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Where did you live in your past life. Who were you in a past life: reincarnation. How to find out who I was in a past life

For some, this is a mere fact, and for others, reality. Everyone perceives it in their own way. This is their right. Sometimes it happens that a person remembers some fragments of events or moments that do not correspond to current life. Maybe it's memories from past life.

To determine who you were in a past life, the number of your date of birth will help. The calculation system is quite simple.

You were born on 08/09/1985, hence 9+8+1+9+8+5=40. So 40 is your fateful number.

11 - a swindler and a criminal.

12 - conspirator and terrorist.

13 - slave, prisoner.

14 - soldier, sailor. Deceased in an accident.

15 - sold themselves for money.

16 - a reigning person.

17 - a man with a sick heart who died alone and in poverty.

18 - sorcerer.

19 - shepherd and traveler.

20 - dealt with money, banker.

21 - blacksmith.

22 - petty pickpocket, thief.

23 - weaver, seamstress.

24 - icon painter.

25 - reigned in the eastern countries.

26 - healer, healer.

27 - scientist in the exact sciences (physics, astrology, mathematics).

28 - suicide.

29 - a rich merchant.

30 is a man of art. Writer, poet.

31 - an actor playing roles, just like in life.

32 - a lonely traveler who does not have a family and loved ones.

33 - a magician working at the court.

34 - a knight who died at a young age.

35 - a singer or singer, but with a difficult and meager life path.

36 is a criminal who commits terrible bloody crimes.

37 - a religious, believing person.

38 - an accessible, dissolute woman.

39 - gambler. There were even women, houses and gold at stake.

40 - fabulist.

41 - an excellent writer, confused the head of more than a dozen men.

42 is a skilled chef working in Germany.

43 - a royal person who was executed for treason to her husband.

44 - a malicious tyrant who killed many innocent people.

45 is a good healer. Treated with herbs.

46 - commander, general.

47 - a sectarian, led a solitary life.

48 is a gunsmith dedicated to his craft.

Reality or myth a tale of past lives?

Some are sure that past lives do not exist, others think that this is completely not so. Why is this happening? Past lives have many names, for example, it can be a past life of the soul, relocation or reincarnation, or maybe the rotation of the wheel of Samsara.
All these names came to the present time from ancient times, from different cultures and countries. The Mexicans were sure that the soul is truly sacred.

The body gradually grows old, sick, there is a loss of strength, and the soul is truly immortal. She never dies, and after death she moves to another body.

Other nations are convinced that the soul passes through the famous wheel of Samsara. At first it is born very young and comes into stone, gradually it changes and develops, becomes a plant, then an insect, and so on. Only when she becomes quite an adult can she turn into a human. If a person honors religion, lives correctly and observes the laws, then after the death of the body, the soul enters the blissful world and rests. If a person drags out a wrong existence, then everything starts all over again.


It is quite possible that the past life would have remained empty chatter, if not for the numerous tests and studies of specialists. During a hypnosis session, many people begin to speak in foreign languages, call themselves differently, tell in detail about life more than a few centuries ago. Quite often it happens that these languages ​​do not exist at all today, they have long been considered dead. But why do people know about them?

Most likely the soul keeps certain memories of the events of the past. In most cases, it is the children who can talk about their past lives. Small children can convince that they were born in a completely different family and country, they speak an incomprehensible language. One kid claimed that he came from a noble family, although he was born into a poor family. He told everything about his life, named the names of his children, whom he had not seen for a long time, and came to the house where he used to live. It turned out that the child was born on the day when the father of a wealthy family died.

The body has a memory

It is worth noting that physical body also has memory. It moves outside of time and space, and in esotericism and religion it is called the soul and the fourth dimension. The soul has its own material body at the energy level.

The soul has a memory of incarnation in previous lives, the starting point begins at the time of a person's birth and ends after death. Life is just a moment in which a person is here and now.

In the body of memory, all the events that have happened to a person from the moment of his birth are carefully displayed and remembered. It is this dark tunnel that a person sees during clinical or real death.

So how to understand who a person was in a past life? The previous life also has a memory body, only it is in the fourth dimension. It is there that all the accumulated experience and records of the events that have occurred are stored.

Each person may well have a huge number of past lives. Together they form a spiral, twist into a spherical body. From all this, the human spirit is obtained, it has its own laws of physics and a material shell.

How mature a person's spirit is depends on the number of past lives. There are immature spirits who have not yet experienced many reincarnations, and there are those who have up to two dozen lives in the past. That is why, when a person tries to understand who he was in a past life, you need to think, but in which one?

Also, experts found that male and female in next lives are constantly changing so that a person can get a completely different experience. Therefore, most likely in a previous incarnation, a person had a different gender. Because of this, it often happens in real life in such a way that masculine character traits are embodied in a woman, and vice versa. Therefore, there are deviations in sexual terms and other oddities.

Curiosity is not a vice

Why does a person want to know who he was in a previous life? Does he really need it or is it pure curiosity involved? It is worth thinking about this issue and understanding that nature specifically does not want to reveal all the cards of human existence. The past is out of reach ordinary person, but there are some ways that allow you to remove this barrier.

However, what to do if a person nevertheless found out about previous incarnations, remembered in all details who he was and what he managed to overcome. After all, a stream of feelings and troubles will flood over him, regrets about what he did not have time to do. The brain simply can not withstand such an abundance of information.

Important! Finding out who a person was in a past life is completely unsafe!

You need to be responsible for your actions

There are certain techniques that free the human consciousness and allow you to learn about previous reincarnations. This is called backward regression.

When applying this technique, a person is immersed in the sensations that happened to him in past incarnations, he can even see the details of his existence in other worlds. Also, a person instantly understands what will happen to him after death.

Just remember that now he will always remember this road. Even if he returns to real life, he will forever remain with the baggage of past memories and experienced deaths. After that, he will be able to constantly move to other worlds, of which his past life consisted.

Some think that the past experience of their existence can help to achieve resounding success in reality. However... Along with positive knowledge, one can also remember the real negative that existed in the past. A person may simply not have the strength to go through all this again, because nature did not just hide real essence the existence of the universe.

In past lives, there were also worries and worries, unresolved cases and mistakes, and negative experience when opening the cherished door will not go anywhere. That is why, before looking for an answer to the question of a past life, it is worth thinking about what to do with the truth afterwards?

Eliminate problems from the past

If a person feels the need to return to a past life in order to correct something, then this is a completely different matter. Perhaps something prevents him from existing normally now and here, affects his real life. Only then can you return to memories.

Be sure to remember about safety! It is highly undesirable to carry out a return to the past in all alone. You need to contact an experienced specialist so that he can make a smooth transition of a person to a past incarnation, and then gently bring him out of this state.

The real practice of the transition of consciousness into the past

When doing practical work on a person's stressful state due to a previous existence, it is usually not necessary to completely immerse him in the memories of his entire past life. Also, you do not need to force him to remember the details of his appearance and living from birth to death.

Usually, during anti-stress practice, people remember only a single, very exciting episode that prevents them from living normally in the present. It is because of a single unresolved issue or a mistake made that a person in the present tense may experience big problems psychological nature, his thinking is distorted, his personality and its structure are violated. As a result, all this negatively affects health and relationships with others.

It is only necessary to correctly tune a particular person to memories, identify a problem from a past life and understand what is the matter, and immediately his life begins to change for the better. It is worth remembering that the entrance to a previous life should be really a necessity, and not an irrepressible desire.

Some work is being done here to eliminate stress and improve the real life of a person. He eliminates the mistake in the past and feels much better in the present. Well, when the mistake is corrected, the memories are sealed again. However, in new reality everything is going much better with the individual than before.

Why do we need knowledge about past incarnations?

Past life information can be very helpful. Many people are very afraid of death. They fear not pain and suffering, but the unknown. A person dies - and that's it? Or is something going on next? Only the soul can comprehend this, but not the body. If a person is convinced that he already existed in the past, then he no longer experiences fear. If it already existed, then there will be a sequel. In any case, it will continue to exist.

Seneca argued that it does not matter when to die, late or early. He who is not afraid to die is no longer in the power of fate.

A very frightening prospect of constantly thinking that death cannot be avoided. It is better to think that there is another life for a person and his loved ones, but this can only be known after inevitable death.


In thinking about the question of your past existence, it is not recommended to show only curiosity. Nature does nothing by accident, everything in the universe is natural. That is why she puts seals on the pages of the past and does not give access to them.

A person can write again and again own history from the very beginning, because a blank slate opens before him. It's just worth enjoying reality, because life is truly beautiful, despite the black and white stripes! After the night, the day will surely come, full of Sun and joy!

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Reincarnation by date of birth, based on the tables of Pythagoras.

What gives us the knowledge of reincarnations?

Suppose we find out where and when we were born in our previous incarnations. Why do we need this? What does this give us? It would seem that this knowledge is completely useless for our present life. But actually it is not.

The first thing that the doctrine of reincarnation gives us is deliverance from the fear of death. Death turns for us from a scarecrow, devouring and absorbing, from eternal non-existence, into a door open for our transition to other worlds. Non-existence is canceled, and the knowledge about the continuation of life in another form, at other levels, in other worlds, comes.

We stop wondering why they beat us so much in this life, why they make us suffer so much. We have no doubts about the injustice of the Lord and the law of the Universe. We get a powerful incentive to live with dignity.

Seneca believed that "life is not good or evil in itself, but only an arena for good and evil." He also owns the saying: “It makes no difference when to die - sooner or later. Who lives - in the power of fate; whoever is not afraid of death has escaped its power.”

The death of a person (if we understand it as an irreversible process of the end of any kind of existence) turns a person's life with his searches, efforts and aspirations into a meaningless path to nowhere. A completely different life is seen by a person who has received information about the existence higher worlds in which the soul continues its life after the death of the body and where everything that we have achieved in our spiritual development is preserved and used. Belief in the immortality of the soul and the existence of higher worlds instantly removes many questions, freeing a person from the heavy oppression of the meaninglessness of his existence.

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The theory of reincarnation and the immortality of the soul has been around for years. Ideas about the reincarnation of the soul have been known since the ancient states of India and Greece. Many people believe that their soul has been alive for a very long time, and they are interested in the question of whether it is possible to find out who they were in their past life. Today, there are various tests that can shed light on this mystery.

Reasons for believing in reincarnation

Believers in reincarnation believe that it is quite possible to find out something about their past incarnations. To do this, you should be more attentive to your emotional, psychological and personal experiences. They give great importance phenomena such as:

  • deja vu effect;
  • various memories;
  • habits that are out of control;
  • diseases;
  • fears.

They believe that it is these aspects that can provide the main key to unraveling the existing mystery of reincarnation.

These factors are directly related to the work of the subconscious. It is it that is responsible for intuition, and information about past births is hidden in it. After all, it is not for nothing that people, being in a state of hypnosis, recall their past incarnations.

Although many believe in the transmigration of the soul, only a few manage to remember anything from their past. But where to get such a method that would not be associated with complex calculations, as in jyotish horoscope. And there is such a way.

Numerological way

One of the main ways that can help you find out about a past birth is numerology. Who you were in a past life, this science determines by date of birth. Numerological test for reincarnation will help you understand:

  • who the person being tested was in the past incarnation;
  • what tasks does he have for this life;
  • what karmic debts does he have.

Calculation by date of birth

Numerology determines reincarnation by date of birth. In order to calculate the past incarnation, it is necessary to write down the date of your birth in numbers: day, month and year. For example, 08/16/1976 . Then you need to add the numbers together: 1+6+0+8+1+9+7+6=38. The resulting number will be the answer to the question of interest.

Results table

By finding the resulting number in the results table, you can find out who the test person was in a previous life.

The resulting numberWho were the test-takers in the past incarnation
4 Such a subject could engage in scientific activities, and was also fond of esotericism and magic.
5 Life was about learning chemical elements and their compounds. Perhaps they were pharmacists, chemists, or perfumers.
6 Their life was connected with musical activity.
7 Engaged in the construction or design of buildings.
8 Studied starry sky were astronomers or practiced astrology. It is possible that they could be famous travelers, and, going on a long journey, they were guided by the heavenly bodies.
9 People of art were fond of creative activity.
10 Engaged in activities related to animals.
11 Conducted sinful activities that were associated with violations of the law. Perhaps they hunted by theft, fraud or murder.
12 Caused a lot of harm to other people. Perhaps they belonged to terrorist groups, engaged in political crimes or traded in espionage.
13 These people have the karma of a slave. Perhaps they were under arrest or were in submission.
14 Such a person showed himself by heroic deeds, but his fate ended tragically.
15 This number characterizes people whose karma is ordinary, neutral.
16 These people come from a rich and noble aristocratic family.
17 This number characterizes people with negative karma. They suffered from some kind of disease, experienced financial difficulties and had problems in their personal lives.
18 Such a person could be a priest or a medicine man.
19 This man traveled a lot around the world and was engaged in scientific research.
20 The karma of a humble person, but he was very rich and achieved everything in his life by himself, by his own labor.
21 In a past life, he was a man who was engaged in hard work.
22 Such a person was engaged in fraud and loved adventures.
23 This number characterizes the soul that lived in the female body and was engaged in needlework.
24 The number characterizes people who were monks and led a hermit life, performed austerities.
25 Could be the head of state and a very powerful ruler.
26 This subject devoted his whole life to serving other people, was an altruist in the past incarnation.
27 Pioneer.
28 These people could have committed suicide in a past incarnation.
29 They were merchants.
30 They were engaged in creative activities, could write poetry or be artists.
31 Actors.
32 They loved to travel, but ended their lives tragically, being alone, because they had no relatives and close people left.
33 They were as close as possible to the king or other ruler.
34 They were valiant warriors who accepted death in an unequal battle.
35 This number characterizes people who were famous singers.
36 This number has bad karma, because such a person in a past life was a murderer, suffered from personality disorders, or could be a scientist who liked to put his experiments on people, could also be a sadist.
37 These people were hermits or monks who found solace in God.
38 They were engaged in prostitution.
39 The main activity was related to the gambling business.
40 They were scientists and made a significant contribution to the development of science or history.
41 famous writers.
42 These people were good cooks.
43 They committed some crime and were punished for it - they were executed.
44 Famous personalities who have committed many atrocities in their past lives.
45 Could be famous doctors who made some great discovery in medical science, which people use in our time.
46 The man who was on military service, was very devoted to his homeland and could perform a heroic deed.
47 These people led a lifestyle that was far from the benefits of civilization. Perhaps they lived in a hermitage.
48 Engaged in the production or sale of weapons.

Of course, it is very easy to conduct such a test and find out who a person was in a past life. But this test can also help answer the question of what kind of karmic debts this or that soul has.

After all, if, for example, a person in a previous incarnation committed suicide, then it becomes clear why he suffers from many problems in this life and experiences a lot of difficulties.

Remembering the past life by date of birth, you can only half reveal the secret of your life. After all, the soul comes to this world not only to work off the karma of its previous lives, but also to fulfill its task for this life, to find its destiny.

You can solve this problem by also resorting to the help of numerology.

The calculation method is also quite simple. You must write down your date of birth in numbers. For example, 12/25/2002 . The last digit will be the desired karmic number:

In this case, you need to determine the number that is repeated most times in the date of birth. For example, the number 2 occurs 4 times in it, which means that in its past incarnations the soul has already tried to fulfill its destiny 4 times, but, unfortunately, could not do it.

Then you need to write out those numbers that are not in the date of birth. For example, 04/27/1987 . Missing numbers: 3, 5, 6.

Only knowing his karmic tasks for this life, a person will be able to figure out what his true destiny is, and to fully realize it.

An interesting and not at all difficult test that can tell about your past life, if, of course, you generally believe in the reincarnation of the soul of every person. Believe in the results of this test or not - it's up to you, but I advise you to still read the continuation of the post.

First, let's determine the LETTER of the YEAR of your birth
In the vertical column of Table 1, find the first 3 digits of the year of your birth, in the horizontal column, the last. At the intersection of lines - the letter of the year!
Table 1
For example:
You were born in 1990.
We find 199 in the left column and 0 in the top.
Letter of the year: Z

Your gender in a past life
Opposite the month of your birth, find the LETTER OF THE YEAR.
If the letter is at the top - you were a man
If at the bottom - a woman

table 2
For example:
You were born in April and your YEAR LETTER is Z
This letter is opposite April at the bottom of the table.
In a past life you were a woman.

According to the same Table 2, we determine the SYMBOL, SIGN and NUMBER of the profession
Look for the Symbol and the Number above the LETTER OF THE YEAR
Sign on the left, next to the month of birth
For example:
You are a woman born in April and your number of the year is Z
Your SYMBOL is a circle with a square inside
Your NUMBER - 2
Your SIGN - IN

Place of your birth
In the right column of Table 3 we find our symbol, and in the columns in the center (under the arrows) our date of birth
In one line with the date of birth, on the left, in the two extreme columns, the NUMBER OF YOUR PLACE OF BIRTH is indicated.
Consider your gender in a past life.
(See Table 4 for decryption)
For example:
Your SYMBOL is a circle with a square inside
Birth number - 17
You are a woman
So your birthplace number is 64
In a past life you were born in central India

Table 3

Table 4

Your occupation in a past life

In order to find out what you were doing, use your NUMBER and SIGN obtained in table 2
For example:
Your number is 2, your sign is B
We find B2 in table 5
You were a cartographer, an astrologer. astronomer..

Table 5

The subconscious of each of us stores information about the multiple reincarnations of the soul in a new body. Dreams, hypnosis and other spiritual practices will help you step beyond reality and find the answer to the question.

Facts proving the transmigration of souls

The most surprising case occurred in Mongolia with the manager of the affairs of the monastery, who traveled with a caravan and decided to spend the night in a randomly selected tavern. For more than 20 years this man could not find a worthy candidate for the role of a lama and was already completely desperate.

At the very moment when the manager went inside the hut and took out an expensive snuff box, the 10-year-old son of the owner of the tavern ran up to him and strictly asked: “Why did you take my snuff box?” The traveler fell on his knees in front of him, because the child recognized the object that belonged to the deceased lama! This means that in front of him is a reborn priest in a new body. Later, the chosen child correctly pointed out the way to the monastery, and on the very day of his ascension to the throne, the lama ordered that the bowl with the ritual drink be taken away, declaring that he would only drink from his favorite vessel. The boy clearly told how he looks and where he is. Cases like this are not uncommon in countries like India and Southeast Asia, where cases of children remembering who they were in a past life are ubiquitous.

But in Tibet, after the death of a lama or the abbot of a monastery, they will definitely look for his new incarnation. Monks for 10-20 years are looking for suitable children, and in the event that such a child is found, they arrange an exam for him. For this purpose, a bag is taken, in which various things are placed randomly. Of these, only one fifth of the items belonged to the late lama or abbot during his lifetime. The child must not only select these items correctly, but also tell their short story.

Real stories of reincarnation

It is children who have a more plastic psyche who remember their past incarnations and can even frighten their parents with stories. So, at the age of six, a boy named Rakesh shocked his father by telling him that he was not his son! The child told a stunning story about his past life and claimed to own a large store in the city of Delhi. At the same time, the boy gave the exact address and described the details of his past life as a successful merchant. First, the child was examined by a psychiatrist and delivered a verdict: the boy is absolutely healthy!

Then, the parents began to inquire about the details of the child's past life. Their heir announced that in a past life he had a two-story mansion, a car of the latest model, a beautiful wife and three children. The parents had no choice but to get into the car with their son Rakshen and go to Delhi to that very big store. There they were met by a mother of three who confirmed that her husband had died six years earlier. This is a true case of classical reincarnation, because the boy named not only the names of his children and wife, but also told about a small mole on the intimate part of the body of his beloved woman.

People who remember past lives

Spontaneous cases of manifestation of reincarnation are also found in European countries, as well as in America. Although in the enlightened age the revelations of children are attributed to various diseases psyche. But it is precisely the tender age of a child from three to fifteen years that most often gives the answer to the question, how to know your past lives.But adults rebel because of the fear of losing a child who, after remembering a past life, may not want to stay in a new family.

A case is known when a girl from the age of three told her parents stories from a past life every day. Later, she gave her real name and wanted to see her husband and two of her own children. The parents made concessions and wrote a letter to the address dictated to them by own daughter. Meeting with relatives from a past life was exciting for both the girl and her parents. But everyone was convinced that the girl was telling the truth and accurately indicating the location of the rooms, calling her children by name and answering questions of an intimate nature.

As a result, the child preferred to stay in the house with ex-husband and children. Fortunately, the owner of the estate allowed her new parents to live there as well. So this story ended with a happy ending!

Who remembers his past life

The phenomenon of reincarnation has always been of interest to scientists and doctors who have experimented with the journey of patients into past lives. Hypnosis, meditation, as well as taking drugs of a narcotic nature helped to achieve the necessary state of mind and body.

The American psychoanalyst Stanislav Grof recorded more than a thousand real stories about past lives that his wards told him. In a state of trance, people recalled in detail the past incarnation and began to speak in languages ​​previously unknown to them. The fact that a person experiences countless births and deaths proves that the soul is immortal and capable of rebirth. Each person has his own way to the truth and understanding of what how to know your past lives. The key to memories lies in dreams, when a person disconnects from reality and can travel without restriction.

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