Fire Safety Encyclopedia

Plastering of window slopes as a way of decoration and reliable protection. Fast and correct plastering of window slopes Plaster the slopes

When new windows are installed, care must be taken about the appearance of the slopes. Your best bet is to use proven methods that have become classics. Plastering window slopes can be presented as hard work. But with the right approach, the process will go smoothly and quickly. And the final result will delight for many years.

First of all, if your windows are arched, you will not find any other alternative besides plaster. Secondly, plaster assumes more freedom in work, at the same time it allows you to eliminate small cracks, cracks and chips. Thirdly, a plastered slope can always be painted, upholstered, draped, etc.

Nuances when plastering slopes.

Often the work is done in a couple of stages. And at the end of each of them, you must wait until the applied layer dries.

Also, it is worthwhile to prepare in advance for the fact that a network of cracks may appear at the junction of the plaster and the window. But this can be avoided by walking along the seam with a sealant.

How to calculate the amount of plaster for the slope?

A coarse-grained dry mixture is consumed in a ratio of 0.2 - 0.5 kg per 1-2 square meters.

Fine-grained - from 0.5 kg.

Carry out the calculations and add another 10% of the result.

How to plaster a slope with your own hands?

First of all, start by protecting the window. If the window is new, do not remove the adhesive tape. If removed, then masking tape will help you. Cover the glass itself either with sheets of thick paper (glued on tape) or with sheets of cardboard.

However, plastic windows can be easily disassembled. It is enough to remove the plastic plugs on the hinges, pull out the metal rods, put the window in the "airing" mode and remove it from the hinges.

Preparation for work.

We remove the old coating, right down to the brick. Either a punch or a chisel with a hammer will help with this. We clean everything from dust and cut off excess polyurethane foam. After stripping, we saturate the slopes with a deep penetration primer. It is advisable to choose a bacteria-resistant primer.

Life hack: if space permits, you can additionally install foam sheets. This will help keep the apartment warm.

Tools: level (from 1 meter), container for the mixture, mixer, spatulas, knife, plaster corner.

We plaster the slopes with our own hands.

The slope putty mixture is the very ingredient that will determine the future look of the window. It is best to choose a putty with coarse sand grains. This will be the "base layer". After it dries, it will be possible to cover it with a “finishing coat” of smaller particles.

When choosing mixtures, look at the "vapor permeability" of the plaster. The higher it is, the more difficult it will be for bacteria and fungi to start.

Step-by-step instructions for plastering slopes:

  • With a spatula 100-120 mm we put wide strokes of the main layer;
  • We work out the corners using a plaster corner (it should be completely covered with a solution);
  • Slightly leveled, but do not achieve absolute smoothness;
  • We are waiting for it to dry.

Plastering of slopes on lighthouses.

To make the slope correct, two boards (lighthouses) are enough. See Figure 1 for the installation of beacons.

We expose beacons step by step:

  • Determine the mark on the window frame from which the plastering will begin.
  • Place a long spatula (or level) so that one end touches the mark and the other rests against the wall.
  • Move the end that rests against the wall half a centimeter (this space will be occupied by the future layer of plaster).
  • Fix the first board (rail, lighthouse) near the frame (next to the mark).
  • Fix the second board (rail, lighthouse) near the slope (from the side of the room). It should be extended by 5 mm. This is the optimum thickness for the thinnest plaster layer.

Figure 1. Lighthouses are marked in orange.

Thus, you now have 2 beacons. How do you know that you have set them correctly? If you attach a spatula (or level) to them, it will lie at an angle to the slope. Determine the most optimal angle and feel free to get to work.

Finishing work.

We are waiting for the layer to dry. We remove the protective coating from the windows. We clean the surfaces from accidental splashes. Job is done!

DIY plastering of window slopes. Video lesson.

Plastering window slopes is an occupation that requires a certain level of skill. After all, it is quite difficult to correctly display all planes. In addition, the flaws and shortcomings of the work will be in full view, because the window openings are always in sight and well lit. However, despite the spread of more modern methods, such a finish does not give up its positions, since this method of finishing has a number of significant advantages.

To make plaster of slopes you need to have skills

What are the advantages due to which plaster is still popular? The first plus is the relatively low cost of the required materials. This finishing option is much more economical than using plastic, drywall, etc., because the material used for the work is inexpensive, and it is prepared simply and quickly. Secondly, a properly executed plaster is done once and for all. You will have to return to the problem of slopes only if it becomes necessary to replace windows or doors. Finally, such a surface is not afraid of the physical impact that may be exerted on it during operation. It will not suffer from blows that can break through a plastic or drywall slope.

This option is suitable for those with a limited budget.

Another plus is the wide range of decorative options. After a little additional processing, they can be painted, pasted over with wallpaper, applied with mosaics or other decorative elements. If over time you need to carry out a cosmetic repair of the room, they can be hidden without problems with platbands or panels.

At the same time, the process of carrying out such work is laborious, as well as the need for preliminary preparation of both the surface itself and the room in which they will be carried out.

After plastering the slopes, they can be painted or pasted over with wallpaper.

Tools and mixes

Plastering begins with the selection of the necessary mixtures and tools that will be needed in the process. It is necessary to prepare everything in advance, because the technology does not allow delays, especially after the solution has been prepared. The minimum set of tools and accessories required includes:

  • level;
  • rule;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • malka;
  • putty knife;
  • Master OK;
  • hammer;
  • container for solution;
  • container for water.

Before starting work, you need to prepare all the necessary tools

The level should be of high quality and not too long in order to operate with it more conveniently. The rule is better to choose aluminum. A trowel should be chosen in small sizes, and a spatula should be 5 centimeters wide.

In addition, you may need a can of polyurethane foam, a sealant, a utility knife of suitable sizes. It is also desirable to have a trowel, grater and grater, as well as a convenient construction goat of appropriate size. However, when plastering door slopes, you can get by with ordinary durable chairs.

An important step is the choice of a mixture for plaster

Do not forget about workwear. It should be comfortable and free of movement. It is worth wearing nitrile gloves on your hands - this will protect the skin from direct contact with the solution.

Traditional - the use of a self-prepared mortar based on cement, sand and water, sometimes with the addition of glue. This is perhaps the most budget-friendly method. Its advantage is its low cost, its disadvantage is the need to independently prepare the solution, observing the proportions to achieve the required consistency and physical properties.

You can prepare the mixture yourself

The second method is the purchase of ready-made dry mixes. In order to obtain a solution, it is enough to dilute them with water. They are usually easier to apply than self-prepared compounds.

Finally, the third method is a ready-made liquid solution. This is the most expensive and most comfortable option available. In addition to cement, sand and water, it contains various additives that increase plasticity and enhance other useful properties. The most modern types of such ready-made compositions are also distinguished by the fact that after application it does not need to be rubbed, so that the implementation of all processes is simplified.

Liquid solution is the most expensive and most comfortable option available.


Proper preparation and processing is the key to successful work. On a properly prepared surface, the mortar lays down more easily and evenly, and plastering is much faster.

First of all, it is worth protecting the windows and sill by pasting them with special adhesive tape. After all, no matter how carefully the plaster of the slopes is done, the solution will still fall on their surface. If plastering of door slopes is to be done, it is better to remove the door leaf and protect the strip with cloth, paper or paper-based adhesive tape.

Proper preparation and execution of work is the key to success

Next comes the preparation of the slopes themselves. The old coating must be knocked down, all dirt and foreign inclusions, such as the remains of polyurethane foam, must be carefully removed. The wall should be primed using the most suitable primer. This will protect against dampness and possible mold stains. If gaps are visible in the polyurethane foam around the perimeter of the window, it is necessary to eliminate them by foaming them again.

Then you need to apply a layer of special vapor barrier adhesive tape to the foam. Particular attention should be paid to the corners - it is there that most often there are places where moisture seeps from the street, leading to damage to the slopes. Instead of tape for waterproofing slopes, you can use a special waterproof adhesive sealant.

All work should be carried out strictly according to technology

Malka, that is, a slope template, can be made independently. The length should correspond to the opening, and the width should be about 1 5 centimeters. The simplest version is made of plywood - the material is easy to process and cheap. If you plan to work permanently, professional plastering of slopes, it is better to make a template from aluminum - it is more durable and removes excess better, forming an even angle. It is imperative to use a malka in the process of work, otherwise the surface will be uneven.

Before starting work, it is worth making a template

The temperature in the room for working with the plane of the doorway or slopes with your own hands should not be lower than 10 degrees. Many sources say that a simple cement mortar for slopes can be applied at a lower temperature, but in practice, at such temperature indicators, it becomes more difficult to work with it, and it dries much worse.

There is no recommendation for the upper temperature range. The only thing that needs to be done in extreme heat is to periodically moisten the plastered surface, especially after plastering window slopes, if direct sunlight falls on them.

In extreme heat, it is recommended to sometimes moisten the plaster

The first stage of the slope plastering work is the installation of special beacons, which are a thin aluminum profile. They will serve to ensure that the plaster is applied in an even layer, and the finished surface is free of bulges, bumps and pits. For the correct installation of the beacons along the edges of the slopes or doorway, screws are screwed in or dowels are driven in, between which the fishing line or thread is pulled - strictly parallel. Further along this thread, beacon profiles are fixed.

First of all, beacons are placed on the slopes.

Next, a solution is prepared. For the first stage of work on the repair of the slopes of a window or doorway, it must have a consistency similar to thick sour cream. It should be thrown directly onto the prepared surface. If the wall material is too smooth, it is better to use a plaster mesh - this will greatly facilitate the sketching. At this stage, you should only monitor the homogeneity of the layer and the adhesion to the material of the slopes.

The plaster is thrown in with jerky movements, little by little. The main task is excellent adhesion, the plaster should lie as tightly as possible on the surface of the slopes.

The second layer is applied with a thickness of about ten millimeters. Ideally, it should be twice as thick as the first, rough layer. The solution for it is prepared thicker than for the first layer. It is applied with a spatula, and the surface of the slopes is equal to the rule for aluminum beacons.

The second layer should be thicker than the previous one.

The third layer, the so-called finishing layer, is the thinnest and most even. The solution for it must be very plastic, not flowing. With its help, all the irregularities of the resulting slopes are leveled. If a self-prepared mortar is used, the plaster should dry a little. Then it is trowelled, the maximum leveling of the slopes. If the plaster of the slopes is done with a ready-made dry mix, the final stage of plastering is no different. If the plaster is carried out using a ready-made liquid mixture, then the final smoothing of the slopes is carried out using special smoothing trowels, and does not require rubbing.

In general, plastering slopes with their own hands is quite within the power of people with minimal experience in construction or repair. With proper preparation, both the plastering of the window slopes with your own hands, and the actions for plastering the door slopes will be performed correctly, and the window opening and the door will look aesthetically pleasing.

Video: Plastering slopes

Video: Plastering window slopes

It is not difficult to figure out how to plaster the slopes. However, this work requires maximum responsibility and a competent approach. You will be able to correctly plaster the slopes of the window only after a detailed study of the basics of plastering other, simpler surfaces (for example, the ceiling and walls). Therefore, it is advisable to pre-practice, and only then plaster the slopes of the windows. A few simple and easy-to-understand, but very useful recommendations will help you do this in the best possible way.

Preparation of tools and materials for work

Any repair work requires the use of appropriate tools and materials. And it is no exception. The specific set of tools depends on what kind of materials you will be doing the work with. However, you will not be able to do without the following tools in every situation.

Plastering of window and door slopes using bevel: 1 - wall; 2 - solution; 3 - rail; 4 - the position of the bevel when plastering the slope; 5 - box; 6 - malka.


  • aluminum rule;
  • building level;
  • measuring tape and pencil;
  • malka;
  • several spatulas (must be 5 cm);
  • containers for water and solution;
  • Master OK;
  • hammer pickaxe.

It is not enough just to know the list of tools. In order to properly plaster the slopes of the window, it is necessary to use the devices most suitable for this particular process. For example, too long a level in such work is not an assistant for you. It may not fit in the space between the windowsill and the lintel and will become completely useless. However, even with the use of an overly short tool, it will not work to plaster the slopes of the window - it will be very inconvenient. Therefore, the best option is a level with a length of 100 cm. Auxiliary tools such as a knife and a sealant gun do not interfere.

When working, you may need a can of polyurethane foam. Carefully examine the condition of the window before going to the store. If there is a gap between the window opening and the frame, then a balloon will be required.

If you will use ready-made cement mortar for plastering, you will additionally need a trowel and a grater. If you are using other solutions, prepare different sized trowels, a sponge float and a medium trowel. In most cases, a 45 cm spatula is sufficient.

Prepare good protective clothing and footwear. They should be such that you feel comfortable. Be sure to choose a suitable hat so that the plaster does not fall on your head when processing the window slope. Due to the fact that in the process of working with the plaster you will have to contact with your hands, it is best to buy sealed nitrile gloves.

A plaster goat will become a very good helper. You can make it yourself, buy it or borrow it from someone for a while. It is more convenient and safer to work with it. Plastering a window slope from a stool or staircase is not a good idea. Firstly, it is less secure, secondly, it takes longer, and thirdly, it is not very convenient.

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Preparation for processing window slopes

Before you start directly plastering the window, you will need to complete a number of preparatory measures. Not only the convenience of further work, but also the quality and durability of the finish directly depends on how thoroughly and carefully you approach the preparatory process.

It is recommended to install a window sill before work. In this way, you will avoid further work on sealing the gaps between the window sill and the side slopes, and additionally increase the strength of the installation. In such a situation, the window sill will need to be protected from mortar and mechanical damage. To do this, cover it with thick paper. If after the repair you still have unnecessary pieces of drywall, use them - it's even better.

If there are traces of old plaster and other unnecessary dirt on the window, be sure to remove them. A high-quality finish will only work when the plaster is laid on a solid and well-prepared surface. Any dirt, dust, paint, etc. significantly worsen the final result.

The window block itself is recommended to be carefully covered with foil. It will be enough to stick it to the window with masking tape. Wrap batteries, pens and other items that may "suffer" from plaster during work, wrap with thick paper.

Section of a wall with high quality plaster: 1 - sprayed; 2 - soil; 3 - cover; 4 - brick wall.

Remove excess polyurethane foam with a knife if you have used it to seal cracks. To improve the adhesion of the plaster mortar to the base, the surface must be pre-treated with a deep primer. When choosing a specific primer in the store, be sure to inform the consultant about what the base is made of.

In the next step, you will need to work on the vapor barrier device. For this, the inner wall is sealed with a vapor barrier film. It can be sealed with foam or treated with a special frost-resistant silicone sealant. Make sure the surface is dry before applying the sealant. Otherwise, the composition will not stick. Remove excess sealant immediately. The solidified substance is very difficult to wash off.

If you do not vaporize the foam seal from the inside, then after a while the foam will get wet under the influence of condensation and will lose its original properties as a heater. In some cases, it can completely collapse. As a result, the windows will start to sweat, and drafts will draw from the street.

In the next step, you need to make a mala. It is a template according to which you will plaster. Look at the slopes of your window. You will notice that they are not perfectly straight, but slightly widen inward. As a result of this, in fact, a window gap is formed. In most cases, a piece of plywood is used to make a bean. It should be 5-10 cm longer than the window slope. The width will be about 15 cm, so that the template is comfortable to hold with your hand during work. A cutout is made on the 1st side of the mala. During the plastering process, the cut side will move along the slope. You will move the 2nd side along the pre-installed beacon. Malka will provide the most even windows. Additionally, you need to make a cutout for the window hinges.

Approach the production of the template as responsibly as possible. Keep your work surfaces as level as possible. If possible, remove a small chamfer (round off the surfaces with a file). This will prevent chipping of the plywood during work.

Professional craftsmen use aluminum bevels for work. They are made to order. However, if you do not plan to do the plastering of slopes professionally, it is quite possible to get by with an ordinary wooden template.

The slopes of windows and doors of any building should be performed in accordance with the general style concept inside the premises or the design of the facade. In order for the decorative coating to hold well on them and to please the owners of the house for a long time, the surface must be prepared and leveled. The most, perhaps, uncomplicated and budgetary option for buildings made of stone or concrete is leveling with plaster, especially since you can do everything yourself. The technology of this process for slopes is generally similar to plastering any surfaces, but there are important nuances that must be taken into account.


Since the slopes will almost touch the window frames or door frames, make sure that the windows and doors are installed correctly before applying the coating. If you have to troubleshoot at the end of all work, then, of course, the plaster layer will suffer, and the whole process will need to be repeated again.

Plastering slopes, in addition to the main tasks - leveling and decorating, performs some accompanying functions:

  • additional steam and moisture insulation;
  • improved thermal insulation;
  • additional protection against noise.

Therefore, it is important to choose the right materials and tools, carefully follow the recommendations so that the resulting coating does not crack and lasts for a long time.

What will it take to work?

The main material is plaster mix. Most often, two types of plaster are used: gypsum and cement-based.

Features of the cement mixture

There are compositions for a rough coating, including coarse sand, and for a fine surface finish, with fine sand inclusions. These solutions can be prepared quickly and are fairly easy to apply. But it must be borne in mind that it takes a long time for the layer to dry completely, and this will increase the duration of the repair as a whole. But the diluted mixture grasps so slowly that it will allow an inexperienced performer to cope with the work. Another plus is the inexpensive price.

Properties of gypsum plaster

The composition based on gypsum is also easy to prepare, but it dries very quickly, therefore it requires some training of the worker. The ability to absorb moisture is also not always beneficial. If the mixture is used in dry interiors of a house or apartment, this property, as well as the ability to give off excess moisture, can be considered advantages. But it is still not recommended to cover the surface that is in direct contact with precipitation with such a composition. At a price, such plaster is somewhat more expensive than cement, but if we take into account the more economical consumption, in the end it may come out even cheaper.

There is another option - special acrylic mixtures. They are universal and can be recommended for any surfaces. But the cost of materials is such that not everyone can afford to use them.

But you also need to prepare the primers in advance: deep penetration and finishing. Putty and sealant may be needed.

Materials (edit)

The following tools should be on hand:

  • the rule of the required length;
  • level at least 1 meter long;
  • wide spatula;
  • trowel;

  • grater;
  • construction knife;
  • hard brush;
  • pencil, graphite is better.

It is necessary to prepare two containers: for water and plaster mixture.

Plastering is most convenient on lighthouses, which are usually used as flat strips, profiles or special metal corners. They immediately need to be prepared in the required quantity, since if you need to plaster the slopes of a number of windows on one wall, then the frame beacons are fixed at once on all at the same level.

If the thickness of the plaster layer is more than 2.8 cm, a reinforcing mesh will be needed.

How to plaster?

All work must be carried out at a temperature not lower than 7 degrees. But it is also advisable to take into account the recommendations of the manufacturers of materials on this parameter.

Window decoration

First, you need to pay attention to the fact that the gaps between the window frame and the wall are filled with foam, which can collapse under the influence of temperature and humidity changes. In addition, the same factors cause slight deformations of the frame, and this will be enough for the coating of the slopes to crack prematurely. To prevent such troubles, it is recommended to do the following manipulations. Cut off excess foam, use a construction knife or a spatula to run along the edge of the frame around the entire perimeter to create a shallow groove that is filled with acrylic sealant. Cover the entire surface of the foam with the same composition; upon drying, a film of additional vapor barrier is formed.

Sometimes the question arises - whether to install a window sill before finishing the slopes. On the one hand, it is more convenient to work when the fixed beacon strips are supported on it. Another argument in favor of this decision is the ability to perform additional thermal and vapor barrier with the same solution of the area under the windowsill. But on the other hand, there is a danger of damaging it during the plastering process.

The width of the slopes depends on the thickness of the walls, and it must be borne in mind that the angle between them will differ from 90 degrees. Deriving the so-called dawn angle creates some difficulty. Its value is usually indicated in the project by the developer or designer and is 5 - 7 degrees. This is necessary for better penetration of daylight into the room.

If a specific angle value is not indicated, it is determined using a simple calculation: 1 cm deviation to the side of the frame for every 10 cm slope width. For convenience, you can draw a reference line with a pencil on the windowsill, if installed. The upper slope is most often done with a right angle.

Preparatory stage

Now you need to clean the surface, this can be done with a stiff brush. It is necessary to remove all layers that fall off. If there is old plaster, it is better to tap it to find out where it is moving away from the wall. You need to try to beat off these areas, otherwise they may fall off in the process or after the end of the work and spoil the whole result.

All pits and potholes must be putty. After the filler has dried, treat the entire surface with a deep penetration primer to improve adhesion. If a cement mixture is used, then the priming stage can be omitted, and immediately before applying the plaster, the surface can be slightly moistened.

Securing beacons

When the entire surface is properly dry, beacons are installed. You can prepare a frame, a kind of formwork, which is fixed around the perimeter in such a way that the strips protrude slightly over the edge. Or use special corners. If the window sill is already installed, the side rails rest on it. If not, you can screw in a self-tapping screw for support.

Now, in the middle of each slope, profiles or the same planks are installed on the dawn angle line. Deviations are verified using a level and a plumb line. You can fix it directly to the mortar. To do this, throw a small amount of the prepared mixture onto the surface, set the planks accordingly and press firmly. Once dry, you can continue working.


The required amount of solution is prepared, especially for gypsum compositions, since they harden quickly. In this case, you should strictly adhere to the recommendations of the manufacturers.

First, the first layer is thrown, the entire area between the profiles is filled. It is leveled with a spatula or small, swiping from the bottom up. It is necessary to try to achieve a tight adhesion of the plaster to the surface without the formation of voids, but also do not press very hard, so as not to bring the solution. The width of the trowel should fully correspond to the size of the slope so that a small gap is obtained on the side of the frame for free opening of the window.

If there is no tool suitable for the width, you can use a specially prepared plywood template of the required size with a cut corner.

When the layer dries a little, you will need to remove the beacons. The plaster is carefully cut and the profiles are removed. If special corners were fixed at the edges, they can be left. The resulting grooves are filled with mortar, the entire layer is leveled.

If the layer thickness is more than 2.8 cm, reinforcing metal mesh is fixed and the plastering is repeated. Sometimes, to be sure, a third layer is also made, but only after the second has completely dried. The surface is carefully leveled, the corners are ironed with angled spatulas

Now it remains to wait for everything to dry properly, and grind the slopes with graters. You can fix the result by treating the entire surface with a finishing primer. You can finalize the slopes using any decorative coating.

When an old window is replaced with a new one, many have difficulty finding a person, which can make high-quality slopes on windows using plaster.

Many people do their job poorly and require a lot of money. Due to improper installation of slopes on the windows, there will be a loss of heat, and extraneous noise will enter the house. In addition, mold and mildew may appear. Therefore, it is important to know how do-it-yourself plastering of window slopes is done.

How to plaster the slopes on the windows: step by step instructions

To make the window opening of the apartment beautiful and complement the interior, you can use the work guide, which will be presented in the article. Before starting work, you need to remember the basic rules that allow you to make high-quality slopes on windows, they will not crack and will last a long time:

  1. The temperature in the room where the slope is made should be at least 5 degrees Celsius if cement mortar is used, as well as from 10 degrees when using rhodband. All mixtures are prepared according to the instructions on the bags.
  2. All mixtures are subject to restrictions on the period of use. As a rule, the time to use the ready-made solution is indicated on the package. Cement plaster is used for half an hour, which means that it does not need to be cooked a lot.
  3. Before you start plastering windows, you should calculate the amount of mixtures based on the thickness of the window openings and the size of the slope.

Knowing the basic rules of success, you need to know how to plaster the slopes on the windows outside, inside.

What tools and materials will you need?

Masters recommend using not only a solution for window decoration, but also other types of finishing materials. For example, PVC panels or drywall. It is easier to work with such materials than with solutions, but the putty itself turns out to be cheaper, and you can also use it on an inner slope or an outer one.

The main thing during plastering is to be accurate and accurate, to put a little time and effort in order to achieve a positive result. The start of work will be from the choice of mortar, after which you need to find out how to plaster the slopes on the windows. The table shows the mixtures with which it is better to work inside and outside:

Advice! When choosing a mixture for a window slope, one should take into account the time, how long this or that material dries. The cement base will dry out longer, even in summer. At the end of the work, finishing, finishing material is used. In this case, paint is more often used.

The plaster itself for the slopes of wooden windows, as well as plastic systems, will not cost much in cost, if not plaster with the most expensive mixtures. In addition to the material, you will need to prepare tools:

  1. Brush for priming walls.
  2. Roller for painting.
  3. Net.
  4. Spatulas of various shapes.
  5. Half-eater.
  6. Wooden element, rail.
  7. Level.
  8. Perforated corners.
  9. Lighthouses.

When choosing tools to finish the window opening, you need to take into account that the plane is small, so it is inconvenient to work with a large tool. It is recommended to additionally buy gloves; for convenience, a table or a goat is used.

How to plaster the slopes on the windows (video)

The use of gypsum and cement-sand mortars

Although filling windows is an old way, all the same materials are used as before:

  1. Cement-sand mortar.
  2. Plaster solution.

In stores, you can easily buy both materials. The choice is up to the owner of the house. When using gypsum mortar and compare it with a cement mixture, the advantage of cement is its cost, which will be lower than gypsum. When it turned out to close up the window, in any case, putty is used, and after its application - painting, wallpapering. It is necessary to putty the window only after the plaster has completely dried, after about 6-10 days.

When using a gypsum solution, the drying period is reduced to 3 days. In general, the drying time depends on the indoor temperature. After each stage of work, it is necessary to remove the surface from dirt and dust, and during window finishing, all windows must be closed.

The disadvantage of plastering is the duration of the work, because at each stage it takes time to dry. Otherwise, the slope will crack, and the paint will peel off on it. Another disadvantage of the internal and external finishing of slopes with mortars is cracks that appear after a short period of time. How to properly plaster the slopes on the windows will be presented in stages below.

Preparatory work

If there is a window sill, it is better to install it before plastering the slope, otherwise it will be necessary to beat off part of the slope from below and re-seal the flaws. The installation of the window sill is simple, but before plastering the slope on the window, you need to glue it with tape and film or paper so that it does not get dirty or damaged. The preparation of the window slope is as follows:

  • A layer of the old mortar is removed from the window, after which the walls are swept with brooms so that the plaster adheres well to the surface. Otherwise, cracks will appear, even worse if the new layer simply falls off the wall.
  • It is better to close the window frame itself with tape or tape.
  • Inside, it is better to paste over the fittings on the window, as well as the radiator under the window.

  • The entire surface to be treated is primed with a deep penetration agent. This allows for maximum material adhesion.
  • Further, the window is left to dry out the soil, if necessary, you can make insulation. Insulate the window sill itself before installation and you can use the material for the slope. Insulation for the slope is not suitable for any, it is allowed to use polystyrene and expanded polystyrene.

Plastering window slopes with your own hands

How to plaster the slopes on the windows? Initially, you will need to spray the walls with a primer to ensure good adhesion of materials. A liquid solution is thrown onto the wall to ensure a better adhesion of the further mixture. This procedure is performed over the entire surface, which will give a positive result. The method is excellent if the layer of putty is thick. Next, you need to plaster the window opening like this:

  • It is necessary to install slats made of wood or metal, beacons that are sold in any store. They are mounted on a mortar, but this does not guarantee strength, so you can use self-tapping screws or dowels if the house is brick. Correctly installed rails serve as a guiding element for installation.

  • The lighthouses are mounted on a plumb line, so that they do not shift, due to this, the slope will be good, even.
  • The main beacons have been installed, now we need to make special beacons that will level the surface of the window slope and shape the edges.
  • The device is made easily. A nail is nailed from a flat tree, 10-15 centimeters longer on the slope, on the reverse side, and it is better to bite off the hat with pliers, so that the outer or inner slope is not scratched. The nail is driven in at a distance of 4-7mm from the rail.

  • Further, the ready-made solution is placed on the slopes, and the layer can be leveled with a small one, moving the bar from the bottom up, bring the surface into an even state. The rest of the solution is removed, the slope is left to dry. So you can plaster the window slope in one layer, but the work does not end there.
  • While the plaster is not completely dry, it is rubbed off. The work is carried out from the top to the bottom, with the help of translational movements.
  • After drying the solution, the slats are taken out, you need to close up the holes that were obtained from the slats with a small amount of material. After that, the window slope is trowelled again.

  • Next, you need to bring the surface to a perfectly even state, for this you need to properly plaster the walls using a special spatula. The solution is applied in several layers, each of which is rubbed over. During the application of the first layer, it will be correct to install a plastic perforated corner around the perimeter of the window so that the slope has the correct shape.
  • Further, the window slope is painted in several layers.

During work, while the mortar has not yet dried to the end, it is necessary to make a furrow between the window and the slopes with a spatula, the width and thickness should not be more than 5 mm. Next, a sealant or liquid plastic is used to fill the void. This move is necessary for a plastic window, since they expand and increase in volume from high temperatures, therefore cracks and breaks often appear in the slopes, even if it was possible to plaster perfectly. The sealant will not allow the slope to deform.

At the end, a decorative corner can be glued along the perimeter of the window, which will add beauty, and for the summer you can close the window with foil so that the heat does not enter the house or apartment. It is necessary to insulate so that the window does not freeze through in winter, the heat does not leave the house. You can choose the window design from the photo on the Internet, and you can get acquainted in detail with the work, solution and do-it-yourself technique from the video:

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