Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Why did you dream about a dead person? Dead people in dreams are women and men. The dead dream as if they came to life

Sleep can be called a state of a person when he has a reduced reaction to everything that happens around him. And his brain activity is minimally involved. Why do you need to sleep? First of all, in order for the whole body and head to rest and gain new energy, you need to sleep.

What if you dream about a dead person?

If you dreamed dead man, according to Vanga’s dream book, such a dream means that in reality one should expect some unexpected events, as well as surprises, and it is completely unknown what kind they will be, positive or negative. This can only be determined by additional details that are present in the dream.

If an adult woman dreams of a dead man, and she herself associates herself with him in a dream, then such a dream means that, probably, in the very near future she will have a very strong surprise, which is associated with material expenses. Most likely, the problems will be related to the woman herself.

In general, a dead person who was seen in a dream adult woman, as if personifies the state of her soul. We need to try to put our thoughts and affairs in order in the near future.

If a man dreams of a dead person, then such a dream means that he will soon have very strong support in his business life. After such a dream, it is best to immediately begin business negotiations, because the likelihood of success in such negotiations is very high.

If in a dream a person touches or tidies up dead person, then it's towards the road. Although many sources decipher this in such a way that the dreamer will be on bad terms with his wife/husband, and the children will be harmful and not beautiful.

If a pregnant woman sees her loved one dead, then she should expect an easy birth and quick recovery strength

The dream book of Michel Nostradamus says that seeing a dead person in a dream is not good sign, if it is brought into the house, then it is even worse. In this case, the dream means that the person will have enemies who will do everything to ruin their reputation and take away their property.

If you dream that a dead person is being buried, it means that troubles will be overcome and good luck will return. Hearing an unpleasant cry during a funeral is a sign that a false friend is doing everything to cause harm.

In general, when a relative who has died long ago comes in a dream, people begin to be afraid of such a dream. And then the search begins on the Internet, as well as on various sources- why do you dream about a dead person?

This dream can be deciphered in different ways. A dead person means that the one who had such a dream is about to make a deal that will not bring anything good. And also “dream books advise” not to sign and read contracts and agreements carefully. And if possible, do not sign them.

After this dream, you are advised to take care of your reputation. The deceased mother may dream of the need to control her relationships with loved ones.

What does it portend?

No less interesting meaning dream when a dead person scares the dreamer. A frightening dream may mean the appearance of enemies. Due to various criticisms and large quantity comments from the person who has such a dream.

Losing the body of a dead person in a dream is also not very good good omen. This could mean divorce or the loss of a loved one.

Seeing fire in a dream is very good, unless of course a person is burning in it. Such a dream does not bode well. Although seeing a dead person being taken out of the fire may indicate overcoming difficulties.

There are several types of sleep. Slow-wave sleep is characterized by a decrease in impulse frequency and decreased muscle activity. Breathing becomes calm and deep. The temperature drops a couple of degrees. In this state, a person may develop ideas that can be successfully implemented in the future.

NREM sleep can last eighty to ninety minutes. REM sleep lasts about ten to fifteen minutes. The body is in a relaxed state, but the brain is working at sixty percent.

And if you wake a person, he will instantly come to his senses. And he will be able to immediately do what his piglets do, show or tell. REM sleep helps you process and analyze the information received. And free your brain to gain new experiences and knowledge.

Whatever dream a person has is scary or good, cheerful or evil, prophetic or ordinary. It must be complete. So that a person can fulfill all his plans and achieve all his intended goals. After all, it is not in vain that children are recommended to sleep for two to three hours during the day in order to be healthy and fully develop.

Sometimes we all dream about people who are no longer there. The interpretation of such dreams is interesting to everyone. What are the dead trying to tell us in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

If you dream of one of your deceased relatives as if they were alive, you should reconsider your life priorities. Your lifestyle probably requires changes, and in order to avoid wrong decisions that could harm you, you need to work hard on yourself.

If you see your relatives who have already died alive and they engage in conversation with you, you should not push them away. Try to listen to what they say. Your subconscious is trying to tell you the right way out of a difficult situation with the help of dear and close people.

Perhaps a deceased relative appeared in a dream because you recently remembered this person.

Why do dead people dream - something unexpected, if they are relatives - there will be good news, if they are friends - it’s worth waiting for important news.

Seeing a deceased distant acquaintance is an unfavorable sign for people involved in business; bad news awaits them. If a living acquaintance is seen as dead, in reality he can cause a lot of trouble.

Seeing a dead person in a dream means a sudden change in the weather.

If the one who dreamed died a long time ago, a big event awaits the family. It has been scientifically proven that it is worth listening to the advice of the dead - perhaps during a night's rest the brain uses its secret areas and connects the subconscious to solving pressing problems.

Seeing a deceased friend is a warning; perhaps you do not want to compromise and improve relationships with others. This can lead to a lot of trouble, so if you saw a dream where your deceased friend is unhappy, you should work on your relationships with people.

Why dream of seeing a dead person and hearing that he reports about someone’s death - this person is in danger; if a deceased friend or girlfriend asks for something, you need to fulfill their request. Hearing complaints from deceased friends is bad news.

If in your dream your friend is near death, this means an imminent quarrel with her.

If a good friend in your dream died, controversial situations at work will be resolved, but if she calls you with her, get ready for unexpected conspiracy from close people.

Why do you dream of a dead brother - soon one of your friends will need your help, they will probably ask you to borrow money. A hint on how to respond to such requests - your relationship with your brother during life, if they are good - can be taken. If you see a dead brother or sister alive, your financial situation will soon change for the better.

Seeing a person in a coffin in a dream means a change in the weather or an unexpected visit.

Making a coffin for the deceased means moving up the career ladder.

Love dream book

Seeing a deceased loved one in a dream is a sign of love betrayal.

Muslim dream book

According to Muslim dream book, the deceased is resting peacefully or sleeping - a sign that the deceased is well in the other world. To follow the deceased, to hear his voice - bad sign, messenger of death. If you dreamed of a lot of killed people, your judgment about life may be wrong.


I dreamed of a dead person - to a change in the weather in an unexpected direction

Psychological dream book

According to psychologists, dreams with dead people should not be taken seriously. Most likely, they symbolize a strong longing for the deceased person and a desire to meet him. Perhaps such dreams provoke persistent memories. Seeing many dead, murdered people in dreams is an indicator that in real life a person experiences chronic stress.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream of a dead person - if in a dream you met a dead person and did not experience fear, it means that you have learned to cope with anxieties in real life. Hearing the voice of the deceased, following him, trying to find him by his voice - means illness and health problems. If the deceased shares his fears, this is a reason to go to church and pray for repose; to see a dead man naked, on the contrary, is a good sign - this means that the person’s soul has found peace.

Children's dream book

Why do people dream about the dead alive? Accepting something as a gift from the deceased is a favorable sign, promises good news, happiness.

English dream book

If you were visited by your dead friends or relatives in a dream, the interpretation of the dream depends on their mood. If they were sad, you need to wait for bad news, it speaks of imminent grief. If the deceased were in good location spirit - complex life situations will be resolved for the better. If you had a dream that the deceased died in it from illness, it means bad weather.

Symbolic dream book

According to the symbolic dream book, dreams in which you see dead people are a kind of signal. Why do people dream about the dead alive? If the deceased calls with him, tries to give away his thing - a signal of an imminent illness, possibly serious. Another option is also possible - the sleeper subconsciously cannot come to terms with the death of this person and continues to hope for a meeting. Such dreams are a reason to visit church, light candles for the health of living relatives and for the repose of the dead, and communicate with the rector.

If in a dream you see yourself dying, a difficult and difficult life will soon end. important stage, or any project you have planned will successfully come to an end.

Seeing dead parents in a dream means you need a sense of protection. If you saw dead grandparents in a dream, a critical moment has come in your life. Their advice should be heeded especially carefully.

Chinese dream book

This is what the dead dream about Chinese dream book: It is considered very auspicious to feed a deceased person if he asked for food. Such a dream promises good luck.


To see that you have died - you will be subject to severe accusations from loved ones.

Entering into a conversation with the deceased is good luck.

See what's ahead of you the deceased is walking man - soon forget him.

Giving something to the deceased promises loss, but giving him a flower or an animal is a good sign for improving his financial situation. Inviting a deceased person into your home means financial well-being.

Why do people who are actually alive dream of being dead - they should pay attention to their health.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

A dead person in a dream will not harm you in any way in life, as long as he lies still and does nothing. A dream in which you saw that a dead person is rowdy foreshadows troubles and anxieties. Seeing him in your home is a sign of trouble or danger. If you dream that a dead person came to you and spoke to you, then expect a change in the weather for the worse. Hugging or kissing a dead person in a dream foreshadows anxiety and obstacles in business.

For a patient, such a dream predicts death. It is believed, however, that kissing the deceased on the forehead (as is customary when saying goodbye to them) is a sign of farewell or separation from one of your loved ones or acquaintances with whom you were in a similar relationship. A short vision in which you saw unfamiliar dead people at the moment when you were thinking about something or someone means that the business or person you were thinking about is an empty undertaking from which nothing will come of it. For lovers, such a dream means that your relationship will never become what you would like it to be. Seeing a lot of corpses in a dream and not being afraid foreshadows the start of a new business that promises to be profitable.

If you dream that you died stranger, then you can easily cope with the difficulties that befall you, or the dream predicts that you will receive good news. To dream that your acquaintance or friend has died (or been killed) means trouble, separation from him or great worries. The same dream about a deceased enemy (or competitor) predicts victory over him. A dream in which you saw that the person whose funeral you attended came to you and warned you of danger, then listen to his advice and do not go on a long journey and do not undertake important steps in the near future after this dream, as this threatens your life. To dream that a person who has already died comes to you and is silent means that he wishes you the good, wealth and happiness that he himself had during his life. Seeing the deceased alive in a dream sometimes predicts an invitation to a celebration. Carrying a deceased person in a dream is a sign of grief, sadness, hopelessness, and sometimes death.

A dream in which you are lying with a dead person means that your relationship with someone has come to a logical conclusion, they have died. After such a dream, it is correct to expect separation from a person who was near and dear to you. However, the dream also says that such a separation is simply necessary for you, otherwise later you may regret not breaking up with this person. A dream in which you saw that you were lying between two dead people foreshadows that you will soon have to endure serious illness. A cheerful deceased person in a dream is a sign that we will soon receive some good news from family or a friend.

A sad deceased person in a dream foreshadows bad news that our enemies are not asleep. If you dream that you see a dead person who during his lifetime was a greedy and envious person, then beware of the machinations of enemies. Moving or trying to move a dead person in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that you are busy with empty business and wasting your energy in vain. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows death from an accident. Giving money or clothes to the deceased in a dream is a sign of great misfortune, serious illness or death of one’s own or loved one.

Dressing a deceased person in a dream means that you should take care of your health.

Accepting food from the deceased in a dream is a sign of enrichment and well-being. If you dream that the deceased came to your house and made the bed, then beware of illness. It is possible that such a dream means that your close friend or relative will soon fall ill. A dream in which you saw that you have died and are going to be buried according to all the rules means that you may lose your job and even change your place of residence. Sometimes such a dream predicts receiving a large inheritance or wealth.

Seeing yourself dead in a dream is a sign of great mercy from an important person, whose service will elevate you. Such a dream also foretells that your life will be long and successful. But at the same time, you will have many envious people who can darken your carefree existence. A dream in which you saw that you were buried alive portends misfortunes, worries and anxiety for you. If you dream that a dead person has come to life, then expect losses, obstacles and delays in your affairs. Sometimes such a dream also means that what was lost will return to you. For lovers, such a dream indicates that their passion can flare up with new strength. To dream that a deceased person has come to life again and then died, foretells that a person with the same name (position, rank) will die.

If you dream that a person you know and who is alive has died, it predicts failure in business, trouble, or the loss of a controversial case in court. If in a dream a dead person called you or took you away, then expect a quick death or a death similar to the one that the person who took you away died. If you have such a dream about your friends and relatives, then they will face many misfortunes in life and serious illnesses.

Fighting with the deceased in a dream is a harbinger of a quarrel with his relatives. Meeting a dead person by chance in a dream is a sign of the beginning of something ( new love or affairs). It all depends on what kind of relationship (business, love or friendship) you had with the deceased. See agony, coffin.

Why do you dream of a dead man according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

A dead man in a dream symbolizes the end of some period of your life. A call to new beginnings. To die is fortunately for a new business. The corpse of a stranger is someone's unexpected help. A reviving corpse is the revival of forgotten affairs and enterprises. A deceased acquaintance means breaking off relations with him. If the deceased person seen in a dream has actually left this mortal world long ago, such a dream predicts a change in your affairs for the worse. Seeing a coffin with a dead person in your apartment means discord in the family due to drunkenness or debauchery. Many dead people on the battlefield mean illness.

Dreams that are associated with death leave nothing in the soul except an unpleasant aftertaste. And we must immediately note the fact that they are not empty. However, death in a dream does not always mean imminent troubles and illnesses. In some situations, such visions are warning in nature. If you want to find out why a dead person dreams, you need to turn to interpretations. In this case, you should remember all the details of the dream.

Dreams about dead people can mean different things

If in a dream you saw a dead person who was in a cheerful mood, then this falls under the category of warnings. This vision suggests that there are hypocrites and envious people in your environment. To avoid big problems in the future, you need to limit your communication to a minimum. Deception is indicated by the dream in which you saw several already dead happy people at once.

Why do you dream of a dead person? If you experience great anxiety and fear from meeting him, then you should prepare yourself for the troubles that will happen soon. If a deceased person comes to visit you, then in this way he prompts you to take on a certain responsibility. You need to do something important or help someone.

If you dreamed of a dead person who gives advice and instructions, then you must listen to his words. They can help a lot in accepting right decisions. With their help you can choose the right path.

Why do you dream of a dead person? If you talk to him, then soon changes and new acquaintances will occur in your life. Problems are symbolized by that dream where the deceased not only called you with him, but also took you by the hand. Also, the dream in which a deceased person gives something speaks of impending trouble. This symbolizes an accident. Quite often, relatives who have already died come into our dreams to remind us of themselves. They can also demonstrate that they love and protect the person. Speaking about why a dead person dreams, it should be noted that after such a dream it is best to go to church.

If the deceased you dreamed of is calm, then the dream speaks of happiness, peace and comfort in the house. You are guaranteed longevity and peace of mind. And there will always be people nearby who love you very much. If the dead in a dream ask you to do something, prepare yourself for disappointment, suffering and depression.

What does a dead mother portend?

If in a dream your deceased mother was alive, this means that you need to be more careful in your actions. Such a dream warns you from danger, so be careful. In some situations, such a vision may foretell the birth of a daughter.

If your dead mother was in the house in a dream, then your family will become happy. You don't have to think about problems. Your partner will love you and your children will listen. A quarrel with mom foreshadows a big misfortune ahead. This may be a sign of divorce or an accident. In addition, serious business problems may arise. Accordingly, such a dream can be a harbinger of a deterioration in your financial situation.

If in a dream you are talking to your mother, then you should think about the lifestyle that you lead. Perhaps you should come up with something. Besides similar dream quite often foreshadows illness.

What can a dead father talk about?

If you had a dream in which a dead person simply approaches you, then such a vision is considered favorable. In this way, your father demonstrates that you have become an adult and free. Therefore, they must be responsible for their actions independently. Plus, it says that you are not alone. There are always reliable people around you who can support you in difficult life moments.

If your father came to you in a dream more than once, then you just need to listen to what he wants to tell you. There is a chance that he will give you advice with which you can avoid trouble. Communication with your father symbolizes the onset of successful days. However, such a dream suggests that there are envious people around you.

If you are called with them, then you need to prepare for imminent problems. This is enough danger sign, which can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

If you dreamed about dead relatives

Dead people in a dream can tell you about a mistake you made. This will be spoken about by a vision in which deceased grandmother was alive. After this, you should carefully analyze your actions and figure out what was done wrong. We must try to remember everything that was said in the dream. Advice cannot be ignored.

A sad grandmother with tears in her eyes can symbolize that the family will face a breakdown in relationships, quarrels and troubles. The financial situation, namely its deterioration, will be indicated by a vision in which the deceased grandmother gave money.

If in a dream the deceased grandfather was alive, then this means difficulties in real life that you will have to face. In this case, you will need to be more careful about your work. Other people's problems can affect you in a completely unexpected way.

If you dreamed of grandparents in the same dream, then illness may await you. They will attract other troubles and difficulties.

If you dreamed about loved ones

Seeing yourself dead in a dream is a sign of success. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid if such a vision visited you at night. A brother in a dream foretells that soon someone will need your help. You cannot refuse people, as all this will be rewarded in the future. A fight with a deceased brother speaks of making a profit.

If a person was visited by a deceased friend in a dream, it means that you will soon meet with a good man. Subsequently, he can become a loyal friend who can be relied on. If in a dream you simply heard the voice of your deceased friend, then this speaks of bad news, quarrels and a showdown. Deceased sister promises uncertainty and the unknown.


Seeing yourself dead in a dream is unpleasant. However, you should not despair and be upset. Such dreams do not carry certainty. People who die in a dream do not always talk about good or bad things. Basically, they are harbingers of imminent changes in fate.

A dead person in a dream represents unexpected events that can happen to a person. To understand why the deceased is dreaming, you should very carefully recall your dream, analyze the details, including the plot and the emotions experienced, put together a complete picture and look at its meaning in the dream book.

Seeing a deceased person in a dream evokes terrible emotions in a dream. Some dream books explain why the dead people dream about by the dreamer’s longing for the deceased person. If we consider the dream together with everything seen, then the appearance of a dead person does not always carry any meaning, and most often it is a simple dream in which the living dead are dreamed of as ordinary participants in events, without being a significant active character. Perhaps a dead person appears in a dream as a result of remembering events with which he is directly connected. It is likely that such a picture is a subconscious manifestation of sadness and regret.

However, if you happen to see a living dead person in a dream as the main character, then the smallest details in the vision are important - from clothes, mood, words to the emotions experienced when communicating with the deceased.

The interpretation of dreams is that a dead person, according to Longo’s dream book, is a harbinger of bad things that are directly related to the family. It’s worth taking a closer look at your household, finding the prerequisites for trouble and delicately eliminating the problem.

Many dream books interpret what zombies (dead people) mean in dreams in a completely ambiguous way. Yes, old English dream book, portends a hasty marriage that will make both spouses unhappy, and sickly and ugly children will complete the overall unsightly picture.

According to Miller's dream book, a dead man portends misfortune, as well as receiving sad news about people who are far away. Seeing a deceased mother - to the illness of a relative or loved one, father - reflects an enterprise that will end unprofitably for the dreamer, sister, brother or relative - to large financial costs.

A dead man, according to Vanga’s dream book, means changes in the life of a sleeping person. If the dead person seen is sick, it means that in reality you will have to face injustice.


Why do you dream about the walking dead? If the dead wander aimlessly around the area like zombies, it means that in reality there will be a person whom the dreamer has been looking for for a long time. Also, such a picture portends the discovery of a missing thing that has been looked for for a very long time. According to Vanga, many dead people in a dream foreshadow a global catastrophe or epidemic.

If a dead person lies in a coffin and talks at the same time, then sudden joy will soon happen. Perhaps the appearance of an heir in the family is coming. The dead man is outside the coffin - to the guests.

Whether a dead man came to life or to revive him himself, Loff’s dream book interprets that in reality a problem that the dreamer did not want to solve completely will remind you of itself. At first, a person will be overcome by panic, but the need to urgently resolve the issue will force him to pull himself together and find a solution.

The dead people in the water symbolize future changes in the dreamer’s family. A person’s emotional imbalance due to stress can at any moment provoke an unpleasant situation, which in the future will be very difficult to “hush up.”

Being in the same room with a person and smelling the smell of a dead person in a dream tells the dream book that you need to carefully reconsider your behavior and improve your life. Unpleasant squabbles, quarrels, accusations from the lips of a sleeping person must stop, otherwise his dearest and most beloved people will leave him.

For a woman to see a dead man alive in a dream means an unexpected ending. love relationship with your chosen one. There is no point in arranging proceedings and making attempts to return the guy, since everything will be in vain - the young man has already decided everything for himself a long time ago.

Interaction with zombies

To understand what it means if you dream about the dead, you should pay attention to their actions in the dream and your own response.

Killing a dead person in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as getting rid of a long-drawn-out problem that remained open and unresolved for a very long time. Also, such an image speaks of the possibility of getting rid of phobias that poison the life of the sleeper.

A dead man kisses on the lips, according to Hasse’s dream book, means love story in real life. Kissing on the forehead means forgiveness with a loved one. Sleeping with a deceased person promises separation from a loved one; between two corpses - a serious illness.

If you happen to talk to a dead person in a dream, then, as the dream book explains, there will be a change in the weather. Also important have the words of the deceased, which are worth paying special attention to.

Sleeping with a zombie portends success at work, a promotion, dressing the deceased - an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Seeing a dead man in a dream who asks for a drink means an opportunity to repent and change your life for the better, rethinking your own existence and adjusting your plans for the future.


    It was as if I had a protector. Or a spirit, since he lived in the yard. and appeared out of nowhere, either a man, for after his death a body remained. During some kind of massacre, he died defending me. I left there and returned only three years later. There lay his undoubtedly dead body, but not decomposed, very white, with dark veins, but intact. Even dead he was very handsome. Was I attacked by the same people again? Dead people? who killed my protector. I fell face down and suddenly realized that they could not harm me, and when I raised my head, I saw the body of my friend the defender was moving a little. I started calling my husband, shouting that he was alive, and for him to help carry the revived man. My husband helped, and over time my protector came to life, came to his senses and settled in his old place again. And everything was fine, that's all. I was very ashamed that for three years I did not return to the place where the body of my protector lay and did not help him. Moreover, I had a dream on the night of my birthday.


    Today I dreamed of a trip, but I don’t remember where. My uncle died a few months ago. So today I suddenly ran into him on the train when I was going to get tea. I looked at him, and he seemed cheerful, but somehow thoughtful. Moreover, stripped to the waist, bloated. There was something wrong with him. It dawned on me when he looked at me! It was just a body! Those. without a soul... He looked at me like I was meat. And I quickly ran off somewhere. I read a prayer, heard my mother (he’s her brother) talking to him, like we haven’t seen each other for a long time and now we’re going somewhere together... I explained to her that it wasn’t him, we changed to another train and went in the other direction, only this time with my girlfriends, although in real life I don’t have any. On the way, I got off at a stop for no apparent reason, fell from the train into some river, it was already dark, and it was dark, deep and large. And I don't really remember the end. I kind of got out and was very cold.

    • The train in which you were traveling with the deceased means the path to death. If you transfer to another train, then you will avoid an accidental ridiculous death. Getting off the train is a good sign, but in the dark water (deep thoughts and experiences await you in reality) your relatives who have moved further means that they will go to another world before you. The dream is a warning: be careful and careful! Take care of yourself and your loved ones.


    And I’ve been dreaming about zombies for a week now, I don’t know what it’s for, but it’s very scary, the first one was strangling me and saying something in Latin in my ear, the second one tore off her head and laughed so creepily, I’m already afraid to sleep, very scary :)


    This morning I dreamed of dead people lying in the courtyard of high-rise buildings, stained with blood, and it was clear from the skin that for a long time, one stood with his back turned, the same, and my aunt did a telescope, as I understood, she looked at the wounds, since I was driving a car , saw everything, sympathized and drove on, driving 5 meters away, another dead man of the same type was walking towards me, with the words - Everything uselessly attacked me, I pushed him with my foot and, feeling fear, woke up. Although I often dreamed of such things, and I learned to control my dreams, fear will always find you.

    I dreamed of a dead head, it was lying on my laptop, on the keyboard, I kept waiting for it to disappear, that is, go into another world, it rolled off the keyboard, I put it back, there was no sign of blood, and I don’t know who the head belongs to either, but I experienced fear and an unpleasant feeling too.

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