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Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School named after Marshal of Engineering Troops A.I. Proshlyakov. Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School (Military Institute) (Tyumen VVIK)

Based on the directive of the GK SV No. OSH / 5 / 244406 of June 22, 1957 and the directive of the commander of the Siberian Military District No. OMU / 1 / 0713 of August 5, 1957, the Tyumen Military Engineering School was formed on the basis of the Tyumen Infantry School.

On January 31, 1968, the Tyumen Military Engineering School was transformed into the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School.

The Council of Ministers of the USSR by Decree of April 16, 1974 No. 269 (announced by order of the USSR Ministry of Defense No. 107 of April 30, 1974) assigned the name of Marshal engineering troops A.I. Proshlyakov Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School - “Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School named after Marshal of Engineering Troops A.I. Proshlyakov.

On September 16, 1998, the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School was reorganized by joining the Military Engineering University as a branch (order of the NIV MO RF No. 292 of September 25, 1998). Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School named after Marshal of Engineering Troops A.I.

In accordance with the order of the Government Russian Federation dated July 09, 2004 No. 937-r and the order of the Minister of Defense dated August 09, 2004 No. 235, on the basis of the branch of the Military Engineering University (Tyumen), the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School (Military Institute) ) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

On November 11, 2009, the state educational institution of higher professional education "Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School (Military Institute) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation" No. 1695-r was reorganized into the Tyumen Military Institute of Engineering Troops (branch) of the Federal State Military educational institution higher professional education " Military Academy troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection and engineering troops named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko” of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense dated March 23, 2012 No. 610, the university was reorganized into the Federal State State Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Military Educational and Scientific Center ground forces"Combined Arms Academy Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (branch, Tyumen) with the preservation of its main goals of activity and maximum staffing.

In 2013, the "Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces" Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation "was reorganized in the form of separation from it of the federal state state military educational institution of higher professional education" Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School (Military Institute) named after Marshal of Engineering Troops A.I. Proshlyakov of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation with subordination to his chief of engineering troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

March 25, 1959 is a solemn day in the history of the school. On this day, on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the school was awarded the Red Banner with the inscription "Tyumen Military Engineering School".

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 18, 2006 No. 1422 “On the Combat Banner of a Military Unit”, on June 22, 2007, the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School (Military Institute) was awarded the Diploma of the President of the Russian Federation, and the Combat Banner of the military unit of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

By order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of June 21, 2007 No. 225, the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School (Military Institute) was awarded the Pennant of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for courage, military prowess and high combat skills shown in the performance of tasks of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in training highly qualified personnel for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and in connection with the 50th anniversary of its formation.

Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School named after Marshal of Engineering Troops A.I. Proshlyakova continues the military and glorious traditions of the Tallinn Military Infantry School, the formation of which began on August 17, 1940 in the military town of Tondi, in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. Initially, the school consisted of two battalions: 1 battalion was staffed by Red Army soldiers - participants in the battles with the White Finns, the youth of Leningrad and the Leningrad, Pskov and Novgorod regions; The 2nd battalion was fully staffed by the youth of the Republic of Estonia.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War the educational process at the school was interrupted, the school receives an order from the Commander of the North-Western Front: to create a powerful defense area on the outskirts of Tallinn together with work detachments, to carry out patrol service in the city, to fight against enemy agents, banditry, and also to carry out tasks for mining of tank-hazardous directions and objects to be destroyed. In carrying out these tasks, courage and heroism have become the norm of behavior for officers and cadets of the school. No matter how important the performance of combat missions at the front was, the war did not remove from the school its main task - the training of commanders for the front. By order of the People's Commissar of Defense, the school was withdrawn from the combat area and evacuated to the rear.

On July 15, the school left Tallinn in two echelons. The road was hard. The echelons repeatedly came under fire from enemy troops. At railway stations, cadets assisted the population in eliminating fires, saving state property, and restoring tracks destroyed by enemy bombardment.

On July 25 and 26, 1941, the 1st and 2nd echelons with personnel arrived in the city of Slavgorod Altai Territory. The school did not stay in Slavgorod for long, at the end of August the school was transferred to the city of Tyumen, Ural Military District.

From August 27, 1941, the school was called the 2nd Tyumen Military Infantry School, and from September 16, 1941, having become part of the West Siberian Military District, the school received its former name - the Tallinn Military Infantry School.

On September 10, 1941, the school made the first early graduation of officers. The front received 551 officers with the rank of lieutenant. In connection with the war, the training period for cadets was reduced to 6 months, the recruitment of cadets was increased from two to five battalions. School graduates of the first graduation were mainly sent to the 368th Infantry Division, which was being formed in the city of Tyumen. Graduates of Estonian nationality left at the disposal of the command of the 7th and 249th Estonian divisions, which were formed near Chelyabinsk.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War, the school trained and graduated more than 4.5 thousand officers who showed courage, heroism and courage on the war fronts. School graduates fought near Stalingrad, defended Leningrad and Karelia, participated in the battles near Kursk and on the Dnieper, liberated the Baltic states and Belarus and everywhere showed remarkable moral and combat qualities: courage, heroism, selfless devotion to the Motherland.

Twelve years after the Great Patriotic War, the school continued to graduate infantry officers.

At the end of the 1950s, reorganization and re-equipment of all types of the Armed Forces and branches of the armed forces took place, and the restructuring of the system of military educational institutions began.

In connection with the order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR and the directive of the General Staff of the SV of June 22, 1957, the Tyumen military school was reorganized into the Tyumen Military Engineering School (TVIU) with the task of training officers for the engineering troops. To staff the school, cadets of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd courses arrived from the former Leningrad and Moscow military engineering schools. The command and teaching staff of the school was staffed by experienced officers, many of whom were participants in the Great Patriotic War, went through a large school of study in academies and service in units. By decision of the district commander, classes at the school began on November 15, 1957.

As a legacy from the infantry school, TVIU received one 2-story barracks; two educational buildings, on one floor of the 2nd educational building there was a support battalion; 2-storey building, which housed the management of the school and the club; auto repair shops in a small barn; cadet canteen for 200 seats; parade ground; two houses for officers.

The cadets who graduated from the college were awarded military rank"lieutenant" and qualifications "technician-builder" and "technician-mechanic".

Changes in military affairs, a greater saturation of the engineering troops with new equipment, increased requirements for command personnel were the reason for the transition of the school to the program higher education.

In accordance with the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of January 11, 1968, on the basis of the order of the USSR Ministry of Defense of January 31, 1968, the school was transformed into a higher military engineering command school.

In April 1974, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution "On perpetuating the memory of Marshal of the Engineering Troops Proshlyakov A.I." On the basis of this Decree, the order of the USSR Ministry of Defense No. 107 of April 30, 1974 was issued, the school was given the name "Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School named after Marshal of Engineering Troops A.I. Proshlyakov."

Reference: Aleksey Ivanovich Proshlyakov was one of the outstanding Soviet military leaders. He was born on February 5, 1901 in the village of Golenishchevo, Ryazan Region, in a working-class family. In the Red Army since the age of 19. During the Great Patriotic War, he held high positions: he was the head of the engineering troops of the army on the Western Front, deputy chief of the engineering troops of the engineering department of the Central and Bryansk fronts (1941), deputy commander - head of the engineering troops of the Southern, Stalingrad, Don, Central, Belorussian and 1 Belorussian fronts (1942-1945). In May 1945 Proshlyakov A.I. was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for engineering support, personal courage and heroism shown in the Berlin battle. From 1952 to 1965, Alexei Ivanovich was the head of the engineering troops of the USSR Ministry of Defense. In 1961 A.I. Proshlyakov was awarded the rank of Marshal of Engineering Troops, since February 1965 he was a military inspector-adviser of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Alexei Ivanovich died on December 12, 1973. In honor of the memory of Marshal of Engineering Troops Alexei Ivanovich Proshlyakov, a bust of the hero was erected on the territory of the school.

In 1992, the school switched to a 5-year study program. In the same year, a new specialization was introduced at the school - engineer-sapper for the Airborne Forces.

In August 1998, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation Military Engineering Academy them. VV Kuibyshev was transformed into the Military Engineering University with three branches. The Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School was transformed into the Tyumen branch of the Military Engineering University, which made it possible to quickly solve scientific problems, improved the methodological support of the educational process, and increased the practical orientation in training cadets.

On July 9, 2004, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to establish the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School (TVVIKU) on the basis of the Tyumen branch of the Military Engineering University.

On June 22, 2007, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Tyumen VVIKU was awarded a new Battle Banner with Russian symbols. The old Red Banner was transferred to the museum for storage.

By order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2008 and directive of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. D-31dsp, the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School was reorganized into the Branch of the Federal State Military Educational Institution of Higher Education “Military Academy of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Forces and Engineering Troops named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (branch, Tyumen) - Tyumen Military Institute of Engineering Troops.

Since 2010, the school has been preparing highly qualified military specialists of engineering troops for foreign countries.

By order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2011 No. 1639-r and in accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of March 23, 2012 No. 610, the school was reorganized into the Tyumen branch of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces "Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation".

On September 1, 2013, on the basis of the Decree of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the school was reassigned to the head of the engineering troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with the return of the historically established name "Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School named after Marshal of Engineering Troops A.I. Proshlyakov.

In the same year, Colonel Evmenenko Dmitry Feliksovich was appointed head of the school.

All the years, officers-graduates of the school performed combat missions in Peaceful time. They played an important role in demining the area from explosive objects left on our land after the Great Patriotic War. More than 500 graduates performed international duties in Angola, Ethiopia, Algeria, Vietnam, Afghanistan and other "hot spots". School graduates, commanding engineering units and subdivisions, played an important role in ensuring order for the disarmament of illegal armed groups on the territory of the Chechen Republic, as well as in ensuring peace in the zone of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict, in South Ossetia, in Transnistria, in Yugoslavia, carried out engineering securing the Tajik-Afghan border. The graduates of the school made a special contribution to the elimination of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant,

In honor of the memory of the graduates of the school who heroically died during the hostilities in the "hot spots" and fulfilled their military duty to the end in various armed conflicts, a memorial stela was erected on the territory of the school to graduates who gave their lives in the name of the Fatherland and a memorial was created to the dead military engineers of all generations.

Dozens of officers of the engineering troops, who have combat experience, serve and are currently working in the school.

The school trains graduates of education with full military special training in four military specialties and three military specializations.

Military specialties with a period of study of 5 years:

  • "The use of engineering units and the operation of engineering weapons" in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard VO 23.05.02 Vehicles special purpose (qualification - engineer is assigned);
  • "The use of units and the operation of engineering electrical equipment" in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard VPO 140107 Heat and power supply of special technical systems and objects (qualification - specialist is assigned);
  • "The use of controlled mining units and the operation of radio-electronic means of engineering weapons" in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard VO 11.05.02 Special radio engineering systems (qualification is awarded - engineer of special radio engineering systems).

Military specialty with a period of study of 5.5 years:

  • "The use of engineering positional units, the construction and operation of fortifications, and camouflage" in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard VO 08.05.01 Construction of unique buildings and structures (qualification - civil engineer is awarded).

Military specializations, in accordance with GEF VO 23.05.02 Vehicles for special purposes (qualification - engineer is awarded):

  • "The use of engineering units of the Airborne Forces and the operation of engineering weapons";
  • "The use of pontoon-bridge, crossing and landing units and the operation of engineering weapons";
  • "The use of engineering units of the Strategic Missile Forces and the operation of engineering weapons."

The term of study is 5 years.

Those who graduate from college are awarded the military rank of LIEUTENANT.

The school also trains graduates of secondary vocational education with secondary military special training in military specialties:

  • "The use of engineering units and the operation of engineering weapons" in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard SPO 15.02.04 Special machines and devices; in the specialization "Repair and storage of engineering ammunition."
  • "The use of engineering units and the operation of electrical equipment" in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard SPO 13.02.07 Power supply (industries).

The term of study is 2 years 10 months.

Those who graduate from the college are awarded the military rank of WRITTEN OFFICER and a state diploma with the qualification of TECHNICIAN is issued.

About the university

The Tyumen Military Engineering School was formed on the basis of the Tyumen Infantry School.

Reorganization, renaming, relocation of the university:

Based on the order of the USSR Ministry of Defense dated January 31, 1968, the Tyumen Military Engineering School was transformed into the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School.

The Council of Ministers of the USSR, by Decree No. 269 of April 16, 1974 (announced by order of the USSR Ministry of Defense of April 30, 1974), named after Marshal of the Engineering Troops A.I. Proshlyakov Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School and henceforth it is called “Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School named after Marshal of Engineering Troops A.I. Proshlyakov.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 29, 1998 No. 1009 and the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1998. The Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School was reorganized by joining the Military Engineering University as a branch (order of the NIV MO RF dated September 25, 1998). Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School named after Marshal of Engineering Troops A.I. Proshlyakov in pursuance of the directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of September 26. 1998 renamed into the Branch of the Military Engineering University (Tyumen).

On July 9, 2004, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to establish the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School (Military Institute) on the basis of the Tyumen branch of the Military Engineering University (Order of the RF Ministry of Defense dated August 9, 2004).

Over the years of the existence of the school, its location - the city of Tyumen, the 10th military camp - has not changed.

From September 21, 1957 to August 1, 1992, the school was part of the troops of the Siberian Military District. From September 1, 1992 to September 1, 2001, it was part of the Ural Military District. Since September 1, 2001 - part of the Volga-Urals Military District.

The annual holiday of the university was set on June 22, the day of signing the directive of the GKSV on June 22, 1957 on the formation of the Tyumen Military Engineering School.

Brief information about the traditions of high school.

The solemn events held at the school dedicated to: the graduation of young officers, the adoption of the military oath by freshmen, the celebration of the Day of the Engineer Troops, the Day of the formation of the school, the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, etc .;

According to the tradition established over the years, the staff of the school takes part in all the solemn events of the city and regional scale held in the city of Tyumen;

Meetings of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, veterans of the Armed Forces, veterans of the school with the personnel of the school are traditional. Honoring veterans of the school with anniversaries.

An important event and a solemn day in the history of the school was March 25, 1959. On this day, on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the school was awarded the Red Banner with the inscription "Tyumen Military Engineering School".

II. Personnel awards

Heroes of the Russian Federation.

Four graduates of the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation:

Hero of the Russian Federation, Major General Krasnikov Alexander Alekseevich.

Born in 1950 in St. Yegorlyk, Rostov region. In 1972 he graduated from the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School. He studied at the school in the 1st battalion, 1st company of cadets (battalion commander, now retired colonel Nikolaenko L.D.), company commander, now retired colonel Koval I.A.)

He served in various positions from the commander of an engineering platoon to the head of the engineering troops of the North Caucasian Military District. Participant of hostilities in Afghanistan and hostilities to disarm illegal armed groups on the territory of the Chechen Republic. Has state awards.

For courage and heroism shown in emergency circumstances, for courageous and resolute actions fraught with risk to life, for the skillful leadership of the engineering troops of the district during the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Major General Alexander Alekseevich Krasnikov was awarded the high title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

Hero of the Russian Federation Lieutenant Colonel Zhuykov Sergey Vasilyevich.

Born on January 26, 1954 in the village of Bulanash, Sverdlovsk Region. In 1975 he graduated from the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School. He served in the following positions: commander of a platoon, company, head of the storage department of the engineering ammunition depot, head of the engineering service of the SME, head of the district depot of engineering ammunition.

On June 17, 1998, at the UrVO engineering ammunition depot in the village of Losinoy, Sverdlovsk Region, as a result of an electric discharge of ball lightning, a fire broke out simultaneously in several places in the technical territory of the warehouse, as a result of which stacks of engineering ammunition stored in an open area caught fire. There was a threat of an explosion.

Having received information from the sentry about the signs of a fire in the technical area, the commander of the unit, Lieutenant Colonel Zhuikov S.V. called an emergency fire brigade to the place of ignition, and he himself, with a group of soldiers with fire extinguishing equipment, departed to the place of fire. By the time they arrived, the ammunition stack at the site was on fire and the threat of an explosion was real. Lieutenant Colonel Zhuikov S.V. forbade the soldiers to approach the ammunition stack, dispersed them around the enclosure with fire extinguishing equipment in order to prevent the fire from spreading to neighboring sites, and he himself rushed to the stack, risking his life to try to put out the flames. At this time, an explosion was heard, as a result of which Lieutenant Colonel Zhuikov S.V. died.

For the courage and heroism shown, Lieutenant Colonel Zhuikov S.V. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the title of Hero of Russia (posthumously).

Hero of the Russian Federation, Militia Major Vasyanin Mikhail Ivanovich.

Vasyanin Mikhail Ivanovich was born on November 12, 1952 in the city of Kustanai, Kazakh SSR. In 1974 he graduated from the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School named after Marshal of Engineering Troops A.I. Proshlyakov. He went through all the stages of military prowess: he served conscientiously from lieutenant - platoon commander, to major - head of the engineering service.

In 1975-1976. participated in the demining of explosive objects in the Kursk and Oryol regions, which remained after the Great Patriotic War. He performed special tasks, twice went to the territory of Afghanistan. In October 1991, he finished his military career in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Far East Military District.

Since April 1995, Vasyanin M.I. - senior engineer-sapper of the special police detachment at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

From September 22 to December 28, 1995, as part of the OMON, he went on a business trip to the territory of the Chechen Republic to carry out tasks to restore law and order in this republic. Police Major Vasyanin M.I. 261 units of explosive devices were personally discovered and neutralized. For conscientious performance of duty, he was repeatedly encouraged by the command of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Chechen Republic, was awarded the medal "For Courage".

Since June 26, 1996 Vasyanin M.I. again departed on a business trip to the territory of the Chechen Republic.

On July 9, 1996, a special police detachment under the Internal Affairs Directorate of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, together with other units, by order of the commander of the TG-1 SKO VV of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, took part in a special operation to check the passport regime in the village of Gekhi, Urus-Martan district of the Chechen Republic. Police Major Vasyanin M.I. led a group of OMON fighters of 10 people. When approaching one of the houses of the village, the group was suddenly attacked by a large bandit formation, which has a clear advantage in armament and numbers, and was fired from automatic weapons and grenade launchers. An unequal battle ensued. Militia major Vasyanin M.I., having correctly oriented himself in the current situation, skillfully organized the occupation of positions by the fighters to repel the attack. A grenade launcher, a sniper and two submachine gunners from the gangs of the formation were destroyed. He personally destroyed the enemy's machine-gun crew. Leading the battle for about 3 hours, he acted boldly and decisively, showing courage, selflessness and heroism. Destroying the enemy with fire, acting professionally and competently, he managed to organize a breakthrough and brought the fighters entrusted to him to a safe line, thereby saving their lives. At the same time, he was seriously wounded in the chest, but continued to lead the battle until the last moment. Having taken the fighters out of the encirclement, he died from his wound.

For the impeccable performance of his official duty to ensure the security and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, the courage, dedication and high professional skills shown at the same time, Militia Major Vasyanin Mikhail Ivanovich was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 18, 1996.

Hero of the Russian Federation, Colonel Rostovshchikov Valery Alexandrovich (now a reserve colonel).

Born on December 1, 1956 in the Yarkovsky district of the Tyumen region. After graduating from the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School in 1979, he served in the GSVG and the North Caucasian Military District in positions from platoon commander to commander of a separate engineering and sapper unit. In 1995 he graduated from the Military Engineering Academy.

On October 8, 1999, the engineering and sapper unit was tasked with ensuring the advancement and crossing of units of the Federal forces through the water barrier. The engineering and reconnaissance group, headed by Lieutenant Colonel V.A. Rostovshchikov, having gone to the bridge, discovered that the militants, having left guards near the bridge, were engaged in fortification equipment of the area. Covertly approaching the bridge, the group destroyed the outposts. Lieutenant Colonel Rostovshchikov personally began checking the bridge for the presence of explosive objects. Under enemy fire, at the risk of being blown up at any moment, he neutralized a land mine, the control of which was in the hands of the militants. He was the first to cross to the opposite bank, where, having taken up defense, he was cut off from his unit. For 2 hours he held the captured position, fighting with superior enemy forces, preventing him from destroying the bridge and thereby disrupting the offensive of our troops.

For courage and heroism shown in emergency circumstances, for courageous and decisive actions in conditions involving a risk to life, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1999, Lieutenant Colonel Valery Alexandrovich Rostovshchikov was awarded the high title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

TVVIKU is one of the few educational institutions in the city that boasts so many names. educational institution renamed, reorganized, became part of other universities, became independent. In connection with these changes, the name of the university changed 8 times. Despite changes in statuses and names, the Tyumen Higher Military School continues its activities, replenishing the ranks of the command staff of the engineering troops with young, qualified personnel.

The Tallinn (Tyumen) military infantry school began to form in August 1940, in the town of Tondi, near Tallinn. Previously, the cadet school of the former Estonian army was located here. This military town had an excellent educational and material base. The commanding staff by this time already had combat experience gained in the battles at Khalkhin Gol, Lake Khasan and in the war with Finland. In July 1941, the Tallinn Infantry School was relocated to Slavgorod, Altai Territory. August 25, 1941 transferred to Tyumen.

From August 27, 1941, the school was called the 2nd Tyumen Military Infantry School, and from September 16, 1941, having become part of the West Siberian Military District, the school received its former name - the Tallinn Military Infantry School.

Since September 3, 1941 - the Tallinn Military Infantry School; from December 14, 1945 - West Siberian Military Infantry School. Since September 4, 1947 - the Tyumen Military Infantry School. From 1954 to 1957 - Tyumen military school. During the war years, I. A. Bespalov, M. V. Krotov, N. N. Logunov, P. P. Molodykh, and I. N. Bashmakov were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Heads of the school - M. S. Vlasov, I. P. Dorofeev, P. K. Tyutyurin.

The Tallinn Military Infantry School was designed for a two-year training and set the task of preparing competent combined arms commanders. On January 1, 1941, the first battalion, made up of Red Army soldiers - participants in the battles with the Finns - and the youth of Leningrad, Leningrad, Novgorod and Pskov regions, began to study. The second, consisting entirely of young people of Estonian nationality, is two months later. In January of the same year, courses for junior political officers are organized at the school.

On the territory of the 10th military camp (in the Zatyumen part of the city) there were headquarters, two residential buildings for the Komsoviet, a canteen, and two barracks. The organization of everyday life was the responsibility of the cadets themselves. To prepare firewood, 7-10 people harnessed to the sled and dragged it to the Upper Bor area, and then back with the load. They had to constantly provide assistance to the collective farms and enterprises of the city, where women, old people and teenagers mostly worked.

School life was stressful. Loads on cadets and officers were incredible. Rise at 6 o'clock in the morning, lights out - at 23 o'clock. Theoretical classes, fire and drill, night alarms, forced marches in gas masks over long distances were common. In the barracks there were quarters (100-120 people each), two-tiered wooden bunks were built for recreation. On them, for a bed, everyone was given a sheet and a blanket, pillowcases for mattresses and pillows, which were stuffed with straw by the cadets.

The Tallinn Military Infantry School formed the command staff, prepared for battles, and most importantly, taught them to cherish the honor of an officer. They fought not for orders, but for conscience. They taught officer ethics, even how to hold a knife with a fork, how to behave at the table, working out the command voice.

Due to the needs of the army, the training period for cadets was reduced to 6 months, and recruitment increased from two to five battalions. The first (early) release of the Tallinn VPU took place on September 10, 1941, giving the front 550 lieutenants. For the most part, graduates became part of the 368th Infantry Division, which later received the name of the Red Banner Pechenga. This division traveled a glorious path from Tyumen to the Norwegian city of Kirkenes, liberating Karelia and the Arctic.

In 1957, on the basis of the Tallinn Military Infantry School, the Tyumen Military Engineering School was formed. In the year of foundation, its material base consisted of one two-story barracks, two educational buildings (on one floor of the second educational building there was a support battalion), a two-story building that housed the school administration and the club, auto repair shops in a small shed, a cadet canteen for 200 seats, a drill parade ground , two houses for officers.

After 60 years, for the effective training of cadets, the school has field and sports training bases, a laboratory, gyms, classrooms. Training is carried out in three main specialties by 9 departments. Higher school allows you to get higher, secondary and additional professional education and also provides vocational training. The material and technical base allows for theoretical and practical classes.

In April 1974, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution "On perpetuating the memory of Marshal of the Engineering Troops Proshlyakov A.I." On the basis of this decree, Order No. 107 of the USSR Ministry of Defense dated April 30, 1974 was issued, the school was given the name “Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School named after Marshal of Engineering Troops A.I. Proshlyakov.

On July 9, 2004, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to establish the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School (TVVIKU) on the basis of the Tyumen branch of the Military Engineering University.

On June 22, 2007, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Tyumen VVIKU was awarded a new Battle Banner with Russian symbols. The old Red Banner was transferred to the museum for storage.

The school has its own traditions and holidays. Thus, the graduation of young officers, the taking of the military oath, the celebration of the Day of the Engineer Troops, the Day of the School, the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, etc. have become traditional. The staff of the school takes part in all the celebrations of the city and regional scale held in the city of Tyumen.

In 2013, on the basis of TVVIKU, the Tyumen Presidential Cadet School was created.

On the territory of TVIKU them. A. I. Proshlyakova there is a memorial sign to the graduates who died in the Great Patriotic War.

During the Great Patriotic War, there were 2 more military schools in Tyumen:
1st Military Infantry School (1939-1946) was located in the building of the former Gostiny Dvor. The cadets took the oath in February 1939. The new set consisted of 600 combatants, 300 were awarded orders and medals. With the beginning of the Second World War, the training period was reduced from 2 years to 6 months, so that most of the cadets did not receive command (later officer) ranks. In May 1946, the school was disbanded. 5 Heroes of the Soviet Union came out of the walls of the Tyumen Infantry School: F. I. Dozartsev, V. N. Egorov (posthumously), V. V. Motov, P. S. Myasnikov, X. X. Yakin, the latter became a full holder of the Order of Glory. Heads of the Tyumen Infantry School: S. S. Epanechnikov, A. N. Velichko, N. A. Pimenov, N. N. Yakimov.

The 2nd military infantry school (March 1942 - October 1945) was located on the territory of the 6th military camp. The first chief was Colonel A. A. Simonov, since 1944 - Major General N. M. Novikov. Over the years of its existence, there were 3-4 releases of lieutenants, mostly cadets were sent to the front, having completed the course of a young soldier. In 1945 the school was disbanded.

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