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Why dream of a hurricane, a natural disaster in which someone managed to escape? Basic interpretations: why dream of a hurricane, a downpour and a strong wind. What does it mean if you dream of a hurricane

If a sleeping person dreamed that he was walking through the city and saw dire consequences after the hurricane, then this is a sign of an imminent change permanent place residence. The dreamer will move to another country and will experience a very strong sense of nostalgia. If a sleeping person sees the victims of the elements, then soon his relatives may suffer due to the dreamer's indecision.

If during a storm a person experienced a feeling of despair, then this bad sign, which suggests that the dreamer will not be able to control his emotions in a critical situation.

If a person survived a natural disaster at sea, then this is a sign of great happiness and luck.

Spinning in a strong stream of a hurricane tornado is experiencing strong emotions associated with a new romantic acquaintance. If you manage to get out of the tornado alive, then love will be strong and mutual.

see how strong wind bends trees - a warning that the dreamer and his friends will be worried about the fate of his friend, who will suddenly disappear. However, these concerns and fears will be in vain.

A downpour accompanied by a strong wind is a disappointment and a strong resentment in personal life. If at the same time the wind blows in the back, as if urging the dreamer on, this promises the achievement of the goal and the realization cherished desire. In the event that a hurricane blows in the face, this foreshadows the appearance of obstacles in the intended event.

Strong winds, hurricanes and other "frills" of the air element of air in a dream have as many as three approaches to interpreting dreams. The first is in relation to the dreamer's intellectual activity, the results of which can be both positive and have devastating consequences. The second - as a symbol of future changes. And the third - as a message from the subconscious, warning of a possible loss of control over oneself and over the situation as a whole.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, a hurricane and a strong wind are a symbol major changes in life and obstacles. Moreover, the stronger the gusts of wind, the more dramatic the changes will be. You can even expect a complete revolution in the worldview, a change in life priorities.

Interested in what a hurricane and a tornado are dreaming of? Such a dream is a harbinger of a serious confrontation with ill-wishers.

Strong experiences and turbulent events, that's what a storm and a hurricane dream of. If, according to the plot of the dream, the storm causes some kind of destruction, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the dreamer will have to sacrifice something. And it’s good if it’s just material losses, and not the loss of a relationship with a loved one.

A hurricane outside the window is favorably interpreted by the dream book. If, according to the plot of the dream, the dreamer observes the rampant elements, being in a warm and cozy home, then in reality he will have to witness some turbulent events that will not directly affect him, but will make him worry.

A dream interpretation of a hurricane, causing severe anxiety and fear, predicts a situation in real life when the sleeper feels powerless to change anything. If a hurricane brings destruction, the sleeper will be defenseless against external forces. Circumstances force majeure can occur in various areas of life: in a professional, business or family field.

A hurricane without destruction portends changes that do not promise any drama, but have the effect of surprise.
To resist the pressure of the wind, to win the fight with the violent elements is a sign of luck and success in business.

If a hurricane is like a natural phenomenon, occurs outside the window, without touching the dreamer, then the dream indicates the possibility of avoiding an impending problem or experiencing some kind of difficulty without loss. In general, any shelter from a hurricane in a dream gives hope for a happier outcome of events - what a hurricane dreams of.

If a hurricane is not part of an urban, but a natural landscape, or a water source is present in a dream, or a hurricane is accompanied by rain, then it is important to interpret the dream in relation to the sphere of relations. A hurricane in the bosom of nature is rather associated with love experiences and confusion of feelings, which the sleeper cannot figure out. In his relationship with a person of the opposite sex, everything can change dramatically, but in which direction - individual details of sleep will indicate. In particular, flying stones or pouring mud streams portend offensive words, cruel deeds, senseless disputes, abuse or even betrayal, and a hurricane accompanied by a downpour is a sign of uncontrollable feelings of an erotic nature.

If a hurricane blows in the back, as if urging forward - a dream means advancement towards the intended goal, promotion, etc.
And, on the contrary, if a hurricane blows opposite the sleeper, making it difficult to go, it means an unexpected change in plans, difficulty in business, tricks of competitors or the loss of an ally.

The gusts of heavy wind that blow everything in their path and knock them down in reality cause a tremulous fear of the formidable force of the elements. Why a hurricane is dreaming can be learned from the interpretation of dream books.

Chinese dream book

The riot of a hurricane in a dream is a bad sign, an omen of someone's death.

Gypsy dream book

A dreaming hurricane warns of a strong quarrel with one of the relatives and regret about the harsh words uttered in passion.

Eastern dream book

Seeing a hurricane in a dream is a warning about imminent quarrels and scandals and the need to be more restrained, as well as a harbinger of unpleasant changes in life: losses, separations, disappointments.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Seeing a raging hurricane in a dream symbolizes defenselessness before the blows of fate.

Women's dream book

A hurricane in dreams is a symbol of serious obstacles and interference, or painful unrest and uncertainty.

If you heard the menacing sounds of a raging hurricane wind and watched the trees bent under its onslaught around you, then in reality you will suffer from tedious waiting, and then make decisive attempts to resist the collapse.

If you dreamed of a hurricane and you are at its epicenter, then in reality you will have to face despair due to the disruption of important plans that seemed very reliable and feasible. Sleep is also a harbinger of fateful changes and bitter losses.

If gusts of wind in a dream brought down your home, then changes in lifestyle and work await you, you will often have to move.

If you observed the terrible consequences of the hurricane from the side, then the troubles will not affect you and will pass by.

A hurricane in a dream can also portend problems in the service - reprimands from those in power and demotions, material difficulties, the need to do dirty and humiliating work, or useless and unpleasant things.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Heard in a dream the sound of an impending hurricane - in reality you will encounter problems in business.

They were in a house that was hit by a hurricane - to imminent changes in life.

The dream of the destruction of someone else's house by a hurricane promises the loss of a large sum of money.

Being caught up in a hurricane in a dream is a warning of a long trip in which you will have to face problems and troubles.

Seeing someone caught in a hurricane is a concern for a loved one.

The latest dream book

A hurricane dreamed up in night dreams is interpreted by the dream book as an omen of making a risky decision.

according to Freud's dream book

The hurricane is a fairly transparent symbol, it says that some significant changes will soon come in your life, and they will be associated with the fact that you will meet a certain person who will make you look at the world and your loved ones in a new way. If in your dream you yourself or someone else suffered from a hurricane, it means that an acquaintance that at first seems very interesting to you can bring you misfortune or at least excitement. Watching the hurricane approach - you are concerned about the fate of your friend (or girlfriend), who is not very lucky in his personal life. In fact, you should be guided by how the friend himself treats himself - if everything suits him (or her), then you should be calm.

Dreamed of a hurricane

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you are caught in a hurricane, it means that soon you will experience bitterness and despair from the fact that your long-nurtured plans, which should have quickly led you to your cherished goal, will collapse. This dream may portend big changes in your destiny, often associated with losses. In a dream, hearing the roar of a hurricane wind and seeing how it tilts the trees around you promises you some kind of painful expectation, which will be replaced by determined attempts to resist the collapse. A dream in which your house collapses under the onslaught of the wind portends a change in lifestyle, frequent moves and a change in work. Seeing the consequences of a terrible hurricane in a dream is a sign that misfortune will not affect you personally.

Why dream of a thunderstorm

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

chores; care; to the poor - to well-being; rich - to ruin; with thunder (to the prisoner) - to liberation; sick - to healing.

Thunderstorm dream meaning

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing or hearing a thunderstorm in a dream marks a strong outbreak of passion for a long-familiar person towards you. You will be greatly surprised by this.

Why dream about a thunderstorm

according to Vanga's dream book

This symbol is considered in a dream a manifestation of divine will, a sign. In some cases, a thunderstorm means conflict, fear, news, anger. In a dream, you were frightened by a flash of lightning and thunder - this dream indicates that you are leading a far from righteous life, so you can consider this dream a warning from above. The dream in which you fell under a heavy thunderstorm means that in real life the protracted conflict will be resolved sooner than you think. The storm passed by, and not a drop of rain fell on you - in reality, thanks to your resourcefulness and ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations, you will be able to avoid the unfair wrath of your superiors. If lightning strikes your house during a thunderstorm, this portends unexpected news. You dreamed that thunderstorms flooded the house, you were trying to hide from the impending flood, but all attempts were unsuccessful. All the space around is flooded with water, and it rises higher and higher. Not only your home, but all living things around are immersed in water. Thunderstorm blows away high buildings and buildings like empty shells, and soon everything around disappears behind its veil. This dream portends an ecological catastrophe from which you can be seriously affected.

The meaning of sleep about lightning

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing sparkling lightning in a dream - something will soon happen in your life that you do not expect. Most likely it will be an acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex, with whom you will spend a lot of time together. At the very beginning, you may not see anything particularly attractive in him, it may even seem to you that this is "a hero not of your novel." If in a dream you are standing in the place where lightning struck, then this is a symbol new love, which, moreover, will arise as unexpectedly as lightning struck in a dream. Most likely, it will be passion at first sight. Do not try to predict events, insight will come very unexpectedly. If lightning struck where one of your loved ones (especially your partner) was, then such a dream suggests that this person may have a problem in the near future. sexual life and you will play an important role in this. This will not happen soon, so be careful how you behave - perhaps complications can be avoided. If lightning destroyed an object in your dream, then this is a symbol that your future love will become not only all-consuming, but also such that you want to give up everything in the world. Try to ensure that as few of your loved ones as possible suffer from your passion.

Why dream of lightning

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

incredible news, dangerous situation.

Lightning in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

See in a dream bright flash lightning - this means that in reality you will receive unexpected news from afar. If lightning hit you in a dream, then try to show more restraint in reality, as they will try to drag you into a conflict. A dream in which you saw how it descends from the sky ball lightning, means an invasion from space. Seeing in a dream how people die from ball lightning burns is a bad sign. Due to pollution environment possible ecological catastrophe. The dream in which you saw a flash of lightning and heard a thunderclap is a warning. Perhaps you should reconsider your life positions.

Dreamed of lightning

according to Miller's dream book

Lightning in your dreams portends happiness and prosperity for a short period of time. If lightning illuminates an object near you and you feel a shock, then you will be excited. good fortune friend or, on the contrary, are tormented by gossip and gossipers. Seeing black lightning among dark clouds is a sign that sorrows and difficulties will haunt you for quite some time. If lightning illuminated you, then unpredictable grief shakes your soul. See lightning above your head - good sign promising joy and lasting income. Lightning flashing in the dark among ominous clouds always portends threats, losses and disappointments: businessmen should do their business more, women should be near their husbands and mothers, children and the sick after such a dream require supervision.

Why dream of lightning

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

near the sleeper with a flash - warning, exile; in the sleeper - honor; in the house - incredible news or changes; illuminated the clouds, objects - help in trouble, in a difficult situation, see Light.

See lightning in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The image of lightning in a dream is interpreted in different ways. Some people like lightning - and they don't mind this element. Others are frightened by her strength and unpredictability. However, there are many other manifestations of power that deserve attention. You can control lightning - this is an attempt to deal with real problems. In this case, lightning is a valuable weapon in the fight against frustration and breakdowns. Sweep them out of your way with lightning speed. Lightning also serves as a warning. If you are afraid of it in life, the effect of lightning can be caused by a nearby person or a building that you enter. In this form, the mind delivers a visual warning. In this there is the presence of the element of punishment, divine anger, which manifests itself in the form of arrows of lightning and is personified by the Greek god Zeus and the Nordic god Thor. Where did the lightning strike? Was anyone seriously injured in the process? Where did lightning come from and when?

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