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Whether cancer cells die at high temperatures. How and how to destroy cancer cells? Urban Hyperthermia: Back to the Future

The case brought me with a woman cured by the uterus's cancer literally lying on the oven. The disease was extremely launched, in the fourth stage. Doctors believed that she would live no more than a year. From chemotherapy, the patient refused and left home to the village. Most of the time she spent sitting near the Russian stove or lying on it. For several hours in a row, it kept the maximum temperature, and even bitten his back with blankets. Four years later, when we met again, she felt healthy. This case is extremely interested in me. After all, it is well known that any thermal procedures are considered unacceptable in official oncology.

However, the idea of \u200b\u200btreating cancer is not new, she has long been discussed in the literature. Supporters of this idea come from the fact that cancer cells are very sensitive to elevated temperatures - at 40 ° they stop developing. The healer Alexander Vinokurov claims that when exposed to such a temperature on the body for 10 days, cancer cells are dying, and normal - do not change, fully retaining their functions.

The best results with hyperthermic procedures were obtained in breast tumors, malignant lymphomas, colon cancer, prostate gland, larynx, thyroid gland, kidneys, stomach and intestines, sarcoma. According to the studies conducted, out of 1400 patients treated with such procedures for five years, approximately 80% recorded a noticeable improvement - the cessation of growth in primary and metastatic tumors. Everyone after the first session ceased pain. More than 60% of patients at the IV disease stage after several treatment sessions disappeared metastases and symptoms of intoxication. The inclusion of general hyperthermia into a complex of therapeutic measures after radical operations significantly reduces the number of relapses and reduces the threat to the resumption of cancer.

Let's try to figure out the mechanism of exposure to high temperatures on cancer cells.

According to one of theories, oncological diseases are associated with the introduction of viral RNA in the gene or cytoplasm of the cell. There is reason to assert that hyperthermic procedures lead to a separation from the material cell of the virus and alien RNA. Forced to go out, they become the prey of immune cells. Further fate depends on the level of immunity. Therefore, one of the most important areas in the treatment of cancer is the strengthening of immunity.

But back to the effects of high temperatures on the cells. It was found that at a temperature of 43.5 ° cancer cells die. However, you can only withstand this critical temperature. Therefore, in my opinion, more acceptable techniques oriented by 40-42 °, but with a long exposure.

Scientists who have developed hyperthermic treatments, also taken into account the ability of tumor cells vigorously consume glucose. A constant glucose deficiency is a natural restrictive growth factor and division of cancer cells. An assumption was put forward that if it was specially saturated with glucose blood, then cancer cells will begin to absorb it without any restrictions, leading to the state of energy oversaturation.

This process is enhanced by increasing the temperature. Cell-consuming cell glucose after temperature stimulation begin to experience a crisis of disposal of waste production waste from glucose. The organic acid molecules accumulating in them cause sharp, non-compatible with the limits of the resistance of cell membranes shift in the acidity of the medium. It works as a detonator - self-moving active oncoclecks. Consequently, during thermal procedures, it is advisable to give a patient with glucose (for example, in the form of honey).

However, theoretical predictions were not agreed with the results of practical research. It turned out that the cancer tumor is heterogeneous in structure. Not all cells in it are in a state of active division and abundant absorption of glucose. Each tumor has preferred pools of actively smaller cells and peripheral cells pushed from lymphatic and blood vessels. For the time being, the peripheral layers of the tumor are in relative rest.

Experimental practice confirmed that hyperthermia in combination with hyperglycemia (sugar redundancy) really ensures the destruction of tumors of tumors. But at the same time, it turned out that some small part of the tumor cells still does not die, despite the extensive necrosis of its bulk. Because of this, there was soon a recurrence of the disease. The source of relapse turned out to be pushed cancer cells, which were sleeping. After the destruction of their secured neighbors, these cells wake up and began to grow.

So, the hypertermic effect outside the optimum (43 ° or more), leading to the necrocle of active oncocletes, does not affect the resting layers of the tumor. The temperatures within the optimum (up to 42 °) are translated from the state of rest in more active, and therefore in the more heat-sensitive. It only remains to choose the desired mode of exposure cycles, so that the tumor began to disappear not only in its actively growing center, but also by periphery.

Many healers believe that the tumor should not necrotize (die), and slowly dissolve. To do this, adhere to very narrow boundaries of the optimal temperature effect. For the upper limit, necrosis of the tumor begins. Within the limits of optimal boundaries there is slow resorption of the tumor, which contributes to the strengthening of immunity. Therefore, in the period of hypertermal therapy, such effective immuno-modulators such as T-activin or diucifon - preparations that strengthen the immune formula that increase the number of lymphocytes in the blood and lymph, as well as T-cells, killer cells, destroying oncoclections and microorganisms in Interior environment of the body. Temperatures below these borders do not suppress oncoclections, and perhaps even stimulate them. It is these temperatures that are considered in official medicine contraindicated during cancer. When oncologists say that warming ups can enhance the progression and metastasis of tumors, they do not take into account the effects of super-high temperatures.

However, ultra-high temperatures, as already mentioned, do not exclude the recurrence of the disease. It seems that the failures of some researchers are explained by the fact that they were asked for the treatment of the maximum temperature and paid not enough attention to the duration of exposure to tumor cells. The most effective when treating oncological diseases seems to me the use of softer temperatures (40 -42 °) with a longer, and therefore deeper and even exposure.

For this purpose, a home sauna proposed by Alexander Vinokurov (see Figure) is perfect for this purpose.

The temperature in the home sauna supports an electric heater (for example, an ordinary household tile with a capacity of 1.5 kW), which heats 2-3 jars with water covered with stones. Water boils and evaporates, forming soft couples. All this simple device is placed on a wooden shelf at the back of the chair. The inner walls of the shelf are isolated by aluminum sheets. You can use the aluminum chamber freezer from the old refrigerator. The electrical heater must be covered on the sides of the stones. It is important that he does not touch the walls of the shelf.

The patient is sitting in the chair and wrapped with a blanket with the chair. It is desirable that inside this "cocoon" was an electrother-adjustor, which would ensure a constant temperature. To control the temperature applies a special thermometer.

If a chair with armrests is used for the sauna, then they need to install special arcs on them so that there remains a small space for air circulation inside the "cocoon". The rear back of the chair should not be solid.

Hands, if desired, can be outwarded, for which, on top of the patient, instead of a blanket, we put on a coat and fasten it on the buttons, and below the belt bold a blanket. The head in hypertermic procedures remains outside. One of the important advantages of the home wage is that the whole body is heated (after half an hour, the body temperature reaches 40 °), but at the same time a person breathes the air temperature. By the way, the local warming of individual parts of the body or organs, in my opinion, ineffective. It is associated with reverse vascular reactions to local warming.

During the hypertermic procedure, it is recommended to drink hot tea (herbal or green) with honey - to enhance sweating. Whatever the sweat is easily absorbed, underwear of cotton underwear. After the clocks of the procedure, the procedure takes the contraction of the shower to cool the body to normal temperatures.

In cancerium diseases, there are two hypertermic sessions per day (in the morning and after lunch) duration from two to four hours. The optimal air temperature is 40-42 °. The course of treatment is 10 days. It is repeated 6-10 times with breaks of 10-30 days.

Additionally, blood purification measures are recommended from the products of the decay of the cells: therapeutic starvation, source and therapy (for example, the use of juices from vegetables, fruits and berries of red, yellow and black flowers), reception of adsorbents, vegetarian food, mlinotherapy, etc.

It is even better to use a special oven with infrared irradiation for a home sauna. Its rays are softer, they penetrate the fabric evenly and deeper. Such furnaces go on sale and for home use.

Infrared thermal exposure has several advantages. First, it is easier tolerated. This is especially important for seriously sick and weakened people. Secondly, it is more efficient for cases of deep-running tumors and metastases. Unfortunately, information about special research on the use of infrared warming has not yet come across. I am sure it is a matter of the future.

Despite the fact that in official medicine, the warming of the body during cancer is considered contraindicated, in Russia and abroad there are clinics where they are treated with heat. There is such a clinic, for example, in a bitter, where the thermal chamber is used in the form of sarcophagus (as well as in the method described here, the head remains outside). Procedures are conducted under the control of the instruments.

In conclusion, I want to say that the long-term body hyperthermia is a very physiological method. It resembles a fever - the natural reaction of the body on the causative agent of the disease when the body is struggling with the disease.

Gennady Garbuzov

Rudolf Breuss was an outstanding Austrian therapist, which has always come to help in need. He was born in 1899 and dedicated all his life to research and search for alternative, non-invasive methods for the treatment of cancer and other severe diseases. Breuss himself claimed that since 1950 he successfully healed over 2000 cancer patients. Since 1986, there are 45,000 examinations, cured patients using the Dr. Breuss method. Breuss wrote a book called "Breuss medicine against cancer, leukemia and other similar incurable diseases." It was translated into 7 languages \u200b\u200band sold Million to its copies. How does the Breuss method work? The course of treatment against cancer according to the BREUSS method lasts 42 days. Taking into account the fact that the exchange of substances in cancer cells differs from metabolism in healthy cells, Breuss made up a diet that would predetermine the starvation, and then the death of cancer cells, stopping the delivery of protein to them. The diet does not cause any harm to normal cells. Within 42 days, the sick person should use only teas in large quantities and created by his recipe healing juice. Since cancer cells feed on proteins delivered to them protein food, Dr. Breuss completely excluded from the menu of its patients any protein food. For complete healing, he recommended consuming only teas and juices prepared by his recipe. Dr. Breuss recipe for complete healing from cancer. For cooking juice use only biologically clean and fresh vegetables. Composition: - 300 gr. Red beet - 100 gr. Carrots - 100 gr. Celery root - 70 gr. Fresh potato juice - 30 gr. Radisa Note: Potatoes are used as desired, the exclusion is a liver cancer, where potatoes plays an important role. Method of preparation: With the use of juicer, remove the juice from all listed products. Store in a closed glassware in the refrigerator. Juice to drink throughout the day 1-2 throat. Instead of water, use the tea of \u200b\u200btherapeutic plants: sage, nettle, field hand.

Save not to lose tip 1: Working theory about the nature of the onco process - the rapidness of the candida fungus. Announced the doctor oncologist Tullio Simonchini and, naturally, borrowed problems, as it was openly started to cure people to quickly. His crime was that he understood that the malignant tumors were the born mushroom candida (yeast-like fungus, having a parasitic nature, lives in every person. Strong immunity keeps candid under control, but if the body is weakened, the fungus spreads through the body and causes malignant tumors). Simonchini believes that cancer is the born mushroom candides and that the traditional explanation of the nature of cancer is completely wrong. Being a specialist in the field of oncology and metabolic disorders, he went against the traditional methods of "treatment" of cancer. After watching the suffering of people with the so-called treatment and the dying children from chemotherapy and radiation - I realized that somehow I'm not "treated" cancer, and he began to seek reasons. He found that all kinds of cancer showed themselves equally, regardless of which the organ or tissue was formed by a tumor. All malignant neoplasms were white - the candida fungus - it turns out that this is a process that is launched by the body itself to protect against candidiasis (thrush) ... If you repel from this assumption, the development of the disease proceeds by such a scenario: candida fungus, usually controlled by a strong immunity, Begins to multiply in a weakened organism and forms a kind of "colony". When some organ is infected with a thrush, immunity is trying to protect him from a foreign invasion. Immune cells build a protective barrier from the cells of the body. It is this traditional medicine calls cancer. It is believed that the spread of metostasis in the body is the spreading of "malignant" cells by organs and tissues. But simonyini claims that metastases are caused by the fact that the candidy fungus is diverged by the body. And fungi can destroy only the cells of the normally functioning immunity. The immune system is the key to recovery. Every year the number of sick cancer increases. A well-planned war against human immunity is becoming more and more fierce. Immunity is weakened: food, food additives, pesticides and herbicides, vaccination, electromagnetic and microwave technologies, pharmaceutical preparations, stress of modern life, etc. Children under two years old get about 25 vaccinations. But at this time, immunity is only formed! What turns off the immune system faster? Chemotherapy. Add here yet radiotherapy. To date, these are the most effective methods for the destruction of the cell cells. The most modern generally accepted "treatment" of oncology is based on the postulate (the postulate is a position that, without being proven, is made due to theoretical or practical necessity for true) that cancer cells will be killed earlier than healthy patient cells. Poisonous compounds of chemotherapy kill the cells of the immune system. But Candida is not going anywhere. The wreckage of the immune system is not able to keep under the control of Candida cells. The fungus moves to other organs and fabrics. Cancer is spread through the body. Those who seem to have been recovered after surgical intervention and chemotherapy just received a "clock-clock bomb". Immunity is destroyed. The emergence of relapses is a matter of time. In other words: chemotherapy kills people who are supposedly treated. Chemotherapy treats only from an infectious disease transmitting sexually and called life. In order to cure a cancer, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, and not to weaken it. When Simonchini realized that cancer had fungal nature, he began to look for an effective fungicide. But then it became clear to him that antifungal drugs do not work. Candidas quickly mutters and so adapts to the drug that even begins to eat. And only the old, proven, cheap and affordable remedy for fungal - sodium bicarbonate remains - the main ingredient of food soda. For some reason, the fungus cannot adapt to sodium bicarbonate. Symonic patients drink soda solution or sodium bicarbonate is administered directly to a tumor with a device resembling an endoscope (a long tube used to view internal organs). In 1983, Simonchini treated one Italian named Gennaro Sangermano to whom the doctors predicted death a few months from the lung cancer. After a short time, this man was fully cured. Cancer disappeared. Wrongly enjoyed with other patients, naive symbonini presented its data to the Italian Ministry of Health, hoping that they would start clinical research and check how his method works. But, the Italian medical establishment did not consider his research, and deprived him of a medical license for treating patients with medicines that were not approved. Mass media began a campaign against him, having ridiculed him personally and dumping his method. And soon hit for three years in prison for the fact that allegedly "killed his patients." Medical establishment stated that the method of treating oncological diseases with sodium bicarbonate is "nonsense." This is at a time when millions of patients die painful death from "verified" and "safe" chemotherapy, doctors continue to prohibit sodium bicarbonate treatment. After a while he continued his work. Now he knows about him and thanks to the Internet. This doctor treats even the most neglected cases of oncology with simple and cheap sodium bicarbonate. In some cases, the procedures last for months, and in some (for example, during breast cancer) - just a few days. Often Simonchini simply tells people that they need to do by telephone or by email. It is even personally present in the treatment and still the result exceeds all expectations. Join !!! Group "Celebnik. Journal of People's Medicine"

Tumor cells are dying at high temperatures

Scientists of one of the laboratories of the Netherlands showed that high temperatures (41-42 degrees Celsius) block one of the signaling paths of cancer cells, in which the BRCA2 protein is involved required for the "repair" of damage in the two-stranded DNA molecule.

Fig. High temperatures block protein, which allows cancer cells to cope with breakdowns inside their DNA (Source: Science Photo).

Heat and kill

Researchers suggest that their discovery will help increase the effectiveness of cancer treatment when using such methods such as radiotherapy, chemotherapy, as well as a number of drugs. For example, in recent times, in the treatment of breast cancer and ovaries caused by defects in BRCA genes, a PARP-1-inhibitor of another PARP protein is actively used.

See also: PARP protein - protein involved in reparation mechanisms (fix) DNA as well as in the mechanisms of programmed cell death (apoptosis).

Methods of chemotherapy and radiotherapy are widely used in antitumor practice. Preparations used in such treatment are designed to kill cancer cells, bringing numerous mutations in their genome. However, not all tumor cells are amenable to such treatment: many of them continue to multiply, even despite numerous mutations caused by medicines. The reason based is that the cancer cells are very well aware of the reparation system (repair) of the genome.

The last work of scientists suggests that they can affect high temperatures on such reparation systems. In particular, it was shown that the main "DNA repairman" of the BRCA2 protein was not kept high temperatures, which led to a failure in the system of "repair" of the main carrier of hereditary information in the cancer cell.

"We found that hyperthermia inhibits (blocks) homologous recombination, with the help of which BRCA2" Record "DNA, regardless of mutations in the BRCA2 gene," says Dr. Roland Canaar (Roland Kanaar) from the medical center of Erasmus in Rotterdam.

At the moment, PARP inhibitors are used in the treatment of only those cancers that are caused by mutations in the BRCA genes.

"Our discovery suggests that such inhibitors can also be used in the treatment of other cancer, where there is no violation in the work of BRCA genes, that is, when treating a large number of tumors," says Canaer.

Will it beolate man?

However, some experts criticize this discovery and say that hypertermia methods are extremely difficult to apply in the course of real clinical trials.

"It's one thing to heat the cells of the animal, and completely different human cells. If you apply this practice during antitumor therapy, the external temperatures should be about 54 degrees Celsius. No patient will suffer such conditions, "says Professor Kum Kumna from the Institute of Medical Research in Queensland.

Plus, there is another problem here. It is known that at temperatures above 42 degrees Celsius, human proteins simply begin to collapse.

Sometimes, applying to the bruised location of the ice, and after a couple of days - the height is for a better absorption of the bruise, we do not even consider it for treatment. Meanwhile, cold and heat have well-defined therapeutic effects, which, as well as other drugs, depend on the dose.

Impact on the body and individual organs with warm or cold for therapeutic purposes today is made to call thermal or cryotherapy. However, it was used during antiquity. Roman patricians for hardening, treatment of colds and diseases of the musculoskeletal system went to the baths - Roman terms. In ancient India and China, even tumor diseases were treated warmly. It would seem that here can be new? But quite recently there were fundamentally new technologies for the use of thermo- and cryotherapy. For example, in order to destroy cancer cells using thermal effects, the nanoparticles use, and to deal with AIDS, the human body is heated along a unique technique to the temperature-proceedable temperatures - 43-44 ° C.

Warm or freeze?

The most accessible type of heat grid, familiar to many, is applying hot heating. Local body reactions are manifested in improving blood and lymphorage, and as a result, the processes of exchange, regeneration and resorption of tissue decay products are accelerated. The overall heating of the body increases the pulse rate, reduces blood pressure, increases the sweating and increases the motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract organs.

The impact of cold leads to opposite effects: the vessels are narrowed, the level of tissue metabolism and oxygen consumption is reduced, allergic reactions are suppressed. Often, thermotherapy and cryotherapy are used to strengthen immunity, and sometimes they are successfully combined - for example, they dip after a pair bath in the ice hole. A sharp short-term increase and decrease in temperature is stress for the body, and it contributes to the mobilization of the protective system.

Bavarian Pastor Sebastian Knepe (Sebastian Kneipp, 1821-1897), thanks to which the cold treatment was widely distributed all over the world, considered cold water treatments. But the well-known Russian Medic and follower of Kneyp Abram Zalmanov (1875-1964) believed that, as a result of industrial development and pollution of the environment, thermal procedures are particularly useful. He explained it to a decrease in the oxygen content in the air, which leads to a slowdown in biochemical reactions. Zalmanov believed that the body of the modern citizen could not respond to the expansion of blood capillaries on the impact of cold water procedures, so he needs hot procedures.

Chicken immunity

The human body, if necessary, and itself resorts to hyperthermia, that is, an increase in body temperature. For the first time, the defective function of high temperature confirmed the founder of modern microbiology and immunology Louis Pasteur (Louis Pasteur, 1822-1895).

Paster proved that the reason for the immunity of the chickens to the Siberian ulcer is that the body temperature of birds is 6-7 ° C higher than that of a person. With the help of water, he cooled the chickens to 38 ° C and infected their Siberian ulcers. Ill and died only those birds that continued to keep in cold water. If the infected was taken out of the water, she either did not fall ash or recovered.

The protective mechanism is explained not only by the fact that some bacteria and viruses die at temperatures above 38-39 ° C. In hyperthermia, the activity of immune cells, designed to struggle with infection. Therefore, modern doctors are not recommended to reduce the increased temperature in infectious diseases, if there are no contraindications - a tendency to cramps, severe heart disease and respiratory organs, for example.

And, on the contrary, in chronic inflammatory processes, the immune response is weakly expressed, and therefore, in some cases it makes sense to exacerbate the disease. For example, with urinary tract infections, an artificial fever is caused by special preparations or with hot baths.

Loda and Flame.

The use of heat and cold in medicine is made up of three directions: cryo and thermotherapy to restore the functions of organs and improving the body as a whole, the use of migration or freezing in surgery to remove pathological tissues and controlled hyper- and hypothermia, allowing to increase or reduce body temperature by 5 -6 ° C.

The development of cryotherapy in the twentieth century, new methods of liquefying gases and their storage in Dyara vessels contributed. Already in the period between the world wars, liquid nitrogen were used to treat many skin diseases - from warts to seborrhea. Invented in 1961, Irving Cooper (Irving S. Cooper, 1922-1985) with colleagues, the applicator allowed us to provide local cooling with liquefied gas even internal organs.

On the edge of the foul.

As for the third direction - controlled hyper- and hypothermia - when they are used, the risk of serious side effects is great, so this is a treatment on the edge of the foul. Scientific data is contradictory: for example, there is information about the positive effect of hypothermia when restoring the body after stroke. Patients were covered with a thermally insulating blanket, which was injected with cold air. As a result, the body temperature fell on average from 36.8 to 35.5 ° C and maintained at this level for six hours. When compared with the results of the control group, it turned out that hypothermia halved increased the survival rate of patients. The effect was explained by the intake of cold blood to the brain, which prevents further disorders. However, the use of cryotherapy in children and adults with cranial injuries gave disappointing results - patients died more often or received various complications.

The total hyperthermia at which the body temperature is artificially rises by several degrees, it can be deadly. However, cancer cells, bacteria and viruses are dying at high temperatures. A group of scientists led by Dr. Medicine Alexei Soverenev, it was possible to develop a method of chemical protection of the organism from heat shock. In the procedure conducted under general anesthesia, the body temperature of the patient reaches 43-44 ° C, such a temperature reduces the number of human immunodeficiency viruses in the blood of hundreds of thousands.

Similar studies are held all over the world today. So, perhaps, doctors will soon be possible using the latest developments, tame heat and cold and apply the methods known to centuries more efficiently.

Partners News

Scientists questioned the results of the former countless cancer studies. They came to sensational conclusion, asking only one question: Wouldn't all these data ever, if experimental laboratory mice were kept at higher temperatures?


riin the room, laboratory mice are noticeably more successfully fighting oncological diseases. In the warmth, the tumor appeared later, they grow slower and form less metastasis, reportresearchers In the "Notes"Proceedings.» ) BUTmerican National Academy of Sciences. Usually mice are contained at significantly lower temperatures. And this, it was quite possible, influenced the results of research and therapeutic works.

Mice in generalno inquint K. warmthw.. If they provide a choice, theythe ambient temperature is preferred between 30 and 31 degrees Celsius, scientists, headed by Kathleen Cocolus from the Institute of Cancer in American Buffalo. Meanwhile, in most laboratories, the mouse is contained at temperatures from 20 to 26 degrees to, among other things, minimize the costs of animal content.To maintain a normal body temperature, animals are forced to rebuild their metabolism. And this requires a lot of energy, and animals are constantly suffering from stress because of the cold.

To find out how much it affects the resistance of cancer diseases, scientists contain laboratory mice or at a temperature of from 22 to 23 degrees, or with a more warm range from 30 to 31 degrees Celsius.After the phase of addictive mice to the environment, which lasted two weeks, the researchers introduced cancer cells into the organism.

At a higher temperature, the occurring tumors grew markedly slowly. In addition, they formed less metastasis. And also: when introduced in animals, carcinogenic substances of the tumor at the "warm" mice were formed later.

Further studies have shown that with moreaboutthe mouse temperature formed in their body moreantirakovimmune cells, such, for examplerlike T-lymphocytes.And in mice contained at a lower temperature, the opposite process was observed. Scientists had the opportunity to make sure that the mouse hitted by cancer was clearly preferred to leave the places with an optimal temperature for them at 30 degrees and move into a more warm with a temperature of up to 38 degrees.

When the influence of a drug treatment on cancer is studied, researchers emphasize, closer attention should be paid to the ambient temperature.

« We gotdatasuggest thattoday, scientists have information about the resilience of laboratory mice to cancer diseases, perhaps quite distorted by the fact that experiments were carried out under conditions of chronic stress in animals because of the cold, "the researchers write.

About whether the temperature affects the fight with, so far it is unclear. This will be a new stage of research.

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