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The optimal height of the TV on the wall in the bedroom. What kind of height hang the TV in the bedroom? Types of fasteners - which bracket is suitable for the TV on the wall

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The TV has long become the usual subject of household appliances, which is in every home. With it, you can learn the latest news or watch a movie in the family circle. Recently, the LCD plasma is popular, which can be hung on the wall. Undoubtedly, it is very convenient and saves a free place in the apartment, but not everyone can decide on what height should be tested.


When choosing, at what height is to hang the TV, you need to consider the location, that is, the room in which it will be placed. For example, in the kitchen TV looking sitting, and in the bedroom lying. It plays a big role. If you do not correctly position the screen, then it will be uncomfortable and can adversely affect the eyes.


The bedroom is a rest room, so many prefer to install TV in it. To determine the height of the suspension of the TV, you need to lie on the bed and relax. When you take a convenient posture, you need to close your eyes, and then open them. The point where the look will immediately fall on the wall, and is the optimal highlighting of the screen. Doctors recommend not to install the TV parallel to the wall, it can lead to cervical osteochondrosis. The optimal slope is 30 o. In order to set the screen at an angle, you must purchase fasteners for the bracket with adjustment in two planes. This means that the screen should be tilted not only up-down, but also left-right. In this case, even after the furniture is rearranged, it will be enough to adjust the mounts, and the screen will again be placed on an optimal place.


Cooking, washing dishes, and of course, eat food, pass much more interesting for watching TV shows. It is for this reason that in many homes the TV is installed in the kitchen. Usually, the TV is most listened to the kitchen than they look, but still you need to take care of his right location.

It is necessary to decide on which height to hang the TV in the kitchen need depending on not only from the placement of the socket, but also other factors. It is worth paying attention to the window, because the sunlight can create bribes, which will prevent the comfortable view of the TV. It is not desirable to place the panel near the stove or water source. If eating does not occur in the kitchen, then you should install a plasma based on viewing in a standing position. It takes into account the growth of households, and it is advisable to acquire the suspensions for the bracket.

Living room

It is in the living room most often the whole family is going to watch movies, so there is almost a TV in this room in almost every home. The height of the tv fastening on the wall in the living room depends on the height of the sofa.

Determine at what height hang the TV, there must be a house of medium growth. For this you need:

  1. Sit on the sofa, imagine that you look at the screen, relax, then close your eyes.
  2. In a couple of minutes you need to open your eyes and look at the wall. The point on which a look fell should be labeled with a pencil.
  3. Next should be sitting on the chair or chair that is in the room.
  4. Also look at the wall in a relaxed state and mark the pencil point.
  5. Having done this manipulation sitting on all objects of furniture, you need to connect the points to the geometric shape.
  6. You need to find the center of the resulting figure - now you will know what a TV hanging should hang.

This method will allow you to find the most optimal place for mounting the shelf or fastening the TV.


The answer to the question, at what distance from the floor to hang the TV depends on the height of furniture, the growth of family members, as well as the interior. Most often, the height of the floor of the floor in the living room is 75-160 centimeters. If the room is large, the screen is posted as low as possible. In the bedroom, the height often does not exceed 50 centimeters above the bed level. In the kitchen, the monitor is usually placed at high height due to a lack of free space. Such an option is allowed only when using brackets.

Optimal distance

Many neglect the safety of TV viewing and do not take into account the screen diagonal when placed it. But there are recommendations that will allow you to watch favorite TV shows without harm to vision itself. It is believed that the distance to the screen should be equal to the sum of the two or three diagonals. That is, if the diagonal of the monitor is 40 inches, then the distance must be at least 0.8 meters.

Plasma on too much distance is also not recommended, because it will lead to a large load on the spine. Eyes will also tire more due to the need to peer into details.

Before deciding, at which height should hang a TV, it should be considered by its diagonal and expect a well-safe layout of the screen from the eye. It is worth considering watching TV to be comfortable and secure for all family members. When installing plasma, the following points should be taken into account:

  • Wall material.You can not always hang the screen on the wall. For example, a plasterboard wall is not intended for this.
  • Window location.Do not place the screen on the wall opposite window, otherwise the sun will evode the monitor.
  • Access to troubleshooting.Take into account the moment that in the event of a breakdown, you will need access to the device.

Strict standards requiring the TV in one zone or at a certain height does not exist. Therefore, choose a place based on personal preferences. In order not to make mistakes with the placement and do not harm the health, listen to the recommendations of the specialists.

We choose a place for plasma

To determine at what distance from the floor hang the TV, initially decide for what room you acquire equipment. The recommended height will be different for each room. So, for example, in the living room, where all the household gather, the TV most often look, sitting on the sofa or in a chair. And in the bedroom prefer to rest for watching gear lying.

What to take into account: 6 rules

Plasma and liquid crystal TVs are more convenient to hang on the wall. This allows you to significantly unload space, provide the interior lightness. To properly lead the TV on the wall, it is necessary to take into account the six rules stated by manufacturers.

  1. Find assistants. Televisions are quite heavy, their weight average is 25 kg. Therefore, we need to hang the equipment together - one person will simply physically cope.
  2. Trust the work by the specialist. If you have never taken drill in your hands before, you should not feel fate. Invite a competent specialist who quickly and correctly hang plasma on the wall. Thus, he will save you from injuries, and a new technique - from falling.
  3. Use free space. Pretty original looks TV mounted in a niche. However, manufacturers strongly recommend leaving from all sides free space so that air flows can freely circulate through special ventilation holes provided in the technique.
  4. Check the wall matching. Do not forget that televisions have not only large sizes, but also a decent weight. Before hanging equipment on the wall, make sure that it will endure heavy design. It is ultimately not recommended to hang a TV on plasterboard, the material is simply not able to keep the powerful weight.
  5. Take care of cable. Initially hang the TV on the wall. And when the technique is correctly installed, take care of connecting communications.
  6. Buy moving bracket. This device allows not only to install the technique in any place you choose, but also provides a comfortable view from any room zone. After all, the bracket gives you the opportunity to turn the TV, adjust it under each household. However, at any turn of the bracket, the wire should not stretch - non-compliance with the rule may result in fire.

Do not forget to take into account the level of lighting in the room. If you hang a TV on the wall opposite to the window, you can watch it only at night. Either you have to buy dense shutters to protect against sunlight.

Room size and screen

When choosing a place for plasma, you must take care of the safe viewing of movies or TV shows. Improper installation can lead to the appearance of headaches, chronic fatigue, provoke a violation of vision. To avoid this, choose a TV, considering the size of the room. The distance from your eyes to the screen should not exceed the maximum allowable value, there can be no less recommended minimum distance. Optimal numbers are shown in the table.

Diagonal TV, InchDistance from the screen to the eye, m
70 2,7-4,5
65 2,5-4,1
58 2,2-3,7
55 2,1-3,5
52 2,0-3,3
50 1,9-3,2
46 1,7-2,9
42 1,6-2,7
40 1,5-2,5
37 1,4-2,4
32 1,2-2,0
26 1,0-1,7

Which height hang a TV on the wall in different rooms

The hosts often do not think where to hang favorite technique. And even amazed: what's the difference, what kind of tv hang on the height? But over time, they face present discomfort. Sometimes you have to pull the neck or head down to see what is happening on the screen. To avoid these troubles, initially familiarize yourself with the recommendations of specialists, determine for yourself the optimal height of the tv mount on the wall. And only then proceed to install.

In the living room

Experts, explaining how best to hang a TV without harm to health, displayed average parameters. It is believed that the distance from the bottom plank "Blue Screen" to the floor should be from 70 to 135 cm. But even such indicators can not always provide a comfortable view. Before determining the place for technology, it is necessary to consider another parameter.

  1. Height of sedentary. The living room can house sofas, chairs, puffs. They have a different height. In order for all households in the future, it is convenient to follow the events on the screen, it is necessary to make measurements of seating places, calculate the average indicators.
  2. Rising households. Be sure to take into account the growth. If you have a volleyball family, compliance with the "average" indicators will force everyone to watch the TV in a hornble. For low people, it may turn around the need to pull the neck every time when viewing. Therefore, select a family member with average growth, on it and make measurements
  3. Analysis of the appropriate place. Ask an adult family member convenient to get in the chair or on the sofa in the living room. Sit the subject on a pre-selected sedentary place with a medium height. Now offer him relax, closing my eyes. A few minutes later, ask to open my eyes, look at the opposite wall. It is the point in which the view of the subject will be strengthened should be the place of intersection of the diagonals of the screen - the central point of the TV.

It is much easier to install TV and choose the necessary height if you initially fasten the bracket. Such a fastener will allow turning the equipment to any side by providing maximum comfort to each family member.

In the bedroom

The bedroom is a place where a person is completely relaxing, resting after a working day. The whole setting should fully locate it. Decided to hang the TV in the bedroom? Come to the case responsibly. After all, the wrong placement will not provide a full-fledged rest, and provokes fatigue and internal irritation. To choose the height of the TV placement, use the three recommendations.

  1. Optimal place. Choose it is approximately the same as in the living room. Lie on the bed. Conveniently arrange and close your eyes. Trim a little, after a couple of minutes, swinging our eyes, looking at the imaginary TV. The place where your view was rested, will become the optimal zone for the placement of the TV.
  2. Using bracket. Pose a place in front of the bed for future technology, do not rush to immediately install it. In the bedroom it is best to use the bracket that allows you to move the screen. It can be useful if you decide to arrange a family viewing of a movie with younger children in the bedroom (which is completely loyal to watch), while the elders with dad will move to the living room.
  3. Permissible deviation angle. In the bedroom, according to experts, the TV is always suspended slightly higher than in the living room. Therefore, another recommendation concerning the angle of deviation comes into force. Find the central point on the TV (the place of intersection of diagonals). Spend the fictional line from it to your eyes. Now from pupils, spend perpendicular to the wall. Between these two lines an angle is formed, which is called an angle of deviation. It should not exceed 30 ºС. Such indicators will protect their eyes from an excessive load, and the spine is from curvature.

In the kitchen

Probably the kitchen is the only room where you can ignore the advice of physicians to have a TV at eye level. Such deviations are permitted due to the following circumstances:

  • small dimensions - a small room is given to the kitchen, in which it is necessary to place a variety of relevant equipment, dishes;
  • distraction of attention - In this room prepare food, so you look at the screen only in passing, more often the TV is just listening;
  • danger overheating - Kitchen appliances heats up, forms steam, therefore, it is necessary to choose a place for the TV, fully isolated from possible temperature drops.

Considering these moments, you can highlight three fundamental rules for placing plasma or liquid crystal TV in the kitchen.

  1. Optimal height. In a small room, it is possible to choose a TV for a TV only in the upper zones. Do not fix it under the most ceiling. The comfortable height of the TV on the wall recommended for normal viewing and not spanning vision - 175 cm. It is believed that such indicators correspond to the average human growth. Therefore, the screen will be at the level of eye level in the kitchen.
  2. TV model. Be sure to consider what type of equipment you are going to hang in the kitchen. For example, the LCD analogue, with the TFT matrix, has a pretty large viewing angle. Therefore, such a screen can be hung almost anywhere in the kitchen, look without much damage in contrast. If the choice is stopped on the vertical plane, the viewing angle is significantly narrowed. Such a TV need to look only right. Any deviations from a straight position lead to blackout the screen.
  3. Movable bracket. To be able to adjust the TV for yourself, use the movable bracket. So you can calmly look at the screen while cooking standing. And easily adjust the equipment when you decide to sit down.

In children

The most difficult to install the TV in the children's room. In this case, it is necessary to take into account many points: the age of the child, its habits, growth. Experts recommend to adhere to three rules.

  1. Features of age. Have you ever watched young children? Even if you store them a great place for the game on the sofa, they will still be unnoticed by half. Here they play much more convenient. Therefore, installing TV for crumbs, do not forget that the kid will often look at the screen, sitting on the floor. If you are dealing with a teenager, then consider that he will watch TV lying on the sofa.
  2. Child's height . The TV must be hung so that during active games the baby accidentally did not hit the panel with his hands or head, was not injured. Therefore, it is not recommended to install a large TV in the children's TV.
  3. Possibility of transformation. If you do not plan to change the furniture in the children every two or three years, it is necessary to choose a universal place to make the younger child can change the location of the dislocation, watch the TV normally. After all, at the six-year-old age, he will move from the floor at the table, will watch favorite TV shows during drawing. And at 12 it will decide to play sports, will watch the plot of the film, intensely boxing a pear. Therefore, be sure to provide the movable bracket when fastening the plasma.

When the height of the TV installation is determined, if possible, consider another important recommendation. Initially, refer to the block with three-five sockets located at 25-30 cm from the panel. Now you may be surprised: why is it necessary? But when the next invention appears on the market, you will proudly notice how the insurgent was in due time.

View your favorite transfer or an interesting movie should be as comfortable as possible and convenient. One of the conditions that enjoy the time from the time before the TV screen is its location. Therefore, it is very important to place the monitor correctly at the optimal height from the floor.

What does height depend on?

New technologies allow you to expand space space. Flat screens, so rapidly bursting into our lives, differ not only by the excellent image quality, but also compact accommodation. Installation of the TV on the wall has become common practice. It is convenient, practical, especially when it comes to small rooms.

However, such accommodation has its own nuances. If you do not pay attention to them, then discomfort will be not only when watching TV, but also when examining the interior.

Thus, praise by placing the monitor is preferably before purchasing it.

When installing the TV at the right distance from the floor in the living room, the following parameters should be taken into account:

  • room area;
  • screen type;
  • screen resolution;
  • diagonal size;
  • installation location;
  • eye location when viewing;
  • location of seats;
  • height of sedentary places.

In addition to convenience, comfort when viewing, it is important to avoid the harmful effects on vision. In preventive purposes, the screen is recommended to be placed according to certain rules.

  • The monitor must be hung at the eye level. The center of the screen should be at the level of pupils.
  • The turning angle on the parties should be no more than 20-30 degrees.
  • The remoteness of the eye from the screen must comply with the safe standards. It is possible to use conditional standards, and you can make simple calculations.

Standard installation options

According to the safety regulations, the TV should be hung or put in the hall at an altitude not lower than 1 meter from the floor. Otherwise, the technique may be subject to mechanical shocks, it can be damaged, drop it.

Usually, the monitor is attached to a special bracket. They are of different shapes and sizes. In rare cases, the plasma is allowed to hang tightly to the wall. It is important to note that the surface material must be high-quality and quite durable.

There are standards for placing the monitor on the wall depending on the size of the diagonal. However, it should be remembered that these data are not clear guidance to action. They are advisory:

  • 32 inches - distance from the floor 110 cm;
  • 40 inches- distance from the floor 105 cm;
  • 50 inches - distance from the floor 100 cm;
  • 60 inches - The distance from the floor is 99 cm.

And also exist standards of distance from eyes to the screen depending on the size of the diagonal:

  • 32 inches- distance to eyes from 3 to 4 meters;
  • 40 inches
  • 50 inches - the distance to the eye from 5 to 7 meters;
  • 60 inches - The distance to the eye from 7 to 10 meters.

These dimensions are quite conditional. For a more accurate result, you must consider all the parameters of the placement of the TV, and use simple calculations. This will be discussed further.

Non-standard ideas

In addition to the correct location of the TV on the wall, it is important to pay attention to its design. When creating an original design, the living room monitor can become a highlight of the entire interior. This is especially true for premises with a small area.

The original solution will be facing the wall under the color of the monitor. When viewing a transmission or a movie, only the screen will be visible without borders. This will create an impression of viewing the image right on the wall.

A multi-colored backlight can be mounted in the back of the TV, which will be included when the room is dark and create a magic home atmosphere. Such special effects contribute to relaxation, deeper immersion in what is happening on the screen.

Sometimes you can meet placing a TV outside the locker doors.You can detect equipment only after opening the door. This solution is quite original and suitable for minimalism lovers.

The non-standard camouflage solution will be the design of the screen in the form of a mirror.

An incredible impression creates plasma installed above the decorative fireplace.Especially when the monitor and fireplace are performed in the same style and, as it were, complement each other.

How to choose the optimal distance?

Proper placement of the monitor includes not only the floor height, but also remoteness from seating.

The larger the diagonal of the screen, the farther the sofas, chairs and chairs should be located.Therefore, it is not recommended to acquire large plasma into a small room. Even despite the fact that the resolution of such screens is quite large, and they practically do not cause eye fatigue, inconvenience arise when the screenshots are covered.

A small plasma is also undesirable, since constant peering in the screen leads to a voltage of vision, checking posture.

There is a practical method for determining the height of the placement of the TV. To do this, stay on a comfortable sofa or in a chair, close the eyelids, relax. A few minutes later, you need to open your eyes, and remember the place where the eyes were originally directed. This point is considered optimal for the location of the top of the screen.

It should be noted that The height of the placement of the TV is measured from the floor to the center point of the screen. It is possible to use conditional standards, but for a more accurate result, it is better to calculate this indicator. The height of the sofa or chairs is taken and half of human growth is added.

Proper and beautiful placement of equipment will allow you to get real pleasure from spent time when watching TV.

About where to locate the TV in the living room, look in the video.

After repairing in the bedroom, many updates and technique in this room. After purchasing the TV, many do not know which height to hang it. After all, not only the convenience of viewing will depend on its correct location, but also safety.


Before deciding, at what height hang the TV in the bedroom, you first need to decide on the place where it will be located. It is the right choice of place will depend on the comfort of viewing, and the height on which the device itself will hang.

To determine the location, you need to lie on the sofa or bed in the bedroom in a convenient and familiar pose for you. Now it is necessary to determine which wall it should be fixed with a TV so that it is most convenient and comfortable to watch it.

Experienced specialists suggest that the optimal location is the point spent in a straight line from the center of the bed to the wall, and the height of this point will be adjusted later. It is with this location that the TV will be clearly visible to all people who are located in the bedroom, and there will be no inconvenience when it does not appear.

If the device will hang in a single room or a nursery, it is necessary to have a diagonal line from the center of the bed. In this case, even when it turns any discomfort when viewing, it will not arise, and the screen will be clearly visible from any position.

When the potential place of installing the TV is already selected, you can directly proceed to the calculation of the height on which it will be necessary to secure.


Select the optimal height of the TV location on the wall can be one of two ways.The first is based on the usual convenience of viewing, and the second is on medical recommendations and manufacturer's advice.

  • Determine the level of height, where the bracket mounts will be located if lie down in your favorite pose on the bed, closing your eyes for a second, And then sharply open them and immediately look at the wall. The point in which your gaze will be represented, and will be a middle of a television screen. So, it is here that the main bracket will be located. Choosing this option should be understood that these parameters are not taken into account as the distance from the bed to the wall and the dimensions of the screen diagonal. So, choosing this method, you cannot be sure of the safety and comfort of your eyes while watching the TV hanging in this way.
  • The second method is based on mathematical calculations and advice of doctors. The optimal distance between the eyes and the liquid crystal screen is considered to be its diagonal, multiplied by three, and for plasma screens this product is diagonally and numbers 4.

New TVs having a LED or 3D panel may have absolutely any size diagonal screen, but a different extension, for example 720 or 1080 units. The height of the fastening of such TVs is calculated by a special formula:

  1. For TV expansion TVs 720 units The fastening height is equal to the product of the diagonal of the screen to the multiplier 2.3.
  2. For TVs with expansion 1080 units This value is equal to the diagonal of 1.6 multiplier.

But when choosing a height, it is also necessary to take into account the distance from the bed and the eye directly to the instrument screen.

Optimal distance

Many ophthalmologists say that the minimum distance from the eyes to the TV cannot be less diagonally multiplied by two. This recommendation is fully justified, but it does not take into account the type of screen of this instrument and the value of its permission. Therefore, this method of calculating the distance from the eye to the screen is applicable only to old models.

The distance from the eyes to the liquid crystal TV should be at least the sum of its two diagonals, and from the plasma monitor to the eye - no less than the product of its diagonal and figures 3.

In order to watch the TV attached to the wall, it was not only convenient, but also safely, it is recommended to follow the following advice during its installation:

  1. Maximum deviation angle From the television screen, when viewing should not exceed 30 degrees.
  2. Minimum height from the floor to install the TV There can be no less than 1 meter. Otherwise, there is a risk that the TV can be inadvertently hooked and it will fall.
  3. It is best to have a rosette for a distance Not more than 45 cm from the central bracket.
  4. It is very important to take into account the height of the furnitureon which the gadget will be located. The minimum distance from the chest or armrests of the sofa to it is 25 cm.
  5. If possible, it is better to install a regulating bracket. This will allow you if necessary to change the angle tilt of the TV depending on the position on the bed and the number of people who will watch it.
  6. If the TV is installed in the children's bedroom, it is better not to be limited to only one bracket. It is best to purchase a special Wall Stand for the TV. In general, the height for its installation is selected by any of the ways described above.
  7. When buying a bracket, make surethat he can withstand the weight of your TV. It is best to acquire brackets specifically designed for your TV model.
  8. Periodically recommended to checkHow reliably the TV is fixed.

In fact, there is no proper recommendations about this. But there are advice that give doctors and engineers. In particular, this concerns TV placement in different rooms. How to hang a TV on the wall: Height for living room, bedroom, children's, kitchen - in this article.

Living room

If you have a habit of going to the living room with the TV with the whole family, it means that it should be considered that it will be viewed from different points. If you place the TV too low (or vice versa - high), one person will be visible, and there is no other.

What you need to know first to calculate which height should hang TV?

  • TV diagonal in inches;
  • Average growth of family members;
  • How do you prefer to watch TV: sitting at the table or on the sofa and in chairs?

In the first case, the TV should stand above the table to be at the level of the eyes sitting. In the second TV can be placed below. As a rule, height varies from 70 to 140 cmfrom floor level. Choose the optimal point by experimental by drawing attention to the following:

  • Head and neck when watching TV should not strain.
  • The distance from the center of the screen to the eye of each person should be at least 2-3 diagonals of the TV. For ELT TVs - 25% more.


The best option is the location of the TV in the bedroom - opposite the bedlike many make. So it can be watched lying or half off. But you can hang and in parallel, if you prefer when viewing lying on your stomach or on my side.

What kind of height hang the TV in the bedroom?The recommendations here are as follows:

  • TV should be placed above bedBut below human growth. A good option - the cabinet;
  • If you have a LCD panel, then the screen must be tilted approximately 30 ° down. So you lie to watch directly in the middle of the screen.

No need to tilt the screen too much: so the image will become more contrasting and look at it unpleasantly.

Children's room

As for the child, it is necessary to install the TV, relying on the growth of the child. Moreover, it is desirable to choose the option "on the gross".

In terms of at what height from the floor hang tv, nyou can refer to the following:

  • The TV should hang so high so that the children be able to hit him during the game, accidentally drop or smash.
  • The child can watch TV from a variety of positions: sitting, lying, on the floor, picking up with her legs on the table. Therefore, the optimal position is better to choose opposite the educational and playing place.

It is better to fasten the TV stationary - the child himself will figure out what to do to make it convenient to watch cartoons, lying under the chair. But the mobile Bracket Chado can be broken.


What height hang a TV in the kitchen?Here it is necessary to rely on the size of the room. It is clear that at a five-meter kitching a large plasma fit except that the ceiling is only to disturb, and no one seeks a tiny TV in the large dining room in the corner.

Depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the ways to place the TV are only three:

  • put on the bedside table in any free corner where there is a socket;
  • hang on the wall, with a rough height 1.2 m - 1.5 m from floor to mid-screen;
  • secure over the refrigerator if it is low.

You can not hang a kitchen TV:

  • next to the stove, oven, sink, gas column, central heating battery;
  • opposite the window, as the light will create highlights on the display. Solutions option - closed when watching blinds or rolled curtains.

Well, of course, proceed from your own preferences when we look. If you like to watch TV sitting, the pdamam should be sized so that the screen center is opposite your eyes when you sit. Correct the optimal height depending on your growth and convenient position when viewing.

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