Encyclopedia of fire safety

Techniques and methods for opening an intercom without a key: how to do it? How to open an intercom without a key (Vizit and others): professional and folk ways How to protect an intercom from a shocker

Almost all apartment buildings equipped with an intercom system. Getting into such a house is extremely problematic if you do not have a reader key or you do not know the pin code. But what if you can't get into the house late at night? In such cases, it is possible to open any device of well-known brands by introducing a certain combination.

Ways to open the intercom without a key

The lock opens with a key

There are many manufacturers of intercom systems. But almost everyone has weak spots in system. How can the following be used?

  • Taser. Many people ask: is it possible to open any intercom with a stun gun? The door should open as follows. To the reader outer panel bring a stun gun and make a discharge. There is a possibility that the system will think that this is a key and open the lock, and there is also a possibility of a complete shutdown of the system, and then no one will be able to use this panel.

Non-standard way
  • Another way is to influence the reader of the device. This is a piezo element from a lighter. Bring it to the reader and click. Chances are small, but still they are.
  • There is a magnetic lock under the intercom panel. If you hit hard in this area, then the grip of the magnet should loosen.
  • How to open the intercom with the help of force? First you need to press hard on the door, and then sharply pull it towards you.
  • More simple and tricky way. IN daytime it will work best. Wait for someone to leave or enter.
  • Dial the number of any apartment and politely ask to open. It is possible that some resident will believe that you are his neighbor, enter into your position and open the door for you.
  • Enter a special combination, a kind of key to all doors.

The last of the options seems to be the most effective. It is necessary to consider in more detail the combinations for the most common intercom systems.

How to open an intercom from Metakom without using a key

Metacom system

For products from Metacom, the procedure is as follows:

  • press the call key, then the apartment number, which starts the numbering of apartments;
  • again the first key. “COD” will appear on the screen;
  • You need to enter the numbers in sequence: 5, 7, 0, 2.

If it didn't work, then:

  • 65535 and press the first button;
  • Next 1234, the call key and the "8" key.

If the intercom does not open, then:

  • enter 1234 and press the call button;
  • 6, call button, 4568.

If you recognize the MK-20 M / T model, then you can enter one of the two following combinations:

  1. Call, 27, call, 5702.
  2. Call, 1, call, 4526.

With one method, you can definitely open the door.

Combination for Vizit devices

This company has many various models. For example, some have "*" instead of "C", and instead of "#" - "K". This fact must be taken into account.

How to enter the settings menu? For this:

  1. Press #.
  2. 1234, the beep will sound.
  3. If a signal consisting of two tones has sounded, then one of the following combinations can be applied or alternately: "12345", "3535", "6767", "9999", "11639".
  4. The operation is completed by entering "2, pause, #, pause, 3535".

Older models can be opened with short combinations: *#4230 or 12#345. Newer models require *#432 or 67#890.

Reception filmed by the guys on a phone camera:

Cyfral system

To enter using this system, you need to be patient and enter long combinations.


B0000. This combination is suitable for opening intercoms of the 2049.1M family. If entering such a sequence of buttons did not open the door, then ON should be displayed on the screen. Then press 2 and the door will open. If OFF is on the screen, then the program is protected from hacking.

0000CALL. This combination should open the doors of modification 2094M. COD should light up on the screen. Next, you need to enter 123456 and press the call button, or 4563 plus the call button, or 123400 and the call key. FO appears on the screen. You should press 601.

Open Eltis system without key

This system is characterized by less protection than other brands of intercoms. An emergency opening can be made by a set of the following digital combinations. One of them must log in.

  • Call key - 100 - call - 7-2-7-3.
  • Call key - 100 - call - 2-3-2-3.
  • Call key - APARTMENT NUMBER - call - intercom code. The code is suitable for systems that serve apartments with multiples of a hundred numbers. The intercom code is either 2323 or 7272, 7273.
  • call key - 4-1 - call key -1-4-1-0.

How to get into the entrance protected by the Forward intercom?

This device must have a special hole near the reader. If it is not soldered and still accessible, then you can open the lock simply by inserting a thin wire or paper clip into the intercom. If opening with sharp objects is not available, then, as with other models, you can try a number of digital combinations.

  1. Call key - 5-5-7-7-9-8 - call.
  2. 2-4-2-7-1-0-1.
  3. 1-2-3-*-2-4-2-7-1-0-1.
  4. Call button - 1-2-3-4.

If none of the combinations helped, then you can try adding your key to the microcontroller base. To do this, do the following:

  • 7-7-3-9-5-2-0-1 – * – 0 – *;
  • attach the key to the reader and press the # key twice.

Attention! If the code for writing the key did not fit, then you should try another one - 5755660.

Product Discovery by Marshal


To open this device, you need to know the numbers of the last apartments in the entrance (hereinafter referred to as NPKVP) and use them in one of the combinations.

  • NPKVP + 1 - call - 5-5-5-5;
  • NPKVP + 1 - call - 1-9-5-8.

"NPKVP + 1" means that one must be added to the number.

Product from “Stroy Master”

Usually the installer forgets to change the factory codes. Therefore, you can successfully open the door by entering the following combinations in turn on the external panel.

  1. 1-2-3-4, 6-7-6-7, 3-5-3-5, 9-9-9-9, 1-2-3-4-5, 0-0-0-0, 1-1-6-3-9. The action is completed by simultaneously pressing the call and cancel buttons.
  2. Call button - 1234.

Door with intercom Laskomex

This manufacturer uses unique four-digit codes for each device. Therefore, if you recognize this code, you can use it in combination: call button - apartment number - a unique code from the manufacturer.

Another method does not require a unique code for your house intercom, but only the knowledge of simple combinations:

  • alternately press the buttons with the image of the key and 0 four times, it looks like this: K-0-K-0-K-0-K-0 (where K is the key with the image of the key);
  • then enter 6-6-6-6, wait for P to appear on the screen;
  • press 8;
  • The front door will open in a few seconds.

How to open an intercom without a chip from Techcom

The process of opening an intercom from Tekhkom is associated with the introduction of a common code and a part consisting of a unique code for a specific sample. If the installers did not set the code, then you can enter the following combination: 2-5-8 - 1-2-3-4 - call key - 3, "F3" will appear on the screen. This means that you have entered the add keys service. You need to enter the apartment number, attach the key to the reader. If there is already a cipher of this key in memory, then a double signal will sound, if not, then the cipher will be written, accompanied by one signal. To exit the menu, you need to press "X", if this is not done, the device will not remember the settings.

Old models of this company can be opened with the following combination:

  • 1-6-0, moreover, when dialing numbers, they must be held;
  • release in reverse order: 0-6-1;
  • “- -“ should appear on the screen, press 4-3-2-1;
  • will complete the process set B-3-B.

Opening the Factorial Device

Installers can complicate the whole process of opening this device without a key. Usually they change the factory settings. If this was not done, then it will be possible to open it with the following set of characters:

  • 0-0-0-0-0-0 or 1-2-3-4-5-6;
  • 5 - the screen will display the entry "180180" - call button - 4 - call button.

If the installers did not have time to change service settings, then this solution will help you get into the entrance at an emergency moment.

"Safe-Service" is opened by the following combination

As in the previous instance, you can enter combinations of six zeros or in order from one to six. If the settings have been changed, then the following steps should help you:

  • press and hold button 5;
  • ON will be displayed on the screen;
  • enter 1-8-0-1-8-0 - B - 5;

However, this combination does not guarantee success. The same applies to all intercom systems. None of the above combinations of symbols and actions guarantees the opening of the intercom. Installers and service companies have long known a method to open a door without a key.

Installers protect apartment owners by changing settings

It is worth remembering that using these methods of entering other people's entrances is a crime. They can only be used in emergency situations to enter your entrance.

The intercom, you see, is a very convenient thing to use and essential to increase security at the entrance. Strangers will not just enter the house, they will not litter, they will not cut the doors simply because there is nothing to do, they will not frighten the child who is returning from school, they will not turn the entrance into a kind of public toilet. But in some cases this useful thing can significantly complicate life - if you lost your keys or forgot them at home, if you came to visit, and the owner does not hear the call. And here the question of whether it is without a key becomes very urgent (Vizit, Cyfral, Metacom or Eltis - the company that made the device does not play a role here).

Codes and passwords

The easiest way to do this is with a special code from the device. In theory, when installing an intercom, such passwords should be set individually and not open to outsiders (some installers, however, tell them to residents of the entrance, but this is not a very common practice). In fact, they often forget about it or are simply too lazy to change the factory code. Then you're in luck, these codes aren't much of a secret. How to open an intercom without a key - Vizit is password-protected with *#4230 or *#423, Metacom, in turn, - 6553512348, Eltis - В12342133123.

Force impact

But, let's say, the installers were found to be conscientious and the password codes were changed. You can try force method. Many recommend a way, Vizit - suddenly abruptly jerk the door towards you. The ladies are unlikely to succeed, such a way out of the situation will not work even with a small, “lack of grip” handle. Sometimes a hit on the door is effective, ten centimeters below the intercom. It is doubtful that you will use these methods at your entrance. Firstly, in this case it is easier to call one of the well-known neighbors, and secondly, if you do not calculate the force, you can damage the device. So power options on how to open an intercom without Vizit key, are more suitable in a strange house, although even here you can get into trouble by running into vigilant local residents.

Taser instead of a key

Less traumatic for the entrance would be an attempt to bring in electrical appliances as a way to open the Vizit intercom. If there is a shocker, they say, its discharge is quite capable of opening the treasured door. However, it is unlikely - manufacturers are also not so simple, most devices provide grounding.

How to open the "Visit" intercom without a key and without additional devices has already been invented by inventors who find themselves in a similar situation. They checked it - it seems to work, although it sounds funny. It is enough to take the foil (suitable from a cigarette pack) and moisten it (the easiest way is to spit). True, the method only works if the intercom key is in the form of a tablet.

wagon key

It is generally believed that the most reliable way open an intercom without a key - get a universal one that opens most intercom models.

Such a station wagon is sold by many manufacturers, although its versatility significant number people are questioned.

Sometimes honesty is better

Well, if all these methods have not yielded results or you do not want to use them for your own reasons, try randomly calling any apartment and honestly describe the situation. Your friend's neighbors may well be filled with sympathy and open the front door for you.

In Muravlenko, a hooligan was sentenced with tenacity worthy of best use who broke the intercoms of high-rise buildings. He was detained only thanks to the vigilance of the residents themselves. The amount of technical damage is more than one hundred thousand rubles. Previously, the young man had fun shooting cars with pneumatics, was caught, but forgiven under an amnesty.

In October last year, intercoms began to fail one after another in different parts of the city. The company's specialists for their installation immediately determined that this was the work of a bully. The police managed to detain the criminal only in December. Not without the help of the inhabitants of the city. The vigilant girl said that in one of the entrances of the house number 54 on Lenin Street, the intercom broke down immediately after the visit of young people. Within half an hour, the PPS detachment detained them. One of the guys had a stun gun, with which he damaged the intercoms. " This person familiar to the police officers, since only in October 2013 the criminal case against him was completed, he fired at cars from an air pistol at the entrance. However, an amnesty came into effect and the criminal case was dropped. It turns out that the young man thought that he would always be lucky like that, ”says Zulfiya Ilyina, an investigator with the Russian Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Muravlenko.

In a few months, the hooligan managed to spoil the intercoms in the entrances of 46 houses. The consequences of such looting "Domofon-Service" eliminated for about six months. At many addresses, the electronic call block had to be completely changed. At the same time, the organization suffered not only material damage, but also moral. Clients refused to believe that intercoms were damaged by an intruder, and demanded recalculation. Meanwhile, the intercom company has encountered similar cases of looting before, but for the first time on such a scale. “There is no protection against stun gun yet. Released a new the lineup intercoms, now, as far as possible, we are trying to replace them, ”says Timur Makhyanov, head of the Domofon-Service section.

The case of damage to intercoms was considered in court in April. The young man pleaded not guilty. The judgment has already entered into force. “The defendant was sentenced to 2 years of suspended liberty, with probationary period 2 years. And also with the use of a coercive measure of a medical nature in the form of compulsory observation and treatment of a psychiatrist on an outpatient basis, ”explains Dmitry Morkovkin, senior assistant to the prosecutor of the city of Muravlenko.

Meanwhile, the intercom company intends to once again go to court. “We will sue again for damages. And although he promised us in court that he would reimburse us, but it was verbal, it was not recorded anywhere. The amount of damage amounted to 113,500 thousand rubles, ”says Timur Makhyanov, head of the Domofon-Service section.

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