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The bites of bed bugs - what looks like and what to treat (photo). Appearance and differences between bed bugs of bed bugs from other insects Big bites on the body

Blind bites, like other insects, is an unpleasant phenomenon that is accompanied by negative consequences. They are combed to blood, which contributes to the injury of infection and, as a result, the focus of inflammation appears at the site of the bite. When the bites are much, then the manifestation of an allergic reaction is possible, the person worries the unbearable itch, and the bite places are covered with blood crust.

In this regard, a natural question arises, what to do if these bloodsowing insects started in the apartment. It is very important to determine that bites are not from mosquitoes, but from bugs. This article is designed to make a person to navigate the situation that does not promise anything good.

There are 5 signs for which you can identify bite bite. Here they are:

ALL Note:

  • Komarov is easy to identify on the characteristic "comlarn" pisch, and the bugs are selected to their victim almost silently.
  • Mosquitoes are able to terrorize the owners of the apartment every day, and bugs are rarely eating, so their bites appear with periodicity of 7-10 days.
  • After the bite of a cloud in the center of the wound, a small droplet of blood appears, and the bite of disassemble is itching, which you can't tell about the bites of mosquitoes. After the bite, the mosquito does not feel strong discomfort.
  • Mosquitoes are able to quickly move along the dwelling, easily looking for their sacrifice, which you can not tell about the clouds. They prefer to bite a person in one place. If suddenly the victim decides to change its position, then the bugs will look for it for a long time.

Blind bites require immediate processing to remove the feeling of discomfort and protect the wound from the penetration of various pathogenic microorganisms into it. This can help both folk remedies and pharmacy drugs.

How to act:

  • If the bug was bitten by a child, then it is necessary to take into account his age, before giving it a tablet from allergies.
  • If the bug bitten a pregnant woman, then it is necessary to take into account the fact that antiforms are contraindicated in such a position. It is possible that they will have to do folk remedies, such as aloe juice, plantain juice, hunter and chamomile decractions.
  • Special attention should be paid to children and future mothers, so the best option is to see a doctor to a dermatologist who can take the right decision and prescribe the right drugs.

Wound processing steps:

  • After the bite, the wound need to be immediately treated with soap or soda solution, propolis or alcohol. As an option is the processing of wound with alcohol-containing liquids, such as cologne, perfume, vodka or moonshine.
  • The segment of the bite should be applied a segment of gauze moistened in cold water.
  • In case of severe discomfort, take an antihistamine drug.
  • After that, the bite place is processed by ointment or gel, which are designed to combat insect bites.
  • In case of serious consequences, when there is no worsening of well-being, it is better to seek help to the doctor a dermatologist.

When the bugs attack their sacrifice, after their bite on the body of a person there are several wounds, the number of which can reach 10 pieces, and even more. Naturally, discomfort in this case is very tangible and immediate intervention is required. Mazi and gels will help to save a person from negative consequences. Plus, the use of sorbents and antihistamine drugs will help to get rid of serious complications, such as allergies and poisoning of the body toxic substances.

Effective means include:

  • The drug "Phenistyl-gel" will quickly help remove burning and itching.
  • Balm "Rescuer" will help to quickly heal the wreck and remove swelling.
  • Menovazin will be able to relieve the risk of allergic reactions with multiple bite.
  • Balm "Asterisk" will also help cope with the negative consequences of bite bite.

The bits of the bedops do not take place without a trace, so doctors always prescribe antihistamines and sorbents that help to remove toxins from the human body capable of leading allergic reactions.


  • Suprastin.
  • Fexophenadin.
  • Claritin.
  • Tefast.
  • Zoda
  • Cetirizin.
  • Suprastinex.
  • Zetrin.
  • Diazoline.
  • Erius.
  • Loratadine.
  • Ebastin.

All on the note! Allergy pills should be each, since it is possible to suffer not only from bite bits, but also from the bites of other insects, such as bees or wasps. Although the ants also do not differ in large size, but their bites bring no less discomfort. Especially hurts bite red ants. The home first-aid kit must be tablets from the last generation allergies that do not cause drowsiness.

As sorbents are accepted:

  • Activated carbon.
  • Polysorb.
  • Enterosgel.
  • Polyphenol.
  • White coal.
  • Smacks.

Part of the sorbents has a broader spectrum of action, withdrawing toxins from the body, as well as a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the intestine and the stomach.

Folk remedies

When there is no pharmacy tool at hand, then you can do the folk remedies that suggest the use of natural natural components. To relieve irritation and itching, as well as to disinfect the wound, it is permissible to use:

  • Plantain, processing his juice.
  • Tincture of propolis.
  • Decoration of the Hypericum or chamomile.
  • Apple vinegar.
  • Aqueous solution of soda.
  • Aqueous soap solution.
  • Aloe juice or flesh.

According to external signs, the bite of the above insect is very similar to the trail left by the ordinary Mosquito:

  1. It also has a circular shape.
  2. Light swelling.
  3. At the same time, he itchs and zudit.

However, a distinctive feature of the bite of this insect is a peculiar track track. This is due to the fact that bedbill is absorbed into the human skin in the locations of the subcutaneous veins.

Bukashka, as a rule, leaves her bites, leaves along blood vessels, while the distance between them is almost the same and is, on average, about 2 cm.

Important signs testifying that the man bites the bed bug, are:

  1. No pain in the bite.
  2. A slight burning sensation that disappears during the day.
  3. Partial or complete disappearance of a trace of bite during the day.
  4. The presence of a trace on an open body of the body (this bug is quite easy to penetrate the blanket, however, to cope with clothes in which a person sleeps, it is much more complicated).
  5. The appearance of a bite in the room (bed bugs can only bite in the room, so they are attacked by these insects, for example, it is impossible outside).

Symptoms of ukuusov

A number of features are distinguished, which can be recognized by a bite bed bite and distinguish it from other bugs.

Such symptoms include:

  1. Night period appearance of traces: Since during the daytime, these bugs are inactive, they are biting, as a rule, at night. Therefore, if there was no suspicious tracks on the body before bedtime, but they found them only on the outflow, after waking up - there is a huge share of the probability that bites belong to the bed clouds.
  2. A large number of bites: This is due to the fact that these bugs exist in themselves, and not by groups, like many insects. Therefore, during sleep, a person can bite a few of these individuals.
  3. The "trail" of bites: Even if the person bit the same bug, traces from his "activity" will still be somewhat. The specified insect sucks blood from several places, while moving along the skin of a person. For this reason, a peculiar "trail" of traces is formed on the human body, the distance between which, as a rule, is about 2 cm.
  4. Footprints - round, reddish and sloped convex.
  5. The very place of the defeat is strongly drawn and in places of appearance of traces there is a strong burning. The burning skin is the reaction of the body to enter the insect saliva onto the skin of a person.

Other signs

There are also secondary signs that will also help to understand that the traces on the human body were left precisely considered bugs.

Additional features include:

  1. Specific smell. The saliva of these pests has a certain smell that resembles a flavor of brandy or raspberry. Moreover, this smell is strong enough, so it can be easily felt;
  2. Traces. As a rule, traces of these bugs leave not only on the human body, but also on bedding. After watching the sheet or blanket, you can detect unreasted, blood stains;
  3. Results of life in the room. Data pests, like any living beings, leave behind traces of vital activity that look like small, round, black balls. You can see them, looking under the bed or sofa. The presence of litter will be a clear sign of the appearance of these "uninvited guests" in the apartment.

The difference between the bite of a cluster from allergies

Faced with Klop for the first time, it is easy to confuse the track from his bite with ordinary allergies.

However, eliminate the likelihood of allergies, in a similar case, quite simple:

  1. Allergies applies throughout the body, leaving traces on different parts of human skin. Traces left by clouds can only be observed in open areas of the skin, legs, neck, shoulders.
  2. In addition, in contrast to an allergic reaction, traces from bites are located on the skin in the form of "chains".
  3. In addition, the trace of the bite of this insect, usually disappears much faster, rather than allergic lesions of the skin.
  4. Well, of course, if two people were in bed at night, and in the morning, the skin was amazed by red spots from one of them, with a lot of probability, we can say that it is an allergy, and not the consequence of the night "work" of bedcloth.

It is quite simple to distinguish the lesion of the skin of the skin with allergies, however, it should not forget that the bite of the specified insect may cause an allergic reaction.

How bodies bodice biting

The bite is performed using a tube consisting of two jaws. This tube is called "Trull":

  1. Finding on the skin of a person, bugs, feeling blood cells in vessels, find blood capillaries.
  2. With their jaws, they pierce the skin, after which the hole in the human skin, lowered his trumps.
  3. With the help of the trunk, the insect sucks blood.

The proboscis itself has a specific structure: it consists of two channels. Through one channel, the insect sucks blood, and through the second - produces his saliva into the skin of man. Thanks to saliva, finding this insect on the human body is very difficult to feel.

Climbing under the pajamas or night shirt of these pests is very difficult, therefore traces of their "activity" are most often observed at the following parts of the body:

  1. Hands.
  2. Legs.
  3. Back.

That is, in those areas of the skin, which during sleep was not hidden under clothing.

What to do with bite - treatment

If a person still became a "victim" of a bedside, it is worth taking care of the appropriate treatment. You can be treated by both traditional ways and with the help of traditional medicine.

If the human skin struck the bug, you need:

  1. To prevent the likelihood of the appearance of an allergic reaction, adopt an antiallergic agent.
  2. The affected area of \u200b\u200bleather is treated with a special ointment, which will prevent the appearance of edema and soothes itching.
  3. Impose on an affected place a bactericidal plaster.

Folk medicine, in a similar situation, offers to use the following ways:

  1. Cut the potatoes and cover it with slices the surface of the bite.
  2. Fit garlic on grax, and the resulting garlic mass is distributed over the affected skin.
  3. Make a compress, applying aloe flower juice or decoction from chamomile and hunter on your cotton swab. This swabs are coiled from the bite.
  4. Process the place of lesion with alcohol or a solution of food soda.

It is worthwhile that if the trace of the bite does not disappear for several days, it continues to be trapped and it is most likely to get into the human body, some kind of infection. In this case, you must refer to the doctor.

How to defend

The most effective method, with which you can protect yourself and your family from the appearance of these "uninvited guests", is the disinsection of the residential premises.

Disinsection can be carried out independently by purchasing specialized chemicals to destroy pests. However, it will be wiser to resort to the help of professionals and contact a company that has an appropriate activity.

It should be remembered that it is worth a disinsection and in neighboring apartments, as the bedbugs can easily move to housing next door.

There are also proven folk methods, with which you can protect against bugs. These include:

  1. Processing of furniture objects, plinths, as well as seams of the mattress, alcohol, vinegar, tincture of valerian or hydrogen peroxide. The bugs do not tolerate the smells of these tools, which helps to prevent their sudden appearance.
  2. Washing bed linen in hot water. The deadly temperature for bugs is the temperature is not lower than 60 degrees, so the washing in hot water will help prevent the appearance of bugs, and already existing insects at the specified temperature are unlikely to survive. A similar modern way to protect against insect data is the use of a steam cleaner.
  3. Carrying bed linen, as well as pillows and mattresses at low temperatures. This method is relevant in the winter time, as I will put bedding with frost from - 20 degrees, these insects will also die. These insects are sensitive to low temperatures, so regular ventilation of the linen will prevent the appearance of these "uninvited guests".

Thus, no one is insured against the bite bed bite.

Although in itself, it is not dangerous, the consequences of its appearance, in the form of an allergic reaction or a person's infection in the body, can still be quite unpleasant:

  1. Such consequences of "work" of insects are infrequentHowever, with their occurrence, it is prompt and necessarily to refer to the doctor.
  2. Get rid of traces easily, at home. However, before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to find out that the trail on the body was indeed left by bedbug. Fortunately, this is easy to do: the bites of these pests are enough to simply distinguish from allergies and other insects (for example, mosquitoes).
  3. In order to avoid the appearance of such "uninvited guests", it is recommended to carry out disinsection in the home, to air bedding, more often to wash and thoroughly stroke nightwear, as well as during cleaning, carefully examine the floor, for finding traces of the vital activity of bugs on it.

Blind bites can be confused with the bite of other insects, as they are very similar. If you first encountered this problem, then determine which insect left your mark on your skin, you will be difficult. After all, the formation of redness, swelling can be caused by the bite of mosquitoes. Therefore, it is very important to know what the traces of the bugs from the RAS, left by other insects differ.

Vital activity of Clarow

These bloodsicles, which are still called "red uniforms", feed on the blood of man and animals at all phases of development. For one "lunch", the bug may have blood to 7 ml, and this is twice as much as its own mass. The need to replenish their stocks at the night hunter occurs every 5-10 days. To enjoy the blood, an adult part of the Claop can spend before half an hour. For your life, one female is able to postpone 500 eggs. The presence of bedbugs in the room can be determined by barely by the catchy smell of almond or spoiled raspberry.

What does a bite of a clop look like?

Each man's bite bite can look different. This affects the body's reaction to the saliva of this insect. Since bugs are night animals, they are active at this time of day, that is, when a person sleeps. To be more accurate, "Red uniforms" are hunting, as a rule, from two to five nights. But during the day they are not visible because they are running along the slits and cracks of the walls, furniture. As a rule, bedbugs are located in places with close access to people. Although these insects move very quickly and can overcome long distances.

Because bugs cannot make their vigilant things through clothing, usually suffer from open areas of the body. As a rule, there are insect bites tracks on them, which are located apart from each other at a distance of 2 cm. This suggests that the bloodstream was looking for a suitable place to enjoy. This is what bits of bedbugs look like (photo below).

Who are prone to bite Claop?

Most often, women with children become their victims in connection with the fact that their skin insect is easier to contact. And besides, these categories of people have blood vessels located to the surface of the skin closer. An important point is that the bloodsucks scare away sharp odors, alcohol and tobacco smoke.

Symptoms of bites Clarow

Very often, traces on the body from bed bugs are confused with wounds from other insects, because they are almost identical, and they are not always distinguished. But if you know about the symptoms that appear after the appearance of bites from these bloodsuckers, they will not be difficult to recognize.

Some people may not feel the bites themselves, but simply see on their skin small red dots. But mostly biting bugs actively manifest themselves. This happens some time after the insect leaves its mark. But this is due to the fact that it highlights saliva, which in its composition contains anticoagulants, preventing blood reproduction during the saturation of the cloud, and painkillers.

In general, the symptoms of the bite may be such:

  • redness on the skin;
  • small scars;
  • swelling at the place of damage;
  • permanent sneezing;
  • strong (sometimes unbearable) itching;
  • rubble.

The first signs of ukuusov

Footprints from bite covers can be characterized by such primary symptoms, as the appearance of many small, flat or swollen scars, manifest, as a rule, in a cluster or linear system. After all, this insect has a tendency to eat several times in the same place.

Subsequent signs of ukuusov

The next symptom indicating the presence of bloodsucms in your home is the growing place of the defeat. After all, every night your body will be subject to bite. In addition, other signs may appear, for example, blood stains (completely tiny) on sheets or details of the bed.

How many traces of the bite are held?

Depending on the individual features, bite bits (photo below) can cause different reactions. As a rule, traces of bedbugs appear a few hours later. But it happens that the rash is shown on the skin in a few days or even a week later. Typically, the place of blood bite is clearly seen of the day two or three, and then traces begin to slowly fade. But if the human body is inclined to allergic reactions, then rash can remain much longer. People with such a reaction very often need medical intervention for full cure.

Consequences of bites

Many are asked about the danger of bite bits. To date, scientists failed to prove that bed bloodsuckers are able to transfer diseases. But the triatomic bugs, which are their close relatives, are carriers of terrible sickness of Shagas. But we were lucky that we do not live in South America, since this type of insects live exclusively there. Nevertheless, organisms that cause various diseases may be present on bed clouds. Another danger of the bites of these insects lies, as mentioned earlier, in the possibility of an allergic reaction, which can be dangerous to human health and life.

Blind bites: How to treat?

Damaged areas of skin must be treated. The most smaller thing that can be done in this case is to treat the place of bite with alcohol or soap solution to prevent the suppuration delivering a much more sensible sensation compared to itching. Unfortunately, despite the rapid development of medicine, while there are no funds to prevent skin damage to bed bloodsuckers. But, having finished biting bugs, you can put a special ointment on the affected place. It can be purchased at the pharmacy. If you have to share your home with such unpleasant neighbors, then such a tool will need more than once. There is a special cream that can be used if the bits of the bugs are squeezed. He will soften the unpleasant feeling and will remove annoyance. Another means that can be applied in this case is a universal plaster from the bites of all insects.

Other medicines can also be suitable. For example, creams with a local antiseptic, means for removing edema, antihistamines that reduce the allergic reaction. And there is nothing easier than the use of the green. Although it may not all be welcomed, because of not very aesthetic species. But still it is better to process the wound.

Allergy to bite

As a rule, allergies to bite bites disappears in two-three days. If it is strongly worried about itching, it can be removed independently with the help of antihistamine preparations (example - means "diazoline", "Supratin"). If the trace of the bite does not pass for a long time, and in its place there is a mucus of white, green, yellow, this indicates infection. The patient should urgently contact a medical facility for help.

Folk remedies

How to treat bite bed bugs by folk remedies? Humanity is looking for answers for this question for many centuries. Nevertheless, some methods are already known. To eliminate unpleasant sensations, you can apply ice or a piece of frozen meat. Also helps rubbing the skin with a mixture of vinegar and soap. Another remedy for bed bugs is a compress from strong green (black) tea. As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to disinfect the wound with alcohol, and it should be done several times a day and it is desirable that the time intervals between the treatments were the same.

How to get rid of bite bugs? The problem occurred can be solved and with the help of herbal rims. In this case, the most effective will be St. John's wort (one spoon of grass is brewed with a glass of boiling water). In addition to the listed, you can try damaged places to lubricate the plantain or aloe juice. Ottekes and itching are well removed by concentrated soda solution. It is also recommended to take activated carbon daily, at least 5 tablets.

How to avoid bites?

It is important to think not about what consequences may arise due to the bite of an insect, but about what to do to avoid them. Therefore, it is better to get rid of bed closet in time so that they do not have to feel their presence in the house.

Among the folk remedies for the fight against bedclosures are known as infusion of wormwood, turpentine, kerosene, green soap. But, unfortunately, such ways of combating insects are weakly effective. Therefore, it is better to trust this work to professionals and with their help to make disinfection in the house. A distinctive feature of modern means - they kill bedbugs, and not scare them like folk. When the processing is carried out, you need to thoroughly spend the entire room, to collect the eggs that have time to postpone the bloodsows. From those that will remain in inaccessible places, young individuals will hatch, but they must die in a day from the action of pesticides.

Many know that bedbug bites deliver considerable discomfort. And if you decide not yet to contact the help of specialists, but to deal with insects your own efforts, there is another way of exposure to bedbugs. We are talking about low temperatures. What should be done? It is necessary, furniture (if possible, all) and books to make 1.5-2 hours on a twenty-graduate frost. If the bugs appeared again, then the procedure is reused.

Preparation of premises to disinfection

Still, it is better when bugs appear to professionals. They use modern means in the disinfection process, which always give a positive result. In addition, only experts have the necessary experience in the destruction of bugs with the help of chemicals. But before the arrival of the disinfector, it follows the apartment to prepare for processing. What is meant? It is necessary to make wet cleaning, since all chemical preparations are absorbed into dust, falling on it, that is, in vain. In addition, 2-3 days after processing, wet cleaning is not recommended. It is also necessary to endure all the items of personal hygiene, dishes, products, aquariums, etc., so that the poisoning substance does not fall on them. It is necessary to provide the master access to the existing technical spaces, meresers and storage rooms, disassemble pre-dubbers. Bed linen should be removed from all beds. It is recommended to boil to the destruction of eggs that can be in folds. As for the furniture, the sofas are better not to move away, but the cabinets are not removed from the loops.

Otherwise you can disseminate insects all over the house, apartment. The master will make the permutation itself if necessary. These are very important moments to which you need to take full seriousness. Otherwise, it will be harmful to health, or disinfection will pass not so successfully as I would like. In order to increase the efficiency of the destruction of bed bugs, it is advisable to neighbors, too, to propose disinfection.

What to do after disinfection?

If the processing has already been made, then it is necessary to ventilate the room, wipe all the furniture. Perhaps they got used by the Emulsion used by experts. But the floors are recommended not to wash 2-3 days, and walls, plinth, ceilings - if possible, even longer. No need to scare, if some time after disinfection, you will find an insect in the processed room. Those bugs that remained after processing alive, and those that hatched from eggs whose ripening time is 30-40 days will die by contacting with the treated surfaces. Fully disappear somewhere in a month.

Finally, I would like to say that the appearance of bed bugs in your home should be taken very seriously. It is better to solve the problem at the initial stage and not to run the situation that has arisen.

  • The procolate place opens
  • Redness of the site
  • Irritable itch
  • The place reminds the path from several bites

Cutles for one meal make about 5 - 8 piercing, therefore, the path with swelling (see photo above). The consequences of the bite pass around 9 - 12 hours, if he was accompanied by an allergic reaction, then after 3 - 5 days. If you bite you with an adult person, the reaction can not even manifest itself, since the adult person during the puncture is distinguished by a special saliva, which is used as an anesthetic. But for some saliva has a completely opposite effect. Allergies to the protein contained in saliva can be delayed, more people with sensitive skin, women and children are exposed to a greater extent. Claps prefer gentle skin areas, it is easier to pierce it. Mostly places for bites become: legs, neck, hands, back, belly, face. Basically suffer from open areas of the body, but also under the clothes can climb.

How to react the body for puncture

Allergies to punctures are a response of the body to enter alien bodies. Weakened immunity, the predisposition of the body can cause a strongest reaction to these bites. It primarily causes saliva, secreted by insect when skin pierced, also remains of life (excrement, chitinic scales). After the puncture, the place blushes and begins to be, this itching is the protection of the human immune system. When a foreign body enters the person, histamine begins to stand out.

Interesting fact: Histamine is a biologically active substance involved in the regulation of many functions of the body and is one of the main factors in the development of some pathological conditions - in particular, allergic reactions.

It is the histamine that launches the operation of leukocytes, which cause inflammatory processes in the tissues. This can all be accompanied by an edema of the nasal mucosa, cutting the bronchi, which leads to the cleansing of the body in the form of cough or sneezing. A sharp extension of blood vessels can lead to a drop in blood pressure. It is for this reason that many anti-allergic drugs are called antihistamine.

How dangerous bits of the bugs

The bites themselves do not carry any danger, the allergic reaction can go through after 2 - 3 days. The danger seems to be that the place of the puncture is very sacrificed, and when combing they appear, they appear and guns, which will be likely to enter new infections. Also, the predisposition of the body to allergies can cause a reaction to the puncture in the form:

  • Hardwriter - Czech red blisters, it looks like a nettle
  • Edema - captures the areas of the face and neck, it makes it difficult to breathe
  • Tearing and runny nose
  • Spasm Bronchus - Breathing
  • Fall of blood pressure

Remove the itch will help a cold compress, after lubricating the place of bites of phenstitil gel. Also tableted means such as: suprastin, loratodine and cetirizine. For children under 3 years old, there are syrups and drops with low dosages. Printing means for removing itching: the usual plant of the plantain is washed into the running water, smiling until the juice appears and attach. A series in the form of tincture or crushed leaves, boiled in the container. Food soda (teaspoon on 1/2 cup of water), or in the form of a thick casher. If this trouble found you at home (hotel, cottage, etc.) Try to scare the bugs. Wormwood, geranium, Pijma will completely come down, Narvita and spread around the place of your holiday. The best way to secure yourself from allergies is a bed bobble in your home.

Ask somehow Moldavian: - Do you know how to destroy the bedbugs in the apartment (house)?
He no longer thinking blurted out: - They all need to drive under the closet, and very quickly sprinkle the legs from the closet!

How to protect yourself from bugs

None of the houses are not insured from bedbugs, they can make the same in the elite mansion and a hostel room. Below we give several rules subject to which you can protect your home and yourself personally from these bloodsicles:

  • Keep your body and health in general - any bites on the body or just redness should alert you.
  • Try once a year to carry out cosmetic repairs - to nail, tinkering, put down, smeared.
  • Watch out pets - quite often it is not to bring insects to the house.
  • After returning home - you arrived from vacation, business trips or just from friends. Take the wash to washing.
  • Blinds poorly carry strong odors - use essential oils, citrus crusts, smelling herbs.
  • Dry and ventilation - Erase bedding in hot water. Blankets, pillows, mattress ventilate and knock out on the street.

If you are familiar with this problem, do not interfere, leave your review in the comments below. Perhaps your experience will help someone take the right decision. Calm dreams to you and let any attack distorts you.

Happiness to you and your home.

- Dead service 33 - January 29, 2018. Updated: March 06, 2018

How to recognize bite bite

Many mistakenly take tracks of a kloopin feast on the body for allergies, mosquito bites, even a windmill. The thing is that the skin reaction in each particular case can manifest itself individually. But some signs are still specific, it is for them that you can suspect that damage appeared precisely from the bite of home bedops:

The thinner of the skin, the more pronounced reaction and larger the foci of damage. On the human face and the neck, the skin is thinner, the blood capillaries are located close to the surface, so in these places the bites are especially large and painful.

Favorite places of bed bugs

If you look at the photos with bite bits, you can easily determine that the most damage is accounted for by hairless parts of the body:

  • Internal elbow and knee bends.
  • Back.
  • Stomach.
  • Limbs.

How does this happen

The symptoms of bitles bites can be found immediately after the insect can be destroyed:

  • Fresh bite presents a blister with swelling and a bump in the center. He is Zudit and sobs.
  • After 2-3 days itch stops, the tumor is aligned, only a red spot remains.

The greater the colony of homemade bedbugs, the more intense the signs of skin lesion. After a few days, the bits of the bedbugs look like pale-red spotted paths.

If an adult is biting without pain thanks to a special substance in saliva, then the bites of the larvae began to take it immediately, since they do not have an anesthetic enzyme.

Mosquitoes and bugs:

  • Komar buzzes before bite, Klop - Sleep.
  • Komar bites at any time of the day, Klop - at night.
  • The trail of clocain bite with clear contours, a mosquito - a blurry stain.
  • Culopa bites the path, the mosquito is chaotic.

Pliers and bugs:

  • From the mold of the wound is much larger.
  • Tick \u200b\u200bbite hurts stronger.
  • Ticks can be found visually, as it remains under the skin.

Flea and bugs:

  • Kloopin bite bright red and swelling, flea is simply spotted.
  • Traces of flea attack mainly on the legs and random location.

Moshki and bugs:

  • Moshka attacks the street, bug - at home.
  • Claps pierce the skin, and the midge gnaws.
  • From the bite of midge sharp pain at once.
  • Defeats from midges are healing at least a week.

Treatment of homemade bites

Before treating bite bits, you need to make sure that they are the culprits of skin lesions. It is impossible to scratch the wounds in order not to make an infection and cause suppuration. If there is no painful syndrome, then you do not need to process the place of lesion. Signs of bites will be held through a couple of days, and fully the wound will heal in about 7 days.

With itching and soreness:

  • Warm water.
  • Lubricate with alcohol solution.
  • Process with essential oil, antihistamine cream or ointment.
  • Grease antiseptic.

Whatever the recovery process went faster, it is possible to use phenyatil. He removes swelling, itching, pain. With the tendency to allergies, the antihistamine rate will be worth it. With strong allergies, the suppuration of the bite space, a long healing appeal to the doctor is strictly necessary, especially if we are talking about a child.

Stock Foto Bends of bed bugs on the human body

Below are photos of bite covers on the skin of a person. The images are visible on the shoulder, forearms, legs and back, as well as on the body of the child.

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