Fire Safety Encyclopedia

How to make drip irrigation from plastic cucumber bottles? Do-it-yourself drip irrigation from plastic bottles Do-it-yourself autowatering from plastic bottles

Cucumbers are good in any form. Fresh in a salad, salted from a barrel, pickled from a jar. Or just crimping it from the garden is very nice ... to feel the buzz of summer. And on New Year's Eve, eating gourmet food is also not a sin. Every amateur gardener understands: in order to get a good harvest of these "green soldiers", one must not only work well, but also properly service this wonderful plant. The most important condition for growing cucumbers is proper watering. It should be not just abundant, but correct.

Watering cucumbers when grown outdoors

The homeland of the cucumber is warm and humid India, and that says it all: cucumber is a sissy and a water-lover. If we want to eat juicy crunchy cucumbers over the summer, we simply have to create conditions for a luxurious life for him. One such condition is proper watering.

The roots of this plant are located in the top layer of the soil. Water does not stay here for a long time and quickly seeps into the lower layers. The surface of the soil dries up quickly and the roots again begin to suffer from desiccation. Cucumber leaves have a fairly large surface and evaporate a lot of moisture. The formation of a cucumber fruit also requires a huge amount of water. That is why cucumbers need frequent and abundant watering.

Watering is a mandatory procedure when cultivating cucumbers

There are many ways of irrigation, but, regardless of the means of delivery of water, all of them must ensure that three necessary conditions are met, namely:

  • water temperature and quality,
  • water consumption rate,
  • timeliness of watering.

If the gardener created favorable conditions in the early stages of plant development, that is, he grew viable seedlings, planted it correctly in the soil, fertilized it, protected it from cold snaps, then the cucumbers begin to develop intensively, bloom profusely, and bear fruit vigorously. And for further development, they need water of a certain quality and in the right amount.

Water temperature and quality

The optimum water temperature for watering cucumbers is 25 degrees. In any case, it should not be colder than the ambient temperature. This means that it should be collected in barrels placed in a sunny place in the evening so that it warms up overnight.

It is very useful to water cucumbers with rainwater. To collect it, you should place the barrels under the market.

It is possible to deviate from this rule only in the case of very dry and hot weather, when the temperature on the ground surface can reach 28-30 degrees. At such temperatures in the hot earth, all processes in the roots slow down, the plants begin to wither. Then it makes sense to pour cold water, but at the root, to a limited extent and so that the leaves remain dry.

In the event of a cold snap, which is not uncommon in our climate, cucumbers may experience a lack of water, not because they were not watered, but because the water was too cold. When the water temperature is below 10 degrees, the roots of cucumbers do not assimilate it at all. Paradoxical, but true! With abundant watering, cucumbers can die due to dehydration. To save the plants, they must be watered with water heated to 40-50 degrees (never boiling water!). Watering with warm water is necessary only at the root, but not closer than 5 centimeters from the stem.

Cucumbers are also sensitive to water hardness. If it is hard in your water supply system or well, then it is very desirable to acidify the water collected in barrels with vinegar or citric acid.

Water consumption rates, time and intensity of irrigation

When growing cucumbers outdoors, water should be watered in the evening. This is due to the fact that the water in the evening and at night does not evaporate, but is completely absorbed into the ground. When watering in the morning, a lot of water will evaporate immediately after the temperature rises and the plants will begin to suffer from a lack of moisture. In addition, if watered during the day, the water droplets remaining on the leaves and stems under the sun's rays will act as biconvex lenses. Even before the droplets evaporate, they will have time to cause sunburn to the plants, which is not desirable. This is another argument for watering in the evening.

The amount of water to water and the frequency of watering depends on the weather conditions and the age of the plants. The periods of development of cucumbers should be divided into the early stage of the growing season and the period of flowering and fruiting. For each of these periods, there are different rates of water consumption.

Video about the frequency of the procedure

At an early stage, from the moment of the first germination of seeds or planting of seedlings, to the appearance of the first flowers, the water consumption is 5–7 liters per square meter. When the weather is not hot, the frequency of watering is 2 times a week. In drought, water should be watered more often 4–5 times during the same period.

From the moment of flowering and the entire fruiting period, the rate of water consumption should be from 6 to 12 liters per square meter, depending on the amount of rain. It is clear that during drought, the flow rate should be maximum. Watering should be done almost every day, not relying on the promises of the Hydrometeorological Center, except with the promise of rain to reduce the amount of irrigation water. Naturally, in the event of prolonged rains, watering should not be done.

The gardener should remember that the bitter taste of cucumbers arises from insufficient watering.

At the end of summer, the amount and frequency of watering should be reduced, as the evaporation of water from the soil decreases due to cooler nights. In addition, at the end of summer, abundant dew is formed in the morning, which can be considered additional watering.

Excessive watering of cucumbers is also undesirable, since there is a danger of soil salinization, waterlogging, and the formation of a dense crust. A sign of soil salinity is the appearance of a whitish coating on its surface. To eliminate salinity, powdered gypsum is scattered, the earth is loosened, and watered. When waterlogging occurs, watering is stopped. The resulting dense crust is loosened.

How to water vegetables in a greenhouse

The basic rules for watering cucumbers in a greenhouse are the same as for watering outdoors. But, there are some nuances that are important to know and take into account. In a greenhouse, less water evaporates from the soil than from open ground. In cloudy weather, the inside of the greenhouse is warmer than outside. When it's sunny outside, the temperature inside the greenhouse is higher than outside. This means that the earth will dry quickly. These features lead to slightly different rates of water consumption than when grown outdoors.

Cucumbers in the greenhouse also require proper watering.

Average water consumption for greenhouse cultivation of cucumbers is from 5 to 10 liters per square meter. In spring, when the outside temperature is not high, less water is consumed, from 2 to 3 liters, and more in summer, from 7 to 10.

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In the greenhouse, it is also necessary to water it with warm settled water, but the container should be kept inside. This is necessary so that the temperature of the water, earth and air are the same. In cloudy weather, if the ground in the greenhouse is moist enough, you do not need to water.

Cucumbers love sprinkling. They absorb water not only with roots but also with leaves and stems. If in the open field the plants receive natural rains, then in the greenhouse they should sometimes arrange artificial rain from a watering can or a hose. But, as they say, a double-edged sword. Excessive sprinkling can lead to fungal diseases. If spots suddenly appear on the leaves, sprinkling should be stopped.

Sprinkling cucumbers in a greenhouse is a desirable procedure, but it must be carried out carefully and in moderation, since there is a danger of fungal diseases

Watering methods for cucumbers

A method of watering cucumbers is, in other words, a method of delivering water to the plants. A lot of them have been invented. You can simply water with a jar, pouring water under the plant. Perhaps the most common method in the household is watering with a watering can. It imitates rain very well.

If there is a water supply, you can water from a hose, at the end of which a sprayer is mounted. Many people do just that. But, watering from the water supply has a drawback - the water in the water supply is cold, not settled. There is also a way out of this situation. You just need to put a container with water at a height of 1.5–2 meters, pump water into it, stand for a day, and then use a hose with a spray to water the cucumbers in the evening.

We have covered the simplest watering methods. There are more advanced, rational ways.


With drip irrigation, water (or a nutrient solution of fertilizers) is supplied to each individual plant using a system of pipes or hoses. The latter have special adjustable droppers, which are located at a distance from each other equal to the distance between plants. In the case of cucumbers, 20 centimeters. To achieve such a match, the drip irrigation hose system is installed in advance, even before planting seedlings or sowing seeds. Seedlings or a seed are planted at a distance of 3-5 centimeters from the dropper.

Drip irrigation system. Drip irrigation for cucumbers - progressive. an economical method .. It is gradually replacing conventional irrigation

Water is supplied to the drip irrigation system from the tank by a pump. If the tank or barrel is placed at a height, then the gravity feed method can be used.

In recent years, drip tapes have been used instead of hoses. In principle, these are also pipes made of a thin, durable film. These pipes are flattened, and in appearance resemble a tape, wound on a bobbin. During installation, they can be cut into pieces of the required length. When filled with water, they straighten out. Through the droppers built into the walls, water digs in and irrigates the soil under the plants.

Fragment of drip tape. Irrigation systems made of drip tapes - very convenient, economical, mobile

Drip irrigation is very economical and progressive. Here are the benefits:

  • Significant water savings.
  • Gives a decrease in the labor intensity of work.
  • Plants are less susceptible to diseases.
  • The soil under the plants is less compacted, since the need to walk in rows is eliminated.
  • The soil is not eroded.
  • The spread of weeds is reduced.
  • Versatility - can be used both outdoors and in a greenhouse.

Using a plastic bottle

This is a type of drip irrigation. It is used in individual gardens, summer cottages. Its essence is as follows. A small-diameter hole, or several, is made in a plastic bottle in any way (with a nail, drill, awl, knife, etc.). Water is poured into the bottle. Then it is placed near the plant so that water from the hole drips near the stem above the roots.

Bottled method video

You can think of many ways to place a bottle (or any other container). For example, deepen its bottom with holes into the ground. The water will seep to the roots of the cucumbers, and the roots, in turn, will be drawn to the source of moisture. It remains only to fill it with water once every few days as it is consumed. The advantage is water saving, elimination of evaporation losses, the water is constantly warmed up by the sun.

Water bottles can be tied to pegs stuck in the ground, tied to ropes stretched between the posts. If the container is large, you can stretch several tubes to the plants. There is no limit to imagination! Using this method of watering cucumbers and other plants, the summer resident can leave his farm with peace of mind until the next weekend with the confidence that his pets will not dry out.

Bottle drip irrigation from a buried bottle. Any capacity can be used

Video about watering from a dug bottle

The bottle watering method for cucumbers has all the advantages of drip irrigation and is also extremely cheap. It can be used both outdoors and in greenhouses and greenhouses.

A method of growing cucumbers without watering and weeding

If your summer cottage is too far from the city, or you do not have the opportunity to visit it often, the water sources are not close, or, to be honest, you are too lazy to water and weed, then an original, radical, and, if you want, extreme method of growing cucumbers is offered. ... Just one watering!

  1. Carefully dig up the area for cucumbers and add all the necessary fertilizers to the soil.
  2. Pour plenty of water over the bed. Let the water soak in. Fill again. And for the third time.
  3. Cover the entire bed with plastic wrap. You can use a black film. You can even just use roofing material. Press the coating along the edges with bricks, stones, fix it in any way so that during the whole summer the wind does not take it down.
  4. Make an exposure for 2-3 days.
  5. Make holes in the foil where the seeds will be planted. Hole size - no more than 1-1.5 centimeters.
  6. Dip the seeds into the holes and sprinkle them with earth.
  7. Make sure when the seeds sprout so that they come out through the holes, and not go sideways. If necessary, help them, direct them up.
  8. You don't need to do anything else. Neither water nor weed. Wait for the harvest. Very convenient - the fruits are always clean. Take and eat without straining.

Growing cucumbers on foil without watering. An original, new method

Video about growing cucumbers without watering

Watering cucumbers is a very delicate creative process. It is necessary to take into account the temperature of the air, soil, weather forecast. You can come up with your own methods of organization, mechanization, but this takes too much time. If you are a busy person, but want to eat fresh cucumbers, then you just need to follow the advice of experts, and you will get a good result.

The drip irrigation system allows dosed irrigation of plants right at the very root. After spending a little time, you can assemble such a system at home, without the need to purchase expensive components. With a careful attitude, do-it-yourself drip irrigation from plastic bottles will last for several years.

The advantages of using drip irrigation in the country

The main advantages of drip irrigation are obtaining the required amount of moisture by the root system, as well as minimal physical effort and material costs. This type of irrigation is of interest to many summer residents and gardeners, since the drip irrigation system can be left unattended.

Watering the beds with plastic bottles has a great advantage - it is almost complete autonomy. So, a person does not need to stand with or carry heavy buckets one after another for watering plants.

Unfortunately, a ready-made drip irrigation system connected to a centralized water supply is quite expensive. Therefore, summer residents and gardeners have come up with a good alternative - to use old used plastic bottles. Of course, this option is not completely autonomous, since from time to time it will be necessary to add water to the container.

But, nevertheless, such watering minimizes human resources, thanks to which you can pay more attention to other matters or spend time on vacation. Drip irrigation using plastic bottles has the following Benefits:

  • No need to purchase material. Plastic bottles are something that one way or another can be found in almost every home;
  • Ease of execution. Following a simple instruction, you can do everything yourself, even if you have no experience in creating such systems;
  • Saving. Such watering can significantly save time and effort that are spent on traditional types of watering;
  • Ease of operation. All that needs to be done is to go around the garden and fill the containers with water;
  • Rationality of watering. Water immediately flows under the topsoil, nourishing the plant root system. Also, water will not spill over a large area and evaporate due to the high temperature in summer. Thus, homemade watering contributes to the full development and subsequent strengthening of the plant's root system;
  • No waterlogging. When watering with a hose, a so-called "swamp" often forms in the holes. Drip irrigation helps to avoid this;
  • Decreased growth. Also, this system allows you not to wet the excess surface. Thus, favorable conditions are not created for the growth of all kinds of weeds, and this, in turn, facilitates care.

  • This method of irrigation will be especially useful for those summer residents who, due to circumstances, can come to the dacha only once a week. In this case, they just need to fill the container before leaving. This amount of water will be enough so that the plants do not need moisture while the owner is away.

    Did you know? Drip irrigation from plastic bottles can work on the principle of solar distillation, which is good for hot summer. To do this, a half of a 1.5-liter container with water is preliminarily installed near the plant, and on top it is covered with a five-liter eggplant without a bottom. When heated, moisture will turn into steam, which in the form of drops will settle on the walls, and then roll down onto the soil. Thus, the stronger the heat, the better the soil moisture will be.

    Manufacturing options for a drip humidification system

    There are many options for how to make such a system yourself. First, you need to consider all the options, and then choose the most optimal one, based on your capabilities and conditions.

    Also, do not forget that it is necessary to carefully select the location of the bottles and the intensity of the water supply. Different systems are suitable for different planting patterns, and this must always be borne in mind.

    The easiest way to do self-watering with your own hands is to pierce a small hole at the bottom of the container and place it near the plant. This does not require any special preparation from you, but it is necessary take into account the following nuances:

    • the hole should be microscopic. To do this, pierce the container with a needle. A large hole will lead to a rapid flow of water, which puts an end to the principles of economy and autonomy;
    • increasing the number of holes allows you to create a more humidified environment;
    • the container should be located as close to the stem as possible so that water flows directly to the root system;
    • the container can be dug a little next to the plant. This will avoid wasting water;
    • the container can be hung directly above the bush, if this option is suitable for the given culture;
    • a container with a volume of 5-10 liters allows you to leave the garden unattended for a whole week, which is especially important for summer residents living far from the dacha.

    The use of plastic bottles for irrigation follows a fairly simple scheme - due to the direct contact of water with the ground. Water begins to seep gradually, and the earth, after getting wet, clogs the holes. After the earth dries up again, the holes will open and water will begin to flow to the roots of the plants again.

    Thus, there is a natural regulation of moisture in the soil. If the soil is saturated enough, then it simply will not take in excess moisture. After the container is empty, you just need to add water to it.

    Important! Drip irrigation from plastic bottles is not suitable for whimsical plants with thin roots.

    How to make drip irrigation (a dug container next to the plant)

    In order to make watering using plastic bottles, dropping them next to the plant, you need to follow simple instructions. Each bottle must be installed with the neck down, digging it in a little for greater stability.

    It is also necessary to make one small hole in the bottom of the bottle in order to facilitate the exit of water (the air will press on the water and gradually displace it). The cap must be screwed on loosely to ensure gradual water seepage.

    In order for the container not to be blown away by the wind, it must be buried in the soil to a depth of about 10-15 cm. Installation directly near the root will contribute to good irrigation. It is worth noting that it is possible to accurately place the bottle only when planting, when the container is dropped into the same hole as.

    If the plants have already grown well enough, then the hole must be placed at a distance of at least 15 cm from the plant trunk. You need to act very carefully so as not to damage the root system of the plant. If, through plastic bottles, it is carried out in clay soil, then when moistened it can easily clog into the holes.

    In order to prevent this, the cork from the outside must be tightened with a simple nylon stocking, or the bottom of the hole must be covered with hay or a piece of burlap. The lid is tightly screwed on, and the bottle is installed at an angle with the neck down, and the pit is then covered with earth. The optimum tilt angle is 30-45 °.

    There is another way to organize drip irrigation. With the help of an awl, many holes need to be made in the container. They are made in 5-6 rows, and the distance between the rows should be 2 cm.

    The plastic bottle is buried in an upright position with the neck up in the same hole as the seedlings. The main disadvantage is that the container needs to be filled through a narrow neck. But at the same time, the water from the container practically does not evaporate. Due to the fact that the container is almost entirely underground, even a strong wind cannot overturn it. And the land plot itself will look more attractive because of this.

    Important! Water should not immediately go into the soil. The essence of drip humidification is the gradual consumption of water over several days.

    Suspended watering from bottles

    For creating suspended do it yourself drip irrigation of tomatoes in the greenhouse you will need:

    • any plastic bottle;
    • awl or thin nail;
    • rope or wire.
    This option is suitable for those plants next to which there is some kind of support. Even if it is absent, then it will not be a big problem to install pegs between the plants. To make overhead drip irrigation, you need:
    • cut off the bottom by making a lid out of it;
    • make two holes at a distance of 1-2 cm from the cut bottom on opposite sides of the bottle. A rope or wire must be passed through these holes, which will be tied to the support. You need to make a small hole in the bottle cap. If the water flow rate is too slow, then the hole can be slightly widened;
    • Hang the bottle over the plant.

    When watering through plastic bottles, the suspension system has two advantages: ease of manufacture and the ability to finely adjust the irrigation intensity.

    Bar design

    In order to do irrigation of plants in the greenhouse using bottles and a rod, you need:

    • Take a small diameter plastic tube. A regular refill from a ballpoint pen is perfect, which must first be rinsed with gasoline or solvent, removing all residues of the paste and the writing element itself;
    • Cap one end of the tube tightly. If this is a rod from a pen, then a match or a toothpick will work well;
    • Secure the other end in the neck. You can also cut a hole of the required diameter in the clogged lid and install a tube in it;
    • Seal the tube attached to the neck. This can be done using ordinary plasticine, electrical tape and other improvised means;
    • Make holes with a needle at the end of the tube. They should be as close to the plug as possible. The number of holes and their diameter are selected individually, based on the required intensity of humidification. It will be quite sufficient if one drop of water flows out in a couple of minutes;
    • Cut off the bottom of the bottle and set it in the soil with the neck down;
    • Pour water into the bottle.

    You can also cut the tube into the side of the bottle near the bottom. This will save the bottle from clipping and make it much easier to move it around the land. Watering in a greenhouse in plastic bottles has a great advantage - due to the length of the tube, the bottle can be placed not very close to the plant.

    If you put the bottle between several bushes, you can move the tube and water the seedlings one by one.

    Important! If you choose to humidify with a tube inserted into the wall, remember to close the bottle tightly with the cap. This will prevent rapid evaporation of the water.

    DIY drip irrigation (buried plastic bottle)

    Experienced gardeners recommend trying the drip irrigation option, in which the whole bottle is buried in the ground. In this case, you need to make several holes as close to the bottom as possible. After that, the bottle is buried in the ground, and only the neck remains on the surface, through which the water will be filled.

    It should be noted that this method of drip irrigation gives less moisture, and this is not suitable for plants with a long rhizome.

    Drip irrigation from bottles: all the pros and cons

    Like any other type of irrigation, drip irrigation has certain advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages, it is worth noting the following:

    • make drip irrigation using plastic bottles for anyone. The manufacturing procedure does not require the possession of any special knowledge and skills;
    • the creation of a drip irrigation system from plastic bottles does not require large investments. This is justified by the fact that plastic bottles are the most common and cheapest material for recycling;
    • the principle of operation of drip irrigation almost completely eliminates the factor of wasted water consumption. This is especially true when the site does not have access to the central water supply system;
    • water from plastic bottles is distributed as evenly as possible and progressively moisturizes the root system of the plant;
    • in plastic bottles, water quickly warms up to a temperature that is comfortable for most plants;
    • The drip irrigation system from plastic bottles can be easily installed, removed or replaced.

    But, along with this, there are certain disadvantages of using such an irrigation system:

    • such a system will not be able to provide high-quality irrigation of a large area;
    • drip irrigation from plastic five-liter bottles cannot completely replace full-fledged irrigation, since drip irrigation allows only temporarily maintaining the required moisture level;
    • when used in loamy or heavy soils, the drip system from the bottles quickly clogs up and stops functioning.

    298 once already

If you have several greenhouses at your summer cottage, in which cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables are grown, then you know exactly how much time and effort it takes to care for them. But what if work and other matters do not allow you to be at the dacha every 2-3 days? How to ensure watering of vegetables in the greenhouse, prevent them from drying out and get a rich harvest? The solution to this problem is the drip irrigation system.

Such a system not only saves time and eliminates the need to visit a personal plot every two days, but also provides other advantages. And for those who want to learn more about the benefits of drip irrigation and how to do it yourself, this article has been created.

Drip irrigation means a special irrigation system for agricultural crops, in which moisture is dropped into the ground to the roots of plants grown in a greenhouse. You can organize drip irrigation in the following ways.

  1. Specialized droppers that are dug into the soil in the root zone of each individual plant.

  • Drip tape spreading along the plants in the greenhouse. One side of the tape is connected to the water supply, the other to the plug. When water is supplied, it slowly, in separate drops, seeps through the material of the tape.
  • Sprinklers are special equipment that is not cheap.
  • Homemade drip tape made from a rubber hose in which many holes are made with an awl or the like.
  • Improvised droppers made from plastic bottles with many holes.
  • In our case, the last option will be considered as the simplest and most inexpensive to manufacture. The creation of such a system will be discussed in more detail below, but now we will consider the general advantages of all drip irrigation systems.

    1. Saving water... Compared to a conventional hose or watering can, drip irrigation systems use significantly less fluid with equal or even higher irrigation efficiency.
    2. Reasonable moisture distribution... Having overdid it with watering the plants with a hose, the summer resident can turn the land in the greenhouse into a swampy swamp. With drip irrigation, this is impossible.
    3. Save time... Any drip irrigation system - both piped and standalone - requires less maintenance time than traditional irrigation methods.
    4. By delivering water directly to the roots of plants, they growth is accelerating, and with such a system, the crop in the greenhouse can be obtained faster. In addition, the roots of vegetables and other crops are not washed away.
    5. The ground remains mostly dry, the air humidity in the greenhouse remains normal. As a result, the likelihood of the appearance of weeds and the development of diseases in plants decreases.
    6. Reducing the rate of depletion and soil erosion.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Bottled Drip Irrigation

    The device of such a system looks like this: a plastic bottle is dug in near each individual plant in the greenhouse, in which small-diameter holes are made. The bottle is filled with water, which seeps through small holes and feeds the plant roots.

    Important! Sometimes the bottles are not dug into the ground, but are hung under the roof of the greenhouse for each individual plant. In such cases, it is important to ensure that most of the moisture does not fall on the leaves, but on the ground, and directly at the roots.

    Some of the advantages of drip irrigation are discussed above, but what are the advantages of the scheme using bottles? They are as follows.

    1. Cheapness... In fact, the system using plastic bottles is free - the main material for arranging drip irrigation can be found at home or purchased at a symbolic price.
    2. Ease of creation... Arrangement of drip irrigation from plastic bottles does not require any technical knowledge or special skills from you, absolutely anyone can handle it.
    3. Simplified care of seedlings and plants in greenhouses- with such an irrigation scheme, the need for frequent visits to the personal plot disappears. Now you can go on trips for work and other needs without worrying about the state of the future harvest.
    4. With bottles dug into the ground water will not come into contact with leaves or flowers, which means that the problem with sunburn of plants is being solved.
    5. Autonomy- unlike other drip irrigation systems that require a water supply system and a more or less constant pressure in it, drip irrigation from bottles only needs water itself.
    6. Going to vegetables, fruits and flowers water has the same temperature as air in a greenhouse, which has a positive effect on the condition and productivity of some agricultural crops.
    7. Easy to repair or dismantle... If for some reason one of the elements of the system is out of order, then it is very easy to replace it - the bottle is dug out, and a new one is dug in instead.

    But the system also has its drawbacks. The cons of drip irrigation with bottles are presented below.

    1. The complexity of creating such a system over a large area. Therefore, if you have many greenhouses, then it makes sense to think about another, more advanced method of drip irrigation.
    2. There is a possibility of bottle clogging, especially when used on soils with a lot of clay.
    3. Due to the primitiveness, such a system is not able to completely replace watering, therefore sometimes it will be necessary not only to add water to the bottles, but also to supplement the drip irrigation with the same watering can. For full-fledged irrigation that requires a minimum of effort from you, it is preferable to use specialized drip tapes and dropper dispensers connected to the water supply.

    Required materials and tools

    To set up drip irrigation using ordinary plastic bottles, you will need the following materials and tools:

    • plastic bottles;
    • a piece of cotton or old nylon stockings;
    • shovel for digging holes for bottles;
    • ruler for measurements;
    • sharp nail, thick needle or awl;
    • a lighter, fire, or other open flame that can be used to heat a nail or needle.

    Before you start arranging watering, you need to figure out how much bottles are suitable for plants in your greenhouse. The choice depends on the crop grown - some require more moisture for themselves, while others, on the contrary, less. Also, consider the weather in your area - the higher the temperature, the more water you will need. And, of course, the volume of the container depends on how often you are ready to visit the dacha.

    Important! Please note that the temperature is higher in the greenhouse than outside. And the plants will need more water. At the same time, the increased moisture consumption is compensated by faster ripening and, subject to the cultivation technology, a bountiful harvest.

    Table. For how long a bottle of a certain volume is enough for one plant.

    As you can see, it is impractical to use containers of small volume - bottles from 0.5 to 1 liter will require frequent "refueling", which will force you to visit your garden plot as often as before.

    The best option is a container with a volume of 1.5-2 liters, when using which you can come to the dacha once a week for the "refueling" of containers, additional watering and other work that plants in the greenhouse require. If the cultivated crop requires a lot of water, then it is worth giving preference to large bottles with a volume of 5 liters. But keep in mind that a five-liter plastic container takes up a lot of space and a hole must be prepared for it of the appropriate size.

    Some of the summer residents may have a question: “Why do we need fabric for drip irrigation? Are the bottles with holes not enough? " The problem is that these holes can become clogged and clogged with earth over time. To prevent this, from the outside (and sometimes from the inside) that part of the bottle where the holes are located should be wrapped in an old nylon stocking or a piece of cotton fabric. Water will seep through it, but the earth will not get inside.

    Another issue that needs to be considered is how many holes and what diameter to make. Their number should depend on the properties of the soil - the worse it absorbs moisture, the more holes will be required. So, if you bury the bottle with the neck down in the hole, then 2-3 holes are enough for sandy soils, and 4-5 for clay soils.

    Advice! If the clay soil does not absorb water well, then the holes in the bottle cap can be replaced with a piece of foam rubber that plugs the neck.

    The holes in the bottle or cap are punched with a hot nail or needle on the stove / lighter. The optimum diameter is from 0.5 to 1 mm. Figures of 1.5-2 mm are the maximum allowable, with b O At higher values, the water will be consumed too quickly.

    As for the ratio of bottles to plants in the greenhouse, the ideal option would be 1: 1 - one plant per container. If there is not enough space or the culture does not require a lot of moisture, then you can use one bottle (preferably 2 or 5 liters) for 2, 3 or even 4 plants. But, accordingly, more holes will need to be made in the container.

    Important! It is best to install a drip irrigation system from bottles at the time of planting seeds or seedlings in the soil of the greenhouse, so that when digging a hole, you do not damage the root system of the agricultural crop.

    Method number 1 - Dig into the ground

    In total, there are four ways to arrange drip irrigation using plastic bottles. The most common of these is burying into the hole with the bottom down. In stages it looks like this.

    Step 1. A hole with a depth of 10-15 cm and a diameter equal to the diameter of the bottle is dug near each plant, individually or between two adjacent plants.

    Step 2. Using a ruler, measure 3-4 cm up from the bottom of the bottle.

    Step 3. With a red-hot nail or needle, holes are made in 2-4 rows in a checkerboard pattern from this place in the bottle. The number of holes depends on the density of the soil, but on average it is about 10-15 pieces.

    Step 4. The container is wrapped with a cloth or nylon so that all openings are closed. This is to protect the holes from being clogged with earth.

    Step 5. The bottle is inserted upside down into the well.

    Step 6. To prevent debris or earth from getting into the water from above, close the neck with a piece of gauze or nylon.

    Important! If you do not want the water to evaporate from the container into the air, put a lid on the neck, but make at least one hole on it (the lid), otherwise the bottle will shrink when empty.

    Method number 2 - Stick it in the ground with the neck down

    The second method differs in that the bottle is inserted into the hole on the contrary, bottom up. Accordingly, the holes are made either in the neck or in the lid. It looks like this.

    Step 1. A hole is prepared with a shovel near the plant in the greenhouse. The diameter remains the same as in the first method, but the depth of the hole is much smaller - along the height of the container neck.

    Step 2. Several small holes are made in the neck or lid with a hot nail. Their number depends on how dense the soil is and how well it absorbs moisture - the better, the fewer holes there should be, and vice versa.

    Step 3. 4-6 cm are measured from the bottom and the bottom of the bottle is cut off using a clerical knife or ordinary scissors. If you do not want garbage to get into the container from above or moisture evaporates from it too quickly, the bottom must not be completely cut off, and then bend to the side, like the lid of a can.

    Step 4. The part of the container where the holes are located is wrapped in a cloth. If desired, the fabric can be put inside, in the bottle itself.

    Step 5. The neck of the bottle is buried in the hole. If desired, the container can be buried at an angle of 45 degrees towards the root system.

    Compared to the first method, digging a hole for a similar design of the irrigation system is a little easier, but at the same time water is delivered not to the entire root system of the plant, but only to the lower part. The choice of the preferred option is yours.

    Method number 3 - Hang over the plants

    If you do not want to expose the root system of greenhouse crops, then the drip irrigation system can be placed not next to the plants, but above them. In addition, this method does not erode the soil around the roots.

    Step 1. A series of holes is made in the lower part of the bottle, as for the second method. And in the same way, a part of the bottom is cut off from the container with scissors.

    Step 2. With a needle or a nail in the bottom of the bottle, a couple of holes are made for wire or twine, on which the container will be hung in the greenhouse.

    Step 3. The bottle is fixed in such a way that the distance from the neck to the ground is 35 cm to 50 cm.

    Try to position the bottle so that most of the droplets fall on the ground near the stem and not on the leaves. Thus, more water will reach the roots, and the likelihood of sunburn of the leaves will be significantly less.

    Method number 4 - Using special attachments

    The latter method of creating a drip irrigation system will require a little more money from you, but at the same time it will save you from digging holes and working with a nail and bottles. In the nearest gardening store, special dispensing nozzles are purchased that can be screwed onto bottles (except for five-liter bottles) instead of regular caps.

    Bottle watering cones prices

    watering cone for bottle

    A container with such a nozzle is turned upside down and inserted into the ground at some distance from the plant stem.

    Watering when cultivating cucumbers is very important. There is a difference between growing in open ground and in greenhouses: in the methods, frequency and rates of watering. And it is also possible to get harvests of cucumbers, even if they are not watered.

    How to water cucumbers: frequency, time and rate

    Cucumber belongs to tropical plants, likes high humidity and stable heat. As they develop and ripen, cucumbers require different watering. There is also a difference in irrigation between outdoor and greenhouse crops. You should adhere to certain recommendations for watering:

    • watering is not required immediately after planting seeds or planting seedlings;
    • after 3-4 days the first watering is carried out;
    • before flowering, watered depending on the drying out of the soil (once every 4–5 days);
    • after the appearance of the ovaries - the most abundant watering (once every 2-3 days), and with the beginning of fruiting - every other day;
    • the best watering time is early morning or evening, after sunset. Watering in the sun during the day can cause leaf burns;
    • with the onset of rains and an increase in moisture in the soil, irrigation is stopped;
    • open field irrigation rate is about 4–5 liters of water per m2 before flowering and 10–12 liters per square meter. meter during the formation of ovaries and during fruiting;
    • greenhouses use more moderate irrigation - about four liters per sq. meter;
    • in the period of long heat, sprinkling is used - watering plant leaves from a watering can (4–5 liters per square meter). At the same time, the water rate is reduced by 2–3 times.

    When watering cucumbers, like other horticultural crops, there is a "golden" rule: do not pour.

    Video: how often to water cucumbers outdoors

    Temperature regime

    When watering cucumbers, it is important to observe the temperature regime. Water temperature during irrigation should not be lower than ambient temperature.

    Watering cucumbers in the open field should be water heated to 18–20 o C. When the air is heated above 30 degrees, so that there is no large temperature difference, the water should be heated to 25 o C. The best option is to use water heated by the sun and settled in various containers (barrels, vats, etc.).

    In greenhouses, the water temperature is higher, about 20-25 degrees, and ideally should correspond to the soil temperature.

    Drip irrigation of cucumbers

    Along with the traditional method of watering plants, gardeners have recently begun to widely use the drip system. When growing cucumbers, this irrigation method is the most optimal due to the fact that it automatically maintains the necessary moisture balance in the soil.

    In industrial systems, droppers are applied to each plant to regulate the water balance. In order to control moisture, tensiometers are used, installed at the depth of the zone where the roots of cucumbers are located (15–20 cm from the soil surface). Such devices are expensive and many gardeners use improvised means to make homemade drip irrigation options. The simplest one is water supply by gravity from a tank installed on a high base through a PVC pipe with a diameter of 1–2 cm with outflow droppers from tubes with a diameter of 1–2 mm.

    Drip irrigation for growing plants provides the following advantages over conventional irrigation:

    • supply of water and nutrients during watering and dressing directly to the roots of cucumbers;
    • no earthen crust is formed;
    • saving water and fertilizers due to timely regulation of the amount of feed;
    • significant reduction in manual labor as a result of irrigation automation;
    • no danger of soil erosion and leaching of soil from under the roots of plants;
    • ease of use;
    • significant increase in productivity.

    The main disadvantage of drip irrigation systems is the clogging of the droppers. Therefore, in home-made devices, settled water should be used and a fine mesh filter should be installed in the system.

    Water consumption for drip irrigation of cucumbers

    Saving water is one of the positive factors of drip irrigation. Depending on the design of the system, soil type and weather conditions, the amount of water used can be reduced by up to 80% compared to other irrigation methods. This is achieved by the fact that only the roots of the cucumbers are irrigated and water is not wasted. Water in drip irrigation devices can be supplied depending on weather conditions, irrigation rates and the intensity of the drip device for 1-3 days.

    Video: do-it-yourself drip irrigation system

    Bottle watering

    One of the types of drip irrigation can be called watering using plastic bottles. This is the most economical option for auto irrigation without the use of expensive materials and devices for uninterrupted irrigation.

    There are several ways to bottle water.

    The first way

    For the irrigation device, you will need a one and a half or two liter plastic bottle and a used refill from a ballpoint pen, which will act as a dropper in the device. The rod is washed with solvent or gasoline to remove the residual paste and drown on one side with a toothpick, match, etc. A puncture is made 3-5 mm from the end using a sewing needle. The diameter of the puncture is determined empirically, however, a hole equal to half the diameter of the rod is considered optimal.

    The bottle is set with a tightly closed neck in the ground or usually on the bottom. In the first version, the bottom of the bottle is cut off, the rod is installed in the hole located just above the shoulders. In the second case, a hole is made 15–20 cm from the bottom of the bottle, the rod is fixed, the cap is removed. The containers are filled with water and placed near each bush.

    Second way

    In the bottle, stepping back from the bottom of 3-5 cm, holes are pierced to its entire height. They are arranged in several rows, the number depends on the soil - the denser it is, the more holes. The optimal amount is determined empirically. If the soil is too damp, a bottle with a small number of holes is used, when the soil dries up, it is changed to a bottle with a large number of holes. Bottles are buried to a depth of 10–20 cm between plants, bottom down. The plug is removed.

    The third way

    It resembles the previous one, but here the bottom is cut off. Punctures are made at the top of the bottle, closer to the throat. Screw on the lid and dig in with the neck down. To avoid rapid evaporation of moisture, cover the top of the bottle.

    Fourth way

    You can not place the bottles in the ground, but hang them over the bushes of plants. The holes, in this case, are pierced in the lid or just above the neck. The containers are filled with water and suspended from the installed supports. To avoid burns in sunny weather, the bottles are fixed as close to the ground as possible.

    If gardeners cannot often visit garden plots, instead of two-liter bottles, you can use 5-liter plastic containers from under the water. The period of autonomous irrigation in this version will increase for a longer period.

    Compared to the traditional drip irrigation method with the device of containers, pipes, filters, etc., the bottle irrigation method has both advantages and a number of disadvantages.

    Table: advantages and disadvantages of bottle watering

    Affordable and cheap source material.It is difficult to build a bottle irrigation system for large areas outdoors.
    Simple procedure for setting up the system.Often clogged holes with soil when using the system on heavy, clayey soils
    Minimum expenditure of effort and time during operation: I poured water into bottles and the process started.Bottle irrigation cannot replace complete irrigation. It is necessary to additionally apply traditional watering with a watering can.
    Bottled water warms up well in the sun.
    Easily replaceable system parts.
    Great for use in greenhouses.

    Video: bottle irrigation made easy

    Growing cucumbers without watering

    Cucumbers are very hygrophilous and with a lack of watering they grow bitter and ugly, the yield drops very much. But what if there is no water near the plantings, and there is no way to deliver it for irrigation? Using the following agrotechnical techniques, you can grow cucumbers without watering in central Russia.

    1. The selected site should be with a high (up to 0.5–0.8 m) occurrence of groundwater with loamy or clayey soil.
    2. The land is prepared in the fall - they dig up and carry out work for snow retention: they install wind-proof barriers from sheets of plywood, slate, arrange snow banks along the border of the site. The most reliable way is to use a special snow-retention polymer film on the posts (pluses - compact, easily rearranged, resistant to strong gusts of wind).
    3. Prepare a planting site (the beds should be level with the ground or a little deeper so that rainwater collects): loosen the top layer, cover with an opaque material (film, roofing felt, roofing felt).

      The work of weeding and loosening is eliminated, the need for watering is sharply reduced, since the film accumulates moisture well.

    4. Holes are made for planting seeds (they should not be larger than the thickness of the cucumber stem).
    5. Dry seeds are sown to a depth of 1–2 cm.

    Further care will be to remove the weeds that have sprouted in the hole next to the cucumber lash. There will be enough heat and moisture for plant roots until the end of the growing season.

    Video: cucumbers under a film without watering and weeding

    The method of growing cucumbers without watering can be recommended only in the most extreme case, when it is really impossible to ensure the possibility of normal irrigation of the crop - after all, cucumbers love water very much.


    Cucumbers require moisture both for the roots and for the aboveground part. The large leaves of the plant evaporate water intensively. To replenish moisture in the leaves and stems, sprinkler irrigation is carried out. In this case, watering cans, hoses with a spray nozzle, and various kinds of sprinklers are used. However, it must be borne in mind that sprinkling can be used when the cucumbers are completely healthy. If you suspect the symptoms of a disease with powdery mildew, spotting or anthracosis, the method of sprinkling irrigation should be immediately excluded and go to drip irrigation.

    Proper irrigation of a moisture-loving crop such as cucumber requires knowledge and practical experience. By becoming familiar with the various methods of watering and applying them to growing this wonderful vegetable, the gardener will always have a harvest.

    Watering cucumbers in a greenhouse

    Cucumbers, without false exaggeration, can be called one of the most popular vegetable crops in the summer cottages of our compatriots. Despite its exotic origin, and the cucumber comes from India, today it is impossible to imagine many national dishes of Russian cuisine without this green vegetable. The enormous love of the people is easy to explain: cucumber has a pleasant taste, it is good both fresh and pickled, it is widely known for its beneficial properties and is famous for its low calorie content. But the main thing is that the cucumber is unpretentious in cultivation and does not require complex care. Almost the only condition for a high yield of this crop is the correct watering of cucumbers. How exactly you need to water cucumbers in the open field and in the greenhouse so that they please with a bountiful harvest will be discussed further.

    Before proceeding with a detailed coverage of the features of watering this plant, a few words should be said about its importance. It is known that cucumber is 95% water. This means that the taste and size of a given vegetable depends on its quality and quantity. Therefore, in order for the harvest of cucumbers to be the envy of neighbors and ruin the vegetable markets, one should carefully control not only the amount of water, but also the regularity, quality and irrigation regime. And for this, regardless of whether you grow cucumbers in open land or in greenhouse conditions, it is important to adhere to the following simple rules:

    • water the cucumbers only with warm water
    • during the period of flower setting and fruiting, watering should be increased to daily
    • the frequency of irrigation must be adjusted, focusing on the condition of the soil
    • drying out and abundant moisture (stagnation of water) of the earth must not be allowed

    In addition, it is very important not to allow the root system to be exposed as a result of washing the ground during watering, as this leads to disease and death of the plant. Most often, washing occurs as a result of watering cucumbers from hoses. Therefore, experienced gardeners recommend watering cucumbers from a watering can or bucket. Another good method is drip irrigation, which is simply irreplaceable during a long absence of the owners in the garden.

    Drip irrigation from plastic cucumber bottles

    Watering cucumbers in the open field: features and main rules

    So, let's move on to the features of watering cucumbers in the open field. In a large part of the territory of our country, cucumbers are grown precisely on open land. Watering the plant in this case has a number of features. Firstly, since the cucumber is a heat-loving and moisture-loving plant, it must be watered with exceptionally warm water. But in the case of cucumbers outdoors, it is especially important to adhere to the correct temperature regime. The fact is that it is best to water cucumbers with water, the temperature of which is 18-23 degrees. But if the air temperature exceeds 30-35 degrees, then this figure must be increased to 25 degrees, since colder water will create too much temperature difference. Ideally, it is best to use water heated by the sun's rays for irrigation - then it will be most comfortable for the plant during this period.

    How to water cucumbers

    Secondly, the watering regime is important for cucumbers. This means that in order for the plant not to hurt and bear fruit well, it must be watered at a certain time. Morning and evening hours are best suited for this. Watering cucumbers in the heat, namely when the air temperature exceeds 25 degrees Celsius, is impossible - the plants will burn. The fact is that cucumber leaves, absolutely, like the root system, give up moisture very quickly and are poorly protected from direct sunlight. Consequently, receiving moisture in the heat, cucumbers almost instantly give it to the external environment, which leads to the depletion of the plant.

    And thirdly, in the open field it is very important not to allow waterlogging of the beds. Since stagnant water is just as destructive for cucumbers as its lack. Therefore, if, for example, watering is automatic and excessive, then you should take care of the drainage grooves near the beds with plants, through which excess water can go away.

    Watering cucumbers in a greenhouse: basic rules

    There are also several rules for watering cucumbers in greenhouse conditions. For starters, all of the tips above for open soil also work for greenhouse plants. Therefore, for proper watering in the greenhouse, warm water and a watering can, as well as the correct regime, are needed. But unlike plants outdoors, greenhouse cucumbers, even during fruiting, do not need very frequent watering. It should also be moderate - about 4 liters of water per 1 square meter. For comparison, the same figure for open-air cucumbers is 6-7 liters. In addition, watering cucumbers in the greenhouse is not daily. During flowering and fruiting, such cucumbers need to be watered once every 2-3 days. In this case, the volume of water should be increased to 9-12 liters per 1 sq. m.

    Another very important point, which also applies to cucumbers in the open field, is to avoid getting water during watering on plant leaves and exposed roots. Such watering can lead to the development of the most common disease of this vegetable crop - powdery mildew.

    See delicious recipes from garlic arrows.

    Watering cucumbers with bottles: features of the method

    Above, there was already a mention of the automatic drip irrigation system, which greatly facilitates the life of gardeners. Watering cucumbers with bottles is a variant of such a system and its cheap and affordable analogue. In the case of cucumbers, this method has several advantages. Firstly, you can regulate the amount of water received by a particular plant bush, and do not worry about its lack / excess. Secondly, it is ideal for summer residents who spend most of the week away from the garden.

    Read how to get rid of the Colorado potato beetle for good.

    And thirdly, unlike the drip system of factory production, watering cucumbers with bottles can be made from improvised means, greatly saving the family budget. The essence of this method is that a slightly modified plastic bottle of water is installed near each bush. A small hole is made in its lid, and the bottom is cut off. Then water is drawn into the bottle, which slowly and evenly pours the cucumbers as it flows out of the container under the weight of its own pressure. You can learn more about bottle watering in the following video.

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