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Skinny without. Beautiful clothes for very thin girls (17 photos). Patients with anorexia or bulimia

In contact there is a group - “40 kilograms”. The girls in it strive for this weight and create their own idea of ​​beauty. What kind of thin body parts do they find attractive and do men like this? Voting is for boys. Girls can test themselves for fatness.

1. - gap between legs

The dream of not only every anorexic woman, but also every first chubby woman is the cherished distance between her legs. Some of my friends call it "wheel alignment", others - "slingshot". In some girls it is pronounced, in others it is very pronounced, but there are also those girls for whom it is naturally very difficult to achieve perfection - no matter how thin they become, the coveted hole does not appear. Is it necessary? What do you say, boys?

2. - protruding collarbone

A fetish from the era of “heroin chic,” when a skinny Kate Moss was on magazine covers. The protruding collarbone symbolizes trepidation and defenselessness, aristocracy and grace. True, other, not so flattering features often appear along with it - for example, protruding ribs. But here, whoever likes what. You like?

3. - sunken cheeks and prominent cheekbones

Example: Angelina Jolie. The girls believe that the more the cheeks “sink”, the better. A fan of this feature is the wife of a London billionaire and eccentric blonde, Kristina Sysoeva, widely known in narrow circles. To achieve such beauty, she not only constantly goes on diets, but also had some of her teeth removed. Not in vain?

4. - narrow back and prominent ribs

It’s hard to disagree with the fact that an actress playing, for example, Juliet, should have a thin and fragile back. A wide, fleshy back with ridges on the sides is more suitable for peasant women with many children and other typical heroines. Therefore, our “40 kilograms” fight fiercely for protruding shoulder blades, a spine tearing through the skin and other signs of a ballerina. What will the men say?

5. - slim stomach

I think no one will argue here at all. A flat stomach is a fetish for all times. The only person I remember who thought differently was Quentin Tarantino’s heroine from pulp fiction, babbling about pie. In any case, a flat stomach, symbolizing that the lady is definitely not pregnant, really attracts men. Remember the 2000s craze for bare, pierced belly buttons? Same thing.

6. - pronounced waist

It would seem that there is nothing to argue about here, but I will try anyway. There is nothing wrong with a thin waist in itself. The bad stuff starts when they try to hypertrophy it. For example, they don’t get out of a corset for several years, or they remove their ribs, as Vika Vicious did, whom I have been observing for many years. There are rumors that Odessa Barbie had the same operation. Was it not in vain that they tortured themselves for the sake of men?

7. - protruding pelvic bones

A piquant mound of bone on low-waisted jeans - what could be sexier? At least that's what many people think
Do you like it?

Do you think these signs of thinness are beautiful? All or just some? What do you think?

This publication was intended as a Top 10 thinnest models, but it turned out what happened, copywriters are like that.
Any model must have small shapes that fit the standard
high fashion world. But usually, looking at the girls walking on the podium, it arises
the feeling that the only criterion is thinness.


She is one of the world's leading models and has
beautiful shapes. Her figure has not changed in any way since she “entered” the modeling
business. Although since then Natalya has become a happy mother of three children, and despite this,
her body is considered the standard of female beauty.


The once model with this name has become a real standard of beauty. With his
She was short in stature and weighed only 40 kilograms. Many people said
unanimously that Twiggy is one of the most beautiful models, and in her time could
compete with Marilyn Monroe.


Verushka is another skinny model who surprised the whole world not only with her talent,
but excessive thinness. But many publications drew attention to the fact that Veruschka
suffered from an extreme stage of exhaustion, the cause of which was her low weight. Until now
It has not yet been proven whether the girl suffered from anorexia or not, but her forms were far beyond
beyond the norm.


In the life of this model there was a place for many harmful habits, which, according to her
words did not allow her to gain weight. She attributed her reluctance to gain weight to her addiction to
drugs, but many do not believe that this is interconnected.


Jamie King surprised the world not only with her exorbitant thinness, but also with her alcohol -
drug addiction. The decline of her career began the moment she met
with photographer David Sorrenti, who later died, and Jamie herself ended up in
hospital, where she spent a very long time.


Anna Reston is a famous “victim” of anorexia. The girl's career began very
quickly, but after arriving from China, where she was told that she was too fat, Anna
I went on a strict diet.


Snezhana Onopka - she was officially proclaimed the thinnest of the catwalk models.


Olga Sherer is considered one of the thinnest models, however, this
hereditary. It can be safely called a real decoration of any designer's room.


The model has never been curvy, but recently
she looks much exhausted than before. Many foretell her anorexia,
if she doesn't stop with her diet.


Kim Nurda, a girl with an alien appearance, has recently
I lost a lot, although I was never plump.

Woman’s Day introduces you to girls you can only envy - beautiful, slender. Admire their photos and learn from their experience in keeping your figure in perfect condition.

Dinara Akhmadova, producer, radio host, young mother

Age – 24 years

Height – 167 cm

Weight – 52 kg

– Knowing how much I love to cook, everyone asks how I manage not to gain weight. Everything is very simple - culinary masterpieces are prepared for the husband. I have a separate menu: oatmeal with honey, chicken or fish, vegetables, rice, buckwheat, cottage cheese, light soup, cheese, nuts and most importantly - no salt (at all). Like that. I eat five to six times a day in small portions according to the following scheme: breakfast - carbohydrates, lunch - protein + fat or protein + complex carbohydrate, dinner - protein, snacks - fat. And of course, sport in all its forms is always present in my life!

Yulia Gritsuk, TV presenter, producer. Founder of the Hello TV school of television

Age – 31 years

Height – 165 cm

Weight – 52 kg

How do I keep fit? I try to walk as much as possible, plus 3 times a week I work out according to the program of the famous Australian Kayla Itsines. After the baby was born, I revised my eating schedule. Now I try to stick to separate meals. For lunch, only the first or second course. Tea - at least an hour later. I’ll probably never be able to give up sweets, but I started a small saucer in which I put dessert for myself. My motto: anything is possible, but the volume should be small. Well, chocolate - every day, but only bitter! Sometimes, of course, I violate my diet, but rules are made to be broken!

Yulia Biryukova, model, agency V.G.models

Age – 22 years

Height – 179 cm

Weight – 56 kg

– In the past, I am a professional athlete, but now I do modern dancing and physical activity to stay in shape.

My secret to being slim: a healthy lifestyle. Sports, proper nutrition and at least 1.5 liters of water per day. My rule: “Breakfast like a queen, lunch like a princess, and dinner like a pauper.” Instead of dinner, a walk in the fresh air is best.

Veronica Budyanskaya, model, agency CARMEN model management

Age – 17 years

Height – 174 cm

Weight – 49 kg

– The first secret of being slim is loving yourself and your body, since our body is the temple of our soul. The second secret is exercise in the morning. Give yourself 15-20 minutes and cheer yourself up for the whole day! Third secret: water is our best friend! 15–20 minutes before meals, drink a glass of water and then start eating; water cleanses the body of toxins.

The fourth secret is to eat often, but little. Eat at least 4 times a day, portions should be 1.5–2 times smaller than usual, also chew each piece thoroughly (at least 30 times!), this will help not only your stomach, but also your figure! The fifth secret is sweets only before 12:00. Follow two golden rules: consume in moderation and only before 12:00, since carbohydrates do not interfere with our body in the first half of the day. The sixth secret - down with fast food! Forget the drive to McDonald's and fast food stands. This food does not bring any benefit, but only harm to health. And the seventh secret - do not starve, because hunger gives a signal to the body - stock up!

Tatyana Vyshinskaya, cosmetologist

Age – 32 years

Height – 160 cm

Weight – 47 kg

– I am lucky by nature - I have a genetically determined accelerated metabolism. But of course, this is not a guarantee that you will remain slim throughout your life. As a doctor by training, I can say that leading a healthy lifestyle to maintain beauty and health is a necessity. But the basis of being slim is frequent small meals with the right foods, physical activity and adherence to a daily routine.

Victoria Gerasimova, model, CARMEN model management agency

Age – 22 years

Height – 167 cm

Weight – 46 kg

– My secret to being slim is proper nutrition and daily exercise in the morning. To always be in good shape, you need to choose the right, healthy diet. The main thing is to start your day right. I do exercises in the morning and then have oatmeal for breakfast. I eat several more small meals throughout the day and never overeat. The main products for me are vegetables and fruits. But my most important rule for being slim is not to be a couch potato.

Aliana Ustinenko (Gobozova), ex-participant of the Dom-2 project

Age – 21 years

Height – 177 cm

Weight – 55 kg

“I gained extra pounds during pregnancy, but then I quickly got into shape. Girls, if you want to lose weight after giving birth, breastfeed your baby! After all, during this period you need to follow a diet: eat cottage cheese, chicken, turkey, drink tea with milk. It is better not to abuse either fruits or sweets. The only thing to make my stomach go away quickly is to sleep on it. I don't get to go to the gym often, but I had abs even before pregnancy. That's why I don't have stretch marks on my stomach. If a girl went in for sports before pregnancy, like me, then she will quickly get in shape and with little loss.

Irina Dyakova, choreographer, Hogwarts dance school

Age – 29 years

Height – 164 cm

Weight – 48 kg

– The secret of my beauty is simple: dancing and an active, healthy lifestyle. In fact, I don’t have any special nutrition secrets. I have a genetic predisposition to thinness, I can eat anything and not get fat. But you still need to watch your belly! Abdominal exercises, stretching and dancing - every day in class. I always try to eat liquid for lunch. It is good for the stomach. I have a good breakfast and try to have a snack every time I feel hungry, so that I don’t eat huge portions for lunch and dinner later. But this is not because I force myself to do so, but because I eat when I want, that’s all. It’s just that if I don’t fuel myself until lunch, I’ll definitely eat more for lunch. I don’t want to fill my stomach and go to class with a bulging tummy!

Natalya Emelyanenkova, host of the morning show on Volgograd FM

Age – 23 years

Height – 177 cm

Weight – 53 kg

– I don’t have any special secrets for staying slim. I just work a lot. And when I have time, I visit the fitness center. And of course, I try to eat right! In all 23 years I have never been on a diet. I am also a very positive person. It has long been known that a good mood and a smile have a very positive effect on health and can turn any girl into a beauty!

Anastasia Zheltova, Miss Student - 2015

Age – 22 years

Height – 170 cm

Weight – 57 kg

– To keep fit, I dance and sometimes go to the pool. I try to eat less flour and sweets, I prefer to eat healthy foods: fruits, vegetables, mainly chicken. After 6 pm it is better not to eat sweets and fast carbohydrates. I gave up sodas completely.

Yulia Kovalchuk, singer and TV presenter

Age – 32 years

Height – 165 cm

Weight – 50 kg

The secret of the singer's slimness is constant movement. Yulia has been involved in choreography since childhood; dancing is present in her creative life to this day, and in huge quantities. Kovalchuk tries to replace sweets with dried fruits. He never starts dessert until he has eaten the first and second. Eats small portions five to six times a day. I completely eliminated ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard from my diet.

Anna Kryukova, model, V.G.models agency

Age – 18 years

Height – 177 cm

Weight – 58 kg

– I study at VolgGASU, I work at the Tsaritsyn Opera Theater as a ballet dancer - this is my hobby and favorite pastime, in addition to drawing, sometimes I play the piano for myself. I love cycling and also rollerblading. My secret to staying slim is physical activity every day and proper nutrition. I keep a regular daily routine.

Daria Martynova, model, CARMEN model management agency

Age – 19 years

Height – 176 cm

Weight – 49 kg

– Every girl wants to be slim. Slimness is not only beauty. This is, first of all, good health and energy. More and more often, girls are resorting to diets in order to get rid of a couple of extra pounds. By going on a diet, you will achieve temporary results, but if you return to your usual way of eating, the weight will quickly return, taking with you a reserve. This is how our body works. Any appearance can be ruined or transformed. Slimness is not a final result achieved once and for all, but a continuous process of caring for your figure. Slimness always “keeps up” with the right lifestyle.

Yulia Maryashina, TV presenter, is currently on maternity leave, her daughter Milan is 8 months old

Age – I prefer not to think about it

Height – 171 cm

Weight – 52 kg

– My secret to being slim is that my beloved man is nearby, my incentive. No diets, just an active lifestyle. I can’t sit still, so I chose journalism as my profession. And in order not to get bored on maternity leave, she opened her own business - a store of children's designer clothes from Russian manufacturers, “Fashionable Baby”. In general, I have no time to get fat! For those for whom work does not help, I advise you to take up water aerobics. I consider physical exercise in water the best way to restore body tone - faster and much more enjoyable than working out in the gym.

Ekaterina Meleshnikova, actress of the NET theater

Age – 34 years

Height – 172 cm

Weight – 57 kg

– I don’t have any special secrets for staying slim. Just eat less and move more. The acting profession involves enormous physical exertion. After a serious performance you feel like after a workout in the gym. Therefore, the more work – the fewer kilograms! I try to go to aerobics twice a week, and not eat any junk like sausages, bread and mayonnaise. I love vegetable salads, herbs and meat dishes. I really like Georgian cuisine. I almost never eat sweets (I just don’t like them). I try to drink more water. In general, before the premiere, minus 3 kg is the norm, without special diets or expenses.

Yulia Mikhailova, Mrs. Volzhsky – 2014

Age – 31 years

Height – 170 cm

Weight – 55 kg

– In my opinion, a beautiful figure is based on “three pillars”: proper nutrition, sports and cosmetic procedures. More than one article has been written about proper nutrition. I will only repeat that food should be balanced, you should eat often and in small portions and, if possible, exclude harmful foods. I start my day with a glass of warm water with half a lemon and a spoon of honey. This is an amazing energy shake! Be sure to have a hearty breakfast with porridge. I can’t imagine how some people can be content with just a cup of coffee in the morning! At lunchtime I always eat the first hot course; it’s good for both the stomach and the figure in general. But dinner in our family is light: vegetable salad or fish baked in the oven. I can get by with a glass of kefir, and after 19:00 I try not to eat.

Exercising is the second component of a beautiful figure! It is necessary to engage in physical activity regularly and regularly! The main thing is to find something you like: yoga, pole dance, water aerobics, Pilates, gym. I tried all the directions and now I have settled on pole dancing. In addition, my morning begins with a 15-minute exercise, which helps me wake up and get into the mood for work! I used to run in the morning for 10 years, but after the birth of my child I gave up this activity, which I regret.

And the third “whale” of a beautiful figure is various cosmetic procedures. Personally, I can’t imagine my life without going to the bathhouse. With my friend, an equally avid bathhouse attendant, we go every week on Sundays, even in the heat of summer. The bathhouse is a treasure trove of beauty treatments! And after the birth of my child, I literally became hooked on massage. It is not only good for the body, but also incredibly pleasant.

So having a beautiful slim figure is not that difficult. The main thing is not to be lazy and, of course, love yourself!

Yulia Onufrienko, model, CARMEN model management agency

Age – 20 years

Height – 175 cm

Weight – 52 kg

– Nowadays, it’s probably no longer a secret to anyone in what ways you can achieve the desired slimness: an active lifestyle, proper nutrition, exercise, all kinds of diets, etc. These and other methods have long been heard by every person. It so happened that nature rewarded me with slimness, and, fortunately, it is not difficult for me to keep myself in the right shape. Based on experience, I can assume that the most difficult thing for losing weight is maintaining a special regime in a timely manner. Nowadays, there are a lot of factors that have different effects on our health and psychological state from the outside. Therefore, there are no secrets! Everything is within us and directly depends only on the person. My advice: how big your goal is, the more satisfied you will be with yourself in the future. This doesn't just apply to appearance. Protect yourself from harmful circumstances, unnecessary people and bad thoughts, and everything will work out for you!

Elina Semenenko, presenter of the First Volgograd Channel

Age – 28 years

Height – 166 cm

Weight – 49 kg

– I was never a “donut” and always loved sports. Before pregnancy, I went to the gym, played table tennis, and went to the pool during pregnancy. I didn’t give up sports after the birth of my child. I go to the pool once a week; when I have time, I jump rope, do hula hoops, do abs at home, and ride a bike. The main secret to being slim is movement. Girls! Don’t be afraid to have children, don’t be afraid to become mother hens. As long as you move a lot, you are young! This is my principle! I don't restrict myself in food at all! I even eat at night, I eat sweets and buns. And in the morning I put the baby in the kangaroo and go for an hour-long walk in the park. No more extra calories! I recommend this recipe to everyone: pour boiling water over instant oatmeal, let it sit, add a spoonful of honey and nuts. Very tasty and healthy for hair, nails and the whole body as a whole.

Olesya Semenova, model, V.G.models agency

Age – 19 years

Height – 180 cm

Weight – 56 kg

– I believe that every girl should take care of her figure. It doesn’t matter if you’re a model or a lawyer. I think that even if I were not a model, I would still want to look slim and well-groomed. The secret of my slimness is not one, it is a series of daily steps on the way to a beautiful body. I either heard all this from someone or read it. Nowadays there is a lot of information about losing weight, but everyone chooses exactly what suits them. I, in turn, adhere to the following rules:

The first is, of course, healthy eating. Your food should contain all the substances your body needs. You need to eat fiber, grains, and protein foods. If something is missing, you can add vitamins. I personally take one tablet a day with a complex of vitamins and minerals. Of course, don’t forget about water; I only recently taught myself to drink 1.5 liters a day. And of course, the well-known rule is not to eat 3-4 hours before bedtime. This really has a great impact on weight loss, because the body has time to process all the food before it goes into, so to speak, “sleep mode.”

I won’t surprise anyone with the second rule either. Movement is life, as they say. The best thing, of course, is training or a sport that you are interested in. I work out in the gym 2-3 times a week, mainly choosing cardio exercises: walking, running, jumping, elliptical, etc., plus exercises for all muscle groups, but with low weights and a high number of repetitions. That is, I work to burn fat. In everyday life you also need to move more, forget about the elevator and walk more.

Third and most importantly, you need to want to be in a slim body! After all, if you don’t want this, no one will force you or watch you. All restrictions to achieve results should be a joy, and not cause a feeling of hatred. Of course, I'm not perfect in all these rules. I, like any girl, love sweets and allow myself to have them, but you need to understand that you need to “pay” for it either by hard training or by restricting your food intake. And I try to make up for missed workouts by jogging around the house in the evening. If something goes wrong in your struggle for an ideal figure, the main thing is not to give up halfway. Start again and with even more persistence! And never neglect your body, because it is better to immediately give up something desired, but harmful to your figure, than to restore your ideal body for a long time.

It is very rare to hear from a girl that she would like to gain weight; most often you hear about constant diets and extra pounds. And how disappointing it can be when at 25 you look 20, have a slim and toned body, and people around you are constantly telling you: “Oh, you’re so skinny, you need to eat!”

And how do you explain to others that it’s not you who exhausted yourself with diets, but your body constitution is such, and nothing can be done about it, that’s why, when you’re happy with everything anyway. But it turns out that very thin girls also sometimes have a hard time, because such a figure is often difficult to call feminine and harmonious.

In order to hide excessive thinness, there are some tricks and unspoken rules, following which you will always look sophisticated and elegant.

For some reason, there is an opinion among girls that in order to hide excessive thinness, two extremes are necessary. One of them is buying clothes several sizes larger, but think about how funny thin arms look against the background of large sleeves of a sweater or thin legs in a huge skirt.

Another opinion is to buy things that completely hug your figure. There are, of course, things that will favorably emphasize your figure, but you need to make sure that this is not unnecessary, because you don’t really want to show off excessive thinness for everyone to see.

So, is it possible to choose fashionable clothes for very thin girls without showing off the angular curves of your figure? Thin hands, legs, hips, I want to add volume to the figure where they are so lacking, but this is absolutely unrealistic if you are wrapped in robes or covered with fabrics. To help you in this difficult task, we have prepared for you five recommendations for creating the perfect style.

How to choose?

Rule No. 1. Striped

Girls of absolutely all body types should know this simple geometric trick. It has long been a known fact that vertical clothing forces the gaze to slide from bottom to top, so the figure visually lengthens and narrows, adding a few more kilograms to excessive thinness.

But the horizontal stripe visually adds volume, and the wider the stripe, the more the figure expands. This, of course, does not mean that you need to turn into a striped suitcase, but, for example, a combination of a striped top and light trousers will definitely give your figure the missing volume.

Rule No. 2. Volumetric

As we have already said, narrow and tight clothes remain for the owner of curvaceous figures, and we need to choose clothes so that they hide excessive thinness, and do not emphasize it, like, for example, all sorts of turtlenecks and tight dresses.

We can say that you are lucky, thin girls can easily experiment with voluminous models, for example, with flowing blouses and skirts; fashionable loose-fitting ones that go well with trousers and shorts are suitable.

And if you are also tall, long dresses and dresses can fit perfectly. But, in order not to turn into a shapeless bag or an inflatable ball, it is better to dilute your outfit with a thin strap that will successfully emphasize the waistline, making the image both airy and graceful.

Rule No. 3. Ruffles and ruffles

What specific models should very thin girls not wear? This is especially true for dresses, which have recently become so popular; you want to follow the latest fashion canons, but this is not acceptable everywhere.

For example, models with sharp and deep necklines are absolutely not recommended for thin girls; you should also pay attention to the legs; if they are like two thin sticks, then it is better to avoid mini-length, because it will only emphasize the angularity of the figure.

And here are dresses with a variety of ruffles, frills and voluminous decor. Those that have a sun-flared or tulip style are better suited; they will visually add smooth curves where, theoretically, every woman should have them.

Rule No. 4. Proper shoes and accessories

It’s not always about clothes alone; you need to approach such important points as shoes and related accessories wisely. Lately, bulky shoes have come into fashion, accompanied by thick high heels or weighty wedges.

But, regardless of height, such models will have to be abandoned, because they will visually emphasize the excessive thinness of the legs. It is better to choose elegant models, preferably with stiletto heels, and you should not abuse the height, 3-5 centimeters is enough.

As for various decorations, here too fashion is not on our side now. Such fashionable large earrings and beads will have to be left aside; in any case, you should not allow yourself to wear such clothes often. But elegant models, such as thin chains with a pendant, a pearl necklace, drop earrings - all this will look very harmonious on thin girls.

Rule No. 5. We follow the principle of multi-layering

An ordinary plain dress and shoes are not always interesting, but you are lucky, a slender figure allows you to experiment a lot, for example, combining clothes of different textures and colors, creating the most unusual combinations that are inaccessible to the owner of curvaceous figures.

For example, a voluminous dress that is decorated with a belt at the waist and a knitted cardigan thrown on top looks very interesting. You can wear a voluminous colorful blouse under a sheath dress, and a plaid shirt is perfect over a plain T-shirt.

What can you say in addition?

So, what other things should thin girls wear, and which ones would it be better to avoid? We must not forget that thin individuals often have very thin necks and protruding collarbones; they can be covered with a simple scarf or handkerchief; choose a blouse that is decorated with a bright frill or collar.

Small breasts are a common occurrence in thin girls; to hide this detail, you can take a closer look at blouses with a lush frill or flounces in this area; jackets that can be decorated with various draperies and patterns on the chest are also suitable.

By the way, you will have to give up too-tight trousers; trousers and skinny jeans can also emphasize the excessive slenderness of your legs. It is best to choose models such as knee flares or hip flares, which perfectly emphasize the hips, but hide “boyish” curves.

We must not forget about the color scheme; it is better to abandon the universal black color, and turn your attention to light colors, which also visually add volume in the necessary places. As for fabrics, for example, in summer soft and airy models look best. But the main rule must always be observed: clothes must be selected in size, only then will they look appropriate and harmonious.

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