Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Why do you dream of False Teeth? “Dream Interpretation of a Broken Jaw, why do you dream of a broken Jaw in a dream?

Why does a woman dream of Jaws (according to Natalia Stepanova’s dream book)

Seeing Jaws - You just can’t unclench your jaws - you will experience severe grief due to the betrayal of a friend. For a woman, a dream predicts an insult that her friends will involuntarily inflict on her. Seeing yourself in the mouth of a wild animal means ill-wishers are preparing to harm you.

Jaws according to the dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov

Jaws - Property; damaged - loss of property.

Why do you dream about Jaws in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

Jaws – Dreaming of heavy, ugly jaws means disagreement and painful relationships between friends. Seeing yourself in the mouth of a wild animal portends that ill-wishers will harm your business and happiness. This is a very unpleasant dream that can unsettle a person for a long time. If your jaw hurts in a dream, you will move to another place to change the climate. To dream that you cannot unclench your jaw in any way - the dream foreshadows severe grief due to the betrayal of a friend. For a woman, this dream predicts the insult that her friends will involuntarily inflict on her.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Jaws as an image in a dream

Jaws – Try to make a firm decision; to break - to receive ingratitude.

Esoteric dream book

Jaws in night dreams

Jaws - Insert you face punishment for gossip and rumors that you spread. "Bite your tongue off." Many animals, including sharks - your enemies are not asleep. There is absolutely an attempt on your life, literally and figuratively. Ch.'s pain or injury is the treachery of people from whom you least expect it.

Why do you dream and how to interpret Jaws according to the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon Canaanite)

Jaws – Try to make a firm decision – break – get ingratitude

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Jaws from your dream

Jaw, gums – Household property, or close relatives (interpreted based on appearance and sensations).

New family dream book Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand why you dreamed about Jaws in a dream?

I dreamed about Jaws - the ability to get your way. Experiencing pain in the jaw is a resentment towards life, fate; to be in the mouth of a wild animal - exorbitant ambitions, causing anxiety and fear; heavy ugly jaws - willingness to walk over corpses to satisfy one’s goals; disagreement and painful relationships between friends; tightly clenched jaws and the inability to open them - you will not miss yours; extreme grief due to betrayal.

Dream Book of Arnold Mindell

Dream Maker's Apprentice: interpreting Jaws in a dream

If you had a dream about Jaws - you saw heavy scary jaws in a dream - friction will arise in your relationships with friends; perhaps the treachery of friends. It’s as if your jaw hurts - in all likelihood, they recommend that you change the climate. It’s as if you can’t unclench your jaw - someone will betray you. You dream of an animal’s jaws - get ready for trouble at work.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Meet Jaws in a dream

What do false jaws mean in a dream - Big quarrel with best friend, perhaps due to betrayal. Imagine that the one whose jaws you saw inserted real teeth into himself (or they grew on him by themselves). The jaws are no longer needed and are thrown away or burned.

Erickson's Dream Book

If you see Jaw, what is it for?

Jaw - making a firm decision. A broken jaw is someone's ingratitude towards you.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does it mean to dream with a Jaw, taking into account your date of birth?

In the spring, why do you dream of a jaw - you will be in immoral, bad company.

In the summer, why did you dream about the jaw - To be present at a wedding feast, not knowing that the newlyweds will not live together in the future.

Why do you dream about a jaw in the fall? - They say all sorts of nasty things about you.

In winter, why do you dream of a broken jaw - Loss of property.

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a broken Jaw in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    I dreamed of coffee, I went up to the bar counter to a young man, hit him in the jaw and listened to the crunch, I was pleased with the precise blow. A few days later in reality, there was a similar situation, a drunken body pours beer on the whole company at the table, out of envy that he’s the only one in company of three girls, very great desire I wanted to act like in a dream, but it was a pity, I just kicked him out of the establishment with foam and was indifferent to his age.

    I dreamed that my cat Tim had a broken jaw (open fracture) that I was looking for a veterinary clinic and couldn’t find it, and if I told someone from a passerby, they laughed in response and I cried almost the whole dream... then my cat just fell asleep, I tried to wake him up but didn’t it turned out, he was breathing, his heart was beating....

    Hello. Before I saw my jaw, I was present at the concert and was waiting for the performance of an artist very familiar to me. But the performance never happened. Then I found myself at home and my jaw hurt. I went to the bathroom and saw in the mirror that the lower jaw was displaced, one tooth was missing and there were mouth guards. After that, I went to the kitchen where my late mother washed the dishes. She advised me to remove the mouth guards and stop using them (I have never used them in my life). I took them off, but my jaw didn’t stop hurting. After that I woke up

    Hello! My name is Aliya. This morning I dreamed that someone threw a large ball at my face. And my jaw broke from the impact. Then I see my broken jaw with teeth, and one broken tooth is hanging halfway. then I start coughing, and first one tooth falls out, then the 2nd, and the 3rd tooth with dark blood. Why do I have such a dream?

    I dreamed that I was driving a car, by myself, at night, quietly and slowly. The dream was in flowers. But while driving I had a little panic (by the way, in real life I don’t know how to drive). I was traveling not alone but with two strangers, and one (third) is an old friend of mine. We arrived at some house. We got out of the car and after a while I see a pike piercing my jaw to my larynx. I take it out. I don't see any blood. I hear that everyone is making fun of it, supposedly it’s a joke and it’s funny. And then my upper jaw falls out along with the roof of my mouth. I don't feel any pain. But I'm terrified. The end of the dream is not clear at all. I see a strange woman wrapped in sheets.

    The action took place either in an abandoned kitchen or in a kitchen after a fire - it was all black, as if in ash... I was running away from someone and trying to hide the boy (it seemed to me that this was my son, but I don’t have children), at the same time, there was someone behind me, that when I turned around, they beat me and I saw my jaw - it was not there as such, half of my face was covered in blood and I felt small pieces of bones that remained from the jaw..

    First my lower jaw cracked. Then I felt blood running into my mouth, I quickly put my jaw back in place and it stopped. Then the teeth flew one by one and I saw them in my palm. And there was an appeal that they could be put back. They began to apply them one by one and they fell into place. Then someone very dark was hunting me. Tried to kill me. I'm tired of hiding. . When I grabbed it, it turned into rags and I threw them out the window.

    Hello! My name is Arina. I am 13 years old. Today I dreamed about how I came to the doctor, my friend was the assistant, and the doctor was her grandmother! The doctor said: take off your clothes. Well, I started taking off my clothes. Undressed. She led me to the mirror, it was small. And she said: you have to break your jaw! My friend said: ohh, this is without me. And she left! The doctor and I remained standing in front of the mirror. She seemed to take something in her hand and began to do something. It was unpleasant, I looked in the mirror and saw how left cheek pouted. That's all I remember...
    I hope for your help!

    I dreamed that I was attacked by a very aggressive white dog and there seemed to be a few black spots. I very quickly fought it off, breaking its upper and lower jaw, and then I killed it with some kind of injection and cried bitterly. I felt so sorry for it.

    I was standing in some apartment and my lower jaw sharply slanted, I went to the mirror and tried to straighten it, but instead I pulled it out, then I put it back in and again tried to do something, but instead I broke my teeth.

    My grandmother died on January 5th; she has not yet been buried. From January 6 to 7 (Christmas) at 4 am I had a dream. First, my front tooth fell out with blood. Then the upper jaw cracked into two halves and at the same time I took it along with all the upper teeth, without blood. Only all the lower teeth remained in the mouth. For some reason, I gave my broken jaw to my mother-in-law so that she could repair it. The upper sky was pink and clear. Only later did I discover that I had inside lower lip 6 ulcers covered with purulent plaque. I wash them, rinse my mouth and the ulcers disappear. This is a dream on Christmas night. It's scary.

    hello. in my dream, everything was at my house. in the yard. it was already dark, my big shepherd dog got loose. broke the chain. rushed at everyone, and at the children who were visiting me, but did not bite. at me At first he growled, and then he didn’t touch him. And how did it happen that I look at him, and he turns his head, or growls, or whines terribly, but I looked closely, his jaw is in different sides, hanging. I wrapped the chain with a piece of iron so that it wouldn’t break. But it still came off.

    I was first attacked by a police dog, from behind, from behind, I fell face down, I woke up after I had the operation, my whole face was bruised, then, when I came home, I had a pain in my jaw area, and at one point it just started hanging from me, and blood was pouring out

    My mother-in-law had a dream:
    “That my mother-in-law’s brother broke my (daughter-in-law’s) jaw and wanted to kill me by putting me in the trunk and was going to throw me into the river. My mother-in-law saw all this and called the police. The police took the mother-in-law's brother and immediately put him in prison. My mother-in-law saved me (daughter-in-law) "

    in my dream my jaw was somehow broken. I didn’t feel any pain, but when I touched it, I felt a fracture. At that moment I didn’t go anywhere, but continued to walk. Mom asked me to go with her to the emergency room, to which I replied, “I’ll stay here, nothing can be fixed anyway.” What is this for?

    I had a friend, we quarreled with her for a long time, and I dreamed that my husband opened that friend’s mouth wide and broke her jaw.. ​​now my husband doesn’t love her because she says bad things about me and slanders everyone is against me

    And so, Hello, the beginning of the dream was that I saw a girl, an unfamiliar one, in the forest, she turned into a wolf and ran towards another wolf that suddenly appeared opposite her, and then I see myself in the form of another animal and begin to help her, in in the end we are left with the enemy 1 on 1, a little later I don’t feel half of my face, I see my reflection, and she is disfigured, I turn back into a person, and I feel a sharp pain in my jaw, and I understand that it is broken, and it seems to me that all this is happening on Eve, I appear in some familiar place, go up to the doctor and he tells me that in fact my jaw is broken, then I wake up and tell my family everything, to which my grandmother tells me that someone really wants he approaches me, to reach out, but then I realize that I am still in a dream, and again I wake up, but I find myself at the dacha that we sold a long time ago, there I am on the second floor and I see some unfamiliar girl with whom I begin to make love , and this brings me great pleasure, and this is where my dream ends.

    I communicate with someone I don’t see. And then I start picking my teeth. Suddenly part of the jaw breaks off, like a prosthesis. I can't feel the teeth in my mouth. Half of the teeth on the denture are rotten. Well, I seem to be thinking what to do? That's all.

    I came to the gym, worked out and left, then I remembered that I forgot my jacket there. I returned back to the gym, other guys were already changing clothes, I got into a fight with one of them, we went outside and started fighting and at the last moment he hit me in the area of ​​the head from the knee and hit me in the jaw, I didn’t take everything seriously, we parted ways, and after a while I was walking down the street and felt that my lower jaw seemed to be falling down and to the side, I ran to call an ambulance in the ambulance I was told that the car would arrive soon, I waited for about an hour, there was no one waiting... After which I woke up in horror

    I saw in a dream how I pulled out a jaw from my mouth, the teeth were all broken, but not rotten at all, why was it intact, but at the same time there were still teeth in my mouth, the pulled out jaw was light green in color for some reason

    In a dream I somehow broke my jaw. There was no pain at all, but there was a feeling that there was no lower jaw. I took it out of my mouth and instead of the usual one row of teeth, there were many of them. Most were intact, with a couple of teeth rotten (black). Some teeth fell off and had to be put back into the gums (the teeth fell out with part of the gums). A man came to me and put the jaw back in place, but still some teeth were not yet in place. After which he disappeared, and a couple of minutes later he came with a girl in white. She started to put her teeth back in, but it turned out that she pulled out one tooth and put another in, which is why I had discomfort when clenching my jaw (taste). I told this to the girl, but she turned around and walked away.

Dentures in a dream are an ambiguous sign. However, most often it indicates lies, deceit and groundless fears. The dream book will explain in detail why this image is also dreamed of.

If you dreamed of false jaws, then the dream book believes that you overly trust the opinions of others and absolutely do not listen to your intuition.

Seeing a denture in your mouth means that you are destined for feigned feelings and insincere love. If in a dream you happen to lose all your teeth and replace them with false ones, then your life will be long.

Get ready for the test!

Why else do you dream about false jaws? Sometimes this is a sign that difficult trials await you, which you will have to overcome completely alone.

If you dreamed of a person with dental bridges, then the dream book believes that you will lose your balance in life, and the current situation, which seemed strong and unshakable, will shake.

Your own dentures hint at the substitution of values ​​and the loss of correct priorities.

Stop unnecessary attempts...

If in a dream you happened to have implants inserted, then the dream book believes that all your efforts to advance in your career will be in vain.

But seeing enemies with prosthetics is much better. This means that they will not be able to harm you, although they will not stop trying.

Did you happen to click false teeth in a dream? You have to correct your own mistakes. If others click, you will receive an unpleasant message.

Don't waste your energy in vain!

Why do you dream of a dropped jaw? The dream book considers this a clear indication that you are losing vital energy, and you are at risk of premature old age.

A jaw falling out in a dream warns that you need to be careful. If a woman dreams of a lost dental plate, she will be disappointed on the love front.

Who is deceiving you?

Why do you dream of a character with dental implants? It marks deception and insincerity on the part of others. The dream book recommends that businessmen check their affairs and take a closer look at their partners.

Have you ever dreamed of your own false teeth? You probably do not always tell the truth, you are often arrogant and do not take into account your loved ones.

Decoding according to the material

If you happen to see brand new implants in a dream, then prosperity and prosperity will come to the family. However, the interpretation of the dream must be done based on the material of manufacture.

  • The tree may dream of a serious illness.
  • Bone - to joy.
  • Lead means trouble.
  • Tin is a shame.
  • Wax - to a serious illness.
  • Glass is unlucky.
  • Porcelain - to prosperity.
  • Plastic - to peace and harmony in the house.
  • Gold - to wealth and independence.

Unnaturally snow-white teeth dream of a grandiose deception. If you dreamed of a yellow prosthesis, like a smoky one, then get ready for betrayal.

But pieces of food stuck between the teeth foreshadow profit and general contentment.

According to Miller

Miller’s dream book notes that an ugly and uncomfortable denture in a dream means that there is a cooling in the relationship.

Get your act together!

What does it mean if in a dream a dentist does prosthetics? An extremely important turn in fate is about to happen.

If you are satisfied with the dentist’s work, then you are too trusting, which is often taken advantage of by your enemies.

If in the end the jaw turns out to be out of size, then the dream book calls for using all your reserves to solve the upcoming problem.

Dream Interpretation Jaws Seeing heavy, ugly jaws in a dream: predicts disagreements and hostile relationships between friends. If you dream that you are caught in the jaws of a wild animal: real life enemies will try to upset your affairs and interfere with your happiness. This is an extremely unfavorable dream. If you dreamed that your jaw was in pain: you will be too sensitive to climate changes, and the disease will undermine your health and cause your need. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Jaw A dream in which your entire jaw is torn apart due to a bad tooth foreshadows groundless accusations against you from your former supporters, and now irreconcilable opponents. Seeing in a dream the terrible jaws of a shark or crocodile trying to grab you, foretells an illness in the family and large expenses for treatment. A skeleton clattering its jaws in a dream is a sign of inexorable retribution. The bared jaws of a vampire, red from the blood of the victim, are a harbinger of trouble in love relationships. A blow to the jaw means betrayal by a person you completely trusted. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Jaws Jaws. Seeing heavy, ugly jaws in a dream means disagreement and painful relationships between friends. Seeing yourself in the mouth of a wild animal portends that ill-wishers will harm your business and happiness. This is a very unpleasant dream that can unsettle a person for a long time. If your jaw hurts in a dream, you will move to another place to change the climate. If you dream that you cannot unclench your jaw, the dream foreshadows severe grief due to the betrayal of a friend. For a woman, this dream promises an insult that her friends will involuntarily inflict on her. Big dream book

Interpretation of the dream Jaws A dream in which you saw heavy, ugly jaws means that you may have disagreements with your friends. If you find yourself in the mouth of a wild animal in a dream, in reality get ready for the machinations of ill-wishers. Try to forget this dream as soon as possible, otherwise it will unsettle you for a long time. If your jaw hurts in a dream, then in real life you should change the climate. A dream in which you cannot unclench your jaw portends severe grief due to the betrayal of a friend. The woman who saw similar dream, something will greatly offend your friends. Large universal dream book

Meaning of Jaws sleep False jaws: you face punishment for gossip and rumors that you spread. "Bite your tongue off." Animal Jaws: Your enemies never sleep. There may be an attempt on your life, literally and figuratively. Jaw pain or injury: treachery from people you least expect. Esoteric dream book

Dream Jaw Casual conversation with friends. If your jaw is clenched, then it’s time to become more open and sociable. Notation. Boredom. Green melancholy. A square jaw implies strength and rigidity. Conversations, chatter.

Seeing Jaws in a dream

Jaws in Miss Hasse's Dream Book:

  • Try to make a firm decision
  • To break is to receive ingratitude.
  • Interpretation in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita Sleep Jaws:

    Jaws - try to make a firm decision - break - get ingratitude

    Why do you dream about Jaws? Esoteric dream book?

    Jaws - Insert - you face punishment for gossip and rumors that you spread. "Bite your tongue off." Many animals, including sharks - your enemies are not asleep. There may be an attempt on your life, literally and figuratively. Ch.'s pain or injury is the treachery of people from whom you least expect it.

    IN Modern dream book if you dream about Jaws:

  • If in a dream you see ugly jaws, then a crack will appear in your relationships with friends. If you dreamed that you became a victim of a wild animal and landed in its jaw, then you should be prepared for the fact that the machinations of your enemies could destroy your happiness. A dream in which you feel your jaw tightening warns you of a danger that threatens your health. Suitcase Seeing a suitcase in a dream means long trips. Packing your suitcase means a pleasant trip soon. If you dreamed of a suitcase, all the things from which were thrown out and scattered in disarray, then you should abandon your planned trip. Also try to avoid quarrels. Empty suitcases, as a rule, dream of disappointments in love and family life. For a person engaged in commerce, to see in a dream that he is checking the contents of his suitcase means that if he conducts his business wisely, he will be successful. A dream in which he discovers that all the things are not included in the suitcase is also favorable, as this promises business expansion.
  • If you dream about Jaws? IN Miller's Dream Book:

    Jaws - Seeing heavy, ugly jaws in a dream means disagreement and painful relationships between friends. Seeing yourself in the mouth of a wild animal portends that ill-wishers will harm your business and happiness. This is a very unpleasant dream that can unsettle a person for a long time. If your jaw hurts in a dream, you will move to another place to change the climate. If you dream that you cannot unclench your jaw, the dream portends severe grief due to the betrayal of a friend. For a woman, this dream promises an insult that her friends will involuntarily inflict on her.

    Interpretation of the dream Jaws Family dream book:

  • A dream in which you saw heavy, ugly jaws means that you may have disagreements with your friends.
  • If your jaw hurts in a dream, then in real life you should change the climate.
  • A dream in which you cannot unclench your jaw portends severe grief due to the betrayal of a friend. A woman who has such a dream will be greatly offended by her friends in some way.
  • If you find yourself in the mouth of a wild animal in a dream, in reality get ready for the machinations of ill-wishers. Try to forget this dream as soon as possible, otherwise it will unsettle you for a long time.
  • Seeing Jaws in a dream Eastern dream book:

  • Ugly jaws dream of problems in relationships with friends. If you dreamed that you became a victim of a wild animal and landed in its jaws, know: the machinations of your enemies can destroy your happiness. A dream in which your jaw is cramped warns of a health hazard.
  • What does it mean to see Jaws in a dream? Tsvetkov's Dream Book?

  • property;
  • damaged - loss of property.
  • What does Jaws mean in a dream? Dream Interpretation of Health?

  • Seeing the jaws means dental problems; Faces with clenched jaws - a strong-willed decision is required.
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