Fire Safety Encyclopedia

Build a vulture panel house. Features of building houses from vulture panels with your own hands. What is SIP panel

The construction of houses from sip panels has become widespread in Canada and Europe. Today this method enjoys well-deserved popularity in our country. Many firms provide these services, but, due to the ease of use, it is possible to build a house from vulture panels on your own, without the involvement of qualified performers. If you follow a simple technology, you can get a decent result in a short time.

SIP (Structural insulated panel): characteristics, advantages and disadvantages

Sip panels are three-layer sandwich panels. Between two layers of solid sheet material, there is a heat-insulating and sound-insulating layer. OSB boards are most often used as outer layers, expanded polystyrene is the filler. Less commonly, mineral wool is used for filling, since this significantly increases the weight and cost of the elements. Outside, they are treated with fire-fighting and antiseptic impregnations. Sip sandwiches are produced in various thicknesses - 124; 174 and 224 mm, depending on the purpose. The main linear dimensions are 2500 * 1250 mm and 2800 * 1250 mm, although you can order products in other sizes.

The popularity of these products is due to a large number of advantages:

  • Factory readiness. When ordering prefabricated elements at the factory, the assembly is carried out in such a way as to take into account all the features of the project and to reduce assembly errors to a minimum. Also, many manufacturers complete products with a studded board, which ensures a reliable tongue-and-groove connection. In other cases, the assembly with a bar is made at the place of assembly.
  • Ease of use. The technology is so simple that the building can be assembled by hand. At the same time, the set of tools for work is minimal.
  • Wide application. SIP can be used to build country cottages, office and warehouse premises, garages and install other buildings and structures.
  • High heat and sound insulation. The presence of foam or mineral wool provides excellent thermophysical properties.
  • Strength. Manufacturers give a guarantee of at least 50 years.
  • Ease of construction. Low weight allows the use of lightweight types of foundations.
  • Construction speed.
  • All-seasonality. The absence of "wet" processes allows you to carry out the installation yourself, regardless of weather conditions.
  • Saving. The use of this technology at all stages of construction from floor to roof, allows you to reduce material costs.
  • Reducing heating costs.

The disadvantages include:

  • Synthetic materials.
  • Complete tightness of buildings. For the normal operation of such an object, a good forced ventilation system is required.
  • Flammability. There is heated debate about this, although manufacturers promise a high class of fire safety.

You need to take a responsible approach to the choice of SIP, so that they meet all the specified requirements. The presence of impregnation for biological protection, fire-resistant and moisture-resistant coatings, the thickness of the frame coating and the density of the insulating layer.

Preparatory stages of work

  • Project selection. If the appearance of the building, its size, number of storeys and design depends only on the wishes of the customer, then the preparation of project documentation and the calculation of the number of sandwiches should be entrusted to professionals. This will avoid mistakes and save money.
  • Manufacturer's choice. First, it is worthwhile to study the supply market and choose a company that is trusted and follows the technological process of manufacturing and packaging.
  • Purchase and delivery of the order.

Basic work on the construction of the building


The most important step is the selection and correct arrangement of the foundation. The light weight of the structure will allow you to use any type of base: tape shallow, monolithic or columnar type. Most often, screw piles are used, which makes it possible to reduce the construction time to 2-3 days. This process is carried out as carefully as possible, avoiding errors and inaccuracies. The device of the pile foundation is quite possible to do with your own hands. The plot is marked according to the project, starting from the corners. Axial threads are pulled between the corner pegs and the pile seats are marked. The distance for adjacent supports is 2-2.5 m. After that, the piles are twisted to the required depth, below the freezing point of the soil for this climatic zone.

With the help of a level, a single level is found for the entire frame. Horizontal alignment can be performed by additional twisting or cutting off excess. The twisting fit method is not recommended as it loosens the soil. After that, we connect the “heels” of the piles using a metal channel, we lay a waterproofing layer, which we use as a roofing material, and on top we mount a strapping beam using bolted joints.

Floor arrangement

You can assemble a full-fledged floor from sip panels with your own hands. To do this, frame slabs are laid over the area, having previously treated them with waterproofing mastic. A connecting bar is used as a lag. Polyurethane foam sealant is applied to all joints for a better seal. After that, to improve the strength, all joints are fastened with self-tapping screws in increments of 10-15 cm. Often, on top of the "pie", a plank flooring is additionally mounted using self-tapping screws. In conclusion, a strapping device is carried out, along which the walls of the future dwelling will be directly assembled.

Raising the walls

Despite the seeming complexity, building walls is also quite doable with your own hands. We start the assembly of the structure from the corner, for which we set the corner panels horizontally and vertically, using the building level for quality control. Further, from the exposed corner multilayer slabs, we mount the next ones ourselves, heading in two directions to the next corners. We glue each connecting groove using assembly sealant. At the end of the erection of the walls of the first floor, we put a strapping board on top, which will serve as the base for the interfloor overlap.

We carry out the device of floors by analogy with the floor, performing step by step the technology of laying the slabs. If necessary, we reinforce the structure with an additional bar. In the ceilings, it is necessary not to forget the technological openings for ventilation ducts and other communications. With the help of connecting board outlets, it is possible to form a base for balconies, loggias, various decorative structures.

Fastening of structural elements of the second floor is similar in design with sip sandwiches on the first level.

When arranging a roof, for small volumes, you can do without installing a rafter system, since the panels have the necessary margin of safety. With this method, a significant amount of money is saved. For large roof areas, it is necessary to mount the rafters. But even in this case, the savings are noticeable, because the use of additional waterproofing films and other coatings is excluded. Above, for ventilation, a slatted crate is arranged and the roof is finished with any chosen material: metal, ondulin, etc.


If the work is done correctly, we get smooth and even surfaces that can be easily finished with any material. For internal space, drywall is most often used, in bathrooms and kitchens - ceramic tiles. Siding, decorative plasters are suitable for the street.

Thus, the widespread use of sip sandwiches for the construction of buildings is due to the undoubted advantages of the material, the ability to perform the whole range of works with your own hands, as well as significant savings in the process of construction and subsequent operation.

A sandwich panel is a structure that consists of insulation and a few words of roofing material and is used as the main building material for the construction of buildings of varying design complexity. For the manufacture of sandwich panels, only materials that have been tested and are suitable according to standards are used. The main material for the cover layer is usually "corrugated board" (polymer-coated galvanized steel).


When choosing sip panels, it is better to still seek help from specialists. But if this is not possible, it is worth studying the main types of insulation and their characteristics.

There are three main types of insulation:

  • polystyrene (expanded polystyrene);
  • mineral wool (basalt insulation);
  • polyurethane foam.

And each of these heaters has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Styrofoam filling in the panel

Polyfoam is positioned as insulation, which is distinguished by its durability. Moreover, it is an environmentally friendly material. It has waterproof properties and is not afraid of the sun. But at the same time, such material is very flammable and burns quickly.

Mineral wool practically does not burn and is also harmless to health.

This insulation also tolerates biological and chemical influences well. But with a set of such important advantages, basalt insulation has a very low resistance to moisture.

Polyurethane foam does not conduct heat well and is highly flammable, but at the same time has a high insulating threshold.

Polyurethane foam as a starting point for a sandwich panel

The thickness of the building material, and, accordingly, the price directly depends on the thickness of the insulation itself.

The price of the Sip panel is 1,300 rubles per square meter. Its thickness is 174 mm, width - 1250 mm, height - 2500 mm.

In our country and the CIS countries, sandwich panels of the following sizes are used:

12 + 100 + 12 = 124 mm;

12 + 150 + 12 = 174 mm;

12 + 200 + 12 = 224 mm.


OSB for SIP-boards

Acquaintance with the concept of OSB boards should start with a general classification. There are four main types of OSB. Each of them differs from others only in its indicators of moisture resistance and strength.

  • OSB 1 is a board with the lowest moisture resistance values. This type of board is often used in the assembly of lightweight parts. The advantage of these plates is their low price.
  • OSB 2 - has a low moisture resistance threshold and at the same time high strength. Such boards are used mainly for the production of furniture, sometimes for load-bearing elements. Less often OSB 2 is used in the construction industry, and then only for internal structures.
  • OSB 3 is one of the most popular types of boards. These boards combine strength and moisture resistance at an attractive price. They are used more often in construction for the construction of both facade and interior finishes. Sometimes OSB 3 acts as a roofing material or overlap.
  • OSB 4 - these OSB boards have the highest threshold of strength and moisture resistance. They are used for the construction of structures with a high level of stress and in areas with high humidity.

Construction of houses from sandwich panels: advantages and disadvantages

As with any material, the use of sandwich panels has both advantages and disadvantages.

First about the pleasant... The main advantage of this building material is the compliance with its quality, which is evidenced by the high strength of the material, relative to the price. This factor plays a very important role in calculating construction estimates. After all, the use of this material significantly reduces costs. Due to the lightness of the panels, the weight of the overall structure is lightened, which means that there is no need for a reinforced foundation.

For more house projects, see the heading "House projects" on our website.

House of sandwich panels with your own hands

Build a house from SIP panels - how to assemble a constructor

The first thing that will be needed in this matter is the project of the future building. Special attention should be paid to its construction, not forgetting about the requirements and wishes. If it is not possible to build it yourself based on the complexity of the calculations, then there are many companies ready to help in this matter. We will try to show you all the stages of construction in a photo report, with step-by-step instructions. But, all houses are individual, our photo can only be viewed as an information guide.

By the way, from SIP panels you can build not only houses, but also extensions to residential buildings. They can accommodate verandas or kitchens.

The next step is to order SIP panels or to produce them independently. You can order them directly at the enterprise that is engaged in production. Here you can also look at the catalogs and select everything you need for subsequent installation. When choosing panels, do not forget about the base - the foundation. For a structure made of such a material, usually the foundation is installed on screw piles.

Water supply, heating and electricity for the future house must be diluted even before the foundation is poured.

In order to avoid curvature of corners or mismatch in height, all panels must be checked for integrity and dimensional accuracy before installation. If inaccuracies are noticed, contact the supplier for a replacement material.

After the foundation is poured, you need to strap it with a wooden beam. Then the corners are set and holes are made with the help of a percussion tool. Using these holes, the timber is fastened to the concrete with 12 mm anchors. Recommended distance 2.5 m. Further, the building itself is assembled on the established foundation. The assembly begins with zero overlap, while the first SIP panels are laid on the timber.

Wall frames are assembled from timber. A mortgage board is fixed along its perimeter with special nails. The main thing here is to withstand the vertical calibration and the corners of the frame. After all, if you miss at least 1 mm somewhere, the wall will turn out to be crooked and there will be no way to fix it. After installing the frame, panels are applied to it.

After the construction of the general structure, the filling of the holes begins. The joints and corners of the panels are filled with edged boards measuring 25 * 100 mm. All cracks are sealed with polyurethane foam.

Overlappings between floors and all supporting structures are best made of wood. You can use both timber and boards. Photos of the construction stages below.

Foundation for a house made of SIP panels

A foundation is, first of all, the foundation of a building. It transfers the entire load of the building to the underlying soil layers. In addition to the strength of the foundation itself, you need to consider:

  • the total area of ​​support on the soil;
  • the supporting capacity of the soil itself;
  • groundwater levels.

Experts believe that the most common mistake when pouring a foundation is an excessive abundance of concrete and metal in it.

The most popular types of foundations are:

  • pile (pile-tape);
  • columnar (columnar-tape);
  • shallow monolithic slabs;
  • tape deepening;
  • tape deepening with plinth.

But, it is worth noting that among this variety, for frame panel houses, the best option would be shallow deepening.

Laying the strapping (crown) timber

For laying, a bar measuring 2.5 * 1.5 cm is taken. Laying should be started from the middle of the foundation, while measuring its horizontal calibration. Further, the timber must be connected at the corners using a cut. After that, the details are fixed. For proper fastening, holes are drilled in the timber 1–1.5 cm long with a diameter of 2 cm and the dowel is driven.

Fastening the timber to the foundation is done using recessed anchor bolts. The fastening distance is about 1.5–2 m. The size of the bolts should be 35 cm in length with a diameter of 1–1.2 cm.

Arrangement of the floor in the house from SIP panels

Another proof of the distinctive property of Canadian building technology is the technology of the flooring.

Floors and ceilings are also built from SIP panels.

Although many contractors recommend laying an ordinary wooden floor in such houses with insulation between the logs and beams. These floors are more durable and reliable. In addition, this floor will be easier to disassemble or repair.

Erection of walls from SIP panels

When erecting walls, you need to carefully go to the choice of the source material, because the quality of the future dwelling largely depends on its quality. The best option for outdoor work would be a beam with a diameter of 15 cm. As for the height, there is a minimum of 1.5 m.For the inside, 10 * 15 cm is suitable. These are acceptable dimensions that will help save on consumables, minimize the number of seams and joints and achieve the ideal smoothness of future walls. Building walls is not easy, experience is needed.

Before laying the timber in the crowns, all materials must be adjusted in accordance with the height and given the desired shape. For corner joints, it is better to use the "half-tree" or "root spike" method. It is better to connect the outer parts with a cut or on veneers. And the inner sections of both joints and corners are best connected with a half frame.

To start, direct installation is necessary with laying a crown bar treated with an antiseptic agent in the foundation.

Arrangement of a roof in a house from SIP panels

The roof for a house built using this technique can be the most common rafter. This type of roof is characterized by a support in the form of grooves or Mauerlat, which are cut into the beams on the attic floor. The rafters are installed on supports, the crate is stuffed on them and the roofing material is laid.

As for insulation, it is not necessary for a cold attic. But if the plans are to install an attic, then between the rafters it is worth putting insulation and covering it with a vapor barrier film.

In addition to the rafter, a roof made of SIP panels is no less popular. For this type, the first thing to do is to install starting rafters, which are bolted to the Mauerlat. And only after that the panels are laid. The panels are mounted on one side of the roof, gradually increasing in length with a ridge. As soon as the work with the first skate is finished, you can proceed to the next one.

This installation method is more painstaking than the traditional one, but no less reliable.

Facade finishing

Facade decoration is the final stage of construction. Each owner makes it according to his taste and financial capabilities. Among the finishing options are now very popular: facing bricks, siding, decorative plaster.


Watch an interesting video about building a house from SIP panels.

Instructions for assembling a house from vulture panels. SIP Houses are produced at the SIP 47 plant with a house kit, that is, a set of board elements and sip panels, made with high precision on the basis of the project chosen by the customer. A set of vulture panels can only be assembled at the construction site like a children's designer. All products are marked, and a wiring diagram is attached to the set of elements, according to which you should make mounting sip panels. Before starting work, you need to study the wiring diagram and check the completeness of the package.

In order to better understand the features of installation, you need to have an idea of ​​SIP panels.

Basic a tool that will be needed when self-assembling a self-supporting insulated wire-house:

Screwdriver (assembly with screws) / nailer (assembly with nails);


Circular Saw;


Building level;

Thermo knife for cutting a groove in SIP panels.

Panel construction and typical dimensions

SIP panel(structurally insulated panel) is a building product that includes two OSB boards (oriented strand board) with an insert of insulation - expanded polystyrene (PPS) between them, connected and pressed using special glue under a pressure of 20 tons. Such a structure allows the panels to perform a double function - they serve not only for heat and sound insulation of enclosing structures, but are also able to withstand significant compressive and bending loads. Therefore, these products are suitable for the construction of all types of buildings. They are used for walls, partitions, as floor slabs and roof coverings.

Typical dimensions of SIP panels

The thickness varies in these dimensions from 68 mm to 244 mm. Frequently used sip panel with a thickness of 174 mm (with a PPS thickness of 15 cm, OSB 12 mm), a width of 1.250 m; length from 2.5 m to 2.8 m.
For the construction of enclosing walls, standard 17.4 cm sip panels are used, for ceilings and roofs - 17.4 - 22.4 cm thick. Products 12.4 cm thick are used for partitions in the house.
Sip panels are light - no more than 20 kg / m 2, which allows them to be installed by two, three people and without the use of a crane, and can also be easily processed and cut with a hand-held power tool.

The procedure for assembling self-supporting insulated wire at home

The assembly of self-supporting insulated wire at home consists in the sequential performance of the following operations:

  • Foundation devices and installation of the lower piping;
  • Installation of the basement floor;
  • Installation of the walls of the 1st floor;
  • Assemblies of intermediate floors and walls of the next floors in the case of a 2-3-storey building;
  • Installation of attic floors, attic, roof self-supporting insulated wire.

Foundation device and installation of the lower strapping

Foundations can be monolithic tape, pile, and design in the form of a monolithic ribbed slab. The type of foundation should be selected based on the properties of the soil underlying the structure at the construction site. When choosing the type of foundation, it is recommended to use a pile foundation- the most suitable for the simplicity of the device, relatively low cost, the possibility of using it under most types of soil conditions and the convenience of combining with the base of the prefabricated self-supporting insulated wire structure of the house.

To support the strapping along the top of steel pipes protruding above the ground surface, special heads with a horizontal metal plate are installed, or a steel beam from a channel can be laid with shelves upwards. In the latter case, the strapping bar is attached to the steel beam with anchors every 50 cm.After the screw piles are immersed in the ground, they are united by a lower strapping or support bar with a section of 200x200 mm, which is the supporting basis of the entire constructions SIP at home. The strapping bar is attached to each pile with wood grouse screws with a diameter of up to 12 mm.

The strapping bar must first be impregnated with a fire-retardant composition, and a gasket made of bituminous paper, roofing felt or other roll waterproofing materials is laid between its lower surface and the base plates of the heads. In the case of laying the support bar on a metal beam or on a strip or slab foundation waterproofing should be laid under the entire lower surface of the timber.
The strapping bar is installed exactly according to the markings corresponding to the layout of the self-supporting insulated wire of the house and its editing room scheme.

At the corners and intersections, the elements of the bar are joined together by cut-in staples and fastened with self-tapping screws 8x180 mm. Fasteners on staples are time-tested, staples withstand heavy loads and do not burst. Provides additional rigidity and strength in critical areas.

In the event that the support bar is laid on the horizontal concrete surface of other types of foundations, it is fastened with anchor bolts, which must be recessed into the foundation body by at least 100 mm in increments of 500 mm in length.

Installation of the base / plinth ceiling

After installation and fastening to the foundation of the lower support bar, a self-supporting insulated wire is mounted on it, including: wooden beams-logs 100x150, connecting inserts between panels from a bar with a cross section of at least 50x150 mm and a vulture floor panel. The lags are installed in the grooves located in each sip panel along the perimeter. First, the first sip overlap panel is laid at any of the corners, the groove at the end is filled with foam from a mounting cylinder. A short connecting bar with a section of 50x150 is inserted into this groove, which is fastened through the OSB-board cladding with screws with a diameter of 3.5 mm and a length of 40 mm for wood every 15 cm in length. Then a groove is foamed at the end of the second sip panel, and it joins with the first sip panel. In this case, the protruding part of the connecting bar enters the groove of the second product and is also fastened with wood screws through the skin.

How many screws do you need for one SIP panel? With a step of 15 cm, on average, one panel of 2500x1250 mm will need 100 pieces. self-tapping screws, half 600x2500 mm 80 pieces.

After connecting and fixing the first row of basement sip panels of overlap with each other along the extreme span of the house sip, located near the end wall, a lag-beam is installed along the entire length of the span. Before this, the grooves of the products are filled again editing room foam and the beam slides into this groove.

The subsequent assembly of panels, connecting bars and installation of the lags is carried out in the same way, until one continuous plane of the overlap is formed. For fastening wooden beams to flat floor products, wood screws with a diameter of 4.2 mm and a length of 75 mm are used. In places determined by the installation scheme, reinforced beams and timber are installed. The entire overlap is fastened through the logs to the strapping bar with self-tapping screws 8 x 280 mm in size.
The resulting open ends of the overlap of the first floor of the house are sewn up with a board having a section of 100 by 150 mm from all sides.

Installation of the walls of the 1st floor

Design the first floor of a house made of vulture panels is a frame consisting of wooden posts and wall self-supporting insulated wire parts, fixed to the lower strapping beam, uprights, and fastened together. At the initial stage of the assembly of the enclosing structures of the walls of the first floor of the sip house kit, boards under each wall with a section of 25x150 mm are placed on the solid basement floor, the layout of which must correspond to the design layout and installation diagram. The strapping boards are attached with self-tapping screws with a diameter of 4.2 mm and length 75 mm to the overlap every 40 cm. The marking for laying the strapping should be done with maximum accuracy without deviating from the diagram, so as not to cause difficulties in the future. It should be noted that there should be gaps between the edge of the basement slab, which coincide in thickness with the sheathing of the vulture panel from the OSB board - 12 mm, which is indicated in the wiring diagram. The strapping boards are installed without gaps in the places corresponding to the location of the door openings in order to increase the accuracy and speed of their installation. In the future, after the installation of the vulture of the wall panels, cutouts are made in these places, therefore, when placing the screws, this must be taken into account. The main stage of wall assembly can be started from any corner of the self-supporting insulated wire of the house, where first a vertical rack is installed, having a cross section of 100 by 150 mm, which is attached to the lower strapping board with two self-tapping screws with a diameter of 4.2 mm and a length of 7.5 mm, the first panel is mounted to it.
Further, on one of the corner sip panels, the side groove is filled with mounting foam, then the product is placed in the design position with attachment to the rack. In this case, the stand should fit tightly into the side groove of the sip panel. After checking the vertical position of the element by means of a plumb line or a level, the panel is attached to the strapping board along the lower edge and the post with galvanized wood screws with a diameter of 3.5 mm and a length of 40 mm on each side from the bottom and along the side edge after 15 cm.
In the same way, another vertical beam and a second flat wall product are installed, adjacent on the other side to the corner of the house. After checking the verticality, both corner wall products are additionally fixed to each other by means of structural self-tapping screws with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 200 mm with a pitch of 50 cm in height.

Starting from the first corner sip panels, racks and ordinary sip panels of external and internal walls are sequentially mounted in each direction. Before the installation of each element, the side grooves are foamed, the sip panels are attached along the side edges to the vertical beams and from the bottom to the strapping with screws 3.5 mm in diameter and 40-45 mm long every 15 cm on both sides.
At the corner nodes and T-shaped joints of the walls, the products are additionally sewn with structural self-tapping screws with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 230 mm every 50 cm in height. The installation of the walls is completed at one of the corners, in the reverse order to the installation of the first corner - a vertical bar is inserted into the side edge of the last SIP panel, pre-filled with polyurethane foam, covering the end part of the wall. The SIP panel is attached to a vertical bar and strapping with self-tapping screws with a diameter of 3.5 mm and a length of 40-45 mm with a pitch of 15 cm on both sides.
Further, two corner sip panels are tightened with constructional self-tapping screws with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 230 mm with a pitch of 50 cm in height. The last operation to install the walls is to connect them with an upper strapping board. To do this, the grooves on the upper ends of the installed sip panels are filled with polyurethane foam, after which a strapping is laid in them. board with a section of 25x150 mm, which is attached with self-tapping screws with a diameter of 4.2 mm and a length of 75 mm to the vertical posts, then all wall sip panels are attached to it with screws with a diameter of 3.5 mm and a length of 40-45 mm on each side with a pitch of 15 cm.

Installation of upper floors

If House from a multi-storey vulture panels, then after the assembly of the structures of the first floor, the interfloor overlap is installed. All operations are performed in the same way as the installation of the basement floor. Then the installation of the second floor is carried out in exactly the same sequence as the installation of structures. the first floor of self-supporting insulated wire of the house. Then everything is repeated on the next floor.

Installation of attic floor, attic, roof SIP

The final stage is the installation of the attic floor, after which it is constructed roof... When arranging the attic floor, wall vulture panels of complex shapes are used - trapezoidal and triangular, on which the rafter roof details are supported. The roof includes a frame consisting of posts, rafters, purlins, Mauerlat, elements of valleys and ribs on fractures, as well as special self-supporting insulated roof panels. These products, in the event that roof not gable, they can also have both rectangular and a more complex geometric shape - trapezoidal or triangular, therefore, first you should carefully consider the installation diagram and outline the assembly order. In the event that the last floor of the self-supporting insulated wire of the house is not an attic, then first a Mauerlat is installed from a bar having a section of 100x150 mm over the plane of the attic floor along the perimeter of the walls. Then racks 100x100 mm, united by a ridge bar measuring 100x150 mm and rafters measuring 40x200 mm, resting on the ridge with the upper end and the lower part on the Mauerlat.

If the self-supporting insulated wire roof is of a complex configuration, then the frame is supplemented with intermediate girders and details of the device of valleys and ribs at the outer corners of intersections of the roofing planes. Mauerlat, ridge beams, purlins and other details can have a trapezoidal section, which is given to them during the manufacture of a house kit at the factory in order to accurately fit all roof elements to each other. All elements of the roof frame are pulled together with galvanized self-tapping screws 8x280 mm, one at each attachment point. If necessary, in some places, metal connection plates with holes for screws are used. After assembling the supporting frame of the roof, the roofing sip panels are installed, which are attached to the load-bearing elements in a similar way to the design of the fasteners used in the assembly of floors. If necessary, the edges of some panels can be cut with a power tool at certain angles on the construction site, for example, when it is necessary to form a ridge joint between two panels.

If you find it difficult to understand these instructions for installing a sip at home, then we recommend that you contact the specialists of SIP 47-Sipa Factory.

Residents of Europe and North America have been using structural insulating sip panels for more than fifty years to build strong, warm, durable and environmentally friendly buildings. Recently, houses built using Canadian technology have become popular in our country as well. Today, a large number of construction companies offer their services for the construction of such structures. Of course, representatives of one of these many companies can be hired for construction, however, you can make a house out of vulture panels with your own hands. Self-assembly will significantly reduce the cost of 1m 2 of the building, while its quality will not be damaged.

Houses made of sip panels have many advantages, however, we will highlight the most significant ones:

  • The buildings are distinguished by a high degree of thermal insulation, therefore, the cost of heating buildings from structural insulating sip panels is much lower than the cost of heating wooden, concrete or stone houses.
  • Good sound insulation guarantees reliable protection against external noise.
  • Structures of this type have an increased margin of safety and a long service life, which can exceed 100 years.
  • Due to the simple principle of joining, houses are very quickly assembled, while perfectly flat walls and corners lend themselves very well to finishing.
  • The likelihood that this structure will shrink is very small.
  • The material from which the vulture panels are made is not subject to decay and is not affected by insects. In addition, there are no harmful substances in the composition of the material that can harm the health of living people or cause damage to the environment.

Canadian technology is equally successfully used for the construction of real estate of any type. To date, the following are being erected from vulture panels:

  • Country houses, country cottages.
  • Office buildings.
  • Hotel complexes, tourist centers.
  • Restaurants, bars, cafes.
  • Warehouses, workshops and much more.

Preliminary work

The first thing to do before starting construction is to draw up a project for the future home. If you can't create a project on your own, then you can resort to the help of specialists. In addition, it is permissible to use standard projects that are presented on various Internet resources, or to adapt these projects to your requirements, making the necessary adjustments.

  • Equally important is the purchase of the necessary tool. At the same time, it is strongly recommended to refuse to buy a low-quality instrument, because this can lead to various unpredictable negative consequences.
  • Strict adherence to safety rules will keep your health intact and will help to complete construction work in full with quality and on time.

Construction stages

  1. The construction of the foundation is a mandatory initial stage in the construction process of any building or structure. A house made of vulture panels has a relatively low weight, therefore, in most cases, it is advisable to build a foundation for such a building on screw piles. The advantage of this type of foundation is that its construction takes no more than two days, while installation work is possible even at negative air temperatures. Another positive aspect of using a foundation on screw piles is that its cost is quite low compared to the cost of building other types of foundations.
  2. After completing the work related to the foundation, you should proceed to its waterproofing. For this, roofing material is used, which must be laid in two layers.
  3. Next, you need to lay the strapping beam, which will serve as the basis for the floor. Laying is carried out on the heads of screw piles in accordance with the previously created drawing documentation.
  4. At the next stage, panels are mounted that act as a floor covering. Waterproofing is provided by a layer of bitumen mastic applied to their outer side. They must be laid out along the entire perimeter of the future structure and spliced ​​along the width and length by connecting them to the strapping beam using a strong and inconspicuous thorn-groove connection. Before the splicing process, each groove is sealed with a one-component polyurethane foam sealant. In addition, self-tapping screws help to fix the structure, which must be screwed on each side of the connection. When the ceilings are finally assembled, a one-component polyurethane foam sealant should also be applied to their ends, after which the outer parts are sheathed with wooden planks.
  5. After completing the above steps, you can begin to assemble the walls of the first floor of the house. First of all, it is necessary to carry out the installation of the horizontal frame of the walls along the foundation, i.e. bottom trim of the walls. In this case, the work must be performed with special care, strictly adhering to the wiring diagram, from which one cannot deviate. Any inaccuracies at this stage of construction can lead to serious problems in the future. It is possible to install sip panels that will act as the walls of the building when the lower trim is ready. First, the corner elements are installed, after which the rest of the racks and plates are fastened (installation is carried out from the first corner panel and is carried out in two directions, to the second corner element). During the assembly process, each newly installed plate must be controlled with a special measuring tool - a building level, which allows you to determine the amount of deviation from a vertical or horizontal line and, if necessary, correct its position.
  6. After that, the upper samples are processed with a one-component polyurethane foam sealant, then the upper strapping is laid.
  7. Next, it is the turn of the installation of the interfloor overlap. To do this, along the entire perimeter of the structure, slabs with a pre-applied layer of one-component polyurethane foam sealant are mounted on the panels of the first floors, which act as an interfloor overlap (as well as on the first floor).
  8. The wall panels of the second floor are mounted and fastened to each other by analogy with the wall panels of the first floor of a building. Sometimes the spans of the rooms can be large. In this case, the intermediate floors are best reinforced with glued veneer beams (LVL beams), which can later be hidden by decorative ceiling finishes, under plasterboard sheets or under a suspended ceiling.
  9. Roof installation is the final stage in the construction of the house. It should be noted that the construction of the roof is carried out without a rafter system, because the sip panels have a significant margin of safety, thanks to which they are able to withstand high external loads. The principle of joining roof slabs remains the same as the principle of joining floor panels. In this case, there is no need to use vapor barrier and waterproofing materials, because the material has good vapor barrier and heat insulating properties.
  10. After the roof has been erected, you can begin to install the roof covering, which can consist of any roofing materials, in this case there are no restrictions.
  11. Window openings can also be of any shape and size.
  12. Carrying out engineering communications into the house can be carried out in parallel with interior finishing work.

If you are looking for an opportunity to build a warm home for little money, consider building a house with SIP panels. The cost of a two-story "box" 10 * 10 meters without finishing is in the region of 17-20 thousand dollars. At the same time, there is no need for additional insulation, you can move into the house immediately after construction (if communications are connected) and you can immediately start finishing.

What is SIP panel

The construction of houses from SIP panels began in the second half of the last century in Canada. The technology is simple, the construction of a building requires very little time (from two to three weeks, depending on the complexity of the project), it can only be cheaper, and even then not in all regions.

Houses are built from insulating panels, which in themselves have sufficient strength. In English, these panels are called SIP, which is an abbreviation of the following name: StructuralInsulated Panel. This translates as "Constructive Insulated Panel". It turns out, in theory, in Russian, the name of this material should sound like KTP. In reality, the usual transliteration is used (replacing English letters with Cyrillic). As a result, the name "SIP-panels" is used.

This material consists of two, between which a layer of expanded polystyrene (foam) is laid. It turns out a kind of sandwich (construction "multilayer sandwich"). Hence another name - sandwich panels.

When building a house, there are two types of assembly:

The first option is the most popular in our country. The timber frame gives the structure additional strength. The load-bearing capacity of sandwich panels without a frame is more than enough for the construction of one-two-storey private houses. But knowing that at the heart of the house is a solid wooden beam is reassuring. This technology has one more advantage - maintainability. In case of problems, you can remove the damaged panel and replace it with a new one, which is impossible with frameless technology.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any new technology for our country, building a house from SIP panels has its adherents and opponents. The opponents have the most important argument - the unnaturalness of the materials, the possibility of releasing harmful substances. Indeed, these boards are composed of foam and OSB. Polyfoam is a familiar material and it is only dangerous during combustion. OSB has also been on the market for a long time, it is made from pressed coarse shavings and chips. Resins containing formaldehydes are added as a binder. It is this binder that raises the most questions: formaldehyde is a strong poison and its presence in the atmosphere in large quantities causes poisoning.

The emission of formaldehyde should be controlled by the SES (sanitary and epidemiological station), only safe building materials should be on sale. So if you decide to build a house from SIP panels, carefully choose the manufacturer - the quality of the material depends on his conscientiousness. The highest quality and safest panels are considered to be assembled on the German OSB firm Egger ("Egger"). Their formaldehyde emission is E1 (safe).

Extract from GOST R 56309-2014 (date of introduction 2015-07-01): "Depending on the content (release) of formaldehyde, boards are manufactured with emission classes E0.5, E1 and E2."

At the same time, they easily tolerate high humidity, do not absorb water and do not deform.

SIP-panel Egger E1 2800x625x174 (Romania) - the best option for walls. Height - 2800 mm, thickness of expanded polystyrene - 150 mm. If you prefer "standard" ceilings with a height of 2.5 meters, then you should purchase Egger E1 2500х1250х174

The German Glunz Agepan panels are also good, but few people use them. If we talk about Russian manufacturers, then you should pay attention to the products of the Kalevala company. In production, only safe and high-quality materials are used:

1. OSB-3 Kalevala Russia emission class E1;
2. Glue - TOP-UR (Russia);
3. Expanded polystyrene - PSBS - 25C Knauf (Russia).

Speaking about the advantages of building from SIP panels, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the technology is thoroughly worked out. Panels are produced for various elements of the house: external walls, partitions, interfloor ceilings, etc.

Why do people build houses from SIP panels? Because such a house has solid advantages:

  • Light weight, which saves on foundation. For this type of buildings, pile or.
  • Low heat loss, low heating costs. Expanded polystyrene is an excellent insulation, and it is clamped on both sides with OSB sheets. This makes the sandwich panel house very warm.
  • Low cost per square meter.
  • Small construction time. The box of a two-story house can be assembled in a month.
  • No shrinkage. Sediment can be at the foundation. The construction of SIP panels has no settlement.
  • Finishing work can begin immediately after the box is assembled.

In general, it is this set of properties that makes people choose a home from SIP panels. They build both houses of permanent residence and summer cottages for seasonal visits. So, with a limited budget, building a house from SIP panels can be a very good solution.

How to build with your own hands

There are two ways to build a house from SIP panels with your own hands:

  • Buy a house kit for a specific project in a company that deals with this, and assemble it yourself. Not all companies agree to this, but many have a supervised installation service. This is when a specialist of the company controls your installation.
  • Buy plates. Cut them to the required size, buy timber, all this is done on your own. In this case, all responsibility for the quality of the construction will fall on you. If you have carpentry skills or have someone to suggest, you can choose this option as well.

Briefly about what a home kit is. This is a set of ready-made SIP panels, timber of the right size and fasteners for the construction of a particular house. All components are cut at the factory and numbered. When assembling, you use the resulting blocks in a certain order. The process is reminiscent of building a house from a children's construction set, only you are assembling a real house.

Building a house from SIP panels when ordering a house kit is like playing a constructor

A home kit is good if everything is done accurately. This is not only about the quality of SIP panels (it must be checked separately), but also about the use dry wood (chamber drying), and about the accuracy of the cut. The edges of the panels must precisely "wrap around" the timber, the two panels must be joined with an expansion gap of about 3 mm - all this is achieved using precision equipment.

Reference. The expansion gap is the required distance that is left between building materials subject to expansion (expansion). If the house is being built in a region with a humid climate (for example, the Leningrad region), then it is imperative to leave the expansion gap, otherwise OSB will swell. In dry climates, there is no need for a gap between OSBs.

Construction stages: photo report

Building a house from SIP panels, like any other, begins with the selection and construction of a foundation. A pile foundation is considered optimal for light houses. This is what they do in most cases when they start building a house using SIP technology. Sometimes it is impossible to put a pile foundation:

  • on hard soils that are too expensive to drill (rocks);
  • on unstable soils with low bearing capacity (peat bogs);
  • in the presence of cavities in the rock mass.

In these cases, do or (more often USHP - insulated Swedish plate). They are much more expensive, but more reliable.

After the foundation has been selected and calculated, you can begin to build it.

Making a pile foundation

Since the foundation is made of screw piles most often, we will illustrate exactly its manufacture. Piles are manually (if the soil and strength permits) or with the help of special equipment are screwed into the soil. The height of the heads is 80 cm above the ground level, the distance between the piles is not more than 2.5 meters.

Heads are welded to the installed piles, a strapping bar is attached to them (in this example, 200 * 200 mm).

Important! The joints of the timber must be on the heads without fail. When laying the strapping beam, do not forget to coat the locks with a protective compound (bituminous mastic) before joining.

There is no support under the joint - you cannot do that!

To protect against decay and insects, the harness bar is impregnated with a protective compound. Roofing material was laid under the timber (on the head) in two layers.

This stage takes from 3-4 days to a week. Depends on the complexity of the soil, you work with the technique or twist it yourself. Now you can start laying floor slabs, but before that, you should familiarize yourself with the methods of connecting them.

How to connect SIP panels: the basic principle

When joining the panels, a wooden dowel (timber) and or a thermal dowel (a section of a SIP panel of a smaller thickness) are inserted between them. As mentioned above, in our country, technology using a frame is more popular, i.e. dry timber is used as a key. It is on this option that we will focus our attention.

The bar is inserted into the groove and fixed with self-tapping screws and / or nails, which are twisted / hammered through the OSB into the body of the bar. If you have a nail gun, we initially recommend grabbing the panels with "yellow" self-tapping screws for wood 40-50 mm long, and then punching the joints brushed nails length 50-65 mm with a step of 10-15 cm.

As a fastener for SIP panels, you can use: "yellow" self-tapping screws for wood, galvanized screw nails, galvanized pierced nails. Do not use "black" hardened self-tapping screws - they break off and quickly corrode

There is always a risk that the connection will turn out to be leaky, and the entire construction technology from SIP panels is based on the thermos effect, that is, on maximum tightness. Therefore, before assembling this unit (and any other), mounting foam is applied to the side surface of the panel. It fills all the gaps, ensuring the proper level of heat and moisture insulation.

Note! The picture above shows a double bar key. Often, such recommendations are perceived wrongly, and in order to save money, an unplaned edged board of 50x150x6000 mm of natural moisture is purchased. Once the board has dried, the joint is unlikely to remain airtight.

In the manufacture of a composite wooden dowel 100 * 150, in our opinion, it is preferable to use three dry bars with a cross section of 50 * 100 mm - in this case, the connections overlap (see video below).

When it comes to wall panels, it makes sense to insert and fix the dowels well in advance.

The foam was applied, a beam was inserted, and secured with self-tapping screws. Foam was applied to the side face of the second plate, the groove was brought under the protruding part of the beam, an expansion gap of 3 mm was set, and it was fixed with self-tapping screws. The foam that has crawled out of the seams during installation is cut off after polymerization.

This technique is repeated with minor changes in any joint of SIP panels. A diagram of this node is presented above.

After cutting the slabs, it becomes necessary to remove the expanded polystyrene to the required depth. For these purposes, an electric thermal knife (cutter) for foam plastic is used. They come in various designs, but the thermal knife must be equipped with a limiter. Only then will you be able to remove the expanded polystyrene exactly to the required depth. "Overkill" is fraught with the fact that cold bridges may appear at the junction of the panels.

The cutter can be made by hand, but at the same time do not forget about safety when working with electric current.

First overlap

The first floor is nothing more than a floor that does not require insulation. As melted, it is assembled from SIP panels 224 mm thick and 625 mm wide. With this width of slabs, wooden beams are spaced in increments of about 60 cm, which is enough to withstand the load.

If you have slabs with a width of 1250 mm, then they must be sawn lengthwise into two equal parts.

When installing the floor, the panels should be laid like bricks in the masonry - with a mismatch of the seams (staggered). This is necessary so that the seams do not jar when the humidity rises.

Blocks for floors should be cut into such pieces when using slabs with a width of 1250 mm

To protect the bottom OSB slab from moisture, each of the slabs is coated on one side with the same bitumen mastic. You can use other compositions similar in properties.

Assembly of self-supporting insulated wire panels for the first floor

When connecting the slabs, a mounting bar is laid between them (diagram in the previous paragraph). The timber is attached along the edges to the strapping (with long nails), and the edges of the slabs to it with self-tapping screws.

We close the side cuts of the slabs (all floors) with an edged board of a suitable size. We apply foam to the side surface of the slab with a snake, then we attach the board, fasten it through the OSB with self-tapping screws to the end of the board.

On top of the sandwich, a starting (crown) board is laid along the perimeter, on which the wall SIP panels will rest. It fits around the perimeter and in those places where partitions will be installed.

The crown boards are fastened with nails / self-tapping screws, but for confidence they were fixed through and through with studs to the pile heads. Holes were drilled under the pins. A hairpin is driven into them, tightened with bolts.


We continue the construction of a house from SIP panels: we mount the walls of the first floor. For this work, it is desirable to have two assistants, then the process will go faster and easier.

We put the first panel so that it "put on" the crown board

Wall installation starts from one of the corners. When installing, the panel is “put on” by the recess in the bottom part of the installed starting board (first apply a layer of foam to the board or the end of the sandwich). The panel is placed, aligned vertically, attached to the starting board from both sides with self-tapping screws in increments of 10-15 cm.

Foam is applied to the side surface of the installed board, another board is set at an angle of 90 °. A mortgage board (end bar) is pre-attached to its side part, the thickness of which is equal to the depth of the groove. Like the first, this panel attaches to the strapping launch board.

In addition, we fasten the corner with the help of long self-tapping screws.

As a rule, self-tapping screws with a length of 220 to 280 mm are used.

The length of the self-tapping screw must be such that it goes through the slab and the entire thickness of the mortgage board. The installation step of this fastener is 40-50 cm.

For more reliable fastening, metal perforated reinforced corners can be installed in window and door openings. The element is optional, but it adds rigidity and instills confidence.

External walls and partitions are immediately erected

The installation of partitions from SIP panels is carried out according to the same principle: we attach the crown board, to it the partition blocks. They can be the same thickness as the exterior walls, but thinner ones can be used. The decrease in sound insulation properties is compensated for by the interior decoration.

To save money, partitions can be made using frame technology. Then initially only the frame can be installed, and its cladding can be transferred to a later period. It is more convenient to do this when the roof is already installed.

In the house, frame partitions can be made from SIP panels

Interfloor overlap

To install floor slabs in the grooves of wall panels on foam and self-tapping screws, boards are installed. They create a strapping for the installation of the ceiling.

Next, we lay the floor slabs. If the partitions are assembled from SIP panels, their bearing capacity is quite high and additional reinforcement measures are not required. If the partitions were assembled using frame technology, we make the upper beams reinforced: they are assembled from three boards glued together. For greater strength, the beams can still be fastened on both sides with self-tapping screws.

Floor slabs from SIP panels are laid on the finished frame. They should be no more than 625 mm wide, they should be laid apart (with a mismatch of the seams). Since the panels are narrow, there is a lot of wooden beams in the ceiling. Due to this, such an overlap can withstand loads in those places where there are no floor beams.

We fasten the laid slabs to the strapping beam with self-tapping screws or nails. The edges of the OSB - top and bottom to each intermediate bar. After fixing the installation of the ceiling, we close the open side cuts along the perimeter of the building according to the same principle: foam + edged board. For greater rigidity, in those places where the floor beams pass, we fasten the floor panels with long self-tapping screws (220 mm) through and through.

This step after assembling the first floor does not seem difficult. All the same, only work at height, tightening the sandwich panels is longer and more difficult than assembling them.

Second floor walls

The second floor in this project is because the wall panels are low. We install partitions along with the outer walls. Before installing the roof, an embedded beam is installed in the upper open groove, and roof SIP panels will be attached to it.

Under the gables, you will have to cut the standard panels, since the shape here is non-standard. Installation and connection of the wall panels themselves on the second floor is no different.

Roof from SIP panels

Special sandwich panels are used for the roof. Under them, the ends of the slabs are cut off at a certain angle, which is determined by the angle of inclination of the roof slope. Here, just as with flooring, you can get by with a minimum of beams, because each connection has its own beam. Therefore, the rafter system is not assembled.

For a roof made of SIP-girder panels, a minimum of

Skate decoration

The roof of a small and medium-sized house made of SIP panels, usually has a central ridge beam. Two roof planes converge here. This node can be decorated in two ways (in the pictures below). The first is symmetrical. Sandwich panels are cut at an angle, the top of the ridge beam is cut at the same angle. Two planes are fastened with long self-tapping screws through the panel to the beam on both sides. The step of installing the fasteners is 30-40 cm.

In this method, the usual timber is absent between the two plates, they are connected only for foam. After the foam has polymerized, the excess is cut off, the seam is treated with a waterproof sealant, after which a protective strip is put on the ridge - made of metal, plastic, etc. - depends on the selected type of roofing.

You can dock roof SIP panels on the ridge in another way. The second method does not require cutting the slabs at an angle, but one part of the panels must be longer (by the thickness of the roofing slab). The beam is still cut at an angle, the plates are joined at right angles, and they are fastened through with long screws to the beam.

Embedded end bars are used in this connection. They are installed as usual - on foam and self-tapping screws. To block the access of moisture to the under-roof space, the junction of the two panels is also additionally coated with a waterproof sealant.

There is an option of installing a roof from SIP panels and without a central beam. There are roof options with two load-bearing beams that are not centered. These can be either specially laid floor beams, or partitions assembled from SIP panels or using frame technology. In the second case, it is better to strengthen the beams (make them prefabricated with glue and nails).

In this knot, the most difficult thing is to cut the embedded beams at the right angle. This can be done on the ground, which greatly simplifies the task. Panels are fastened through the slab with long self-tapping screws to floor beams or embedded in partitions. Also, two planes are fastened to each other at the junction point - from opposite sides with long self-tapping screws.

Roof and wall panel joints

For the laying of SIP roofing slabs, the wall slabs are cut at the desired angle. The inside of the OSB turns out to be higher than the outside. At the same angle, the foam is "cut", the edges of the embedded beam are cut. It is this part that is the most difficult if you did not buy a house kit, and you build a house from SIP panels from standard panels, cutting them to the required dimensions with your own hands.

How to connect wall and roof SIP panels

If you have the appropriate equipment, it is not a problem to cut them at an angle. The problem is to cut foam plastic to the desired depth between the OSB boards. The core can be removed with a thermal knife and then removed by purely mechanical means. Most likely, the cut will not work out evenly, so you will have to add more foam to fill in the unevenness.

In the pictures, the roof overhang is also made of insulated slabs. It is easier to implement, but it is an unreasonable waste. To save money, the length of the SIP panel is taken before the intersection with the walls, and then only the timber goes (as in the photo). In this case, the beam is made composite: one part is longer by the amount of overhang, the second is shorter and ends where the wall ends.

Features of joining roofing plates

The connection of two roofing slabs occurs in the same way as the others: timber, foam, self-tapping screws. But since precipitation is possible here, it is advisable to seal all the seams.

To improve the tightness, all seams on the roof are additionally coated with a waterproof sealant. First, the frozen foam is cut into a plane with the roof, then a sealant is applied. After filing the overhangs, it can be considered that the construction of a house from SIP panels is completed. Insert windows / doors, install communications and the dwelling is already suitable for living. Finishing can be done immediately after installing the box.

Mice and other troubles

To save our readers from unnecessary headaches, we decided to tell about the mistakes made during the construction of one residential building. The material is primarily intended for those who hire contractors for construction. However, it will also be useful for those who build a house on their own.

The object was built under the Rural House program, and local would-be builders acted as a contractor. Unfortunately, the future tenants did not pay due attention to the quality of the work. The result is natural - a large number of significant "stocks".

Brief information about the house:

  • Commissioning date: 2008
  • Floors in Building: 2
  • Foundation type: tape
  • Technology: frameless
  • Panel dimensions: 2740x1220x224 (floors), 2740x1220x174 (walls), 2740x1220x145 (key for joining wall panels)

The problems appeared pretty quickly and were associated with the most important part of any structure - the foundation. The strip foundation was poured with poor quality concrete, which led to the fact that when moisture got into it, it began to crumble.

In extreme cold (below -30 ° C), another "joint" was revealed - a part of the plastic floor plinth in the kitchen froze through.

It was decided to remove the bottom vinyl siding panels, remove the cold bridges at the junction of the wall slabs to the floor of the first floor and sheathe the foundation with a profiled sheet under the stone.

After dismantling the lower siding panels, signs of the vital activity of field mice appeared.

During construction, the ends of the ceiling were not covered with a board. Pieces of plywood are installed, between which there are large distances. Also note that the roofing material does not start from the timber, but from the floor level

Brief explanation of roofing material. At the time of the construction of the house, in a particular settlement, they had not heard of vapor-permeable membranes. The contractor was going to install plastic wrap on the walls. This was opposed by the customer, as a result, roofing material was used.

It is perfectly visible that the mice did not waste time in vain ...

As a result, the owner of the house had to neutralize the consequences using his modest construction experience.

Associated errors:

  • The lower part of the first floor slab has not been treated with bitumen mastic.
  • SIP panels with a width of 1220 mm were laid on the floors of the first and second floors (they had to be cut in half lengthwise).
  • Raw wood was used.
  • The panel for the production of thermal keys is thinner than the polystyrene foam layer.
  • The corners of the house are not tightened with long screws.
  • Self-tapping screws are exclusively black.

There were other mistakes, but we do not talk about them, because they do not directly relate to the technology of construction of self-supporting insulated wire houses.

Alas, the case discussed above is not the most difficult - the fatal option is discussed in the video below.

The conclusion is very simple: you should not blindly trust the customer. All stages of construction must be monitored personally, or you must turn to the help of a knowledgeable person from the outside.

If contractors are engaged in construction, then the quality of their work can be assessed already at the stage of acceptance of the first floor slab.

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