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What is not a bank deposit. Bank deposit, what is it and why is it needed: instructions for opening a deposit at high interest. What are term deposits?

Hello! In this article we will talk about bank deposits.

Today you will learn:

  1. How to open a bank deposit;
  2. What are the types of bank deposits?
  3. What is the difference between a contribution and a deposit.

Contribution- a convenient and affordable financial instrument for citizens. It is very popular, it can be opened in any banking organization.

If you are thinking about how to deal with your savings, this method is definitely worth paying attention to. Let's talk about what is a contribution and what features it has.

The concept of a bank deposit

Bank deposit - This is a specific amount of money transferred to the bank for safekeeping in order to make a profit.

The profit consists of the interest rate that the bank sets for the depositor keeping their savings in their account. Interest on the deposit is calculated for a specified period.

Types of bank deposits

Demand deposit

A distinctive feature of a demand deposit is the possibility for the depositor to fully or partially withdraw his money or replenish his deposit at any time. As a rule, the interest rate on such deposits is minimal and fluctuates around 0.1-1%.

Why then is such a contribution needed? This type of deposit is used in order not to keep large amounts of cash at home. For example, you have sold your car and are going to buy a new one, but have not yet made a choice and in order to protect yourself and your savings, the best solution would be to open this type of deposit.


This type of deposit is suitable for a category of citizens who want to receive additional income for keeping their money in a bank. Each bank may offer you different terms for which you can open your deposit. The interest rate depends on the size of the terms.

Terms can be from one month to three years and the interest rate is from 4 to 10%, respectively. Unlike demand deposits, time deposits do not allow free use of funds in the account. Neither replenishment nor withdrawal of money is possible until the expiration of the contract concluded with a banking organization.

Target deposits

This is a type of deposits, which in most cases is opened for a long period and has a highly profitable interest rate. The term of the contribution ends when a certain goal is achieved, for example, the child enters the university, or reaches the age of majority, or the acquisition of real estate.

The advantage of targeted deposits over term deposits is that the depositor has the opportunity to replenish his deposit.

Savings deposits

Citizens who open a deposit of this type have the opportunity, and in some cases even the obligation, to replenish it by a certain amount specified in the contract, monthly.

Interest on savings deposits is an order of magnitude lower than interest on term deposits, but such deposits are ideal for those who want to save a decent amount, starting with a small initial payment.

Settlement deposits

Deposits of this type enable the investor to receive income from their investments, while it is quite affordable to manage them. Settlement deposits are divided into two types: only replenished and expense-replenished.

In the first case, it is only allowed to replenish your deposit in order to obtain more income. In the second case, it is allowed not only to replenish the deposit, but also to partially spend funds from the account, provided that the deposit balance does not fall below the established minimum, otherwise the interest rate will be reduced.


Thanks to the opening of such a deposit, you can store your money in several types of currencies at once. Using this tool, you can make a profit not only from interest accrued on the balance, but also for transferring money from one currency to another.

This deposit has a distinctive feature: the risk of losing funds is minimized.

Typically, banks offer to open such a deposit in the most common currencies: dollars, euros and rubles. Moreover, a deposit in rubles brings the maximum income, since it has a % of the highest level.

Contributions for pensioners

For this category of citizens, many banking organizations have developed a special product with a small minimum amount to deposit. Also for the elderly there are various loyalty programs, bonus systems, and so on.

For example, in Sovcombank, the minimum deposit amount is only 500 rubles, once a month you can withdraw the accumulated funds, and you can also replenish the account at any time.

You can find more detailed information about contributions.

How to open a bank deposit

Sooner or later in the life of every person there is a need to open a deposit in a bank.

Let's consider in detail what needs to be done for this:

1. We choose the most suitable bank. How to do it? To get started, at least look at the rating of banks on various resources on the Internet, check out the official website, see what information is in the public domain.

Also, check whether the deposits in this bank are insured by the state, if not, then you should not become its client.

Read customer reviews of this banking organization. It can be your acquaintances, friends, family members. But the most reliable will be those that you find on the network, but not on the official website of the bank.

2. We turn to the bank. In order to open a deposit in your name, you need to contact the bank branch in person. A bank employee will accept your application and offer several options for opening a deposit, so that you can choose the conditions that suit you best.

Ask for expert advice on each issue that interests you. After all, how you can manage your savings and what interest rate you will receive from the bank depends on the correct choice of the deposit.

To make a deposit in a bank, you will need only one document confirming your identity - a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. You will also need to fill out an application form in which you indicate the type of deposit you have chosen.

After all the necessary actions, within a few minutes, a bank employee will issue a deposit account in your name and give you the original of the agreement concluded between you and the bank.

The contract is drawn up in two copies: one is given to you, the second is kept in the bank branch. The deposit opening agreement contains all the detailed information and conditions for opening a deposit.

How interest is calculated

For each type of deposits, interest is calculated differently. But in most cases, accrual occurs at the end of the term of the concluded contract. For some types of deposits, interest is calculated monthly or quarterly.

Some banks apply the deposit interest capitalization system, that is, the interest accrued for the reporting month is added to the principal amount, and in the next month the interest on the deposit is already accrued on them.

Recently, banks have begun to offer new types of interest on deposits. You deposit a certain amount into the account, but not less than the minimum (set by the bank) and the next day after opening the account, you receive the entire amount of accrued interest.

In this case, it will be impossible to use the funds on the deposit until the end of the contract. This method of calculating interest is suitable for those who are more profitable to use the income received now and not wait for a long amount of time.

The difference between a bank deposit and a deposit

A bank deposit is a narrower concept and defines a specific type of any deposit, and a deposit, in turn, covers all these concepts in one whole and is a general term.

In this article, we have already given the concept of a bank deposit, now let's move on to the deposit. In addition to cash deposits, a deposit can be opened in the form of securities, precious metals (platinum, silver, gold) and other assets, with or without additional income.

Another important difference between a deposit and a deposit is that a deposit can only be opened in a banking organization that has the appropriate license and permission for such actions, and a deposit can be opened in any financial institution.

But keep in mind that by opening a deposit not in a bank, but in a non-licensed organization, you risk quite a lot, not only not to receive any benefit, but also to lose your savings.

The more the depositor has the ability to manage his funds on the deposit, the lower will be the interest rate set by the bank. Therefore, if your main goal of opening a deposit is to maximize profit, then the classic deposit option is suitable for you, without the ability to manage your savings.

Rights of contributors

Even if you enter into an agreement to open a deposit in a fairly well-known bank with a positive reputation, you should not blindly trust this organization without reading all the clauses of the agreement in detail. Each banking organization has its own template of a deposit agreement.

But all banks are required to indicate the mandatory items:

  • The term for which the deposit was opened;
  • The individual interest rate is usually indicated in % per annum;
  • The system by which interest is calculated and paid;
  • Conditions for premature termination of the contract or its continuation;
  • Ability to manage your money.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, citizens of the Russian Federation, citizens of other states, stateless persons, in cases where the latter are granted a temporary residence permit or stay in the Russian Federation, have the right to open a deposit. Opening a deposit is possible only personally and individually. It is not possible to open a contribution to a group of several people.

A citizen who has concluded an agreement on opening a deposit has the following rights:

  • Replenish your bank deposit account (if it is provided for by the agreement);
  • Get profit at the specified interest rate in accordance with the contract;
  • After the expiration of the period, fully return your money;
  • Early termination of the bank deposit agreement;
  • Manage your funds on a deposit, if such a possibility is specified in the agreement.

A banking organization cannot reduce the interest rate alone. The rights of depositors in the Russian Federation are regulated by the law "On banks and banking activities".

Also, the state, taking care of depositors' funds, necessarily insures deposits through the Insurance Agency and guarantees a 100% return of funds to the depositor in the case of a bank, but not more than 1.4 million rubles.

Bank deposit insurance

The amount for which each deposit is insured is currently 1,400,000 rubles. The savings of the population are thus protected throughout the Russian Federation. Such a system has been developed and operates in other states too.

The compulsory insurance system is part of the state program, which is designed to protect the financial interests of citizens, while in order to insure the deposit, a person does not need to conclude separate agreements. The deposit is insured by law.

How payments are made

As we have already said, payments cannot be more than 1,400,000 rubles, regardless of how much money a person keeps in his accounts in a particular bank, or in several of its branches. If the depositor's accounts are opened in different banks, then he will receive compensation for each deposit.

But there are several types of funds that are not covered by insurance:

  • Bank deposit opened to bearer;
  • If the account is opened for maintaining prof. activities of persons who are entrepreneurs without;
  • If the funds are transferred to a banking organization for trust management;
  • If the deposit is opened in a branch of a Russian bank located in another country;
  • Funds on a deposit that is open in precious metals.

It is quite possible that the sum insured will only increase in the future. This will provide a higher level of protection for depositors who do not have large funds, which means it will increase the activity of accumulating funds.

If the depositor has large funds, he has more than one million savings, the amount of insurance established by the state now does not give much effect. They have to split their savings between different large banking organizations.

Positive and negative aspects of bank deposits

Consider both sides of the use of such an investment instrument as a bank deposit. It is clear that there are pluses and minuses here, let's dwell on them in more detail.


  • To open a deposit, you do not need to collect a lot of documentation;
  • The opening process is simple and straightforward;
  • Income can be calculated in advance;
  • State guarantees;
  • tax benefits;
  • Opportunity to open a deposit at a high interest rate.

Summing up the intermediate result, we can say that opening a bank deposit is a reliable way to invest savings. And now the promised fly in the ointment.

Main disadvantage is a high level of inflation, which can even be called difficult to predict. Although we are talking about only 4%, in fact the percentage is much higher. Usually it exactly exceeds the rate of return on the deposit. Very rarely equals yield.

So what's the bottom line? It is very profitable to open a deposit if the money is needed for a specific purpose: the purchase of an apartment, car or other major transaction. Or the second option: to form a "safety cushion", so to speak, for a rainy day.


A bank deposit has a right to exist. It will help preserve and protect the savings of citizens.

Open deposits, look for relevant financial instruments, the main thing is to do it carefully and thoughtfully.

The first law of the financial sector says that money should work to increase. The most profitable and correct way to put money into circulation is to make a deposit in a bank. This is not only a method to secure your money, but also an opportunity to receive a constant income (percentage).

Deposit - what is it?

In order to characterize such a monetary transaction as a deposit as correctly and simply as possible, one must turn to financial terminology. A deposit is a special kind of loan. If consumer is a bank loan to a client, then bank deposits are loans that customers voluntarily provide to their bank, with the condition of receiving interest.

Such a financial transaction is mutually beneficial for both parties, both the depositor and the bank. Saying what a deposit is, the investor gets the opportunity to:

  • legally put free funds into circulation;
  • get a money security guarantee;
  • use the interest rate.

The bank will be able to:

  • increase your financial turnover;
  • increase the volume of credit funds for the needs of the population;
  • strengthen its position in the financial market.

Deposit - the bank's debt to the depositor, and is subject to mandatory return of funds to the owner after a certain time. Before taking your money to the bank, decide what kind of deposit you are interested in. You need to know what distinguishes a simple deposit in a bank at interest from a deposit.

What is the difference between a deposit and an investment?

The deposit includes a voluminous definition, and the deposit is one of its main varieties. The first difference between a deposit and a deposit is that only cash can act as a loan. That is, a bank client opens an account, deposits a certain amount of money into it and puts it at the disposal of this banking organization for a strictly defined (or indefinite, on demand) time. For the period of the specified storage period, the bank reserves the right to dispose of these funds at its discretion.

Types of deposits

A bank deposit has several varieties depending on the terms of the agreement between the financial institution and the client. So the bank can offer the placement of money with the condition:

  • savings deposit - deposit with replenishment;
  • line savings deposit;
  • deposit with condition on demand;
  • savings;
  • multicurrency deposit;
  • deposit with capitalization;
  • security deposit;
  • pension;
  • investment.

Each type of contract has both its own characteristics and its own nuances. Before giving preference to one or another type of investment, it is worth studying in more detail what rights and obligations the client (depositor) will have, and what advantages and rights the bank itself receives under such an agreement.

Savings deposit

If we consider all profitable deposits in banks, then a savings deposit is a good alternative to a term one. It differs from the first option by the ability to make constant “infusions” of funds into the main account - a deposit with replenishment. That is, by placing a certain amount in the bank at interest, the client, at his own discretion, can gradually increase the body of the deposit by placing new deposits on this account.

In this case, the condition of placing money for a period strictly specified in the contract or for a period on demand also applies. The only caveat is that the client undertakes to constantly replenish the account for a certain amount (more, but not less) specified in the contract. The rate on such a deposit will be different depending on the conditions that the bank provides to the client.

Short term deposits

Among all the products that the bank will offer, you should pay attention to another profitable deposit - a short-term one. The peculiarity of such a contribution is its validity period. It involves the placement of a large amount of money for a very short period of time. The main idea of ​​such a deposit is an opportunity for the client to secure a large amount of cash between serious cash transactions. Most often, such a deposit is used by the population:

  • if you want to quickly get additional income from a large amount of money;
  • secure a large amount of money from thieves;
  • when selling or buying expensive movable and immovable property.

The operation is easiest to follow in this example. An individual carries out a transaction for the sale of an apartment. Payment is made in cash, that is, a person has a large amount of cash in his hands. It is unsafe to keep how much cash at home and then the client comes to the bank with the intention of making a deposit. If in the near future, the depositor has to make a large purchase, it will not be profitable for him to conclude an agreement for a certain period, and then the bank provides him with a product, under the terms of which the client can open an account for several days.

Demand deposits

Another popular type of cash turnover through a bank is making money on deposits. So, in the presence of a large amount of money, the client can open an account and make a deposit on the condition that you can use the finances at any time. Such a deposit is especially popular as one of the varieties of a term savings deposit or a capitalized deposit. So the client, who has deposited a large amount of money into the account, at interest, after a while has the opportunity to withdraw or add a certain amount.

Such a banking product is convenient if an individual, in the presence of a large amount, does not plan to make a large purchase in the near future. The money is on the account in its original form, the client can add (well, or not add) funds to the account, but be able to withdraw interest at any time. It is possible to use all or part of the deposit at any time at your own request.


  • no restrictions on the amount of the deposit;
  • complete freedom of action for the client.


  • conditions are unfavorable for small amounts;
  • interest rate is low.

From the financial point of view, such a product will be beneficial for the client only if a very large amount of money is placed. With a modest deposit amount for interest accumulation, it is worth choosing another banking product. A demand deposit will be convenient for long-term savings or as a children's deposit “until the age of majority”.

Savings deposits

Understanding the question of what a deposit is, you should pay attention to one more type of service. Such a banking product as a savings deposit is beneficial only when a large amount of money is placed on the account. In this case, the goal of the depositor is the interest income from the deposit. The body of the deposit must be stable during the period specified in the contract. Such a deposit cannot be withdrawn from the bank at any time, only at the expiration of the term under the agreement. This choice of deposit requires strict adherence to the rules.

Multicurrency deposit

It is important to know what a multi-currency deposit is. The unstable position of monetary units makes banks look for and create new profitable offers for customers. So a multi-currency deposit will allow the client to use the currency conversion inside the deposit at his own discretion. Financial practice shows that foreign currency deposits are the most profitable investment.

Deposit with capitalization

Term savings deposit - belongs to the category of the most convenient and easiest options for the client to place money in a bank at interest. The main advantages of this choice include:

  • the client's ability to monitor all transactions with the deposit;
  • the right to dispose of the deposit at any time at its discretion;
  • receive a higher interest from the bank;
  • the ability to withdraw money at any time;
  • interest is calculated on the real amount on the account (constant capitalization of interest).

The condition of constant capitalization of interest is the most profitable deposit if the client does not withdraw funds and accrued interest for a long time. Then, with a gradual increase in the body of the contribution, the percentage also increases. As the amount on the deposit account increases, the amount of interest accrued also increases.

Security deposit

To fully see the picture of the collateral policy, you need to have an idea of ​​what a deposit means, in which the body of the deposit is not just cumulative, but also with a safety deposit. So, it is easiest to define a security deposit using a specific example. More often this type of deposit is used when renting housing or other movable and immovable property. Owner, landlord, in order to insure their property against the human factor (damage to things, non-payment of utility bills, etc.).

Pension deposit

There are options when a person needs to use long-term deposits. What is a pension deposit - such a banking product can be formed over several years. This is the most profitable deposit with replenishment. A few years before retirement, a bank client opens a savings deposit account, to which permanent deductions are made from a payment card (salary).

Upon retirement, the client has the right to:

  • use your contribution at your discretion;
  • add the body of the contribution at your discretion;
  • just withdraw interest once a month.

The pension deposit may also imply the deduction of interest once a month to the client's pension card. Such a choice of deposit requires careful familiarization with all the conditions offered by the bank. It is important to pay attention to the conditions of deposit insurance. The risk is that the bank may "burn out" and then only a well-designed insurance will save the depositor's savings.

Investment deposit

If a client is interested in the question of how to make money on deposits, then the bank provides him with the following product - an investment deposit. This is a relative innovation in the post-Soviet financial market. The basis of such a deposit is that the usual conditions include conditions under which the client assumes the obligation to acquire a unit of an investment fund. The advantage of such a deposit is that if the market is in growth, then the client is in income, but if the market is in decline, the client loses money. Such a choice of deposit is acceptable only if the client is aware of both the advantages and risks of playing on the stock exchange.


To increase their savings, people use different ways of investing. Bank deposits are one of the easiest and most affordable options to make a profit. How to choose the right deposit product and not miscalculate what documents you need to prepare and when the bank is obliged to transfer interest - all this should be studied thoroughly.

What is a bank deposit

If we talk about the definition of what a deposit is, then these are finances transferred to a credit institution (state or commercial) for a specified period in order to generate income. To do this, a deposit account is opened, where the funds are kept, and the accrued interest is transferred there.

Being a savings instrument, the deposit helps to make a profit. According to the agreement, the depositor gives the bank money for a specified period. Financial institutions are also interested in raising funds from legal entities and ordinary citizens, since they subsequently carry out financial transactions with the funds raised, directing borrowings to issue loans at a higher interest rate. The difference between interest paid and received is the bank's profit. So banks, being a kind of intermediary between borrowers and investors, earn money.

What is the difference between a deposit and a deposit

Some people think that a deposit and a contribution do not differ from each other. This statement can be considered true, since some banking institutions do not share this concept. Still, you need to know how a deposit differs from a deposit in a bank. Deposit - funds transferred to the bank for storage and the purpose of which is profit. A deposit is money and other assets (securities, precious metals, stocks, bonds, etc.). Here is what the word deposit means and how it differs from a deposit.

Types of bank deposits

There are several special features by which deposits can be divided. Below are the main gradations that are found in the field:

according to the form of withdrawal

  • urgent;
  • conditional;
  • poste restante.

in the form of money circulation

  • cash;
  • non-cash.

by placement currency

  • in the national;
  • in foreign;
  • multicurrency.

by owner

  • bearer;
  • nominal.

for the intended purpose

  • profitable;
  • warranty.

according to the method of registration of obligations

  • contractual;
  • with the issuance of a savings book;
  • with the issuance of a certificate.

Demand deposit

This type of deposit offer will be optimal if there is a need to place money for safety, and not for generating income, since funds can be stored on it for an unlimited amount of time, they can be bequeathed and withdrawn as needed. Demand deposits are a perpetual bank account that automatically rolls over. It has no restrictions on the balance and the amount of the contribution.

The only disadvantage of such an offer is the accrual of a minimum profit, the value of which is not higher than 1.5%. People who open such deposits do not aim to receive additional funds, but present money to a financial institution for safety. Such accounts can be opened to service credit programs and in this way interest is accrued on bank card account balances.

Term bank deposits

If the goal is to make a profit, it is worth understanding what a term deposit is. The main difference is that it is opened for a specified period, and during this time the depositor does not have the right to withdraw the money invested from the current account. If he does this, then interest on deposit products is accrued at the “on demand” rate. True, in our time, some banking institutions attract customers with increased interest rates in case of early withdrawal of funds.

The term of the deposit account affects the interest rates – the longer the deposit, the higher the rates. You can withdraw interest monthly or capitalize it on the account. A short-term deposit upon expiration can be transferred to the minimum rate or automatically extended for a new period - this is prescribed in the contract. As for the deposit of funds, this is also prescribed in contractual obligations.

It is worth noting a new product - an investment deposit. It cannot be called a deposit in the full sense of the word, since it is a combination of a term deposit and investments in mutual funds owned by a banking institution. The product is a risky form of investment, since the client can make both big profits and incur losses. Another type of investment instrument is subordinated deposit products, the term of which cannot be less than 5 years. The cost of servicing subordinated deposits is higher than classic offers.

Terms of deposits

Fighting for each client, financial institutions offer different conditions to raise money for a deposit. All of them are prescribed in the contract and among them the main points can be distinguished:

  • interest rate on the current deposit;
  • minimum and maximum amount;
  • terms and procedure for payment or capitalization of interest;
  • the possibility of additional replenishment of the current account;
  • conditions for early closure or extension.

Deposit currency

At the present stage, most financial institutions offer to open a deposit account in the monetary units of different countries. Interest rates depend on the currency of the deposit. As a rule, currency products are cheaper than ruble ones, but it is believed that this way you can insure money from inflation and currency fluctuations. You can deposit funds in one currency or in several at the same time (multi-currency deposit) on a deposit account.

Interest rate on deposits

Rates can fluctuate widely. You should not chase after offers that are too profitable, since they are risky, and the insurance paid out in the event of a bank failure will cover only an amount not exceeding 1,400,000 rubles. According to the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, interest on the placed funds is accrued daily. They can be added to the deposit itself, participating in further capitalization, or paid separately in a certain period of time. When choosing a demand deposit, the deposit interest rate is set at the minimum level.

How interest is calculated on deposits

Depending on the type of deposit and the goals pursued, the accrual of interest on the deposit also varies. It can occur with or without capitalization and is paid or added to fixed assets:

  • in a certain period of time (decade, month, quarter, etc.);
  • at the end of the placement period.

Deposit term

All deposit offers can be conditionally divided into perpetual and urgent. In the first option, the term of the deposit is not set (demand deposits). Term deposits imply the conclusion of an agreement for a certain period of time. It can be set in any time frame: days, months, years. These contributions can be divided into:

  • short-term (up to 12 months);
  • medium-term (12-36 months);
  • long-term (from 36 months).

It is worth noting that the consumer can withdraw the money he needs at any time, but then he loses interest. Some banks offer clients to personally determine the period for which they are comfortable depositing funds. This is the so-called individual term of the deposit. It is good because the consumer himself chooses the time when he will need money and receives profit from this.

Is it possible to replenish the deposit

Allocate a deposit with the possibility of replenishment and without. The already well-known “demand deposit” should be attributed to the number of replenished ones. Contributions are allowed regardless of the time. With regards to term deposits, they are divided into:

  • savings. Created to save money and do not imply additional contributions.
  • cumulative. Designed to be able to raise money for a big purchase. They can be replenished with any amount (some banks may set limits), and interest is charged on the total amount. As a rule, such proposals are implemented within the framework of complex programs (for example, saving up for the construction of an apartment, etc.), however, such deposits have a lower interest rate compared to savings deposits, since the bank cannot know how much the account will end up with and therefore cannot taking risks by charging high interest rates.

Banks offer replenishable deposits with the possibility of partial withdrawal, but in such products the size of the minimum balance is clearly stipulated in the agreement. The client can repeatedly withdraw part of the funds and replenish the account back, but the base amount must be constant. The interest rates of such offers are lower, but they do not affect the possibility of withdrawing or replenishing the account in any way.

  • Open a deposit at a high interest rate - an overview of the most advantageous bank offers, pros and cons with comments
  • Comparative rating of Russian banks by interest rates on ruble and foreign currency deposits of individuals
  • Deposit insurance for individuals - how the state system works, a list of banks and the amount to be reimbursed

Which deposit to choose

Many are wondering how to choose a bank deposit, so as not to miscalculate. In this case, it all depends on what goal to pursue. If you just need to keep the accumulated savings, then you need to choose the product "on demand". If you want to increase the funds raised, then you should read savings deposits. Those wishing to accumulate a certain amount should choose accumulative deposit products.

You should not chase after high income, as it is fraught with risks, but focus on the liquidity of the deposit. It is better to give preference to banks with a reputation and experience in the market (Sberbank, VTB, etc.). An important factor will be the availability of information on deposits, the compliance of the interest rate with the indicators of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

How to open a deposit

It is worth noting that the opening of deposits does not take much time. For this you need:

  • decide on a deposit product;
  • visit a bank branch (some institutions offer to carry out the procedure online or through an information kiosk);
  • provide the necessary package of documents and fill out an application;
  • sign an agreement.

Application for opening a deposit account

Before placing funds on a deposit, the client is offered to fill out an application for opening a deposit. Each bank has the right to independently develop the form of this document, but in general it contains the minimum necessary information about the client. The application is signed by the depositor on the one hand, an authorized person of the bank on the other and certified by a seal.

Documents for opening a deposit

A financial institution may have different requirements for depositors. Individuals only need to present a passport or other identification (military ID, residence permit, pension certificate, etc.). Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs present other documents for opening a deposit account, the list of which should be clarified with a financial institution.

Deposit account opening agreement

Placing money for the purpose of making a profit, the client concludes an agreement with a banking institution to open a deposit, which specifies:

  • subject of the contract;
  • responsibilities of the financial institution;
  • the rights and obligations of the depositor;
  • how disputes will be resolved;
  • possibility of early termination.

The contract defines the relationship between the parties. There may be options for lowering / raising the interest rate, making additional contributions, the procedure for paying profits, and so on. If the agreement is concluded in favor of a third party (relative, friend, organization, etc.), then the data of the beneficiary of the deposit must be written in the document. It is worth foreseeing all the nuances and specifying them in the contract, since it will be the main document if you have to deal with the court in case of disputes.

How to close a bank deposit

After the time of placing funds, it is necessary to close the deposit. To do this, the client must come to the branch with an agreement and an identity document on the day the deposit is closed or the next. If the agreement stipulates automatic prolongation and the depositor is satisfied with this, then you can not visit a banking institution. Otherwise, if the client did not come for the money, the bank transfers this deposit to the “on demand” category.

Early closing of the deposit

Each client has the right to close the deposit ahead of schedule. He will receive the entire amount of placed funds and profit, according to the contract. To do this, you need to come to the bank in person, bringing with you an agreement and an identity document. It will be necessary to write an application for early withdrawal of money, after which the banking institution is obliged to return the funds in full, plus the due profit for the time the money was placed on the account.

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When we talk about banking services, we often hear or ourselves mention such terms as deposit and deposit. We meet them regularly and in television advertising. In the philistine understanding, the line between these terms has blurred; for many, deposits and deposits are one and the same. However, both concepts have both common and distinctive features, and they need to be known and understood in order to better understand the nuances of banking. So, what is the difference between a deposit and an investment, and what are their similarities?

What is a bank deposit?

Bank deposit- this is a sum of money (both in rubles and in foreign currency) deposited by a depositor to a bank account in order to save and multiply. Depending on the degree of freedom of access to the deposit, it can be:

  • urgent;
  • poste restante.

The first group of contributions is characterized by the least access. Money is deposited for a certain period (here we are talking about savings deposits). During this time, the account cannot be replenished, and it is prohibited to withdraw funds in whole or in part. For some types of term deposits, early termination is allowed, but in this case, the depositor loses the accrued interest.

The interest rate is the main advantage of time deposits. If a depositor wants to get the maximum income from a bank account, then this is the best option.

More options for a term deposit: cumulative (replenished) and settlement (spending-replenished).

Accumulative deposits without the right of early withdrawal, but with the possibility of replenishment, and settlement deposits allow you to replenish and partially withdraw, but, as a rule, with some restrictions. Here the interest rate is slightly lower.

Demand deposits are distinguished by the greatest degree of freedom of access. There are no restrictions here. Funds can be withdrawn at any time, you can also replenish your account without restrictions. But the income from such an investment will be minimal.

Read more about deposits and their types in.

What is a deposit?

A deposit is any valuable asset deposited with a bank. In this case, the financial institution is called a depository. As you can see, unlike a deposit, the object of transfer to a bank can be not only a sum of money, but also other values. These can be securities (stocks, bonds), precious metals, antiques and other items that require special preservation.

A deposit can be opened both with the aim of obtaining additional income, and without it. If a bank account is opened to which a sum of money or a certain amount of precious metal is deposited (the so-called metal account), then the depositor will receive interest on this deposit. If the bank rents a cell in which valuables are stored, the bank charges a fee from the tenant for this.

The financial institution does not control in any way what its clients keep in deposit boxes - bank employees do not know the contents of the safes. However, by signing the cell rental agreement, the client undertakes not to store prohibited items and materials in it (drugs, weapons, explosives, items that pose a threat to others).

A special type of deposit is a securities account. When buying shares, they are not issued to the investor in kind, but are stored in a depository bank in a non-cash form. This type of investment in Russia is not yet so popular among a wide range of people, however, in the future it may become very promising due to the rapid decrease in the return on classic deposits (following the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation).

Similarities and differences between deposit and deposit

Now, understanding what a deposit is and what a deposit is, we can summarize: what is common between these concepts and what is the difference between them. First of all, it is necessary to note the general goal: any deposit, as well as a contribution, is placed for the safety of property.

Another conclusion that can be drawn is that any contribution is essentially a deposit. Therefore, if a depositor deposits a sum of money into his bank account, he has every right to call it both a deposit and a deposit.

However, the opposite is not true: that is, not any deposit can be considered a deposit. And here we can note such important differences between the concepts under consideration:

  • We are talking about the contribution only in relation to the amount of money. A deposit will be any valuable property transferred for storage to a bank;
  • In the banking sector, it is customary to use the concept of a deposit for deposits of legal entities. At the same time, the placement of funds by individuals is equally called contributions and deposits;
  • A purely deposit can be called the storage of valuable items in a safe deposit box or shares that are accounted for in a depository bank.

In conclusion, it remains to be noted that not only depositing valuables in a bank is called a deposit and a deposit. These concepts can also be found outside the banking sector. So, the word "deposit" can also be a synonym for the word "pledge" when it comes to depositing a certain amount to ensure subsequent operations. For example, this may be payment to the customs authorities against future duties or advance payments for the subsequent rental of real estate.

A contribution is usually called any investment with the aim of making a profit. For example, this term is suitable for defining the purchase of a share in an enterprise or contributing funds to an investment fund. The purpose of the contribution may not be to make a profit, but simply to participate in a good cause. An example would be investing in a charitable foundation.

- this concept has two meanings: the basis of banking security and the protection of the finances of the clientele. A deposit, in simple words and in the broadest sense, means a share when one party gives something of value to the other for a certain period of time for storage. Accordingly, a stored object is also called a deposit. And:

  • parties can be both individuals and legal entities;
  • the object of the deposit can be stored both with the condition of increasing its value, and without it;
  • the party accepting the deposit object for storage must be interested in such a service, i.e. the contract partner must either directly pay for storage, or the object itself can be used so that the party storing it receives a profit.

The options here are different. Thus, antiques, works of art, historically valuable documents and papers are stored with little or no increase in value. Such items are very reliably protected from inflation, since even in times of crisis they have a consistently high price.

Types of bank deposits by form

Another point is the legal position of the parties. The opener of a deposit can be at least a private, individual, individual, even a huge corporation. But the custodian almost always turns out to be a legal person. And in 90% of all cases we are talking about the bank. After all, it is with the bank in colloquial speech that the concept of a deposit is associated. This type of attachment can be opened in three forms:

  • deposit box, i.e., a metal box in a bank vault. For storage in such a capsule, customers give securities, precious stones, ingots of precious metals, art and antiques, valuable documents, etc. Banknotes are not the most common contents of such boxes;
  • deposit money account- by name it is clear that the bank opens an account in the name of the client, to which he transfers his funds under certain conditions;
  • metal deposit account- the same as cash, only when you deposit currency into it, it is automatically converted into a gold, platinum or silver equivalent by weight in accordance with the current exchange rate for precious metals. It is important that the electronic metal account has no physical expression, i.e. all these grams and kilograms of the precious metal are stored in the bank exclusively in informational form.

The most common is a cash bank deposit, when a client opens an account with a bank under certain conditions. This will be discussed. A deposit is both a contribution and a special loan. The bilateral benefit here is explained as follows.

Features of deposits and "lending in reverse"

The client deposits money for a reason, but on the condition that, according to a certain scheme, interest will be added to the initial amount. Thanks to this, the client will later be able to use a larger amount of money than the one that originally constituted his investment.

But it should be borne in mind that interest increases on deposits can hardly be considered as a way of investing, that is, increasing money capital. Such an increase is at most able to protect money from inflation, for which, in fact, a cash account is opened - the client wants to have financial savings, but so that they do not depreciate over time.

The benefit of the bank lies in the fact that, firstly, the client pays for opening a deposit, and secondly, and this is the main thing, the bank has the right to conduct various operations with clients' deposits. What matters to a depositor? To keep such and such amount of money in his account within the agreed period. And what will happen to this money in the interim periods is not his concern.

Therefore, the bank uses these funds for its own investment, for playing on the securities markets, for currency conversion. That is, everything that can bring and brings financial profit. It turns out that clients, as it were, lend their money to the bank for a while, with the help of which it earns money for itself.

And the remuneration of clients is a moderate increase in deposit finance, which protects their savings from depreciation. Such is the mutual benefit. To some extent, this is reminiscent of a reverse loan, when the client is the lender and the bank is the borrower. “What does the bank have as collateral?” – an inquisitive reader will ask like an old Indian from a joke.

Of course, the bank cannot provide collateral in the full sense of the word, but there are bank and government guarantees to save money up to a certain threshold. So, in the event of a bank collapse, the state can return 1 million 400 thousand rubles to the client, but we must remember that this amount also includes interest.

Therefore, if a client opened a deposit for 1 million 400 thousand rubles, and a year later the bank “burned out”, then when contacting the civil service, he will receive 1 million 400 thousand rubles back. In order for the required interest income to be included here, the initial contribution should have been less, for example, 1 million 325 thousand rubles.

Types of deposits by terms

How are bank deposits classified? First of all, by time intervals, i.e. for what period the account is opened and when the client has the right to withdraw money from it:

  1. Poste restante. The most flexible, but also the most unsuitable option for accumulating cash savings. The client deposits money into the account, after which he has the right to withdraw it at any time - even in a day, even in a year. The percentage profit of such a deposit is very small, since there is no benefit for the bank. It is impossible for the bank to use such deposit savings to increase its own profit - suddenly the client will suddenly appear and demand to cash out the entire account.
  2. Term deposit. A very common option with a good percentage profit. When the client puts a certain amount into such a deposit account, it will be unavailable for a certain period. It will be impossible to cash out or replenish, even if only partially. But in the period specified by the contract, tangible interest will be added to the initial amount. By opening such deposits on a regular basis, it is possible to protect growing savings from inflation. Banks are interested in time deposits, because it is known for sure that during such and such a period they are completely unavailable to customers, which makes them an instrument for the bank's financial operations.
  3. Cumulative deposit. A kind of urgent, only with more flexible conditions. For example, you can withdraw money only on agreed dates. And on the agreed dates, interest is calculated. In addition, there is almost always a condition for maintaining a certain small account balance. The cumulative option is used by those who do not want to get into credit bondage, but prefer to slowly save up on their own for new housing, a car, and so on. Banks even introduce special offers, for example: a savings deposit for buying real estate, a car deposit, etc.

Types of deposits by purpose

Another classification involves the division of deposit investments according to their intended purpose:

  1. Cumulative. Already mentioned above. It is worth adding that the interest of the savings deposit is still lower than that of the fixed deposit.
  2. Estimated. In most cases, it is similar to a demand deposit, however, there is one mandatory restriction - you cannot spend a certain minimum balance on the account. It is these balances that banks can also use for their own operations, so the interest here is higher than that of a demand deposit.
  3. Special. It happens that the client wants the salary or pension to go to the account. To do this, banks have developed a whole line of deposits specially tailored for such needs.
  4. Metal. The name speaks for itself. The electronic account of this deposit is the equivalent of the real mass of some precious metal. The client can at any time or strictly according to the schedule transfer hypothetical metal into currency. If the prices of gold, platinum and silver start to jump (which happens not so often), then experienced investors have a good profit from transferring metal into money and vice versa.

Currency deposits

It is clear that the absolute majority is occupied by deposits that work with rubles, US dollars and euros, that is, the main currencies for the Russian Federation. Interest is paid in the same currency in which the account is opened. The most productive are multi-currency options that support all three currencies.

The client is free to carry out the conversion, playing at the jumping exchange rates. Although the interest rate is a key concept in the field of deposits (as in the field of mortgages), it does not speak of the absolute guaranteed benefit of the deposit. For the optimal choice, it is necessary not only to understand the features of deposits, but also to show elementary care.

So, banks use a common trick when tempting high interest rates do accrue, but ... only once after the first quarter or year. After that, interest charges become completely normal. And a disappointed client will remember how, seeing 15% annual charges instead of the expected 7%, he was delighted to the point that he forgot to read the fine print at the very bottom of the deposit agreement.

Capitalization and its advantage over a fixed high interest rate

Particular attention should be paid to such an important factor in increasing profits as interest capitalization (compound interest). When concluding an agreement, be sure to find out if there is a condition for capitalization. And, no less important, what is the frequency of capitalization - once a month, quarter, six months, a year.

What does it mean in a deposit? The meaning of capitalization is that each subsequent interest is calculated from the new amount in the account. This means that at a constant interest rate, more and more will be added, because the amount in the account will grow.

For example, 10% of 10 thousand rubles is 1,000 rubles, and from 20 thousand - already 2,000. Such a simple calculation is shown for clarity, however, in banking practice, compound interest is calculated in a slightly different way using a special formula:

Y = X*(1+S)N

where Y is the calculated current amount of money in the account, X is the amount of the initial cash deposit, S is the interest rate only divided by 100 (percentage in the form of a number from 0 to 1), N is the years (or months, or quarters) while the deposit. Let's say the conditions are:

  • the client contributed 100 thousand rubles;
  • interest rate 8% (i.e. 0.08);
  • capitalization takes place once a year, and the client wants to know how much money he will have on deposit in 3 years.

Count: 100,000 * (1 + 0.08) 3 = 125,971.2 rubles.

Although it is easy to calculate in a simple way without this formula. After 1 year, the amount will be 108 thousand rubles. 8% of this amount is 8,640 rubles, therefore, after the second year it will be 116,640 rubles. 8% of this amount - 9,331.2. It turns out that after the third year, the client's account will have 125,971.2 rubles.

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