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Why Chernyavsky divorced Sedakova. Why did Sedakova divorce her husband? Side versions. About imaginary friends and girlfriends

Anna hinted at her intention to part with her husband on December 14, 2012. In an interview with TSN. Especially” of the Ukrainian TV channel “1 + 1”, she said: “I am standing in front of important choice. Yes, everything is absolutely correct, I decide to be free in my desires. Sometimes people break up in order to be happy.” And then for two months Sedokova went on the defensive. “StarHit” talked to Anna’s relatives and found out: the topic of divorce still hangs over the family like a sword of Damocles…

Reason for jealousy

“Anya and I have developed a wonderful creative tandem - in the summer of 2008 I starred in her video “I'm Getting Used to it,” says Andrey Malakhov. - The love of two snipers, hugs, kisses ... And I was not surprised when, after the wedding, Maxim said to Anya: "I have only one condition - no such clips, no physical contact in the frame." Having learned about this, I thought: how difficult it will be for her, in which there is so much life, to fit into the framework set by a jealous husband.

Later, six months after Anna's wedding at the premiere of the film "Pregnant" - the scene of passionate hugs and kisses by Dyuzhev and Sedokova again led me to this idea. It remained only to guess what was going on in the family of Anya. After all, it was then, in November 2010, in parallel with the filming of "Pregnant", the romance of Anna and Maxim was gaining momentum. A few days later, on a September morning, I accidentally met the singer at the Paris Charles de Gaulle airport and could not resist asking. “I begged not to insert a scene with a kiss into the film,” Anya lamented, “I explained that my husband would be worried and family squabbles were waiting for me. But no one came forward to meet me." What could I say? Just wished her

... As it turned out later, some family friends and relatives "helped" with more radical advice. And at the end of 2012, they started talking that the marriage of Anya and Maxim had cracked, and so deep that even the divorce papers were already ready.

With her second husband - Maxim Chernyavsky - Anya met a few years after the first divorce - in a fitness club. He is from Kiev
4 years younger than her: now Anya is 30, Maxim is 26. And although he is young, he has already established himself as a businessman. Engaged in real estate in Ukraine. Before moving to Los Angeles, he lived in Kyiv, in a three-story mansion with an area of ​​​​about 1000 square meters. m. “Maxim is also engaged in real estate in Los Angeles,” Evgenia, who worked as Sedokova’s press secretary, told StarHit. “He is a very cheerful, charming young man. Intellectual, gentleman."

In the party they confirm: yes, he loves her very much, but jealousy, jealousy ... Maxim began to annoy Anya's over-employment. Even after in
July 2011, their daughter Monica was born, Sedokova does not sit at home - either she participates in Jennifer Lopez concerts in Moscow and Kyiv, or she writes on
Ukraine, the program "Who is on top?" on the New Channel...

Two stars

Anna spent the beginning of this year just as independently: Maxim, judging by the photo on Instagram, went to Kyiv on his “cultural program”, she also canceled all concerts, met New Year with children, then took the girls to the mountains. A little later, Ani's close friend, actress Natalya Rudova, joined them. “It was so good that I changed my ticket three times and flew away with a creak,” Natalya, who had been visiting Anna in Los Angeles since January 3 for 20 days, told StarHit. - Every day we had breakfast in different cafes, walked in the mountains, went to the ocean, attended parties, film festivals. There were also family trips. We went with the kids to the Universal Studios amusement park.

Anna also went to the Golden Globe awards ceremony at the Los Angeles Beverly Hilton Hotel not with her husband, but with Natalia. Beautiful girls were seen later at a private party at Leonardo DiCaprio's villa! A few days later, the friends went to Utah for the Sundance Festival to watch the premiere of Jobs with Ashton Kutcher.

stay friends

It is easier for a singer to talk about her feelings through songs. Therefore, Ani's new video "Udali", which will premiere in March, will dot Sedokova's marriage and divorce. If you listen carefully to the words, co-authored by Anya herself, you understand: this is the swan song of the relationship between Anna and Maxim. One of the members film crew The video told StarHit: “On the second day of filming, Anya arrived with red eyes, it was clear that she was crying. I went into the pavilion and said very quietly: “There are no more restrictions on filming.” After all, when only she and director Vladimir Shklyarevsky discussed the script, Anya, as always, recalled that "it would be unpleasant for her husband to see someone hugging her in the frame."

Anya's friends say that jealousy is not the only and not main reason upcoming divorce. There are many reasons: there were too many people in the marriage, and relatives tried to suggest how to live, and friends gave advice, and the financial issue in Lately in the family was quite acute, and, of course, that same jealousy. “Anna always speaks of Maxim with respect,” Anna’s colleague, television producer Sergei, told StarHit.
Kalvarsky (he worked with Anna on the Podium show, and now Anna is preparing a new reality show with him and Sergey Minaev). - I feel that Anya still loves him now. But ... it happens that even loving friend other people part. In the case of Anya and Maxim, the main thing is that they disperse without scandal, because they have children. And Maxim is a good father!”

As if to confirm these words, on February 3, Maxim posted a photo on the social network along with 7-year-old Alina and 1.5-year-old Monika. Well, Anna has already gone through one divorce. With her first husband - the captain of Kyiv "Dynamo" - the singer broke up in 2006. Didn't forgive betrayal. For the sake of Alina's daughter, they saved a good relationship. And this gives hope that if Anna and Maxim bring their intention to part ways to the end, then divorce will not prevent them from raising their daughter together.

At present, marriage is not such a strong cell of society as it used to be. Now this substance seems so fragile and ephemeral that one can only be surprised at how quickly everything collapses. People may seem completely happy and carefree, but one day all their problems will come to the surface. This applies not only to ordinary mortals, but also to rich and famous people.

Anna Sedokova is a bright, spectacular woman, model, singer, former participant in the famous VIA Gra project. Her life has always been under the guns of cameras. Therefore, when it became known about Ani with businessman Maxim Chernyavsky, it became a real event. The paparazzi praised the couple and enveloped them in attention, capturing them in romantic and beautiful places. It seemed to everyone around that now the beauty would be happier than in her first marriage, and this union would become eternal. Who would have thought that they would break up? A year has passed since the divorce, and the real reason for this drama is still behind the scenes.

Cherniavsky's version

The question of why Sedakova divorced her husband is interesting not only to the press, but also to the couple's entourage. Their mutual friends are different sides and therefore cannot give an objective answer. In February of this year, we finally managed to bring Maxim to a frank conversation, in which he told how everything really happened. The couple were happy. They lived in America, since Chernyavsky is building cottages in Los Angeles. Soon it became known about Anna's pregnancy. Maxim was overjoyed at this event, expecting Anna to settle down after giving birth. But this did not happen. Quite a bit of time passed after giving birth, and Sedokova was invited to Moscow for a concert. At that very time, trouble happened - Maxim injured both legs due to an accident at sea, so he was at the hospital at home. Despite this, Anna decided to leave him with two daughters (the eldest from her first marriage), and she herself flew to Russia. Nevertheless, Chernyavsky understood her and let her go, realizing the importance of a career for a singer. So why did Sedakova divorce her husband?


Anna's concert program became more and more intense. She flew away from home more and more often, leaving her children with her husband. Russia and Ukraine have become much more visited places for her. Maxim understood that something had gone wrong, his wife was moving away from him.

To support her, in November 2012, he flew for her to one of the concerts. As the businessman later said, he simply did not recognize her. Anna clearly let him know that she deliberately ruined their relationship, which had been built for so long by both parties.

Sedakova divorced her second husband, left alone with her children. And Maxim filed for divorce. Someone claims that she simply could not cross the line herself, others say that Maxim could no longer tolerate his wife's coldness.

Sedokova's version

Anna Sedokova also gave interviews to the press regarding her divorce. In it, she reported that their mutual friends were to blame for everything, who not only later slandered her, but also betrayed her. Anna says that when she went to concerts, her friends stayed next to Maxim, who flirted with a man, and then pretended that they fully supported Anna. Such friends became the cause of contention between the spouses, since she could no longer understand whether there was a place for treason or whether it was all just a game. One way or another, Anna Sedakova divorced her husband, claiming that she felt insurmountable pain after this event. However, she would not have been able to do otherwise. Returning the former warmth turned out to be much more difficult than she thought.

Current relationship

After all that has happened, Maxim and Anna continue to maintain relations, touching only on issues related to their daughter Monica. At one time, Anna declared her alleged poverty, but Maxim instantly refuted this lie, saying that he was paying large alimony. Both sides try not to remember the past and live on. Anna believes that after some more time they will be able to become true friends. The question of why Sedakova and Chernyavsky divorced is still open, since their versions of what happened are too different. Journalists claim that they believe the open and honest Maxim more.

Maxim recently announced that he intends to participate in the Bachelor show, where lonely beauties will fight for his heart. For him, this project should become a kind of outlet. There are no women in his circle worthy of his love, maybe television can help? In addition, Chernyavsky never dealt with such projects, so this will be an interesting experience for a man.

So why did Sedakova divorce her husband? No one can give an exact answer, since the parties themselves have too different positions on this matter. But one thing is for sure: both Anna and Maxim are still depressed. Their feelings are understandable, because not every day you lose something real.

0 April 7, 2013, 12:00

Anna Sedokovo's new song - "Remove" - ​​is about how difficult it is to part with someone you love very much. Very personal - heard immediately. The singer recorded it recently, in winter. Just when deciding what to do with own life: stay with her husband, Ukrainian businessman Maxim Chernyavsky, or divorce and move on:

Our life with Maxim for a very long time resembled a beautiful fairy tale. Such a life of Barbie and Ken: big house in a beautiful place, a car, children, dogs ... We were madly in love with each other, and, probably, after a divorce it will be hard to find people who are so similar to us, both to me and to him. But you need to live on.

About why the relationship with her husband cracked:

The problems began precisely when we began to spend less time together, temptations and jealousy appeared, and we began to quarrel. But it seemed normal - disagreements happen in the life of every couple. Husband and wife can negotiate with each other if other people do not intervene. In our case with Maxim, they, unfortunately, intervened. Maxim is sociable and kind, so am I, and by moving to Los Angeles, we have surrounded ourselves with many "friends" and "buddies". I'm putting quotation marks here because these people weren't actually acting like friends at all.

On the people who ruined their marriage:

Sometimes I myself can’t make out whether a person is friends with me just like that or is looking for benefits. One of my friends is a girl who came to my house in Kiev and said: “I have no money”, and I gave her everything that I had in my wallet at that moment, it turned out that she communicated with me only because in order to get closer to Maxim.

I found out that they are vacationing together in Miami ... from a comment on Instagram. A complete stranger to me under a photo of my children suddenly wrote: "You know, today we saw Max walking hand in hand with your girlfriend on shopping center- they looked into each other's eyes ... "When I read this, it seemed to me that my heart stopped beating. I had the feeling that I was in some kind of stupid series in which everything was not real. And there were several such girlfriends .

On how Maxim reacted to accusations of treason:

He says that he is a free man and has the right to behave as he wants. [...] It's terrible - we haven't even divorced yet. And in general, the fact that he allows such a relationship is unbearable. But I know for sure that he does this because he loves me madly. And that's why he wants to hurt me. To prove that he does not suffer without me, that he will not be left alone. Even at the dawn of our relationship, I told Maxim: if we ever part, promise that we will still be friends. He promised. But it didn’t work out - realizing that parting was inevitable, we began to try to prick each other more painfully.

On who first decided to file for divorce:

I was the first to decide to leave. And Maxim was the first to take the documents. I learned about this two days before the trial, which was already actively underway on the initiative of his relatives and friends. They just called me and told me that in the near future Maxim and I would be divorced. I was shocked. That's how I realized that my husband decided to move on, and I remained standing still.

On how Anna experienced loneliness:

I really missed Maxim the first time. It turned out that, despite all my strength, I am a woman who simply cannot exist without a man. I felt like a part of the body, separated from the body. Everything fell apart, I couldn’t even find my documents - usually Maxim knew where my passport was. Without strong hands who hug at night, without support ... Two little babies, two dogs, a house to maintain, financial problems that have fallen ...

On financial difficulties:

It was probably the most difficult period in my life. But I did it. I found another house - beautiful, good - and moved Alina and Monika there. I accepted it as a fact that now I myself have to provide for my large family - after all, Maxim, as they say, "stood a pose" and decided not to help us. Apparently, he had other priorities at that moment ... The hardest thing was to keep a face: to look and act like a queen, and the queen in good mood, knowing that tomorrow is the day of payment of bills, and you do not even have 10 percent of the amount. But I was lucky: on the eve of such a day, there was always a call from my director: Anya, you have a concert soon! And I flew to perform.

On plans for the future:

After the divorce, Monica [the youngest daughter of the singer - approx.] will stay with me. We agreed with Maxim that, no matter how we parted, the children would not play adult games. He will be able to see his daughters whenever he wants, it will be enough just to warn me about it in advance - and this is the only condition that I can put on him. I think we still have a very difficult road ahead of us, but I hope we will be able to go through it, remaining people. And maybe someday be best friends again.

Source Anna Rodina/HELLO!

Photo by Kirill Nikitenko/HELLO!

Viewers are actively discussing the reason for the separation of the couple Sedokova and Maxim Chernyavsky, who was a participant in the second season of the Bachelor on TNT. From the first days, the project became an intrigue, and on the very first broadcast of the program, Maxim told the reason for the divorce from Anna Sedokova. According to Cherniavsky, he once unexpectedly arrived to visit his wife, but found her cheating.

Maxim's words were also confirmed by his mother and grandmother, who spoke about the mental suffering that he suffered after this incident. But Anna names completely different reasons for the divorce and blames him for everything in her Instagram profile, apparently to increase her ratings.

Anna Sedokova and Maxim Chernyavsky why they broke up: what was the reason for the divorce of the spouses

Anna Sedokova is a very bright woman and a former member of the VIA Gra team. Anna's whole life was spent under the lenses of cameras, and the news of her marriage to her second husband, Maxim Chernyavsky, was a real discovery. The media considered them a perfect couple and often saw lovers in different romantic places. It seemed to others that the singer would finally be happy in marriage, but their hopes were in vain.

The reason for the couple's separation was interesting not only to the media, but also to acquaintances of the spouses. Even the couple's friends cannot give a specific answer to this question, as they communicate with both sides of the conflict. But in February of this year, Maxim spoke about the reason for their break with Anna. According to him, they lived happily in America, as the man is working on the construction of luxury homes in Los Angeles.

Then a little later, the couple found out that they would soon become parents and were extremely happy about this news, the site reports. But even childbirth could not pacify Anna's ardor, and a few months later she flew to Moscow for a concert, writes Rosregistr.ru. But Maxim was forced to stay at the hospital at home, as he had an accident at sea, as a result of which he injured his leg. Sedokova decided to leave her daughters with her husband, and she flew away to her concert.

Then Anna's concert career took off and she increasingly had to be away from her children and husband, increasingly visiting Russia and Ukraine. After that, in 2012, Chernyavsky decided to support his spouse and went to a concert with her and did not recognize his wife in that cold and indifferent Anna at all.

After Chernyavsky's interview, Anna Sedokova also gave interviews about her and Maxim's divorce and blamed the couple's mutual friends for everything. According to Anna, during her trips, Sedokova's friends seduced her husband and this was the reason for the divorce of the newlyweds. And it turns out that the reason for the divorce was the jealousy caused by her friends in Anna.

Anna Sedokova and Maxim Chernyavsky why they broke up: Anna revealed the reason for the divorce

Anna Sedokova has her own personal home in California and was married to the famous Bachelor Maxim Chernyavsky. Also, Anya often disappears on tour and writes down her new songs, the last of which is a song called “ Remove", which Anna most likely dedicated to Maxim.

At the very beginning, the life of the newlyweds resembled a fairy tale in which they were madly in love with each other. Then they moved to Los Angeles and Anna decided to devote herself completely to the family, spending all her free time with beloved man. Then Monica was born and the four of them lived happily, but soon Anya decided to return to her work again so as not to turn into a housewife and start providing for her family

After this step, the relationship of the spouses changed, constant quarrels and jealousy began to appear in them. The imaginary friends and mother of Maxim also tried in every possible way to turn him against Anna, creating new reasons for quarrels. After all these events, Anna became aware that her husband began to have affairs with Santa Dimopoulos during her absence. It was this step that, according to Sedokova, became the reason for the divorce, for which Chernyaev personally filed an application.

After the divorce, Anna found the strength to return to life and moved with her daughters to new house, for which she was forced to pay on her own, since ex-husband refused to help her. It was after this that Anya decided to stay in Los Angeles and start working in the fashion industry, in which she immediately went well. Sedokova realized that it makes no sense to constantly be offended by her ex-spouse and even allowed him to see her daughters, arguing that even after a divorce, children should have two parents

    The family of Maxim Chernyavsky and Anna Sedokova broke up in February 2013. There is only one reason for divorce - the infidelity of one of their spouses.

    But there are many versions of parting.

    Anna Sedokova voices hers: Maxim cheated on her with her best friend Santa Dimopoulos.

    Maxim Chernyavsky, on the contrary, convincingly talks about Anna's dishonesty. Allegedly, at the moment when trouble happened to him (the propeller of the ship severely injured Maxim's leg), his wife not only was not next to him (as she swore at the wedding In grief and joy ...), but also had fun with another man. By the way, the noble bachelor did not utter the word treason.

    In the photo Maxim Chernyavsky and Santa Dimopoulos.

    Maxim Chernyavsky and Anna and Sedakova got married on February 12, 2011. Soon Anna gave birth to a daughter, who was named Monica. The couple lived happily in the USA in California. But for some unknown reason, in February 2013, she announced her divorce. According to some reports, the businessman cheated on his wife and this was the reason that they parted. Now Chernyavsky is filming a show on TNT Bachelor. Apparently trying to find a new life partner.

    The divorce of the beautiful star couple Anna Sedakova and businessman Maxim Chernyavsky took place at the very beginning of 2013. According to the ex-member of the ViaGra team Anna Sedakova, the reason for the divorce was the betrayal of her husband. Maksim - handsome man, there were always a lot of women around him, perhaps one day he could not resist the attention of one of the fans. According to Chernyavsky himself, the reason for the divorce was treason on the part of Anna Sedakova. We are unlikely to find out the true reason for the couple's divorce, we can only guess. It is unfortunate that young spouses very often get divorced after the birth of children for unknown reasons.

    Anna herself in an interview talks about the fact that the reason for the divorce was the betrayal of Maxim with her friend. Maxim, on the air of the Bachelor show, said that it was he who could not forgive his wife's betrayal, and therefore filed for divorce. Whose side is the truth, I think we will never know. Everyone has her own.

    Such famous people how Maxim Chernyavsky and Anna Sedakova got married on February 12, 2011. Well, on July 24, 2011, Anna Sedakova gave birth to a daughter from a businessman in California (USA), whom her parents named Monica. Well, already in February 2013, the couple announced a divorce.

    The reason for the divorce is still not clear, but according to Anna Sedakova, Maxim Chernyavsky had a lot of girls around him. So Anna was just jealous, and there were plenty of reasons for this. And at one point, Anna Sedokova's patience snapped. And she decided to break up with businessman Maxim Chernyavsky.

    Now Maxim Chernyavsky can be seen in the Bachelor show.

    The couple Maxim Chernyavsky and Anna Sedokova terminated their marriage at the beginning of 2013, in the month of February. The hero of the second season of the show The Bachelor and a member of the Viagra group each comment on their breakup in their own way. Both ex-wife accuse each other of treason. Which of them is telling the truth is very difficult, if not impossible, to say. And is it necessary?

    In the post show What Men Want, Maxim Chernyavsky announced his reasons for the divorce. They also showed his mother and grandmother, who naturally protected Maxim. But friends assured him that he was a man who understood the value family relations. Anna Sedakova was carried away by show business, new friends appeared and Maxim saw a lot, they didn’t say it out loud, but the betrayal of his ex-wife was implied

    Maxim Chernyavsky and Sedakova divorced a year ago, just this February a year has passed. Their fleeting marriage lasted only two years. So money does not give happiness, as we see. The reason is serious - treason. Only from whose side it is not clear, probably one is to blame, and the second is justified. Only one of them has a stigma in a cannon, we will never know. That one of the ex-spouses can publicly brazenly lie in order to whitewash his person, I have no doubt from my own experience.

    Maxim Chernyavsky is a new hero in the show The Bachelor. Now the young businessman is 27 years old, and behind him was an unsettled marriage with Anna Sedokova(the same redhead from VIAGRA, as her name was) and two-year-old daughter Monica.

    The divorce took place a year ago - at the beginning of 2013. It turns out that there are two versions of the divorce - one is supported by Sedokova, and the second by Chernyavsky:

    • Sedokova always told the reason for the divorce, referring to the fact that her beloved husband cheated on her. This story can be heard in every interview of the singer;
    • but Maxim told a completely different story, which became known from the Bachelor show. It turns out that an accident happened to him - as a result of the captain's inattention, Chernyavsky's legs were damaged by a sea vessel. While his treatment was going on, his wife was on tour. When the husband went on the mend, he went to his beloved, and there an unpleasant surprise awaited him - treason.

    It turns out that everyone has their own truth, everyone justifies himself. And how it actually happened, one can only guess.

    Of course, if Chernyavsky is to blame, then the Bachelor show will never talk about it and hide it. But, perhaps, Sedokova was a traitor, and she herself only justifies herself in an interview, trying to justify herself.

    Former spouses have their own version of the reasons for the divorce. In both versions, the reason is the same, it is infidelity. Only according to Anna Sedakova, this is Maxim's infidelity, and according to Maxim Chernyavsky, Anna's infidelity.

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