Fire Safety Encyclopedia

Reasons for the appearance of spots on currant leaves. How to deal with rusty spots on currants Red dots on currant branches

Black currant is difficult to confuse with another berry. It has a unique aroma and characteristic sourness. It would seem that what can prevent you from eating a vitamin berry? And various pests and diseases can become an obstacle. You can find their photos and descriptions in our article. Remember this information, and you will have an abundance of fresh and tasty berries.

Diseases can affect bushes at different stages of the growing season. Most often they arise due to weather conditions, and if measures are not taken in time, then you can not only lose a decent part of the harvest, but also part with the bushes themselves. Below you will find a description of popular diseases, see their photos, and learn how to deal with them. You can also learn about the diseases of black currant from the video below.

Disease Photo Description Treatment
Septoria At the initial stage, small spots (about 3 mm in diameter) appear on the leaves of the currant. Gradually, they change color from brown to lighter, until they finally turn white. As a rule, it appears in thickened plantings in the middle of summer. In the final stage, the leaves are covered with bloom and dry out. A good and effective way to combat this disease is the treatment with Bordeaux liquid. Usually, two treatments with a solution (100 g per 10 l) are enough: upon detection and after 10 days. You can also use any drugs in which copper is the active ingredient.
Viral mosaic

The first signs are yellowing of the veins of the leaf. Observed in early to mid-summer. The onset and development of the disease can be provoked by gall aphids. This disease is difficult to treat, especially if the fight against it did not begin in a timely manner. The most radical method is the uprooting of bushes and further processing of the soil with a manganese solution. Systemic fungicides can be used at an early stage.
Reddish specks (1-1.5 mm) appear on the leaves in mid-summer. Gradually, they spread to the entire surface of the leaf, after which it withers and dries up. The greatest chance of developing the disease occurs due to cold and rainy summers. Disease spores successfully overwinter on foliage, so it is very important to carry out cleaning around the bushes and sanitary pruning in the fall. The development of the disease can be prevented by prophylactic treatments with Bordeaux liquid (100 g per 10 l) or other copper-containing preparations. When the first symptoms of the disease are detected, the bushes can be saved by treatment with a systemic fungicide, for example Horus.
Powdery mildew
It manifests itself in the form of a white bloom on the leaves, which gradually moves to young stems. Subsequently, the plaque darkens, the plants weaken, the fruits are affected. The most dangerous period is in the summer months, when there is a lot of rainfall. If the disease occurs on black currants at the time of the ripening of the crop, then treatment with Fitosporin can help. If it is far from harvesting, then the Topaz fungicide, or Bordeaux liquid (100 g per 1 liter) will show excellent results.

The main pests of currants

Almost all pests are capable of rapidly increasing their population, and if they do not react in time, then the bushes can be significantly affected. As in the previous case, we will analyze popular pests and effective methods of dealing with them.

Blackcurrant pests can cause no less damage than diseases.

Pest Photo Description Treatment
In the middle of summer, you may notice the drying of individual branches. This is due to a small butterfly with black-lilac scales, which lays eggs in cracks in the bark. The larvae developing from the eggs eat out the core, which causes the entire shoot to dry out. As a rule, the glass case infects old shoots, but there are exceptions. A preventive measure is sanitary pruning, during which all branches older than three years are removed. Treatment with an insecticide, such as Aktilik or Aktara, a solution that is prepared according to the instructions on the package, also helps.
A very unpleasant pest that multiplies very quickly and causes a lot of harm. Represents small midges (about 3 mm), which densely cling to young shoots and the lower surface of the leaves. It happens that it is not always possible to notice aphids in time, but ants can betray their presence. It feeds on plant sap, depleting it and secreting a sticky liquid. There are two ways to deal with aphids. If harvesting is very close, then treat the shoots with a strong solution of laundry soap. If she hit black currants at an early stage, then a contact insecticide will do the best with it. As a prophylaxis, systemic insecticides can be used, which are able to protect the plant for a certain period after treatment.
Fire butterflies pose the greatest danger during flowering, waking up after hibernation and laying eggs in flowers. After a while, caterpillars appear that eat away the fruits, depriving you of your harvest. To combat this pest of black currant, simple preventive measures are enough. Butterflies hibernate in the soil near the bushes, so your task is to prevent them from flying out. To do this, it is enough to cover the area around the bush with roofing material or linoleum, which will become an insurmountable obstacle for them.
Mite You can identify a tick on a currant by small light dots on the leaves. Severe damage noticeably changes the appearance of the sheet, making it marble, as a result of which it falls off. Also, the tick is capable of infecting fruit buds, which also change their appearance and swell greatly. An additional problem is created by the fact that ticks can carry various diseases, which will become an additional problem. The tick does not tolerate high humidity, so sprinkler irrigation can be used as a preventive measure. Good results are obtained by treatment with colloidal sulfur, karbofos and other insecticides.

Video "Pest control on currants"

This video from the channel will tell you with your own hands how to deal with pests on black currants.

Many varieties of white currant are susceptible to disease or pests. Below are descriptions of white currant diseases with photographs. Having studied them, you can timely recognize the pest and take measures to treat the plants.



White currants can get sick with cercosporosis. Another name for a fungal disease is brown spot.

Symptoms include:

  • brown spots with a light middle and dark rim;
  • plaque formation on both sides of the sheet;
  • the leaves dry, fall off.


Treatment consists of spraying with Bordeaux liquid (1%) or Cuprozan (0.4%) before flowering, immediately after flowering and after harvesting. It will also be necessary to process the soil.

Other activities:

  1. Destroy fallen leaves in a timely manner.
  2. Thin bushes for better ventilation.
  3. Work the soil in rows and aisles.
  4. Apply mineral fertilizers, this will increase the plant's resistance to cercosporosis.

Nectric drying of shoots

This is a fungal disease, the first sign of which is the appearance of orange dots on the branches. In the future, they turn into reddish-brown tubercles, and currant shoots dry out.


Cut and burn diseased branches. Disinfect the cut sites with Bordeaux liquid, and then cover them with garden varnish. Dig up the ground under the bush, removing grass, leaves. Apply mineral fertilizers. Plant young plants in areas that are well lit by the sun.

Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is caused by a fungus. It is localized on shoots, leaves, berries, where a light gray bloom subsequently appears. Then it gradually darkens. Reproducing, the fungus sucks nutrients from the bush. If you do not take action, the plant stops developing and dies in winter.

The fungus hibernates on fallen leaves and other plant debris. At positive ambient temperatures, it begins to actively multiply, spores are transferred to plants with the help of wind, insects, and water drops. The pathogen remains viable for up to 6 years.


Powdery mildew treatment consists in spraying the bushes with biofungicides, which destroy fungal strains. Can be used:

  • Fitosporin,
  • Topsin-M,
  • Topaz,
  • Fundazol.

Before use, first read the description of the drug and the processing procedure indicated in the instructions. Blackcurrant bushes are sprayed in dry, calm weather.

Copper sulfate (1%) is considered the safest for human health. A solution is prepared from it (1 teaspoon per 6-7 liters of liquid). Powdery mildew treatment is carried out twice: at the stage of bud formation, and also after flowering (before the ovaries appear).


A fungal disease that leads to the appearance of small red or brown spots on the leaves of black currant, in the center of which there are dark tubercles. Affected leaves and fruits wither and fall off. The fungus usually settles on green shoots, its spores overwinter on fallen leaves.


As a treatment, black currants are treated with Bordeaux liquid. The leaves are sprayed twice: immediately after the first symptoms of the disease appear, and also after harvest. You can use fungicides (Fitosporin, Previkur, Ridomil).

Collect and destroy the fallen leaves. In the future, do not plant currant seedlings where the anthracnose shrub previously grew.


Columnar currant rust

There are 2 types of rust - goblet and columnar. In the first case, the main symptom of the disease is convex orange spots on currant leaves. When infected with columnar rust, small clusters of orange dots appear.

Risk factors:

  1. Too abundant watering of the bushes in the spring.
  2. The presence of a reservoir or swamp in the immediate vicinity of the bush.


Both types of the disease are treated with fungicides (Bordeaux liquid, Fitosporin-M, Topaz, etc.). To get rid of rust, it is necessary to carry out 4 sprays with an interval of 10 days.



The appearance on the leaves of small spots of an unnatural gray color with a brown border. Then spherical growths are formed on the bush, containing spores of the fungus.


Treatment is the same as for anthracnose. You can spray the bush with the preparation Speed. Treat twice - during bud formation and after flowering. To increase resistance to septoria blight, feed black currants with mineral fertilizers.



The causative agents of the disease are mycoplasma organisms. Typical symptoms are the appearance of leaves, flowers, irregularly shaped berries. The fruits may not appear at all. In addition, many thin shoots with long internodes are formed.

Terry leads to the degeneration of the bushes, it is useless to fight it. Sick bushes cannot be treated, they are dug up and burned.

Striped mosaic

Striped mosaic is a viral disease, the pathogen spreads with the sap of diseased plants, aphids, ticks, as well as through a garden tool when pruning diseased and healthy crops. A symptom of a striped mosaic is the appearance of a bright yellow pattern around the main veins of the leaf.

A diseased plant cannot be treated. The bush is completely uprooted, leaving no root particles, and burned.

Currant pests

The most dangerous pests of white currant are:

  • kidney mite;
  • spider mite;
  • fire butterfly;

The description of kidney and spider mites is given above. Consider measures to combat aphids and a fire butterfly.


Aphids are insects 1-2 mm in size, the color varies from green to gray and white. They feed on the juice of leaves and fruits, as a result, the bushes begin to wither and die. Over the summer, more than a dozen generations of aphids can change. When damaged by a pest, characteristic swellings (galls) appear on the leaves, which have a reddish color.

Control measures

If the extent of the lesions is small, wash the leaves with cotton swabs. You can spray the bush with a stream of water. In case of extensive lesions, tear off the leaves with galls and the tops of the shoots with aphid colonies, burn them.

Then treat the bushes with one of the insecticides (Aktara, Karbofos, Vofatox, Rovikurt). Pay particular attention to the underside of the leaves. The first spraying is carried out before the buds open, the next - after the first leaves appear, the third - in the middle of summer (no later than a month before the berries are picked).

Fire butterfly

The insect is a butterfly with a body length of 1-1.5 cm and a wingspan of up to 3 cm. Caterpillars are yellowish-white, then turn grayish-green. The butterfly lays eggs inside the flowers, one individual can produce up to 200 eggs. The caterpillars that appear eat the seeds and berries.

Control measures

They consist in spraying the bushes before and after flowering. The following insecticides are used: Actellik, Kinmiks, Fufanon.

In the ripening phase of berries, only biological products can be used:

  • Fitoverm,
  • Lepidocide,
  • Iskra-bio.

Of the agrotechnical techniques, the following will help:

  1. In late autumn, you need to dig up the ground around the bushes and spud the plants (height - up to 10 cm).
  2. After flowering, the currants are uncooked.
  3. Before flowering, it is necessary to mulch the soil around the currant with peat and compost.
  4. The soil can be covered with a film, which is removed after flowering berries.
  5. Manually collect caterpillars, damaged berries.

Kidney mite

Kidney mites are very small, reaching a length of 0.2-0.3 mm. They feed on plant sap, as a result, the leaves dry out. The first sign of damage to black currants is swollen buds. If you break one of them, there will be glassy eggs inside.

Control measures

It is possible to process black currants with acaricides (Nissoran, Apollo) only after harvesting. Spraying the bushes with boiling water helps well against the kidney mite, this is done before the buds appear or in late autumn.

Spider mite

Signs of pest damage to black currants are the appearance of yellow dots on the leaves. The leaves become marbled, and then turn yellow and dry. If there are too many colonies, a thin web appears on the plants.

Control measures

The bushes are processed before the beginning of the growing season using Trichlorometaphos-3. Repeat the procedure before and after flowering if necessary.

Spraying with mustard infusion gives a good result. For 10 liters of water, take 200 g of mustard powder and leave for 10-12 hours. Then strain the infusion and sprinkle the currants.

Disease and Pest Resistant White Currant Varieties

In order to prevent the spread of diseases and pests among garden and berry plants, it is recommended to plant varieties of white currants with stable immunity.

These include:

    1. White squirrel (Russia). Resistant to frost, not affected by powdery mildew.
    2. Ural white (Russia). Differs in high winter hardiness and drought resistance. Resistant to powdery mildew, anthracnose.
    3. Belaya Potapenko (Russia). The variety has an unusually high survival rate. Practically unaffected by diseases.
    4. Smolyaninovskaya white (Russia). It perfectly tolerates unfavorable weather conditions, the variety is resistant to fungal diseases.
  1. Dessert (Germany). It tolerates unfavorable weather conditions, frosts quite well, and is rarely affected by diseases.
  2. Jumping (Belarus). It tolerates severe winters well, has a strong immunity to diseases.

Pay attention to the condition of the plants regularly so as not to miss the first signs of disease. In this case, it is necessary to treat the bushes with fungicides. Consider the descriptions of some other diseases of white currant.

Our favorite berry bushes have many enemies. At all stages of the growing season, plants can overcome a dangerous disease. We will tell you how not to be left without a crop and how to treat currants from diseases.

Throughout the summer cottage, it is necessary to inspect the plants in the garden in order to detect warning signs in time. Black and red currant bushes look strong and healthy.

However, non-compliance with the conditions of care, as well as exposure to fungal diseases, insects and viruses can lead to serious illness. In the absence of proper treatment, you can lose the currant crop. And some diseases of black currant lead to the complete death of the bush. In this article you will find currant diseases, descriptions with photographs and methods of treatment.

Blackcurrant anthracnose disease

In black currant, the fungus mainly affects the leaves, in red and white - their petioles and fruits. The disease begins to develop in the spring, as soon as the air warms up to 15 ° C. The first symptom is small reddish-brown spots. They gradually increase in size, merge. Leaves and clusters of fruits curl, dry and fall off in the middle of summer. The frost resistance of the bush is sharply reduced. Heat and frequent rainfall contribute to the development of the disease. If the summer is dry, anthracnose infestation is practically excluded.

For prophylaxis, the trunk circle is thoroughly cleaned of plant debris and the soil is deeply loosened. Bushes affected by the fungus are sprayed with a 1% solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid in mid-autumn. The procedure is repeated in early spring, before the leaves bloom. The buds are treated with Topsin-M, Previkur with the addition of any biostimulant (potassium humate, Epin, Heteroauxin).

During the growing season, the bush is sprayed every two weeks with an infusion of colloidal sulfur or wood ash. If the disease manifests itself during fruiting, when the use of any chemicals is excluded, fungicides of biological origin are used to combat it - Fitosporin-M, Gamair. The concentration of the solution and the frequency of treatments are determined by the manufacturer's instructions.

Spheroteka disease (powdery mildew) of black currant

The causative agent is fungi of the genus Sphaerotheca. The first signs of infection of currants and gooseberries with spheroteka are noticeable already in May: the leaves, stems of the bush, and subsequently the fruits are covered with a white bloom (later the color turns brown). Then the berries become smaller and lose their sweetness, diseased bushes do not have time to grow and die. The development of the disease is facilitated by high air humidity, dry, nitrogen-saturated soil.

Control measures:

The affected parts of the plant must be immediately cut out and burned, and the bushes themselves must be treated with a fungicide (Fundazol, Topaz, etc.). For the prevention of spheroteka in the fall, it is necessary to remove fallen leaves, thin out the bushes. Also effective is dusting with wood ash and the use of modern biofungicide Ampelomycin. Spraying is carried out with a 0.5% suspension 3-5 times per season with an interval of 7-10 days.

Powdery mildew disease of black currant

It is found on currant leaves and the tops of new twigs in early summer as a gray-white bloom that can be washed off and wiped off. Gradually, it turns brown and is no longer washed off. The disease is helped to spread by strong humidity and a temperature of +30.

Black currant leaves, twigs and berries are infected. The berries are tainted by fungus, tasteless and unsuitable for food.

As a result, the infected plant stops growing and withers little by little. The fungus waits out the winter in a heap of fallen leaves.

During the initial stage of the disease, you can get rid of it by pruning and destroying infected branches, treating currant bushes with alkaline solutions:

  • ash;
  • soap;
  • soap and soda;
  • iodine;
  • from whole milk.

With the massive development of the fungus, the bushes are treated with four spraying with fungicides such as Fitosporin, Topaz, Strobi, Hom:

  • before blossoming; after flowering;
  • following the picking of berries;
  • 2 weeks after the third treatment.

Important! Treatment of all fungal diseases is long-term, spraying is carried out during the entire growing season and preventive treatment is done at the beginning of the next season.

Septoria disease (white spot) of black currant

The causative agent is fungi of the genus Septoria. As with other fungal diseases, the most suitable conditions for the development of white spot are high humidity, insufficient light, thickened plantings. Brown spots appear on the leaves of currants (2-3 mm in diameter), which brighten in the center by mid-summer, and turn brown at the edges.

Control measures:

Infected leaves and shoots must be removed, then treated with 1% Bordeaux liquid. For prevention, you need to carry out an annual pruning of bushes, dig up the aisles, and remove fallen leaves from the site in the fall.

Blackcurrant rust disease

Currants are attacked by 2 types of this disease: goblet (yellow-orange "warts" are formed on the underside of the leaf) and columnar (reddish small spots on the leaves are characteristic). After some time, the berries and foliage of the diseased bush fall off.

Control measures:

When the leaves are just beginning to bloom, the bushes are treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid (or other fungicides), then the treatment is repeated during the formation of buds. The final spraying is carried out after flowering.

Disease terry black currant

Description of the disease. An incurable viral disease of the currant. Most often it affects black currants. White and red are more resistant, although some varieties (especially older ones) can be affected by the virus. The source of infection is the bush itself, infected planting material, garden tools that were not processed before pruning. The virus hibernates in the conductive tissues of the bush. Its vectors are kidney mites, aphids, gall midges, berry bugs, spider mites and other pests. The virus is not spread through soil and water. The disease is extremely dangerous, it causes degradation of varietal qualities and leads to the degeneration of currants. Therefore, its second name is currant reversion.

Signs of defeat. A sign by which it can be determined that the bush is infected even before the full picture of the disease appears is the loss of the typical currant smell by the buds, leaves and berries.

External signs of the disease appear in the spring when the leaves are blooming and currants are blooming. The opening of the leaves is delayed, they become three-lobed instead of 5-lobed, along the edges with large sparse denticles. The emerging young leaves are small, dark green, with thickened veins, they do not develop further.

A characteristic sign of terry, by which the disease is determined, is the structure of the flowers. Usually, black currant petals are fused, rounded, white. Diseased bushes have dioecious flowers that become purple in color. Petals, stamens, pistil are deformed, instead of them, scales are formed, resembling tentacles extended forward. Flower brushes lengthen and also take on a dirty pink or purple color. Berries from such flowers are either not tied at all, or a small number of small ugly fruits appear. The shrubs sick with terry bloom late.

A lot of thin and short shoots that do not have a currant smell appear on diseased plants.

The first signs begin to appear 1-2 years after infection. Prior to this, the bushes have a normal appearance, although the currant smell becomes weak, and the yield is somewhat less than the characteristic for the variety, single berries of an ugly shape. Over time, the signs of terry increase, the disease develops very gradually.

Sometimes there is an incomplete picture of the disease, in which the tops of the shoots or individual branches are affected. The upper leaves are underdeveloped, small, dark green, three-lobed, asymmetric. The berries on such branches are small and fewer than on healthy plants, sometimes the fruits are not tied at all.

Control measures. Terry is incurable. If signs of disease are detected, diseased bushes are removed and burned, otherwise the entire plantation can be infect. In place of the removed bushes, currants cannot be planted for 5 years, and not only black, but also red and white. The fight against the virus is ineffective because it does not destroy plant tissues, but penetrates into the cell, as a result of which it loses its normal functions and begins to produce the virus. To kill him, you need to kill the cage, and this is impossible without the death of the entire bush.

Disease prevention.

  1. If there were diseased plants on the plantation, then before trimming the rest of the bushes, garden tools must be treated with alcohol or a strong solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Pest control. They saliva carry the virus to healthy plantings.
  3. There is a recommendation to use healthy planting material. But by the appearance of cuttings and seedlings, it is impossible to determine whether they are healthy or infected with terry.

Infected 2-year-old seedlings look quite healthy, only a rather weak smell for black currants can alert. The disease manifests itself only in the process of growth and development of the bushes. To prevent the disease, varieties resistant to terry are planted: Memory Michurin, Dubrovskaya, Binar, Nara, Primorsky champion, Leah fertile, Zhelannaya. The varieties of black currant are unstable to disease Zagadka, Ojebin (Swedish variety), Alexandrina. From red currants are very susceptible to terry varieties Krasny Krest, Generous.

Disease of marginal necrosis of black currant leaves

Marginal necrosis, or dying off of the edges of leaves, currants is a non-infectious disease caused by an excess of chlorine in the soil. By the end of summer, the edges of the leaves acquire an ash-gray color in the form of a wide dry strip, which sharply differs from healthy tissue. The disease has symptoms of potassium starvation, but differs from the latter: there is a clear border between healthy and dried tissue, and the affected areas are lighter in color. Necrosis is noted on black and red currants and on gooseberries.

Control measures. At the first symptoms of the disease, two-fold (at the beginning of the growing season and immediately after flowering) root feeding of plants with ammonium nitrate is carried out.

Disease of necrotic drying of black currant shoots

If the rules of care are violated, currant bushes may be susceptible to necrotic drying of the shoots. The disease is caused by the marsupial fungus. The main signs include the appearance of orange dots on the branches, the size of which is gradually increasing. Over time, brown tubercles appear in place of the points. If untreated, young shoots dry out.

This disease is most often found on white and black currants. If the leaves turn yellow on the currant, pruning of the bushes is required to remove all damaged parts. Bordeaux mixture is used to treat black currant disease. It is recommended to follow the rules of caring for the bushes, which include regular feeding, removing weeds and dangerous leaves, and standardized watering. This will increase the immunity of the bushes, and prevent them from becoming infected with a fungal disease.

The currant bush does not seem tender and unprotected. It easily tolerates the cold of winter, temperature drops, waterlogging and drought. However, all this does not remain without consequences. Here is a list of the main problems of this plant, currant diseases in the photo look quite convincing:

  • Anthracnose... Signs: small brown spots with tubercles appear on the leaves. They gradually grow, spreading throughout the plant, and the bush dies. Promotes an increase in the focus of the disease and moisture: rain or fog.
  • White spot, septoria... The leaves turn white, and small dark spots appear on them, fungal spores. It happens that signs of this disease can be noticed on the fruits. Black currant is more often exposed.
  • Goblet rust... This disease is characterized by the appearance of yellow-orange pads, which spread to the leaves and flowers of the bush. It is believed that black currants are more susceptible to this disease.
  • European powdery mildew... A white bloom appears on young leaves, like a thin cobweb. It mainly affects red currants.
  • Spheroteka (another type of powdery mildew, American)... Can affect the whole plant: young leaves and shoots, berries and ovaries. A thin white coating appears, which thickens over time. The leaves become deformed and die off.
  • Reverse (terry)... The plant is completely affected, changes in the shape and color of leaves and flowers are noticeable. The flowers dry up, but do not fall off for a long time. Fruit is completely absent. Mostly black currant suffers from this disease.
  • Striped mosaic... Where veins pass on the leaf, a duplication of their pattern appears in yellow or orange.

Both diseases and pests pose a threat to currants.

Currant pests:

  • fire, she lays eggs on currants, caterpillars that appear entangle leaves with cobwebs, feeding on them;
  • sawfly, its larvae completely eat the leaves of the plant;
  • leaf gall midge, these are mosquitoes, for them the young leaves of the plant are a real delicacy;
  • spider mite, so named because it entangles the leaves with cobwebs and feeds on their juice;
  • goldfish, this is a larva, it feeds on the core of currant stems;
  • kidney mite, it is he who is the carrier of terry, a dangerous disease of currants;
  • aphids, sucks juices from both young leaves and stems;
  • the moth is gluttonous, in her diet there are gooseberry and currant leaves, which she completely eats.

This is not a complete list. It includes only the most common and dangerous diseases and pests. One more conclusion can be drawn, despite the close relationship, black and red currants can have "their own" diseases:

Diseases of black currant

It is interesting to note that some blackcurrant diseases are similar to those plagued by grapes and gooseberries. These are powdery mildew, terry, glass rust, septoria. The danger of black currants is represented by the same pests as gooseberries.

Diseases of red currant

Red currant has a number of advantages over black currant, it is more productive and unpretentious, and its main advantage is that it is resistant to diseases. But, even this does not save her from many of them, including European powdery mildew.

Treatment of currants for diseases

Every gardener needs to carefully examine the plants in order to notice the first signs of any of the probable diseases at an early stage. The leaves of a plant that have withered and fallen must be collected and burned. Under this condition, you can easily cope with the disease.

Treatment of currants for diseases begins with the removal of damaged leaves and branches. The next important step is to dig up the soil around the trunk of the plant. Further actions will depend on the specific reason why the currant suffers.

  • Anthracnose. A currant bush subject to this disease must be treated with fungicidal agents. Many gardeners use copper sulfate, Bordeaux liquid, colloidal sulfur, or phthalan for spraying every 10 days. These preparations are suitable for both prophylactic and therapeutic purposes.
  • Septoria. Spraying with copper sulfate, 40 g per 10 liters of water, helps from this disease.
  • Goblet rust. It is necessary at the time when the leaves are blooming, flowering begins, and when ovaries appear, spray the bush with fungicides, or a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid.
  • Powdery mildew. The bush itself and the soil under it should be treated with nitrophene or a 3% solution of ferrous sulfate. Spray every 10 days.
  • Spheroteka. 300 g of ferrous sulfate in a 10-liter bucket of water, mix and spray the bush. There is another method that works at the very beginning of the disease: 50 g of soda ash + 50 g of soap per 10 liters of water. You need to process the currant bush several times.
  • Terry. It is very difficult to determine it at an early stage. And, when it becomes clear what kind of disease the currant bush overcomes, it is already too late. And in order to avoid spreading the disease to healthy bushes, the diseased plant should be dug up and burned.
  • Striped mosaic. Another disease that is almost impossible to treat. Therefore, the plant is uprooted and burned.

Pests. Spraying the currant bush with insecticides helps with most insects. And this is done in several stages. The first is before bud break, the second is after flowering.

Prevention of currant diseases

Of course, every gardener understands that preventive measures are always better, they are cheaper, require less time and effort, and also prevent the deformation of the bush if the disease progresses, and do not have a negative impact on yield. And first of all, this is not the use of any chemical or organic means, but the correct planting, pruning and feeding of currant bushes.

Prevention of currant diseases is a whole range of measures:

  • It is necessary to remove parts of the plant damaged by disease or pests in time, and it is better to do this at an early stage, until the entire bush is infected.
  • Correct and timely pruning. Sanitary cleaning of the bush will allow you to make sure that the plant does not thicken, so the likelihood of diseases decreases many times.
  • Moderate watering. A large amount of moisture contributes to the spread of diseases and the attraction of dangerous insects.

Digging earth around the trunk of the plant. Thanks to this, those pests that remained in the ground after winter are destroyed. Growing healthy bushes and getting good results is sometimes the same thing. Therefore, you must always monitor the condition of the currant bushes on your site, and, if necessary, help the plant in time.

Video: protecting currants from pests

There is hardly a garden without currants. Black, red, white, pink, golden - any of them are tasty and healthy and, with proper care, will reward you with a harvest. But on condition that the bushes are healthy. To achieve this, you need to know well currant diseases and their treatment.

There are many diseases in currants. Most of them are fungal in nature. They most often appear during damp summers. A significant contribution to the spread of diseases is also made by pests that transmit them, as well as weeds. The causative agents of the disease can persist on them for a long time. If the diseases are not treated and the currants are not treated from pests, they can not only leave the gardener without a crop, but also lead to the death of the plant.

Powdery mildew

The spore marsupial fungus, which is the causative agent of the disease, was brought to us from America more than 100 years ago, therefore the disease is sometimes called American powdery mildew. The causative agent hibernates in fallen leaves and, under favorable conditions, begins to multiply rapidly. Powdery mildew is a disease of black currant, white and red ones suffer from it much less often.

How does the fungus manifest itself:

  • plaque on shoots and leaves of white with a gray tint;
  • due to the defeat of the growth point, the development of shoots stops, they are deformed, and then dry up;
  • the formed berries do not ripen, but are covered with bloom, those that have not been formed simply crumble.

How to deal with powdery mildew on currants:

  • this mushroom is well destroyed by fungicides, of which there are many on sale, you just need to strictly follow the instructions;
  • you can also use folk remedies: infusion of ash in a ratio of 1:10, insist for several days, filter and spray until the manifestations of the disease disappear;
  • mullein infusion helps well: first, dilute it with water 3 times, after three days of infusion, dilute it again in the same proportion, spray it until the disease goes away.


It is mainly a red currant disease. It is fungal in nature. The first signs appear already during flowering. The correct treatment carried out at this time will help the plant to cope with the disease. But if time is lost, then in the second half of summer the red currant bushes will remain practically without leaves, which will fall off, affected by the fungus. On black currant - they will remain, but will dry anyway.

How does anthracnose manifest on currants:

  • the appearance of red or brown spots that gradually occupy most of the leaf;
  • premature leaf fall in red currants and drying of leaves in black.

Similar signs appear on the leaves when the currant is affected by the gall aphid. To distinguish one from the other, it is enough to look at the wrong side of the sheet. The pest is clearly visible to the naked eye.

What do we have to do:

  • in the spring, before flowering, treat the bushes with Topsin-M, adding an immunostimulant to it: Epin, Immunocytophyte;
  • during the ripening of berries, treatment with biological products is possible: Fitosporin or Gamair;
  • when the crop is already harvested, treat with any approved fungicide.

White spot

Otherwise, the disease is called septoria. Black currant is more sore. The disease is fungal in nature and is caused by the fungus Septoria. An outbreak of the disease can be expected if the winter was warm and with little snow, and the summer is humid and cool.

Septoria is difficult to confuse with other diseases: spots on the leaves, initially brownish, quickly acquire a light center, in which, upon close examination, tiny black dots are noticeable - pycnidia of the fungus. White spot very quickly takes on an aggressive course and can destroy not only the diseased bush, but also neighboring plants.

How to fight:

  • the first thing to do is to collect all infected leaves and shoots and burn them;
  • treat bushes, both sick and neighboring ones, with copper-containing preparations: Bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate, Hom or Oxyhom;
  • you can also do this prophylactically: before the leaves appear, immediately after they have appeared and after another 21-30 days.

When white spot appears, it is necessary to spray not only the bushes, but also the soil under them.

Columnar and goblet rust

Columnar rust disease is caused by fungi that often affect Weymouth cedar and pine. From them, rust spores spread around the neighborhood, affecting currants, more often black. Warm and humid weather contributes to the spread of the disease. It usually appears in July. On the upper part of the leaves, only yellow spots are visible, the mushroom itself is located from the inside, first in the form of pads, and then columns of orange color, then they become like hairs. With significant infestation, the leaf appears to be hairy.

Control measures:

  • remove and burn all affected parts of the plant;
  • treat bushes with copper-containing fungicides.

Goblet rust is a fungal disease that most often targets red currant bushes. The rust fungus, which is the cause of the disease, has an intermediate host - sedge, and hibernates on it. Infection of berry bushes occurs in spring, when spores emerging from basidia are spread throughout the site. Infection occurs especially quickly in warm and rainy weather. In summer, sedge becomes infected, on which the fungus hibernates.

What does goblet rust look like?

  1. On the upper part of the sheet, brightly colored spots with black dots are clearly visible.
  2. On the inside, there are orange goblet-shaped pads carrying spores on top.

How to overcome the disease?

  1. Destroy all diseased leaves and branches.
  2. Spray the bushes with copper or other fungicides.

Gray rot

Another disease caused by mushroom-like organisms hibernating on plant debris. You can notice it after the termination of the first wave of growth of bushes at the end of June. Freshly grown shoots begin to fade, starting from the top. In wet weather, you can also see the fungus, covering the shoots with a gray bloom. The leaves along the edges are covered with light brown spots that crack, and a gray bloom also appears on them.

So that the disease does not appear, the treatment is carried out before flowering and when it ends. It is also necessary to process the bushes when the crop is harvested. For this, an infusion of ash with water in a ratio of 3:10 is suitable, a solution of soda ash with soap, both 50 g per 10 liters of water.

Drying of shoots and branches of currants

It is also caused by a fungus. Its spores mature in reddish-brown tubercles located at the bottom of the shoots. Nectric drying of currants is treated by removing damaged shoots to healthy tissue. So that the sections do not dry out, they are treated with garden pitch, it is good to disinfect them with Bordeaux liquid at a concentration of 1%.

Striped mosaic

It is caused by viruses that are carried by insect-sucking pests: spider mites, aphids. You can bring the disease by grafting a diseased stalk onto a healthy plant. If you prune without decontaminating the tool after each bush, there is also a chance of infection.

Striped mosaic is manifested in early summer by the appearance of a pattern at the central vein of the leaf in the form of bright yellow stripes and spots.

There is no cure for this disease. It is necessary to take drastic measures and completely uproot the bush. You cannot plant currants in this place; you will have to wait at least 5 years.


A dangerous disease caused by a virus. The shape of the leaf changes, it becomes three-lobed, coarser to the touch, its color darkens, and the smell disappears. The flowers are also subject to change: the petals become narrow and elongated, their color changes to purple or green, the berries are not tied in place of flowers. The flowering itself occurs a week later.

The disease is not treated, you need to deal with the bush in the same way as in the previous case.

Disease prevention

All fungal diseases spread in high humidity conditions. It must be fought with timely pruning, leaving 15 to 20 shoots. In a well-ventilated bush, the humidity is much lower.

Other preventive measures include:

  • loosening to a depth of about 5 cm and regular weeding, there should be no weeds under the bushes;
  • cleaning in the fall from under the bushes of all plant debris, including fallen leaves;
  • preventive treatments for diseases and pests, including spring treatment of bushes before budding with hot water at a temperature of about 65 degrees; the roots of the bushes are covered with plywood or cardboard;
  • selection of only healthy planting material and disease-resistant varieties;
  • disinfection of tools when cutting;
  • strengthening the immunity of currants with the help of immunostimulants;
  • correct and timely care.

Processing currants in the fall from pests

After harvesting, there are no longer such restrictions on the choice of various drugs that treat bushes from diseases and pests. Therefore, autumn is the best time to destroy them. Processing of currants from pests begins after leaf fall. It should be preceded by pruning and thinning the bush. Since the best fruiting occurs on young 1-3-year-old shoots, all branches older than 5 years are cut out, as well as dry and damaged ones, as well as those growing inside the bush. All trimmed material and fallen leaves must be removed from the site or burned. The soil under the currants is dug to a shallow depth, since its root system is superficial. Now proceed directly to processing.

Fungicides are effective against diseases:

  • phytosporin;
  • copper preparations;
  • colloidal sulfur;
  • infusions and decoctions of onion peel, celandine, wormwood, garlic, calendula.

Help to cope with pests:

  • 0.2% Karbofos;
  • Fitoverm.

It must be remembered that not only the plants themselves are sprayed, but also the soil around them - some pests and pathogens overwinter in it. For processing, choose dry and calm weather. It must be repeated after 2 weeks.

  • The currant begins the growing season early, therefore, the pruning of plants, if it is not done in the fall, is carried out already in early April before the start of sap flow.
  • As soon as the earth dries out a little, they loosen the soil under the bushes, combining loosening with fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizer. For 1 sq. m make 15 g of ammonium nitrate or 10 g of urea.
  • The soil is mulched with any organic matter with a layer of 6-8 cm.
  • Before and after flowering, pests and diseases can be treated if necessary.


  • You need to water currants regularly in the summer, they love moisture. Watering is especially important at the time of formation and pouring of berries. Sprinkling watering for bushes is undesirable, so as not to provoke an outbreak of fungal diseases.
  • If the ground under the bushes is not mulched, regular loosening will be required, especially after watering.
  • As soon as the crop is harvested, feed the currants with full mineral fertilizer - up to 150 g per bush.
  • Plants respond well to foliar dressing with a urea solution by sprinkling based on the calculation - a bucket of water with three matchboxes of urea dissolved in it for each bush.
  • At the end of July, pinch off zero, that is, newly regrown shoots, so that they branch better.


This is the preparation time for plants for winter. To do this, each bush is fed with one hundred grams of superphosphate and thirty grams of potassium sulfate, not forgetting about regular watering. If pests or diseases were noticed on the plant in summer, autumn is the best time to treat them. In the fall, formative pruning of the bushes is also carried out.

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