Fire Safety Encyclopedia

Projects of houses in the Russian style. House in the style of a noble estate - nuances and features How to build your house in the style of a noble estate

In our catalog, projects of houses in the style of the Russian estate take pride of place. This is due to the growing interest in log house building, and logically leads to the revival of half-forgotten elements of ancient Russian architecture. Our ancestors knew how to create fabulous masterpieces from wood.

Despite the absolute external dissimilarity of each house in the catalog, they can still be divided into two large groups. One includes projects of classic Russian manor houses, and the other includes ethnic stylizations of the “fairytale house” type.

Manor project in Russian style

This concept usually includes a traditional, more often one-story, residential building, or rather, a complex of wooden buildings together with a bathhouse, an outbuilding, a fence and a gate, forming a whole “courtyard”. Several techniques of traditional Russian architecture are used in modern projects.

  • Log houses can be made of logs of different diameters, laid "butt to crown".
  • Multi-tiered roofs of various shapes - "chest", acute-angled, 4-pitched.
  • The pediments are recruited from the same logs as the walls - there is a feeling that they stand "by themselves", without any support ("males").
  • Characteristic are peculiar "bay windows" - a half of a hexagonal "drum" protruding beyond the wall.
  • Wood carving is the hallmark of the house. The porch, platbands, hanging edges of the roof are abundantly decorated with figured elements.
  • Open galleries "gulbische", small cozy balconies - supported on carved wooden columns.

A characteristic feature of Russian houses is individuality. Each of them is unique, expresses the taste and wealth of the owners of the house. In a modern interpretation, a cottage can be built of bricks in the Russian style, or with combined stone walls. The combination of materials of different texture gives the building a new look, while retaining all the charm of a wooden frame.

Traditional house in the style of Russian terem

The first wave of interest in medieval Russian architecture arose in the 19th century, on the crest of it there was a “pseudo-Russian style”. Of the projects of houses of Russian architects of that period, the works of Ivan Ropet have survived, who built many "towers" with multi-tiered turrets and carved patterns. Among the techniques of the 18th century, two stand out, capable of giving a wooden house a particularly "fabulous look".

  • The Russian chalet is a building with a frame widening upward due to a gradual increase in the production of crowns ("felling"). They formed a cornice on which the roof was laid, the overhangs of which could be significantly increased. Now this is a rare technique, modern houses of this type are more a stylization on the theme of chalets.
  • A blockhouse "in the face" - the connection of logs in the corners of the blockhouse with the remainder (remember the house of "Baba Yaga"). The project of a tower in the old Russian style in our catalog includes such rare elements: curly columns with carvings, a hexagonal glazed "lantern".

All projects of houses developed by us in the style of the Russian estate are accompanied by a complete package of architectural and design solutions. The attached bill of materials facilitates the work of the builders and ensures that the building being erected complies with the technical plan.

Residential buildings erected outside the city limits are called differently, often one concept is mixed with another, and there is no clear boundary between some names. Nevertheless, several criteria can be distinguished at the basis of the division, the first and, probably, the main of which is the mode of residence - permanent or temporary.

It was originally intended for living in the warm season, when the temperature does not drop below a few degrees below zero. The most common building materials for are frame structures, 100-150 millimeter beams, or rounded small diameter logs. Typically, country houses have a small (up to 80 m 2) area.

Temporality of residence also determines such differences of country houses as simplified sewerage, water supply, lack of a heating system and important types of communications for permanent residence.

This is usually the name for residential buildings for permanent residence. They have constant heating, which functions in cold weather, due to which it is warm in a country house even when it is 40 ° C outside.

The choice of materials from which buildings of this type are erected is wide, it can be a bar with a diameter of more than 200 mm, rounded (chopped) logs with a diameter of at least 240 mm, bricks, foam blocks, etc.

Country house (video)

In recent decades, the term "cottage" has come into use, the meaning of which is not always interpreted in the same way. A cottage is usually more designed for seasonal living, although in it, if there are heat sources inside, it is possible to maintain a comfortable regime even in a not very severe winter (up to -15 ° ... -25 °). The modern cottages have all the necessary amenities. For the construction of walls, a beam with a diameter of 150-200 mm is used, rounded (chopped) logs with a diameter of 200-240 mm, bricks, foam blocks and other materials. The average area of ​​cottages is about 100-150 m 2.

Sometimes it is emphasized that an important feature of a cottage is that its communications are part of a single communication system of a cottage village, which is monitored by a special service, and the owner does not exercise control functions, as is the case in the case of a country house.

Several families can live in one cottage.

Construction of a cottage (video)

One of the types of country houses is a mansion, as large residential buildings are often called, standing somewhat apart from other residential buildings.

The mansion is owned by representatives of the same family, which, however, does not mean that they live in it permanently, but in their absence, the mansion is looked after by security guards and service personnel.

It is correct to call a mansion a mansion with a large plot of land, on which a park, garden or alleys can be laid out.

Building a manor (video)

Important nuances about materials

From the above, it is easy to understand how important it is to take into account the purpose of building a house (permanent / temporary residence) for the correct choice of material and arrangement of all communications and amenities. Let's take a simple example. For a country house, a tree is an excellent choice. One of the reasons is that a wooden house can be quickly heated during the next short-term collision. And it will take much longer to warm up in a brick house. During heating, droplets of moisture form in a brick wall, which penetrates into cracks.

When the heating is turned off (which happens when you return to the city), the water will freeze, expanding the cracks. Therefore, a brick is better suited for a country house in which they live permanently.

In recent years, private houses built in the style of old Russian estates have become very popular.

Cottages created in modern "man-made" styles are beginning to lose their relevance. More and more often, customers turn to architects with a request to create a project of a private house in the Russian style in order to return to ancient traditions. Many people think that only elite houses can be built in the form of a noble estate, but this is absolutely not the case. If the customer wishes, even a small cottage can be made with elements of the Russian historical architectural style. It will turn out to be a very beautiful, compact mini-estate. Such a house does not have to be huge in area and three-story.

In modern cottage settlements, homesteads are increasingly appearing. They are fundamentally different from the neighboring buildings, built in modern styles. The estate cottage is a classic, this architectural style will not go out of fashion in a few decades. If you want to build a real "family nest" not only for yourself, but also for your children and grandchildren, choose this particular architectural style. Even after many years, such a cottage will look luxurious.

It is in the homesteads that that indescribable feeling of comfort and tranquility is created. Of course, this is possible provided that the architectural and interior style is correct. In this case, the house will really have an amazing atmosphere. It will be truly "homey" and incredibly cozy. Why, among the abundance of architectural styles, does this one seem so familiar to many people? Probably, genetic memory is triggered. No matter how interesting and attractive cottages in Mediterranean, Swiss, Scandinavian, exotic styles may seem, only the traditions of their people can touch the strings of the soul.

How were noble estates built in the old days?

To create a modern cottage in this architectural style, you need to understand the historical facts, understand what Russian estates were like, what are their distinctive features. Absolutely all old estates are characterized by a combination of luxury, comfort and quiet village life. This is what creates that unique atmosphere of comfort and tranquility. In those days, there was no frantic pace of life, from which we all get so tired in modern times. Therefore, the old estates are imbued with the spirit of tranquility and measuredness. If you want to make your home really cozy, where you can really take a break from the hustle and bustle, choose this particular architectural style.

As a rule, the word "manor" meant not one house, but a whole complex of buildings that were built in the same style, equally decorating the facades with stucco molding and columns. Such houses were built for a long time, but "for centuries". That is why many have survived to this day, crumbling only for the reasons that they are not restored or even left abandoned and uninhabited. Such a "family nest" was built taking into account the fact that several generations would live in it. Therefore, the rooms were made very spacious, the facades were decorated with stucco moldings, statues, and all this was done very efficiently so that children or grandchildren did not have to make major repairs to the estate.

What does everyone imagine when they hear the words "noble estate"? Of course, a luxurious house with white columns, a terrace, a huge garden for walking and even its own lake. The main feature of such estates was that they fit perfectly into the surrounding landscape. Around the house, a luxurious garden with many paths for walking was created, cozy gazebos were certainly built. Only the best craftsmen were entrusted to carry out facade work during the construction of the estate. Probably everyone knows that there are no two completely identical noble estates. All of them are somewhat similar, because they were built at approximately the same time, but at the same time they are all radically different. The facade was the real "face" of the estate; it was always decorated with stucco, columns and statues. Sometimes there were even too many decorations, which made the general appearance of the estate rather pompous. But in those days it was considered the norm and a sign that the owner is rich and belongs to the high class. The manor's facade was used to assess the financial well-being of its owner. That is why landowners competed among themselves, whose house would look richer and more luxurious.

In those days, wood and stone were used to decorate the facade, it was made monumental so that it would serve for several generations, while maintaining its presentable appearance. Modern building materials make it possible to make luxurious facades in the historical Russian style, which will also serve for decades. The compositions and materials that have been created in our time are much more resistant to weather factors, they are also light and do not weigh down the walls. Earlier, during the construction of the estate, the architect could "make a name for himself." The fame of a luxurious house spread very quickly not only throughout the region, but also throughout Russia and even beyond its borders. That is why the architects put their souls into their creations, they thought over not only the appearance of the estate, but also helped the owners with furnishing the interior... In those days, the decoration of the rooms was treated responsibly, furniture and decor were made to order from the best craftsmen. The owners of the estate strove to ensure that the facade of the house and the interior in the premises were in harmony with each other.

Even in those days, there were typical projects of estates. But they were taken as a basis, each time the architect came up with a unique facade, making it unique due to the abundance of decorative elements. The redevelopment of the premises was also done at the request of the owners. That is why there are no two completely alike estates in Russia.

It should be noted that there were several types of noble estates:

  • If they were located in a village outside the city and were a place of permanent residence, they were adapted precisely for these purposes. Nearby, stables, a farmyard, greenhouses for growing vegetables and fruits were necessarily built. Pheasants settled in the garden, where they kept decorative birds.
  • A little later, estates became fashionable, which were built "in the European manner." Their main feature was the presence of huge summer greenhouses and winter gardens.
  • There were also city estates, which differed from country estates. They took up less space, so the owners invested even more in creating a beautiful facade and luxurious furnishings in the rooms.

The main features of the layout of rooms in a noble estate

The estate was necessarily divided into two halves. In the smaller one there were rooms for servants, as well as all kinds of utility rooms, a kitchen. It was indecent for the landowners to walk along the same corridors with servants. Therefore, in the estates, almost all rooms were made through. That is, they had three doors, through one of them one could get into a long corridor, and through the other two - into the neighboring rooms. The owners went "through wide doors", that is, they very rarely used the corridors, but simply passed through all the rooms to get to the right one. The servants walked along the corridors so as not to interfere with the owners. On the first floor, a huge room was always allocated, making it a room for balls and banquets.

Also, in the noble estate, a whole room was allocated for a library.Of course, these features of noble estates are not relevant to modern times. Now there is absolutely no need to divide the house into half "lordly" and half for servants. Also, no one makes huge ballrooms now. Instead, on the ground floor, you can make a spacious living room with a fireplace, it can be combined with a dining room.

How to build your house in the style of a noble estate:

  • First of all, you need to develop individual project the future cottage or choose the one you like from the existing ones.
  • It is very important to choose the right land plot for construction. It must be in a picturesque and quiet place. It is highly desirable to have a nearby river, lake or at least a small pond. It will be great if a small pond is on the territory, it can be turned into a "highlight" of your future family estate.
  • A house in the style of a noble estate must be decorated with columns. They are made not only on the facade of the building, but also in the living room. Such a house seems to “dissolve in time”. In a few years, guests who see your estate for the first time will be sure that it is old and that it has been inherited by you. But to create such an effect, it is necessary to abandon the use of "man-made" building materials. For example, there should be no plastic, the windows should only be wooden.
  • You need to take care not only of a comfortable layout of the rooms, but also of the fact that the facade of your estate turns out to be unique. It needs to be made a real masterpiece of architectural art. If you wish, you can borrow some elements by looking at the photos of the estates you like, but never completely copy the facade decoration. Wood carving will look luxurious. Do not worry that the wood will crack and turn black in a few years, there are a huge number of special anti-fungal impregnations, as well as varnishes that will protect the tree from moisture for many years, while leaving its beauty open. It is now very easy to make stucco decorations thanks to modern materials. For this, ready-made patterns and foam products are used, which are glued in the right place, they require mandatory finishing. Also, to decorate the facade, there are ready-made stucco moldings made of plaster. They are attached to special glue, as they are quite heavy.
  • The main and most spacious room in such a house should be the living room. In it, a fireplace is made of stone in order to create with its help a unique coziness and emphasize the architectural style you have chosen.
  • The house, which was built in the style of a noble estate, should look old, but at the same time it is possible and necessary to make modern air conditioning, plumbing, lighting and other systems in it.
  • The manor house must be very cozy and warm, for this you need to use modern thermal insulation materials.

  • Take care not only of the appearance of the cottage, but also of the interior in the rooms. Agree, it will be rather strange if from the outside the house looks like an old manor house, but inside it is decorated in the style of minimalism, hi-tech or loft. The interior should not show any signs of "technogenic civilization". Take responsibility for the choice of furniture and decor. Ideally, they should be antique, now it is not a problem to get real antique furniture in excellent condition. But new modern furniture is also quite suitable, but all of it should be made in antique style. Chandeliers must be luxurious and massive in the "noble" style. Candle-shaped lamps are ideal. The best decorative elements will be all kinds of antique gizmos.
  • In the living room, you can make huge windows from ceiling to floor. They need to be covered with plain curtains with lambrequins and large tassels made of thick threads.
  • Pay special attention to the arrangement of the area around your homestead. There must be a gazebo in the yard, made in the same style as the facade. You can also make a small fountain or waterfall. Be sure to take care of the beautiful night illumination of the courtyard, install lanterns that will look like old ones. If there is a small pond in the courtyard, a bridge with a wrought-iron railing can be thrown across it.
  • Take care of creating beautiful landscaping. To emphasize the style of an old noble estate, be sure to plant ornamental bushes along the paths, which will need to be trimmed regularly, giving them a neat shape.

Compiled by:

Yu.A. Novoselov

Yu.M. Smurov

V. I. Dolin

S. B. Shlyapnikov A. N. Strizhov

V. B. Sheshnev

T. M. Klavenskaya (chapter II)

L. S. Isachenko

(chapter III)

I. A. Shabarshov

A. E. Golovkov

A. M. Yudin

B. L. Vorobiev

(chapter VII)

T. G. Abramovskaya G. I. Vishnyakova

(chapter VIII)

V. A. Erofeevsky M. A. Ivanov

Editorial team

N. A. Bazmlvskaya

G. D. Bilash

Yu.V. Elin

V. P. Ivanov

P, F. Konenkov

I. P. Ksenevich

R, P. Kudryavets

K.P. Lemarinier

E. Ya. Logvmnskaya

M. A. Pustygin

A. P. Soldatov



HOUSE and Usad6a ... Ancient Russian words, indigenous peasant concepts, revived again today in their true, primordial meaning.

They became the title of our book.

But in Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl we find such an explanation: a house with caregivers. Perhaps unusual to someone's ear, it nevertheless sounds now in a special way - expressive, gratifying, fresh ", in accordance with the current of the national language and thought and, bearing echoes of the past, is now perceived quite urgently. at all times care for - this is something that is carefully looked after, what is cherished, what is guarded and cherished by diligence and labor. outskirts - land.

This is how it happens in the native language: the word made itself felt and inadvertently pulled along the meaning, sense and harmony laid in it since ancient times. The same is with us, since "land", "pleasing" means convenient, necessary, necessary, important, and therefore desired by people. And also bringing benefit, benefit, giving daily bread. However, the matter is not limited to purely everyday, economic reasons. Apparently, it is not for nothing that it is said that man does not live by bread alone, and the simple word "land" reflected this great thought. After all, a kindred "treat" to him is nothing more than beauty ...

Until recently, everything connected with activities on a personal or garden plot was almost officially called small agriculture. Of course, a quarter or half hectare estate, not to mention a few acres of garden, are not large in themselves. But on a national scale, they add up to millions of hectares of carefully cultivated, well-groomed (remember Dahl), highly productive lands, which, of course, cannot be discarded from the national account. Here, in their free time from their main work, workers of villages and cities produce a significant share of such types of products as potatoes and vegetables, berries and fruits, meat and milk, eggs and honey. Moreover, these products are not only used to satisfy their own needs, but are also sold through the system of cooperation, collective farm markets, which means they also go to the people's table.

In a word, this economy is not small, and besides, it is growing from year to year, and its tasks are large, very responsible. So it turns out that, while remaining personal, it has a huge social significance, being called auxiliary, it provides significant assistance in solving the food problem. That is why it is necessary to talk in detail and purposefully about how to reliably, sensibly, at the lowest cost, establish and rationally run a household, a backyard, a gardening or a summer cottage economy.

Our book is devoted to this complex, multifaceted and grateful topic. Its idea, essence, selection and distribution of materials are prompted by the requirements of real practice, and the basis is made up of specific recommendations on a wide range of issues related to the daily activities of a person in a personal subsidiary farm.

It would seem that the subject matter of the book is "limited" by meticulously measured square meters of a rural house and a few hundred square meters of a personal plot. However, here, as well as everywhere where people live, work, rest with their usual worries and worries, hopes and dreams, a complex and multifaceted human world always arises. For this reason alone, the book cannot claim to be exhaustive and complete. But even its purely economic aspects do not allow us to put a final, summing-up point. After all, the experience of arranging life on the estate is constantly multiplying, diversifying, improving, which means that we can hope that, with the light hand of our readers, it will be reflected in subsequent editions.

And now let's get acquainted with those who live and manage in the house and on the estate, to whom the book is actually addressed. This is the family: its older generation, the young - husband and wife, children. Let the artist portray them with a little caricature, with a smile and good humor, they, of course, are somewhat similar to you and me, and they have the same concerns. Therefore, on the eve of this book, we wish its readers that "house and estate" and "house with caretakers" were not only synonyms in the Explanatory Dictionary of V. I. Dal, but also equivalent concepts, a real identity in our entire life.

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