Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

What does being born on Wednesday mean? Those born on weekends. Those born on this day of the week have these character traits

Let's consider what people born on Wednesday can expect from life. If a person was born on Wednesday, his life is ruled by Mercury and he can be called a Mercurian. Mercury is the planet of youth and lightness, and Mercurians, regardless of age, can feel young, look good, and remain active people into old age. They can become specialists in rejuvenating the body.

A relevant topic in the life of a Mercury person may be the topic of friends, brothers and sisters, because it is Mercury that manages friendly relations and determines relationships with brothers and sisters. A Mercurian may love his brothers, sisters and friends, may treat them badly, may have many friends or none, but this topic is important to him and worries him. Brother, sister and friends are able to give a Mercurian much more than parents.

A young Mercurian is often restless, very active, and easily distracted. Such children need to be taught intelligence in movement, during games, walking, and in transport. The learning process should not be intrusive, but should happen unnoticed. A Mercurian can be taught a lot by his brothers, sisters and friends, even more than by his parents and teachers. It is more useful for a lagging Mercurian to study with a friend who is an excellent student than with a tutor.

Mercury is the enemy of constancy, because it is a planet of movement, constant change. Both young and adult Mercurians often change their attitude towards people and situations. You should not scold the young Mercurian for changing his friends or the decor in his room too often. He needs change like air. He will feel bad if there are no changes around him, so from time to time it is useful to update the interior items in his room, buy him more often new clothes and toys. The more active a Mercurian is and the more varied his life, the better he feels.

Most of all, young Mercurians need communication on equal terms. They will feel more confident, will be protected from possible complexes if they can call adults by their names without patronymics, and will address them as friends, on a first name basis. Do not insist on hierarchy in relationships; let the young Mercurian perceive you as an equal and see you as his friend, because this will help him realize his potential.

People born on Wednesday. In the upbringing of a Mercury person, prohibition is unacceptable, since Mercury is the planet of freedom. By prohibiting a Mercurian from something, especially communication or outdoor games, we create an excellent basis for complexes. If a young Mercurian grows up with the feeling that he is not allowed to do much, he will not be able to grow up healthy and happy, because the energy of Mercury, which nourishes and creates the background of his life, will not penetrate his spirit and body. Try to create conditions for the young Mercurian under which there would be no point in the ban.

Mercury governs speech, information, the thinking process, primary education, and often Mercurians have problems with speech, there is a desire to become a speech therapist, to do work related to the collection and transmission of information. A Mercurian can become good teacher primary school, journalist, writer, bookseller (since Mercury is in charge of printed materials), engage in intellectual work. It is useful for a young Mercurian to be taught to read as early as possible, to express his thoughts concisely, to collect information and to use it. It is useful for him to learn poetry, play mind games, parents should talk to him more often. The more well-read a Mercurian is, the more freely he speaks, the more confidently he will walk through life.

Mercuryians can be cunning and dexterous, capable of commercial activities, because Mercury gives such abilities. Young Mercurians can be terrible deceivers, but you shouldn’t scold them for this, you need to teach them how to use their cunning so that no one suffers from it. Outdoor games will help with this, especially football and even playing cards.

Throughout the life of a Mercurian, any Wednesday is a happy day for him, when he can take on the most difficult tasks. But the most successful periods of life are the years of Mercury, which began on Wednesday, when a Mercury person is able to fully realize his potential. Mercurians also feel good in the year that begins on Thursday, that is, in the year of Jupiter, since Jupiter’s energy is related to Mercury’s energy. Jupiter is much more serious than Mercury, it can be called Mercury's older brother. In the year of Jupiter, a Mercurian can become more serious, come to his senses, difficult work, abandon ventures in which he cannot achieve a decent result. If a Mercurian is ready to improve his level of education and qualifications, he will achieve a lot in the year of Jupiter. It is very difficult for a Mercurian in the year of Saturn, a year that began on Saturday, because Saturn is a limiter, and Mercury is the planet of freedom. In such a year, a Mercurian should take care of his nerves, fuss less, and think more before committing actions. In such a year, any major achievements are unlikely.

In the year that began on Friday, that is, in the year of Venus, the Mercury person will not feel too good, since the energy of earthly Venus does not combine well with the energy of airy Mercury. But in such a year, the Mercurian has the opportunity to realize his aerial dreams, fulfill his promises, become a more practical person and learn to enjoy life more.

Successful periods for a Mercurian are the years of Mars (starting on Tuesday) and the years of the Sun (starting on Sunday), because Mars and the Sun are fire planets that set the air of Mercury in motion, without which there is no life. Under the influence of fiery planets, the Mercurian becomes more proactive and active, accomplishes more than planned, attracts a large number of business partners, and feels self-confident.

People born on Wednesday. In the year of the Moon, which began on Monday, it is difficult for a Mercurian to act. The planet of water and emotions, the Moon, brings down streams of experiences on him. The Mercurian loses his lightness and spends more time collecting his thoughts and getting ready for work. In the best case, the Mercurian has intuition, a sense of the right path, in the worst case, the year passes hard, bringing a lot of suffering and unpleasant situations.

If a person was born on a Wednesday, throughout his life any Wednesday is his lucky day.

A child born on Wednesday needs a frequent change of environment, communication with adults on equal terms, friendly relations with parents, the absence of prohibitions and maximum freedom. It is useful to teach him to read and express his thoughts concisely as early as possible.

The character of people born on Saturday is very problematic - their actions are both altruistic and self-centered. These are very paradoxical people, people of eternal contradictions, clashes of two opposing opinions, constant internal struggle. They have a hard time even with themselves.

Due to the fact that the ruling planet of this day is Saturn (the lord of time), a person born on Saturday, as a rule, loves retro, old music, films, and poetry. Often, a craving for antiquity makes them keen antique collectors or historians.

A person born on Saturday appreciates humor. Humor for him is an integral part of life. This saves him in difficult life moments, which he usually endures with dignity and, due to his contradictory nature, he has a great many of them.

People born on Saturday have good musical and literary abilities, but, unfortunately, all these talents without outside support remain at the level of hobbies and hobbies, since they cannot be called too bright either.

In terms of homeliness and recklessness, a person born on Saturday is perhaps the most balanced sign. He loves home, comfort, warmth and is a supporter of family holidays and in general family life as such. But at the same time, he is easy-going and his romanticism and lightness are so infectious that usually, if he wants to go on a hike, he will persuade the rest of the family members to take this adventure.

But, despite all this, a person born on Saturday is most often reserved and secretive. It is impossible to guess what he really feels, because he perfectly masters the art of hiding his true emotions. This is due to what he considers to be intimate and not intended for the “general public”.

Naturally, this behavior of a person born on Saturday, combined with a contradictory character, often makes him lonely. But loneliness in general is not a problem for a person born on Saturday. In a sense, you can say that he cherishes his loneliness.

It should also be noted that people born on Saturday are afraid of losing situations. This is unbearable for them. They take their defeats too seriously and experience them almost as the end of the world, a tragedy on a universal scale.

People born on Saturday are gullible, sometimes even too gullible. This comes from a desire for support, from a desire to share their sorrows and joys with someone, but every time a situation of frank conversation arises, people born on Saturday often, anyway, do not talk about the most important thing, and remain so hidden and closed.

We know quite a lot about genes, heredity and the formation of a child’s character. But can genes always decide everything? They say that besides genetic factors, the day of the week on which he was born has a strong influence on the character of the future baby. Today we propose to talk about children born on Saturday.

Features of “Saturday” children

The ruling planet for Saturday is Saturn. It is he who, according to experts, influences the character and future of children born on this day. These kids need to prepare for difficulties. Their life will be filled with trials. It is about such people that they say that they carry their cross. Few things in this life will be easy for them, so in order to enjoy life, they will have to learn to look at what is happening philosophically.

It is important to remember that for these children, the relationship with their father is very important from childhood. It is this attachment that helps strengthen the spirit and give strength to the child.

Character of Saturday's children

These people can come across as reserved and cold personalities. If it seems to others that they are treated very harshly, and maybe even biased, then you can be sure that this is a person born on Saturday. By nature, these people are very strong-willed and tough. They are demanding of themselves and others. At the same time, they have inhuman efficiency and excellent self-control. You should not expect tenderness and passionate confessions from these people, since they are extremely restrained in showing emotions.

Those born on Saturday are conservative and have a hard time accepting everything new and unknown to themselves. These people love precision and respect the law. Traditions also play an important role for them.

How to be the mother of a “Saturday” child

WITH early childhood The baby needs to be given independence. He must be able to make decisions and take responsibility for his actions and deeds, and endure failures and surprises of fate with dignity. The sooner he learns this, the better for him. In the future, it is better for such a child to choose a profession related to law and order or precision. Correct and scrupulous, these people become wonderful historians or museum workers.

It’s worth starting earlier to teach your child to feel moderation in his actions and desires, and teach him to rejoice in what he already has. The innate ability to see life from the dark side can spoil relationships with others. This is worth trying to avoid.

In addition to the daily zodiac and determining character by zodiac sign, you can also determine what character is by birthday. Day of the week and character are concepts interconnected in that certain planets influence character. Planets and character are interconnected, if you believe what astrologers tell us. So, if you want to know whether astrologers are right or wrong, read on, but first, remember what day of the week you were born on. If you don’t know, ask your parents, or even easier, find old calendar and look. Next, you can find out the character of your relatives and friends.

People who were born on a certain day of the week are ruled by a certain planet, which plays a big role in their destiny and character.

Monday – MOON

People born on Monday are nervous by nature. They have the ability to hypnotize and suggest. In addition, they are characterized by: developed intuition, dreaminess, they are ideal poets and artists. They love water, night, silence and travel. Their look is melancholic, their gestures are hesitant. They take the blows of fate calmly and do not fight it. Professions that are most suitable for people born on Monday: poets, sailors, fishermen, artists, singers, writers, actors. Favorite color: red. Favorite flowers: red poppy, tulips. A suitable precious metal is silver.

Women born on Monday dreamy, gentle, sensitive and graceful. They easily compromise and do not like to live alone. They need mutual love and happiness is associated with the birth of a child.

Men born on Monday very sensitive, have a rich imagination and are constantly in search of the fair half. They need understanding and tenderness. They seem calm, but in reality they are constantly tormented by the question of whether they can find the woman of their dreams to whom they could give all their love.

Tuesday – MARS

People born on Tuesday are very active. They are characterized by activity and courage. In some cases, their insolence actually harms them. Such people are able to withstand any blows, they are energetic and have unusual endurance. Such people will not be easy to break; they are ambitious, capable of charming and conquering. Life is like a battle, gestures are lively, walking is energetic, the body is well built. Due to thoughtless heroic actions, they often harm themselves, taking the blow on themselves. They have little chance of becoming rich, since they do not have the gift of foreseeing events. Suitable professions: lawyer, surgeon, military man, scientists.

Women born on Tuesday generous and passionate in love. They attract with their warmth, energy, charm and desire to live in freedom. In addition, they have a sense of humor and are well received in any company. They are only afraid of boredom, which darkens their lives.

Men born on Tuesday, know how to conquer women by hiding their disadvantages and revealing their advantages. They know how to avoid unpleasant situations in life and have expressed feeling humor. Such men are passionate, they love to live beautifully, do not like despondency and try to enjoy life to the maximum.

Wednesday – MERCURY

People born on Wednesday are very practical. They are created for business, as they know how to search and find benefits. Good intuition, the ability to speak beautifully, they are nimble, energetic and smart. They easily fit into any society, know how to carry on a conversation, and feel at home in their water wherever they are. In addition, such people also have such disadvantages as selfishness, lies, and meanness. They are predisposed to diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract. Suitable professions: scientists, philosophers, mathematicians, lawyers, doctors, businessmen, spies. Favorite color: blue.

Women born on Wednesday gentle and sensual, although at first glance it seems that they are shy and reserved. In love, they need to feel stability, honesty and confidence. They do not believe in love at first sight and believe that the main thing in love is not external beauty, but feelings.

Men born on Wednesday responsible in love, they have a sense of dignity and are quite loyal. They are often afraid to confess their love because of their insecurity and shyness. Loves pure tender love, does not approve of fleeting passion. They are faithful in relationships and will not leave a woman without attention and care.

Thursday – JUPITER

People born on Thursday revel in a sense of pride and expect to be honored. But at the same time, they have such qualities as: sensitivity, correctness, nobility. Such people tend to be overweight, their movements are usually leisurely. They are partly characterized by greed; they like to get everything from life, including physical pleasure. Vengeful. Suitable professions: judges, church ministers, directors, bankers, philosophers.

Women born on Thursday, are impatient in love and love freedom. They are attracted to adventure and everything new. They attract men thanks to their ability to charm and their spontaneity. They do not like to depend on someone, under any circumstances.

Men born on Thursday natural seducers. They want to experience life in all its manifestations and at the same time maintain their independence. They are afraid of the obligations of family life, but they also cannot live alone. The character is complex and contradictory.

Friday – VENUS

People born on Friday, revel in their own importance. They flirt often. They have a good figure. They often suffer from nervous disorders, but they have a calm character and strive to avoid conflict. They do not approve of cruelty. They tend to be beautiful because they have musical and artistic abilities. Predisposed to kidney disease.

Women born on Friday romantic, appreciate everything beautiful and strive for balance. They are very sensitive and sensual, afraid of loneliness and they need to feel that they are being protected.

Men born on Friday excellent actors in real life. He knows how to charm women and does not waste words. He needs to feel that there is harmony in the relationship; he wants to be loved, appreciated and even pampered. He is a family man and is ready to do anything for his family.

Saturday – SATURN

People born on Saturday are good at working with numbers and are excellent at science. They know how to work, they try, they are patient and calm, they do research well. They often become sad if society encourages this. Negative characteristics: jealousy, fanaticism, suspicion. Predisposed to hearing problems and diseases of the lower extremities.

Women born on Saturday mysterious and incomprehensible. She seduces not so much with her body as with her mind and love play is for her more game intellectual character. She is too independent for a woman and even if she sometimes seems indifferent, she is actually capable of experiencing strong emotions.

Men born on Saturday Individualists, independent and inclined to live alone. Sometimes they react in unexpected ways and are very delicate. Not ways to have a clear showdown. In love they are very cautious and shy, afraid to show what they really are.

Resurrection – SUN

People born on Sunday know about their strength and know how to value themselves. They have an iron will. Capable of achieving fame, brilliant in everything they do. They are always surrounded by friends, thanks to their magnetism. Kind, appreciate art, proud. Favorite drink: wine. Predisposed to heart disease. Often unhappy in marriage.

Women born on Sunday impulsive, and are the initiators of their actions. Passion for them is life and they need a person with whom they could share this passion. It is very difficult to compromise, especially if it infringes on their freedom of action. They prefer a partner whose level of development is lower than their own.

Men born on Sunday, ambitious and self-confident. Authoritative people have a sense of initiative and at the same time easily adapt to any living conditions. They love to talk and hear themselves talking. Sensitive to compliments.

On what day of the week were you born? The day of the week determines the character., 5.4 out of 10 based on 8 ratings

The planet of lightness and fun, gives people a changeable disposition. People born on Wednesday fully feel the influence of this mysterious celestial body. Children are characterized by mobility; it is difficult for them to sit in one place for a long time. They prefer large, noisy companies and find pleasure in communication. They have a rich imagination and often wishful thinking. At the same time, they are such kind and charming creatures that it is difficult to suspect them of bad intentions.

Children born on Wednesday feel the need to communicate with close relatives; a brother or sister is an unquestioned authority. They feel comfortable among their peers, and their opinion is decisive. Parents should be lenient towards the child’s wishes; they should not show force in the relationship. Categorical prohibitions and the mentoring tone of adults can forever alienate a little person.

Girls Born on Wednesday

Girls born on Wednesday are prone to change. It is vital for them to change their hairstyle and outfits; they enjoy designing their room. Parents can gain the child’s trust if they do not interfere with their endeavors and do not harshly criticize their daughter’s actions. Girls will listen more to advice given in a delicate, unobtrusive manner. Perhaps the baby will not immediately express consent, but there is no doubt that she will listen to the advice of adults.

The patronage of Mercury determines the ease of character, girls are always ready for adventure, they are constantly on the move. A rich imagination and passion for reading can lead to the choice of a profession related to literature: teacher, journalist, writer. Mercury is the god of trade, so you shouldn’t be surprised at the entrepreneurial spirit of your beloved child. Girls born on Wednesday are contradictory in nature; they are characterized by frequent changes of activity. They are able to achieve success if they do not experience pressure from loved ones.

Female names for girls born on Wednesday: Anna, Veronica, Diana, Ksenia, Lyudmila, Miroslava, Yulia.

Boys Born on Wednesday

Mercury is the planet of free thinking. Boys under the protection of the planet do not recognize strict boundaries. They are looking for understanding, they need the support of like-minded people. Need advice wise people that can curb excessive impulsiveness. Extremely peaceful natures avoid conflict situations. They try to find a common language with any person; they trust their immediate environment most of all. Too authoritarian influence from adults can lead to the development of complexes.

The patronage of the planet will give children born on Wednesday mathematical abilities. Boys, for all their restlessness, eventually become excellent specialists in the field of auditing and accounting. They often show acting talent and get great pleasure from the opportunity to try on different images. They give themselves over to their hobby with all their passion, even if they have to demonstrate their talent in a narrow family circle or at a school play.

Male names for boys born on Wednesday: Anton,

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