Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Elimination of private security. Private security. What is this? How it works

Currently private security(OVO) is a structural unit Federal service troops national guard Russia (since April 2016), while maintaining operational subordination to the Main Directorate of Private Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (GUVO). Until April 2016, the PSB was a structural part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Goals and purpose of private security

The main task of the PSB is to ensure the protection of property various forms property, including private, municipal and state with the help of those installed at the facilities technical means security Protection of private property and facilities legal entities is carried out on the basis of the conclusion of direct agreements on centralized security. Objects of state and municipal property, mainly work on a contract basis. Thus, Private Security provides the following services: security of apartments, houses, shops, municipal facilities, as well as dams, dams, power plants and other facilities.

Apart from purely security functions, OVO can be involved in performing police tasks - ensuring public order, capturing suspects in crimes and offenses (within the framework of the Otpor program), checking documents, and so on. In this regard, mobile security posts or, speaking in simple language, groups immediate response They are not always located at their bases, but can be used to patrol the area.

The principle of security activities

If we talk about preventing entry into a protected facility on specific example, for example, in relation to an apartment, the operating principle is structured as follows. The owner of the living space contacts any installation company to install a security device. After the alarm system in the apartment (sensors, control device etc.) is installed, which according to the Law “On Police” can only be carried out by commercial organizations, it is connected via a transmitter to the Central Monitoring Station (CMS). After completing the necessary installation and commissioning work, a security contract is concluded at the PSB. In general terms This is called remote control. The principle of its operation is as follows: a sensor is triggered at the site, for example, when a door is opened, the signal is transmitted to the monitoring station, where it is received by the operator and by radio transmits the order to leave in case of alarm to the immediate response group (IRR), located closest to the site, and it is already deployed to the address and performs an inspection. If there are signs of entry (an open window or door) or the arrest of an offender (for example, a person who broke a window), a responsible person– the owner of the apartment himself or his authorized representatives indicated in special lists attached to the agreement. If none of these persons can drive up to the property, a protocol is created in the presence of witnesses (neighbors, passers-by), and the apartment is sealed until the owner or his authorized representative arrives.

In addition to remote security, there is also the concept of physical security. In the latter case, a PSB employee is at a post on the territory of the facility, where he ensures law and order, access control, and suppresses illegal actions. Such a post is often equipped with an alarm button, which, when pressed, transmits a signal to the monitoring station OVO, in case the security guard at the facility requires the help of the State Police.

Based on the above, the main activities of private security can be divided into two departments:

operational part: GNR employees (drivers, senior groups). Response, detention, suppression;

– Monitoring station, which includes an operator, an operational duty officer, and the head of the duty department. Observation, challenge, control

Technical support for PSB activities

Private security is well equipped with modern technical means. First, there are powerful radio transmitters and radio stations that can transmit messages over long distances. Not only cars are equipped with walkie-talkies, but each employee also has portable devices. Secondly, the remote control is equipped modern technology– high-performance computers and data processing units, provided with the latest software(“Andromeda” and others). Finally, OVO employees have in their arsenal special means of self-defense - batons, handcuffs, gas canisters, and service firearms and traumatic weapons.

Advantages of PSBs over private security companies

Police protection allows you to receive timely and complete assistance in terms of ensuring the security of various objects. The majority of PSB employees are experienced workers, equipped with first-class technical equipment. A developed network, as well as coordination of actions with the UVO, allows us to quickly resolve any emerging security issues.

"Hello, police?" Some of you had a chance to call the police (militia), others simply watched their work. What does a regular change of police outfit look like through their eyes? On the night of January 30-31, I went on duty along with employees of the fifth separate battalion of the private security department for the Central Administrative District. Let's see how it was?

1. The car I have to drive today


3. Private security is engaged in the protection of various objects, incl. apartments under contract. In addition, employees of the UVO work on calls from “02” “102”, just like regular PPS squads

4. The first call arrives - opening the attic in a house on Yauzskaya Street

5. The yard is fenced with a barrier, like many in lately(especially in paid parking areas

On the one hand, protecting the yard from the parking of “strange” cars, and on the other... there were cases when emergency doctors were literally missing one or two minutes lost due to the barrier

6. Meet Roman Chernykh, police lieutenant, inspector of the immediate response team

And behind the wheel of the car is a police warrant officer, a police driver of the immediate response group, Maxim Naumov.

7. The message turned out to be false

8. To check, go to the second entrance. Maxim almost immediately opens the door. I'm interested in how this happens

9. And it turns out very simply, using this set of keys. “They don’t give us these, I bought them with my own money,” explains Maxim

“Well, judge for yourself - how would you react, say, at 3 a.m. to a call from the police on the intercom? So not everything is open yet. In general, we save time and don’t disturb people.”

10. The second entrance also has locks in place.

11. And this is the painting on the stairs


13. We continue patrolling along the route

14. It is no secret that stolen cars are often placed in a “sump” after the theft - in a garage or simply in the “left” yard for a couple of weeks. Cars with large “drifts” on the body can potentially be stolen.

15. Roman transmits car numbers over the radio to the dispatcher. But everything is normal - the cars are not listed as stolen

16. Further, while on patrol, the police noticed a suspicious citizen going behind a stall

In the end, it turned out to be a man who, sorry, wanted to relieve himself at this stall (there won’t be a photo of him here, why “glorify” a person online in this way?). In general, I can imagine his feeling when suddenly a police car came around the corner towards him. Well, because... he never committed the act - they limited themselves to a preventive conversation.


18. Next challenge - the glass of a Land Cruiser was broken on Verkhnyaya Radishchevskaya

19. The owner made a typical mistake - he left it on back seat sports bag

20. The bag costs a penny, and the glass will be repaired under CASCO (but for this you need a certificate from the police). But a lot of wasted time

Don't leave things in your car in plain sight...

21. We arrive with the owner of the Toyota to the Tagansky police department, along the way the police intervene in a fight near a cafe near the Taganskaya metro station, which turned out to be a friendly brawl

22. Next challenge: customers in a restaurant refuse to pay.

We arrive at the place, it turns out that customers want to pay with a discount coupon, but the restaurant refuses, citing the fact that the coupon was not presented to the waiter at the very beginning. The restaurant administration called the security company.

At the request of the participants in the conflict, I will not publish photos. By the way, despite the fact that I came with two policemen, they tried to prohibit me from filming in the restaurant...

23. Clients, the restaurant administrator and security company employees were sent to the same police department

The bottom line is that the administrator writes a statement against the clients, the clients against the restaurant and against the security company employee for exceeding his authority. I don’t know how the situation will develop further. And the wife of one of the clients and her friend, who arrived at the police department, very incidentally, “worked” as witnesses for registration broken glass still the same Kruzak

24. Memorial stone in honor of employees of the Tagansky Department of Internal Affairs who died in the line of duty

25. Next challenge - noisy ones construction work on the second Dubrovskaya


27. It turned out that it was a rattling Bobcat removing snow. There was no permission to carry out noisy work at night (“locked in the office” - quote), there is no copy either

28. They took the manager to the police department

29. While they were waiting for the foreman, Roman helped the local guys change the battery on the Focus

A funny dialogue happened with these guys
- Aren’t you going to take us?
- Is there a reason for it?
- No, my mother just saw the police through the window next to us and called and was worried.

30. This is roughly how I became acquainted with the work of private security officers

31. Heroes of the day (or rather the evening-night period) - Maxim (left) and Roman (right)

32. Thank you for your attention!

Private security – structural unit The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which provides protection to enterprises of all forms of ownership and property of citizens - apartments, dachas, garages, etc. Their activities have the status of a public service.

VO employees take on some of the functions that representatives of private security companies do not have the right to perform - security of cash settlement centers, ensuring the safety of representatives investigative committee, tax inspectorates etc.

The activities of private security are also aimed at maintaining law and order on the streets. Employees of the unit are obliged to observe and respect the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation. The activities of the VO are regulated by the Police Law.

Private security patrol cars, in addition to walkie-talkies and navigators, are equipped with special signals (flashing lights) and have side numbers. VO employees are specially equipped and carry their service weapons.

Commercial activities

VO employees provide security using technical means. Serves enterprises where they are installed panic buttons. Based on a signal received at the control panel, a detention group leaves.

Property protection work individuals does not differ from the scheme of actions of private security companies. If an alarm goes off in an apartment or house, a group of private security officers, who are closest, goes to the site.

Depending on the terms of the contract, owners may be subject to penalties for false alarms. For example, if the window was not closed and the alarm went off.

If the signal turns out to be reliable, VO employees have the right to detain the burglar. In such a situation, security officers will have to call the police. Representatives of private security may use weapons in cases established by the law of the Russian Federation.

Another direction of the structure’s work is providing physical security for objects. According to the agreement, private security officers organize cargo escort.

Among the advantages of cooperation with private security are reasonable prices, an extensive network, and a clear subordination structure that has been worked out over the years. But some private security companies can benefit from installing more modern security systems.

Law enforcement

Private security officers patrol the city streets when they go on duty. Any citizen who has suffered from illegal actions can contact the detention team. For example, if your bag is snatched on the street, feel free to slow down the carriage or go to a store equipped with a panic button.

The police officers of the private security department also work according to orientation. They are involved in police operations carried out in populated areas.

All private security personnel periodically undergo re-certification, drill and physical training, and participate in shooting exercises.

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