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Why a bee sting in a dream. Why dream of a bee sting in a dream from a dream book? Seeing dead bees in a dream

In general, bees are a good symbol. They promise a person profit and prosperity. To understand more about what bees dream of, dream books will help.

Dream Interpretation: why do bees dream?

  • In Vanga's dream book, bees symbolize irresponsibility and self-interest. The clairvoyant is sure that insects from sleep suggest that it is these qualities that prevail in a person’s character. They need to be actively fought.
  • According to Miller, bees promise good luck and profitable deals related to money. For parents, a dream with these insects promises pride in their heirs.
  • The dream book of Nostradamus suggests that bees from a dream turn out to be harbingers of a large monetary gain. How more insects turned out to be around the sleeping person, the more impressive the jackpot he will hit.

See a swarm of bees in a dream / a lot

  • It happens that a swarm of bees in a dream flies over the head of the dreamer's ill-wishers. This is a clear sign that the enemy will soon be defeated and will not have time to add problems to a person's real life.
  • A huge number of insects flew in the apiary? It is worth boldly deciding to change jobs, no matter how good and promising the current one may seem. A new place will bring a person not only great money, but also long-awaited moral satisfaction.
  • A large swarm in a hive does portend real wealth to a person. Soon the sleeper will have a chance to get it easily.

Bees that bite and sting

Are bees biting a sleeping person in a dream? In reality, you should take a closer look at your surroundings. This applies even to the closest friends whom the dreamer endlessly trusts. Perhaps one of them wants to offend him. Another interpretation of such a plot portends the loss of a job.

If you manage to remember the place where the sleeping bee stung, this moment should also be taken into account when dealing with the meaning of sleep:

  • in the neck - to gossip and rumors that ill-wishers will spread about a man or woman;
  • on the lips real life you need to carefully control your words, otherwise one extra phrase can provoke a serious conflict around the sleeping person;
  • in the face - a person is waiting for an unpleasant conversation with parents or management at the workplace;
  • in hand - you can expect big profits.

Working bees in a dream portend profit and prosperity. But to hear their buzzing in a dream is a sign of delay or obstacles in business, and sometimes resentment.

If a bee stung you in a dream, then your envious people and enemies will harm you or hurt you.

If you dream that bees are sitting on your head, then success in business awaits you. If at the same time the bees buzz, then the dream warns you of the danger of appearing in crowded places, as you may suffer from a crowd or in a crowd. They say that sometimes such a dream can even portend death from an accident in a crowded place.

Planting bees in a hive or killing them in a dream means that you can damage your condition. If you dream that bees brought honey to your house, then success, well-being and respect of others await you.

A bee swarm in a dream means profit and wealth, unless you are afraid of it. If in a dream you were afraid, then you are in danger from enemies who intend to deal with you and harm your well-being.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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See bees in a dream

Bees portend successful and profitable deals, agreements.

For an officer, this dream portends obedient, disciplined subordinates and a healthy environment.

For a business person - the growth of trade turnover. For parents, there are many joys that children will bring to them with their diligence.

If a bee stings, a dream portends a loss or an insult inflicted by one of your friends.

If you dream that a whole swarm of bees is chasing you, then this portends health. A dream in which a swarm is chasing your child is especially favorable.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

See bees in a dream

See - find out the bad news;

Catch - streamline your affairs;

Being bitten is a small monetary gain;

Buzzing at work - great hopes;

Being stung is resistance;

Swarming - for the farmers - good year;

For others - losses; to kill is misfortune and disadvantages.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Hasse

What do bee dreams mean

Dream about bees good dream. He promises everyone good luck and change for the better.

This dream promises honor and respect to the rich, long-awaited prosperity to the poor.

Those who love are promised a happy marriage and a large friendly family in which children will take care of their old people when they are weak and sick.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Dream about bees

Bees are fire. If you dream that the swarm has flown out, there will be a fire, the house will burn down. If you dream of a bee swarm - to death. Bees - depending on what they have covered - fire or dead.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

What does it mean in a dream Bees

Good, win, profit // heavy thoughts, gossip, need, tears, snow, rain, misfortune, death, for worse, trouble, to the fire;

Catch, collect - self-interest in the economy; fly - a blizzard, snow; winds over your head - you will defeat the enemy;

They fly in the house - death; bite - get pregnant (girl) // die, fire; swarm - for the wedding // fire;

A swarm of bees - relatives, an increase in the family // death;

They flew away (from the hive) - the family goes broke, death, fire; sat in the hair - death; catch a swarm - profit;

To catch - to overcome the enemy; to kill a bee - harm, loss.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

The meaning of the dreams of the bee

Dreaming bees portend bad news if they circle over flowers. Bees flying out of the hive promise big profits and the conclusion of successful contracts.

A bee that stings you in a dream means tears from the insult inflicted by a person in whom you do not have a soul. A crushed bee is a sign of betrayal and treason. Run away from a swarm of bees - your hopes will not come true, fumigate a swarm of bees - strengthen your health in reality.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does Bee mean in a dream

Bees in a dream portend successful and profitable deals, agreements.

For a business person, such a dream promises an increase in trade turnover, for parents - a lot of joy from their children.

If a bee stings you, damage or insult caused to you by one of your friends is possible.

If in a dream a swarm of bees pursues you, this portends health. A dream in which bees are chasing your child is considered especially favorable.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Meaning of Sleep Bees

This is fertility, wealth, benefit, profit, power and high position, achieved with difficulty and perseverance.

It is also believed that if someone sees a bee in a dream, then this portends him to communicate in the near future with a famous doctor or scientist, because bees produce honey, and honey is medicine.

Being stung by a bee in a dream is a quick quarrel with someone, because of which you may suffer. Taking away all their honey from bees and eating it means that you appropriated someone else's.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

Interpretation of sleep Bees

To see bees collecting nectar - you will have to work hard, but this work will be a real pleasure for you. Bees swarming in a hive - your diligence will be generously rewarded.

Imagine that the bees are yours, you have a huge apiary. Imagine beehives and flowering meadows (see Apiary).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

What bees predict in a dream

A dream about bees portends successful and profitable deals.

For a military man, this dream promises obedient, disciplined subordinates.

For a business person - the growth of well-being.

Parents are happy with their children.

If you were stung by a bee in a dream, then one of your friends may insult you.

A dream in which a whole swarm of bees is chasing you portends health.

A woman who sees a swarm of bees in a dream will meet a man in reality who will initially see her only as a sex partner. This circumstance will greatly depress her, so she is unlikely to experience the pleasure of communicating with this person.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see bees in a dream

A bee is the soul of the righteous, the intercession of saints.

To see bees - danger from fire / inspiration / fire of purgatory, cleansing fire.

Bees curling over your head - victory, triumph, success.

To see bees attacking people is an epidemic, pestilence.

Kill a bee - counteraction, interference.

A beehive with bees is wealth.

Jumping on him is slander out of envy.

Extracting honey from it is a danger from fire.

Wax in the form of fantastic blocks, caves - some phenomena associated with divination.

In the form of honeycombs - the "spiritual plane" of the body.

Just wax in and out - good.

Melting wax - there is a rapid spiritual development / relief in illnesses.

Wrinkle the wax in your hand - harm from compliance.

Pour wax, eat - money.

To see honey is happiness, profit.

There is honey - sadness, the fruits of a bad upbringing.

Drinking honey - success in poetic and artistic works / some familiarity with the world of the dead

Interpretation of dreams from

It is no secret to anyone that the bee personifies industriousness, quickness, fussiness, diligence, frugality and economy. After all, it is no coincidence that people say about a hardworking person “works like a bee”, and many banks use the image of a bee in the emblem as a symbol of the fact that this bank is profitable and the money invested in it will not only be saved, but will also bring high interest.

Perhaps the image of a bee arose in a dream, thanks to deposits deposited in your subconscious mind. folk expressions: "God's bee" (this folk wisdom says that the bee delivers wax to candles) or "The bee stings only the sinner." These expressions testify to the divinity of this insect, and therefore give it an aura of mystery and spirituality.

The image of a bee evoked in a dream may also be a consequence of the fact that in life you are a very vigilant person who is not only difficult to deceive, but who can easily overcome all obstacles that have arisen in his path. You may ask the question: how is human vigilance related to the bee? And the thing is that, according to an old belief, a bee is almost one of all creatures living on earth that never sleeps.

If you were stung by a bee in a dream - a sign that you are a very gullible person, and therefore you can be easily deceived. Be carefull. Sometimes such a dream suggests that the authorities will be dissatisfied with your work, and you will receive a reprimand or just a reproach, but in any case, the mood after a conversation with the management will be spoiled.

Watching in a dream how a bee stings a person dies is evidence that you will soon meet with a very an evil person who harms himself with his anger.

Seeing a bee hive in a dream means that, thanks to your hard work and the hard work of your companions, you will achieve a lot in life: a high position in society, great material resources and happiness in your personal life.

If you stick inside bee hive hand, then in real life you should save in order to save some money for a rainy day.

Hearing the buzz of a bee in a dream means that, with diligence, you will be able to cope with even the most difficult task. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you should be more careful in communicating with work colleagues.

Watching in a dream how bees pollinate flowers is evidence that, thanks to your frugality and frugality, you will be able to save up some money and acquire what you have been dreaming of for so long.

To dream of bees stinging a bear because he climbed into their hive for honey is a harbinger of the fact that in real life you will help one of your close friends take a higher official position for which he will be very grateful to you.

Seeing a swarm of bees in a dream is a serious act that will change the attitude of other people towards you. Perhaps such a dream promises painstaking long work, which, however, will not be a burden to you.

If you dreamed that you were attacked by bees, then the people around you will condemn your perfect act. If the bees fly by without noticing you at all, then those around you will respect you for the act that you commit.

If you dreamed of a bee flying from flower to flower, then this means that you will find a surge of efficiency, inspiration and ingenuity, the work will boil in your hands, and you will be rewarded with the attention of your superiors and the respect of your colleagues.

Seeing a bee flying into a hive is a household chore, possibly a change of residence.

To see a dream in which a bee sits on honeycombs is a sign that your merits at work will be noted and encouraged financially.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Bees

Dreaming bees portend bad news if they circle over flowers. Bees flying out of the hive promise big profits and the conclusion of successful contracts.

A bee that stings you in a dream means tears from the insult inflicted by a person in whom you do not have a soul. A crushed bee is a sign of betrayal and treason. Run away from a swarm of bees - your hopes will not come true, fumigate a swarm of bees - strengthen your health in reality.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why is the bee dreaming

Miller's dream book

Bees - portend successful and profitable deals, agreements. For an officer, this dream portends obedient, disciplined subordinates and a healthy environment.

For a business person - the growth of trade turnover.

For parents, there are many joys that children will bring to them with their diligence.

If a bee stings, a dream portends a loss or an insult inflicted by one of your friends.

If you dream that a whole swarm of bees is chasing you, then this portends health. A dream in which a swarm is chasing your child is especially favorable.

Why is the bee dreaming

Freud's dream book

Bee - is a symbol of the penis, and the sting of a bee symbolizes sexual intercourse.

If a man was stung by a bee in a dream, he strives for homosexual relationships.

If a woman is stung by a bee in a dream, she is afraid of casual sexual relations or their consequences.

Dead bee - indicates the presence of problems with potency in men or the occurrence of frigidity in women.

Bee hive - symbolizes a rich and varied sex life.

Why is the bee dreaming

Dream Interpretation Hasse

To see bees - to find out unpleasant news; catch - streamline your affairs; being bitten is a small monetary gain; buzzing at work - great hopes; to be stung is resistance; swarming for cultivators - a good year; for others - losses; to kill is misfortune and disadvantages.

Why is the bee dreaming

Family dream book

A dream about bees - portends successful and profitable deals. For a military man, this dream promises obedient, disciplined subordinates. For a business person - the growth of well-being. Parents - the joy of children.

If you were stung by a bee in a dream, one of your friends may insult you.

A dream in which a whole swarm of bees is chasing you portends health.

Why is the bee dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

A bee in a dream is a symbol of everyday worries.

Her buzzing means that you have to strain to solve some problems.

A bee sting is a sign that your fatigue and irritability can cause some kind of conflict.

Kill a bee - says that some problems can cause you such strong irritation that you risk breaking loose, endangering your well-being. The best thing you can do after such a dream is to rest properly and not give vent to your irritation.

Why is the bee dreaming

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

A bee - to responsible and fruitful work, moreover, well paid.

Queen bee - you will be offended by a woman holding an important position.

Beeswax - do not show mercy at the right time.

Bee venom - a dream-tip: with sciatica, an attack of sciatica, be treated with bee venom.

Swarming bees is a dangerous situation that requires dexterity and diplomacy from you.

Why is the bee dreaming

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dreaming bees - portend unpleasant news if they circle over flowers.

Bees flying out of the hive - promise big profits and the conclusion of successful contracts.

A bee that stings you in a dream means tears from the insult inflicted by a person in whom you do not have a soul.

A crushed bee is a sign of betrayal and treason.

Run away from a swarm of bees - your hopes will not come true, fumigate a swarm of bees - strengthen your health in reality.

Why is the bee dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Bees - See - find out unpleasant news - catch - streamline your affairs - be bitten - small monetary gain - buzzing at work - great hopes - swarming - losses - kill - misfortune, shortcomings

Why is the bee dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Bees - dream of good luck. A dream in which a swarm of bees is chasing your child is especially favorable.

Bees in a dream - promise profitable deals for entrepreneurs, a brilliant career for the military, an increase in trade turnover and parental joys associated with the diligence and obedience of children.

Bee sting - warns that one of your friends will insult you.

Why is the bee dreaming

Esoteric dream book

Bee - to measured, everyday work.

Stung - you can lose your job.

Apiary, beehive - your daily work will bring you joy and a stable income.

Why is the bee dreaming

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Bees in a dream - portend successful and profitable deals, agreements. For a business person, such a dream promises an increase in trade turnover, for parents - a lot of joy from their children.

If a bee stings you - possible damage or insult inflicted on you by one of your friends.

If in a dream a swarm of bees pursues you, this portends health. A dream in which bees are chasing your child is considered especially favorable.

Why is the bee dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Feel the pain from the sting of a snake or a bee - come to your senses from a temporary hobby

Why is the bee dreaming

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

People are divided into two unequal parts. Some people see dreams and do not attach any significance to them: they dreamed - well, they dreamed, what is special about this? Others, on the contrary, because of each indefinite dream, can panic, dig through a lot of dream books to find out what this or that dream means.

And the dream books, in turn, will “fill in the fog”, since each of them can express a point of view that is directly opposite to the “opponent”.

Why do bees and wasps dream?

Interpretation of sleep with bees of famous dream books

We offer a short journey through various interpreters.

Miller on "bee" dreams

    If we take this insect as a symbol of hard work, then seeing it in a dream is very favorable for business people, businessmen. This is a sign of successful transactions, fulfillment of agreements and even business expansion.

  • Parents who see the bees can hope for obedience and joy from their children.
  • Again, a "parental" dream: the dreamer or his child is pursued by a swarm of bees. It’s only scary from them in reality, but a dream promises health.
  • The boss can count on the discipline and pliability of his subordinates. The same applies to officers.
  • Why dream of bees that bite? Not pleasant when in real life they sting you. In a dream, this also threatens with a "bite" - one of the friends can offend or offend with an undeserved reproach.
  • Very unpleasant news from afar should be expected when you see a dead insect.
  • But the filled hive testifies to your harmonious life, correctly calculated and built, with the presence of love and optimism.

Miller's dream book about wasps

  • The wasps seen in a dream also do not bode well - enemies may appear who wish the dreamer failures, capable of denigrating and slandering.
  • A wasp sting warns of envy and anger of unfriendly acquaintances.
  • But if you killed a wasp, you should not be afraid of these very ill-wishers, you can easily deal with them.

Leafing through the interpreter Hasse

  • Seeing a bee in a dream is bad news, but you should expect good news from a wasp.
  • And if these insects are bitten, in the first case, one can hope for a small financial profit (he also predicts some resistance), in the second, an unexpected separation awaits.
  • The opportunity to put one's affairs in order, making a lot of effort for this, personifies the attempt to catch a bee.
  • Bees are buzzing - to the realization of wonderful hopes, pleasant changes.
  • Seen in a dream, a bee swarm of grain growers promises a good harvest year, and to everyone else - alas! - losses.

Interpretations according to the dream book of the XXI century

If bees dream - be bad weather, in winter - to snowstorms.

Ambiguous interpretations are given by this book regarding the bee swarm. On the one hand, when a swarm of bees is circling overhead - to the success of the conceived business, somewhere even a triumph. On the other hand, it does not exclude the adoption of an orphan into the family, and ruin.

If you keep bees in a dream, in reality this can mean an honestly earned reward, family joy.

The bee hive symbolizes wealth, higher profits, increased income, higher wages.

However, if the hive is not inhabited by bees, it is empty, this may mean an undeserved punishment.

  • If the bees attack, you should expect an epidemic.
  • Dreams with apiary also have various interpretations: to be in the apiary - the mail will bring good news; buzzing, working bees on it - you work much more for the benefit of others than for your own.
  • Wasps warn of hostility, gossip and trouble.
  • If the dreamer is afraid of a wasp, this is a call for caution.
  • But when a wasp stings you, in reality one can assume profit, benefit, success.
  • And killing a wasp is not at all scary: this is a sign of some important discovery.

Aesop's dream book

Hardworking bee, according to the interpretation this dream book, symbolizes quickness, thrift, diligence, frugality.

What does Longo's book promise?

False alarm is suggested by Y. Longo's interpretation.

On the other hand, it's a premonition good change, but for their implementation it is necessary to be prudent and vigilant, to rely solely on one's own strength.

Bee buzzing - gossip around your person.

Unexpected news should be expected if the bee has bitten. If a similar dream dreamed in the phase of the growing moon, the news will be good, but if the moon is waning - unpleasant.

The size of the dreaming bee also matters. If the bee was large, we should expect important changes in the financial situation in better side, things can go uphill. The little bee symbolizes the opposite.

If an insect collects nectar from big flower, it nevertheless symbolizes losses.

What did Vanga see?

Vanga's dream book in relation to bees consists of both warnings and favorable forecasts, especially with regard to their accumulation.

So, she suggests that seeing a swarm is inherent in an indecisive person, capable of wishful thinking, which can further affect relationships with friends and colleagues. You don't have to look better than you really are.

  • A swarm of bees - to a very good profit.
  • If the swarm hangs overhead, this promises a speedy recovery in case of illness of the dreamer.
  • Run away from the pursuing swarm - say goodbye to luck, able to change the life situation.
  • If the bees nevertheless attacked, it is worth taking a closer look at your surroundings - some secret intrigues from hidden ill-wishers masquerading as friends are possible.

Do not kill a bee in a dream

This is reported by Hasse's dream book, and dream book XXI century.

  • According to them, the unfavorable prognosis for the one who killed the bee is misfortune and disadvantage; overcoming obstacles, unexpected obstacles.
  • Loff's dream book warns in this case about a deterioration in well-being, illness.
  • D. and N. Zima in their dream book believe that such an action in a dream speaks of problems that depress the dreamer, which can make him break loose and endanger his own well-being.

After similar dream it is best to conclude that rest is needed to cope with irritation and stay within the limits.

  • According to the Small Veles dream book, to kill a bee means to harm someone.

bees bring honey

Why dream of bees and honey? It is quite logical that honey can represent the "sweet" life.

  • The beehive filled with this product is a symbol of happiness (the dream book of Simon Kananit). You can also expect a quick reward for your work.
  • Family dream book predicts success and family well-being if bees bring honey in a dream.
  • Bees sitting on honeycombs promise a bonus at work.
  • Pastor Loff believes that eating honey in a dream means leading an idle life, sybaritizing.

Where are the insects?

  • Bees sitting on the dreamer's head Family dream book, predict the successful completion of the case.
  • Bees entangled in hair warn of many things to come. and about the dreamer's concern about their timely completion.
  • If bees fly in the dreamer's house, this does not bode well. The Small Velesov dream book even speaks of death. However, this should not be taken as an unconditional statement, since other interpretations speak of pleasant chores!
  • According to the dream book of Simon Kananit, a person who sees a bee sitting on a flower will soon be busy with creative work.
  • Another interpreter promises that an important assignment or task will be completed without difficulty. Businessmen can expect growth and development of their business.
  • Bees can fly from flower to flower, pollinating them. This is a favorable sign, indicating that, thanks to his frugality, the dreamer will make a long-awaited expensive purchase.
  • In a dream, are bees planted in a hive? You can inadvertently harm your health.
  • A bee flies back and forth into the hive - this is a sign of domestic problems, possibly an imminent move.

And if you dreamed of a bumblebee?

  • Health and good luck are predicted by a bumblebee from a dream, moreover, in proportion to its dimensions: great happiness - a well-fed insect, smaller in scale - from a small bumblebee.
  • For an unmarried female, such a dream promises a wealthy gentleman.
  • The bite of a bumblebee, of course, is not the most pleasant of sensations even in a dream - an unexpected misfortune is expected.

In this case, cases associated with a certain risk, it is better to postpone for a more favorable time.

What do these dreams promise women?

It is believed that a swarm of bees seen by a woman portends a meeting with a person who will see her only as a sexual partner. This state of affairs will categorically not suit her.

Freud believes that such a dream is unequivocal: her half shamelessly uses female industriousness, seeing in her not a weak woman, but a business partner that makes a profit. It makes sense to end the relationship with such a person.

  • According to another point of view, to see a bee is a wonderful sign promising imminent happiness.
  • According to the dream book of Nostradamus, a bee sting is bad news, which, however, will not affect the dreamer much.
  • A woman who dreamed of a bee, Loff believes, it makes sense to think about rest.
  • A young woman stung in a dream in real life is waiting for pregnancy (dream book of the 21st century).

Are men afraid of bees?

Bees in the dreams of men are an auspicious sign. But Freud's dream book warns: you should not relax, it is better to remember how worker bees treat drones in a hive.

Despite the fact that the bee is invariably associated with industriousness, quickness, as we see, the interpretation of dreams is completely ambiguous: after all, it also has a sting! Therefore, when trying to “decipher” a dream vision, it is worth paying attention to a lot of related points: time, conditions, place, and based on this, draw the appropriate conclusion.

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