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What does the icon of Peter and Fevronia mean. Miraculous icon of Peter and Fevronia

Peter and Fevronia (in monasticism David and Euphrosyne) - Orthodox patrons families. The poetic and instructive story of marital love and their fidelity has been considered an example of an ideal Christian marriage since ancient times. Blessed Peter and Fevronia of Murom are praying for family well-being, for happiness in marriage, for the gift of children.

How the icon will protect you and your loved ones
Prayer before the icon of the Holy Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia will protect your family from disagreements, maintaining peace and prosperity. memory of amazing story the earthly life of Saints Peter and Fevronia, the words of prayer will protect spouses from a possible wrong step in a relationship, for these saints are intercessors before the Lord God for the strength of marriage, a virtuous life in marriage.

What does the icon help with?
Prayer in front of the icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia helps to maintain prosperity in marriage, love between spouses for a long time, fill your relationship with Christian piety, since a happy and strong family is the basis of a strong and healthy society. AT happy marriage Seeing the love of parents, children grow up happier. For them, the example of their parents, their way of life will become the model of marriage that they will also strive for when the time comes for them to marry.
For girls who want to get married successfully - of course, we are talking here about love and family understanding as the alpha and omega of a good and strong family, prayer in front of the image of Saints Peter and Fevronia also helps. Before him, they pray for the strengthening of the statehood of our Motherland, for the strengthening of the faith of Christ in the hearts of Orthodox Christians.
Also, before the icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia, they pray for the gift of children if the marriage remains fruitless for a long time.

How to pray in front of an icon
They pray to Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom for family well-being and happiness in marriage.
Prayer one
Oh, the great saints of God and the miraculous miracle-workers of the faithful Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, the city of Murom, intercessors and guardians, and for all of us, zeal for the Lord of prayer! We resort to you and pray to you with strong hope: bring your holy prayers for us sinners to the Lord God and ask us from His goodness all that is beneficial to our souls and our bodies: faith in the right, good hope, unfeigned love, unshakable piety, prosperity in good deeds, peace of peace, fruitfulness of the earth, well-being of the air, health and eternal salvation for souls and bodies. Intercede with the King of Heaven: His faithful servants, in sorrow and sorrow, crying out to Him day and night, may the many-sick cry be heard and may our belly be driven out of death. Ask the Church of the Saints and the entire power of Russia for peace, silence and well-being, and for all of us a prosperous life and a good Christian death. Protect your fatherland, the city of Murom, and all the cities of Russia from all evil and all the faithful people who come to you and worship with might, overshadow the grace-filled action of your favorable prayers, and fulfill all their petitions for the good. Hey, miracle workers of the saints! Do not despise our prayers, offered to you with tenderness, but wake up intercessors for us to the Lord and make us worthy of your holy help to receive eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven; let us glorify the inexpressible love of mankind of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity worshiping God, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two
About the servants of God, the faithful Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, we resort to you and pray to you with strong hope: lift up for us sinners (names), your holy prayers to the Lord God and ask His goodness for all that is useful to our souls and our bodies: faith right, good hope, unfeigned love, unshakable piety, prosperity in good deeds. And intercede for us with the King of Heaven a prosperous life and a good Christian death. Hey, miracle workers of the saints! Do not despise our prayers, but wake up intercession for us to the Lord, and make us worthy of your help to receive eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven; let us glorify the inexpressible love of mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity we worship God forever and ever. Amen

Prayer of a girl to the Lord for an early marriage
Oh, all-good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on me loving You with all my soul and with all my heart, and on fulfilling Your holy will in everything. Govern yourself, O my God, my soul and fill my heart: I want to please You alone, for You are the Creator and my God. Save me from pride and pride: let reason, modesty and chastity adorn me. Idleness is contrary to You and gives rise to vices, give me a desire for industriousness and bless my labors. Since Your Law commands people to live in an honest marriage, then bring me, Holy Father, to this title sanctified by You, not to please my desire, but to fulfill Your purpose, for You Yourself said: it is not good for a man to be alone and, having created his wife as a helper, blessed them to grow, multiply and inhabit the earth. Hear my humble prayer, from the depths of a girl's heart sent to you; give me an honest and pious spouse, so that in love with him and in harmony we glorify You, the merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom are a symbol of sincere and strong love for everybody Orthodox person. Their icon is able to save your family from quarrels and help you find true happiness.

History of the icon

The holy image of Peter and Fevronia was painted at the beginning of the 16th century, after the canonization of the spouses. Peter was the younger brother of the ruler of the city of Murom, Pavel. A snake began to fly to Paul's wife at night and inspire ungodly thoughts. The woman told her husband about everything, and he, together with Peter, went hunting for the monster.

During the fight with the snake, Peter got a few drops of his blood. Where the blood touched the skin, terrible ulcers arose, quickly spreading throughout the body and causing unbearable pain.

After a long unsuccessful treatment, the desperate Peter found deliverance from the torment of the daughter of a simple peasant, who knows the power of herbs and roots. Fevronia made an ointment and with prayers applied it to Peter's ulcers. The condition for treatment was the wedding of Peter and Fevronia. Peter fulfilled his promise, and the couple went through a long difficult path, but remained faithful to each other.

Where is the icon

The relics and icon of Peter and Fevronia of Murom are located in the Trinity Monastery in the city of Murom. to the relics and miraculous icon more than a thousand pilgrims come daily to bow and offer prayer.

Description of the image

The icon depicts Peter and Fevronia of Murom standing opposite each other. The saints are dressed in monastic vestments, and their eyes are raised to the sky. A married couple is blessed by the Lord to carry their sacred love into the world.

You should be aware that there are many non-canonical images of Peter and Fevronia. They depict scenes from the lives of the saints, but such icons are not recognized by the clergy and can only be used as decorative elements when explaining the lives of the holy spouses.

What does the icon help with?

Peter and Fevronia are an example family life for every believer. That is why they pray to the holy spouses for a righteous marriage, true love and the preservation of the family from divorce.

The clergy advise unmarried young people to pray to Peter and Fevronia and unmarried girls who wish to create a strong Orthodox family in the future.

Prayers before the icon of Peter and Fevronia

“Oh, the holy rulers of Murom Peter and Fevronia, who with their lives showed the way to true love and Christian mercy, hear us! We implore you, humbly running and falling at your feet, save our little Church from strife and worldly troubles, do not let the devil's temptation violate the sanctity of our family. May we not disgrace the blessings of our Lord and humbly enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen".

“Oh, saints and all-merciful Peter and Fevronia! With sincere hope, I resort to you and ask: do not leave my prayer, hear and bow to me. Saints, take me to life path and let me connect with my soul and heart with the servant (slave) of God (God), the Lord destined for me! May my life be full of righteous feelings, and I will not darken the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen".

The date of memory of the icon of Peter and Fevronia of Murom is July 8. This day in Russia is recognized as a holiday of Family, Love and Fidelity. At this time, any prayers for family happiness are especially strong. We wish you strong and mutual love. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Every year on July 8, it is customary to celebrate the day of Saints Peter and Fevronia. It is also a day of family and love. The icon of Peter and Fevronia was painted in 1618. It depicts the full-length saints in monastic robes from the scene of their Lives. Another required element- the image of the blessing Christ. In the hands of the saints can hold a rosary or a scroll.

What does the icon of Peter and Fevronia mean?

To begin with, it will be interesting to learn about the love story of these saints. There is a legend that in the city of Murom there was Prince Peter, who was bitten by a snake, because of which his body was covered with ulcers. Not a single doctor could cure the prince. The girl Fevronia lived in the city, who had the gift of healing. She was able to cure the prince, and the young people fell in love with each other. Peter was forbidden to marry an ordinary girl, but he decided not to betray love, and refused to rule. For a long time Murom could not live without a ruler, and Peter's marriage was approved. Thanks to their love for each other and for God, Peter and Fevronia became saints, and their love story is an example for everyone.

There are canonical and non-canonical icons of Peter and Fevronia, which have different meaning. The first option implies the correct image, and such an image is used in church rites and in home prayers. A non-canonical icon is an incorrect image that is intended for artistic purposes.

How does the icon of Peter and Fevronia help?

It is believed that these saints have a greater influence on a person’s personal life, so they are approached by lonely people who want to find a soul mate and build strong family. The icon of Peter and Fevronia helps women get pregnant. Married people turn to the saints who want to strengthen their marriage and improve. The family icon of Peter and Fevronia has the power of healing. There is a huge amount of evidence when, after reading a prayer in front of an image, people got rid of various diseases. It is important to read a prayer in front of the icon of the saints, not only during difficult situations, but also in happy periods. Saints Peter and Fevronia will help calm emotional experiences and find the right path for lost souls. Since ancient times, people have believed that if you give such an icon to young people for a wedding, it will protect them from divorce and various troubles.

Interestingly, until 2013 there was no prayer to the icon of Peter and Fevronia. The situation was corrected on May 29 by the Holy Synod, which approved the text of a prayer with which people can turn to the saints, and it sounds like this:

“Oh, the great saints of God and the most wonderful miracle workers, the faithful Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, the city of Murom, the guardians of an honest marriage, and for all of us, zealous to the Lord of prayer!

You, during the days of your earthly life, showed the image of piety, Christian love and fidelity to each other even to the grave, and thereby glorified the lawful and blessed marriage.

For this sake, we resort to you and pray with strong zeal: bring for us sinners your holy prayers to the Lord God, and ask us for all that is pleasing to our souls and our bodies: faith is right, hope is good, love is not hypocritical, unshakable piety, prosperity in good deeds, and most of all, by union of marriages combined, give your prayers chastity, love for each other in the union of the world, unanimity of souls and bodies, a bed that is hateful, staying without shame, long-lived seed, grace about children, houses full of goodness and in life eternal unfading crown of heavenly glory.

Hey, miracle workers of the saints! Do not despise our prayers, offered up to you with tenderness, but wake up our intercessors before the Lord and make us worthy of your intercession to receive eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, let us glorify the inexpressible love of mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity worshiped by God, forever and ever. Amen".

Icon of Peter and Fevronia

Miraculous icon of Peter and Fevronia

Saints Peter and Fevronia are very revered in Orthodoxy, because their union has become a symbol of fidelity, love and impeccable Christian marriage. It is customary to look up to these saints in family life, and their images should be in every home. It is worth buying an icon of Peter and Fevronia, so that it reminds you of how important devotion and humility in love are, and returns peace to your family. And in our store you, of course, can purchase this wonderful icon without any hassle. Icon of Peter and Fevronia to strengthen family ties It so happened that the marriage of Peter and Fevronia became a model for all Orthodox Christians. And it didn't happen by accident. There is a very poetic and very edifying story of their love among the people, captured at one time by the medieval writer Yermolai-Erasmus in his famous apocryphal work.

The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom

Peter was from a noble family of the Murom prince, and Fevronia was a commoner. She cured him of leprosy by agreeing that he would marry her. At first, he was ready to break his promise in fear of what they would say in Murom, but Fevronia, by female cunning, returned Peter to herself. They got married, although the Murom nobility was not happy about this and demanded that Peter abandon his commoner wife. But despite this, Peter and Fevronia ascended the throne and ruled in Murom for a long time, earning the love of the townspeople. In old age, they took tonsure in different monasteries, but remained true to their love and prayed to the Lord that He would take them away on the same day. They even bequeathed to be buried in one stone coffin with a thin bulkhead inside. Peter and Fevronia really died on the same day. At first, they did not want to bury them according to the will, but their bodies themselves ended up in the same coffin. Here everything became clear.

The icon of Peter and Fevronia is both edification and miraculous power

Looking at this icon, we remember the story of Peter and Fevronia, about everything that they experienced together, staying with each other, no matter what. The story about them is very beautiful and poetic, it teaches us how important sincere love and unbreakable fidelity are in our lives. That is why Peter and Fevronia became the patrons of the family hearth in Orthodoxy, and their icon reliably serves to strengthen family ties.

How the icon of Peter and Fevronia helps

Sometimes even one look at these saints helps to get rid of dark thoughts about treason, dispel resentment that destroys a strong family from the inside. Therefore, if you decide to buy this icon, it is better to put it in a prominent place in the red corner. It is customary to pray to Saints Peter and Fevronia in different occasions related to family and marriage: if there was a quarrel between the spouses; if the girl wants to get married safely; if there are no children in the marriage for a long time. And just when everything is fine, it would be nice to remember Peter and Fevronia, to thank them for the wonderful example of a family idyll that they have become for all Orthodox Christians. And in our online store you can buy the icon of Peter and Fevronia in order to be able to pray to these saints and feel their support in family affairs.

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Grandmother, having learned about this, reacted to our decision with an irritability surprising for her always calm character - they say, we are stupid youth, we honor someone else's (Catholic) saint, but we don’t know about our own, we don’t even keep their icons in the house, even though and five years as a family.

Many grandmothers scold youth in general and their grandchildren in particular, but my grandmother does not have such a habit, and if she suddenly scolds, then the reason is serious. Well, we did go on a date, but that same week I visited church, talked with the priest ... Indeed, how much I did not know!

These are Murom princes (late 12th - early 13th centuries), very pious. Although only in this pair was a noble family, Fevronia was from ordinary villagers. But the Lord gave the girl the gift of healing. She saved the young prince from wounds inflicted on him by an insidious snake, and in gratitude, Peter took her as his wife.

When he became ruler, it turned out that not all boyars, and especially their wives, were ready to serve the former village woman. So that the life of his young wife, whom Peter managed to fall in love with, would not be poisoned in the wards, he gave up power.

At first, the boyars were very happy, because now one of them can become a prince. But when they began to share power (some died in the process), they realized that this was a complicated matter, and… The humblest asked Peter to return.

He was a wise ruler for his city. When the couple grew old, they decided to become monks. Throwing away worldly names, they became David and Euphrosyne. And, although they lived in different monasteries (male and female), they bequeathed to bury themselves together.

True, when both passed away (at the same time!), the brothers and sisters considered it a sin to bury a monk and a nun in the same grave. But a miracle happened - their bodies moved, ending up in the same coffin. Therefore, they were buried, as bequeathed, in Murom, in the Trinity Monastery.

The popular love for these saints can be confirmed by the huge variety of icons created over the past two decades (after all, until the 90s of the 20th century, it was even forbidden to think about Orthodoxy in our country, so most of our fellow citizens learned about this God-fearing princely couple quite recently).

Icons are created drawn and carved, beaded and even cast in precious metals.

In addition, the creators of icons not only capture the half-length images of saints, but also recall many episodes from their lives:

Some of them are antique, although sometimes you can see really old images:

The meaning of the icon

It is a symbol of fidelity, love, mutual support. They are an ideal married couple, which everyone should look up to - both young people who are going down the aisle, and couples wise with many years of marital experience.

Icons often depict Fevronia embracing Peter or touchingly and trustingly leaning her head on his shoulder. Such images say: the family will be strong if the spouse always supports her chosen one.

In addition, the biography of the saints teaches: a man should show both strength and kindness, and a woman should not only meekness, but also perseverance when it comes to love (after all, having cured the prince for the first time, Fevronia felt that her chosen one might not keep his word and will not lead her down the aisle, so she left one wound untreated, which later returned her beloved to her).

Is it possible to bless those who are married in this way

Many people ask: is this a wedding icon? Is it possible to give it to young people? Yes, you can! And it is even highly recommended, because such a face will protect their marriage from all kinds of family adversity.

Some people believe that it is not enough to buy an icon - in order for it to be guaranteed to bring happiness, it is worth making it yourself, for example, embroidering it. But in this case, be sure to consecrate it in the church - without this ritual, the embroidered icon will be nothing more than just a beautiful picture.

Most people for newlyweds choose an icon with doves. Although, of course, other images (say, Peter and Fevronia in a boat) are also suitable.

Where in the house to hang this icon

  • On the wall. Moreover - it is not forbidden to put it on the shelf. But there should not be things or books on the shelf. Even church ones (say, the lives of the saints). Put the books on another shelf.
  • Remember: the wall (shelf) with the image should not be adjacent to mundane paintings, posters, posters. Hang photos of your relatives somewhere else, too.
  • Many people like to place images in the corner - our distant ancestors did this, and therefore, this should not be a bad thing. Indeed, this a good place- but the corner must be free.
  • It is often customary to decorate a shelf or an icon itself with an embroidered towel (most often this is done in Ukraine). This is also not forbidden - such a modest, but cute decoration will only draw the eye to the icon. But make sure that dust does not accumulate on the white cloth!

Remember: the feast day of these saints is July 8th. This day is called the Day of Family and Fidelity. Be sure to pray to your icon when this date comes!

In which temple is the most revered image of Peter and Fevronia? In the Church of the Small Ascension (Moscow). One of her thrones was erected in honor of the charitable holy couple.

What do they pray for this icon

  • About love, if a person is lonely. Although, of course, these saints are patrons couples, so that they will help people who are asking for a meeting with a future chosen one or chosen one faster, and not those who are looking for fleeting romantic relationship(especially since such relationships are a sin in the eyes of the church).
  • About marriage with your beloved boyfriend / girlfriend.
  • About happiness in family life.
  • About the conception of a baby, the birth of a strong and healthy toddler.
  • About strengthening the marriage, if a crack has begun between the spouses.

You can ask not only for yourself or your family, but also for any other couple you are worried about: for your parents, children or grandchildren, even for neighbors or acquaintances. The main thing is sincere concern and love.

How to pray properly

Are there special prayers that need to be addressed specifically to this image? There is! Of course, while in church, you should not pull a piece of paper with text out of your pocket or try to read a complex and long prayer by heart if you are not sure about knowing the text. In the temple, it is not so much the harmony of words that is important, but the sincerity with which they are pronounced, so it is better to communicate with the shrine in your own words, from the heart.

At home, in a calm and relaxed atmosphere, read this prayer. It is approved by the Moscow Patriarchate:

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