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What name is suitable for a child born in March. Names for girls born in March. March names for girls by day of the month

01.03.2017 02.03.2017 by Martin

The birth of a child is a happy time in the life of every family. Choosing a name is very important for both parents and children. After all, it is known that what name you call the baby, such a fate and character will be with the child throughout his life. Very often, a person, reading the description of his name, admits that a lot really coincides. To choose a name for a child, you need to know: at what time of the year the child will be born, in what month and what gender the baby is. These three components are the keys to choosing a name. How to choose a name for a child born in March.

Each month brings its own characteristics to the character of a newborn baby. Children born in March 2017 will be very different from other children. Babies of this month are prone to the unusual, to learning and learning about the innovations of the world. March kids will need communication very much, because the first month of spring always means the awakening of nature from hibernation. Nature itself is drawn to the new and clear, and the March children will also look like the first spring month.

What are the names of girls born in March, according to the days of the month. The meaning of names.

Girls born in March are very receptive and sensitive. Many of them are quite indecisive and easily hurt. March girls are very fond of spinning in front of the mirror, admiring themselves and trying on their mother's outfits. It is advisable to give firm names to such spring children in order to give confidence and determination to their character.

Evdokia (Avdotya)


The name Angela is quite rare for our country, but, nevertheless, it is found in modern families. It is borrowed from ancient Latin. Derived from male name Angelus, which in turn originates from the Greek word "angelos". The meaning of the name is "messenger", "angel".



Extraordinarily beautiful name Marianna in Latin means "sea" and is the female form of the male Marian. Another version also relates the origin of the name to the time of the ancient Roman legionnaires, but believes that the secret of the name is hidden in the history of the noble patrician family Marianus (“Mariev, belonging to Mary”), which has roots from the family nickname Marius, that is, “worshiping or belonging to the god Mars” .

Some researchers interpret the meaning of the name Marianna as "bitter grace" or "sad beauty" and believe that it was formed by the merger of two Hebrew names Maria and Anna. Its folk form is Maryana.



The female name Pulcheria is of Latin origin. It was formed from the word "pulchra" and translated into Russian means "beautiful", "beautiful".


The Christian name Anna came to us from the Hebrew language. Translated from Hebrew, Hannah means "mercy", "strength", "grace", "courage". Catholics and Orthodox have another meaning - "God's mercy." The secret of the name is that it is the most popular in the world. In Russia, it is also in demand among young parents.


The name Camilla has several variants of origin and, accordingly, different meanings. The first version has its roots in Latin: it is believed that the name was formed from the generic nickname Camillus and means “dedicated to the service of the gods”, “servant of the temple”, “impeccable origin”. Camillas in aristocratic ancient Roman families were called children, who were later given to serve in the sanctuary of the gods. Translated from Greek this name means "from a noble family". Another version of the origin came from the Arab world. It is believed that Camilla (Camila, Camila) is the feminine form of the male name Camil, which means “perfect”, “mature” in translation. The next version is German. According to her, the name originated in Germany during the time of humanism and has the meaning of "chamomile".



The name Olivia is a name of Latin origin. The name Olivia comes from the word oliva, which means " olive Tree". Experts believe that the meaning of the name Olivia is “peaceful” or “peace-bearing”, since the olive branch was a symbol of peace in those days.



The female name Anfisa comes from the ancient Greek Anthus, which in turn was formed from the word "anthos" and means "flower". It is quite rare and is not widely popular among newborn girls in Russia.


Mysterious female name Arina has many variants of origin. Linguists explain such a variety of interpretations of the word by its wide distribution in the languages ​​of different peoples. According to the most popular version, Arina is an outdated form of address to Irina and means "peace", "calm". Perhaps it came from the name of the ancient Greek goddess of peaceful life, whose name was Eirene. Also, this name is the name of the Thracian goddess of sunlight in Bulgaria. In the East, he is associated with the Jewish male name Aaron and is interpreted as "enlightened", "mountain", "teacher". In the languages ​​of the Eastern Slavs, it has family ties with the name Yarina (from the pagan god Yarilo). The name is quite popular among newborns in Russia.


The name Barbara is the feminine form of the name Barbarian (colloquial Barbarian) from the Greek word "barbaros" - a foreigner. The original meaning of the word "barbaros" - speaking non-Greek - is close to the Russian words "gibberish", "balabolka" - chattering incomprehensibly. The name means: foreigner, barbarian, savage, from the Varangians, cruel. Gusts of will and irrepressible strength, capable of moving mountains and destroying barriers, sound in this name.


Elizabeth is an ancient Hebrew name derived from the name of Elisheb, the meaning of which in translation is interpreted as “honoring God”, “my God is an oath”, “conjuring God”. It has become widespread throughout the world, Russia is no exception.


The female name Irina appeared in the Russian name book a long time ago. It comes from the name of the ancient Greek goddess Eirena and means "calm", "peace". At first it was considered noble in Rus'. Many researchers suggest that it has lexical connections with such names for girls as Arina, Yarina, Irena.


The origin of the name Praskovya has ancient Greek roots. It was formed from the name Paraskeva and means "preparation", "waiting". In some sources there is a mention that the meaning of the name Praskovya can be interpreted as “the fifth day”, “Saturday eve” (in the sense of Friday).




The Christian name Anna came to us from the Hebrew language. Translated from Hebrew, Hannah means "mercy", "strength", "grace", "courage". Catholics and Orthodox have another meaning - "God's mercy." The secret of the name is that it is the most popular in the world. In Russia, it is also in demand among young parents.


The name Seraphim is of Latin origin. It is very familiar to everyone. Orthodox people- “seraphim” are called fiery angels glorifying God. This is the female form from the male Seraphim. The meaning of the name is "fiery", "fiery".


The name Ustinya or Ustina is of Latin origin. This is the feminine form of Ustin (Justin), which was formed from the Roman generic name Justus (from the Latin word "justus"). Translated into Russian, it means "fair."


Kira is a beautiful name for a girl, paired with the male Cyrus. There are several legends about its origin. According to the first, the name has ancient Greek roots and was formed from the name Kiria (the female form of Kyros), which means "sovereign", "lady", "lord" or from "kyuros, kyros" - "power", "strength", "right" . The second version of the origin is from the ancient Persian word "khur", which translates as "sun". In Russia, the name is gaining popularity, especially among young parents.



The unusually beautiful name Marianna, translated from Latin, means "sea" and is the female form of the male Marian. Another version also relates the origin of the name to the time of the ancient Roman legionnaires, but believes that the secret of the name is hidden in the history of the noble patrician family Marianus (“Mariev, belonging to Mary”), which has roots from the family nickname Marius, that is, “worshiping or belonging to the god Mars” . Some researchers interpret the meaning of the name Marianna as "bitter grace" or "sad beauty" and believe that it was formed by the merger of two Hebrew names Maria and Anna. Its folk form is Maryana.


The origin of the female name Marina is associated with the Roman generic patrician name Marinus. In translation, it means "sea".




The Christian name Anna came to us from the Hebrew language. Translated from Hebrew, Hannah means "mercy", "strength", "grace", "courage". Catholics and Orthodox have another meaning - "God's mercy." The secret of the name is that it is the most popular in the world. In Russia, it is also in demand among young parents.



The secret of the name Daria (Daria) is in its etymology. The most common Persian version of origin, according to which it was formed on behalf of Dareyos (from the word "daraya") and means "owner of the good", "possessing, owning good". In Greek, this name is a transcription of the ancient Persian Darayavaush.

There is also an opinion that this is just an adapted version of the Slavic names Daren and Darin. In this case, it means “gift”, “gift”, “bestowed”, “bestower”. In some sources there is a version according to which this is a short form from Dorotheus.

For the name Darin, there is an explanation of Irish origin. It is considered one of the forms of the female Darren, the meaning of which is translated as "rocky mountain", "low".

The name Daria is quite popular among young parents in Russia.

Evdokia (Avdotya)

The name Evdokia (folk form - Avdotya) is beautiful, but quite rare. It has Greek origin, originates from the name Eudokia, which means "favor", "blessed". It appeared in Rus' since the adoption of Christianity.


The female name Matrena is of Latin origin. It was formed from the word "matrona" and translated into Russian means "matrona", "respectable married woman", "respectable lady". The name is considered obsolete, therefore it is not popular among newborn girls.



There are several versions about the origin of the beautiful female name Olga. The first option says that the name was formed from the Old Norse Helga and means “holy”, “bright”, “clear”, “wise”, “sacred”, “fatal”. According to the second version, it originates from the Old Slavic language, comes from the names Volga, Volkh and acquires the meaning of “sunny”, “good”, “significant”, “great”. Currently considered one of the most common in Russia.


Semantic analysis of the female name Louise in different languages gives scientists reason to consider it a derivative of the French male name Louis, which translates as "famous battle." However, one cannot discard a very convincing version of the origin of the name from the god of light Lug, a mythological Irish warrior. In this case, it takes on the meanings of "light", "shining". In Hebrew, the name means "God helped." Some Russian scientists find common roots in it with the name Elizabeth, consider it an abbreviated version that has received an independent life.


The origin of the name Martha is Hebrew. Its meaning is translated as "mentor", "mistress" or "mistress". This name is a Western European form of the name Marfa, which has taken root in our country.


Such a name for girls as Martha is mistakenly attributed by many to the Old Slavonic language, but in fact its origin has Hebrew roots. It is a modernized form of the name Marta. Its meaning is translated as “mistress”, “mentor”, “mistress”. Over the centuries of its existence in Rus', this beautiful name began to be considered absolutely independent.


In most sources, one can find the opinion that the name Ulyana was supposedly formed from the Latin name Julia and means “from the Julia family”, as well as “curly”, “fluffy”. Actually this is not true. Julia is indeed a related name, but Ulyana most likely comes from Julian. There is also a version that the girls were called so in honor of Vladimir Ulyanov. This is precisely what explains a slight decrease in the popularity of the name in Russia in the post-Soviet space.


The secret of the name lies in its origin. Most likely, the name Juliana (Yulianna, Yuliania) is a modification of the traditional Russian name Uliana. Some researchers consider it a female form from Julian, which was formed from the generic name Julius (from the ancient Greek "iulos"), which means "fluffy", "curly" in translation. Sometimes the meaning "belonging to Julius" is attributed to it.

It is consonant with such a name for girls as Julia, which has a similar etymology (origin). Sometimes they are confused, but these are two different and independent names. There is also an opinion that it was formed by the merger of the names Julia and Anna.


The secret of the name Ilona lies in its origin. It's actually a complete mystery. To date, it is still not clear what language exactly the meaning of the name is associated with, in what culture and when girls began to be called that way. There is a version that it is the Hungarian version of the Greek name Elena and means “bright” in translation. Researchers claim that earlier only girls born among nobles and monarchs were called Ilona. This is not known for certain, but this assumption has its own historical justification, so we can agree with it.


The beautiful female name Iraida comes from the ancient Greek name Herais and means "heroine", "hero's daughter". Sometimes it is also translated as "from the kind of Hera" - the goddess, the patroness of marriage. The name is quite rare, not popular among young parents.


According to the first version, the female name Raisa comes from the Arabic word "rais" and means "boss" or "leader". According to the second, this is a variant of the name Iraida, which in translation from the ancient Greek language takes the meaning of “heroine” or “daughter of a hero”.


Alena is one of the most beautiful female names. It comes from the ancient Greek Helene, which means “light”, “torch”, “shining”, “sunny”. There are other options for the origin of the name Alena. In Slavic languages, it is considered an extra-church variant of Elena. Also, this name is interpreted as "scarlet", "fiery". And its diminutive form is correlated with the name Magdalena, Madeleine.


The name Elena comes from the ancient Greek Helene. In translation, it means “bright”, “torch”, “fire”, “chosen”, “sparkling”, “brilliant” or “sunny”. This female name is very popular in Russia among adult girls. In the early 90s of the XX century, it was one of the ten most common among newborn babies.


The Christian name Anna came to us from the Hebrew language. Translated from Hebrew, Hannah means "mercy", "strength", "grace", "courage". Catholics and Orthodox have another meaning - "God's mercy." The secret of the name is that it is the most popular in the world. In Russia, it is also in demand among young parents.


The secret of the name lies in the etymology. There is still a discussion around it, and there is no single point of view regarding its origin and meaning. The name Antonina is considered the feminine form of Anton (Anthony). According to one version, it comes from the Greek word “antao” and means “entering the battle”, “competing in strength”, “opponent”, “opposing”, “worthy of praise”. Another option says that the name was formed from the ancient Greek "anthos" and translates as "flower". Its folk form is Antonida.

Evdokia (Avdotya)

The name Evdokia (folk form - Avdotya) is beautiful, but quite rare. It is of Greek origin, originates from the name Eudokia, which means "favor", "blessed". It appeared in Rus' since the adoption of Christianity.


The origin of the name Ekaterina is associated with Ancient Greece, where it had the meaning of a "immaculate" girl. The name was formed from the Greek Ekaterini, which came from the ancient Greek word "kataros" and meant "pure".

In Western cultures, unlike Russian, there are several variants of its pronunciation: Katerina, Katherine and Catalina. Recently, the related name Catalia has become common, which has already achieved the status of an independent one. In Georgia, the meaning of the name is preserved, but the pronunciation is somewhat different - Ketevan.

The name Ekaterina has been holding its position in the popularity rating in Russia for several decades.


Xenia is Russian name, Oksana - Ukrainian, Aksinya - Russian folk form. Their origin is associated with the ancient Greek word "xenos" or "xenia" and the meaning "hospitable", "guest", "stranger", "alien", "outlander" is attributed. The name Ksenia is a common and common name in Russia.


Mary is a female name of biblical origin. That was the name of the mother of Jesus. It was formed from the Hebrew name Miriam (Miriam) and means “desired”, “bitter”, “serene”. It is also sometimes translated as “rejected”, “sad”, “mistress”. The name is very popular all over the world, including in Russia - not only among adult women, but also among newborn girls.


The female name Matrena is of Latin origin. It was formed from the word "matrona" and translated into Russian means "matrona", "respectable married woman", "respectable lady". The name is considered obsolete, therefore it is not popular among newborn girls.


The beautiful name Hope is fraught with action, and only forward, to spite all deaths. It comes from the ancient Greek name of one of the martyr sisters Elpis and means "hope". The secret of the name lies in its direct meaning. It became very popular in Ancient Rus', mainly among the nobility.


The origin of the name Oksana is associated with the ancient Greek word "xenos" or "xenia". Its meaning in translation into Russian sounds like “hospitable”, “guest”, “alien”, “foreigner”, “wanderer”. It is popular in Ukraine, in Russia it is common in the form of Xenia.


The origin of the name Alexander is associated with the paired male name Alexander, which in turn came from the ancient Greek language and is translated as “protector”. Therefore, it means "courageous" or "protector". The name is popular in Russia, as newborn girls are often called.



Olesya is Slavic name, formed from the word "forest" and means "forest", "girl from the forest", "living in the forest". Another version of the origin claims that it is a form of the female name Alexander and acquires the meaning of "protector". The names Alesya and Lesya can be considered its variety.


Alina is a beautiful name, the origin of which is still not exactly established. Some historians believe that it has Latin roots and in translation means “alien”, “other”, “other”. It is also associated with the Latin name Albina (Latin albus), which translates as “white”, “light”, “fair-haired”.

A number of sources believe that the name Alina has French roots and is derived from Aline (Aline), and some researchers believe that this is a form of the Scandinavian name Adeline, the meaning of which is interpreted as “generous”, “noble”, “majestic”. And, finally, the secret of the name lies in its ancient Germanic origin with the interpretation of "noble."

The name is widespread in Russia, the peak of its popularity among newborns was in 1998.


The name Anastasia is the female version of the ancient Greek male name Anastasius (Anastas), which comes from Anastasios and originally means "relocation". Now it is translated in most available sources as “resurrected”, “returned to life”, “rebirth”, “resurrection”, “resurrecting”. This is a fairly popular name in Russia and Europe.


The name Vasilisa is a derivative of the male name Vasily. Its origin is associated with the ancient Greek name Basilissa, which means "royal", "queen". The name is gaining popularity among newborn girls in Russia.


The name Victoria is fraught with great strength and power. Unlike many other names for girls, its origin is absolutely known. It has Latin roots (from the word "victoria"), and its meaning is translated as "victory", "winner". The name holds its strong position and does not lose popularity among newborns in Russia.


The name Galina is derived from the ancient Greek Galene and means “calm”, “silence”, “calm (on the sea)”, “serenity”, “sea surface”. That was the name of the nymph, the patroness of the calm sea.

There are other versions of the origin of the name Galina: from the Italian word "gallina" - in translation it acquires the meaning "chicken", "chicken"; from the old Russian Galya, which in ancient documents is interpreted as "kitty".

Currently, it is rare, having lost its popularity among young parents.


The female name Nika comes from the name of the ancient Greek goddess and is equated with the ancient Roman goddess of victory Victoria. Translated into Russian, it means "victory", "winner". Often the name is used as a diminutive for such names as Veronica, Dominika, Evnika, Kalina, Monica, Nicole. It is quite popular both in Russia and in Europe.


Berta is a female given name of German origin. It is considered short form names ending in the German element "bert/berht" - "light", "bright". Therefore, the meaning of the name in translation into Russian sounds like “light”. It is common in European countries.


The name Karina has several versions of origin. According to one version, the name Karina is of Latin origin and is derived from the Roman cognomen (personal or generic nickname) Carinus, derived from another cognomen - Carus, derived from the Latin carus, which translates as "sweet", "dear". In confirmation of this version of origin, one can cite the modern meaning of the Italian word "cara", meaning "beautiful, sweet." According to the second version of the origin, "Carina" in Latin means "the keel of the ship." Navy V Ancient Rome had vital importance. In order for the voyage to be successful, for the ship to remain intact after storms and storms, the strength of the main (keel) beam of the ship was needed. There is a possibility that by naming their daughter Karina, the sailors thus paid tribute to their ship.


According to one version, the origin of the name Sabina is associated with Ancient Rome. He is considered the female form of Savin (Sabin), formed from the generic patrician name Sabinus, and is given the meaning of "Sabine", "beautiful". Sabine girls were called girls who belonged to a tribe that lived in the territory Ancient Italy. Therefore, this name was originally a common noun, indicating the "national" origin of a woman. And after generations, it became associated with the epithet "beautiful".

There is also an opinion that Sabina, like many other names for girls that have survived to this day, belongs to Aramaic and is translated as “unpretentious”, “wise” (from the verb “Saba”).


The name Greta is of German origin. Often Greta is a short form of some female names, for example, Margaret (Margareta), Gertrude, Henrietta. The name Greta is most often used in the north of Europe, in countries such as Sweden, Denmark, Norway, so the spelling of this name should be looked at foreign language. So in Sweden, for example, they use Greta, Gretha (Greta), Greth, Gret (Gret), Gretta (Gretta), Gritta (Gritta), Gritt (Gritt), Grit (Grit). In Russian transcription, the name Greta is written with one letter "t", although there is also a double version. In modern times it is used as an independent name. In the Orthodox tradition, the name Greta is not used; in the Catholic calendar, the name Greta is not indicated, but we indicate catholic name day for the names Margarita and Gertrude, since Greta is a short form of these names.


The name Lucy is very rare in Russia. Its origin is Latin, it goes back to the male Roman name Lucius. These options have a common root - "lux", which translates as "light". Hence the meaning of the name - “bright”, “luminous”, “shining”. This name is not familiar to the Orthodox, but it is quite common in Catholic families.


The female name Margarita is quite common in Russia, they are often called newborn girls. It is formed from the late Latin name Margarita, which in turn comes from the ancient Greek word "margarites" and acquires the meaning of "pearl", "pearl". In ancient Greek mythology, it is generally accepted that "Margaritos" is a synonym for the name Aphrodite - the patroness of sailors, the goddess of beauty and love.


The name Christina has Latin roots. This is a feminine derivative form of Christians (derived from Christianus), meaning "Christian". Translated from Greek, it has the same meaning, as well as “dedicated to Christ”, “follower of Christ”. The name is very popular all over the world, and Russia is no exception.


The name Madina has several versions of the origin of the name. According to the Arabic version, Madina is the abbreviated name of the city of Madinat an-Nabi, Medina, which is considered the city of the Prophet Muhammad. And Madina is translated from Arabic as "big city".

According to the Greek version of origin, the name Madina is derived from the Greek name Madlina, meaning "giving strength." At the same time, Madina is a form of the name Maddalena, in the Gospel it sounds like Magdalene and is translated literally “from Magdala” (Magdala is a village on the shores of the Lake of Galilee).

By English version The origin of the name Madina is the feminine form of the male name Maden (Madeni), translated from the Breton language meaning "happy, lucky."


Thekla's name is of ancient Greek origin. Translated into Russian, it takes the meaning "glory of God." It comes from the Greek name Theoclea: "theos" - "God" and "cleos" - "glory". It is quite popular in a number of European countries. The name came to Russian land from Byzantium and became famous thanks to the disciple of the Apostle Paul. For her Christian faith, Saint Thekla was imprisoned and then thrown to be torn to pieces by wild animals, and it was only by a miracle that the animals did not touch her.


The female name Emma has several versions of origin. According to one of them, it was formed from the Hebrew male name Emmanuel and means "God is with us." Translated from Latin, the name takes on the meaning of "precious", "spiritual". There is a version about German origin. It is considered a short form of ancient Germanic names beginning with Erm- and is given the meaning of "huge", "comprehensive". Translated from Arabic it is interpreted as "faithful", "reliable", "calm".


The name Patricia has Latin roots, derived from the Latin "patricius", meaning "noble", "noble person", "patrician", "aristocrat". The name Patricia is also pronounced through "s" - Patricia, in Scotland a variant of this name is also used - Peyton, and in Russia the name Patricia was in use. The name Patricia is the feminine form of the male name Patrick (Patrikey).


The female name Irma is of German origin. Firstly, it is considered a short form of names that begin with the component "ermen", which means "universal" or "irmin" - "strong", "full". Secondly, it may have been formed on behalf of the god Irmin, revered by many ancient Germanic tribes.


The name Natalya (Natalia) appeared in Europe with the advent of Christianity and came from Latin name Christmas - "Natalis Domini". According to this version, the meaning of the name Natalya is “Christmas”, “born on Christmas”, “blessed”. The Latin word "natalis" also means "native". Often he is given an extensive meaning - “birthday”, “to be born”, “homeland”, “genus”. The second version connects the origin of the name with the Hebrew Nathan, which means "given by God" or "gifted". Previously, the male version of the name was also used - Nataly, which is not found now.

Notable women born in March:

Valentina Tereshkova, was born under the sign of the Zodiac Pisces on March 6, 1937 - the famous Soviet cosmonaut, the first woman cosmonaut.

Nadezhda Babkina, was born under the sign of the Zodiac Pisces on March 19, 1950 - the famous Soviet and Russian singer, People's Artist of Russia. Colonel Cossack troops with the right to bear arms.

Irina Alferova, was born under the sign of the Zodiac Pisces on March 13, 1951 - the famous Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of Russia.

Irina Ponarovskaya, was born under the sign of the Zodiac Pisces on March 12, 1953 - the famous Soviet and Russian pop singer, film actress and sex symbol.

Sharon Stone, born under the sign of the Zodiac Pisces March 10, 1958 - American actress, producer, former model. Dame of the French Order of Arts and Letters.

Elena Yakovleva, was born under the sign of the Zodiac Pisces on March 5, 1961 - the famous Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of Russia.

Ekaterina Strizhenova, was born under the sign of the Zodiac Pisces on March 20, 1968 - the famous Russian theater and film actress, TV presenter.

Tatyana Bulanova, was born under the sign of the Zodiac Pisces on March 6, 1969 - the famous Russian pop singer, Honored Artist of Russia.

Anna Semenovich, was born under the sign of the Zodiac Pisces on March 1, 1980 - the famous Russian figure skater, actress, TV presenter, pop singer (former soloist of the Brilliant group).

Olga and Tatiana Arntgolts, born under the sign of the Zodiac Pisces on March 18, 1982 - famous Russian theater and film actresses.

Ksenia Borodina was born under the sign of the Zodiac Pisces on March 8, 1983 - the host of the reality show "Dom-2" on TNT.

Ornella Muti Born under the sign of the Zodiac Pisces on March 9, 1955, real name Francesca Romana Rivellial is an Italian film actress.

Keira Knightley born under the sign of Aries on March 26, 1985 - British actress. Two-time Oscar nominee.

Mariah Carey born under the sign of Aries on March 27, 1970, is an American singer, songwriter, record producer, actress, and philanthropist.

Laima Vaikule born under the sign of Aries on March 31, 1954 - Soviet and Latvian pop singer, actress. Cavalier of the Russian Order of Friendship.


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How to name a girl born in March, according to the calendar.

March girls grow up with sensitive and receptive natures. In some situations, they may show themselves indecisive.

  • They are easy to offend. They are ready to spend hours admiring their reflection in the mirror and trying on their mother's outfits.
  • To name the best way influenced fate, it is worth naming the March girl with a firm name. So the baby will be able to overcome her indecision and suspiciousness.
  • March girls are willing to compromise and adapt to circumstances. “The soul of the company” is not about them.
  • They can be jealous and curious.
  • March girls choose men with a high position in society as spouses. For them, it is important that the second half succeed.
  • In the house, the mistress of which was born in March, the main role belongs to a woman.
  • However, with their benevolent attitude towards people and the ability to share someone else's grief, the March representatives of the fair sex win the favor of others.

How to choose the right name for a newborn girl according to Saints in March?

Naming according to the holy calendar means that parents choose the name of a saint for the child, revered on the day the baby is born. It is believed that in this way the baby receives a patron for life.

  • You should not opt ​​for an unusual rare name from the Saints in an effort to give the child originality. Indeed, in this way a child can receive a name that will adversely affect his fate.
  • The meaning of the tradition of naming the baby according to the holy calendar is to perform the sacrament of baptism, after which the baby acquires a name. The name given by God can only belong to a baptized person.
  • Before choosing a name according to the calendar, parents should learn about its meaning and origin.
  • If the baby's Angel's Day coincides with his birthday, and the name he is called is pleasant to the ear for both parents, then this is considered a good sign. Such a name is given to the child from above.

Tips for parents who decide to name a child according to the church calendar

Parents who choose a name for their daughter face a difficult task. Many factors need to be taken into account. For example, whether the name will sound beautiful in combination with the surname and patronymic, what is the meaning of the names, whether the variant of the name you like is relevant.

  • Today, more and more young parents prefer names from the Saints. Thus, the child's name becomes a talisman and talisman for the baby, and the same date will be considered Angel Day and Girl's Name Day.
  • If you need to choose a name for the baby according to the church calendar, where all the names of saints are collected, then first of all, discard those options that have an unusual sound and are very rare. So you save the child from the feeling of discomfort that he may experience in the circle of his peers.
  • Choose a name that matches the last name and patronymic. Parents should not rely solely on the chosen name. A child will grow up to be a real person not only thanks to a skillfully chosen name, but also to many other factors, among which education, the environment of the baby, love, care are of no small importance.

  • The parents choose the name according to the church calendar in the church, listening to the priest, who reads the variants of names from the Saints. saints - orthodox calendar, which indicates religious holidays or days of commemoration of saints.
  • Parents have a choice: to name the child one of the names of the saints revered on the baby's birthday. But there are cases when the date of the birth of the child does not fall on the day of veneration of the Saint, or the same name is found on several dates at once.
    How to choose the very ideal name for the baby, if there are more than a thousand such names in the Saints?
  • The saint, revered on the baby's birthday, will be his patron. And the child will receive both strength and protection on behalf of his saint, will have a close relationship with him, will be able to partially adopt his good qualities.
  • If the baby was born on the day of veneration in the calendar of several saints, then parents can opt for the name that they like best.
  • If only one saint is revered on this day in the church calendar, then the parents can either name the baby by this name, or, as an exception, name the saint revered in the family by name.
  • If the name is not assigned to the day of the baby in the church calendar, then they call the name from future dates, up to the eighth day from the baby's name day.
  • From the calendar, they do not take a name from past dates after the child's name day.
  • The names in the church calendar are different origin. Some of them are Slavic, some are Greek or Roman, and some are Hebrew.
  • The Book of Bible Names is an endless source of options, but even here, some parents of girls may have problems.

Not every day there is a date of commemoration of a saint, parents may not like the name of the saint assigned to the date of birth of their baby, or they simply do not find suitable name for a daughter. In this case, according to church traditions:

  • take the name of a saint who is revered on the baby's birthday
  • take the name of the saint who is commemorated on the day of the commission of the rite of naming
  • take the name from the leading date (before the eighth day)
  • take a name on the 40th day from birth, during the sacrament of Baptism

Important: you should know that all of the above naming options are advisory in nature, and therefore no one is forcing parents who do not like the name from the Saints, which falls on the date of birth of their daughter, to agree with the proposed option.

Some couples prefer to give the baby a double name: secular and church. A worldly name is given at birth, and an ecclesiastical name is given at Baptism. The name received at Baptism cannot be changed, it is assigned to a person for life.

Names according to the Saints and the church calendar for girls born in March: meaning, origin, patron saint

March Name Meaning Origin patron saint
March 1 Valentine strong latin Great Martyr Valentina
2nd of March Anna grace Jewish martyr Anna
Nina brave girl Spanish martyr Nina
Marianne sad beauty Jewish Righteous Mariana sister of the Apostle Philip
March, 3rd Camille noble latin
March 4 Alexandra protector of people Greek Equal-to-the-Apostles Martyr Apsia
March, 6 barbarian foreigner Greek martyr Barbara
Elizabeth Honoring God Jewish martyr Elizabeth
Irina endearing; peaceful Greek martyr Irina
March 7 Anfisa blooming Greek martyr Anthusa
9th of March Karina impeccable Greek Martyrs Karina and Kira
10th of March Anna grace Jewish Venerable Martyr Evdokia
11th of March Theresa protection Greek Martyrs Antonina
March 12 Marina loving ocean; maritime latin Holy Martyr Marina
Kira mistress Greek
Victoria winner latin Holy Martyr Euphalia
March 14th Hope hope; beginning of life Russian Holy Martyr Hope
Daria gift of god Jewish Holy Martyr Daria
Matryona noble woman Russian Holy Martyr Matryona
Antonina engaging in battle latin Holy Martyr Antonina
Olga saint; great; perfect latin Holy Martyr Olga
Anna grace Jewish Holy Martyr Anna
March 16 Martha noble woman Aramaic Martyr Martha
March 17 Ulyana owned by Julius latin venerable martyr Piama virgin
Julia curly Greek Holy Martyr Julia
18th of March Iraida hero's daughter Greek Holy Martyr Iraida
March 19 Elena beautiful; light; chosen Greek Holy Martyr Elena
20th of March Hope hope; beginning of life Russian Holy Martyr Hope
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical Reverend Martyr Mary
Capitolina capitoline latin Venerable Martyr Catherine
Antonina engaging in battle latin Venerable Martyr Antonina
Ksenia guest Greek Holy Martyr Xenia
Catherine clean; great; overbearing Greek Holy Martyr Catherine
Matryona noble woman Russian Holy Martyr Matryona
Anna grace Jewish Holy Martyr Anna
March 22 Alexandra protector of people Greek Holy Martyr Alexandra
Natalia latin Holy Martyr Natalia
Alina noble Old Germanic Holy Martyr Alina
Olesya protectress Ukrainian Holy Martyr Alexandra
March 23 Victoria winner latin Martyr Hariessa
Galina calm Greek martyr Galina
Nika victorious Greek martyr Nina
Vasilisa princess Greek martyr Vasilisa
Anastasia Sunday Greek Holy Martyr Anastasia
Theodora given by God Italian martyr Theodora
March 24 Karina impeccable Greek Saint Anastasia Patricia
Bertha bright Old Germanic righteous Berta
26 March Christina follower of Christ Greek Martyr Christina of Persia
March 28 Maria bitter, stubborn biblical Holy Martyr Mary
30th of March Marina loving ocean; maritime latin Venerable Eutrophy of Chorion
March 31 Natalia native; born on christmas latin Martyr Natalya

Video: What is the name of the girl? NAMES FOR GIRLS IN 2017

Choosing a name for your child is a very responsible and difficult task. It is important that parents like it and be harmonious. A correctly chosen name will not only characterize a person, but will also become an assistant and a talisman. Everyone knows: “whatever you call a ship, so it will float,” so it’s worth taking seriously the question of how to name a girl born in March.

March names

The character of the March girls is similar to nature in early spring- tender and vulnerable. Often they grow up overly sensitive and impressionable. They can be stubborn, but not in the right place and at the wrong time.

To correct such features of character, to smooth out sharp corners, while at the same time making the daughter self-confident, it is worth taking a closer look at the following spring names for girls: Anastasia, Antonina, Veronika, Christina, Marta, Nika, Nina, Marina, Natalya.

If according to the horoscope Pisces

How to name a girl in March - the horoscope will tell. All life events were compared with it by our ancestors. So why not turn to him for help in such an important matter? After all, a person is given a name once in a lifetime. It can both harmonize and destroy fate and character, strengthen or facilitate generic programs, influence personal life, family and health.

Even the sound of one's own name will be with a person all his life: it will be pronounced by those around and close people. Through the eardrums, sound affects the brain and the whole body.

People born in early March - Pisces according to the horoscope - are feminine and soft. Girls have a great imagination. They are talented and express themselves well in creativity. A little suspicious and fickle: the mood can change, like the flows of a stormy river. Girls are often kind and helpful, which can do them a disservice. Parents should teach their child to defend their own interests from an early age. If a girl born in March is Pisces, pay attention to such female names:

Aries girl

An Aries girl from birth will make it clear to her relatives that she has her own opinion on any issue. Such a character trait will be inherent in her all her life. These people are brave, fair, stubborn. They are often bossy and selfish. It is also obvious that the girl will grow up to be a good, devoted friend. This child needs patience. It is better to give a name to a girl gentle and soft:

church calendar

Our ancestors never had a problem what name to give the child. They relied on the church calendar. A baby was born - parents came to church. The priest offered a choice of several names of saints, the day of veneration of which fell in the near future. It never occurred to anyone to argue with the church minister.

Modern parents have a lot of choices. But also the list of saints' names is so diverse that is worth paying attention to. Moreover, by choosing such a name for a newborn, you will know under whose patronage the baby is. And the birthday of a holy person will become the Day of the Angel or the name day of the girl.

In March, you can find about 2 thousand names in the Saints. Of course, there are those that have long gone out of use.

If there are no female names on the baby's birthday, or you don't like the names at all, it's worth looking a few days ahead this month. For the birthday boy, there is a name that will be cute for the parents and pleasant for the baby.

>>March names for girls

Names for girls born in March. March names for girls by day of the month

Distinctive character traits of March girls

The windy nature, inherent, perhaps, in most girls, is most pronounced in girls born in the first month of spring - March. It is often difficult for such girls to decide on something, they can rush from side to side in search of the right solution. March girls are very vulnerable and strongly amenable to other people's influence.

Girls born into the world at the beginning of spring are very impressionable, inspiration for any activity can easily come to them. Because of this, they have good creative inclinations. However, the perseverance of these girls may not be enough to implement long-term plans.

Among such people there are quite a lot of well-known creative personalities (actors, artists and musicians) such as Michelangelo, Vivaldi, Rimsky-Korsakov, Bruce Willis, Vrubel, Oleg Yankovsky, Irina Alferova, Irina Ponarovskaya, Tatyana Bulanova, Ekaterina Strizhenova, Anna Semenovich, Jenifer Love Hewitt, Sharon Stone and many others.

Due to excessive vulnerability, the mood of girls born in March is highly dependent on the mood of the people around them. Thanks to this, imbued with sympathy for other people, they can come to their aid faster than others. Such girls are good interlocutors and grateful listeners. Given the softness of the character of impressionable girls and their indecision, when choosing a name for them, it is recommended to choose hard and strong names, which will help smooth out an overly soft character and impressionable nature.

What name to give to a girl who was born in March, according to the days of the month. Meaning of names

  1. Valentine (from Latin "strong, healthy")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew )
  2. Nina (1. from Hebrew "great granddaughter" 2.from Assyrian "queen, mistress" 3.from Georgian "young" 4.from Arabic "useful" 5. from spanish "girl" 6.from latin "brave" 7. derivative from the names of Antonina, Ninel, etc.)
  3. Marianna, Maryana (1. derived from the combination of the names Maria and Anna, literally "bitter grace" 2.from Hebrew "outraged" 3.from latin "belonging to Mary" 4. Latin derivative "marine")
  1. Camilla (1. from Greek "from a noble family" 2.from latin "temple attendant")
  2. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, beneficent")
  1. "protecting the people")
  2. Philothea (from the Greek "pious")
  1. Barbara (1. from the ancient Slavic battle cry "in ar, in ar" "barbarians" "outlander")
  2. "worshiping God")
  3. Irina (from Greek )
  4. "holy, wise" "saint")
  1. Anfisa (from Greek "flower")
    Barbara (1. from the ancient Slavic battle cry "in ar, in ar" which our ancestors shouted, rushing to the attack. Ar means earth. Because of this cry, the Romans called the Slavs "barbarians". So the word barbarian happened, which was used to call foreign tribes and the name Barbara appeared. 2.from latin "outlander")
  2. Elizabeth (from the Hebrew "worshiping God")
  3. Praskovia (1. from Greek "Friday" 2.from Greek "holiday eve, cooking")
  4. Irina (from Greek "possessive, peaceful")
  1. "looking ahead" 3. from Italian "beautiful, sweet" 4.from Arabic "generous")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, beneficent")
  1. Teresa (from the Greek "protector", "hunter")
  2. Asphea (from the Greek "magic")
  3. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, beneficent")
  1. Marina (1. from Latin "marine"
  2. Cyrus (1. from Greek "mistress, mistress" 2.from Persian "sun, ray of light")
  3. Victoria (from Latin "winner")
  1. Cyrus (1. from Greek "mistress, mistress" 2.from Persian "sun, ray of light")
  2. Marina (1. from the Latin "sea" 2. derivative from Mary, the Old Slavic goddess of winter, the patroness of Rus')
  1. "hope")
  2. Daria (1. from Slavic "gift, gift" 2.from Greek "owner of the good" 3.from Persian "winner" 4.from Persian "great fire")
  3. "noble woman" 2. from Latin: )
  4. 2.from latin "spacious, wide" 3.from ancient Greek "Anthony's daughter")
  5. Olga (1. from the Scandinavian Helga, meaning "holy, wise" 2. formed from the male name Oleg, also translated meaning "saint")
  6. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, beneficent")
  7. Evdokia (from the ancient Greek )
  8. Avdotya (a form of the name Evdokia, in ancient Greek meaning "favor")
  1. Martha (1. from Syriac "mistress, mistress" 2.from Hebrew "sad")
  1. Ulyana, Juliana (1. from Latin "belonging to the Julius family" 2. Russian form of the name Julia)
  2. Julia (1. from Greek "curly" 2.from latin "july" 3.from Hebrew "divine fire")
  1. Iraida (from ancient Greek "heroine, hero's daughter")
  1. Elena (1. from Greek "fire, torch", "sunny, shining" 2.from ancient Greek "Greek" 3. derivative of Helios, the ancient Greek god of the Sun)
  1. Hope (from Russian literally "hope")
  2. Mary (1. variously translated from Hebrew: "unfortunate", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mary)
  3. Capitolina (1. from the Latin name of the Capitol, one of the hills on which Rome is built 2. from the Latin "exalted, regal")
  4. Antonina (1. from ancient Greek "opponent", "opponent" 2.from latin "spacious, wide" 3.from ancient Greek "Anthony's daughter")
  5. Xenia, Xenya, Aksinya, Oksana (from the Greek "hospitable", "guest", "wanderer", "foreigner")
  6. Catherine (from Greek "pure, unblemished")
  7. Matryona (1. Russian, literally: "noble woman" 2. from Latin: "venerable lady", "mother of the family")
  8. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, beneficent")
  9. Evdokia (from the ancient Greek "favor", "enjoying glory")
  1. Alexandra (derived from the male name Alexander, translated from the Greek meaning "protecting the people")
  2. Natalia (1. from Latin "native" 2.from latin "Christmas")
  3. Alina (1. from Latin "foreign" 2. from Old Germanic "noble")
  4. Olesya (1.from Ukrainian "protector" 2. from Old Slavonic, means "forest", "living in the forest")
  1. Victoria (from Latin "winner")
  2. Galina (from ancient Greek "quiet, calm")
  3. Nike (from the ancient Greek "victory")
  4. Vasilisa (from the Greek "royal")
  5. Anastasia (from the Greek "resurrected")
  6. Theodora (from the ancient Greek "Gift of God")
  7. Hariessa (from the Greek "friendly")
  8. Claudia, Claudia (from Latin "limping")
  1. Karina (this name has many variants of origin 1. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of sorrow Karna 2. from Latin "looking ahead" 3. from Italian "beautiful, sweet" 4.from Arabic "generous")
  2. Theodora (from the ancient Greek "Gift of God")
  3. Berta (derived from the old Germanic Albert, meaning "brilliant, magnificent")
  1. Christina, Christina (from ancient Greek "follower of Christ")
  1. Mary (1. variously translated from Hebrew: "unfortunate", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mary)
  1. Marina (1. from Latin "marine" 2. derivative from Mary, the Old Slavic goddess of winter, the patroness of Rus')
  1. Cornelia (from Latin "dogwood tree")
  2. Natalia (1. from Latin "native" 2.from latin "Christmas")

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