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Psychological personality types of men in relationships with women. Three types of relationships between men and women 3 types of men

Classification of men by species and orders: Complete periodic system of male virtues and vices Copland David


Let's face it, there are men to avoid. You don't need anything unnecessary problems And yes, time is precious. Why waste it on completely worthless types? So here are the three types of men to avoid: pseudo-spiritual, unpredictable, pervert.

You need to know what these types of men are in order to recognize them right away and not let them mess up your life.

A difficult character or strange behavior can, if desired, be attributed to any man, and these qualities are far from always sufficient reason to advise you to avoid such men. But there are typical signs that indicate that you have a psychopath in front of you.


Some men will try to get close to you by immediately letting you in on all the details of their lives. They may confess to bizarre sexual fantasies, oddities, problems, or other similar things that are on such a early stage relationship seems out of place. When a man is too open and starts sharing with you prematurely intimate details about himself, it testifies to his inferiority. Establishing a close relationship with you is a difficult task for him, so he tends to be too much too honest. A man who tries to be an open book will also be inclined to share with you any thought, idea, feeling, memory - in a word, everything that comes into his little head. He may be the source big problems, and it is very difficult to communicate with such a person. Be on your guard if a man starts sharing details of his life with you almost as soon as you meet him. You can expect any kind of trouble from him.


Many men have been in sadomasochistic relationships with women. If a man is a masochist, it means that he likes it when a woman hurts him and mocks him. If a sadist, then he likes to do the same with women. When a man has experienced and enjoyed such relationships, there is no room in his soul for ordinary human love, in which there is no place for threats and insults. When a man acts as a victim (masochist), he will somehow find a way to turn you into a criminal and make you hurt him. When he acts as an offender (sadist), he will somehow find something to punish you for. In any case, a person who loves insults should be avoided. Meeting him will only lead to unnecessary pain and trouble.


Obsessed and maniacs are often artistic, creative people who fixate on a woman or some other object and focus on them all their attention or devote their whole life to them. Typical expressions of the obsessed and maniacs: "I am a really obsessed person" or "I will never let go of anything or anyone without leaving my marks on it." It may seem strange that a person immediately reveals the dark side of his nature to you. This is a warning to stay away if you don't want him to become obsessed with you. While some of these men will try to turn you into their obsession, others with a penchant for manic and obsessive behavior can be great partners. They will seem strange and unusual, but they are not dangerous.


This tip is the most important of all. Women often ignore their intuition when it comes to getting a man. They seek to build relationships with often quite creepy others, knowing at the same time, that they will bring them some problems. Resist the temptation to get euphoric, even if you are excited about dating your new acquaintance who seems so romantic. If a red alarm lights up inside you, if something tells you that something is wrong with this person, show courage and strength and stay away from him. If you are smart enough to consistently apply the technology of finding a man and building a relationship with him, set out in our book, you will achieve your goal. You must not humiliate yourself or put yourself in danger by associating with an abnormal. We repeat again: if a man makes you even the slightest suspicious, avoid him. Listen to yourself and trust your instincts.

There are three types of men who should be avoided and who have the above properties in abundance. Let's look at them in more detail.


The pseudo-spiritual type seduces women, appearing before them in the form of a pleasant, always ready to help, artistic type, with understanding and sympathy for their problems. He wears crystal amulets and grows long hair. He may pretend to be a regular drummer or like to retire into the woods to strum the guitar in peace. He pretends, even to himself, that he is not the same horny animal as other men. He is all filled with light and perfection, and there is nothing of a rough male in him. When he commits meanness towards a woman, and he cannot do without it, he does it as if unconsciously. Moreover, he never takes responsibility for people whom he offends or offends in one way or another.

He is like an emotional crying baby, only worse. He is especially dangerous because he will take your side and criticize all men as a class, as if he is not like them, or he is better than them. He can also pretend to be such a highly spiritual person that he will look down on you, because you are not able to stand “above” your negative emotions with him. He behaves as if prayer and meditation are the means of getting rid of all problems and resolving any disputes. He may even avoid conflict, hiding behind the fact that it is not "spiritual". In order to manipulate you, he may also use quotations from sacred books. Behind a smile and a thoughtful face, he hides his true nature, often quite unsightly, full of malice and prejudiced judgments.

Such people are always filled with a sense of self-satisfied superiority over others and tend to be very arrogant in judging those who are not as developed as they are. When you are arguing with a pseudo-spiritual type, do not indulge in general reasoning, speak to the point, very specifically. If he is able to descend to the sinful earth and linger on it long enough to talk about worldly things, then agree with him that you will solve the problem that led to the conflict.


unpredictable is difficult problem. Its hallmarks are unreliability and inconsistency. Today you go with him on a motorcycle to nature and make love there. And the next day he disappears, and for three weeks there is not a word from him. Then he showers you with gifts, and the next moment he is angry with you for some petty offense a week ago. Although the unpredictable is capable of loving you and generally being a wonderful guy, his behavior and reactions cannot be predicted in advance. It is impossible to build any plans with him, because it costs him nothing to destroy them in an instant. If you are so naive that you hope to re-educate such a man, then we assure you that failure is inevitable. He can break your heart. Although he can be a passionate lover and time with him will fly by unnoticed, constant misunderstandings due to his inconsistency will never allow you to create the relationship with him that you aspire to.


All men are interested in sex. This is fine. With a pervert, things are much worse. He gives the impression of a suspicious and even cowardly person who has something to hide. Usually he is distinguished by deceit, and often lies on trifles. In the bedroom, the pervert may hint at his desire to experiment with various bizarre sexual fantasies - but will not speak specifically. A pervert can often seem overly concerned when you discuss sex with him, even when you talk about your own sexual fantasies. Perhaps he himself has a lot of sexual fantasies that he never tells anyone about. To make matters worse, he is probably judging himself very harshly, his life is full of guilt for having such desires, and he is also afraid that you will judge him and that sooner or later he will be “brought clean”. water."

The pervert may also have an increased interest in your body and in talking about sex with you. He is drawn to touch and kiss you. A pervert can seem overly pushy when it comes to sex. When you find yourself on a date with this type, keep in mind that he only wants sex from you and nothing more. When you feel fear at the thought of intimacy with this man, then this may be a sign that you have a pervert in front of you. When a man constantly lies to you, it is quite possible that he is a pervert, and it is better to ask him directly why he is acting this way. If his answer doesn't satisfy you, get rid of him.

We have told you about men who should be avoided, because you can only expect trouble from them. It is good if you learn to recognize such types as early as possible and stay away from them. By avoiding psychopaths, you can avoid many unpleasant situations and emotional experiences.

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opossum, "There are always enough and will be enough." - yes, but they, like everyone else, will be provided. For example, they will receive an oil allowance or live on their parents' savings. Or with all the general well-being and security for them to make an exception? They do not give out benefits, but forbid living on deposits?


"And about the general well-being, there is a question: when everyone is provided for, then who will clean the clogged toilet?"

I don’t see any problems here at all ... the toilet will be cleaned by those who are incapable of more complex activities (even if they themselves think otherwise). They are always enough and will be enough.


"- the spread of the belief that every person necessarily needs a huge number of things, in which in fact there is no need"
This is how the consumer society is built. In such a society, the main resource is the market. It is he who determines everything. Increasing production capacity - no problem. But to find a market for new products- no way. When everyone was dividing markets and fighting for them, Russia was building communism, and now we don't even have our own domestic market. And even for him we have to fight.

And overpopulation threatens countries like China, and if not for the most severe regulation, there would have been a collapse long ago. And the standard of living there is no higher than ours. We just have immunity to overpopulation :)

And about the general well-being, there is a question: when everyone is provided for, then who will clean the clogged toilet?


I do not argue with the law of the ecosystem, but there is no direct evidence that this is the main (and close) threat now.

Simple reproduction of the population (constant population) would be if each family had 2 children. In Russia, not everyone is like that, very often - one. Not all families also have children at all. And many people never start a family in their entire lives. According to statistics, in Russia the population is decreasing, with vast uninhabited territories. In some countries it may be different, but it is there.

For some reason, it never occurs to anyone that the *main* environmental problems are not related to the number of people, even if growing in *some* countries, but to:

The activities of enterprises striving for maximum profit, and, accordingly, spitting on the environment and reasonable approaches to the use of resources

The spread of the belief that every person necessarily needs a huge number of things that in fact there is no need (except for compensating for an inferiority complex, of course)

As for the limited resources ... if not artificially limited with the help of the so-called "crises", everything is enough for everyone) Ask how much percent of agricultural land is used in Russia, and how much it just costs - you will be surprised. Plus, the efficiency of agriculture has now reached fantastic (from the point of view of our ancestors) indicators. If there is "nothing to eat", then not because there is no one / nothing / nowhere to grow, but because of artificially high prices. But even here there are ways out.


Overcrowding is not made up by tabloids and dubious scientists. This is one of the laws of the ecosystem. When any kind of animal receives complete dominance in some area, it begins to multiply indefinitely and problems arise with the food base. Part of the individuals exhausted by malnutrition becomes susceptible to infectious diseases and epidemics begin. Such epidemics usually eliminate the dominance of this species in a given area.


read inattentively) It means that it is not humanity that is dying out (relatively speaking), but a type of people who do not have a pathological fear of any responsibility and aversion to everything except pleasures, usually primitive. But I do not agree with the author of the joke that it "dies out" like that. No. Not all polls degrade and turn into infantile amoebas. Don't be too pessimistic either.)

"Humanity is in danger of overpopulation"

It is commonly believed, because the tabloids talk about it every day, and supposedly there are some scientific studies (of dubious quality) that confirm this. In general, very often "scientific" news in our time turns out to be either a complete fake, or the result of the transformation of some sciences into "prostitutes" who claim what is needed for some political reasons. This has happened at all times, since ancient times.

Svetlana Bashmakova, psychologist

Relationship psychologist Svetlana Bashmakova tells what types of men should alert any woman.

1 Manipulators

Such types of men require too much attention to themselves, they put themselves and their interests in the first place. They tame women with pity and guilt. And worst of all, the manipulators then take advantage of women's weaknesses. Also, daffodils and "don Juans" can be added to this category of men.

How to recognize it? At first, the relationship seems perfect. man painting beautiful picture a bright future that is too easy to believe. But there is no basis for such a future.

At a minimum - to understatement of self-esteem and all the ensuing consequences, as a maximum - to the development of neurosis and a strong blow to the psyche, since a woman is constantly under severe stress, constantly worries and tries to please, but the manipulator will let her know that she is not doing enough.

2 Sofa lazy

As a rule, these are men without ambitions. They live and are content with what they already have. They do not strive for anything, they do not want something to be different, they are quite satisfied with what is. They have no interests, they do not want to improve themselves and develop.

How to recognize it? If you met a man in his 30s who still lives with his mother, huddles in a small room or works with no plans for the future, then, with a high degree of probability, this is the couch lazy person.

What can such relationships lead to? Before you have time to look back, you will be “sucked” into routine and everyday life, since you should not count on changes in such relationships. A woman will play the role of a mother rather than a lover.

3 Rationalists

A rationalist is looking for a female partner who can share the area of ​​​​responsibility with him (most often financial). As a rule, this is a “comrade” at work or business. It is unlikely that such a relationship will make a woman happy.

How to recognize it? Try the so-called “cup of coffee” technique. Go to a cafe with your new chosen one and see how he reacts if you ask him to pay for you? If you notice discontent, embarrassment, irritation, your new lover is most likely a rationalist.

What do such relationships lead to? Be prepared for the fact that a rationalist man will not want to take on some household duties. IN family life such types, as a rule, pay little attention to the upbringing of the child and do not differ in reverent feelings for the spouse. Rationalists are more interested in the financial side. You will pay the rent and buy food, sharing the costs for two, but all household chores will fall solely on your fragile shoulders.

What are the types of men? After all, in Lately more and more more women complain that all their dreams of men, even a little close to their ideals, are destroyed to smithereens. This happens because women are little aware of the types of men, and since childhood they continue to live in a world of dreams, where everything turns into the status of “happily ever after” with a click. The unwillingness to face reality, accept it and build your life in accordance with it, gives rise to a lot of problems. In order to know exactly what we want, it is necessary to study the algorithm of real situations, leaving the plots of melodramas to little girls.

So, every day we are faced directly or indirectly with fears, irresponsibility, or simply with representatives of a different orientation. Based on everyday experience, the following three types of men can be distinguished.

  • husbands;
  • "I don't know what I want."

With the first, everything is clear.

The second are responsible males that you can rely on, but they certainly have a bunch of skeletons in the closets and, perhaps, even lead a double life. These are men suitable for formal marriage, but not capable of sincere and trusting relationships. They know how to maintain an image only for the sake of society. Exemplary family men, whom the eye rejoices in, marry because “it’s time” and “it’s necessary”, and not out of high love. From the outside, relationships with such a man will seem like heaven on Earth, but you should definitely expect a fly in the ointment from them. It is in them that the same male polygamy, which is legendary, is manifested.

It can even be said that the number of women is very often an indicator of the suitability of a man. Being perfect automatically means having many females. Consider that there is a proportionality dictated by nature: what better man, the more likely it is that he has more than one woman. On the other hand, those who are from the latter category are unlikely to have mistresses, since they cannot cope with one woman. They initially did not develop the qualities of a male.

And finally, more about the third. These are men who are afraid of love. They can be called cowards and deserters. These are men so insecure that they are afraid that love will enslave them. Those who, instead of curbing the feminine power and directing it for their own benefit, flee from it in fear. These are the vast majority. They see women with a number of negative qualities (and no one is perfect) and are even more afraid. Afraid to open up. It's just that the second type imitates openness, stepping over fear, still not sincerely opening up. And those who are close to them are satisfied with this, because they are relatively happy. And the third type does not want to rape himself, believing that having opened himself, he will become addicted.

The images of Helen of Troy, Eve, Salome appear before them, and they run, not wanting to win a real victory: not to give up, but not to run away, but to increase their common strength, being absolutely open to each other. Opening up, they can get something that no one suspected before. Fearing, they also sow fear in women, unleashing a war as old as the world, and only increasing the scale of female negative qualities. They release a virus of contempt on themselves, wanting to hide from it, but do not understand that it will overtake them everywhere. Not here so there. For the cowardice of each, he will be rewarded doubly.

The result is a little sad: we have an endless chain of fear, passing from one to another, which has forgotten how to love us all. We fight not side by side, but against each other. And it's time to fix it, accepting each other for who we are.

All for now.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

Each person is multifaceted and unique, therefore it is difficult to single out any types and then adjust all the complexity for them. human personality. However, there are certain features of human behavior that are characteristic of groups of people, and here they can be classified.

Many psychologists have analyzed behavioral responses, on the basis of which they singled out different types Men Psychology has long and deeply dealt with this issue, because a lot of material can be found on this topic. Usually, every woman tends to dwell on a certain character and constantly look for each new partner.

What kinds of representatives of the stronger sex are there?

The division is more conditional, none is found in nature in its pure form. Such classifications will help a woman to navigate - how to behave with a chosen one and what will come out of a relationship, whether she expects from a life together.

To begin with, it is worth seeing the types of men by character, they are divided into 4 main types, regardless of the object of relations and living conditions. All other typologies come from this one and can be endless.

So, four types of men:

  • "Warrior". Decisiveness, strength, authority are the basis of such a man. The place where it is fully realized is the battlefield, while peacetime is an emphasis on career, self-realization, active and extreme sports. The activity of efforts aimed at self-realization leaves no room for the issue of providing for the family. Household chores - according to the residual principle, i.e. some day.
  • "Master". The real head of the family, an attentive husband and a caring father. He enjoys doing household chores, tightening nuts and hammering nails, playing football with children and digging up potatoes. For a family - a dream, not a husband. At the same time, a career takes second place, but if it finds a field of activity that matches vital interests and character traits, it will also become successful.

  • "Holiday". Always open for communication and with everyone, fickle and unpredictable, it would seem that life with him is a series of continuous pleasures. Until it's time to fold up the circus tent and clean up the confetti in the arena. Sometimes age regulates their temperament, and over time they can become good husbands, having spent their indefatigable supply of energy in their youth. In this case, they will become the soul of the company and the permanent ringleader.

  • "Creator". Such types are characterized by intellectual work, to which they devote all their time and energy. Whether this will give a serious boost to a career or turn out to be a blank shot, a lot depends on the field of application of talents. The family will suddenly become a source of interference and irritation, as it distracts from the main activity.

Types of men in a relationship

Psychological types of men in relationships with women - who should be avoided in a relationship? Pay attention to the following signs in order to notice the men you need to run from in time.

  • Tyrant. The beginning of an acquaintance is unlikely to show the very essence of a person, especially if you do not look closely and see passionate love for yourself in aggression. And over time, it's hard to break the connection. If the companion shows aggression towards all your friends, this is one of the manifestations of this behavior. Yes, this type is strong and confident, he makes decisions for everyone and takes responsibility and worries. With love, it is like a volcano, but you do not always know what to expect at any moment. However, it is the feeling of ownership that works, and not love for the chosen one. It is likely that after the wedding you will find yourself in prison, and your behavior will be controlled at every step: conversations, calls, meetings. It may come to assault. The realization of a sense of self-worth, the protection of property in any form - that's what comes first.

  • Misogynist. With all the love of love, such a person sometimes sincerely hates all women in general. A doll, a thing, an accessory - this is how he sees his victim. He looks after beautifully, you can’t argue with that, but you have no value in his eyes. It is important whether you look good together, what business partners will say, and how much you write off the interior. Love? Not today.

  • Gigolo. There will be a lot of love here, a lot - as much as you are able to pay. Alphonse himself sometimes earns considerable sums, but your money is tastier for such people. Usually these are young people, whose age is much less than that of the chosen one. Older ladies can give more like this.

  • Casanova. Beautiful spectacular gentlemen always attract ladies. For him, the number is not limited, in each he will find a zest and get carried away with it until he finds the next one. No loyalty, no stability. Fireworks of emotions, creative confusion - this is the scenery of relations with Casanova.

  • Sissy. A wife and a nanny in one bottle - this is your role for the next few years, depending on how long you can stand it. Living under the wing of his mother, going under your wing, such a son feels great in the nest. Responsibility, solving problems - now it is the duty of the wife. Take it as a set or run away.

  • Stingy. It does not mean economical, there will be no benefit from this on the farm. Thrift allows you to spend resources rationally, but not spending them at all is the dream of a miser. Dresses, fur coats, jewelry - do not bring your partner into a coma with requests. Earn your own luxury.

  • Child. Computer games, tanks and others male toys for such people are more interesting than a relationship with a loved one. An evening with your beloved or playing with friends (online, football, whatever) - the choice is clear, and not in your favor. If the maternal feelings that will invariably wake up in this case are acceptable, the option is not bad.

  • IT specialist. Appearance says a lot, although intellectually such people are very developed. But talking to him will be difficult. And it is unlikely that he will see the difference between your dresses and your hairdo yesterday and today.

Personality types in psychology

And here are a few basic psychological categories of personality that underlie many subspecies and types of other classifications.


The schizoid personality type is impregnable and emotionless, everything is inside.

Such a person contains a lot of interesting things inside, know how to open it. He often provokes those around him with his behavior in order to understand whether they understand him, are ready to communicate, whether they are significant.

Violates other people's boundaries and protects their own, lives by their own rules and does not hear strangers. His boorish behavior serves as a protection and filter for the outside world.

Public opinion is not at all interesting and unimportant to such a person, he generally does not like and does not appreciate secular entertainment, parties, the crowd. He goes headlong into his life, projects, work, hobbies, the outside world is not important to him, even rather distances himself from it.

Not too emotional, sometimes it is not at all clear what is happening inside, what he feels. He also does not understand other people's experiences and will be sincerely surprised that his wife nearby experiences a whole gamut of feelings about something that he did not even notice at all.

He does not understand people well, not feeling them. He rather endures emotions, waits for them to pass, therefore he will not become your support in emotional storms and tragedies.

To his wife, he will seem like an indifferent log. Sometimes it is easier for such people to break off overly emotional relationships than to endure them. Decisions are made under the influence of internal impulses, not always able to explain why this is so. Understanding such a person and the reasons for the formation of his character, you can learn to live next to him.


The hysterical personality type is built on sexuality and revolves around it.

Power through sex, manifestation of oneself. Such people often act in spite of their fears, as if fighting them by immersing themselves in them. So they try to deal with them.

Often they go into psychosomatics - they get sick, harm themselves unconsciously. Thus, he tries to give greater significance to what is happening to him, to play passion, to prove significance. As a result, it turns out the opposite - his game devalues ​​what is happening in the eyes of other people, he is not taken seriously, which only exacerbates the internal tragedy. They experience everything very intensely and are not able to cope with this heat on their own.


The psychopathic personality type is constantly trying to prove its dominance.

They are also called asocial elements, they are characterized by a lack of sensitivity, empathy, they do not recognize social norms, do not consider it necessary to adapt to social norms. They do not have a sense of guilt, they cannot draw correct conclusions from their experience, they shift their guilt onto others.

These are conflicting people, irritable and always right - an explosive set of qualities. The psychopathic personality type is often very dangerous if the manifestations are not controlled in time.

Emotionally cold

The emotionally cold type of man is another difficult type. Such people are looking for relationships and are afraid of their manifestations, it is difficult to talk about feelings and instantly lock themselves up at the slightest danger. It will take a long time for a girl to reveal their warmth, but it is not hopeless, you just need to try and be the most emotionally open and warm.


A woman usually perfectly sees the character of the chosen one and knows what types of men are interesting to her, and at the same time she still builds the illusion that it is she who is able to change her husband for the better.

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