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The meaning of the name Tina. Name interpretation. Instead of Monica: what do we know about Vincent Cassel's new girlfriend Tina Kunaki Short name Tina

The debut of this exotic beauty on the world catwalk took place in 2017 at Paris Fashion Week: 19-year-old Tina Kunaki took part in the fashion show of the JEAN PAUL GAULTIER House. And although since then the beauty’s modeling career has only been going uphill, she gained fame not for her merits on the podium, but thanks to a high-profile romance with a French actor.

Childhood and youth

Sultry mulatto Tina was born in Toulouse on April 5, 1997. According to the zodiac sign Aries. Mom Nadia is Italian by nationality, a native of Sicily, father Robin is African, a native of Morocco, grew up in France.

“They met in Toulouse and immediately fell in love with each other,” Tina talks about her parents with extraordinary tenderness.

The girl adores her mother, considers her the ideal of a woman, passionately loves her father, who, although strict, will always give good advice.

Together with her brother and sister, Tina grew up and spent her youth in the French resort town of Biarritz.

“We lived surrounded by beautiful nature, enjoyed the proximity of the ocean and picturesque mountains,” recalls Tina.

The girl spent a lot of time on the beach with her favorite surfboard. She was also seriously fond of swimming, but was forced to leave the sport after an injury.

Tina's parents tried to develop their children through travel, and the family often traveled to different parts of the world. The girl still remembers this time with gratitude:

“These trips were my first school – I saw that not all people have a chance, and many live in difficult conditions… These vivid images opened my eyes forever…”.

When her daughter turned 15, her parents sent her to Madrid to study at the French Lyceum. Despite the complete ignorance of the language, the girl fell in love with the Spanish capital, eclectic architecture, fountains, squares with all her heart. Here she took her first steps in her modeling career. Today, Tina considers Madrid her hometown, where her heart has settled forever, and knows Spanish as well as French.


Journalists thoroughly dug into the biography of Tina and found out that she made her first tests in the modeling business at the age of 8. A cute photogenic baby was noticed by scouts and invited to appear in commercials. The girl liked the experience, Tina starred for the brands ROXY, BILLABONG and QUICKSILVER. But the parents opposed such an early career, so they had to forget about filming for a while.

But, having moved to Madrid, the young mulatto continued to break into the modeling business. I tirelessly ran through castings, sent out portfolios. The original appearance, height (174 cm), chiseled figure (weight 55 kg) did not go unnoticed. Soon Miss Kunakey signs a contract with Mad Models Management, a Spanish modeling agency based in Barcelona, ​​and then with the British SUPA.

Tina would have remained one of the thousands of wards of modeling agencies, if not for the case - the French singer M. Pokora invited a stylish beauty with the plasticity of a panther to his video for the song Belinda. The video, released in October 2016, scattered across the Web, gaining millions of views.

Tina Kunaki in M. Pokor's video "Belinda"

Tina's success was assured, and the proposals did not have to wait long: Kunaki's bright image was inspired by the French fashion house Jean Paul Gaultier. In January 2017, the girl was taken to the team of models to show at the Spring-Summer Fashion Week. After a successful debut, she signed a contract with the famous agency IMG Models.

Personal life

According to media reports, Tina Kunaki and Vincent Cassel met in 2015 on vacation. The 18-year-old model and the 49-year-old actor spent the evening having a fascinating conversation, and the next day, Kassel found out how young yesterday's interlocutor was. Tina admitted that she did not recognize the famous actor in the Frenchman.

“In our childhood there was no cinema and television, only school and sports,” the beauty justified.

A day later, Kassel invited Tina, her father and brother to lunch - this was the first acquaintance with the beloved's family.

In August 2016, the couple arranged a joint vacation on the beach of Ibiza. Photo of Tina with Vincent, published in "Instagram" models, caused a stir on the web. Fans immediately began to argue what was behind this picture and was it possible that a demon had moved into the rib of the gray-haired actor.

The veracity of these assumptions was confirmed on November 30, 2016, when the couple appeared arm in arm at the Victoria's Secret show in Paris. Both simply beamed with happiness: after all, Kassel had not been seen smiling since the divorce from.

Tina Kunaki and Monica Bellucci

In November 2017, a thundercloud hung over the relationship between Kassel and Kunaki. The paparazzi caught the model in the company of a rapper in New York. Immediately, rumors of a breakup spread. However, the couple persevered. Subsequently, Tina said in an interview with the Italian Vogue that she was connected with Rocky by the bonds of creativity: the girl starred in the singer's video, which made her wildly delighted.

In a word, the storm of rupture has passed. And already from the New Year's photos of Tina, taken from Rio, where the actor now spends most of his time, it was possible to judge: the lovers are still together and happy.

Tina Kunaki now

Today, Tina collaborates with eminent fashion houses in Europe, including Dior and Louis Vuitton. However, the catwalk star does not limit her future only to the modeling business, the girl plans to try her hand at the cinema, and it seems it is already clear who will help her with this.

Relationships are great too. She and Vincent travel a lot, in March 2018 the couple visited Moscow. By the way, all the movements of the stars are easy to track on Tina's Instagram, which cannot live without the Internet and social networks.

“I think that social networks are useful. They allow you to freely express your thoughts. It is a powerful communication platform. Let's try to use it wisely," says the model.

In August 2018, the media reported on the imminent wedding of Tina Kunaki and Vincent Cassel. The actor gave an interview to Vanity Fair magazine, in which he spoke about his plans for the future, and there is no place for a bachelor life in them.

Tina admitted that Vincent proposed to her a few months ago, which surprised her very much.

“We never talked about it. I didn’t even immediately answer, because I just didn’t expect this ... ”, the girl confesses.

On August 24, 2018, Vincent Cassel and Tina Kunaki got married in the city hall of the resort town of Bidart near Biarritz, where the bride spent her childhood. The ceremony was attended only by the closest.

The name Tina is a name with many versions of the origin and meaning of the name. We found at least five versions, and possibly even more. Read about these versions and much more in our review article.

First, we will name the most popular version in Russia. According to this version, the name Tina is a short form of the Georgian name Tinatin. Probably the most famous Georgian woman with the name Tina is Tina Kandelaki, whose full name is Tinatin.

The second version says that the name Tina is of Arabic origin. In translation the name Tina (تينة) means "fig tree" or "fig tree". The exact translation will depend on dialectical features.

The third version, a version of Persian origin. According to this version, the meaning of the name Tina (طين) is "earth" or "clay". We remind readers that according to the Bible, God created man from clay, and therefore the name also has some sacred meaning. To this we can add that many biblical stories closely echo the stories of the peoples who inhabited Persia at different times.

In Western culture, the name Tina is considered to be of Latin origin. According to this version, Tina's name means "strong" or "healthy".

Well, the fifth version will be that the name Tina has become independent, in fact, being a short form of the name ... And then it turns out that there are many applicants for the place of the original name. These are such names as Valentina, Christina, Martina, Ustinya, Katrina, etc.

The meaning of the name Tina for a girl

Little Tina is a wonderful, kind and sympathetic child. Tina easily finds a common language with her peers, and teachers love her for her positive attitude and complaisant nature. From an early age, she is surprisingly self-critical of her talents, which allows the girl not to stop there. She constantly strives to be better. This tempers Tina's character and develops good leadership inclinations. She treats others more loyally, and therefore has a huge number of comrades and friends. Some owners of the name are too zealous in supporting the afflicted, which they completely forget about themselves.

Tina loves and knows how to study. She knows interesting subjects well, but she teaches not interesting ones on the principle of "passed and forgot." She has an excellent memory, which contributes a lot to the girl's academic performance. Her analytical skills are also on top, but she is rarely interested in their development. You can also note the giftedness of Tina as an organizer. She can be the head of the class, organize school amateur performances. Tina will definitely find a place to express herself.

The girl's health is rather average, because she is sick no less than other children. This, however, is not visible, because her high vitality makes the owner of the name surprisingly active. Tina and at an older age will be able to avoid serious health problems, and activity will become one of the hallmarks. Tina prefers to engage in sports not professionally, but with enviable regularity and perseverance.

Short name Tina

Tee, Tinka, Tinchik, Tinny.

Diminutive names

Tinochka, Tinushka.

Tina name in English

In English, the name Tina is spelled Tina, which is pronounced Tina.

Name Tina for passport- TINA.

Translation of the name Tina into other languages

in Danish - Tina
Spanish - Tina
in Italian - Tina
in German - Tina
in Norwegian - Tina
in Portuguese - Tina
in Czech - Tyna
Swedish - Tina

Church name Tina(in the Orthodox faith) is not certain. This name is not in the holy calendar as an independent one.

Characteristics of the name Tina

Adult Tina is endowed with a persistent and active character. This woman knows what she wants, and one can only dream of her ability to achieve goals. In addition, Tina's leadership inclinations become even more noticeable with age. With all this, Tina remains feminine and is always popular with men. Well, we must not forget that Tina is endowed with such an important feature for a woman as kindness. She is very responsive to the problems of her loved ones and is ready to sacrifice a lot for them.

Tina can work anywhere, because with her diligence, people are needed in any industry. She is very responsible and takes any undertaking seriously. This allows her to earn the necessary image, and ultimately bring a promotion. It can be noted that although Tina strives for career advancement, she honestly deserves each new position. She is one of those people whose achievements are so undeniable that they are recognized even by her enemies.

In family life, Tina is doing well, because she can afford to choose a husband from many applicants. In addition, she is in no hurry with marriage, because the final choice of a man will make it impossible to bathe in male attention. Ultimately, Tina will become an exemplary wife and mother. She is a wonderful mistress of the house and knows how to create an indescribable atmosphere of love and understanding.

Tina's secret

The main secret of Tina can be called her extremely tough or even cruel attitude towards enemies. If Tina shows all tenderness and patience to close people, then enemies receive everything with the same strength, but with a minus sign. She becomes completely insensitive and emotionless. She shows patience only in order to wait for the right moment to strike. At the same time, she can smile at her enemies and pretend that everything in their relationship is good. Do not needlessly conflict with Tina.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- A lion.

totem animal- Buffalo.

Name color- Yellow.

Plant- Rose hip.

A rock- Aquamarine.

0 August 24, 2018, 17:50

It's official: today, August 24, the 51-year-old actor married 21-year-old model Tina Kunaki! The marriage registration took place at the mayor's office of the small town of Bidart in southwestern France, not far from Biarritz, in which the lovers have a house (by the way, one of Lyudmila Putina's favorite restaurants is located in the resort of Bidart). Photos of the newlyweds have already appeared online: Vincent and Tina look very happy and in love.

For the wedding, the bride chose a long dress with a fluffy skirt and a corset with a spectacular bodice (attention to the neckline!). Loose mop of hair, a wide smile, a frivolous bouquet and large jewelry - Tina looked dazzling!

On the eve of the wedding, Kunaki celebrated a bachelorette party - there she also shone in a white dress, however, short and playful. There are still few details about the wedding itself, but Kassel's Instagram account has already received a picture with his beloved with an eloquent caption: "Yes." Whether the star friends of the couple and Kassel's daughter from his ex-wife were at the wedding is also unknown.

Rumors that the couple decided to get married have been circulating for a long time, and the other day, shortly before the wedding, Vincent and Tina confirmed them - which, on the eve of an important event, they gave to the Italian edition of Vanity Fair.

The couple made it clear: together they are serious and for a long time. A 30-year age difference does not bother them at all.

We don't choose who we fall in love with. I didn't know how old Tina was when I met her. And when I found out, I was a little surprised,

Kassel says.

Recall that before the wedding, Vincent Cassel and Tina Kunaki met for three years: they met when the girl was barely 18 years old.

The parting of one of the most beautiful couples in world cinema, Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel, in 2013 terribly upset the fans of the actors. An even greater storm of indignation was caused by Kassel's affair with 19-year-old (at that time) model Tina Kunaki. However, in order to prevent accusations of treason, it is worth noting that Bellucci herself initiated the divorce, and Kunaki appeared in Vincent's life a little later, and apparently, as a consolation.

At the beginning of 2018, rumors appeared in the press about the upcoming wedding of Kassel and his young lover. Meanwhile, Vincent is 30 years older than his bride: how real is their love, and who is Tina Kunaki?

Tina Kunaki is a model. She made her runway debut at the Jean Paul Gaultier show during Paris Fashion Week 2017.

As a child, she was fond of swimming and even began to practice this sport professionally, but because of an injury, she stopped classes.

Kunaki began her modeling career at the age of 8.

At the age of 15, Tina moved from France, where she lived with her parents, to Madrid to enter the French Lyceum. At the same time, the girl did not know Spanish at all.

The girl appeared in the video "Belinda" by the popular French artist Matt Pokor.

For the first time, the press got wind of the relationship between Kunaki and Kassel in 2015, but according to rumors, the actor and model began dating much earlier.

None of the couple gives comments regarding the history of their acquaintance. Tina only somehow casually mentioned that they just accidentally crossed somewhere.

The first joint official appearance of the Kassel-Kunaki couple took place at the Victoria`s Secret party in November 2016.

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