Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Subtropical inland climate

Subtropical climates

In subtropical latitudes, i.e. in latitudes 25-40°, climatic conditions are determined by a sharp seasonal change in circulation conditions.

Summer zones high pressure and polar fronts move to higher latitudes. In this case, the subtropics are captured by tropical air from lower latitudes or themselves become centers of formation of tropical air. Due to the shift of subtropical anticyclones to high sprats, the pressure in the subtropics over the oceans is increased in summer. Over land it is lower, since due to the summer warming of land, cyclones dominate over it.

July and August are very hot. In mountainous areas, particularly in Galilee, winter is very cold. Snow is possible during the Christmas holidays in Jerusalem and Nazareth. On Lake Tiberias and the Dead Sea, the heat intensity is from May to September. Yugoslavia Inland mountainous areas have harsh winters with high rainfall, while hilly and hilly areas have a more temperate climate with warm and relatively rainy summers and cold and dry winters.

Kazakhstan Continental climate with very cold and windy winters and very hot summers. Kenya The climate is equatorial with widespread humidity. There are two dry seasons, alternating with two rainy seasons, starting from late March to mid-June and from late October to early December. It is hot and humid on the coast, hot and almost deserted in the Lake Turkana areas, pleasant in the highlands and mountainous areas of the center. The best times to visit are January - February and July to October.

In winter, polar fronts move to low latitudes and, therefore, the subtropics are captured by temperate air. In this case, cyclonic activity extends to the ocean. Over the continents, pressure in the subtropics...
increases in winter, as continental winter anticyclones extend to the subtropical latitudes of cold continents. Hence the seasonal differences in the weather regime, and, consequently, in the climate of the subtropics. There are four main types of subtropical climates:

Kyrgyzstan Winter is cold and characterized by strong winds. A hot spring is followed by a short spring. Possible dust storms. Sandstorms can occur in summer. Monsoon climate with heavy rainfall in the summer months. Best time to visit the country - from November to March.

During the monsoon season, heavy rain falls on the country, causing severe Mekong flooding and frequent flooding. Lesotho The climate is influenced by currents of moist hot air from the northeast making it generally dry with strong temperature ranges. The best period is from November to February.

inland, Mediterranean, monsoon, oceanic.

In summer, the subtropics inside the continents are affected by eroded areas low blood pressure no fronts. They form continental tropical air with high temperatures, relatively low moisture content and low relative humidity. The weather is partly cloudy, dry and hot. Average temperatures in the summer months are close to 30 o C or exceed this value. In winter, polar fronts often form in these areas. The weather is unstable, with sudden changes in temperature and precipitation. The annual precipitation in these areas is no more than 500 mm. This is a zone of steppes, semi-deserts and deserts. In Tehran (altitude 1160 m) average temperature July 29°C, A January 2.6 o C in some years there are frosts down to -20°C, precipitation per year 228 mm precipitation, of which from July to September only 1-2 mm per month, and from November to April 199 mm (for the entire six months). The zone of inland subtropical climate also includes the large (southern) part of the deserts of the Turan Lowland, located on the territory of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan in Central Asia. In winter, temperate air prevails here, and therefore winter temperatures lower than in tropical deserts. In summer, masses of continental tropical air with very high temperatures, low relative humidity, and very little cloudiness are formed. In summer there is an abundance of sun, just like in tropical deserts. In Tashkent average temperature July27°C, January -1°C, precipitation 384 mm, and the months June-September account for only 20 mm. In most of Central Asia, only 100-200 mm falls per year. In winter, significant frosts (down to -30°C and below) are possible in the Turan Lowland due to the free penetration of cold air masses from Siberia. IN North America continental subtropics are protected from the influx of moist air masses from the west and east by orographic obstacles; The continental and arid climate is very pronounced here (Mexico, Arizona, eastern California, Nevada). So, in Yuma (Arizona), average temperature July 33°C, January 12°C(with an average annual minimum temperature of -2°C, precipitation total 80 mm in year. This is a desert zone. In the Death Valley depression in California, the average July temperature is 39°C, and the absolute maximum temperature is 57°C.

Latvia Winters with heavy snow. Lebanon Along the coast, summers are hot and humid, even if rainfall is rare. On the slopes of Mount Lebanon the air is dry and the temperature drops. On the Bekaa Plateau, to the east of the country, winters are harsh, freezing and sometimes snowy, while summers are bright and the climate is dry.

Liberia Climate is hot and very humid all year round, with little difference in temperature between day and night. It rains, especially on the coast. Libya Mediterranean climate on the coastal strip. Rains are rare, but when they fall they are abundant. Lithuania In winter the climate is very harsh and temperatures are very low.

IN South America, where the size of the continent is small and where oceanic influences are strong, summer temperatures in this type of climate are lower and precipitation is more abundant. Africa and Australia do not have climates of this type.

, North and South America) subtropical latitudes. Wide stripe this type climate is represented in the south of all Central Asian republics of the CIS south of the 43° parallel, including the extreme south of Kazakhstan (Saryagash and Makhtaaral regions). Under the condition of artificial irrigation, this type of climate is favorable for subtropical farming, both technical (cotton) and food (persimmons, pomegranates, figs, tangerines, etc.). However, in conditions of shortage of fresh water, deserts and semi-deserts dominate in non-anthropogenic conditions. The foothills are slightly better hydrated.

Madagascar. The climate in areas on the western side is different from the climate in areas with east side: the first has low precipitation, the second, receiving monsoon influx, is characterized by heavy rains. There may be cyclones in the country. From June to August it can be very cold. September and October - best months for visiting.

Malaysia Equatorial climate, with high temperatures and heavy rainfall. Avoid the period from December to February when rains can interrupt communications. The best period is from the end of June to September. During this period, the slopes, especially in the far south, become impassable.


For example, in the capital of Iran, Tehran, the average temperature in June is +29˚, and in January +1˚; in some years frosts are -20˚. The average annual precipitation is 250 mm, of which 1 mm from July to September, and 220 mm from November to April (for the entire six months). In the capital of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, temperatures above +45 °C are possible in summer. Precipitation is 199 mm per year.

Warm climate with heavy rainfall in the south in the months of June to October. Roads are often interrupted by heavy rains. The rains reduce northward movement to become almost non-existent in the desert. Malta The climate is Mediterranean, with mild and rainy winters and hot summers, cooled by the wind.

Morocco Very varied depending on latitude. The Mediterranean dominates with long hot and dry periods; on the Atlantic side the climate is moderated by winds. The south is influenced by the proximity of the Sahara. In mountainous areas, summers are mild and winters are cold and rainy. Snow is abundant in Atlas. The best time is spring and autumn.

The zone of inland subtropical climate also includes the large (southern) part of the deserts of the Turan Lowland, located on the territory of the Central Asian post-Soviet republics. Here in winter polar air dominates and therefore winter temperatures are much lower than in tropical deserts. In summer, masses of continental tropical air with very high temperatures, low relative humidity, and very little cloudiness are formed here. In summer there is an abundance of sun, just like in tropical deserts. Thus, in Termez there are 207 clear days a year and only 37 cloudy ones. In Tashkent, the average temperature in June is +27˚, and in January -1˚. The average annual precipitation is 350 mm, of which only 20 mm is from July to September.

Mauritania The climate is scorching, especially inland, from March to September. In the months from January to March, the country experiences cyclones. Temperatures tend to be constant throughout the year, especially on the coast, while they moderate inland on the plateaus. Subtropical Mexico to the north and tropical to the south. Different climates between the coast and the interior of Yucatan. From June to September is the rainy season. Temperatures in Micronesia are fairly stable throughout the year, being very hot during the day. The best time to visit is from February to June.

The region is subject to typhoons. In the southern part, the Black Sea has a moderate influence on the climate. Summer is the period when there is more rainfall. Mongolia The climate is continental, with very cold and dry winters where temperatures can drop below 40°. Low precipitation in the southern range, but heavy on the northern slopes. in spring strong winds, which can cause sandstorms. July and August are the best months to visit the country.

On some summer days, the temperature in some places in Turkmenistan rises to +50˚. In winter in the Turan Lowland, frosts in winter can reach -30˚...

Other regions

IN North America continental subtropics are protected from the influx of moist air masses from the west and east by orographic obstacles; The continental and arid climate is very pronounced here (Mexico; USA: Arizona, eastern California, Nevada). In Yuma, the average temperature in June is +32˚, and in January +12˚. The average annual precipitation is 90 mm.

Mozambique Tropical is particularly humid. Heavy rainfall from November to March along the coast, southern plains and northern hills. The heat is particularly intense in the Zambezi Valley. The best time to visit the country is from May to mid-October, the heat is more bearable and the nights are cool.

Myanmar. Monsoon climate, with alternating dry seasons and rains. The best time to visit the country is from late October to late February. The weather during this period is dry, the days are sunny, and the heat is tolerable. From March to May it is hot in the plains. The rainy season lasts from June to October. In the mountainous regions located to the east of the country, heat is tempered by altitude.

IN South America, where oceanic influences are strong, the summer temperatures of this climate are lower and precipitation is more abundant. In San Luis the average temperature in January is +24˚, and in June +9˚. Average annual precipitation is 570 mm.

IN Africa, Australia and Antarctica There are no climates of this type.

Namibia In the southern half of the coast climate and temperature sea ​​water softened by the cold stream of Benguela. Inland, temperatures are significantly higher, especially from September to March. Nepal Warm humid in southern regions. High temperatures with heavy rainfall in mountainous areas. The rains are very heavy from mid-June to the end of August. The cold season from October to mid-March is the best time to travel to Nepal. Mountain expeditions are usually held in September-October.

It is very hot, especially at the beginning of the rainy season. More moderate temperatures are observed on the volcanic chains of the center of the country. In the east, the Caribbean coast is exposed to the trade winds. There may be hurricanes in September-October. The best time to visit the country is from December to February. During the monsoon season, the heat cannot withstand the high humidity. The further you go north, the more the rainfall decreases in duration and intensity.

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