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Why dream about a dead child? Dead child. Dream Interpretation - Premature baby

It is unlikely that a person, leafing through a dream book one after another in the hope of finding out why children dream about the death, expects to find a positive interpretation. But in vain, since it exists! There are several of them, to be more precise. However, a vision with such a plot can portend both long-awaited life changes and serious problems. It all depends on the details of the vision, as well as the interpretation of one or another interpreter. Well, now it’s worth turning to dream books.

Interpreter of the 21st century

It describes in detail why children dream about the death of children. They say it's a sign of insight. A person may soon have a fruitful idea that he wants to put into reality (and do the right thing), or he will suddenly rethink something, as a result of which he will change his worldview or life position.

Were the children strangers? Then the vision takes on a different meaning. The death of one of the children you know is a sign of long life and good health. By the way, this dream often foreshadows a change in image.

Among other things, the vision may also indicate the imminent appearance of a patron in a person’s life who will help him achieve his goals.

Miller's Dream Book

By turning to this source of information, you can also find out why you dream about the death of children.

Was the child a stranger? Then this vision should be interpreted as a harbinger of betrayal on the part of someone close. Or something will happen as a result of which a person will be disappointed in his friends.

The dreamer should perceive the death of his child as good sign, indicating the emergence of new promising opportunities in his life.

However, it is still important to compare the vision with reality. If the child is not a newborn, but already goes to school or kindergarten, then most likely this dream indicates difficulties that he will soon have to face. Why does a parent have a vision? Because it is he who will have to provide support to the child, understand him and try to help.

But there is also a very positive interpretation of such a dream. The death of a newborn child, after which he comes to life, promises an exciting and pleasant journey.

Esoteric interpreter

You should also look into it if you want to know why a dead child dreams. This interpreter reminds that it is very important to take into account his gender. In the vision, did a terrible fate overtake the boy? This means a scandal, a major conflict, a serious quarrel. But if it was not just some boy, but the dreamer’s son, then the meaning will be different. In this case, the vision should be taken as a harbinger of separation.

What if you dreamed about your daughter’s death? They say this vision indicates that the dreamer feels the need to take a break from her. Although, if a person feels strong excitement, then the meaning of the dream will be different. A vision accompanied by such emotions indicates the daughter’s growing up and the onset of a new stage in her life.

But that’s not all that the death of a child seen in a dream can mean. Often this dream promises personal rebirth or making an important decision that can change your life.

Family dream book

If a person happened to see the death of his child in a dream, then he should definitely turn to this interpreter. It is important to remember under what circumstances the baby passed away. Did he die while sleeping? This indicates that the relationship between parents and child needs updating. Did you dream that a baby died without being born? Oddly enough, this is a good sign. It indicates relief from problems that have long been debilitating. nervous system dreamer Did you dream about the death of a baby during childbirth? This suggests that the dreamer’s plans and undertakings will fail at the initial stage. But not if the woman is pregnant. In this case, this vision simply indicates her prenatal suspiciousness. If you dreamed about the death of a granddaughter or grandson, then you should prepare for the onset of a dark streak in life. Serious difficulties are coming, which will not be easy to overcome.

This is not all that the dream book can tell. Has your sister's or brother's child died? This dream is believed to foretell the loss of something important. Perhaps the meaning of life or a loved one. In any case, difficulties must be endured steadfastly and not lose heart. Otherwise, there is a risk of becoming depressed.

Interpreter Vanga

This dream book can also tell you something interesting. Did the child die in an accident? This vision indicates a person’s lack of restraint in his desires and actions. It would do well for him to become more patient, tactful and learn to adapt to circumstances.

The child died in the water? Such a vision suggests that there is someone around a person who wishes him harm. And not only in words. This someone is ready to take real actions to harm the dreamer. So you should be more careful when communicating with people and not trust everyone.

Why do you dream about a dead child who doesn’t exist yet? To the point that very soon a person will take on work that in the end will not bring him any benefit. Therefore, if any business is in doubt, it is better not to take it on.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

If you want to know why you dream about the death of children, then it wouldn’t hurt to turn to this interpreter. If the dreamer’s child died, but he experienced such a mournful event calmly, continuing to live for his own pleasure, this is not good. Such a dream usually foreshadows a series of minor troubles. But a vision in which a person cried and was killed because of what happened promises surprises and pleasant gifts.

Did you see a newborn who died before he was born? This is to unsuccessful attempts improve relationships with loved ones or relatives.

But the death of a stranger little boy is interpreted positively by this dream book. She is a harbinger of new pleasant acquaintances or even a dizzying romance.

Universal interpreter

In this dream book you can also find useful information regarding the topic under discussion. If a person dreamed that he found a dead baby in any body of water, then he should be wary. After all, such a vision promises troubles in all areas of life, which will soon befall him.

Did the person dream that the baby died through his fault? This indicates his excessive aggressiveness and assertiveness. If he doesn't become more restrained, he will end up hurting himself.

Did the deceased child look exhausted and mutilated? Such a vision promises trouble in the work sphere. You may have to face a lot of obstacles when building a career.

Did a pregnant woman have a dream? She need not worry - her child will be born healthy and will bring her joy.

Well, if in a dream a person, whose subconscious did not have any obvious prerequisites for “giving out” such a picture, saw simply the death of a child, without any other details, there is no need to worry. This vision represents the logical and successful completion of affairs in real life.

For a parent, his child is the most important person on earth. Seeing the night scene where he dies is incredibly painful. In general, the death of children in dreams is unnatural. That is why such dreams cannot be ignored. This article will discuss why a dead child dreams.

For a parent, his child is the most important person on earth

The dream book gives the following interpretation of the image of a deceased child in dreams:

  1. A stillborn baby symbolizes the dreamer's aspirations and desires. Most likely, not everything in a person’s life turns out as originally planned. His wishes do not come true, and all his goals are unattainable. However, if a child resurrects in a dream, this is a sign that life will soon get better.
  2. Newborn children who die in a dream can portend misfortune with the dreamer's children. The dream book warns about the need to show more attention to your children.
  3. To see a dead child who has been resurrected means to realize an unattainable goal.
  4. If a woman dreams of a dead baby, this means that her child may have health problems. If on the eve of such a dream the baby fell ill, and the decision was made to treat him at home, you should play it safe and show the sick child to the doctor.
  5. Seeing a child die in a dream means ignoring the problems of your adult children. The dream book recommends being more attentive to your children, because they probably need parental love.
  6. The dreamer dreamed of someone else's dead baby - a long-awaited change in the weather will come.
  7. The image of a dead baby calling for itself foreshadows trouble for the dreamer.
  8. An acute illness will arise for someone who had a dream in which a long-dead child offered to eat together. The danger of death threatens the dreamer who accepted this invitation and ate with the deceased.

Dead children who come to life often dream of new and interesting adventures.

Child in a dream book (video)

Why do you dream of dead children?

The dream book foretells favorable life circumstances for a person if the image of a dead child comes to him in his night dreams. But if you take into account individual details of the dream, the interpretation may be different.

  • A child died from a lightning strike or during a thunderstorm - there will soon be a new addition to the family. Perhaps the dreaming woman is unaware of her pregnancy. In this case, the dream book is in a hurry to please her!
  • Watch death unknown baby- means experiencing indecision in real life. The dream book recommends gaining self-confidence before taking on an important task.
  • The dreamer must take responsibility for organizing an important event that is planned for the coming days. This is exactly what the image of a dead child means.
  • Watching a child's death throes means an indifferent attitude towards one's own children.
  • The image of a hanged baby can cause a lot of anxiety in the dreamer, but the dream book does not foretell any catastrophe. Perhaps a person will face a number of difficulties at work, but he will definitely cope with them.

The dream book foretells favorable life circumstances for a person if in his night dreams the image of a dead child comes to him

Very important has the image of a resurrected baby. Such a dream can be interpreted as follows: the dreamer will complete even the most hopeless undertakings.

Seeing the birth of a dead child in a dream

  1. If a person sees a dream in which the birth of a child ended in tragedy for him, that is, death, his plans clearly need careful revision. In general, giving birth to a child means coming face to face with serious trials.
  2. If the birth process took place in water and a dead child was born, the dreamer will receive good news.
  3. The woman dreamer gave birth to a long-awaited child, who died immediately after birth - she will soon face serious troubles. There is a risk of injury, so it is important to take care.

If a person sees a dream in which the birth of a child ended in tragedy for him, that is, death, his plans clearly need careful refinement

Holding the body of your dead child in your arms and mourning him is taking the upbringing of your children too seriously. The dream book recommends that such mothers give their children more freedom.

Why do you dream about someone else’s dead child?

  • The image of a deceased baby, unfamiliar to the dreamer, has negative interpretation for entrepreneurs and people leading labor activity in commercial firms and corporations. This dream means that soon a person will have to face significant obstacles that will negatively affect his future work activity. The Dream Interpretation recommends temporarily suspending work, otherwise there is a risk of bankruptcy.
  • After such dreams, you obviously won’t have to wait for happiness in life. This image foreshadows the dreamer a lot of troubles related to both his work and relationships with others. Therefore, if on the eve of such a dream a person had some important event planned, it should be postponed.

The image of a deceased baby, unfamiliar to the dreamer, has a negative interpretation for entrepreneurs and people working in commercial firms and corporations

A more responsible approach to money is required from those who in their dreams fed an unfamiliar deceased child. The dreamer may become bankrupt if his attitude towards money continues to be careless.

Seeing a dead boy or girl in a dream: what does it mean?

The gender of the deceased baby can largely determine the interpretation of the dream.

  1. A dead girl in a dream symbolizes the dreamer's anti-spirituality. We are talking about his lack of moral principles, ideals and values. Perhaps, on the eve of his dream, a person committed an act that few can call correct. He could give a friend, steal a wallet, influence someone to get into an accident, etc. In this case, the dead girl is the embodiment of purity and injustice, and such a dream is a sign. The dreamer must change himself and his attitude towards life.
  2. If this image was seen by artists, then its meaning also symbolizes a stop in spiritual growth, but it has a different nature. The creative dreamer has probably lost inspiration and the desire to “create.”

The gender of the deceased baby can largely determine the interpretation of the dream

The dead boy is a financial image. The more pity the dreamer showed for the deceased child, the more he suffers from shopaholism. The dream book recommends not to waste funds.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a dead baby?

As you know, women are more emotional than men, so it is mainly they who give meaning to dreams. Pregnant representatives of the fair sex are especially worried about their night visions. Having seen a dream in which a baby dies, a girl can really begin to panic, because she will probably think that this is a sign foreshadowing the death of her unborn child.

However, such a pregnant woman does not carry any negativity, so all expectant mothers can breathe a sigh of relief. The most important thing that a girl should remember after waking up is that she should not succumb to such provocations of consciousness. For more accurate interpretation image of a dead child, you need to remember the details of the dream.

Why do dead people dream (video)

There are quite a few interpretations, but even if the interpretation of the dream is positive, you should not relax and lose vigilance. Why? Yes, because the death of a little person is by its nature unnatural, especially in dreams, therefore it is an alarming sign that must be taken seriously.

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For women who do not yet have children, seeing something like this is a direct sign that financial affairs will soon go up. But a pregnant woman who saw the death of her newborn baby or, even worse, the death of a child during childbirth, should first of all calm down. Psychologists interpret such a vision as a symbol of the suspiciousness of the woman herself, who is afraid to give birth and fears that she will not cope with the responsible role of a mother.

Ladies whose children have already grown up, but saw a dead baby in a dream, should be more attentive to their offspring. It is possible that they will get involved in bad company and his life and health are at risk. Try talking to your child to gently protect him from bad influences.

Why do you dream about dead children?

Usually dreams about the death of one’s own children are interpreted exactly the opposite. For example, your son is now seriously ill, and you dreamed that he died. This means that the child will soon recover, and quite quickly. And if your children are healthy, then the dream about their death is completely positive sign. It promises the offspring a long and happy life.

A pregnant dreamer in reality, after a dream about the birth of a stillborn child, should see a doctor. Even if in at the moment her unborn baby is not in danger; this does not mean at all that a woman can prevent the influence of negative factors beyond her control.

Seeing the death of someone else's child

The interpretation of a dream in which you see a baby you don’t know die is interpreted a little differently.

  • The dead girl symbolizes a stop in spiritual development. This is especially true creative personalities. After such a dream, they should expect a stop in creativity and a long wait for the next “attack” of inspiration.
  • It will also not be very good for business people to see a dead little boy in a dream, as this promises significant obstacles in doing business. You may even have to temporarily stop production, which will negatively impact your financial situation.
  • It also happens that in a dream you see the death of an already dead child. It's not very lucky sign, which suggests that a not entirely favorable time is beginning in the dreamer’s life. It is worth refusing important events or new endeavors, as they will be doomed to failure in advance.
  • If in a dream you tried to feed a dead baby, then in reality you should be more responsible about your financial expenses. If you buy only the essentials and do not splurge on luxury goods and excessive entertainment, then you will be quite successful in avoiding a period of complete lack of money.

Why does a pregnant woman dream about a dead child?

Women, as more sensitive creatures, react very emotionally to similar dreams and begin to worry that something irreparable might happen to their children. But, as you can see, a dream about the death of children or a child does not carry much negativity if you interpret it correctly and take into account all the details. And the ladies who are in interesting position, and you should behave more calmly and not succumb to the provocations of the subconscious.

Dream interpretation of stillbirth

What could be more beautiful than the birth of a new life? And what could be sadder than the untimely death of a small creature?
There is nothing worse for parents than a dead child. Why do you dream of giving birth to a dead child?

Death of a baby

According to the dream book, giving birth to a dead child in a dream does not mean at all that an accident will happen to your children. When you dreamed about something like this, you should analyze all the details of the dream, and only then begin to interpret this vision.

Predictions of interpreters

Before you start sounding the alarm, you should initially consider all the possible predictions offered by dream interpreters. After such frightening night visions, the main thing is to maintain presence of mind and optimism.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

This interpreter considers such a vision exclusively for men. Why does a man dream about the birth of a still child? To a long illness.

The dreamer tires himself too much with work, which cannot have a positive effect on his well-being. Accordingly, your overall health will ultimately have a negative impact on your work.

Try to give yourself a break, take a break from your work, get yourself in order.

Interpreter Hasse

This dream book takes a more favorable view of the dream about a dead baby. It is believed that such a dream can occur before receiving important news.

A sadder prediction is that your relationship with a certain person is coming to its logical conclusion. But you will easily let go of this person and will experience only slight sadness instead of heartache.

Esoteric dream book

Such a plot is a disappointment in dreams

This source contains quite a bit of information about what it means to give birth to a dead baby in a dream. But the interpreter gives an explanation of why the child comes to life. The dreamer will experience joy, and a rather unexpected one.

Interpretation of sleep by day of the week

Dream books often practice a way to make predictions depending on what day of the week you dreamed about this dream. So, you had a similar vision on the night of:

  • Monday - great disappointment;
  • Tuesday - troubles will rain down on the dreamer as if from a cornucopia;
  • Wednesday - your enemies will defeat you;
  • Thursday - get a chance to make your dream come true;
  • Friday - recognition of society;
  • Saturday – visit excellent places;
  • Sunday - you will be able to achieve your goal.

Seeing someone give birth to a dead man

If the child being born is not yours, you do not experience negative feelings about his death, then such a dream also has its consequences. It is believed that the dreamer is not confident in his abilities and thinks that he will not be able to achieve his goals.

The death of someone else’s newborn girl or boy that you dreamed about before an important event is a sign from above. At the very beginning, everything will not go completely according to plan. But you will be able to correct the situation, however, this will happen if you keep your cool.

Someone else's newborn child is a symbol of some business that will not succeed. You will be involved in it, but you will not be greatly affected by this failure.

Sleep is a call to communicate with your children

And according to the Ancient Dream Interpreter, dreaming of a dead child who is completely unfamiliar to you promises a quick change in the weather.

The Ukrainian dream book says that if a parent saw the death of someone else’s child in a dream, then he should pay more attention to his offspring. It is possible that your children are in danger, talk to them more often, find out about their affairs and troubles.

Dream for pregnant women

For a woman who is expecting the birth of her baby, similar dream can become a complete nightmare. But dream books are quick to reassure: the expectant mother is simply worried about the onset of the most important moment in her life, such a dream is just a reflection of her fears. It should not be taken as a prophecy.

In many interpreters you can find information that such a vision for a pregnant woman means absolutely nothing.

What does a dream promise for women?

A dream in which a stillborn baby was born is considered favorable for a woman who has been trying for a long time and unsuccessfully to conceive a child. According to many dream books, it means that the dreamer will soon realize her dream of offspring.

Sometimes there is a prediction that if you had to give birth to a lifeless body in water, then you will receive long-awaited and important news.

And the esoteric dream interpreter says that giving birth to a lifeless baby is, in reality, saying goodbye to the past and entering into new life. Often such a dream comes during a person’s growing up period, when the sleeper begins to realize new things. This can be both physical maturation and spiritual growth.

Possible injury or minor troubles

Seeing your child dead

Dreams about your now adult children whom you bring into the world again are quite a rare occurrence. But don't discount it.

And if the rebirth of your child is considered by dream books as a sign that you should stop worrying too much about him and give him a little freedom, then a dream when he will be born dead is considered exactly the opposite.

The child may face abstract danger, for example, he may get involved with bad company, but he may also face physical harm.

You should carefully monitor your baby's health; there is also a high risk of injury.

When an adult child in real life in your dream was born dead, then he will encounter difficulties and obstacles on his life’s path. Interpreters say that life path the baby will be heavy.

If you dreamed that you were holding a small corpse in your hands for a long time, you should loosen your grip. You are overprotective of your child. This behavior is not good for your communication. The child is trying to escape from care and does not tell you about his fears, plans, successes, and failures. If you continue to behave this way, you may lose his trust forever.

If a man sees a dream like this

Women are much more likely than men to have dreams related to children. And the process of childbirth is generally a woman’s task. But this does not mean that a man cannot see a story about the appearance of his or someone else’s dead baby.

Since dreams are not real reality, a man himself can give birth to a son or daughter. What can they mean? similar visions for the stronger sex?

A man who gives birth to a stillborn offspring may in reality face insoluble difficulties. In your business, which has been progressing without any particular difficulties, an insurmountable obstacle may accidentally arise. All that remains for you is to accept the state of affairs and switch to another task.

A man who gives birth in a dream, if his child was dead, may face the fact that everything he strived for will disappear. Your misunderstanding of the situation led to this unfortunate turn of events. It is possible that you simply took up a task about which you understand absolutely nothing. Among other things, luck could turn away from you due to your negative thoughts and bad actions.

Your rating:

If the baby is sleeping sound sleep- you are very tense, you are afraid of everything, be bolder.

If a child crawls, a number of important decisions will soon have to be made.

If the baby cries, expect minor troubles.

If the baby is breastfeeding, trust only the closest people.

If you dream of a sleeping baby or small child- You are shy and trusting by nature.

Crawling baby - you need to think and make decisions quickly.

Crying baby - you will have to solve many small problems.

Breastfeeding a baby or seeing a baby being breastfed - you should be wary of trusting people who are not your close friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Dead

A dead man seen in a dream foreshadows a completely unexpected ending to your love affair.

Seeing a dead child in a dream means worry and disappointment in the near future.

A dead actor or actress in your dream foreshadows the collapse of plans as a result of a tragic event.

Seeing a dead person in a dream is a sign of health and longevity, if this person is actually alive and well.

If the dead person seen in a dream actually left this mortal world long ago, such a dream predicts a change in your affairs for the worse.

A dream in which you see a person hanged or hanged is a harbinger of insults and insults that you will hear from loved ones.

Seeing a drowned person means you will face a desperate struggle for your rights, which they will try to deprive you of in real life.

Seeing a mummified corpse in a dream means that a serious illness will ruin your plans.

Seeing in a dream how the body of a deceased person is embalmed predicts imminent changes in your situation for the worse.

If you are embalmed or mummified, in reality your friendship with a loved one will be unhappy, bringing a lot of troubles at work and at home, as well as a deterioration in your situation in society.

Seeing a coffin with a dead person in your apartment in a dream foreshadows discord in the family due to drunkenness or debauchery.

A talking dead man seen in a dream means vile slander and malicious slander against you. If he asks you for a drink, then you need to pray properly for the repose of his soul and light a candle.

Lying on the floor dead man predicts shame or serious illness in the near future. If you trip over it and fall, in reality you will receive news of the death of someone very close to you, loved ones.

Finding a lifeless person in your bed means that you are guaranteed success in an almost hopeless case.

If a dead person comes to life in your dream, this means the return of what was once lost, which you have long stopped hoping for. Dressing a dead person in a suit means illness.

See a lot dead people on the battlefield - to a headache and a visit to the clinic.

Bury in dream of the dead people - to a fun occasion, while carrying wreaths of spruce branches - to a severe hangover.

See in dead in my sleep your husband is a very bad sign, promising continuous troubles and disappointments. If you kiss him at the same time, this means a breakdown in affairs, poverty and the loss of your best friends.

A dream in which you see a dead nun foretells great despair due to adultery or betrayal of a loved one.

Seeing a dead shark in a dream means that after all the hardships and hardships you have endured, you will once again find long-awaited well-being and peace.

Seeing a bull slaughtered in a slaughterhouse or killed in a bullfight in a dream does not bode well - on the contrary, only sad events.

A dead dove in a dream predicts misfortune with a distant relative, to whom you will nevertheless have to go for help.

Seeing a dead rook means someone's illness or death in the near future.

A slaughtered goose is a sign of imminent losses.

A dead lark in your dream foretells injury from an accident.

A dead hare means the death or illness of one of your faithful friends.

If in a dream you see many dead snakes, it means that you will suffer from the base act of a hypocritical friend.

Stepping on a dead snake, which suddenly comes to life and attacks you, means victory over your enemies.

Seeing a turkey or turkey who has died from an unknown disease predicts that cramped circumstances will make your pride suffer.

A dead swallow is a sign of sad parting.

Seeing a dead swan in a dream means that in reality you will experience annoyance and disappointment, having minded your own business.

A fallen or shot horse means that you will soon receive sad news that will change all your plans.

Seeing a dead mule in a dream foreshadows a broken engagement and a deterioration in your position in society, which will be caused by your unworthy behavior.

Seemingly dead insects that suddenly begin to run away from you mean that you will damage your reputation by acting stupidly and imprudently.

A dead monkey seen in a dream means that your hated enemies will suffer complete collapse.

Interpretation of dreams from

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