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Libra men and Pisces woman - compatibility. Relationships in work and friendship. Office romance can have a serious continuation

According to the compatibility of Libra women and Pisces men, relationships in this pair can work out well. Both partners are united by a love of beauty. The Libra woman in this union receives so much warmth and tenderness, affectionate words and attention from the Pisces man, as, perhaps, from no other of all the signs of the Zodiac. And the Pisces man, in alliance with the Libra woman, finds a quiet, comfortable haven.

Quarrels in a pair of Libra-Pisces begin because of money. A Pisces man usually does not know how to make money. The only exceptions are those who have found their calling. And, and is not ready to be limited to small. In a stable environment, she herself knows how to make good money. But, if there was a crisis, she is helpless. And besides this, the Pisces man cannot support her. Therefore, often couples of a Libra woman and a Pisces man break up during financial crises.

Compatibility female Libra - male Pisces - PLUSES

In a pair of a Libra woman and a Pisces man, the Libra woman is always the leader. This is a calm, friendly couple. They always have a serene, sweet smile on their faces. The Libra woman and the Pisces man never conflict or quarrel with the people around them. In addition, they do not give rise to various rumors about themselves. Most often, both or at least one of the partners is a creative person. Both are not indifferent to art, creativity and everything beautiful (although their tastes may differ).

AT perfect couple Libra-Pisces compatibility there are practically no scandals. For a short time of living together, they develop a common language, their own way of communicating with each other, their own jokes and hints that they understand only.

Sexual compatibility in a couple of Libra woman and Pisces man is good. True, there is more fire and temperament from her lover, but it would hardly occur to her to change her mind: tenderness, flirting mean too much to her, beautiful words, which the Pisces man gives her in abundance.

Compatibility female Libra - male Pisces - MINUSES

The problem of compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac Libra and Pisces is that their union is difficult for both partners. It is difficult for them to understand each other. The Libra woman is constantly unhappy with the impracticality of the Pisces man and his unwillingness to set goals and achieve them. The Libra woman belongs to the category of women who often have a bad mood. And in this state, she expresses her dissatisfaction with the Pisces man with all her directness, right in the eyes. And in response, the Pisces man only silently listens to her tirade and silently swallows resentment, driving it deep inside.

However, even if the relationship between the Pisces man and the Libra woman is on the verge of a divorce, none of the partners dare to break them, due to the fact that they do not like drastic changes in their lives. Therefore, a union that brings suffering to both can stretch long years, only because the partners are used to living with each other.

In order for the union to be prosperous, the Libra woman should work on her character and remove her temper. After all, both the Libra woman and the Pisces man may well be happy with each other if they focus their attention on what unites them. Namely: good sexual compatibility and a real talent to feel beautiful, in all its manifestations. Together they have a great time in nature, at exhibitions, in theaters.

But, nevertheless, the main problem of the compatibility of these partners can be reflected in the saying: "A thief stole a baton from a thief." You will never get the truth from either the Pisces man or the Libra woman. The only difference is that the Libra woman knows the truth or has a strong opinion, but does not say what she will do or think in a minute. But each of them at the same time will require accuracy, certainty and commitment from the partner! Unable to agree, they often carry a cart to different sides because they don't know each other's plans!

Horoscope Libra-Pisces - compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility of the horoscopes of Libra and Pisces, in order for the family to have peace and harmony, the Libra woman will have to take the lead in the pair and gently guide the Pisces man in the right direction. , and the Libra woman has leadership qualities. Most importantly, the Libra woman needs to lead the Pisces man very tactfully and delicately so as not to destroy him. Magic world with which he surrounded himself.

In order to avoid quarrels over money, it is necessary to set aside some amount in reserve every month. Or have a bank account where the money is at interest. In the event of a crisis, the Libra woman should reduce her demands on life and endure the austerity regime. If the Libra woman begins to make claims against the Pisces man and demand large earnings from him, he will most likely go into a binge. At such moments, couples often break up. Therefore, during a period of financial difficulties, the Libra woman and the Pisces man need to rally. And the Libra woman is to cut back on her needs and wait for fortune to return to them, and life will return to its usual course.

How can a Libra woman conquer a Pisces man?

The Libra woman will like the Pisces man from the first minutes of meeting. Firstly, the Libra woman is naturally very attractive, and the Pisces man is an incorrigible romantic, dreamer and dreamer at heart, and believes that he will get the fairy princess. And secondly, the Libra woman is soft, non-aggressive, and the Pisces man avoids overly active and aggressive people. Therefore, in order to please the Pisces guy, the Libra girl should behave tactfully, maintain an even mood and pay attention to the Pisces personality.

In order not to scare off the Pisces man, never start talking with him about money or business projects. Despite the fact that the Pisces man, like the Libra woman, loves comfort, he will never sacrifice his peace in order to earn money. Another mistake of the Libra woman will be if she begins to destroy the crystal castles of the dreams of the Pisces man and ridicule his fantasies, proving their unviability.

Compatibility of Libra woman and Pisces man in friendship

The Libra woman and the Pisces man are often friends, however, in this friendship, the Libra woman most often uses the Pisces man in her own interests. The Pisces man sees this, and understands everything perfectly, but he allows the Libra woman to manipulate himself, because, most often, he is fascinated by her beauty and charm. The Libra woman finds in the Pisces man an understanding, gentle, ready to sympathize and empathize with a male friend. And for the Pisces man, the Libra woman is not just a friend, but also an inspiring muse. Also, the Pisces man can act as an "alternate airfield". You can take it with you to visit if there is no one else to go with, help with the housework, brighten up loneliness.

Is it worth it to be jealous of the husband of Libra or the wife of Pisces and be afraid of rivals in the face of these signs? Definitely not worth it. The Libra woman and the Pisces man are not very drawn to each other. If they have a choice, then both will choose stronger and "profitable" partners.

Compatibility of women-Libra and Pisces-men in the business sphere

The Libra woman and the Pisces man get along well with each other. The Pisces man always finds an outlet in the Libra woman. He often tells her about the injustices of colleagues, superiors and the world in general. The Libra woman sympathizes with the Pisces man and expresses understanding, but she will never intrigue against anyone else. She provides psychological assistance to the Pisces man, but at the same time she does not play against other people and bosses as well.

When Libra women and Pisces men are colleagues or partners, this is a good union. The leader in this pair is always the Libra woman, even if she and the Pisces man are on an equal footing. Working together, they can achieve good results. But, in entrepreneurship, both partners do not have enough fire, drive to reach more or less serious peaks.

When the Libra woman is the boss, and the Pisces man is the subordinate. Such a business alliance will not bring great success, but there will be a good psychological atmosphere. The Libra woman and the Pisces man are comfortable working together. True, the Libra woman often underestimates her Pisces employee, but, on the other hand, she does not load with extra work.

When the Libra woman is a subordinate, and the Pisces man is the boss, such a combination is unlikely. A Pisces man can be imagined as a boss only theoretically. In practice, the Pisces man, if he is the boss, is only formal. He entrusts most of the work to the Libra woman, if she was able to win his trust.

At first it may seem that the representatives of these signs of the zodiac have a lot in common, but if you take a closer look, it turns out that things are different. Both natures are refined, but they perceive the world in completely different ways. Scales are external aesthetes, the beauty of clothes, the emphasis of manners in secular conversation, the opinion of those around them as an intelligent person are important to them. Pisces have a deeper perception of what is happening, they look for the true meaning in everything and take a lot of things to heart. Mutual understanding between fish and scales is hardly possible.

Libra Man and Pisces Woman

At the beginning of their acquaintance, this couple easily finds a common language, and the courtesy of the Libra man plays a significant role in this. The closer these people begin to communicate, the more contradictions arise between them. A good relationship possible if they do not need frequent meetings and strong rapprochement.

♎ + ♓: In love

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- Having fallen in love with each other, the Libra guy and the Pisces girl try to spend a lot of time together, and they succeed in it. Libra's love for art will not leave his beloved indifferent, they will attend exhibitions and concerts, deriving great pleasure from this.

The more they get to know each other, the more they will be surprised. It turns out that they say the same thing, but mean different things, they act the same way, but with different intentions.

The fish girl is open, able to sincerely sympathize, ready to give the last, if only for the benefit of the more needy. The Libra guy is on his mind, behind the external beauty of his words and deeds there can be very unexpected motives for his beloved.

Most likely, this couple will break up, but quietly, intelligently, without scandals and reproaches.

♎ + ♓: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- The marriage of representatives of these signs of the zodiac has a chance to be longer if the spouses are old enough and have life experience behind them. The union of a young couple, based on love, most often breaks up in the early years life together.

This couple has mutual understanding in everyday life, they love beauty and sophistication, the atmosphere in their house is always unusual and tastefully decorated. AT intimate relationships they are also doing well, for them in the first place is not sex, but a pleasantly spent evening and a romantic atmosphere.

A fish woman for the family tries more, does everything to please her husband, loves comfort. She cares little about the opinions of others, her goal is to have a friendly and easy atmosphere in the family. A man of scales is characterized by a game for the public, it is more important for him not to be, but to seem. This person does everything to ensure that relatives, friends, neighbors consider him successful, intelligent, courteous. The wife is simply unable to understand such behavior of her husband, their views on life situations fundamentally different. If the spouses do not begin to remake each other with special zeal for themselves, this marriage can last a long time.

♎ + ♓: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- This couple is pleased to spend free time together, as they are united by a love of art. However, at these moments their attention is focused on viewing art galleries or on theatrical performance but not on top of each other. There is no emotional closeness between these people. They can be buddies, but a strong one is out of the question here.

PISCES man and Libra woman

Attractive people. The Pisces man will be interested in the sophisticated and mannered Libra woman, and he will attract her with his calmness and poise. This couple will be pleased to work together, periodically see each other in the campaign of mutual friends, but is it worth it for them to get closer?

♓ + ♎: In a love relationship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- There is nothing surprising in the fact that the fish guy chose this particular girl as his companion. In communication, she is sweet, easy, tries not to strain those who are nearby. Pisces are romantics, they sincerely believe that there is the only one in the world that will give him happiness, and when they meet a girl, Libra will decide that this is her.

The girl appreciates the scales of her beloved, but she is used to doing everything in her own way, including in relationships with men. She does not see anything wrong in this, in her opinion, all her actions are aimed at the good of the relationship. The fish guy loves freedom, he will not like the behavior of his beloved. If she overdoes it in putting things in order, her ideals young man collapse, and rather quickly, and he will go in search of another princess.

♓ + ♎: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- first months family life will be smooth and pleasant. The Pisces man will believe that he has met the other half, and the Libra woman will consider him a reliable shoulder. It will take quite a bit of time, and the opinion of the spouses about each other will begin to change.

The Libra woman will gradually begin to come to the conclusion that her husband tends to exaggerate and fantasize, wishful thinking. She would like to see a more purposeful person next to her, but since fate has turned out this way, she will begin to look for a way out of this situation. She is more active in this pair, so she will begin to lay claim to leadership in the family. Such violent activity on her part will not be pleasant for her husband, and since there are no conflicting people in this pair, the spouses will slowly but surely begin to move away from each other. There will come a moment when they will understand that apart from the common life and the material side, nothing else unites them. Most often, such marriages end in divorce after several years of marriage.

♓ + ♎: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- These people have too little in common to communicate closely. They can spend time together, because their ideas about leisure are similar, but they will not become close people to each other. Friendly communication is possible, but this is the maximum. If, nevertheless, they spend a lot of time together, this does not speak of, but of mutual sympathy.

Video: LIBRA ♎ Zodiac sign

Video: PISCES ♓ Zodiac sign

Perhaps every woman wants to meet a faithful life partner, a reliable support, a man who will look with her "in the same direction." Fate sometimes sends many candidates for the role of such a companion, but how to choose exactly the man with whom you can live soul to soul until old age? That's what compatibility horoscopes are for. If a woman somehow doubts the correctness of the choice - whether to accept a marriage proposal from her boyfriend or not, then the compatibility horoscope will help her. In it you can read in detail not only the forecast of a joint relationship and how harmonious the marriage will be, but also advice on how to correct certain points. For example, how harmonious relations will be in a pair of Libra woman - Pisces man will be discussed in this article.

Before considering the compatibility of Pisces-man - Libra-woman, let's talk about who and what they are separately. So, Libra woman. Representatives of this sign are very attractive, sweet, smart, and often capricious. These are very good conversationalists. They are loved in society for courtesy, for a cheerful and good-natured disposition. However, their main goal in life is love. To love and be loved - that's They can't stand reproaches, scenes, complications. Any contradictions cause them irritation and tears. They are selfish by nature, but at the same time affectionate and kind, like children.

Comfort. They are hospitable hosts and excellent listeners. Therefore, Pisces has many friends, because only they can listen to you and keep a secret. Yes, representatives of this zodiac sign know how to keep other people's secrets. But the most important thing that any woman will certainly like, regardless of her zodiac sign, is that they are incorrigible romantics. Thanks to their developed intuition, they will guess at a glance all the whims and desires of their chosen one, and will gladly try to bring them to life. However, they need a girl with strong character, since the Pisces man prefers to dream than to do anything to achieve his goals. He will wait until happiness itself will sail into his hands.

Now that we have a rough idea of ​​who we are dealing with, we can begin to discuss the compatibility horoscope of Pisces and Libra.

The union of a woman-Libra - a man-Pisces, according to many horoscopes, is considered quite complicated. Libra will often be annoyed by the impracticality of Pisces, the lack of desire to achieve goals. The Libra woman will not (and does not know how) to be silent, and the Pisces man, on the contrary, will silently listen to the whole tirade and withdraw into himself. However, such a marriage can last long enough if both make every effort to adapt to each other. Without mutual understanding and empathy, these relations will not be able to exist, although from the outside it will not be visible that a breakdown has occurred in them. Another problem in relationships will be that Pisces is not prone to dominance, but Libra also does not strive to be leaders.

Libra woman - Pisces man are most often found at a fairly mature age, when partners have already got rid of all complexes and prejudices and they have no desire to prove something to each other. If the representatives of these signs of the zodiac have abandoned all their ambitions, then a calm and trusting relationship will develop between them, and the balance of this union will not be disturbed by anything. A particularly suitable age for such a union comes when a man reaches 29 years of age. It is in the period from 29 to 41 years that a Pisces man married to a Libra woman expects balance and harmony.

The compatibility horoscope says that the partners of the Libra woman - the Pisces man will find an approach to each other if they are connected by a common activity, for example, organize or a creative union. Passive rest is contraindicated for them, it is better if it takes place on a joint journey, where their feelings will become stronger and much brighter.

Representatives of these zodiac signs form a complex and fragile union. It is difficult for them to achieve mutual trust and understanding. They have different tempers, views on the world and life values. The Pisces woman is emotional and spontaneous. In actions, she relies on internal sensations. The Libra man has a high intellectual potential, logic and rationality. In relationships, partners are stubborn and refuse to give in to each other.

Compatibility in love and marriage

Pisces women and Libra men do not mix well in love and marriage. At the beginning of a relationship, these people are fascinated by each other. They soar in an atmosphere of romance and sensuality. Faced with the reality of the outside world, the couple rarely stand the test of strength.

Both partners have a rich inner world. They focus on personal experiences and sensations. It is difficult for them to understand each other and find common ground. Representatives of these zodiac signs value freedom and personal space. They do not persevere to get to know the other half better. Throughout the relationship, they seem to each other an unsolved mystery.

The couple is facing difficulties at home. Both partners do not want to take on family responsibilities, solving material issues and external family problems. They do not tolerate disputes and conflicts. It is easier for them to part than to understand the situation that has arisen and come to a mutual decision.

A Pisces woman and a Libra man have a higher chance of a happy future together if they meet in adulthood. Then the partners have life experience and wisdom. They are ready to give in and make decisions together. To feel comfortable in the family, spouses should distribute responsibilities from the beginning of their life together.

Sexual Compatibility

Pisces woman and Libra man are well compatible in sex. intimacy filled with such people bright colors, sensuality and romance. Partners are attracted to each other. In bed, for both, the main thing is not physical pleasure and emotional-psychological contact. Representatives of these zodiac signs are endowed with a rich imagination. They willingly introduce elements of the game into sexual relations and embody erotic fantasies in bed.

Business compatibility (in work and business)

Pisces woman and Libra man are well compatible in business area. Such people are capable of long-term cooperation. They get along well in a team, respect working methods and value professional quality each other. Representatives of these zodiac signs achieve the greatest success in the field of research and development of new directions.

Sudden difficulties can interrupt cooperation and harm the common cause. Both partners are unable to take responsibility and make decisions.

friendship compatibility

The Pisces woman and the Libra man are poorly compatible in friendship. Building strong friendships is hindered by a lack of trust. Due to the difference in characters and life views, such people do not see each other as a reliable person and support. They develop friendly relations on the condition of mutual benefit or the presence of common interests.

Pisces woman and Libra man

love compatibility

Pisces girl and Libra man - quite touching and harmonious couple. Unexpectedly, these people can openly demonstrate to their half what was hidden a long time ago at the very bottom of the heart. Such spouses in behavior will resemble Cinderella and the Prince after their wedding. But such an idyll does not always lead to a positive result (yes, it sounds strange). Everything is simple. Each astrological sign possesses a set of characteristics that periodically does not coincide with the “luggage” of a husband or wife.

Therefore, the quarrels that arise are a sign of a properly developing family, when one tries to make the other more perfect. If the Libra man can tell the Pisces woman (and he is so!) With love in his eyes and a bouquet of flowering chrysanthemums, carefully, in a quiet voice, that sometimes it’s better to communicate with friends or, conversely, to invest more of your spiritual warmth in everyday life and family, then He will be happy.

Well, it remains for a charismatic woman to at least someday remind her husband that ordinary household chores are easier for her only with the participation of her beloved. Only by delicate diplomacy are these two able to increase both their love and the years they have lived together in a strong marriage.

Sexual Compatibility

As befits Cinderella and her noble Prince, after all the spiritual communication, they will want to know much more about each other. Here comes the time to take off the masks, and both lovers find themselves unarmed in the face of purity of thoughts and an endless series of wild fantasies in the partner's head.

Applies to both! Here, in graceful erotic "meditations", Pisces can turn into real sharks, and light airy Libra - into a faithful servant-knight, for whom the word of the Lady is the law. Such zodiac compatibility in bed "games" will help lovers achieve the main thing - to find out if they have chosen the right person to try to live with him all his life.

At work and at home

A team in which there are Pisces and Libra can calmly take a breath - almost all squabbles and unhealthy rivalry between these two (and therefore among other colleagues) will be reduced to zero. Both signs solve ordinary assignments in a jiffy. But longer-term projects become an excellent “mind exercise” for an “airy” man.

It is better for a woman representing the constellation Pisces to engage in creative developments that do not require mandatory "framework". Such non-competitors can be friends, support a workmate, be a close person. In any case, the promising compatibility of Pisces and Libra hints at that.

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