Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Business ideas on mint. How to make money on mint? Growing mint in a greenhouse Industrial cultivation of mint

Mint with your own beneficial properties known to absolutely everyone. That is why they try to collect it and dry it for the winter. But some people prefer to grow mint in a greenhouse. This allows you to be less dependent on weather conditions and always have on hand the amount of mint that is needed.

Conditions for growing mint in a greenhouse

This plant itself is very unpretentious. It doesn't particularly require difficult conditions for cultivation. Therefore, with the proper approach, you can grow mint in a greenhouse even in winter. Of course, for this, the greenhouse must be heated and ventilated. Best ways to collect big harvest– this is hydroponics and heating on peat.

Mint survives frosts well down to -8 0 C. And it begins to germinate at minimal above-zero temperatures. But drought and lack of light can be detrimental to this greenery. It is better to choose soil that is sufficiently fertile. Floodplain and lowland chernozems are well suited.

The soil must not be allowed to dry out. If mint is grown in the ground, it is best to provide a greenhouse. The soil is periodically loosened to ensure better breathing of the root system. Weeds must be removed promptly. This will allow the mint to get more nutrients from the soil.

How to properly grow mint in greenhouse conditions?

To get the most friendly shoots, before planting in the greenhouse, mint seeds can be pre-treated with a regular aquarium compressor. Seeds placed in water are pumped with oxygen, which increases their viability. It is advisable to plant the opened seed immediately after processing. If this is not possible, then you should dry them in a draft.

Experienced farmers recommend using a coconut briquette substrate when planting in a greenhouse. This will make the process of caring for the planting easier, since coconut allows the plant to control the flow of liquid to the root system. But this method is only necessary to obtain large yields (for example, in the field of entrepreneurship).

When sowing seeds, it is necessary to ensure high-quality and abundant watering. In order for the crop to germinate faster, the plantings can be covered with film. Natural lighting is quite enough. If the greenhouse does not have a permanent heating system, it must be remembered that a sharp temperature change in spring or autumn can destroy young seedlings. Therefore, it is recommended to cover young shoots at night.

If it is not possible to plant seeds directly into the ground, you may be puzzled by the question of how to grow mint in a greenhouse seedling method. This method involves germinating seeds in boxes at home. Seedlings are planted within 10-14 days. It is very important to regularly moisten the plantings. A humidity level of 60-70% is considered normal and acceptable.

Powdery mildew is considered a dangerous disease for greenhouse mint. It appears when sudden temperature changes occur. The most common pests are greenhouse whiteflies, aphids and spider mite. You can get rid of them by spraying the plantings with industrial preparations or using appropriate folk remedies.

Growing peppermint.

The greatest yields are obtained with a sufficient supply of all elements of mineral nutrition and the application of manure or compost (30...50 t/ha).

As planting material use rhizomes, seedlings and creeping shoots. It is best to plant rhizomes and their segments with 3...4 nodes.

Mint is usually planted in early spring with row spacing of 70 cm, placing the rhizomes in a continuous strip in wet soil to a depth of 7...8 cm and immediately closing the grooves. 500...600 kg of rhizomes are required per 1 hectare. Special planting machines are also used.

Caring for mint includes 4...5 inter-row cultivations with weeding in the rows. On insufficiently fertile soils, nitrogen fertilizing is carried out.

In the first year best time harvesting mint - at full flowering, in the second or third years - in the budding phase. They mow mint with hay mowers or reapers with lifters. The mowed mass is left for 1...2 days in windrows for drying (humidity not less than 30%), then it is. are picked up and sent to the plant for processing. When irrigated, mint can produce two cuttings per year.

When sowing mint is left for the second and third years after harvesting, the row spacing is cultivated to a depth of 6...8 cm. In the fall, the plantation is mulched with manure (20...30 t/ha), snow retention is carried out in the winter, and harrowing is carried out in the spring.

In the spring, after the emergence of seedlings, the row spacing is thinned out with cultivators, leaving strips of mint 15...20 cm wide intact. Subsequently, repeated cultivation and weeding are carried out in the rows. In thinned crops, mint is replanted with sections of rhizomes or rooted shoots.

In autumn, dig up the soil well, selecting rhizomatous weeds, add humus or compost (3-4 kg per 1 m2) and garden mineral mixture or ash (50-60 or 200 g per 1 m2, respectively). In the spring, the soil is dug up, and nitrogen fertilizers (20 g per 1 m2) are applied under the rake. Before planting, it is carefully leveled, and beds are made in low areas.

Mint is often propagated vegetatively, sometimes by seedlings. Stem cuttings are cut in the summer, rooted in the sand and planted in the fall. Whole or cut into pieces creeping ground shoots are planted in the fall. The rhizomes, divided into parts, are planted and in early spring. Planting depth 6-8 cm.

Seeds for seedlings are sown in March in seed boxes, greenhouses or greenhouses. They are not sealed, but rolled. Seedlings are planted in a greenhouse or on beds, then planted on permanent place in furrows 9-12 cm deep (the distance between them is 50-70 cm, between plants 25-30 cm). The roots are covered with moist soil, which is then compacted. If the volume is small, a square nest pattern (35x35 cm) is possible.

To prevent mint from growing too much in the area, we can recommend a different planting method. Several pieces of rhizomes are planted in a pot or bucket without a bottom and buried in the ground so that top edge the vessel looked out from the soil by 5 cm. You can lay a black film around it.

The day after planting, the soil is loosened and mulched with a layer of humus of 2-3 cm. In the first year, two or three waterings are carried out, as well as loosening the rows with weeding. Every year in the fall humus is added (2-3 kg per 1 m2). In spring it is embedded in the soil when loosened. Flower buds and excess shoots are systematically removed. This promotes better growth of vegetative mass.

For fresh consumption, leaves and shoots are cut off as needed. Harvesting for future use begins the next year after planting. Cut mint at the beginning of flowering, when it contains the greatest amount essential oil. Usually, two cuttings are carried out per season, and three if regrowth is good. Plants cut near the ground are dried on the site, dried under a canopy and stored in paper bags at a temperature of 10...15 ° C. The yield of dry mass is 200 g per 1 m 2.

After harvesting, the area is loosened and the full mineral fertilizer(50-60 g per 10 l of water, working solution consumption 10 l per 2-3 m2). Every spring it is advisable to transplant rhizome shoots from old areas to new ones.

IN middle lane mint is often affected by fungal diseases: rust and powdery mildew. The first sign is orange swellings, the second is a whitish coating on both sides of the leaves. As a result, they quickly age and fall off. Single affected plants are dug up and burned. In case of widespread disease, the plantings are sprayed two or three times with a solution of garlic, onion, tobacco or celandine or copper chloroxide.

Obtaining seeds.

For seed purposes, rhizome shoots are selected from typical healthy plants that have a characteristic strong odor. They are planted separately according to a 60 x 60 cm pattern and the leaves are not cut off later. As soon as the seeds ripen, the stems are cut, dried and threshed. Seed yield is 20-30 g per 1 m2.

Possible failures.

When cultivating mint, they are extremely rare, mainly due to non-compliance with agricultural practices. However, it should be remembered that mint quickly spreads throughout the entire area and can drown out other crops.

The necessary greens are often grown in a greenhouse. One of these crops is lemon balm, which is familiar to many by its other name - lemon balm. In the photo you can see what this culture looks like.

The description of lemon balm will allow you to determine how it is needed and where it can be used. If you decide to grow such a fresh spice with a charming smell, you should familiarize yourself with the key principles of caring for it in advance. Experience shows that growing lemon balm is not difficult, even for young gardeners.

  • Growing lemon balm - photo

Development of lemon balm planting

Developing a planting of long herbs is quite simple. But you should not forget that its germination rate is very low. In the last days of May or in the first days of summer, you will need to prepare cups or special boxes for planting material.

Germination of lemon balm seeds is not very good

Attention! Growing lemon balm in a greenhouse allows you to plant it directly in the ground.

When sprouts appear, they can be thinned out. This approach will ensure normal development and active growth spicy herbs. Optimal distance There is a gap of at least 5 cm between the sprouts.

Another main rule for caring for lemon balm plantings is to provide the crop with good lighting. It is recommended to install the box with seedlings as close to the light source as possible. Spicy greens respond excellently to unnatural lighting.

It will be especially necessary to use a lamp for lemon balm seedlings on cloudy days.

When planting, seeds do not need to be buried very deep.

In order for the seedlings to develop well, they can be planted in peat pots. For optimal growth of seedlings, it is possible to use nitrogen fertilizers. But it is much more serious to thin out the lemon balm in time. This will need to be done when the first leaves form.

It is fundamentally important to take into account that it is not customary to pick this culture. After approximately 40 days, lemon balm is planted in a permanent place in the greenhouse, if this was not done immediately.

Preparing land for grass and using cuttings

Planting herbs has a sequence of twists. First of all, it is recommended to plant it in well-prepared soil. Earth is recommended:

  • dig up;
  • free from weeds, if any;
  • fertilize with organic and mineral compounds.

It is extremely important that the substrate in the greenhouse does not turn sour. If such a possibility exists, it is recommended to provide the area with good drainage. To do this, it is possible to use small crushed stone or crushed brick.

If this problem is not eliminated, you may encounter death of the root and rotting of the lemon balm system.

Melissa seeds

Well-drained soil is the first step to successful crop cultivation. But we should not forget about the highlights of the soil. A good substrate for lemon balm is sandy loam neutral or slightly acidic soil.

Acidic soil is not suitable for growing lemon balm in a greenhouse.

Advice. If the soil in the greenhouse is acidic, you will need to add dolomite flour to the soil.

Because growing herbs from seeds is a very long and labor-intensive process, many gardeners prefer to use cuttings. It is recommended to remove them lower leaves. The planting material itself should be at least 15-20 cm in height. In just a couple of days, lemon balm produces roots if you place the stems in water to which a couple of drops of a growth stimulator have been added.

In most cases, after seven days the plant’s personal root complex is formed. It is already possible to plant such lemon balm in closed ground.

Lemon balm can be grown by cuttings

Key principles of crop care

As for caring for lemon balm, first of all it needs:

  1. Systematic spraying (especially at elevated air temperatures and excessive dryness)/
  2. Moderate watering.
  3. Sufficient amount of light.
  4. Availability of backlight.

It is optimal to plant lemon balm in spring period. To get a lemon balm harvest in the greenhouse winter period, it is worth planting in the last days of summer or early September. Along with this, it is recommended to provide the herb with a sufficient amount of natural sunlight and additional lighting.

Mint in a greenhouse requires good air humidity.

When sowing lemon grass, it is recommended to leave at least 25 cm between successions. If grass seedlings are used, they must be transferred to the ground at an age of at least 35 days.

The crop needs to be watered about 3 times every 8-10 days. In summer, watering should be plentiful; with the onset of cold weather, it must be reduced. The most important thing is to prevent liquid from stagnating in the soil.

Despite the fact that herbs love water, too much water can cause the crop to become sick or rot.

Sufficient air humidity is no less important for the lemon plant. On summer days, it is recommended to spray the grass with cool water. To do this, you should use a spray bottle. This procedure will provide lemon balm with strength.

Its pages will acquire an attractive coloring and become juicier and larger.

When the stems reach 20 cm in height, their tops are in most cases shortened. This avoids the formation and weakening of lemon balm color on it. By pinching, side shoots will begin to appear, resulting in a lot of foliage.

Lemon mint needs to be watered every 2-3 days.

The optimal temperature for lemon balm growth is 18-20 degrees. It must be remembered: sudden changes in temperature levels negatively affect the condition of the leaves of the crop. Heat is also detrimental to them.

As you can see, growing lemon herb in a greenhouse is a fairly simple and feasible task for most gardeners. The main thing is to provide the crop with a sufficient level of illumination and timely optimal moisture.

Melissa or lemon balm - video

Growing lemon balm - photo

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