrates" V day: two or three candies, or one marshmallow, or two cookies. So, the norm of sugar for a baby from 1 year to 3 is 40 grams. If the baby is from 3 to 6 years old, he is already allowed about 50 grams of sweets per day.

The consumption of sweets throughout the day should be distributed in this way. For breakfast you can do without sweets, just sweet tea or cocoa. After lunch there is dessert, but it is not required. But for an afternoon snack, it’s time to give your child a cookie or a piece chocolates. Dinner - again without sweets.

4. Harmful properties of chocolate.

Sugars are easily digestible carbohydrates, which means they have the ability to be stored in the body in the form of fats and add extra weight to us. Uncontrollable eating of sweets undermines the metabolic regulatory mechanism substances:

Causes additional stress on the liver.

Promotes the occurrence of allergic reactions in the body.

Excessive amounts of carbohydrates increase the secretion of gastric juice, especially in children with disorders of the autonomic system.

Sweets can cause nausea, heartburn, and stomach pain.

Besides, harm food stabilizer E476 polyricinoleates contained in chocolate, can manifest itself in disruption of metabolic processes in the human body. Therefore, people with stomach diseases, as well as young children, should take this supplement with extreme caution.

Chocolate causes headaches because it contains chocolate tannin(a substance also present in red wine) may cause headaches in people. The fact is that tannin is a vasoconstrictor, that is, it constricts blood vessels, thus causing an attack of pain. Naturally, this problem concerns mainly adults, not young children.

5. Practical task.

While researching this topic, we studied the chemical composition chocolate which is on the store shelves and found out What:

In the majority chocolate uses polyglycerin;

And in very rare cases, lecithin.

More details:

An emulsifier is an additive that ensures product homogeneity, integrity and density of its consistency. Emulsifier "helps" It is better for the ingredients to mix with each other.

Lecithin, in itself, is a necessary substance for human life. In particular, it helps ensure the normal functioning of the nervous system, brain cells and liver, and renew damaged cells of the body. Lecithin is an antioxidant, meaning it prevents the formation of toxic compounds in the body. Widely in industry Lecithin E322 is used, obtained from soybean oil. It is completely safe for health and is approved for use as a food additive in Europe, Russia, Ukraine and other countries. E322, by the way, used not only as an emulsifier, but also as an antioxidant. The E322 supplement is, in general, even beneficial for the human body. But it can cause allergic reactions.

Polyglycerol is a food additive-emulsifier. According to its chemical composition, it is a compound of fatty acids. Can be used in production chocolate confectionery products as a replacement additive. Polyglycerin is made from castor oil or castor bean seeds, obtained by processing genetically modified products (GMO).

Cocoa bean butter is a rather expensive product. In this regard, manufacturers chocolate products use polyglycerin to reduce cocoa butter consumption, trying to save on production costs by replacing more expensive ingredients with cheaper ones. According to some data, with excessive consumption of foods containing E476, an increase in the size of organs, such as the liver and kidneys, may be observed.

Another food additive E492 is sorbitan. The permissible daily intake is 25 mg/kg body weight per day. When used for food purposes, E492 is considered safe, but if the daily dosage is exceeded, symptoms such as fibrosis, growth retardation and liver enlargement are possible; it can also contribute to the accumulation of fat in the body. No mutagenic activity was detected. This food additive is not approved for use in some countries. (for example in Germany).

Therefore, it is worth giving preference to those products in which not used E476, and E322.

So, in the store we studied the composition chocolate, and found out that almost all chocolate contains E476. BUT, on the shelves of our store we found chocolate with E322 additive, This - chocolate confectionery factory named after Krupskaya, (manufacturer OJSC "Orkla Brands Russia"), And chocolate bars(Although there's not enough chocolate there, basically the filling. Chocolate as a shell).

Additive E492 - sorbitan tristearate is contained in chocolate"Korkunov".

Conclusion: Reasonable use chocolate cannot harm our health. And if you want to eat your favorite tile chocolate, then you shouldn’t deny yourself this.

Important. Chocolate afraid of direct sunlight, as well as sudden changes in temperature.

Real chocolate:

Has a shiny dark brown, light brown or cream finish (white) color.

Taste there shouldn't be chocolate"plasticine", "soapy" or "greasy".

Chocolate, as a rule, quickly melts in the mouth.

My mother and I drew up a table as a reminder harmful and useful substances in chocolate:

Additive E322 Additive E476 Additive E492

1. Antioxidant lecithin

(plant origin). Useful for health. Be careful if you are allergic. 1. Polyglycerin – product (GMO)


1. Sorbitan is safe in small doses.

Conducted an experiment on chocolate.

Experience 1: Lower chocolate in water or milk. The natural one will sink to the bottom, but the non-natural one will float.

Experience 2: Put chocolate on the palm, if it starts to melt quickly, it’s natural.

Experience 1:

Conclusion: Drowned.

Experience 2:

Left (Russian, right (Alenka)

Conclusion: "Russia" melted faster, almost immediately.

Examination chocolate: Laying tiles chocolate in the refrigerator, then after a while we take it out and hold it over the stove. If chocolate starts"sivet", then he is real. As a result of temperature changes, the present chocolate begins to become covered with small white droplets. These droplets are cocoa butter.

Using the chocolate theme, we created a mini-museum in which we collected chocolate figurines, popular chocolate, a picture from DIY chocolate.

6. Interesting information and facts about chocolate.

The hormone of happiness in chocolate?

Chocolate really promotes the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness. Therefore, if you are overcome by blues, melancholy or sadness, allow yourself a few squares chocolate tiles and life will become brighter.

Is there a museum chocolate?

Yes. There are dozens of such museums all over the world, but we want to tell you about the most famous ones." chocolate"museums. One of the most popular is in France, in a place called Bayonne, in the so-called Basque Country.

In Cologne, on board a peculiar "ship", built from metal and glass structures, houses the German Museum chocolate, which is visited by 600 thousand people annually. He was created « chocolate king» Germany Hans Imhoff.

You may not know, but the Museum there is chocolate in Russia too. In 1992, the confectionery factory "Red October" opened the Museum of Russian chocolate in Moscow.

Saint Petersburg

In June 1999, pastry brothers James and Gilbert Ganong opened the Museum. chocolate in Canada. This museum opened in the town of St. Stephen, where since 1985 an annual Chocolate Festival. In connection with these events, in 2000 this small town officially received the name "Canadian chocolate city» .


Festival chocolate in Perugia.

Cocoa will improve memory.

Cocoa is a delicious drink that is healthy for children and adults. This is confirmed by recent studies of the effect of cocoa on the human brain, conducted by scientists from the Center for Human Psychopharmacology at Swinburne University. Dr. David Camfield and a group of specialists conducted an interesting study proving that a glass of cocoa a day increases human brain activity and also improves memory function. As Camfield found out, it's all about the flavanols contained in cocoa. It is flavanols that affect working memory, which contains information, making it available for subsequent processing. This type of memory, unfortunately, weakens over the years. Apparently, flavanols relieve brain fatigue. This is evidenced by the results of an experiment in which 63 people aged 40 to 65 took part. All participants in the experiment were divided into three groups.

1. The first group drank cocoa containing 500 mg of flavanols every day for a month.

2. The second group was given a dose of flavanols that was half as much – 250 mg.

3. The third group was given an empty drink. Before and after drinking the drink, all participants in the experiment underwent brain scans and were also given various test tasks.

The result of the experiment showed that the brain activity of all groups is different. The more flavanols the participants took, the less energy the brain expended on tasks. This study is not the first to show benefits of cocoa. The positive effects of cocoa on the cardiovascular system have previously been proven.

Smell chocolate in bookstores increases sales.

Bookstore chain owners may have a secret weapon in the fight for customers. The results of a new study from Belgian scientists at the University of Hasselt suggest that the smell chocolate in bookstores encourages visitors to spend more time sorting through books. The study was conducted over 10 days at a local bookstore, during which the store was kept smelling chocolate during half of his working hours. Scientists analyzed the behavior of one in five visitors - about 201 people in total - and found that shoppers were twice as likely to browse through more than one book when the store smelled fragrant. chocolate. Key result? Overall sales also increased, with sales of specific genre books such as novels and cookbooks up about 40 percent.


As a result of the research, I learned a lot of interesting things about chocolate. For example, what is it made from, that it does not spoil teeth, what chocolate is healthier.

Found out that chocolate does more good than harm.

Let's sum it up, sweets - This:

Energy source;

A source of pleasure and joy.

But overeating any product is always harmful. As they say - everything is good in moderation.

List of sources.

1. Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia.

2. Konya I. "The whole truth about chocolate» . Magazine "Health"

3. Because. ru - Children's encyclopedia. Let's explore the world together / Children's site.

4. Encyclopedia for children. "Everything about everything". (compiled by G. Shalaev. vol. 7, 12 - Moscow, 2006

5. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 t. And 4 additional)- St. Petersburg. ,1890-1907.




1. You love chocolate?

A) Yes B) No

2. Do you think that chocolate is harmful?

A) Yes B) No

3. Do teeth deteriorate from chocolate?

A) Yes B) No

4. How often do you eat chocolate?

A) once a week;

B) 2-3 times a week;

B) every day.

5. Do you know what they are made of? chocolate?

The project answers the questions: is it possible to make chocolate at home and will it be as tasty as factory-made? The work tells about where the birthplace of chocolate is and how it is obtained. Recipes for homemade chocolate are provided.

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"Chocolate stories of Filippova Maria"


XII All-Russian Festival of Projects for students and teachers of educational institutions

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Petukhovskaya secondary school"

Tomsk district


"Chocolate Stories"

Completed by a 3rd grade student

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Petukhovskaya secondary school" of the Tomsk region

Filippova Maria Sergeevna

Petukhovo – Tomsk 2018

Subject:"Chocolate Stories"


In the modern world it is difficult to find a person who would not try chocolate, but few people know the history of the appearance of chocolate and the technology of its preparation. I love chocolate, and I really wanted to learn more about my favorite delicacy, learn how to cook it myself and treat it to my classmates.

Target: learn about chocolate and make it at home.


Conduct a peer survey;

Find information about where and how cocoa beans are grown;

Find homemade chocolate recipes;

Prepare homemade chocolate;

Conduct a tasting of the prepared delicacy;

Take an interview about the benefits and harms of chocolate;

Prepare the project work and presentation for it;

Speak in front of your classmates.

Object of study: chocolate

Subject of study: homemade taste


Hypothesis: chocolate can be made at home and it will be delicious.

Research methods: studying educational literature on the project topic, questioning and processing of results, working according to instructions, practical activities, presentation, interviews.

Project result: tasting homemade chocolate, presentation of the “Chocolate Stories” project, participation in a competition, speaking to classmates and at a conference.

Practical significance: The acquired knowledge and experience can be used to replenish the “cookbook” and treat friends.


I decided to start my work by surveying classmates and guys from other classes with whom I am friends or just communicate. The questionnaire consisted of three questions: “Do you like chocolate? What kind of chocolate do you prefer? By what principle do you choose chocolate? 23 people took part in the survey. Here are his results:

The first question, “Do you like chocolate,” was answered positively by all respondents!

To the second question: “What kind of chocolate do you prefer?” - responded as follows:

The answers to the third question: “By what principle do you choose chocolate?” were distributed as follows:

Conclusion: The results showed that there are no people who do not like chocolate. This means that I am not alone in my love for chocolate and we can begin our chocolate stories.

The birthplace of chocolate is South America, where more than 3 thousand years ago it was consumed as a drink by the Indian tribes of the Aztecs and Mayans. In ancient times, they only knew how to prepare a drink from cocoa beans, to which hot pepper was added. Ground roasted cocoa was mixed with water and hot spices and whipped until a thick foam formed. Drink the drink cold, quenching thirst and lifting your spirits.

In Europe, chocolate was considered a “secret product” from the mid-16th century and was consumed only among the richest classes.

The modern history of chocolate begins in 1828, when Dutch resident Conrad van Huten found an inexpensive way to make cocoa butter from grated cocoa. This discovery led to the production of solid chocolate, which eventually replaced the liquid European drink. The first chocolate bars were made in England at a confectionery factory back in 1847, where the product included cocoa butter, sugar, cocoa beans and liqueur.

Only 28 years after the appearance of dark chocolate, the Swiss Daniel Peter, after numerous experiments, discovered a recipe for milk chocolate by adding powdered milk to the recipe. In 1979, the production of this product began, which was supported by Henri Nestlé, who is known to this day.

The first factories producing chocolate were built only in the mid-19th century in Moscow, under the control of the Frenchman Adolphe Sy and the German Ferdinand von Einem. Boxes with Einem sweets were decorated with velvet, silk and leather, and were also supplemented with surprises.

Domestic production of the sweet product began in the 50s of the 19th century, headed by Alexey Abrikosov, a self-taught marketer and talented merchant. His personal factory produced gourmet chocolates in collectible packaging with cards featuring portraits of famous artists. The manufacturer also came up with a chocolate treat for children, produced in wrappers with gnomes and ducks. “Crawfish tails”, “Crow’s feet” and “Duck noses”, chocolate bunnies and Santa Clauses are the signature creations of the most talented confectioner.

Since the 20th century, the Abrikosov factory has turned into the advanced confectionery concern “Babaevsky”, which is still known today.1

Conclusion: The birthplace of chocolate is South America, it was brought to Europe in the 16th century, it appeared in Russia during the time of Catherine II, and its factory production was organized in the middle of the 19th century by the merchant A. Abrikosov

Everyone knows that Cocoa beans are the raw material for chocolate., which grow only in South and Central America, West Africa, Australia and some islands of Southeast Asia. Therefore, according to the place of origin, cocoa beans are divided into African, American and Asian. After ripening, the beans are cut, the grains are removed from the fruit and peeled from the gelatinous shell that covers the entire grain.

The first stage begins, from which the entire process of preparing for the production of chocolate begins - fermentation, when the purified grains are placed in special wooden boxes with holes for air and stored for 8 days. As a result of this process, the specific chocolate aroma of the beans is enhanced. The beans are then dried, bagged and sent to chocolate factories.

Then cocoa beans are sorted by size, since the chemical composition differs greatly in grains of different sizes. The sorting process is carried out using special machines.

After roasting the beans, saturated with chocolate taste and smell, are broken, crushed and crushed, resulting in a heterogeneous mass, into which sugar, flavorings and cocoa butter are added at this stage.

Then proceed to the next process - rolling. Using special mills, the resulting mass is mixed and becomes homogeneous.

Then it starts conching process, when the finished mass is intensively stirred for 3 days at a temperature of 50 - 80 degrees.

Then the chocolate mass is poured into heated molds, or stamps, and cooled.

The final stage is packaging the finished chocolate bars in foil and paper packaging.

At the entire stage of chocolate production, temperature and humidity are strictly monitored. Otherwise, it will negatively affect the appearance, taste and shelf life of the finished product. 2

Conclusion: Chocolate is made from cocoa beans; the processing process is long and labor-intensive.

Before opening our Chocolate Factory, we studied many recipes for making chocolate at home and chose four of them.

To open our home chocolate factory, we prepared:

Cocoa powder – 2 packs;

Condensed milk – 1 can;

Homemade milk – 1 liter;

Powdered milk – 1 pack;

Sugar – 1 sugar bowl;

Flour – 100 grams;

We cooked the chocolate in the microwave.

So, recipe number one "Milk with dried fruits"

Sifted 50 grams of cocoa powder, mixed with two tablespoons of sugar, added half a glass of cow's milk and powdered milk and 50 grams of melted butter - mixed all this with a mixer, put in the microwave for 2 minutes (watch through the glass so that the mixture does not flow out of the bowl ), then the resulting liquid mixture was poured onto a dish with nuts and dried fruits. An hour later the dish was placed in the freezer until the morning.

Recipe two "Bitter chocolate"

They took 50 grams of cocoa powder and cow's milk, beat with a mixer, added 50 grams of butter, beat again, put in the microwave for 2 minutes, but the mixture quickly began to rise to the brim, so the bowl was taken out of the microwave earlier. We poured the resulting mass onto a dish and after an hour put it in the freezer until the morning.

Recipe three "Chocolate from condensed milk"

A very simple recipe: 100 grams of hot condensed milk mixed with a mixer with 100 grams of cocoa powder, added 50 grams of butter at room temperature. That's all!

Recipe four "Chocolate with flour"

Heat 50 grams of butter in a water bath, add 2 tablespoons of flour, mix thoroughly, add 50 grams of cocoa powder and 50 grams of dry milk, mix again, pour in half a glass of warm whole milk, and bring to a boil with continuous stirring. We put the resulting mass on a dish, and an hour later we put it in the freezer until the morning.

In addition, we decided to melt two bars of purchased chocolate. We took milk chocolate “Russia is a generous soul” and “Alpen Gold” and broke it into cubes, put it in a bowl and kept it in the microwave for three minutes. The chocolate has completely melted and poured it onto a dish. An hour later we put it in the freezer.

The chocolate factory worked for two and a half hours. We tasted each type of chocolate while still hot, and everything was delicious!

Conclusion: The chocolate we made turned out to be different in consistency, not like factory-made chocolate; rather, it can be called a chocolate dessert. But in terms of taste, in our opinion, homemade chocolate surpassed factory chocolate; it was more delicate, aromatic and soft.

In the morning, an equally interesting story began: “Tasting” By the way, tasting is tasting, it happens from Latin degustatio. (not everyone knew this)

We covered the table with a tablecloth, placed dishes with our chocolate, assigning a number to each one. They were asked to try homemade chocolate, identify the store-bought chocolate among them, choose the most beautiful and the most delicious, each person, along with a fork, was given three pieces of paper and a pen to write on them the numbers of the selected copies and put them in the desired jar. The jars were labeled “Shop-grade,” “Delicious,” and “Beautiful.”

36 people took part in the tasting.

Everyone guessed store-bought chocolate. This was not difficult to do, because it differed in color and consistency, and did not melt until the end of the tasting. Chocolate number one is recognized as the most delicious "Milk with dried fruits" (maybe because most people just prefer milk chocolate ), and the most beautiful is copy number three "Chocolate from condensed milk."

Many tasters noted that it was difficult to make a choice, since all the delicacies were very tasty. The technology teacher noticed that chocolate number two seemed undercooked, but this is so, it boiled quickly, and we could not finish cooking it, although we had to cool it slightly and put it in the oven again, reducing the power.

Conclusion: The tasting went well, the choice was made: the winner was “Milk chocolate with dried fruits”.

I decided to talk about the benefits and harms of chocolate with specialists: chemistry and biology teacher Svetlana Gennadievna and paramedic Ekaterina Anatolyevna (my mother).

Svetlana Gennadievna, what chemical elements are included in chocolate?

Chocolate contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as a number of useful microelements:

    magnesium provides resistance to stress and depression;

    potassium, ensures normal functioning of the nervous system;

    calcium increases bone strength;

    iron actively influences the process of oxygen transport with blood to all tissues and organs;

    Phosphorus is necessary for our brain,

    caffeine and theobromine have a slight tonic effect;

    fluoride, which is abundant in chocolate, strengthens teeth;

    titanins have antibacterial properties and prevent the formation of plaque

Are there vitamins in chocolate?

Chocolate contains a large amount of vitamins: A, B (B1, B2, -B12, PP), C, D, E, F.

Svetlana Gennadievna, what product (harmful or healthy) do you consider chocolate?

I love chocolate and consider it a healthy treat, as long as you don’t overeat it. I think that a few shares of chocolate a day will not only do no harm, but will also improve your mood and give you vigor.

Thank you for your consultation.

Mom, what does medicine say about the benefits and harms of chocolate?

- Chocolate contains substances that affect the emotional centers of the brain and create a feeling of falling in love in the human body.Cocoa strengthens blood vessels, which helps in the fight against cardiovascular diseases. Of course, chocolate is not a medicine and does not cure a sick person, but its beneficial properties are so wide that they will help you not get sick, protecting you from many ailments. Vitamin A, found in sufficient quantities in cocoa beans, helps lower blood pressure and stabilize cholesterol levels in the blood, that is, it has an active antidiabetic effect. Cocoa contains theobromine, a substance that treats coughs. Therefore, chocolate helps with a severe cough better than any pill.

Mom, is all chocolate equally healthy?

It is believed that dark chocolate, which contains a high percentage of cocoa and little sugar, is the healthiest.

Could chocolate be harmful to health?

Maybe if there is a lot of it. In addition, there are people suffering from diseases for which chocolate is contraindicated.

Aunt Anya overheard my conversation with my mother and added that chocolate - andan ideal product that can be used both inside and outside, it is aromatic, tasty, does not leave children, old people, or adults indifferent... The main thing is to eat it in moderation!

Conclusion:Chocolate is more likely a healthy product than a harmful one. It contains trace elements and vitamins, improves mood and can treat coughs.

The work of our “Chocolate Factory” has shown that chocolate at home tastes the same as the factory version. And the main advantage of preparing such a dessert is that we can independently monitor the quality of the products used.

Homemade chocolate will now take its rightful place in our cookbook. We will call our factory “Manyasha”, add a little creativity and our own imagination, and turn the sweetness into a real culinary dessert that will not be ashamed to present to the festive table.


So, while working on the project, we learned:

    that the birthplace of chocolate is South America, and in Russia it has been produced on an industrial scale only since the middle of the 19th century;

Sources of information used:


    http://chocolatery.net/choco_producing/ Irina Shevchenko



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"Filippova M Chocolate stories"

XII All-Russian Festival of Projects for students and teachers of educational institutions

Student project

"Chocolate Stories"

Performed: 3rd grade student

MBOU "Petukhovskaya Secondary School"

Tomsk district

Filippova Maria

Head: Mikhnovets Svetlana Anatolyevna

  • In the modern world it is difficult to find a person who would not try chocolate, but few people know the history of the appearance of chocolate and the technology of its preparation.

For what? Goal: learn about chocolate and prepare it at home

Conduct a survey

Find information about where and how cocoa beans are grown

Find homemade chocolate recipes and make homemade chocolate

Conduct a tasting of the prepared delicacy and take an interview

Prepare project work and presentation for it


Is it possible to make chocolate at home?

Object of study: chocolate

Subject of study: homemade taste

Hypothesis: chocolate can be made at home and it will be delicious

Introduction “How do my peers feel about chocolate” (Questionnaire)

There are no people indifferent to chocolate. My classmates also love milk chocolate, but prefer white chocolate. And choose a delicacy to taste!

The first story “The Motherland of Chocolate”

The birthplace of chocolate is South America, it was brought to Europe in the 16th century, it appeared in Russia during the time of Catherine II, and its factory production was organized in the middle of the 19th century by the merchant A. Abrikosov

Story two “What and how chocolate is made from”










Story three “Home Chocolate Factory”

Prepared products:

  • Cocoa powder – 2 packs;
  • Butter – 200 grams;
  • Condensed milk – 1 can;
  • Homemade milk – 1 liter;
  • Powdered milk – 1 pack;
  • Sugar – 1 sugar bowl;
  • Flour – 100 grams;
  • Raisins, dried apricots and a pinch of nuts.

Story three “Home Chocolate Factory”


1 - “Milk with dried fruits”

2 - “Bitter chocolate”

3 – “Chocolate from condensed milk”

4 - “Chocolate with flour”

5 - Melted factory chocolate

We tasted every type of chocolate

Still hot, everything was delicious for us!

Story four “Tasting”

The tasting went well, the choice was made: “Milk chocolate with dried fruits” turned out to be the winner.

Story four “Tasting”

The hypothesis that chocolate can be made at home and it will be delicious was completely confirmed.

Chocolate creates the feeling of being in love. Cocoa strengthens blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. Cocoa contains theobromine, a substance that treats coughs.

  • Chocolate contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as a number of useful microelements: potassium, magnesium, calcium, fluorine, iron, phosphorus, etc.
  • Chocolate contains a large amount of vitamins: A, B (B1, B2, -B12, PP), C, D, E, F.

I love chocolate and consider it a healthy treat, as long as you don’t overeat it.

Story five “Interview: about the benefits and harms of chocolate”

Svetlana Gennadievna, teacher of chemistry and biology

It is believed that dark chocolate, which contains a high percentage of cocoa and little sugar, is the healthiest.

Ekaterina Anatolyevna, paramedic, my mother

Final story “Results”

While working on the project, we learned:

  • that the birthplace of chocolate is South America, and in Russia it has been produced on an industrial scale only since the middle of the 19th century;
  • that the process of producing chocolate from cocoa beans is very long and labor-intensive;
  • different recipes for making chocolate dessert from cocoa powder;
  • about the chemical composition of chocolate, its benefits and harms.
  • In addition, we learned how to make homemade chocolate, tasted it and drew conclusions.
  • We also practiced conducting surveys and processing results, learned how to build diagrams, make presentations and conduct interviews.

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