Fire Safety Encyclopedia

Why dream of a wristwatch for women. Everything's under control! Dream interpretation of Vanga - there is a change for the better ahead

Finding a watch in a dream is generally a good symbol. A dream means that innovations await you in all areas of life. Dream Interpretations promise revival in business, receiving rewards, awards for their work, the appearance of an important person. To understand why you dream of seeing a gold or just an expensive find, you need to consider each detail separately.

Miller's dream book and his interpretations

Finding a watch in working order, even for men, even for women, means the successful promotion of projects and planned cases. The great psychologist does not reduce the interpretation of sleep in his dream book to simple well-being. He explains in detail why wrist, wall and even sand chronometers dream about.

So, any find in a dream has a positive coloration. It is especially good if you dreamed about things:

  • expensive - to raise wages, receive bonuses;
  • gold - to great responsibility for yourself and others;
  • male - to marriage, procreation;
  • female - you will receive benefits even where it should not be.

Getting out of a difficult situation is easy

Seeing the lucky owner of a find is the same as stepping on a bright streak of life. If you happen to find a wristwatch or wall clock in working order, know that your business will go up dramatically. Dream Interpretations claim that changes will occur suddenly and clues will come by themselves.

A chain of favorable events: from raising wages to receiving a real inheritance - exactly what ticking wrist devices dream of. It is best if you dreamed about things that are golden, antique, rich in appearance. Luxurious purchases, purchases in a dream are always a turning point in the right direction in reality.

Let go of loneliness

Finding a manual men's watch in a dream means attracting into your life not just a fan, but a future life partner. Large and solid things are well described in the dream book of Nostradamus. An expensive chain or bracelet suggests that you will connect your life with a real soul mate, you will never know troubles and hardships.

Seeing cute jewelry means facing a fleeting, but very memorable novel. The chosen one will be flexible and generous if you dreamed that in a dream you rejoiced and admired such a simple finding.

A little about caution

Losing a posh little thing is a bad omen. Think about rest and health prevention right away. In addition, if you dreamed that the hand chronometer stopped, crashed, or lost its presentable appearance - be prepared for obstacles.

It is generally accepted that if a person is presented with a watch, then in real life he can expect separation from people close to him. It is also possible to quickly resolve some important matters. It all depends on what watch and under what circumstances were presented to the person.

What if you dream that you got a watch?

What can a dream mean in which a person receives a wristwatch as a gift? If you dream that the watch is given by a loved one (for example, a brother, sister or parents), then perhaps in the near future the dreamer will be separated from his relatives. If a girl or boyfriend dreams that her or his significant other gave a watch, then you need to be ready for a quarrel, and maybe even for parting. If you dream that the watch was presented by a person from the "professional circle" (for example, a boss or a work colleague), this may mean the following: a person needs to hurry up with the completion of the work assigned to him.

In a dream, the clock may not mean at all that in reality a person is bound to be separated or some kind of disappointment. The very fact of the presence of a clock in a dream means certain changes in a person's life, which can be both good and bad.

Why dream about what the watch gave and what changes can await a person in real life? It may depend on what time the person sees on the clock in a dream. If, for example, the clock shows 6 or 12 hours, then in the near future a person will have positive emotions associated with good changes in life. If the hand of the clock is located at the number 3 or 9, then soon the dreamer may face adversity and illness. If, in a dream, the hand on the clock points to the number 1, this means that in a month a person will achieve the most important goal in his life.

What portends?

If in a dream a person sees that he was presented with a wall clock, then soon he and his family will go on a trip, or alone, for example, from work, he will go on a business trip on behalf of his superiors. It depends a lot on the shape of the watch. If you dream about a round wall clock, it means a favorable rest somewhere on the seashore. If the watch has a triangular or square shape, then soon a person will go on some kind of journey against their will (for example, a business trip or another forced trip).

In order to clearly understand what awaits a person in the near future, and what he should be ready for, it is necessary to try to see in a dream as many details as possible related to watches. An important role is played by the type of watch, its shape, the person who donated the watch, the conditions under which it was donated.

Such dreams for a person are a sign of fate, they should not be ignored, since, perhaps, such a dream can be a determining factor in the fate of the dreamer. A person needs to more carefully assess the situation around him in order not to miss any opportunities or, conversely, to prevent the approach of trouble and misfortune.

A clock in a dream- A large wall or tower clock is a dream for a meeting with a loved one or for a long-awaited guest.
To dream of a wrist watch with a gold bracelet- to big profits.
To dream of a wrist watch that has stopped is a loss.
In a dream, you look at the clock and do not notice the hands, then this is a sure sign that your time has already passed, your success will come to naught.
Throw out a broken or old watch in a dream- to change for the better, to get rid of bad habits.
Giving a watch to someone in a dream promises trouble, you will suffer from your own absent-mindedness, bad habits and dubious hobbies in real life.
If in your dream you heard the chime of the clock, wait for unpleasant news.
If you dreamed about a wristwatch, it means that very soon a grand event will happen in your life.
If you dreamed about a faulty watch or a watch that does not have hands, this is a sign that soon you may be cruelly deceived.
If you dreamed about hours, then this dream can be a reminder that your life is passing. Such a dream denotes a certain period of life.
If you dreamed that you were giving someone a wristwatch, it means that you cannot cope with the current situation and are trying to place your burden on someone else.
If you dreamed that you let your wrist watch down, it means that you are afraid of falling out of time, afraid of not being in time for something.
If you dreamed that you were listening to the chime of the clock and counting down how many strikes the clock struck until noon, great happiness awaits you in life.
If you dreamed that someone left their wrist watch with you, then this someone may become your good friend.
If you dream about your wristwatch- expect a reward for the work you have done, although it is quite possible that you will be rewarded in a non-material way.
If you dream that you are throwing away your old watch- in life you will begin to relate more freely to everything, and life will go in the right direction.
If you dream that you are late somewhere and always look at your watch so as not to be late - in life you have an opportunity that should not be missed. The good thing about sleeping with a watch is that in the near future there will come a moment when you will be able to do everything and everything will work out.
If you are dreaming. That the clock has "gone ahead" means that in reality you are too rushing things.
If you see the clock striking in a dream, it means that it is time to analyze yourself, to check your work.
If in a dream you see an hourglass and see how the sand in them decreases - in life you are wasting time on some business or on a person who will not thank you.
If in a dream you wind up your watch- your life will change for the better.
If in a dream you admire your wristwatch, then in reality you will have enough time to carry out your plan.
If in a dream you are in a hurry and look at your wristwatch, soon you will begin a new period of your life, in which events will develop slowly but surely. If you think carefully about your actions, you will gain what you have dreamed of for so long.
If in a dream you saw that the clock was standing, it means that you did something wrong, and your development will stop. Sometimes such a dream is a dream of illness and even death.
If in a dream you stole or found a watch- be on your guard, someone will greatly harm your good name by spreading gossip about you.
If in a dream you heard the striking of the clock, this is a sign of a change for the better. Winding the watch in a dream is the right step in life.
If in a dream you heard the monotonous ticking of the hour hand, it means that everything in your life will be monotonous as well, and you are not expected to succeed in business.
If you see in a dream a watch that is broken or one that has no hands, in real life you can be rejected by your family or society.
If you dream that the clock has stopped- your real life is stagnant right now.
If you find a wristwatch in a dream- this means that you should stop and catch your breath, as you are too rushing things - this can turn into serious problems. Haste has never been good, so try to be more judicious.
If you hear the clock striking in the afternoon - such a dream for trouble.
If you saw the watch stop and no longer start, then, alas, you will have to come to terms with the loss of a very close person.
If a girl dreamed that she was presented with a wristwatch, it means that she will soon meet her future husband.
If the clock is behind, it means that on the contrary, you are very slow with something.
As a rule, a wrist watch in a dream symbolizes imminent routine worries and obligations. Perhaps, against your will, you will have to cope with new worries and affairs every day, which will take a lot of your time and effort. However, do not be nervous and try to avoid responsibility - this can lead to a quarrel with family and friends, and as a result you will have to suffer.
When a sick or elderly person dreams of a watch is a bad sign. It means a dream that a person has very little time left to live.
A faulty wristwatch dreams of problems in relationships with loved ones or illness.
An hourglass or sundial is dreaming that in reality you will not have time to do something. Others will do it for you.
The bad thing is that you are wasting your time on something. And only you know how to get out of this situation. In addition, the clock in a dream predicts small losses for you, which you will not even notice. While sleeping, you should pay attention to the clock readings. Remember this time, it is possible that it indicates very important events for you that will soon occur.
Lose your wristwatch in your sleep- to a waste of time.
Lose hours in your sleep- to loss or separation from a faithful friend, to a quarrel with a loved one or to the infidelity of a spouse.
If you dreamed about a pocket watch, expect minor troubles.
Break your own clock- discord in the family, fights, ruin, major troubles in the service. After this dream, fleeting acquaintances are likely, which will not lead to anything good.
Break the clock in a dream- to trouble.
To hand over a wristwatch for repair in a dream- to a positive outcome of some confusing story.
Listen to the ticking of a wristwatch in a dream- to promotion.
Look at the clock in a dream- to the antics of ill-wishers in reality. Pay attention to the numbers on the dial that you manage to remember - it is likely that this is the date of some very important event in your life.
Steal a wristwatch in a dream- to problems with colleagues. Perhaps someone will accuse you of laziness and failure to fulfill your duties.
The clock, as a symbol of time, usually dreams of the coming changes.

The clock is a very complex symbol, often it is the key moment of a dream and requires a detailed analysis.

The dreaming clock means that it is time for you to analyze the influence of your past on the present and on the future.

Let's try to make out why the wristwatch is dreaming. This dream suggests that you have a catastrophic lack of time to carry out your plans.

A dreamed watch with a missing dial foreshadows trouble, out of the ordinary events that will happen to you in the near future and cause severe frustration.

The knock of the clock in a dream indicates that someone from the immediate environment needs your immediate help, and the sooner you provide it to a person in need, the better it will be for both of you.

Dream interpretation of Nostradamus. Why do you dream of a watch on your wrist? This symbol in a dream can be considered a sign that a quick reward awaits you for a job well done. It should be borne in mind that this reward does not necessarily have a material plan.

The hands and palms seen in a dream mean that these symbols are signs of fate. For a woman, dreaming hands mean a loved one.

Washing your hands is liberation from current problems, and hairy ones are success in commercial affairs and improvement of the material condition.

You should also pay attention to which hand you dreamed about: the right hand in a dream is a symbol of liberation, in turn, the left hand portends new problems.

Losing a hand in a dream is the loss of a person close to you or a relative, as well as death near you.

For the correct interpretation of dreams in which there is a hand, you should remember: the right hand symbolizes a friend, helper, the left - a person close to the heart.

Dreaming baby hands mean and signify positive events in your life, future happiness and love affair.

Blood on your hands (hurt your hand) - means a quick quarrel, separation from loved ones.

It is quite difficult to understand, since in all popular dream books this symbol is described in completely different ways, therefore it is recommended that these interpretations of dreams be associated with the events accompanying this symbol and with other objects you dreamed about.

The hours in our dreams are directly related to our personal attitude to time and business. The presence of this accessory on your hand is a constant reminder of a particular goal, obligations and timing of its implementation. In order to more accurately determine the interpretation of the dream, all the smallest details that accompanied this dream should be restored.

Wristwatches in dreams: the passage of time

So, what is the dream of a wristwatch for? First of all, they are a sign that you are "tied" to some kind of business and obligation that limits you in terms of their execution. However, there are a number of interpretations associated with certain nuances of your sleep:

  • if in a dream you admire this object, it means that you are confident in yourself and will surely cope with all the obligations. Moreover, the things you are doing now give you pleasure;
  • constantly peer into the dial - worry that you will not have time to solve the problem that worries you on time;
  • to bring arrows in a dream or adjust the time - to be nervous about the fact that you do not have enough time to carry out your affairs on time;
  • if the clock in your dream has stopped, be prepared for trouble and unsuccessful completion of business. In this case, a crack on the glass can mean someone's death;
  • losing a wristwatch means understanding that the time devoted to the business you are doing will be wasted;
  • several accessories on your hand indicate that you will be bound by several obligations at once, which will require a lot of effort and time from you;
  • if the clock in your dream is lagging behind - hurry up with the completion of your business, otherwise your work may be in vain.

The history of the appearance of a wristwatch in your dream

As a rule, our dream gives us information about where and for what reason a wrist watch appeared in it. Interpretations of what a wristwatch on a wrist dreams of, in such cases, can be the most unexpected:

  • a watch donated by someone always means a pleasant change in life, and for unmarried women - a possible early marriage. But if you don’t like the gift, it means that the relationship will be unsuccessful from the very beginning;
  • if in your dream you steal this object - be prepared for the appearance of influential enemies in your life;
  • a watch purchased in a store portends a pleasant pastime or a long rest in good company;
  • having found someone else's watch in your pocket or in your bag in a dream, get ready for someone else's problems that you will have to solve;
  • if in a dream an acquaintance or friend forgot them in your house, you will acquire in the person of this person a loyal companion for a long time.

In a dream, little things are not little things

  • if the watch slipped from your hand and fell, but you did not pick it up, then you are ready for changes in life and getting rid of your burdensome affairs or obligations;
  • constant ticking is a sign of the monotony of your life and that something needs to be changed in it;
  • the absence of a dial portends losses and a lack of meaning in life;
  • to give a broken watch for repair means to be able to correct the situation and meet a certain deadline;
  • unrepairable wristwatches portend spoiled relationships with colleagues or an early long-term illness;
  • if you constantly turn the watch on your wrist - in real life you are rushing time in anticipation of some pleasant event for you connected with rewarding you with difficulties and troubles;
  • a wristwatch with no hands promises you a pleasant and carefree period in life or serves as a reminder that it's time to forget about business and take a break;
  • a clock without arrows can also predict a quick relationship, accompanied by romance and love;
  • if the watch on your hand has an unusual look or shape, you will have a new and very interesting activity to which you will devote all your time;
  • great profit or a successful marriage is the interpretation of what a gold wristwatch dreams of. The more jewelry on the bracelet, the happier the relationship will be or the greater the profit.

Are dreams always prophetic?

Since one of the most important moments of your dream can be the numbers and numbers that you see on the dial, try to remember them upon awakening and pay attention to these signs in the future when doing business. So, numbers can indicate favorable or unfavorable dates - this will depend on the impression that the dream left on you.

However, do not forget that dreams are not always prophetic. Often they are simply echoes of the impressions of the day lived or a manifestation of our constant experiences. So if you have been planning to buy yourself a new wristwatch for a week now, be sure: your dream is just a reflection of your yesterday's thoughts!

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