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Prokhor Chaliapin hid that his father was a recidivist. Why does Prokhor Chaliapin's father live in a hospital for the mentally ill? Prokhor felting and his father

Prokhor Chaliapin always avoided talking about his own father, but NTV journalists managed to find a relative of the singer in a closed psychiatric clinic in Volgograd, where the artist was born and lived until the age of 15.

When the truth came out, Prokhor did not disown his parent and told how his dad ended up in a mental hospital.

Chaliapin's childhood (at the birth of Andrei Zakharenko) can hardly be called happy, since his father, Andrei Ivanovich Zakharenko, had a violent temper and regularly, often for no apparent reason, beat his son and wife. The mother of the future star was afraid of her husband, but she loved, so she endured all his antics. Although, when the wife was first imprisoned for hooliganism for 6 years, she and her son jumped up to the ceiling with joy - because now they could live in peace. When Zakharenko Sr. left places not so remote, his ex-wife already had a different husband, and his son went away from sin to study in Moscow.

Two years later, Andrei Ivanovich again ended up in a colony, where they decided that he was not all right with his head and was sent to compulsory treatment. There he met a nurse, whom he told that it was the famous son who took him to the hospital and the woman, taking pity on the former inmate, helped him leave the clinic.

Once free, Zakharenko married a nurse, but they did not live long. Out of old habit, he began to loosen his hands, and his wife sent him back to the hospital.

For more than 10 years, Zakharenko has not gone beyond the perimeter and only on TV has been following the life of his famous son.

The editors of the site want to add that recently, thanks to the staff of NTV, for the first time in 8 years, Prokhor Chaliapin met with his father.
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Prokhor Chaliapin was accused of not taking his father out of the psychiatric hospital on purpose. But the singer claims that he is just afraid.

Singer Prokhor Chaliapin does not like to remember his childhood. His father Andrey Ivanovich Zakharenkov is undergoing treatment in one of the specialized institutions of the Volgograd region. Chaliapin did not see his parent for a long time. Moreover, the artist concealed information about close person from the public. In the studio of the program "Live" Zakharenkov turned to his own son.

The ex-wife of Andrei Ivanovich Elena Nikiforova said that the artist deliberately refused native person. Program experts called the woman's accusations unfounded.

“Prokhor sent dad to a psychiatric hospital to get rid of him. Prokhor does not want to take away his biological father. I don't know why it happened. Everything that belonged to Andrei, he gave to Prokhor and his mother. This, of course, is a tragedy. Yes, he is a sick person, but not to the same extent as to deprive him of his freedom. He has schizophrenia,” shared Nikiforova.

The father of Prokhor Chaliapin himself also gave an interview in which he shared his point of view on what happened. “The man whom I saw for the first time broke into my house, a fight broke out. I was credited with the fact that I also robbed him. Since 2001, I have not closed this criminal record. Psychiatry is like a swamp, you can't get away from it. Since 1993, when Prokhor was 10 years old, I spent all the time in the "psychiatric hospital". I was released, spent two or three years there, but then they put me there again, ”said the man.

Then Prokhor Chaliapin appeared in the studio. He clarified that his father had not been in his life since he was nine years old. According to the artist, Andrei Ivanovich mocked his loved ones. “Endless fights, my mother and I ran barefoot through the snow so that we would not be killed. I tried not to talk about it,” said the singer. In 2008, Zakharenkov beat his own mother. Prokhor said that he had taken the last money from the woman. The music star blames alcoholism for the troubles of a relative. “Due to the fact that he didn’t have to strive anywhere, he constantly relaxed,” Chaliapin noted.

Prokhor also explained why he did not want to take his father from a specialized institution. According to the artist, for this it is necessary to arrange custody of Andrei Ivanovich. Chaliapin does not intend to take such a step, because guardianship implies that he will be responsible for Zakharenkov's actions. Because of the actions of Chaliapin's father, they can be imprisoned or banned from traveling abroad. Prokhor denies that he abandoned his parent. The singer helps him financial plan. Recently, the star visited Andrei Ivanovich for the first time in eight years.

Chaliapin also said that he pushed his father into a divorce from Nikiforova. According to the artist, the woman asked him about financial assistance in the amount of half a million rubles. The singer accused the ex-wife of the parent of misbehavior.

“I cannot say that I love my father, I feel sorry for him. Why does he need real estate if there are such ladies around him? I decided to keep it,” said the singer.

The artist's mother Elena Ivanovna supported her son and accused Elena Nikiforova of lying. The women got into a fight. Elena Ivanovna criticized the ex-wife of the star's father. "Where should I take him? He was declared incompetent, how can he live on his own? He a dangerous person why do I always have to shake for him?” she said.

Elena Ivanovna lived with her husband for ten years. According to her, Chaliapin's father failed to cope with family responsibilities. “I was afraid of him, I was kept under constant fear,” the woman said. In turn, Prokhor Chaliapin recalled several unpleasant incidents from childhood. So, once Zakharchenkov shocked his relatives by slaughtering his son's beloved dog. He also constantly beat Prokhor's mother.

In addition, the godfather of Prokhor Chaliapin and a close friend of his father, Mikhail Potapov, spoke on the air of the program. He responded to the accusations addressed to the artist. The man spoke about the insanity of Zakharenkov. According to Potapov, the star's parent once killed a policeman because he did not like a bottle of vodka bought in a store. On another occasion, Andrey Ivanovich smashed a law enforcement officer's head and wanted to bury him.

At the end of the program, Zakharchenkov turned to his son.

“I don’t love his mother, but I love him like a son. And even if he was not Prokhor, I still loved him. I would like to apologize to him for paying little attention to him and not being able to help him,” said a relative of the artist.

In turn, Prokhor Chaliapin told that he was not angry with his father. “Of course I forgive him. Undoubtedly. Because even I need it, ”said the artist.

Prokhor Chaliapin does not like to remember his childhood. It was full of violence from the father - Andrei Ivanovich Zakharenkov. The mother of the star, Elena Kolesnikova, admitted that she still cannot forgive her former chosen one for all that he has done in their ten years. life together. When Chaliapin flew to Volgograd and met with his parent, for a long time they could not agree on how to still go and visit Zakharenkov. On the air of the New Russian Sensations program, Prokhor expressed the opinion that he was doing this for the sake of his grandparents. According to the performer, if they remained alive, then their will would be the reconciliation of relatives.

The man does not hide that he did not consider it necessary to tell anyone about his father. For him, all childhood years are like one continuous torment. He doesn't remember when his dad was in good mood without having consumed alcohol. He engaged in assault and once even beat his own mother.

“The mother is afraid to admit to herself that she did not leave her father earlier, because she loved him for free. She constantly hoped that he would get out of prison and reform. But I did not refuse him, I always helped him financially. I periodically tried to call him and talk to him. I understand that the world does not revolve around me, and I have to take a step forward,” Chaliapin said.

Prokhor Chaliapin's mother remembers well those times when ex-husband lovers began to appear. According to her, the man could not get along with any of them. Kolesnikova claims that someone even came to her and asked how she was able to endure a relationship with Zakharchenkov. The woman admitted that when her husband was first put in prison, she got married a few years later and wanted to start new life, but the ex-husband constantly made itself felt, especially at a time when Prokhor was already living in Moscow and began to build a musical career.

“When I wanted to divorce him twenty years ago, he said he would stab me. And there were some terrible words in my head. I remained confused. When I tried to find out from him where the money I earned, I immediately got in the face. Yes, since 1993 he has not known how our son grew up, ”said Chaliapin’s mother.

In recent years, Zakharchenkov has been under the close supervision of doctors in one of the psychiatric hospitals in the Volgograd region. It was there that mother and son went to visit the man. Prokhor did not hide that he was very worried, because over the years that they had not met, a lot had changed. Andrei Ivanovich also did not find a place for himself. He said that he followed the life of the heir and knows everything about his stormy novels.

When father and son finally met, they didn't know where to start the conversation for several minutes, although both looked happy. The singer's dad criticized him for a short relationship, expressed the hope that someday Chaliapin would give him grandchildren, because he had long dreamed of it. Prokhor, apparently, was amused that he and his parent were discussing topics of a similar nature. By the way, Zakharchenkov asked if his ex-wife. At first, she remained waiting in the car, but soon decided to look at her former chosen one in person.

The family reunion did not last long. Obviously, they were all worried and did not know how to properly approach each other. When Elena Kolesnikova appeared on the threshold of the hospital ward, Zakharchenkov put his arms around her and kissed her, but she did not show any resistance. Prokhor admitted that both parents shone with happiness, and it seemed that they had no mutual grievances. Chaliapin's mother hurried to defuse the situation and stated that from the outside this scene of the meeting resembles the reconciliation of the family, which she does not really want.

By the end of the meeting, Zakharchenkov asked the heir to buy him a canvas and oil paints because he had long planned to take up painting. Prokhor told his father that he would fulfill his request and asked him to contact him if necessary. When it was time to say goodbye, the family hugged each other, and they parted without quarrels and scandals, although until the last they did not believe that this was possible.

“I don’t have such direct feelings for him as I do for my father. No, this is all laid down in childhood, he himself missed this moment. I feel sorry for my father, I understand that I will not leave him. I will help him, I will support him, it is only important for me that he himself is drawn to this, ”said Chaliapin.

Prokhor Chaliapin - scandalous famous singer. The man has good vocal abilities, but his name pops up much more often in the yellow press than in the lists of participants in music shows. Prokhor posed as a relative of Fyodor Chaliapin, married a wealthy aged lady and made a scandal with a DNA test. In addition, nude photo shoots of the singer and his intimate photos constantly appear on the Web.

Childhood and youth

Prokhor Chaliapin (real name Andrei Andreyevich Zakharenkov) was born in Volgograd on November 26, 1983. His father worked all his life as a steelmaker, and his mother was a cook at the same factory where her husband worked. When Prokhor was 10 years old, his father first went to a psychiatric hospital, where he later went for treatment.

In collaboration with Drobysh, the musician created modern adaptations of Russian folk songs, which later became the main repertoire of the singer. They were the guy's calling card, which opened up touring activities for him. In many cities of Russia, they were happy to listen to the vocalist perform songs such as "White Swan" or "Dubinushka".

In 2007, the tandem broke up, Chaliapin and Drobysh stopped working after a series of scandals. Since 2008, the artist began to shoot videos for his songs.

Personal life

Despite the fact that the artist works hard, constantly nourishing the audience with his work, the attention of the audience is more riveted to the scandalous personal life of Prokhor Chaliapin. His first lover was Alla Penyaeva, who had a million dollar fortune. The woman helped the guy enter the metropolitan university and provided him with an apartment and a car.

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Prokhor Chaliapin and Larisa Kopenkina

In 2013, Prokhor Chaliapin married businesswoman Larisa Kopenkina, who at that time was 52 years old. This wedding has become one of the most scandalous and high-profile in 2013. In 2014, it became known that Prokhor Chaliapin and his wife filed for divorce.

During the marriage with Kopenkina, Chaliapin had an affair with, who at that time was already in a position. In March 2015, Chaliapin and Kalashnikova had a son, Danya. The artists decided to legalize the relationship, but due to numerous conflicts, they did not succeed. In addition, it later turned out that Anna did not give birth to a son from Prokhor.

In search of a bride, Prokhor turned to television. even helped the showman organize a TV show on Channel One, which was called "The Bride for Prokhor Chaliapin." For a long time, a handsome handsome man (his height is 197 cm, and his weight is 77 kg) did not sit up as bachelors. In November 2017, Prokhor revealed the identity of his new lover. She turned out to be Tatyana Gudzeva - a non-media girl, far from show business.

The couple has repeatedly become a guest of rating TV shows. The lovers also visited the program "", where the real age of the bride and a number of other facts of her biography were revealed. But this information did not affect the feelings of the artist. Later, omissions began between the young people, which they also preferred to find out using a lie detector. It turned out that Prokhor and Tatyana were cheating on each other.

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