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Scorpio woman and Leo man relationship. Leo is always on top. Positive Compatibility Leo Man and Scorpio Woman

Relations between two people cannot develop according to a certain scenario. Much depends on the personal characteristics of a person, on the desire to meet each other and the willingness to give in.

Meanwhile, you can find a lot in common in the behavior of people born under the same zodiac sign. Having an idea about those character traits that are inherent in a particular sign, you can prevent a collision and avoid conflict. One of the most important mechanisms of human relations is mutual understanding.

The relationship between Leo and Scorpio is not easy but they are worth working on. The Scorpio woman is smart, active and interesting. it strong man, purposeful, prone to self-development. Despite the fact that Scorpio cannot be called a weak woman, she is very feminine. This is the type of woman who prefers dresses to jeans. A woman who knows how to create and teach herself. She herself chooses whom she should fall in love with and prefers outstanding men. And who is more outstanding than the male Leo can you imagine?

Men born under the sign of Leo always inspire a sense of thoroughbredness. They know how to behave correctly in public, give the impression of restrained, competent, intellectually developed people. Leo has a strong character, but by nature they are dreamers and romantics.. Many Leo men need a soulmate for support. She will become an inspiration and a stimulus for him, this is important for Lviv.

A Scorpio woman will quite cope with the task of supporting a man whom she will respect. The very essence of this woman stimulates to work on herself and self-development. To be close to her, you need to constantly correspond to her. A problem in a couple's relationship can be the attractiveness of a Leo man for the opposite sex. Scorpios are very jealous and do not tolerate encroachments on what they consider their own.

Leo men tend to be lazy, while Scorpio women can be overly active. There may be a reason for disagreement, especially on domestic grounds.

The Scorpio woman is sharp-tongued, especially during conflict.. This should be taken into account by Leo men, for whom such a quarrel can end in hurt pride.

Lions are overly proud, for them an incorrectly spoken word can cause an insult. They do not go to a truce first and wait for the first step to be taken towards them.

In general, the relationship between a Scorpio woman and a Leo man can develop harmoniously if each thinks first of all about the calmness and comfort of the other.

Marriage between a Scorpio woman and a Leo man can be exemplary. A noble man, restrained and not throwing words to the wind with a feminine, strong and smart woman in a pair they look harmonious and the envy of many. But what will happen outside the walls of the house, no one will know except themselves. To make rubbish out of the hut Leo will not allow his pride. The Scorpio woman is also not inclined to discuss her personal affairs with strangers.

Jealousy is one of possible causes, according to which a marriage between a Scorpio woman and a Leo man can break up. Both spouses own. They tend to be jealous, but Scorpio shows his jealousy openly, and Leo can harbor resentment and suspicion, but does not admit it.

Marriage between Leo and Scorpio can be strong and unbreakable. In this union there will be no gray everyday life and routine. The eccentric Scorpio and Leo, prone to various kinds of creative and romantic impulses, will not be able to get bored of each other. Scorpio loves to make surprises and give gifts. Leos love to accept gifts and take care of themselves in all forms. Scorpio will appreciate and forgive all minor flaws to the man who conquers her. Pedigree, a truly royal proud appearance of a Leo man is able to conquer women's hearts. Not only the external ability to behave fascinates women. The Leo man combines a subtle romantic nature with masculinity, courage and self-confidence. For Leo, it is important that there is a woman next to him, with whom it is not a shame to go out. It is important that a woman be smart, keep up the conversation on various topics and cause envy. Leo likes to be envied. All these requirements are up to the Scorpio woman.

In everyday life, both signs are suitable for each other. Both Scorpio and Leo are both clean and love order in everything.

The main thing for spouses is not to start finding out who is in charge in their family. Usually a Scorpio woman shows herself to be wise and steps aside, allowing Leo to feel in charge. It may seem that way from the outside. But in fact, the Scorpio woman simply skillfully manages her spouse, doing it in such a way that no one but her knows the truth.

passion in bed

There can be no doubt that the Leo man and the Scorpio woman are not only sexually compatible, but also make up one of the most passionate zodiac couples.

Both are demanding and insatiable. Both are subject to passions and are prone to self-giving. Leo men are not always affectionate. Their behavior largely depends on how they treat their partner.

The relationship between Leo and Scorpio can last long enough without turning into a family union. Scorpio is independent enough to insist on starting a family. And Leos don't often get married early. For them, marriage is a responsible matter and they approach this issue not only with feeling, but also reasonably.

Combination in friendship

Friendship between a Scorpio woman and a Leo man is possible. Both signs are self-sufficient, strong, intellectually developed. They are passionate but able to control their emotions. If desires go against a deed or something more valuable to them, then everyone has the power to suppress an unnecessary temptation in themselves.

If the friendship between Scorpio and Leo began from childhood or from a student's bench, then it can last a lifetime.

If one of them is on leadership position, and the other is subordinate, then the relationship will not work out. For Leo, it is extremely difficult to obey, it is even more difficult to give in. Scorpio in a leadership position is demanding. She shows her imperiousness and rigidity in relation to her subordinates. Lions will not tolerate such an attitude towards themselves.

If Leo acts as the leader, and Scorpio works under him, then caustic witticisms, and possibly minor dirty tricks, are provided to the boss. She may not dare to come out openly, but she will still show herself as a rebel. Especially in cases where the authorities require enhanced discipline or complete obedience to the rules. Scorpios are not very fond of following the rules, preferring creativity to the point.

If Leo and Scorpio act as partners, then everyone has to prove their competence.

Scorpio will definitely take advantage of his partner's mistake for his own purposes. Leo, on the other hand, will not reckon with someone who does not cause a sense of danger in him.

If Leo and Scorpio become opponents or competitors, then the battle will be merciless. All sorts of tricks on the part of Scorpio will be used. And the Lion in the fight does not recognize mercy. Such competition can only end in the complete ruin of one of the parties.

The Scorpio woman and the Leo man seem to be made for each other: full of inner dignity, they look for a mate for a long time. And having found, they do not retreat quickly, slowly picking up the keys to the heart of the intended second half. Their techniques and methods of love attack are quite similar: they try to draw as much attention to themselves as possible so that the one they are trying to fall in love with themselves acts on his own. Although, such tactics are more typical for the Scorpio woman - the Leo man acts more openly. He is ready to more openly seek the location of a Scorpio woman, and he likes it. The Scorpio woman is very cordial, the Leo man sees this sincerity towards him and believes her. Their relationship is saturated with true love, none of the two of them doubt the partner's devotion.

Their sex life is vibrant, just like themselves. Scorpio is a sign of sexuality and violent emotions - mostly subconscious; Leo is a sign of creativity and sex. It's easy to imagine how juicy their meetings are when they are alone in a comfortable (or not so) environment. sex life Scorpio women and Leo men will never become empty and uninteresting, because they are both quite creative in the process. The only thing they may lack is patience. However, they say that they do not suffer much from this.

Family and marriage

There will be a lot of emotions in a marriage between a Scorpio woman and a Leo man. Not always positive, by the way. Since marriage implies some stability, both of them will experience difficulties, because both the Scorpio woman and the Leo man lack the patience and calmness to resolve issues quietly and methodically. The passion that once held them together will often act as a destroyer of family harmony and tranquility in marriage. If they both learn to regulate the degree of their emotional arousal, stop insisting on their own and start listening to their partner, they have every chance of keeping the marriage on long years. By the way, children in a marriage between a Scorpio woman and a Leo man are often very talented and good-natured, sincere - just like the dear parents themselves.

The friendship of a Scorpio woman and a Leo man is a strong thing. Both of them are distinguished by the purity of moral principles, therefore they build their friendships correctly and very simply. They can call each other whenever they want - of course, without violating anyone's plans. This is especially expensive for the Leo man, who rarely feels “his own” anywhere. The Scorpio woman will be able to surround her Leo friend with real care and attention. He will help her cope with the huge emotional burdens that she, as it seems to her, are no longer able to endure.

Work and business

If they work on one project, they will be able to achieve a lot. The Scorpio woman will take the initiative in her own hands, will regulate the main processes, and the Leo man will be able to make sure that together they do not deviate from the main strategy. Of course, for successful work, they will also need companions of other signs of the zodiac - air and earthly elements. But together they make a good tandem: bright and energetic.

The compatibility of a Leo man and a Scorpio woman is great, and these two can create a wonderful union, be devoted to each other, love each other, and do not have souls in each other. Each of this couple has remarkable enthusiasm, great energy, and usually reaches great heights in society.

The Leo man is an extraordinary personality, a born leader and a person capable of reaching the highest peaks. Scorpio woman, when she chooses a man for herself serious relationship, seeks to find just such a partner, and she finds all the qualities she needs in the Leo man. He is like a “thoroughbred horse”, which she will have to saddle and tame. In this union there is undoubted fire, passion and mutual attraction.

According to Leo-Scorpio compatibility, both in this pair have great inner strength, and are able to suppress those around them, if necessary. Therefore, in order for a benevolent and peaceful environment to reign in their family, both need to have great wisdom, be attentive to the wishes of their partner, and make every effort to give in in certain situations in order to smooth sharp corners and achieve peace and prosperity. In the event that they manage to moderate their own temperaments, they will receive as partners a magnificent ally, friend and lover, who can make happiness in their lives.

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Positive Compatibility Leo Man and Scorpio Woman

The ideal union of the Leo man and the Scorpio woman ensures that the roles are very clearly distributed and the responsibilities are assigned. Of course, this family adheres to a more traditional way, and. He is the provider and protector, and his areas of responsibility are the material well-being of the family, as well as most external contacts. He can achieve great social significance, power and conquer the world, while the Scorpio woman takes care of the house, makes sure that her husband is always satisfied, fed and calm, and also supports him with excellent advice in difficult times.

As a result, both acquire in this union exactly what they have always dreamed of. , which he will respect and take care of her, as well as protect her in every possible way. Scorpio woman - in her husband she will see a strong, courageous and brave defender who will never let her offend, and will always support her in any situation.

Friends and acquaintances, when they look at the union of Leo and Scorpio, can say that the Scorpio woman seems to dissolve into her man. She is practically invisible. But this is an undoubted advantage of such a union, since Leo is a proud nature who strives to be the first in everything. He loves to show off and lead, and does not tolerate competition. The Scorpio woman very wisely understands that it is better to give him such an opportunity, and not put a spoke in the wheel. She seems to fade into the background, being a kind of gray cardinal behind her strong man.

At the same time, she feels protected, calm, and knows that he will stand in the way of any enemy or threat. Plus, she realizes that behind the back of her courageous partner, she can achieve much more than if she herself climbed the embrasure with her chest.

In such cases, the struggle can literally last for months, or even years. Until one of the partners, either Leo or Scorpio, matures and becomes more wise and mature - and understand that in certain situations it is easier to give in and compromise. In this case, it will be possible to avoid a protracted unnecessary conflict.

If the ambitions in the pair of Leo and Scorpio begin to prevail, and everyone only strives to prove to the partner what he is better at, how he better understands something, that his interests are more important, and so on, then the war will be with a large number of victims , on both sides.

However, most likely the Leo man will suffer more, since he perceives criticism in his direction much more sharply, and the caustic remarks of the Scorpio woman, for which she is a real master, will eat him very much. At the same time, his pride will constantly be hurt, and for him it is the main priority - therefore, with such a development of events of peace and prosperity in the union of Leo and Scorpio, you should not wait.

The union of these partners is very bright and powerful in terms of energy. Leo and Scorpio Sign Compatibility is based on business cooperation, but there are many other, more interesting points. Both Leo and Scorpio have a high vital activity, rapidly conquering the space around them. The only difference is that Scorpio sets itself the task of achieving material wealth, and Leo wants only one thing - universal admiration and worship. Perfect option- when Leo provides a partner with physical comfort, and in return receives those emotions that are vital to him.

The compatibility of Leo and Scorpio is based on their equal desire to win positions in life: to achieve career success, a high position in society and provide for themselves from a financial point of view. These partners are simply irreplaceable for each other in stressful situations. Scorpio always retains his inherent composure and can find the right solution in a matter of seconds. The lion, in turn, is ready to jump at any moment.

A problem can arise when Scorpio wants to feel like the master of the situation, and Leo, who does not tolerate anyone commanding him, begins to growl at his partner. Nature has laid in him the desire to dominate relationships, and any manifestations of leadership on the part of Scorpio will be severely suppressed. In addition, Scorpio is very stingy with the manifestation of feelings, which means that Leo will not receive due sincere admiration. Harmony in relations can be achieved if both partners initially observe equality and show mutual respect.

Leo and Scorpio Sexual Compatibility

Intimate relationships between partners develop quite emotionally, thanks to which partners can forget about real problems for a while. Sexual Compatibility Leo and Scorpio are pleasant for both, but, having started so violently, their relationship can then end due to the possessive nature and jealousy of Scorpio and the dominant behavior of Leo. Besides, fire sign will not receive from Scorpio the emotions that he is counting on, and will not feel real manifestations of care and generosity. Scorpio in this relationship is too stingy.

Compatibility: Leo man - Scorpio woman

A man born under the sign of the Sun is so delightfully beautiful, confident in himself and so gracefully can show others what he really is worth. This is how the Scorpio woman sees her Leo. She is struck by the range of emotions and masculine strength that her King of Beasts radiates. A split second is enough for a Scorpio to get carried away by such a man. The secret of this attraction lies in the fact that a woman born under the sign of Scorpio keeps in herself no less a supply of passion and self-confidence, but is she, controlled by the element of Water, capable of showing it to others so casually and boldly? Unfortunately no. That is why she is so delighted with her partner.

The lion is attracted by the mysteriousness of the water girl, her cold gaze, exuding an inexplicable inner strength.

The compatibility of the signs Leo and Scorpio in the event that Leo is a man and Scorpio is a woman rests on the emotional incompatibility of partners. Leo expects from Scorpio, if not worship, then at least a sincere demonstration of feelings. And the Scorpio woman, no matter how hard she tries, cannot squeeze out even ordinary praise for her partner. At the same time, she, so vulnerable in her soul, is strongly offended by Leo's arrogance. If she analyzed the situation carefully enough, she would immediately understand that it is enough to stroke the predator and say a kind word to make it become a kitten.

Such a misunderstanding of each other can lead to a break, the only way out is permanent job above oneself.

Compatibility: Leo woman - Scorpio man

This joint union will be dominated by the Scorpio man, whether the Lioness wants it or not. His element is Water, which, as you know, can extinguish any fire. Karmically, it so happened that the Scorpio man has more spiritual experience than his solar chosen one. Therefore, the Lioness cannot avoid moralizing from the partner. Of course, she exudes warmth, and shines like a stone - Scorpio admires her beloved. However, her whims and extravagance are subjected to harsh criticism from her partner. Scorpio begins to control the Lioness in everything, while at the same time remaining cold and calculating. Such possessiveness frightens the Leo woman, she is not ready to completely and completely subordinate herself to a man. Therefore, it is better if Scorpio gives her the opportunity to express herself in the business field. A lioness can make good money, and then the financial issue will disappear by itself.

The compatibility of the signs Leo and Scorpio in this ratio will be positive if they find a common cause. Possessing stupid energy and passion, Leo and Scorpio will be able to build their own empire.

Leo and Scorpio Business Compatibility

If we consider Leo and Scorpio Sign Compatibility as ordinary colleagues - not very good option. Their natural desire for leadership will not allow them to work quietly. If we analyze their relationship as the work of equal business partners, cooperation can become very fruitful and bring success to both. This is ensured by the fact that both Leo and Scorpio set one of the most important goals in life to achieve a high financial position in society.

The compatibility of Scorpio and Leo is subjected to many tests, it is not too high. In the percentage of divorces, the couple is one of the leaders. Both signs are extremely strong-willed, ambitious. Their desire for leadership can destroy any relationship. At the same time, passion often flares up between Leo and Scorpio, a warm friendship arises.

They fall in love with each other and forget about everything in the world. This continues until Leo begins to put pressure on Scorpio, proving his leadership. Scorpio holds a grudge for a long time, then bites Leo painfully. As a result, the union collapses.

Characters of signs

Scorpio and Leo belong to the elements of water and fire, these are two substances that are difficult to combine. Their characters have similar features, but the signs converge, and they rarely build relationships.

Scorpio character

The nature of Scorpio is woven from contradictions. Mutually exclusive character traits coexist in these people. They are simultaneously cold with passionate, prudent and emotional. It is impossible to describe Scorpios in halftones, they are bright people, with a rich inner world, hidden from prying eyes. These are active individuals, strong morally and physically. They have a developed intuition; only Cancer can compete with them in this. Here are the main character traits of this zodiac sign:

  • Courage and perseverance
  • Physical and moral endurance
  • Honesty and nobility
  • Developed intuition
  • purposefulness
  • analytical mind
  • Tendency to introspection
  • Authority and desire for leadership
  • Vengefulness and vindictiveness.

LEO + SCORPIO - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Leo and Scorpio. Compatibility horoscope Love and sexual horoscope

Compatibility Leo Man and Scorpio Woman


Scorpio Man and Leo Woman Compatibility

Leo Compatibility with Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio

Scorpios live in constant struggle with themselves and the surrounding circumstances. They are leaders by nature and owners, able to suppress the will of loved ones. Grievances hide for a long time, they are ready to take revenge on a person even after many years. At the same time, Scorpions are fair and noble, they do not like to weave intrigues, friendship is sacred to them.

Leo character

This sign of the zodiac is called the royal sign for a reason. Lions communicate with everyone in a patronizing manner, they are leaders and do not accept when someone doubts their positions. Lions do not tolerate loneliness, they are sociable, they strive to gather around themselves a group that they will lead. If everything in the life of Lviv develops successfully, they are kind and noble. When they fail, they can turn into a beast. Here are the main character traits of this sign:

  • Powerful, prominent leaders
  • Proud, self-confident
  • Sociable
  • Kind and noble
  • Arrogant and vain
  • Energetic and active
  • They love comfort and prosperity
  • Optimists in life and at work.

Leo can help close person, to understand his problem, and in return awaits gratitude. Pride does not allow him to harbor grievances for a long time, but he will not be the first to reconcile. If Leo feels underestimated, he becomes overgrown with complexes. As a result, he turns into a vain despot, nothing remains of his nobility.

Leo and Scorpio General Compatibility

Leo and Scorpio respect each other, this is manifested at the very beginning of their acquaintance. A strong passion flares up between them. Therefore, the signs approach easily. But further relations are not so rosy. Passion quickly passes, ordinary everyday life begins. And in them - the incessant struggle for a leading position between Leo and Scorpio. At what methods of struggle at each sign are different. After all, they are representatives of two opposite elements - fire and water.

Scorpio, thanks to his developed intuition, knows how to feel when Leo is angry and his pride is hurt. He prudently retreats into the shadows to come out at an unexpected moment and sting. Leo is open and noble, he defends his position with the power of words and persuasion. But to impose someone else's thought on Scorpio, like Leo, is impossible. A water sign always thinks they're right. From the outside, it seems that Scorpio makes concessions, suffers resentment and nit-picking. But when the emotions of this sign come out, not a single Leo can stop his anger.

Both signs of the zodiac understand that compatibility in love relationships they are not easy to find. Fire can dry out the feelings of Scorpio, make him callous and cold. Water can drown in itself the fiery energy that controls Leo. But partners do not want to make concessions. Leo will not circle around Scorpio, sparing his feelings. Scorpio will never submit, will not forget a single offense, will not stop hatching plans for revenge.

If a miracle happens, Leo and Scorpio will find their compatibility in love, the world will not be happy. The pair join forces to take the lead together. They stop the struggle, directing it towards the achievement of common goals. Scorpio is guided by intuition, hidden power, Leo - by open power and energy. They are able to achieve great success, while fiercely fighting against outsiders who dare to extinguish the Lion's fire, or muddy the waters of the Scorpion.

Additional Compatibility Factors

The compatibility of Leo and Scorpio is influenced not only by the Sun. For example, relationships can be improved or worsened by an ascendant ruled by the Moon. An important role is played by the year of birth. Scorpio Dog is a loyal comrade, ready to make concessions. The dragon enhances leadership qualities in both signs, which is not in the best way affects relationships. The tiger is very similar to Leo in temperaments, he can bring Scorpio closer to him.

Not bad is the union of the two Bulls. The earth helps passions settle down, plus it makes partners more attached to the house. But people born this year must be like-minded, otherwise they will drown in constant disputes. The snake will give Leo a better intuition, bring his character closer to the character of Scorpio. Because this sign Chinese horoscope corresponds in its characteristics to the second watermark Zodiac.

Sexual Compatibility

The compatibility of the signs Leo and Scorpio in bed can achieve complete harmony. But a love union fails if both try to dominate. At the beginning of a relationship, passion burns them, then it cools down, partners need something else to unite.

Sexuality of Scorpio

Scorpio men and women are the most sexual signs throughout the Zodiac, according to the horoscope. Their passion is sophisticated, unusual, they are ready for any sexual experiments. Sexual intercourse is not an end in itself for them, they are ready to bring themselves and their partner to orgasm long before it. Scorpio is a leader in bed, this applies to both the stronger and the weaker sex. They are selfish and aggressive, because the sign is ruled by militant Mars, not Venus.

Scorpio is a sign of fidelity, he lets people close to him for a long time, he is not inclined to make several connections at the same time. Scorpio in love is completely absorbed in the object of his adoration and does not notice anyone around. He departs from an unsuccessful connection for a long time, he can hit all the hard to heal a spiritual wound. If Scorpio fell in love again, he will become a faithful lover, and in marriage - an exemplary family man.

Leo Sexuality

Even in bed, Leo feels like the king of animals. This sign is passionate and sensual, but it is too fixated on itself. A woman seduces men with pleasure, but in sex she is lazy and a little passive. She believes that already being in bed with her lover is a reward for him. Now he must satisfy all her whims, express words of adoration and delight. During strong sexual arousal, the Lioness ceases to control herself, therefore men often leave her with bites and scratches.

The Leo man uses all conceivable and unthinkable ways to win the woman he likes and drag her into bed. When the goal is achieved, Leo tries to completely subjugate his mistress to his will. If he manages to do this, he loses interest in the object of adoration. Men, like women, are passionate, but a little lazy. They are able to show imagination, but at the same time think about their own pleasure. From the girl they expect admiration, submission and satisfaction of whims. They are very jealous, which often causes a break in love relationships.

Scorpio and Leo Compatibility in Bed

Passion from the first minutes of acquaintance captures the representatives of these signs. Unusual nights await them ahead, full of subtle eroticism, unearthly pleasure, which are intertwined with the satisfaction of the basest instincts. This pair of lovers is capable of the most unusual experiments in order to fulfill their fantasies. Scorpio and Leo will equally initiate new sexual games. In the first weeks, they may not get out of bed.

Unfortunately, such a violent passion does not last long. Scorpio cannot give Leo the admiration for his talents that the king of beasts demands. Leo will never subdue Scorpio, for such attempts he will severely pay. If Scorpio is offended, he will respond, and it hurts a lot. This sign is well aware of the pain points of their partner. After a connection, Leo may completely lose confidence in his sexual talents. If the lovers are wise enough not to offend each other, they will simply go their separate ways, never to meet again.

Scorpio Woman and Leo Man Compatibility

Leo man and Scorpio woman are an unusual and passionate couple. When meeting a girl and a guy, they feel the similarity of characters and the kinship of souls. Both are independent, ignore social norms, strive to achieve success. They are ready to take risks, change their lives. Start over from the beginning, even if they fail. Mutual sexual attraction plays a significant role. At first, it is so strong that Scorpio and Leo cannot resist it. They end up in bed almost on their first date.

In marriage, a Scorpio woman and a Leo man can build compatibility if the roles are distributed correctly. The husband is the head of the family, but the wife is not his slave. It will not be possible to completely subjugate Scorpio, both will lose from this. But it is not suitable for a woman to compete with Leo either. It is best when spouses make decisions together, but the last word remains with the man, not to the detriment of the interests of the woman. Leo should listen to the advice and opinions of his soul mate, her wisdom and developed intuition will help to avoid mistakes, recognize enemies in her own environment in time, and improve business ties.

Unfortunately, the perfect union between Leo and Scorpio is rare. Very soon, these two signs begin a struggle for power. Leo tries to subdue and break Scorpio. He, in turn, harbors resentment and at a certain moment tries to hit his partner more painfully. If a man does not reach the desired heights in his career, he becomes a domestic tyrant. A woman will not only be disappointed (after all, she married a strong and promising guy), but also a constant struggle for her own dignity. Such a confrontation ends sadly, the marriage will break up.

  • Distribute family responsibilities
  • Respect each other
  • Learns to yield and leave the struggle for leadership
  • Strives for a common goal.

If spouses perceive each other as partners, not rivals, they will achieve a lot in life. Their family will not become a battlefield between Leo and Scorpio, but a powerful union that will withstand any life's adversity. Such a marriage combines not only passion and love, but also true friendship.

Leo Woman and Scorpio Man Compatibility

Leo woman and Scorpio man are strong and self-sufficient personalities. They are prone to risk and adventurism, passionate and active. When meeting a guy and a girl, they subtly feel the combination of characters and the similarity of aspirations. The skillful seductress Lioness easily seduces the passionate Scorpio. Their compatibility in bed smooths out the contradictions of the characters at the beginning of the relationship. But if the union takes place, some love pleasures it won't be possible to keep it. The horoscope of these zodiac signs is too contradictory for a relationship to be built on such unstable ground as sex.

A Leo woman and a Scorpio man will never build perfect compatibility. But they could be a good couple. No matter how much a woman wants to rule, she should give in to her husband. He, in turn, must respect the proud Lioness, listen to her opinion. Family relationships develop when a couple makes joint decisions, supports each other. Partners can conduct a joint business, support in a career. A woman feels safe and calm next to a man. She brings to family life romance, he is confidence in the future.

Problems arise when the spouses begin to prove which of them is the boss. The lioness begins to make scandals for any reason, tries to prove her opinion. Scorpio at first endures, pretends to give in, and then explodes. The man of this sign is terrible in anger, capable of destroying everything around him. The second reason for family problems is jealousy. This disadvantage is common to both, but primarily to a man. A happy union is possible if the spouses heed the advice:

  • Respect each other
  • Make decisions jointly, or distribute "spheres of influence"
  • forget about jealousy
  • Follow a common goal.

Scorpio needs to learn to compliment, flatter and admire the Lioness, then she will become the best of wives. A woman will not be hindered by the ability to ask for forgiveness, to make concessions. The birth of a baby will improve the relationship; Scorpio and Leo make excellent parents.

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