Encyclopedia of fire safety

The earth is our common home, as you understand. Summary of the lesson “Earth is our common home. Introduction to the topic

Evening duration- 45 minutes.

Location: Assembly Hall.

Decor: wall newspapers, posters, aphorisms are placed on the stage and the walls of the hall, calling for the protection of nature; music (at the choice of the organizers of the evening).

Equipment: tables for jury members and contestants.

Hello, friends! Hello nature! Hello, fields, forests, rivers, lakes! Hello birds!

If a person greeted like this every day not only with relatives and friends, but also with all living creatures surrounding him, perhaps all those animals and plants that we will never see again would still live on Earth, since people destroyed them.

The destruction of nature continues today. At the same time, people pursue different goals: someone wants to get more money by selling a rare animal or its fur; someone hunts for pleasure, and someone, without thinking, uproots flowers, kills a frog with a stick, throws a stone at a bird, having fun in this way. And when you hear: a man is the king of nature, you ask: “And what is he without nature - without air, water, birdsong, the aroma of meadows, the rustle of leaves - a man?”.

Nature generously gives all this to people and does not ask for any payment in return, it only expects from us a careful, kind attitude towards ourselves.

If I pick a flower

If you pick a flower

If everything: me and you,

If we pick flowers

All the glades will be empty,

And there will be no beauty.

Guys, today's event is dedicated to the protection of nature. All mankind is concerned about the data of scientists-researchers about the deterioration of the ecological situation on the globe. We must learn to take care of animals, plants, lakes, rivers and forests - everything that surrounds us.

We must try to comprehend the secrets of nature. Let's get to know the world around us better, and having learned, we will truly love it, and having fallen in love, we will cherish it.

Our today's ecological evening is dedicated to this goal. It is attended by 3 teams of 5 participants each, as well as spectators-fans. (The presenter introduces the teams, members of the jury and students who help lead the evening, reads out the conditions for evaluating the jury members of the competitive tasks).

The teams are invited to the first competition - an environmental test. Each team must answer the test questions within 10 minutes and submit it to the panel of judges. While the participants perform tasks, we will play a game with the audience. The points earned by the fans for the correct answers are credited to the asset of their team.

So, the game "Field of Miracles".

Exercise 1."Environmental Protection".

Name an 8-letter word that reflects the following definition: "Territories where individual natural components are protected."

(Answer: reserve)

Task 2.

Who owns the following statement: “A fish - water, a bird - air, a beast - a forest, steppe, mountains, and a person needs a homeland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland! What is the name of a wonderful writer, a great lover of nature, consisting of 7 letters.

(Answer: Prishvin)

Remember, our Motherland, its prosperity depends on each of us.

1st student:

Where does Russia start from?

From the Kuriles? Kamchatka or Commander?

What are her steppe eyes sad about

Over the reeds of all her lakes?

Russia starts with passion

To work, to patience, to kindness.

That's where her star lies. She is wonderful!

It burns and shines in the dark.

Hence all her great deeds,

Her unique destiny

And if you are involved in it - Russia

It does not originate from the mountains, but from you!

2nd student:

Nature has three treasures: water, earth and air.

Of all the natural resources of our planet, the greatest wealth is the earth. She is our breadwinner. We must protect the earth, take care of it, increase its fertility. And the earth today is cut, trampled. Waste (industrial, radiation) is buried in it, household garbage is dumped. So, for example, it takes only 90 years for a tin can to decompose in the ground, for 2-10 years for paper, for 100 years for a cigarette filter, for 200 years for a plastic bag.

3rd student:

"Water! You have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, you enjoy yourself without understanding what you are. You are not only necessary for life, you are life!” This is how the famous French writer, pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupery spoke about water. Unfortunately, the state of water causes great concern not only for scientists, but for all people of our Earth.

Many rivers, streams have turned into sewers, fish are disappearing, underground springs are drying up or becoming unfit for drinking, because the “advanced” method of oil extraction in Bashkiria (injection of salt water into oil reservoirs in order to increase oil recovery) has led to the destruction of many clean springs. Water pollutants are chemical plants, livestock farms, and unauthorized city dumps that appear anywhere, as well as near water bodies.

A person, consuming untreated water, endangers his health: at present, more than 2,100 different types of pollution (including bacteria and viruses) have been identified in our water pipes, causing serious illness.

One of the brilliant Russian proverbs says: “Do not spit in the well, it will come in handy to drink water,” which the Russians have followed for many centuries, and which, to the greatest regret, is completely forgotten and ignored by us.

May the rivers not die on Earth,

Let their misfortune bypass.

And will remain in them forever

Clean and tasty water!

1st student:

A person cannot live without clean air. Currently, it does not meet the norm in 187 cities of Russia, where 65.4 million people live. There is a chemical cocktail of suspended substances in the atmosphere: nitrogen dioxide, benzopyrene, formaldehyde, phenol, hydrogen fluoride, ethylbenzene and many other components that cause diseases of the respiratory and nervous systems, memory impairment and cancer. This is a disappointing picture today in 66 cities where maximum concentrations exceed 10 MPC.

Moderator (addressing the teams):

The time allotted for the environmental test is over, please forward the answers to the jury. Let's move on to the second contest "What do we know about environmental protection". (Teams are given cards on which tasks are written).

Task 1. For the definition of the left column, select a concept from the right one and write the answers in pairs of numbers (for example, 1 - 1, etc.)

(Answers: 1 - 4, 2 - 3, 3 - 2, 4 - 1)

Task 2. What laws have been adopted in Russia, Bashkortostan (or your region) on environmental protection?

Task 3. Name international environmental dates, actions calling on the people of the Earth to pay attention to global problems.

Answers: Shares:

While the teams are completing these tasks, the game is played with the audience again. (The presenter's assistants ask the fans questions on the topics: reserves and natural monuments, environmental issues raised in folk art, and others).

The teams submitted their answers to the jury members and are ready to participate in the next competition "Experts in Oral Folk Art". This competition consists of 3 tasks (teams are given task cards):

1. After reading the changeling, guess the proverb. For example, a shifter: "An elephant will not blunt its tail", a guessed proverb: "A mosquito will not undermine its nose."

2. Name 3 proverbs, sayings about nature.

3. Pantomime the proverb so that the audience can guess it. For a correctly guessed proverb, the team receives 3 points.

While the teams are getting ready, we want to make a report that a city competition of creative works on the topic "Ecology of Nature - Ecology of the Soul" was recently held. Our students took part in it. Here is what Marina Romanova, a student of grade 11 B, wrote in her essay: “All nature: a tree in a park, a chamomile meadow among the houses of a new microdistrict - all this belongs to all of us. We are the owners of forests, rivers, ponds - all living things, beautiful decorations of the earth. But if we are the owners, then, of course, we are also the defenders, because it is impossible not to pay for good with kindness in return. A thoughtlessly sawn poplar, a trampled garden, a "dimensionless" bouquet of forest flowers - all this is a blow to the reserves of natural resources. But they are not unlimited.

It must be remembered that each tree is our breath, which means health. Everyone should realize a simple truth: by harming the environment, we thereby harm ourselves, make our life gray and dull.

1st student:

All of us, now living, are responsible for our nature to our descendants. However, sometimes both adults and children carelessly, wastefully behave towards her. A thoughtless, mismanaged attitude to nature brings great troubles: the lungs of the planet - forests - are dying. Every year in Russia, from 1 to 7 million hectares of forests burn down, 80% of forest fires are caused by humans. Animals and birds are dying. Forest elephants, rhinoceros, saber-toothed tiger, mammoth and others have disappeared from the face of the Earth. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, since 1600, 94 species of birds and 63 species of mammals have become extinct on Earth: the moa bird (New Zealand), the dodo (Mauritius Island in the Indian Ocean), the wingless auk (Iceland) and others, the tarpan (wild horse) , quagga zebra, marsupial wolf, Steller's sea cow and many others.

Guys! Many writers and poets write about nature. It amazes us with its richness and magnificence.

Our Bashkir region is also unique. We are proud of the ancient Urals, its forests, lakes, rivers, waterfalls. We can see this beauty by coming into contact with nature. “Life is beautiful because,” as N.M. Przhevalsky said, “you can travel.” There are all the opportunities to make exciting trips around your native land. Travel, discover the world around you, love and take care of nature!

3rd student:

We better get wet in the rain

Than in a stuffy room to languish.

So let the thunder call us ahead

And let the lightning shine on us.

Now the floor is given to the participants of the III competition. (Participants guess proverbs according to the proposed turnarounds, name sayings about nature, depict proverbs in pantomime).

The call “Let's save our Earth” ends the last, IV competition of competing teams. As a home task, it was proposed to draw an environmental poster, which the participants must defend in front of the audience and the jury. The jury members take into account the relevance of the problem raised, the content, emotionality of the speech. Each team is given 1 minute to defend the poster, (One representative of the team rises to the stage to his poster, which is the stage design).

Guys! Today at the ecological evening we learned how important it is to preserve the nature of our Motherland for us and our descendants. We must be patriots of our Fatherland. (Students helping the host call on all participants in the evening to protect nature and offer to express their proposals for improving the environment of their city).

At the end of the event, the presenter gives the floor to the panel of judges. The jury sums up the results of all competitions, the winner is announced, the participants are awarded memorable prizes.

The evening ends with a collective performance of a song about nature, about the Bashkir beauty of the Belaya River, accompanied by a guitar (author V. Mamaev):

From sunset to sunrise

Smoke curls from the ship

And the river is a white breaker

And the name of the river Belaya.

With a friend we go hiking,

In the bosom, so to speak, of nature,

But that doesn't matter

By the river with the name Belaya.

White mouth of the White River,

White cloud, white verses,

White gulls are white and light -

White River, White.

White morning of the White River,

A white handkerchief of a swarthy hand,

White waves like islands -

White River, White.

With a friend, we are forever vagabonds,


Camp with him with a skillful hand

We'll break it down by the Belaya River.

The fire smells like summer

Bitter honey, sweet color,

Smoke girl in a white dress

Floats over the Belaya River.

Get up early in the morning

And waist-deep in fog

Run like crazy

Swim in the White River

And the river is like a mother,

Meeting with steamy milk,

Burning, it will warm us

And white, and white.

Nina Panarina
Summary of the lesson "Earth is our common home"

Goals: Show land as a common home for all people and all animal creatures living next to man; encourage children to take care of their general home as a condition for preserving the life of mankind and all natural inhabitants; contribute to the understanding of their place in the system of all earthly inhabitants of our common home.

Tasks: to form the ability to delve into the essence of phenomena, to identify internal relationships, how to see what is not shown in the picture, to learn to draw conclusions on their own;

Methodological techniques:

A combination of various means - looking at illustrations and paintings, listening to music and subsequent visual activity, elements of creativity;

Friendly attitude;

Learning to independently search for answers to your questions;

Stimulation of children's curiosity;

Previous work:

program session -"Me and the world around me",

Didactic games - "Fix the mistake",

"Dispersal of animals on Earth»

"Find the mistake in the story"

Excursion to the recreation area

Conversation about "Red Book"

Conversation- "what does it mean to preserve earth And what can you do to help her?

Practical activities (experience, art, manual labor - teamwork "Happy birthday Earth (collaborator with Ryazanova T. A.)

We compose a fairy tale - "Bear in the forest"

Lesson progress:

Children are invited to view an exhibition of paintings, illustrations depicting landscapes, flowers, animals, people.

caregiver: The natural world is plants, animals, birds, insects, fish; it is varied and unique. Each person has his own home. Each animal has its own home. And insects, flowers, trees have their own home.

On earth many different plants grow and different animals live. And, of course, there are people all over the planet, people of different races. And it is very interesting that such people live on Earth.

What can we call our common Home? (Earth) Look, the globe is a model of our planet. Earth. The globe was invented and made by people. Looking at the globe, we can learn a lot about our planet. For example, what form Earth? Does it have dry land? Is there a lot of water on our planet?

Here we are in the meadow, Earth looks like a big beautiful carpet. Among the grass, you can hear the chirping of insects, and butterflies flutter over the flowers, bees buzz. Now let's walk through the forest (painting). There is a powerful oak and a slender spruce, and a curly birch. Birds are heard in the forest (music accompaniment). Hundreds of different kinds of animals live here. Here is your big forest world!

And here is the river (picture, musical accompaniment). She smoothly carries her waters. How pleasant it is to swim, fish, ride a boat! And how many different fish, frogs, water bugs are in it!

The river also has its own life, its own world!

And how beautiful are the mountains, leaving their peaks high in the clouds!

Rich and diverse world!

our planet Earth- the most beautiful of all planets. Only for earth has life, variety nature: sky, sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, seas, trees, fish and of course, we are with you, that is, people.

There is a huge house in the world

Under a blue roof

Sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf.

Birds and flowers live in it,

Cheerful sound of the stream.

You live in that house

And all your friends

Wherever the roads lead

You will always be in it

native nature land

This house is called.

(classical music).

Guys, can a person live on Earth alone? No birds, no animals…. Of course not! Although the person Earth it is the most intelligent being. He is smarter and stronger than everyone, but this is his trouble. Due to the fact that a person is stronger, he became the cause of death nature: polluted reservoirs, sooty air, death of many animals, birds. If a person is smarter and stronger than everyone, he should direct all his knowledge and skills to the protection and protection of nature on the planet Earth. After all, this world was created for each of us. Therefore, we guys must love this world, love our planet. Earth.

A game "Settling the Planet".

On whatman paper, a sketch cut into puzzles according to the number of children. Children color, connect, then "populate" by type of application of animals and birds, fish and people. Consider, give a name. Stand around by the hand (our planet is round). If you quarreled (example) broken part of the planet.

We guys should love this world, our planet Earth. And for this we must be friends, not quarrel.

State educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care "Catherine's Children's Home"

Methodological development open lesson dramatization "EARTH - OUR COMMON HOME"
(for children from 7 to 10 years old)

Developed by:
Martynova O. P.
(teacher of the 2nd qualification category)

1. Explanatory note.
2. Methodical recommendations.
3. Scenario.
4. Scenario plan.
5. Preparation plan.
6. Methodological advice.
7. Literature.
8. Application.


The interaction of man with nature is an extremely urgent problem of our time. Every year its sound becomes stronger, since it is already fully clear that the benefits produced by man act as a destructive effect on a huge scale, which threatens to completely destroy all life on Earth, including man himself.

The foundations of a person's worldview are laid at primary school age, his attitude to the world around him, at this stage the child receives emotional impressions of nature, accumulates an idea of ​​​​different forms of life, i.e. he forms the fundamental principles of ecological thinking, consciousness, elements of ecological culture are laid.

Coercion from the outside can only oppress, and not arouse the child's interest in ecology. The educator must seek and find means and ways to arouse children's interest in environmental problems.

To arouse in children an incentive, interest and attention to the environment, you can use various means and ways:

  • reading fairy tales, myths, legends;
  • taking part in games, observations, excursions, quizzes, scenarios;
  • through music and drawing.

So gradually the child will develop a sense of the beauty of nature, joy and surprise.
This event is held in the form of an open lesson - dramatization, designed for children aged 7 - 10 years.

Target: formation of the foundations of ecological culture in children of primary school age in an orphanage.


  1. formation of initial ecological knowledge and ideas about nature.
  2. fostering a humane attitude towards nature and understanding the importance of environmental protection.
  3. creation of an ecological and developing environment in the orphanage.

This event must be held in a spacious hall to ensure the implementation of the methodological plan (performing poems, songs, dances, performances using a phonogram).

It is necessary to take into account the age and individual characteristics of the pupils, as well as take into account previously accumulated knowledge and experience. When distributing assignments, it is necessary to take into account the wishes and interests of children. For the successful holding of this event, a lot of organizational and well-planned work is needed. With children, it is necessary not only to learn poetry, but also to work out the expressiveness of speech and emotional performance. Not only to learn a song, a script, but also to work out such skills as: confidently behave during a performance, the ability to interact with each other, empathize, form artistic skills, a culture of behavior.

Pupils should provide all possible assistance in the manufacture of visibility, equipment, scenery and costumes.

The teacher takes part in the script together with the children, thereby giving confidence to the children, creates comfortable conditions and emotionally sets the children to perceive this material.

What an event will be bright, joyful, emotional, memorable - depends on those who present it to the audience, implement it, and, finally, on the audience themselves.


1. the inscription on the stage "Earth is our common home"
2. images of birds, flowers decorate the scene.
3. costumes "Red Book", "Nature", "Hare", "Fox", "Wolf", "Tulip", "Lily of the valley", "Lion".
4. tape recorder.
5. fresh flowers.


Members: Teachers and pupils of the orphanage from 7 to 10 years.

Location: Assembly Hall.

Decor: On the stage there is an inscription “Earth is our common home”, the hall is festively decorated, scenery, chairs for spectators, heroes in costumes are placed.

theatrical performance


(Anxious music plays).

Red Book:
We are talking about
That the whole Earth is our common home.
Our good house, spacious house.
We all live in it from birth.
Also, we are talking about
That we must protect our home.
Let's prove that it's not in vain
The earth is relying on us.

There is just a temple
There is a temple of science
And there is also a temple of nature
With scaffolding pulling hands
Against the sun and winds
Come in here
Be a little heart
Don't defile her!
1st reader: I plucked a flower - and it withered.

2nd reader: I caught a beetle and it died in my palm.

1st reader: And then I realized that you can touch nature only with your heart.

2nd speaker: Oh man! Nature is the mother of neither rivers nor seas.
Doesn't hide from your eyes
No dew grass, no blue skies.
Appreciate this trust of nature, do not deceive her! Oh man!

I am nature. It has been 1 million years since man appeared on Earth. And only in the twentieth century, he finally imagined himself a master. Society considered my resources to be unlimited, so there was no concern for economical use and reproduction. All waste was carelessly thrown into the environment, many animal species were cruelly destroyed.

Nature! Our life is inseparable from it. Nature is generous and disinterested, it gives us everything for life.

Nature: What a wonderful creation of nature. One can only admire them, marveling at how rich she is in inventions.
Red Book: However, sometimes adults and children behave insanely towards her, the subsoil is depleted, rivers and lakes are polluted.

Reader: (The poem "The Gray Ocean." Alarming music sounds).

The gray-haired ocean rings the tocsin,
He hides resentment in the depths,
Black, rocking spots
On a steep angry wave.
People became strong like Gods -
And the fate of the Earth is in their hands,
But black burns darken
At the globe on the sides.
We have long mastered the planet,
The new age is marching on.
There are no white spots on the Earth -
Can you erase black people?

(Song "Forgive the Earth").

Nature: Listen, children! The earth is asking for help!

(The poem is read by Lily of the Valley. Calm music sounds.)

Lily of the valley:
Everything is so wounded in the forest,
As after the days of the war, there is no surviving spruce or pine to be found here.
He stabbed a birch with a knife, some kind of live-eater.
It seems to me that from under the bark my tear flows.
This human callousness hurts my soul,
Under the crippled oak tree, it's not the wind that moans, I
Here is an anthill set on fire by a blasphemous hand.
It seems to me that it is not he who is burning, but my house is burning.
The earth is in burns and scars, as in the days of great trouble.
Intoxicated bravado traces, traces of carelessness.
They left, offending beauty, embarrassing forest comfort
Not hearing what's behind, the trees shed tears.

Hare: The forest is the greatest source of inspiration and health, it teaches us to see and understand beauty. In the forests, the majestic beauty and power of nature appear before us.

A fox: The forest is your most faithful assistant in the fight for the harvest. It softens the climate, stops dry winds, dust storms, blocks the way of free-flowing sands with its green canvases.

Wolf: It is impossible to enumerate all the disasters that the absence of a forest brings us. If you knew about them, then you probably would not have raised your hand to break a branch of a blossoming linden.

Tit: The role of the forest in history and even in the process of human development is extremely important.

Hare: The forest gave you the first tools of labor, introduced you to fire. The forest fed your distant ancestors, gave them shelter, protected them from the sun and wind, rain and frost, and saved them from predatory animals.

A fox: Houses and boats, a spear and a plow, a cradle were made of wood. The true history of modern civilization began with the invention of paper, books, the material for which was provided by the forest.

Wolf: Your distant ancestors treated him with care. They were sure that nature: trees and grasses, forests and clouds are talking. They can warn or threaten, frighten or encourage.

Tit: Among the ancient people there were legends about a blade of grass, a flower, about every tree.

(Song "Thin Rowan" or "Do not chop men").

Red Book: And the list of destroyed species of animals and plants is replenished throughout the history of mankind.

Reader: We burn, in anything - greedy eyes!
And we chop and we blow up, and we chop.
Nature - mother is waiting for mercy from us
But, alas, we cannot take it from us.
Nature: After all, think about it, every minute one species of living organisms disappears on earth.

Red Book: And it's not so important - it's a solid four-legged or a tiny bug from some island in the Pacific Ocean, they are all equal on the scales of life.

(Y. Antonov's song “Beauty Lives Everywhere” or the dance of butterflies with flowers and birds).

If I pick a flower
If you pick a flower
If everything, me and you
If we pick flowers.
All fields will be empty
And there will be no beauty.

Butterfly: In the last three centuries alone, 36 species of mammals have disappeared from the face of the Earth forever.

Tit: 94 species of birds and hundreds of species of invertebrates, among them the marsupial wolf, passenger pigeon.

Tulip: More and more animals and plants that have disappeared and are on the verge of extinction are being included in the disturbing pages of the Red Book.

Protected by the Red Book
So many rare animals and birds.
To survive the many-sided space
For the light of the coming frontiers.
So that the deserts do not dare to descend
So that the souls do not become empty,
Beasts are guarded, snakes are guarded,
Even the flowers are protected.

Red Book:
The Red Book is a list of species of animals and plants, fungi and even lichens, which are threatened with real extinction from the face of the Earth. The first Red Book is international, it appeared in 1966. Its publication was preceded by the painstaking work of scientists around the world, who for the first time decided to calculate the damage that people caused to nature.
The result stunned everyone, the danger threatened many species of plants and animals. It was then that it was decided to publish this data, to notify everyone about the impending catastrophe. The red binding is not accidental; it seems to warn of a possible disaster. Soon the Red Books of individual countries, regions, and republics came out.
The black page in the book contains the names of extinct species, the red one - species on the verge of extinction, the yellow one - recovering, the green one - little-studied, the white one - unexplored species of animals and plants.

Butterfly: A huge number of butterflies are listed as the hottest spots on the map of life.

Tulip: Several hundred species of plants. Among our close friends, this is May lily of the valley, most orchids, snow-white snowdrop, bluebell.

(Forest clearing. In the center, a lion sits on a throne. Around him are forest dwellers).

A lion: Today in our forest early in the morning the veche bell rang. You know that no one dares to call him for nothing. So who among you calls for justice, who requires judgment and protection.

Tit: We birds call for justice, we demand judgment and protection. Over the past 150 years, 60 species and 67 subspecies have become extinct, and we lose our winged brothers every year. And it's all the fault of man.
Leo: How can a person do this to you? I can't believe this can't be, because we are all part of nature.
We all have one mother, named nature!
She has enough kindness for everyone
And we live, capturing forever
In the soul of her beautiful features -
Fields, meadows, forests, seas and rivers.

Wolf: Man has a direct impact on flora and fauna. This has led to the fact that the extinction of animal and plant species in our time is from one to ten per year. Today, 1,000 animal species and 2,000 plant species are on the verge of extinction.

A lion: Is it so? Does a person really not understand that by destroying you all, he is preparing the same fate for himself. He learned to fly through the air like a bird, to swim under water like a fish, he had only one thing left - to learn to live with dignity, to live on Earth.

Wolf: Person! Do you hear, do you see, anything but death?

A lion:
You listen to the king of patient animals,
And I'm sorry
That my words will not sound royal.
I am the last of the lions
But let them speak for me.
Doe in the arms of a trap,
Creeping smog immensity
And a family of dolphins
For which a week in a row.
You hunted from a helicopter
To unwind a little.
May you meet a dove
Swallowed poison,
An anthill burned
Broken holes of badgers,
stunned salmon,
Giraffe trembling with fear.
And a shot swan
And seagulls up to their throats in fuel oil.
Let them vote
Questioning the punishing age.
Let them bypass any car.
You are the owner!
We do not want to argue with you and cannot,
But imagine without us
Will Earth be Earth?
But without us - you understand
Will the sea remain the sea?
Human cubs will remember us and cry
We are fluffy lumps of heat
We are a living animal.
All yours on the planet
And we don't have anything.
Maybe it's true that day by day
The world is getting uglier.

Butterfly: Person! Through your fault, not only birds die, but all nature.

: However, what is done cannot be remedied by any remorse.

Tulip: Repentance purifies the soul and hardens it against new temptations, but what happened is irreparable!

Wolf: It is not enough not to do evil - you need to do good .. only then you will be happy and calm.

A lion: There is already too much suffering in the world, causing evil even to a small creature, you increase this evil. But the purpose of a person is completely different.

Nature: The problems of ecology and nature protection are of increasing concern to mankind. And this is understandable - the Earth is our common home, and the only abode in the world. We belong to nature with flesh and blood, we are inside it and dependent on it. It is enough to remember, you man, that without food, you will live 5 weeks, without water 5 days, without air 5 minutes. And now the threat of a disastrous ecological crisis hangs over all this.

(Sounds of birds chirping, the sound of the sea).

Reader: Take care of the Earth! take care
Skylark at the blue zenith.
Butterfly on a dodder stalk,
Sunshine on the path.
A hawk hovering over the field
A clear moon over the night's rest.

(Children hold birch, maple leaves in their hands, the rules of behavior in the forest are written on them. They read these rules and throw the leaves into the hall, as if the trees were dropping leaves).
n/a Events Responsible
1 Alarm music sounds, the Red Book and nature enter the stage. Musical worker, educator in the role of the "Red Book" and the child in the role of "Nature"
2 Readers come out, read poetry, conduct a dialogue with the Red Book and Nature. educator
3 Song "Forgive the Earth." Music worker
4 A Hare, a Wolf, a Fox, a Tit appear on the stage, they tell a story about the forest, talk with the Red Book and Nature. Educator, assistants
5 Yu. Antonov's song “Beauty lives everywhere” Music worker
6 They go on stage, Tulip and Butterfly talk about environmental problems. Tutor and assistants
7 All animals, birds and plants come with a complaint to the king of beasts, the Lion. Educator, assistants, music worker


  1. The study of methodological literature on this topic.
  2. Script writing.
  3. A week before the holiday, hold an environmental quiz.
  4. Learning poems, songs, dances.
  5. Development of intonation expressiveness.
  6. Script rehearsal.
  7. Preparation of scenery, visuals, costumes and equipment.
  8. Hall decoration.
  9. Exhibition of children's creativity.
  10. Arrangement of furniture.
  11. Summing up the environmental quiz.



  1. In ancient Rus', this animal was called "Veksha", it is graceful and beautiful. His cubs are born naked, but then they flaunt in red fluffy outfits. The animal is very trusting, loves cones and nuts. (Squirrel).
  2. This insect keeps an amazing secret: sitting on a blade of grass in the suburbs, it is able to feel even a minor earthquake in Japan. In color, it merges with the grass. (Grasshopper).
  3. These birds are loved for their cheerful disposition. They are excellent onomatopoeia and often sing like a chaffinch, a thrush, croak like a frog, and bark like a dog. They are of great use. In the spring, they walk through the fields, collecting larvae and insects that wintered in the ground. In the spring they eat a large number of caterpillars and beetles. (Starling).
  4. in Russia, this beetle has long been called the "Sun". He is red and round, very good-natured and harmless, not dangerous to anyone, except for aphids. On the bends of the legs, a liquid similar to milk appears, which led people to the name given to this beetle. (Ladybug).
  5. The flowering time of this shrub is April, May. The fruits ripen in August. They are oval, juicy, bright red and sit right on the branches and trunk. The name of this shrub refers to a well-known predatory beast. Poisonous to humans. (Wolfberry).
  6. Who is not surprised by their diligence and patience. Every year they can bring a kilogram of any prey to their home, about 100,000 insects, which is why they are useful for forestry. But they breed, like shepherds, a mass of aphids, This is their harm. (Ants).
  7. What wood is used to make skis? (Birch).
  8. What kind of hunting is allowed at any time of the year? (Photo hunting).
  9. Which tree blooms the latest? (Linden).
  10. Who cuckoos at the cuckoo? (Male).
  11. Which bird is most similar to a duck? (Drake).
  12. Which bird runs faster than a racehorse? (Turkey).
  13. What bird hatches chicks in the rain? (Swan).
  14. Stork's favorite treat? (frogs).
  15. Which birds dig nest holes? (Swallows).
  16. What animals can be said to get out of their skin? (Snakes come out of their skin when they molt.)
  17. Where is it more convenient for a hare to run uphill or downhill? (Uphill, because his front legs are shorter than his hind legs).
  18. Does the tree grow in winter? (Not).
  19. Who sleeps upside down all winter? (Bat).


The inscription on the posters

1. As it comes around, it will respond.

2. Remember! A fish needs water, a bird needs air, a beast needs forests, steppes and mountains, and a man needs a Motherland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland.

3. Forest is our wealth.

4. Do not litter nature!

5. Hello planet!
Hello Earth!
From now on we are your children and friends!
From now on we are together - a big family -
Flowers and trees, birds and me!

6. To live, you need the sun, freedom and a small flower. G. H. Andersen.


Rules of conduct in the forest


Do not break the branches of trees and shrubs. A plant is a living being, and the branches, together with the leaves, help it breathe, release oxygen into the air, and trap dust. Where there are many plants, it is easy to breathe.

RULE 2. Do not damage tree bark. Understand, it hurts them, they stop growing, and they die painfully for a long time, but they cannot say about it.


Do not pick flowers in the forest and in the meadow. After all, a flower in a vase is a prisoner sentenced to death. May this miracle please the eye, rejuvenate the heart, the soul of all who come after us. It was the long-standing habit of picking flowers that led to the extinction of many plant species.

RULE 4th.

In the forest, try to walk along the paths so as not to trample the grass and soil. Folk wisdom says: one person leaves a trail in the forest, a hundred people leave a path, and thousands leave a desert.

RULE 5th. You can not take eggs from nests, destroy anthills, dig holes and disturb forest dwellers.


Do not build a fire in the forest if it is not necessary. Fireplaces are wounds in the ground cover of the forest. They take 15-20 years to heal. A fire can start from a fire.


Do not knock down mushrooms, even inedible ones. Anyone who knocks fly agarics with a stick does not respect the forest, does not understand it. Amanitas help trees grow. They feed on squirrels, moose, magpies.


In the forest, it is forbidden to turn on tape recorders at full power, to raise shouts and noise. From this, animals and birds leave their burrows and nests. It is necessary to appreciate and protect the eternal wise silence, to be able to listen to the magical sounds of the forest.


1. Artyomova L.V. The world around in the didactic games of preschoolers - M., 1992
2. Bogdanets G.P., Smirnova L.Ya. "Formation of ecological ideas among six-year-old first-graders" // Primary school, 1989. No. 5.
3. Velik I. “What a young defender of nature should know and be able to do”, M., 1983.
4. Dmitriev Yu.D. "About nature for big and small", M., 1982.
5. Kozlova S.A. My world. - M., 2000
6. Malashenkova V.A. Program "Nature and Man".
7. Scientific - methodical journal "Education of schoolchildren". - M., 2002 No. 3. With. 69.
8. Scientific - methodical journal "Education of schoolchildren". - M., 2005 No. 4. from 72.
9. Scientific - methodical journal "Education of schoolchildren". - M., 2007 No. 5. p.67.
10. Scientific - methodical journal "Pedsovet". - M., 2002 No. 2.
11. Scientific - methodical journal "Pedsovet". - M., 2002 No. 4.
12. Scientific - methodical journal "Pedsovet". - M., 2005 No. 4.
13. Scientific - methodical journal "Pedsovet". - M., 2007 No. 5.
14. Sizenko-Kazanets Z. Familiarization of preschool children with nature // Preschool education 1990. No. 8.
15. "Environmental education of preschoolers 3%". Omsk. All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature 2001.
16. Eliot D. Children's Encyclopedia. - Rosman, 1994

Svetlana Akcheva
Synopsis of direct educational activities to get acquainted with the outside world "Earth is our common home."

Synopsis of direct educational activities to get acquainted with the outside world in the preparatory group.

« Earth is our common home» .

Prepared: caregiver

Akcheva S. A.

City Ufa


1. Deepen the idea that the planet The earth is a huge ball, most of which is covered with water. In addition to water, there are continents - solid earth - land where people live.

2. introduce children with scientific version education continents on the planet Earth, with conditional sushi symbols, water on maps and globes, with the names and location of the continents on the map.

3. Lead to an understanding of the uniqueness of our planet, since only on Earth has life.

4. Nurture the desire to protect our earth.

5. Encourage children to make inferences based on the information they have.

6. Develop imagination, associative and creative thinking.

7. Improve the dialogic and monologue forms of speech.

Materials and equipment:

Laptop, multimedia equipment, Power Point presentation with slides

Children enter.

The melody of a Russian folk song sounds "Motherland" ("I see a wonderful freedom").

Teacher. Guys, we live in a country that has an amazingly beautiful name - Russia. Great is our Motherland! It spread freely from the snows and ices of the Far North to the southern seas, from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean. This is a huge state! (slide number 2)

Children. There are high mountains in Russia, full-flowing rivers, deep lakes, dense forests and endless steppes. (slides #3-9)

Children. There are small rivers, bright birch groves, sunny meadows, ravines, swamps and fields.

Teacher. We are proud of our great Russia, its diverse nature rich in mineral resources. But there are other countries in the world where the same people live, but they speak other languages. And we all have common Home. If you solve the riddle, you will know how title:

No beginning, no end

No back of the head, no face.

Everyone knows, both young and old,

That our house is a huge ball.

Children. Earth.

Children. And the people still they say: “She didn’t give birth to anyone, but everyone calls her mother”.

Teacher. What do you know about our planet? What is she Earth?

Children. Our planet is a huge, huge ball. So big that it takes many, many days, even months, to get around it. around(slide number 10)

Children. She is round like an apple. The earth revolves around the sun like an airplane around the turret. And it also rotates around its axis, spinning like a top, only slowly (slide number 11)

Now let's play.

The game is called "Day Night" you know the rules of the game.

(Children stand in a circle. The teacher chooses a child - "sun"

Other children represent the planet earth.

Children turn around themselves and revolve around.

At the signal of the teacher, the children stop. teacher asks:

"Who's having a day now?", "Who's at night now?".

Children sit on chairs.

Children. Together with our planet around Suns revolve eight more planets (slide number 12)

Teacher. How did you know it was Earth?

Children. Our planet is blue (slide number 13).

Teacher. Why is she blue?

Children. On Earth has a lot of water.

Children. When astronauts look at our planet from space, it seems to them a luminous ball of beautiful blue color.

Teacher. Well done boys! And why do you think the Earth has life?

Children. On Earth there is water to drink and air to breathe.

Teacher. Right. Water and air are essential for all living organisms.

My friends! But have people always had this knowledge? It turns out not. How did they draw for themselves? earth on which they lived? Very different. Their ideas seem to us today fantastic, fabulous, implausible. Let's see how they painted our world.


Teacher. In ancient times, people thought that The earth is huge and flat like a pancake or like a plate, and you can get to the ends of the earth(slide number 14).

Some said that it was supported by three huge whales that swim in the ocean.

Others have argued that flat Earth rests on three elephants, the elephants stand on the back of a huge turtle, and the turtle swims in the ocean ... (slide number 15-16).

There were even daredevils who dreamed get there to this edge and see what is there, on the edge Earth, and whether it is possible to fall from it.

People set off on foot, or on horseback, or by ship.

And they made it to the end Earth? How do you think?

Children. No. As soon as they reached the sea or ocean, they considered that their journey finished: this is the edge Earth. There is nothing else but water.

Teacher. Children, but there were also people who, having reached the seashore, transferred to the ship and continued their journey. It was these navigators who, in the end, became convinced that, setting off on a journey from some place and always moving in the same direction, for some reason they return to where they started the journey. "Why is this happening?" people thought. Yes, because suddenly someone figured out, what The earth is not flat like damn. No, it's round like a ball.

Teacher. big role in cognition our world was played by the time of the great sea voyages. Magellan was the first sailor to circumnavigate the world on five ships. (slide number 17).

For three years, his ships sailed forward and forward, without changing direction and checking their path by the stars. Four ships were lost in the rough waters of the ocean. And only one ship called "Victoria" rounded earth and returned to the port from the other, opposite side. So people understood how great our Earth, and proved that Earth- a ball and you can go around it.

Show illustrations of sailing ships (slide number 18).

Teacher. Why did people in ancient times have a wrong idea about the structure of our world?

Children. In ancient times, people could not move around earth long distances. After all, there were no roads, no ships, no trains, no planes. Therefore, to reach "the edges land» to check the stories about whales, elephants, turtles, no one succeeded.


Sounds like "cosmic" music. (slide number 19).

There is one planet - a garden - hands forward, palms up

In this cold space - we show a large circle with our hands.

Only here the forests are noisy - they shook their hands.

Calling birds of passage - we wave our hands.

They bloom only on it alone - they showed with their hands down.

Lilies of the valley in the green grass - sat down.

Take care of your planet - we show a large circle with our hands.

After all, there is no other like it! hands forward, palms up.

Playing in a circle with a ball.

What is our planet? (large, round, huge, blue, green, sunny, light, good) - What kind of air (clean, fresh)- What sun (bright, warm, affectionate)

What needs to be done to keep our planet as beautiful as it is? (protect, protect, protect, do not litter, love nature)

Children sit on chairs.

Teacher. Many millions of years ago Earth was a huge continent (slide number 20). As a result of natural disasters, this continent began to collapse, large and small pieces began to separate from it (slide number 21). What continents do you know?

Children. Africa, America, Australia, Europe, Asia, Antarctica.

There are many countries on almost every continent. They are not only in Antarctica - there is eternal cold, snow and ice.

The continents are inhabited by animals, various plants grow on them, different peoples live.

D/Game "How are they similar and how are they different?"

A lot of people live on 5 continents. They are different and similar to each other.

(Similar - the same structure body: there are arms and legs, etc. They differ - skin color, hair color, eye shape) (slide number 22-27).

D/Game "Who lives where"

France-… …--- Japanese

England-…. ...-- Chinese

America-…. ... - Russian

Crossword. And now, guys, in order to consolidate all the knowledge that you have received, we will solve a crossword puzzle. Who will read what is the main word in the crossword puzzle?

Earth is our common home for all who lives on it. Everyone needs it, and everyone who lives on it needs it too. Earth. Can a person live alone Earth? Without birds, animals, insects, fish, trees, flowers, berries, mushrooms, etc.? Of course not! (slide number 28-33).

Offers to listen to a poem by V. Orlov « Common Home» .

Child slide number 34

Under one blue

We live under a common roof.

House under blue roof

Both spacious and large.

The house is spinning around the sun

To keep us warm

So that every window

It could illuminate.

For us to live in the world

Not afraid, not threatening

Like good neighbors

Or good friends.

Although the person Earth- this is the most intelligent creature, he is smarter and stronger than everyone else, but this is his trouble. A man on a plane flies higher than an eagle, digs with an excavator ground deeper than the mole, on a train rides faster than a deer, builds a house of bricks stronger beaver and t. e. But due to the fact that man is stronger, he became in some places the cause of death nature: polluted water bodies, sooty air, the death of many animals and birds, rare plant species, etc. Let's remember the rules of behavior in nature.

Cards with the rules of behavior in nature. - It is necessary to name the rule and explain why it is impossible to do so.

If a person is smarter and stronger than everyone, he should direct all his knowledge and skills to the protection and protection of nature on the planet Earth.

I look at the globe - the globe of the earth,

And suddenly he sighed, as if alive;

And the continents whisper to me:

"You take care of us, take care!"

In the anxiety of groves and forests,

Dew on the grass like a tear

And the springs quietly ask:

"You take care of us, take care!"

The deep river is sad

"You take care of us, take care!"

The deer stopped running

"Be a man, man!

We believe in you - don't lie.

You take care of us, take care!

I look at the globe - the globe of the earth.

So beautiful and kind.

And lips whisper “I will save!

I'll save you, save you!"

(E. Shklovsky)

First child. (slide number 35-40).

our planet Earth very generous and rich:

Mountains, forests and fields - our dear home, guys!

Second child.

Let's save the planet

There is no other like it in the world.

Let us scatter clouds and smoke over it,

We won't let anyone hurt her.

Third child.

We will take care of birds, insects, animals.

This will only make us better.

Let's decorate everything land gardens, flowers...

All children.

We need such a planet!

This concludes our journey around our planet. And I think that you will not forget what we talked about today and will take care of birds, insects and animals. How you behave will determine the future of our planet.


1. To acquaint with the diversity of flora and fauna, with its significance for all life on the planet.

2. To arouse in children the desire to protect their common home as a condition for preserving the life of mankind and all natural inhabitants.

3. To consolidate the concept that we - people - are part of nature, that the growth and development of living objects requires the same thing - water, light, air.

4. To bring up a responsible and careful attitude to the world around, native nature.

Material: ball, symbols (human, animals, fish, birds, insects, plants), earth map, globe, poems, riddles, symbols (sun, air, water),

preliminary work: looking at illustrations from the album “Take care of the living”, didactic games, guessing riddles, memorizing proverbs, reading fiction about nature.

Lesson progress:

Guys! I suggest you go to the wonderful world of nature.

What do you think the natural world is? (these are animals, fish, birds, insects, plants).

This world is so diverse and unique.

And now we will play with you. To do this, you need to stand in a circle.

The game is called "Living and inanimate nature."

Children stand in a circle and take turns passing the ball to each other, while naming objects of living (birds, plants, fish, etc.) and inanimate (sky, earth, stones, etc.) nature.

Every person has a home, every animal has a home. And insects, flowers and trees have a home (I post symbols on the board).

Guys, what can we call our common house? (Earth).

I'm posting a map of the Earth.

Our common home is the planet Earth, which revolves around the sun.

What it is? (globe)

A globe is a model of our planet Earth. The globe was invented and made by people. By looking at it, we can learn a lot about our planet, such as what shape is the Earth? (Children's answers) (round, like a ball)

Is there land on our planet? (Yes)

What color is it marked on the globe? (brown, light brown, yellow, green)

Is there a lot of water on our planet? (more than sushi)

What color is it marked on the globe? (blue, cyan, white)

Our planet is the most beautiful of all planets.

What other planets do you know? (Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, etc.), but there is no life on these planets, because there is no air and water.

Earth is a common wonderful home for all people, animals and birds. Listen to what beautiful poems the poet Daineko wrote (reading):

“There is a huge house on Earth under a blue roof,

Sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf.

Birds and flowers live in it,

Cheerful sound of the stream,

You live in that bright house

And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead

You will always be in it

The nature of the native land

This house is called.

Nature is important in the life of every person, because in addition to beauty and good mood, it gives a person something without which it is impossible to live. And what exactly will riddles tell you:

"You warm the whole world

And you don't know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you ... "(sun)

I post symbols.

Can a person live without sunlight and heat? (children's answers)

Why? (children's answers)

"He is invisible, and yet,

we cannot live without it.

No eating, no drinking, no talking.

And even, frankly,

You can't kindle a fire" (air)

Can we live without air? (No)

Why? (air is needed for breathing, a person can live for several days without food, without water, but without air he can live only a few minutes).

Why is there nothing in the picture? (because air is invisible). The air shell of the Earth is like a blanket. It protects the Earth from strong heating and cooling.

Next riddle:

“They drink me, they pour me, everyone needs me, who am I ...?” (water)

Correctly. Water for everyone today is so ordinary and familiar.

Can we live without water? (No)

Why? (children's answers)

Without water, the existence of all living things is impossible:

"Wherever the water runs,

The land is blooming, the country is blooming ... "

This is what nature gives to all living things for life: air, sun, water. Since the sun is shining brightly, streams are murmuring and there is fresh air around, I suggest taking a break and playing the game "Carousel" with ribbons. To the music and poetry, the children, holding the ribbons, rotate the carousel. The carousel stops at the stations "Wild Animals", "Poisonous Mushrooms and Plants", "Medicinal Plants", etc., where the children name what belongs to each group.

Well done! Relax, now we can move on.

Do you think a person can live alone on Earth, without animals, birds, insects, plants, trees, etc.?

Of course not. Man lives in nature, his life depends on nature.

And what do you guys think, the beauty of nature depends on a person? (people plant forests, protect animals, feed birds, clean rivers, etc.)

Does man always help nature?

Can it destroy nature? How? (pollutes rivers, cuts down forests, traps animals, birds, fish, pollutes the air, etc.)

People can increase nature, or they can destroy the rest. There are many examples in the history of mankind when a person, not taking into account the laws of nature, caused great harm to the animal and plant world.

But a person knows how to correct his mistakes, and reserves have been created in our country.

What is a reserve? This is a place where herbs, flowers, berries, mushrooms, trees, birds, fish are protected by the state. A place where nature has the right to live according to its own laws. These are islands of saving nature from man. This is our wealth, which everyone can be proud of.

What is forbidden to do in the reserve? (pick flowers, berries, fish, hunt animals)

What is allowed to do? (breathe fresh air, come on an excursion, get acquainted and admire the beauty and richness of protected places, walk along the paths)

A person on Earth is smart and strong, and all his knowledge and skills should be directed to the protection and protection of nature on planet Earth.

“I look at the globe - the globe of the earth,

And suddenly he sighed as if alive,

And the continents whisper to me:

"You take care of us, take care!"

In the anxiety of groves and forests,

Dew on the grass like a tear

And the springs quietly ask:

"You take care of us, take care!"

The deer stopped his run:

"Be a man, man"

We believe in you - do not lie,

you take care of us, take care!

I look at the globe - the globe of the earth,

So beautiful and dear

And lips whisper: “I will save!

I will save you, I will save you!

To save our planet Earth, we must be smart and kind. Man is a Giant.

And now I will give you cards and we will remember the rules of behavior in nature.

How to behave correctly while relaxing on the river, in the forest, in the meadow (children come out with cards and tell the rules on them).

And also, guys, you and I know a lot of proverbs about nature, let's call them.

Today, guys, I decided to initiate you into "Young Friends of Nature". A friend of nature is a person who loves, cherishes and protects it. I am presenting you with the medal "Young Friends of Nature".

Do you think you will be true friends of nature? Why? What will you do for this?

What do you remember most from today's lesson?

What will be your actions or what will you do if you see that your friends, neighbors are picking flowers in a flower bed, throwing garbage, breaking branches (answers of children).

Well done! Thanks for the activity!



Abstract of the lesson in the senior group

Theme: "Earth is our common home"


1. To acquaint with the diversity of flora and fauna, with its significance for all life on the planet.

2. To arouse in children the desire to protect their common home as a condition for preserving the life of mankind and all natural inhabitants.

3. To consolidate the concept that we - people - are part of nature, that the growth and development of living objects requires the same thing - water, light, air.

4. To bring up a responsible and careful attitude to the world around, native nature.

Material: ball, symbols (human, animals, fish, birds, insects, plants), earth map, globe, poems, riddles, symbols (sun, air, water),

preliminary work: looking at illustrations from the album “Take care of the living”, didactic games, guessing riddles, memorizing proverbs, reading fiction about nature.

Lesson progress:

Guys! I suggest you go to the wonderful world of nature.

What do you think the natural world is? (these are animals, fish, birds, insects, plants).

This world is so diverse and unique.

And now we will play with you. To do this, you need to stand in a circle.

The game is called "Living and inanimate nature."

Children stand in a circle and take turns passing the ball to each other, while naming objects of living (birds, plants, fish, etc.) and inanimate (sky, earth, stones, etc.) nature.

Every person has a home, every animal has a home. And insects, flowers and trees have a home (I post symbols on the board).

Guys, what can we call our common house? (Earth).

I'm posting a map of the Earth.

Our common home is the planet Earth, which revolves around the sun.

What it is? (globe)

A globe is a model of our planet Earth. The globe was invented and made by people. By looking at it, we can learn a lot about our planet, such as what shape is the Earth? (Children's answers) (round, like a ball)

Is there land on our planet? (Yes)

What color is it marked on the globe? (brown, light brown, yellow, green)

Is there a lot of water on our planet? (more than sushi)

What color is it marked on the globe? (blue, cyan, white)

Our planet is the most beautiful of all planets.

What other planets do you know? (Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, etc.), but there is no life on these planets, because there is no air and water.

Earth is a common wonderful home for all people, animals and birds. Listen to what beautiful poems the poet Daineko wrote (reading):

“There is a huge house on Earth under a blue roof,

Sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf.

Birds and flowers live in it,

Cheerful sound of the stream,

You live in that bright house

And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead

You will always be in it

The nature of the native land

This house is called.

Nature is important in the life of every person, because in addition to beauty and good mood, it gives a person something without which it is impossible to live. And what exactly will riddles tell you:

"You warm the whole world

And you don't know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you ... "(sun)

I post symbols.

Can a person live without sunlight and heat? (children's answers)

Why? (children's answers)

"He is invisible, and yet,

we cannot live without it.

No eating, no drinking, no talking.

And even, frankly,

You can't kindle a fire" (air)

Can we live without air? (No)

Why? (air is needed for breathing, a person can live for several days without food, without water, but without air he can live only a few minutes).

Why is there nothing in the picture? (because air is invisible). The air shell of the Earth is like a blanket. It protects the Earth from strong heating and cooling.

Next riddle:

“They drink me, they pour me, everyone needs me, who am I ...?” (water)

Correctly. Water for everyone today is so ordinary and familiar.

Can we live without water? (No)

Why? (children's answers)

Without water, the existence of all living things is impossible:

"Wherever the water runs,

The land is blooming, the country is blooming ... "

This is what nature gives to all living things for life: air, sun, water. Since the sun is shining brightly, streams are murmuring and there is fresh air around, I suggest taking a break and playing the game "Carousel" with ribbons. To the music and poetry, the children, holding the ribbons, rotate the carousel. The carousel stops at the stations "Wild Animals", "Poisonous Mushrooms and Plants", "Medicinal Plants", etc., where the children name what belongs to each group.

Well done! Relax, now we can move on.

Do you think a person can live alone on Earth, without animals, birds, insects, plants, trees, etc.?

Of course not. Man lives in nature, his life depends on nature.

And what do you guys think, the beauty of nature depends on a person? (people plant forests, protect animals, feed birds, clean rivers, etc.)

Does man always help nature?

Can it destroy nature? How? (pollutes rivers, cuts down forests, traps animals, birds, fish, pollutes the air, etc.)

People can increase nature, or they can destroy the rest. There are many examples in the history of mankind when a person, not taking into account the laws of nature, caused great harm to the animal and plant world.

But a person knows how to correct his mistakes, and reserves have been created in our country.

What is a reserve? This is a place where herbs, flowers, berries, mushrooms, trees, birds, fish are protected by the state. A place where nature has the right to live according to its own laws. These are islands of saving nature from man. This is our wealth, which everyone can be proud of.

What is forbidden to do in the reserve? (pick flowers, berries, fish, hunt animals)

What is allowed to do? (breathe fresh air, come on an excursion, get acquainted and admire the beauty and richness of protected places, walk along the paths)

A person on Earth is smart and strong, and all his knowledge and skills should be directed to the protection and protection of nature on planet Earth.

“I look at the globe - the globe of the earth,

And suddenly he sighed as if alive,

And the continents whisper to me:

"You take care of us, take care!"

In the anxiety of groves and forests,

Dew on the grass like a tear

And the springs quietly ask:

"You take care of us, take care!"

The deer stopped his run:

"Be a man, man"

We believe in you - do not lie,

you take care of us, take care!

I look at the globe - the globe of the earth,

So beautiful and dear

And lips whisper: “I will save!

I will save you, I will save you!

To save our planet Earth, we must be smart and kind. Man is a Giant.

And now I will give you cards and we will remember the rules of behavior in nature.

How to behave correctly while relaxing on the river, in the forest, in the meadow (children come out with cards and tell the rules on them).

And also, guys, you and I know a lot of proverbs about nature, let's call them.

Today, guys, I decided to initiate you into "Young Friends of Nature". A friend of nature is a person who loves, cherishes and protects it. I am presenting you with the medal "Young Friends of Nature".

Do you think you will be true friends of nature? Why? What will you do for this?

What do you remember most from today's lesson?

What will be your actions or what will you do if you see that your friends, neighbors are picking flowers in a flower bed, throwing garbage, breaking branches (answers of children).

Well done! Thanks for the activity!

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