Fire Safety Encyclopedia

The meaning of the name Sasha for a girl and fate. Family and marriage. Love and family relationships

The mystery of the name

Alexandra, Alexandrite- a courageous defender (ancient Greek) - a female form named after Alexander.
This name, full of dignity and significance, was always very common, now, as a woman's, it is relatively rare.
Zodiac name: Aries.
Planet: Mars.
Name color: silver gray.
Stone talisman: aventurine.
Auspicious plant: cypress, hydrangea.
Patron name: dog.
Happy day: Tuesday.
Happy time of the year: Spring.
Diminutive forms: Aleksanya, Sanya, Sanyura, Sanyuta, Aleksasha, Sasha, Sashulya, Sashura, Shura, Shurena, Aleksya, Olesya, Aleksyusha, Alya, Asya, Leksasha.
Main features: inconsistency, activity.

Names, patron saints

Alexandra Ankirskaya (Corinthian), virgin, martyr, May 31 (18), November 19 (6).
Alexandra Alicia (Pontic), martyr, April 2 (March 20). The Virgin Martyr Alexandra with her friends suffered for Christ under Maximilian in 310.
Alexandra Roman, Nicomedian, Empress, Martyr, May 6 (April 23). Tsarina Alexandra, the wife of the Tsar-torturer of Christians, at the sight of the suffering of the holy Great Martyr George, believed in Christ and died a martyr after being imprisoned in 314.



The girl is lively, restless and tireless, if she is the only child in the family, she will still be stubborn and capricious. She does not like to be friends with children, demands that everyone obey her, shouts at the disobedient, quarrels.

At school age, he enjoys attending sports sections, in sports he shows purposefulness and can achieve good results... She is secretive, rarely finds a common language with her mother. She studies well if she herself decides that she needs it. Household chores do not appeal to her; when a general cleaning is brewing in the house, she urgently needs to go somewhere, or suddenly she "got sick". Parents do not forgive the slightest deception, you can forever lose her location.

For an adult Alexandra, if she unconditionally believed in the truth of her female nature, life would develop harmoniously. Female flaws and whims of the outwardly attractive Alexandra are forgivable. But more often she remembers her male name, hence the contradictory nature of her character. She is at the same time tender and prickly, pretends that she is indifferent to everything in the world, but in her soul she always experiences any event, seems closed, but feels an urgent need for wide communication. She seeks to subordinate those around her to her will, but she does not have fighting qualities: she is compliant, tries to smooth out any conflict with a smile. It can be stubborn, straightforward and deliberately rude, but then she herself finds herself in very unpleasant situations, from which she then hardly finds a way out. At the same time, he does not lose optimism. She likes to do everything extremely quickly, it seems to her that slowness will lead to defeat. But he does not calculate everything in advance, he analyzes it later. Dangerous, when it turns out that things have taken an unpleasant turn for her, she can immediately shift the blame onto someone else.

The best job for her is related to travel, the extremely active Alexandra simply cannot sit still. She needs to show her authority, maybe a director, an assistant, a bank employee. She sets the pace of work fast, and everyone around must comply with it. Alexandra is fond of medicine, she can be an actress, also a cutter, hairdresser, excels in the service sector. She is more hardworking than talented.

Alexandra will be able to adapt to any environment. She is influenced, can weave intrigues, gossip. Often stuns others with another eccentric trick. It is difficult to live with her, but after parting with her, the man realizes how difficult and monotonous life is without her.

If Alexandra sincerely loves, then next to her her chosen one will forget all the troubles. In her he will find an ardent mistress, good friend and an assistant, an excellent hostess, a caring mother. Love will transform Alexandra, relieve her of idleness inherent in her nature. Her marriage will be happy with Anatoly, Andrey, Victor, Ivan, Peter, Semyon, Yuri.

P.A. Florensky gives his own, very sad description of the name of Alexander: "A deeper penetration into the name of Alexander forces us to recognize him as far from being so alien to the corresponding male name, but, perhaps, due to his homogeneity, manifested differently from that. We then recognize the same name in him. Alexander, but crippled and crushed by an unusual application.If Alexander, the real Alexander, also needs abundant nutrition, and without such a person easily grows up a little decrepit, then all the more it withers and breaks down when the requirements of the female nature are made to the characteristically male, so definitely male, that male nature in most cases does not have the strength to respond to the call of this name.In this sense, Alexander wants to be compared with a mutilated Chinese leg or with a dwarf tree of Chinese gardens; personality is given the urge for such growth, which is set insurmountable obstacles by the natural conditions of her life , external and internal, are natural e of a given person. The name of Alexander pushes towards greatness in the direction in which the female nature, and, moreover, in most cases, limited and like female nature, holds her tightly.

It is natural to think about some kind of identity of the names Alexander and Alexander, But it is natural to assume that the name Alexander, in itself complete and extremely harmonious, like the name of a man, precisely for this reason, being transformed into a female name, should give disharmony and be a messenger and strength of personality decidedly unbalanced. When the sign of the name prompts a woman to become the most proportionally built man in herself, then this, it is easy to foresee, tends to a tragic fate. It is not the tragedy of external disasters, not the blows of fate, not the whirlwind of oncoming misfortunes that are characteristic, as typical, of Alexandra. And all this, perhaps, perhaps, even happens, quite often; but the essence of the matter is not an external attack on Alexandra by the hostile forces of the world, but tragic guilt. Internal disharmony is a vice of being, and it contains the seed of internal discord, and then often external.

This does not mean that Alexandra justly endured for the misdemeanor against the due. On the contrary, she gets involved in life collisions precisely when she goes with special persistence to what she considers to be due. Her guilt is fatal, as arising from some kind of ontological tactlessness, due to which it very rarely happens for Alexandra that "truth and truth kiss each other," and if it does, it is when Alexandra gives herself up to the flow of events.

Alexandra strives for the truth, and strives in a masculine spirit, much more than the bearers of many other names. But her truth does not come out in truth - inappropriately, inappropriately, abstractly, which is all the more dangerous, since this rationality is driven by female passion. It is wrong to imagine Alexandra as a man's nature: this is a woman's nature, but by some subconscious effort it transforms itself into the appearance of a man's.

Like Alexander, Alexandra is noble, that is, she wants to be and thinks to be noble. But if in Alexander the man the nobility is somewhat deliberate, somewhat scenic, then all the more, all the more incomparably more this applies to Alexander. It is comparatively easy for Alexander to be generous and not petty, since he, closed in himself, has few external desires and, due to his roundness, does not cling to the world; on the contrary, Alexandra is neither self-contained nor cool, and least of all it would be fair to say about the female name of Alexander that she has nothing to want outside of herself and that she does not want anything outside of herself. On the contrary, she is full of desires, which she does not admit to herself, and least of all can be just and impartial, like a judge. It is cracked, cracked ontologically, and therefore both psychologically and morally. Hence, her internal and external dissatisfaction is natural, the reason and at the same time the justification in her eyes of her conflict with life. And therefore, attached to life and, one might say, clinging to life, Alexandra easily goes to death, is capable of sacrificing herself to death, as she is capable of suppressing her life.

It is hardly an accident, and not a consequence of the same basic tragic guilt of Alexander, that they very often die in infancy, as if from afar cutting off a life that portends involuntary suffering. And this infant death is all the more significant because the name of Alexandra is often given to children, especially felt by their parents, as a sign special attention to some of the tenderly, rather reverently, beloved Alexandrov. "


Alexandra Alexandrovna Exter (1884-1949) - artist, theater decorator. It is famous for its decorations for the performances of the Chamber Theater in Moscow. She came to the theater as an established artist. She graduated from an art studio in Kiev, in 1908 she left for Paris, studied there in private studios. Her workshop was formed under the influence of P. Picasso, G. Apollinaire, with whom she developed friendly relations. Exter's work developed in the mainstream of avant-garde, her works reproduce the world as a convention.

In Moscow, Alexandra Ekster was able to consistently implement on stage the ideas of the outstanding theater director A. Tairov. In 1915, Exter's sets for staging the tragedy of I. Annensky "Famira Kifared" did not depict anything, they created the spatial environment in which the action developed.

Tairov decided the performance on the contrast, the collision of two principles of tragedy - harmonious laziness and violent spontaneity, revealed in plasticity, the rhythm of gestures and intonation. Alexandra Exter also built the stage on opposing rhythms. The stage platform has been raised to contain cubes and cones. At the edges of the stage, blue cubes were placed, they either lay motionless, then, set on the edge, as if sliding down the steps. High cone-shaped volumes rose steadily upward. All this laconic spatial construction, designed to recreate the world of ancient Hellas, was drawn against the background of a plain canvas backdrop illuminated by diffused light.

The tall, mournful figure of Famira Kifared moved up the stairs with a slow, smooth step. With a broad gesture he touched the frozen cubes-stones. And this mournful monumentality found an echo in the strict rhythms of the scenery, in the smooth horizontal turn of the stairs, in the clear verticals of the black cypress cones. The exuberant Bacchic dance of satyrs and maenads, their whirling movements received a plastic expression in the displaced, overturning rhythm of cubes-stones.

Exter's three-dimensional installation opened up new opportunities for the director to use the stage space, playing out not only the depth, but also the height of the stage. The movement of the actors rushed up the stairs. Satyrs climbed the cones of cypress trees, sat on cubes, spread out on the wide steps of the raised stage. A directors' dream come true different countries connect the figure of the actor with the volumetric form of the scenery.

Such a conventional volumetric form demanded from the artist a new design of the costume. The sketches show geometrized figures in tunics and shiny helmets on a deep blue background. Sharp, nerve contour lines, blood-red shading of the muscles of the arms, legs, chest give the figures dynamism.

In the next production at the Chamber Theater "Salome", staged by Tairov in 1917, in the depiction of the East, Exter's coloristic talent was fully revealed. She was especially interested in solving costumes in which brick-red, green, olive-gray with numerous shades of color were combined.

In 1921, Alexandra Exter met Tairov again. The Chamber Theater turned to Romeo and Juliet, and the artist succeeded in brilliantly realizing the unity of volume, lines, color and light in the very movement of the performance. Her costumes emphasized the slender proportions of the characters, the impulsiveness of their gestures.

In 1923, Exter worked on the scenery and costumes for the film by Yakov Protazanov "Aelita". The science fiction genre allowed her to be creative in creating an atmosphere of "alien".

Since 1924 Alexandra Exter lived in France, taught at the academy contemporary art, had its own studio. She received orders for sketches of scenery for Russian ballet companies on tour in Europe, created costumes for the famous ballet soloists Anna Pavlova and Vaclav Nijinsky.

To look at least with an eye into the future and turn away troubles, hardships and misfortunes from their children is the dream of almost all adults. Unfortunately, this cannot be done, so you have to use other methods, save your child from suffering - choose a name with a secret meaning, which has powerful patrons. What to do when choosing a name for your daughter, what will happen to her if she was christened Alexandra, the meaning of the name, character and fate for girls from an early age?

The meaning of the name Alexander for a girl is brief

It is not a secret for any of the adults that it often depends on them how happy or successful their beloved child will be. What needs to be done so that from the very childhood the baby feels not just love and care, but also acquires patrons who will turn away any sorrows? Of course, it is important to take full responsibility for the name to choose for baptism. Is it right to choose the name of Alexander, the meaning of the name, character and fate - these nuances are easily described in various ancient legends Ancient Greece... It was ancient Greek mythology that gave the world the largest number names, the secret meaning of which allows you to penetrate into the future and predetermine the fate of your offspring.

If you try to find out the meaning of Alexander's name for a girl briefly, nothing will come of it, because it has many meanings, among which the most common are “hope”, “help”, “mighty defender”. This secret meaning can be reflected in the future of the baby, and she will certainly come to the aid of everyone who will need it.

What does the name of Alexander mean for a girl according to the church calendar

An obligatory requirement for parents who dream not only of the well-being and happy fate of their child, but also of the patron saints who will not allow them to leave the righteous path is to study Orthodox literature. The church calendar and saints will tell in detail all the features of the chosen name, explain which patrons will follow the crumbs when it will be possible to celebrate the name day.

Alexandra, the meaning of the name, character and fate are just a small part useful information, which can be found in the calendar. It tells in detail which saints will patronize their child, what deeds the great martyr became famous for. Often, therefore, you can predict what abilities or character traits the baby will have, whether he will delight his family with unique abilities.

What does the name Alexander mean for a girl according to the church calendar? If you compare the Christian secret meaning and the ancient Greek interpretation, you can replace that they are similar. In Orthodoxy, this name corresponded to several meanings - "help", "power", "protection".

The baby will be able to celebrate the birthday several times a year - in April (1st) and May (6th). You should not be upset that the child will have only two patrons. This is enough so that he does not know troubles and sorrows, because they will make sure that this does not happen.

The secret of the name of Alexander, beliefs, signs

What inexplicable curtain can hide the secret of the name of Alexander? People over years studied everything that happens on the feast of veneration of the saint, and learned to predict the weather and natural disasters. What signs are associated with the saint's day, who will patronize the baby?

The most popular among the people is the spring saint's day, because it is by some signs that you can predict the weather for the whole summer. What should you pay attention to on this day in order to prepare for the vagaries of the weather? Most often they look at the clouds - they must certainly be bright blue. It is this sign that promises wonderful weather - plenty of sun and rain. Usually, you can predict with confidence the harvest - it will certainly delight and be generous and abundant. Especially productive will be fruit trees- supplies will last for the whole winter, if properly sent for storage.

The origin of the name Alexander and its meaning for children

Despite the fact that the choice of the baby's name took place in accordance with the information contained in church calendar or saints, adults are often interested in many more problems and questions. One of them is whether the origin of the name of Alexander and its meaning for children will play the fateful events in the child's life. Do not worry - the ancient Greek origin will not affect the future in any way. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the secret meaning, which is accurately described in Orthodox literature and myths of Ancient Greece.

How will the name chosen by adults affect the development, health and abilities of the baby? One should not assume that the patronage of the saints will begin immediately, and the child will begin to grow and develop at an incredible speed - nothing of this will happen. The baby will fully meet the requirements of doctors in physical and mental development. The only thing that will delight adults in the first year of a baby's life is good health. Even colds will be bypassed - the saints will make sure that Alexandra grows up healthy and does not cause trouble.

The character of a girl named Alexandra

Immediately after baptism, a small problem will again appear in front of adults, which should be immediately resolved by studying the relevant information - what will soon be the character of a girl named Alexandra. The advantages that the baby will abound in:

  1. femininity;
  2. mysteriousness;
  3. emotionality;
  4. the ability to smooth out any conflicts;
  5. wonderful fantasy;
  6. benevolence;
  7. quick wits;
  8. tenderness.

Unfortunately, there are also many disadvantages. One of the most dangerous, which can bring a lot of trouble in the future owner of this name, is unpredictability. Even Alexandra herself cannot guarantee that she will not do something stupid in just a few minutes. She can destroy the most valuable and sacred thing in one fell swoop - relationships, friendship, affection. Of course, she will soon change her mind, but it may be too late - not everyone knows how to forgive and forget the insult. Another bad quality is the ability to shift your blame onto others. Often she does it so well that she herself believes that she is completely innocent.

The fate of a girl named Alexandra

It is a pity, but the future remains, despite all the efforts of scientists, unattainable, which is why it is imperative to find out what surprises the fate of a girl named Alexandra can surprise her family with. She will choose a profession at the call of her heart, from the very childhood preferring the most interesting specialties in which she can express herself. Alexandra can become.

Meaning and origin: the female form on behalf of Alexander - "protector of people", "protecting" (Greek).

Energy and Karma: of course, first of all the energy of the name Alexandra determines that it is still more masculine than feminine.

Of course, this does not mean that Alexandra will look like a man in a skirt, here it is exactly the same as in a woman's suit, when a man's clothing can emphasize the girl's femininity, and maybe even "male" her. It all depends on how the suit is worn.

Secrets of communication: sometimes it is not easy to see her delicate soul behind the external coldness or some recklessness of Sasha, nevertheless, if you succeed, then you will find the key to her soul or even heart. It is not superfluous to pay attention to how she prefers to call herself. Balanced women are usually presented as Sasha, if the character is dominated by imperiousness - Alexandra, when she wants to hide her femininity and rather vulnerable soul, then Alexandra may be just Shurochka.

  • Alexandra's zodiac sign: Capricorn.
  • Planet: Jupiter.
  • The colors of the name Sasha: red, silver.
  • Name mascot stone Alexandra: carnelian, chrysoprase.

The meaning of the name Alexander option 2

Alexandra- "help, hope" (Greek).

By nature, lively, restless and tireless. Always close to adults. Character solid, male warehouse. Image of Alexandra - businesswoman... All life is spent in competition with someone and in something.

She is so active in society and in the family that there is no strength left for tenderness to her husband. Sasha is tender and prickly at the same time. Acts recklessly: headlong rushes towards some goal, and then analyzes whether it was worth doing it or not. Possesses the ability to get involved in hopeless situations, then hardly finds a way out of them, without losing optimism. Experiencing an urgent need for broad communication. Has well developed imagination but somewhat chaotic. One of the dangerous traits of Alexandra's character is the desire to turn everyone around, starting with her parents, into slaves. She easily subordinates others to her will, makes them work for herself. It sweeps through life as a hurricane, sweeping away everything in its path, and in moments of calm it is hard to endure losses. The slightest delay in business is like a retreat, and retreat for her is a defeat. Of such Alexandra can not bear it. The trouble is for those who walk alongside her through life and are unable to keep up with her.

Alexandra strives for complete independence. Adventurer. Dangerous when things take an unpleasant turn for her, she immediately tries to shift the blame onto her neighbor. The husband of this angry tigress has a hard time going through these passionate scenes. The relatives are holding out as best they can.

Alexandra unpredictable. Everything around her should be in motion and certainly at the pace that she sets. Usually he chooses a job related to travel, to sit in one place - not according to her. He is fond of medicine, paramedicine. She needs to show her authority. Can be a school director, an assistant. Perfectly adapts to any environment, if necessary.

Influenced. Intuition is moderately developed. Alexandra attaches more importance to his ability to learn something first. She is smart and rather hardworking than talented. He achieves success thanks to his great capacity for work. But Alexandra's professional activity is not in the first place.

Sasha is an amazing cocktail of friendliness, sensuality and sex. Throws himself into the arms of the first comer, and then easily forgets about him, remembering - renews the relationship. This is a woman with an unstable psyche. In any way, he strives to get what he wants.

Character changeable. She doesn't care. Often gives in to violent passions and impulses. But only great love can restrain it and curb it. Often stuns others with another incredible trick. It is difficult to live with her, but without her life is pale, because she is always ahead, does not know fatigue.

Alexandra's health is good from birth, but with age, deviations may appear: insomnia, menstrual irregularities. In her youth, she has weak respiratory organs, especially the lungs. Susceptible to injury due to excessive mobility and carelessness.

"Winter" Alexandra self-confident, overly ambitious.

"Autumn" - fastidious, grumpy. Can be a medic, cashier, salesperson. The name fits the patronymics: Savelievna, Filippovna, Alekseevna, Grigorievna, Viktorovna, Mikhailovna, Makarovna.

"Summer" - quick-tempered, loves to weave intrigues, gossip.

"Spring" is capricious, narcissistic, she likes young men. Can work as a cutter, hairdresser, actress in the theater, excel in the service sector.

Name Alexandra fits the patronymics: Adamovna, Yulievna, Yurievna, Oskarovna, Naumovna, Mironovna.

The meaning of the name Alexander option 3

1. Personality. Upcoming women.

2. Character. 98%.

3. Radiation. 98%.

4. Vibration. 73,000 vibrations / s

5. Color. Blue.

6. Main features. Will - activity - sociability - sexuality.

7. Totem plant. Hawthorn.

8. Totem animal. Hippopotamus.

9. Sign. Aries.

10. Type. Difficult to define. They, like their hawthorn totem, both charm and prick at the same time. Alexandra acts at random, headlong. They have the ability to get into hopeless situations, from which it is then difficult to extricate themselves.

11. Psyche. Experiencing an urgent need for extensive contacts with the world. These are women with well-developed, but a little extravagant imaginations and Machiavellian plans. They love to turn everyone into their slaves, starting with their parents.

12. Will. Like a tank or a bulldozer - if that comparison is valid. A delay for them is like a retreat, and a retreat is a defeat ... Trouble is for those who do not keep up with them.

13. Excitability. Sasha is in complete control of himself. They strive for independence, tend to seek adventure.

14. The speed of the reaction. Alexandra dangerous when things take an unpleasant turn for them, and the blame falls on them. The husbands of these angry tigresses have a hard time at such moments, and you, relatives, hold on as best you can!

15. Field of activity. Everything around them should be in motion, or rather, everything - relatives, husband, children. They are engaged in everything related to travel, as well as medicine and paramedicine. They can be school principals, secretaries of principals, etc. They adapt very well if the situation requires it, but, unfortunately, succumb to outside influence.

16. Intuition. Average.

17. Intelligence. Rather hardworking than talented, they achieve success thanks to their hard work.

18. Susceptibility. An amazing cocktail of friendliness and sensitivity. Alexandra throw herself into the arms of the first comer, then forget about them, then resume the relationship again.

19. Morality. Unstable: come what may, just to get what you want.

20. Health. Good, but often disrupted life cycles, irregular periods, sometimes insomnia, etc. Weak spots- in youth, the respiratory organs, especially the lungs; you should beware of fractures.

21. Sexuality. They often succumb to violent impulses. All or nothing! Only great love can curb them.

22. Activity. At the lowest level.

23. Sociability. Others are often horrified by their antics, but still confident that they can be dealt with. It is difficult to live with them, but life without them is too boring.

24. Conclusion. Alexandra similar to those tanks that are the first to be blown up by mines.

The meaning of the name Alexander option 4

Alexandra- this is the Heng form on behalf of Alexander - the protector of people. (Greek).

If Sasha is the only child in the family, she will be stubborn and capricious. Doesn't really like to play with other children. Has good health.

At school age, she enjoys attending sports sections, in sports she shows purposefulness and can achieve good results. She is secretive, rarely makes a common language with her mother. She studies well if, she herself decides that she needs it. Household chores do not appeal to her; when a general cleaning is brewing in the house, Sasha may "get sick", but being away or where she is little known, she is able to amaze people with her hard work.

She is somewhat withdrawn, gives the impression of an unsociable girl, although, in essence, she is very trusting. Don't try to cheat with her: Alexandra principled in everything, she does not understand and does not forgive the slightest deception, - forever lose her disposition. She herself is crystal clear and demands the same truthfulness from others.

Early she begins to be friends with boys, she later feels better in the company of men who are willing to be friends with her, and her youth becomes more open, frankness appears in relations with her mother. Sasha has a clear idea of ​​her place in life, she will definitely try to get a higher education, go to college.

Alexander makes good doctors, accountants, they are attracted to driving a car. They like to watch hockey or football. As a rule, they get married late; Alexandra's husband finds in her not only a good friend and helper, but also an excellent housewife, a caring mother. Love will transform Alexandra, relieve her of idleness inherent in her nature. He loves to travel, live in a tent, spend time outside the city.

In marriage, he will try to have two or three children, Alexandra will be a strict mother, capable of doing a lot for her family. The relationship with the mother-in-law is complicated, she is afraid of her.

The meaning of the name Alexander option 5

Female name Alexandra already by its etymology and phonetically it begs to be compared with a similar masculine name.

But upon investigation, at least on a superficial examination, there is nothing in common between these two names, and Alexandra not only not similar, but perhaps even the opposite of Alexander.

Deeper insight into the name Alexandra makes him recognize it as far from being so foreign to the corresponding male name, but, perhaps, due to its homogeneity, it manifests itself differently from that. We then recognize in him the same name, Alexander, but crippled and crushed by an unusual application. If Alexander, the real Alexander, also needs abundant nutrition, and without such a person easily grows up somewhat decayed, then all the more it withers and breaks down when requirements are made to female nature, which are typically male, so definitely male that male nature does not have in most cases strength to respond to the call of that name.

In this sense, Alexander would like to compare with a mutilated Chinese leg or with a dwarf tree of Chinese gardens: a person is given the urge to grow, which is put insurmountable obstacles by the natural conditions of her life, external and internal, which are natural for this person. Name Alexandra pushes towards greatness in the direction in which feminine, and, moreover, in most cases limited, as feminine, nature holds her firmly.

It is natural to think about some kind of identity of the names Alexander and Alexandra... But it is natural to assume that the name Alexander, complete and extremely harmonious as a man's name, precisely because, being transformed into a woman's name, should give disharmony and be a messenger and strength of a personality that is decidedly out of balance. When the sign of the name prompts a woman to become the most proportionally built man in herself, then this, it is easy to foresee, tends to a tragic fate. It is not the tragedy of external disasters, not the blows of fate, not the whirlwinds of incoming misfortunes that are characteristic, as typical, of Alexandra.

All this, perhaps, even happens quite often; but the essence of the matter is not an external attack on Alexandra by the hostile forces of the world, but tragic guilt. Internal disharmony is a vice of being, and it contains the seed of internal discord, and then often external. This does not mean that Alexandra rightly suffered for the misdemeanor against the due. On the contrary, she gets involved in life collisions precisely when she goes with special persistence to what she considers to be due. Her guilt is fatal, as arising from some kind of ontological tactlessness, due to which it very rarely happens in Alexandra that "truth and truth kiss," and if it does, it is when Alexandra lends itself to the flow of events.

Alexandra strives for the truth, and strives in a masculine spirit much more than the bearers of many other names. But her truth does not come out in truth - inappropriately, inappropriately, abstractly, which is all the more dangerous since this rationality is driven by female passion. It is wrong to imagine Alexandra as a man's nature: this is a woman's nature, but by some subconscious effort it transforms itself into the appearance of a man's.

The female instinct and female pressure are here perverted, taking the form of reason and conscious will, but not at all becoming such in reality and in their essence remaining spontaneous and formless. The female truth does not want to be here by itself and by instinct approaches the male truth, and therefore loses its truth and becomes blind. Straightforward, deliberately rational, forcibly entering the perfection of virtues, Alexandra such in her phenomenality, in her harsh truth, while deep down she is blind, madly persistent. Women's chaos, not seeing herself and not admitting to herself what she is. Meanwhile, propelled by a blind will, Alexandra persistent, stubborn, firmly holding on to what she has outlined as a reasonable and proven goal.

This goal is present in her consciousness as reasonable, but it is not reasonable, at least for Alexandra it is not reasonable, but is a projection of blind will. There would be no final misfortune in the fact that a person wants not rationally, but blindly; there is no ultimate trouble in a woman's demand, not even in a woman's whim. Perhaps, on the contrary, their illogicality, obvious and recognized, reveals something new, inaccessible to reason, and fills the masculine truth with feminine truth, and the very persistence of this truth, openly opposing the truth, testifies to the reliability of the truth. But Alexandra unconsciously betrays one thing for another and wants to keep the dubious truth as such by stubbornness, while this is some kind of lost truth. And then confusion begins, leading her to a collision with reality.

This clash can be both small and great: in everyday relationships, in the choice of one's own life path, in the understanding of the existing conditions of life, etc .; but the essence of the collision and its mechanism are the same. It, I repeat, is that cold rationality and straightforwardness, driven by blind passion, want to pass themselves off as those established from those principles, to which in fact they have nothing to do. Psychologically, this inner discord is manifested by a lack of flexibility, rudeness, unadaptability, in which, however, one should not see simply innate or well-mannered traits of character, but to a much greater extent - a proof to oneself of its own truth. "I - in truth, I have nothing to dissemble, I will be rude - I will show pure truth without embellishment" - approximately this is how the imaginary necessity of deliberate rudeness motivates itself Alexandra; "It is not proper for the truth to flirt and flirt." It seems to Alexandra that rudeness and straightforwardness will make her above feminine qualities and will be likened to a man.

When the false position that you put yourself in Alexandra, makes itself felt by the beginning collision with life, Alexandra being perfectly aware of the source of trouble and, perhaps, trouble, not only will he not try to remove or correct the false action, but, on the contrary, will emphasize with particular persistence precisely on its sharp edge, cutting life; and she will do this not out of simple pride, but in principle, at the cost of inconvenience, threatening trouble, maybe even death, sacrificially, tempering herself and others in the name of truth. Alexandra foresees a catastrophe, in big or small - now it is indifferent, maybe even sure of it, but goes towards a tragedy, wants a tragedy. Like Alexander, it is legislative, but certainly unsuccessful, because it only claims to be a microcosm.

Like Alexander, Alexandra noble, that is, wants to be and thinks to be noble. But if in Alexander the man the nobility is somewhat deliberate, somewhat scenic, then all the more, all the more incomparably more this applies to Alexander. It is comparatively easy for Alexander to be generous and not petty, since he, closed in himself, has few external desires and in his roundness does not cling to the world; on the contrary, neither self-isolation nor roundness is characteristic of Alexandra, and least of all it would be fair to say about a woman's name Alexandra that she has nothing to want outside of herself and that she wants nothing outside of herself. On the contrary, she is full of desires in which she does not admit to herself, and least of all can be just and impartial as a judge. It is cracked, cracked ontologically, and therefore both psychologically and morally.

Hence, her internal and external dissatisfaction, the reason and at the same time the justification in her eyes of the conflict with life, is natural. And therefore attached to life and, one might say, clinging to life Alexandra easily goes to death, is capable of sacrificing herself to death, as she is capable of suppressing her life.

It is hardly an accident, and not a consequence of the same basic tragic guilt of Alexander, that they very often die in infancy, as if from afar cutting off a life that portends involuntary suffering. But this infant death is all the more significant because the name Alexandra It is often given to children by parents, as a sign of special attention to someone from the tenderly, rather reverently, beloved Alexandrs.

The meaning of the name Alexander option 6

Alexandra women are extremely unbalanced, rude. Increased aggression. Complete lack of femininity.

Natures are rough, angular, often dorks, capable of drinking, banging their fists on the table. Inflated self-esteem.

The meaning of the name Alexander option 7

Alexandra- from the Greek. courageous protector; vernacular. Lexandra.

Derivatives: Aleksandrushka, Aleksanya, Sanya, Sanyura, Sanyusha, Aleksasha, Sasha, Sashulya, Sashunya, Sashura, Shura, Shuryona, Aleksya, Aleksyukha, Aleksyusha, Alya, Asya, Adya, Ara, Ksana.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs... (see this section here)

Sashki-kanashki, Mashki-insects, Marinushki-razinyushki.


Alexandra not only not similar, but perhaps even the opposite of Alexander. Neither the blows of fate nor the whirlwind of oncoming misfortunes are typical of Alexandra. But all this can happen, and moreover, it happens in her life. The reason is internal disharmony. She should leave herself to the flow of events and not try to persistently influence them.

Sasha strives for the truth - and strives in a masculine spirit, although this is an absolutely feminine nature. She is noble in her striving to improve, full of desires that she does not admit to herself, and least of all she can be just and impartial.

She is accommodating, strives to smooth out any conflict with a smile, Alexandra has many friends, but she rarely lets anyone into her soul.

As for everyday life - Alexandra not a very good housewife, but by inspiration she can do anything: decorate a house, cook an exotic dish, come up with a fantasy outfit.

The meaning of the name Alexander option 8

Alexandra(Alexandrina) is a manly protector (Greek).

Name days: April 2 - Holy Martyr-Virgin Alexandra, suffered with her friends for the faith of Christ in 310.

May 6 - Holy Martyr, Queen Alexandra, the wife of the tsar - the torturer of Christians, at the sight of the suffering of the Holy Great Martyr George, she believed in Christ and died a martyr after being imprisoned in 314.

  • Zodiac sign - Aries.
  • The planet Mars.
  • Color - silvery white.
  • Auspicious name tree Alexandra- cypress.
  • The treasured plant is hydrangea.
  • The patron saint of the name is Great Dane.
  • The talisman stone is aventurine.


Alexandra all her life she will pretend that everything in the world is indifferent to her. As if avoiding her "masculine name", she strives to be especially feminine, elegant, mysterious - and she quite succeeds.

There are no fighting qualities in Alexandra: she is compliant, strives to smooth out any conflict with a smile, she has many friends, or rather, friends, but she keeps her soul intact even from those closest to her.

The hostess is not at the ordinary level of her, but decorating the room with literally nothing, preparing some unthinkable dish, building a stunning outfit out of nothing - this is she easily. Alexandra everything is fantasy and mystery.

The meaning of the name Alexander option 9

Alexandra smart, she won't go into her pocket for a word. She is straightforward, does not care what others say about her, is indifferent to public opinion.

Often gets into conflict situations. Don't try to cheat with her, it's useless Alexandra does not tolerate lies, does not forgive betrayal. It's pretty easy to lose her location. Sasha herself is crystal clear, truthful, principled. This is required of others. Character she has a strong, domineering, masculine disposition. Yes and feels Alexandra better off in the company of men. They willingly make friends with her, value her opinion, use her advice. However, it is not easy to get married to Alexandra, she has too many claims.

She is hardworking, and earlier than others, she is nominated for leadership positions... But it is difficult for her to lead a purely female team.

Alexandra not a homebody, and her household is far from exemplary. But with the children she has friendly relations.

In the life of Alexander great importance has a family. He will always worry about his relatives, support them morally and financially. This man is happy to take care of his younger brothers and sisters. He is able to become a responsible family man.

Where did this name come from? What is Alexander's mystery? The characteristic of the name suggests that its bearer has the makings of a leader. He is honest and straightforward, but he knows how to apply diplomatic tricks in time. Men with this name are able to realize themselves only through work, labor.

The origin of the name Alexander

The name Alexander is of ancient Greek origin. It was formed from two words: "andoros", which means "man", and "alex" - protector. Therefore the name has literal translation- “courageous defender”.

In ancient times, the name Alexander was a status. This was the name of the Macedonian kings, popes, Scottish kings. Such a name could not be found in a commoner.

What character will Alexander be awarded? The characteristic of the name implies the ability to go towards the goal. A man with this name is honest and fair; acquaintances often turn to him in difficult situations. Alexander knows how to compassion and enter into the position of another.

Name in numerology

The name Alexander is the owner of the number 9. "Nines" are cheerful and sociable. They love a noisy feast and friendly feasts. Such people are generous and often help others. Number 9 people are romantic and amorous. They dream of finding the perfect partner all their lives. But frivolity and selfishness lead to disappointment and rupture of relationships.

Nines are impulsive, hot-tempered and ready to fight. They are the masters of their lives. And they prefer to make their own way for themselves. Due to their intemperance, aggressiveness, they often find themselves in conflict situations and make enemies.

They are fearless leaders who have fought for rights and justice all their lives. They know how to sympathize and help in trouble not only friends, but also unfamiliar people. With the help of charm, they attract others to their side. The number 9 rewards Alexander with artistry and the gift of eloquence.

The character of the boy

What does the name Alexandrd mean for a boy? Already with early years he is distinguished by mobility, intelligence. Many Alexandras suffer from colds in childhood. But by adolescence, they begin to actively engage in sports, become strong and enduring.

Little Sasha - flexible happy boy... He spends a lot of time on the street, running with friends and coming up with new entertainment. At school, he is assiduous and inquisitive, but he is unlikely to become an excellent student - Sasha is not chasing grades.

As he grows older, he calmly accepts criticism and knows how to work on his shortcomings. Alexander is confident and easy to communicate. The name (meaning, character) will bring the boy adequate self-esteem. He will hardly be touched by youthful maximalism. Alexander is wise enough not to go into conflict with his parents.

The character of a man

What does the name Alexandrd mean for a man? The bearer of such a name is sociable and friendly. He can find a common language with almost any person. This man knows how to prioritize life. He takes a responsible approach to work and often reaches management positions.

The origin of the name Alexander bestows decisiveness and courage on a man. Such a man will not be afraid to start his own business or completely change his profession. He takes risks and wins. Alexander can achieve a lot in life with the help of life experience, ingenuity, diplomacy.

This man has a wit, a vivid imagination. Can act eccentrically, not paying attention to the opinions of others. The male name Alexander will give his bearer leadership qualities. They do not have to be implemented in the profession. Such a man is a wise head of the family. He knows how to take care of his loved ones and adores children.

His life path will not be easy. Alexander will meet many obstacles and misunderstandings. But a discerning mind and Creative skills will help you get out of the most difficult situation as a winner.

Name sexuality

How sexy is Alexander? The name (character, fate largely depends on the vibrations of the name) will reward such a man with dexterous handling of the fair sex. Alexander knows how and loves to say compliments. He is gallant and helpful with ladies.

Such a man is not deprived of female attention. He has many female fans attracted by his charm and masculinity. In love, he is ready for the most unexpected actions. Alexander is quickly carried away, he is generous and magnanimous with the object of sympathy. But he chooses a woman as a wife carefully. Alexander thinks about all the pros and cons of marriage for a long time before making an offer.

For all his lovingness, this man prefers that the first step towards rapprochement is made by a woman. He, hot and passionate in sexual relations remain internally detached. Women are not a priority in Alexander's life.

What names suit Alexander?

He should not start relationships with women whose names are: Elena, Ekaterina, Lydia, Zinaida, Svetlana.

The mystery of the name

What secret is Alexander hiding? The characteristic of the name implies that its bearer is persistent in achieving the goal. Alexander possesses heroism. He is independent of the opinions of others, but seeks to find support in the person of his mother or wife. Women in his life who will play an important role must be strong personalities. Only bright individuals can attract Alexander. Only a wise, confident woman can he tell all the secrets of his heart.

Alexander is noble and honest. The name (meaning, characterizing the secret) will make this man a sincere and understanding person. But not only positive features bestows a name. It also brings negative aspects with it. Alexander is domineering and does not tolerate other people's opinions. He is conflicted and deliberately goes to provocation - thus, this man proves his superiority.

Alexander rarely uses violence. But he always seeks to prove his case by disarming the enemy with facts or irrefutable arguments. Alexander is touchy, but not vindictive. He is pathologically lucky in life, which helps him easily get out of unpleasant situations.

There is one more secret that Alexander is hiding. The characteristic of the name suggests that its bearer may become addicted to alcohol. Drinking with friends can gradually lead to ineradicable cravings. Men with this name have long denied their dependence on alcohol. But having realized it, they connect the will and are able to overcome the addiction.

Name by seasons

"Winter" Alexander- the owner of an unbalanced temperament. He has many ideas and plans, but it is difficult for him to highlight the main thing. Therefore, a man often rushes about in life, trying to "find himself." He has many interests and hobbies. But the lack of integrity of character will not allow him to achieve success in what he loves.

"Spring" Alexander smart and friendly. This is a reckless, freedom-loving person who easily makes acquaintances. He possesses creative inclinations and an artistic nature. It is easy to hurt him with a harsh word or an unflattering comment. Such a man is emotional and quick-tempered.

"Summer" Alexander endowed with remarkable talent in the field of literature or painting. In women, he seeks and finds. His life is filled with novels and love adventures. Often fails in relationships with women, but quickly tries to switch to a new object.

"Autumn" Alexander more balanced and calm. He will make a wonderful leader. He can do stupid things because of his impulsiveness. But such Alexander has the courage and patience to methodically correct mistakes, compensate the people around him for the damage done.

According to Mendelev

A good and big name (the sign "good" is more pronounced in female name, and the sign "big" - in the male). The meaning "protector of people" is the best fit for the emotional perception of this name, and the sign "majestic", apparently, is confirmed by his fate, because this name belonged to the great rulers of the past, emperors and kings. Other qualities are consistent with the main ones; the name is active, bright, strong, courageous, brave and mighty. The sign of "brave" is especially prominent - history confirms this. It is not for nothing that the name Alexander has always been very popular and beloved, he was given to boys more often than others. The widespread use of the female version is most likely hindered by shine. male name; the characteristic of Alexandra is similar to Alexander, but is complemented by the sign of "smooth".

The indicators of perception of diminutive names are paradoxical. All of them, of course, are not so majestic, loud, bright and powerful - this is understandable. But other signs also disappear: "active", "strong", "beautiful". Perhaps only the definition of "simple" remains valid.

Sanya is perceived softer and most affectionately of all. This is probably why it is more suitable for the female version than others, more in line with Alexandra than Alexander; it clearly shows signs of "light", "round", "light". But in diminutive forms Sasha or Shura comes to the fore with unpleasant traits: sad, quiet, slow, and in the name of Shura - even sad, dangerous, evil and bad.

The character of the name Alexander

It turns out that the magnificent qualities of Alexander - the leader and leader, the defender of society, are leveled by the much less attractive features of Sasha or Shura in everyday life: after all, in everyday life, Everyday life a brilliant warrior and organizer often cannot find a place for himself: quiet family joys cannot satisfy him, and he becomes ordinary, boring, even unpleasant for others. This is reflected in the perception of the name: the sign "majestic", for example, changes to "low", "bright" - to "dull", activity disappears, but slowness appears. The sign "beautiful" goes into the shadows, and its antipode - "repulsive" becomes more significant, and for the name Sasha even leaves the neutral zone and becomes significant.

In general, Alexandras are great in moments of danger, tension, in cases when important decisions need to be made - in a word, at critical moments in life or in non-standard situations. They come out victorious, finding themselves in hopeless situations, but in ordinary life they get lost, sometimes they even fall below the average level: this is no longer good, bright and big man, and often bad and dark. Such is the nature of Alexandrov (and Alexander) - two-fold and contradictory. A red field bordered by narrow green stripes - color characteristic named Alexander.

According to Higir

Comes from the ancient Greek words "alex" - to protect and "andros" - husband, man, that is, "defender of people."

As a child, Alexandra often gets sick, but as adolescents they go in for sports and grow up to be quite strong and purposeful men. Alexandra are able to achieve their goal, they make good leaders who know how to manage a team and pay tribute to talented, gifted employees. Enjoy a reputation for being fair. They like to drink, in a state of intoxication they become boastful, lose control over themselves.

Love and sexuality named Alexander

Self-confident Alexander is not easy, and sometimes it is almost impossible to persuade him to drink less, often he is "ahead of the circle", that is, he drinks even before he has poured to others. However, a strong life shock can forever turn him away from his love of alcohol. In relations with women, Alexander primarily strives to be charming. You rarely meet such a friendly and helpful man like Alexander. Sharing a hand, helping to put on a coat, buying a bouquet of flowers - it became a habit with him. Alexander's main weapon is a compliment. No, Alexander does not play, he really believes in the sincerity of his compliments, as well as in the truth of his declarations of love. The trouble is that, having sworn to love forever, Alexander, after a while, with the same fervor and faith in the feeling that gripped him, will swear to another woman. Alexandra, born in summer, is madly in love with children, including strangers, "winter", "spring" and "autumn" Alexandra treat children more restrained.

Marriage and name compatibility Alexander

Alexandra with patronymics Nikolaevich, Vladislavovich, Dmitrievich, Olegovich, Borisovich, Semenovich belong to complex natures.

The most successful marriages are with Agnes, Alina, Anna, Berta, Bogdana, Valentina, Wanda, Barbara, Venus, Vera, Veronica, Veta, Gelena, Daria, Juliet, Elizabeth, Zoya, Inna, Irina; Love, Lyudmila, Maria, Nadezhda, Natalia, Nelly, Oksana, Polina, Roxana, Tamara. The probability of an unsuccessful marriage is high with Alevtina, Vladlena, Danuta, Ekaterina, Elena, Zinaida, Didia, Svetlana.

From the ancient Greek words "aleko" - to protect and "andros" - the man's name Alexander is translated as "courageous defender." This is a symbol of victory, a defender of people. In terms of its sounding energy, the name endows the boy with confidence, strength, assertiveness. The very first images that come to mind from the eminent Alexandrov are: Macedonian, Nevsky, Suvorov.

Love named Alexander

V love relationship with the opposite sex, the guy can show weakness. For her sake, I am ready to make any sacrifices. Alexander will make every effort, if only she reciprocated. If the girl does not show any feelings for him, this painfully affects his pride. He experiences his failure for a long time. love front and the memories of unsuccessful relationships will forever remain in his memory.

Natural flexibility, which is inherent in him, makes it possible to adapt to the character of his beloved. But this will only happen when she is not indifferent to him. If the girl becomes uninteresting to Alexander, he will not stand on ceremony with explanations.

In his beloved, appearance and intelligence are important to him. The guy likes smart, humorous girls. But he also wants to see next to him a faithful friend, a caring mother and a wonderful lover.

Sexuality named Alexander

The guy is attractive and loves beautiful women... He has increased sexuality, sometimes he cannot miss a single skirt, although he knows that a beautiful and clever woman is waiting at home. But extraneous connections mean nothing to him. Purely physiology.

Marriage and family named after Alexander

As soon as the young man falls in love, he will immediately propose. Usually youthful love develops into marriage or long and serious relationship... But the first feeling is not the last. Alexander is a lover of intrigues, it is they who become the cause of divorce. But this happens if he married early.

If the marriage was concluded at a more mature age, Alexander in this case is guided more by reason. Such a union is long and happy. In his family, he is responsible for each of its members: he manages to raise children, devotes time to his wife and parents. Decisions are made quickly and spontaneously. Life with him is like a volcano, but it suits everyone.

Business and career

Always strive forward, starting from the very bottom and conquering the peaks. The team enjoys respect and sympathy. Things will go well in commerce, journalism, design. Having gained experience, he sets off for free swimming.

The meaning of the name Alexander in character

The significance of this name implies power and heroism, and if a boy named Alexander is not yet one, due to his age, then he reacts very painfully to it. He tries to realize his aspirations, since he knows from childhood that he is an outstanding person. Alexander becomes a leader in noisy boyish companies and tries to establish himself as a leader, already at an older age. If this does not happen, then a closed and notorious man will grow up.

The recipe for Alexander is to confidently do what he has begun, only to choose a worthy goal and not waste his time on trifles. Then the people around will sooner or later notice the efforts and appreciate them. After all, Alexander has every chance for this, he will achieve success in virtually any field of production or science.

The interlocutor who is interested in his affairs will not be indifferent to Alexander. But just do not flatter, in this case, the dialogue will not work. Alexander will understand with understanding someone else's point of view, even if he does not agree with it.

He is determined, smart and witty. But he is often quick-tempered and impudent. Sometimes he doesn't even comply public rules behavior. If you act on him from a position of strength, then Alexander will do everything the other way around, even knowing that this will only make him worse.

By his nature, Alexander is an introvert, runs away from reality, has a vivid imagination and extreme curiosity. He already justifies his negative actions and deeds in advance, and tries to make others do the same.

Teenager Alexander

As a child, most guys with this name grow up sickly and thin. But, in spite of this, already from this period of life, everyone is amazed by their purposefulness. Alexander will become a respected leader in the future. But in adolescence, he will have a very big drawback - the love of alcoholic beverages. Therefore, parents should pay close attention to this.

Alexander quickly lights up, but cools down even faster. This applies to both study and relationships with the opposite sex. But what remains unchanged for them is an irresistible need to prove their advantage over others.

1. Full name- Alexander.

2. Boy's name

3.Synonyms of the name - Sasha, Sanya, Alex, Shura, Shurik, Alik.

4. Origin - Greek.

5. The meaning of the name is a courageous defender.

7. Combination with patronymic -

8. Successful people and stars:

Alexander Baluev is a theater and film actor.

Alexander Minkov (Marshal) - singer.

Alexander Revva is a comedian and showman.

Alexander Medvedev (SHURA) - singer.

Alexander Ovechkin is a hockey player.

9. The stone of the name is Alexandrite.

According to Florensky

This name corresponds to its basically sanguine temperament with a bias towards choleric. Nobility, openness of mood, ease of dealing with people are characteristic of this name; lightness, but not superficiality. The signs of the name also include warmth and kindness.

In relation to women - courtesy, courtesy, passing without delay and internal emphasis on courting, but usually because of courtesy, as something that is accepted, implied and expected: as a willingness to pay tribute as soon as possible, and it has an inner measure to remain within the lungs a flirtation that ends as readily as it gets tied. These relationships, as well as relationships with people in general, do not explode with the plow of inner life; if one cannot say about them as sliding on the surface, then perhaps the most correct word would be “roll”: so two touching shafts conscientiously rotate each other, without suffering from this temporary contact, but also longing when the contact comes to an end.

The character of the name Alexander

With gearing, each of the wheels must rotate in rhythm with the other or move away so as not to be broken, and when the shafts slide, this correspondence of speeds may not exist; and each of the shafts is almost indifferent to how the one in contact with it rotates. This is about the life relationships of Aleksandrov, but the same about mental contacts. Here there is the same mobility and readiness, as well as the same indifference or, rather, the same exclusion of thought under the skin. Aleksandrov's mind is clear and sober, slightly ironic, quick and versatile. But this mind is self-satisfied with its harmony, and it is afraid of questions that tear apart the depths and can, naturally, upset the established equilibrium. Therefore, this mind is rather broad, but self-protecting from the pathos of all-encompassing, - strong and fast, but without spiritual onslaught; justly weighing a lot, but not bursting into the depths - not so much because he cannot, but in order to save himself from shock.

The nobility of this spiritual make-up, chivalry is not a flash and impulse, but a tendency, shaped like a rule, and therefore easily acquires a somewhat artificial character. Then this nobility is programmatic and abstract, but not as a mask of guile, but rather as

a sincerely valued role to hold on to, partly out of self-esteem. The willingness to stand up for any truth is too formal, and the truth in general may be untrue for Alexandrov, in particular, in a particular life. Some coldness of mind, for the sake of maintaining harmony, is compensated by affectation. This “in general” in character makes the name Alexander typical for great people, it is most characteristic of them, because “in general”, spoken in a full voice - and this is what the greats say - becomes universal and truly human.

The name Alexander wants to be a microcosm, and when it gets enough nourishing material for decoration, it becomes such: a genius. But this harmony and self-satisfaction of the name Alexander may not be up to everyone: not having the strength to become even greater, he, in addition to desire, is drawn to greatness. A baobab in a flowerpot is all a baobab, albeit morbid and frail, but if someone said that it would be better for him to be only a radish under these conditions, he probably would not be mistaken. However, his advice would be in vain. So Alexander is Alexander; But the "greatness" in small sizes, the "greatness" of ordinary Aleksandrs gives dwarf trees of Japanese gardens.

There is usually some subtle detachment from life in Alexandra. Some of the thinnest, almost invisible hair roots have been cut off, but these roots are essential for nutrition: they go into the depths of life, into other worlds. Hence, a certain bias towards abstract principles, the construction of life according to schemes, rationalization, albeit in a very subtle form: Alexander is abstracted not by the will of rationalism, not by the heat of self-asserting reason, but by the lack of life principles that feed him; his rationalism is not positive but negative. Therefore, this subtle rationalism is devoid of offensive energy, fanaticism, passion, reveals a readiness for flexibility and compliance, soft or, more precisely, elastic and worldly convenient. The very programmaticness of Aleksandrov, which was mentioned above, has its source in the absence of a sufficiently tight contact with the cosmos; Alexander does not see his deliberateness, because he does not have an influx from the outside, the existential viscosity of which would oppose his behavior according to schemes: he takes abstract schemes as a basis, again not out of special love for them, but for the lack of initial life impressions from the depths. And his deliberateness is assessed by him not as insincerity, but as a vital remplis sage (the highest wisdom of the French.) best grade, - yes from remplis sage "this is really the best outcome for her; in fact, if I do not have inspiration for action, but it is necessary to act, then deliberate nobility is preferable to those of ignorance.

The great Alexander, being a microcosm, would find in himself the sources of the desired solutions; little Alexander, who is also self-contained, must look for the sources in himself, and the solution naturally comes from the mind - schematic and abstract, but still as harmonious as the rational decision can be. Due to the property that is no longer located suitable name rather than abstraction, although this name is not entirely apt, the name Alexander gives the personality legislative. Not by the will of power, but by his over-life and partly out-of-life structure, Alexander easily becomes the center of certain norms for those around him and sits down, being seated or begging to sit, on a certain rostrum. This is the manifestation of the aforementioned self-isolation, self-sufficiency of Alexander: he is a monad that has no windows.

V large sizes this property of being possessed is a condition of genius. In small ones - some kind of inability to live, although in a more subtle sense than external success; business, and Alexander's life is accompanied by success, even much higher than average, but it does not cancel the more subtle impression of some kind of unluckiness or imperfection. However, whether it’s genius or lack of conformity in life, but both, as a property of the monad, leads to inner loneliness. Friends and beloved comrades, valuable interlocutors and welcome guests in relation to everyone and in general, Alexandra cannot and do not want to become such in particular and in relation to single persons, such uniqueness would intrude demandingly into their harmonious world and open the windows that should be it is closed.

The best that only can exist, friends, Alexandra are not the best friends, precisely because they are round, rolling towards everyone, not sticking into anyone with a sharp edge, but not catching on to anyone. Maybe friendship, like cement, needs suffering, and where everything is smooth, there is no soil for the unification that breaks the monadic shells. The pleasantness of the Alexandrov generally does not allow them to be completely close and completely open in particular: such closeness is always accompanied by a tragic sound, and tragedy and Dionysianism are inseparable from each other. Alexandras, however, do not want Dionism, as the direct opposite of their already given integrity. The closeness to the end seems to Alexandram both shy and unfair, and moreover - affected. It is noteworthy that the Alexandras recognize real affectation in the style of French tragedies, when it is conscious, and they fear, as affected ones, the excesses of life when they are spontaneous - they are afraid of Greek tragedy.

Due to their self-sufficiency, due to the monarchy of their nature, Alexandras can be very generous and generous; they can sacrifice their own without looking back. But they are little inclined to sacrifice themselves, and this creates, when close to them, an obstacle for very close communication, and vice versa - hence the feeling of their detachment. Lively and cheerful on the surface, inside they feed trickles of pessimism. Despite the successes, despite the universal recognition, they are not satisfied: all of the main thing is missing. But this pessimism of theirs is neither a theoretical conviction, which, on the contrary, is rather optimistic, nor an organic pain, but something secondary and derivative, albeit necessary: ​​an inseparable shadow of their self-sufficiency. As a result: Alexander is not the deepest name, but the most harmonious, the most proportional within himself.

1. Personality: those who hide

2. Color: blue

3. Main features: intuition - will

4. Totem plant: lilac

5. Totem animal: crab

6. Sign: Cancer

7. Type. To understand these men, you need to remember that their totem animal is a crab, which attacks with claws, backs away, drags its prey, and if the fight is unequal, it buries itself in the sand.

8. Psyche. Introverts, this means that they are more deep in themselves, run away from reality, hiding in the sands of their subconscious. Have a vivid imagination. Often they try to justify their actions and actions in advance, especially when they are afraid or afraid of condemnation.

9. Will. At first glance, it is very strong, but in their determination there is some instability, unsteadiness.

10. Excitability. There is some uneasiness in their persistence, which emphasizes some inconstancy of character.

11. The speed of reaction. Friendship is taken very seriously, and often passionate love is reborn in them into friendship, which not all women like. Experiencing fear, fear of failure, most often unreasonably.

12. Field of activity. They are not attracted to science, or rather, they learn for themselves. This is a type of independent loners who do not tolerate well. pedagogical process, they do not tolerate coercion. Artistic natures. They can become talented actors, directors, entertainers, television workers. Among them there are travelers, sailors, lawyers, people who have retired from the society they reject.

13. Intuition. Female type.

14. Intelligence. Synthetic type of thinking. They have a reliable memory and simply frightening curiosity.

15. Susceptibility. It is difficult to understand them, they are very independent, although they strive to find a refuge where they could find care and peace.

16. Morality. They are capable of dubious deeds.

17. Health. Average, easily overworked. Suffer from stomach ailments, so they must take care of their digestion.

18. Sexuality. Their sexuality is mostly speculative. They tend to dream of love instead of living it. There is something childish in their sensuality, with a subconscious craving for maternal warmth.

19. Activity. This is not theirs strong point... Sometimes one gets the impression that while working, they only dream of returning home, where they can do what they like ... or do nothing at all!

20. Sociability. Often they expect something impossible from friendship. Luck, lucky chance helps them get out of unpleasant situations.

21. Conclusion. All their lives they are looking for support in a strong partner - be it a mother or a wife.

By D. and N. Winter

The meaning and origin of the name: "Protector", "Protecting people" (Greek)

Energy and character of the name:If it were not for the extreme prevalence, then the name Alexander could become one of the most powerful. In terms of the energy of sound, it endows its owner with self-confidence, strength, assertiveness and can even incline him to the manifestation of condescension, and sometimes arrogance. Even more the energy of the name is enhanced by the images of such eminent Alexandrs as Macedonsky, Nevsky, Suvorov, three Russian emperor and many others. However, as often happens, especially favorable names are becoming too common, and, of course, today everyone has at least a couple of friends Sasha, San and Alexandrov. Alas, with such an abundance, the power of a name can easily come into conflict with its ordinariness, and as a result of this, invisibility. This is especially noticeable in the period of adolescence, when the majority of Alexandrov feel an irresistible need to prove their superiority in at least one of the areas, be it sports, study or courting women. The power of a name implies imperiousness, even heroism, and Alexander often reacts rather painfully when people do not take him seriously. It happens that, realizing these aspirations, he becomes a leader in the companies of children more younger age, which is quite justified: if Alexander fails to establish himself as a leader, then it is quite likely that he will turn into a very closed and "notorious" person.

Implementation in society: The best thing for Alexander is just to confidently do his job and not really pay attention to the fact that people perceive him as the most ordinary person. This will be a real strength of character, which sooner or later will be appreciated by others. However, you should probably not waste your time on trifles, having outlined really worthy goals for yourself. In this case, Alexander has every chance to succeed in almost any of the areas. Communication Secrets: When communicating with Alexander, it would be good not to forget about his innate impulse to leadership. Even if in front of you is not realized, notorious Alexander, try to talk about the area where he managed to achieve some success. This will put him in a conversation. Just don't flatter! When you simply acknowledge his competence in a field he is familiar with, he is likely to understand your point of view with understanding.

A trace in the history of the name:

Alexander the Great

History knows many famous Alexandrs, but none of them can compare with Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) - greatest commander, who conquered the entire civilized world. Prediction says that a stormy and full of ambiguous events life was destined for him by fate itself: allegedly Alexander was born on the very night when the mad Greek Herostratus, in order to remain in the memory of his descendants, burned one of the most beautiful Greek temples - the Temple of Artemis. Many years later, Alexander accomplished a similar "feat", ravaging the rich city of Persipolis and burning down his palace, but his name remained for centuries not only because of this.

Indeed, in many respects the life and worldview of this amazing person predetermined the following circumstance: none other than famous philosopher Aristotle. They say that Alexander's father, the king of Macedonia Philip, upon learning about the birth of his son, exclaimed: "I thank the gods not so much for my son, but for the fact that he was born during the life of Aristotle!" Alexander, who naturally possessed excellent abilities, turned out to be a worthy student: he grew up to be an extremely educated young man, whose thought was not constrained by the narrow framework of canons and standards, while he did not miss the opportunity to demonstrate his courage and ambition. So, once he saw the wild horse Bucephalus in the royal stable, to which even experienced riders were afraid to approach, he did not calm down until he personally tamed the horse, after which he did not part with him on campaigns.

In his campaigns of conquest, Alexander conquered the mighty empire of the Persians, invaded Central Asia and subjugated all the lands up to the Indus River, thereby changing the balance of forces in the world for thousands of years. After all, if before him the center of the civilized world from time immemorial was the East (the civilizations of Egypt, Babylon, Persians), then Alexander forcibly moved this center to Europe, and this state of affairs, as it is easy to see, continues to this day.

In relation to Alexander, like to no one else, the words are true that the whole world was not enough for him. He went down in history as the Great, although he himself did not believe that he had achieved his goal. Alexander the Great dreamed of uniting all peoples into one world empire and, perhaps, would have achieved this, if not for an early death. When he died, he was thirty-three years old. And who could have done more in this period?

Lunar calendar for today

Day of love, increased female sexual energy. Energy of the 17th lunar days contributes to the acquisition of inner freedom, on this day stereotypes break, you can get rid of bad habits. It's a day of fun ...

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