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How to become a robot in real life. Mindfulness: The Line Between Human and Robot. Emotion Management: Why

The Georgia Institute of Technology, with support from the Office of Naval Research, created an artificial intelligence (AI) program called Quixote to teach robots to read stories, teach them pleasant manners, and show them how to behave in various social situations.

“Over the years, researchers have discussed how to teach robots to be discreet and credible,” said Mark Steinberg, curator of the study. “One challenge is how to explain complex concepts like politics, values ​​or ethics to robots. Through storytelling, people are able to make sense and communicate with other people. But this approach may one day be an effective means of interacting with robots. "

The pace of AI development has given rise to a number of fears that robots may act unethically or harm humans. Dr. Mark Ridl, associate professor and laboratory director at the Georgia Institute of Technology, hopes to allay that concern with the Quixote program, which will guide robots by teaching them human values ​​through simple stories. Ultimately, stories are informative, enlightening and entertaining, reflecting general knowledge of culture, social norms and protocols.

For example, if a robot is tasked with delivering a medicine from a pharmacy as quickly as possible, it can: a) steal the medicine and leave, b) interact politely with pharmacists, or c) wait in line. Without evaluating the value of actions and reinforcing positive motivation, the robot can logically deduce that robbery is the fastest, cheapest way to complete the task. However, with a score of value from Quixote, he will be rewarded for patiently waiting in line and paying for the medicine.

For this research, Riddle and his team collect stories from the Internet. Each story is necessary to highlight daily social interactions, such as going to the pharmacy or restaurant, as well as related social behaviors, such as paying for food or medications.

The data is passed to Quixote to create a virtual agent, in which case the character of the video game is placed in various scenarios reflecting stories. As the virtual agent finished the game, he earned points and positive reinforcement to emulate the actions of the main characters in the story. Riddle's team performed 500,000 simulations that showed correct social interactions over 90% of the time.

"These games are still pretty simple," Riddle said. "They're more like Pac-Man instead of Halo." However, Quixote allows these AI agents to immerse themselves in history, learn the correct sequence of events, and be coded for acceptable behaviors. This type of AI can be adapted to robots in a variety of applications.

Over the next six months, Riddle's team hopes to update Quixote games from "old style" to more modern and sophisticated styles such as Minecraft, in which players use blocks to create complex structures and societies.

Does the robot execute commands that benefit certain individuals? If you say so, you will be right. We would all like to have in front of us someone who would fulfill requests and orders. Agree, it is very profitable and resources are not wasted, and you get pleasure. Let's talk about how to become a robot. We will recommend and get closer to this order of things.

In the distant future, everyone will have such an opportunity, but you and I live in the present, where so far there is no place for such amazing things. If we start with ourselves, then the result will be greater than when we begin to translate into reality a certain machine. This is easier and more accessible to every decent citizen. Consider not the robot itself, but naturally our productivity, and its increase.

Well, you can pamper yourself and recharge yourself with positive things, and look in the mirror. What will you see? Most likely, a simple person who has sins and vices. This is incorrigible, because the human heart will always desire a stubborn struggle for survival.

A robot is someone who does at least one thing every day that is not for himself. As a matter of urgency, so-called to repay the debt, then live, in the hope of receiving. This is a good sign. The first thing you may encounter is healthy competition.

Millions of people exclaim, looking at a successful person, and say: "Oh, where did he get so much strength and energy?" It's good, after all. By productivity, they mean only the leader, and no one. If they look at the meek and humble, they do not look at all and let them pass by. This is how they evaluate and become.

It's not fair, is it? The fact is that everyone has a different concept of positivity and usefulness. For some, one is a dream come true, another is another dirty trick.

First what I advise is that in front of whom you want to look like a robot. In front of your parents, friends? It is enough to thank them for all the good things, to give a round sum of money. For the other, it is to please and patronize in every possible way. Live for yourself, focus not on their well-being, but only on your own. So you can soon forget about yourself, and not remember for a long time about how to become a robot.

Second how long it will last. An hour, two, maybe a few minutes? It is desirable to have as little time as possible, because then you may not like the whole real world, and then how can you live in peace and harmony? Difficult, really. In all theatrical productions, they have their own unique voice! For what? To rise slowly but surely. Yes, you can be a hero and not even suspect about it at all and not even how much.

These features can be purchased without spending any money. This is only for yourself, you don't need to tell anyone about your “wondrous” purchase. Earn the title of insane. Not everyone wants to be always ridiculed. Especially when a person is modest and regrets to turn away from this world. Like a robot.

This means such a phrase that if you are defeated, you need to try to surpass the enemy. Are there any people who agree with this? This means that you need to anticipate future events, and try to make an important decision. Or you agree to live for the sake of a "future" life, which cannot promise anything worthwhile, like a machine.

1. Be a purposeful person. Professional qualities should only be good. When you are completely satisfied with yourself, then you will painstakingly reflect on your other role in this wonderful land, and not on how to become a robot.

The fact that, it turns out, immediately rejoice over it. Then wonderfully and instantly, as if some higher being helps you. Indeed, in a moment of joy, you believe that there are all conditions for captivating development. Then there will be a long-awaited admiration. The robot is another object for artists, landscape painters, film directors.

Without them, not a single innovation will pass. Have a great joke in the midst of the holiday, make everyone think that you are the reason for everything. They will believe it. And this is not even a fiction, but a matter, then it will turn into a way of life. We ourselves do not notice how we believe the most mysterious and incredible things.

2. You appear where there is unusual and innovation. Maybe later, after a few years, you will be mistaken for a "half-man", being next to whom is very prestigious, anyone will hit their rich jackpot. That's all. But can you like this image? Only they will use you, not as a friend, but simply as some kind of magical object. But thereby you will find yourself in the most comfortable places where harmony and young, healthy laughter reign and smell. There are plenty of pluses, in my opinion.

Don't stop thinking. I don't want to stop in my self-development, let every hour be filled with very important things.

Nobody wants to be a slave, used in other people's, hidden intentions. In every possible way, shield yourself with an invisible wall in order to obstruct the intentions of other characters.

3 ... A robot can be not only rich people, but also such as: coaches, teachers. After all, these are the same children whose smile and look is worth the most seductive compliments. And of course, quickness speaks of the purity of feelings and kindness of heart. All though be them, even the most adults.

Ways are looking for everything in their own way. You can dig into the diagrams trying to create a unique car, but you always need to start with your mind. After all, all the roots of problems lie in us, and we will have to be responsible for their continued existence.

By always respecting your personality, they will receive friendliness from your side. Without respect, and gifts are not even permissible to climb to you. Gradually you will get a taste, and do not tear yourself away from your so beloved occupation. How to become a robot can only be learned by a cheerful or cyborg, it is simply not permissible for a simple boy.

4. No matter how neglected you are, this gift will not disappear without a trace. And why should he disappear? When it is beneficial. Indulgences will do, and surprise with your simplicity. The whole secret is this, if you can call it that. But may you not stop getting better, and then you will not regret that the moment has come in which you wanted to change into a system. Yes, remember all this with a smile on your face.

I wish you good luck! The article turned out to be quite voluminous. He wrote everything hastily and quickly. It will not be superfluous if you comment and add in order to eliminate the shortcomings.

First came the alarmed mother.

You know, it seems like nothing bad happens here, but I'm somehow creepy. Maybe, of course, this is such a game, but some kind of it ... inhuman, or something. Yes, and the age is already ... I know, now and adult uncles play computer games, but not all the time.

Tell us more specifically what exactly is going on with you.

We have a son, Mikhail, fifteen years old. Very good boy. She studies in the grammar school, in the ninth grade. The gymnasium is far from the strongest in the city, but still in good standing. She studies well, threes are rare. And he studies on his own, he rarely turns to us, if he does not know or understand something, reads or listens to the corresponding lesson on the Internet. At school, relationships are good both with teachers and with peers. Previously, Mikhail was not tall, but in the last year and a half he has grown a lot, and now the girls simply cut off the phone. He is not overly keen on computer games, although he can sometimes play for an hour. He is engaged in additional English (this is necessary - in the gymnasium, alas, they do not give so much), table tennis (this remarkably develops coordination, and he had problems with this since childhood) and swimming (an orthopedist recommended to us).

Um ... Nine out of ten moms of fifteen year olds would already be envious listening to you. What's wrong?

The woman fell silent, nervously twisted her fingers several times, and then unlaced her fingers, and raised an anxious look at me:

About two years ago, Misha first told us that he would like to be not a human, but a robot. And now ... now he practically became one. At least in appearance.

Not a fig for yourself! - unprofessional, but very interested, I exclaimed. - And what kind of robot did he become? From old movies? Or some kind of modern one? Maybe he's just cosplaying some cult teen movie, novel, TV series in real life?

What? What? - the mother was clearly at a loss.

I quickly told her what cosplay, manga and the subculture surrounding them are.

No, almost certainly not. ”The woman shook her head sadly. - No signs. He doesn't have any special costumes, he doesn't upload anything, he doesn't meet with anyone like that.

No costumes, no image? What then is there?

He gradually becomes more and more inanimate, some ...

At this point, of course, I stopped grinning cheerfully and became alarmed.

Does anyone else notice this? At school? In circles?

Do not know. Nobody told me anything. At school they are just very happy with it. Recently, the class teacher at a meeting spoke about the general drop in academic performance in the classroom, about the difficulties of adolescence and said: well, there are children who were not affected by this transitional age in any way. And she called Mikhail the first number.

That is, this strange metamorphosis, noticed by you and voiced once by Mikhail himself, had practically no effect on his school and extracurricular life, on Mikhail's communication with adults and peers? - I calmed down a little.

Perhaps so.

The last question: Mikhail himself somehow explained to you his desire - I want to be a robot?

I do not remember. It seems that he didn’t really explain. Although, he said: it's more convenient this way. When I now directly ask him: what is happening to you? - he answers like this: Mom, you are not satisfied with something in my behavior? State what it is, and I will change the program.

Have you tried phrasing?

Yes. He changes.

Give an example.

I told him that he was too cold to his little sister. She loves him very much, and in general is a very affectionate girl. Constantly reaching out to him. And he only occasionally condescends, plays with her.

He clarified: if the manifestations of my emotions in relation to Kira were, in your opinion, enough, how would you know about it? What are my words, actions?

At first I was confused, and then I said: well, you would at least sometimes hug her yourself, say something good, and suggest that you play yourself.

And ... - I was just terribly interested. The way Mikhail formulated the request to his mother is beyond the reach of many adults. And how many silly conflicts because of this happen, for example, between spouses.

And now he hugs her in the morning and before going to bed, twice a day compliments her like "What funny cute pigtails you have!" and every two days she offers to play fifteen minutes in whatever she wants. Kira is happy, and I understand that he just included her in his damn robotic program.

What did you want? To make him fall in love with your little sister at your behest?

Do not know. I don't know anything anymore. That's why I came to you.

I want to meet Mikhail.

I'm sure the young man did not portray anything specifically in terms of gross motor skills, but his movements really looked a little constrained, mechanical. Or did it just seem to me from the anamnesis?

Good average height, regular features, neat haircut, slightly dull gray eyes.

Do you want to ask me anything? Tell? Discuss?

No, but I am ready to answer all your questions.

An absolutely empty meeting. Mikhail has a good speech, he calmly and, it seems, frankly talks about his family, studies, life in the gymnasium, extracurricular activities. Nothing new, I already know all this from my mother. Answers strictly to my questions. Does not deviate to the side. Finishes all sentences. To the direct question: why are you making a robot out of yourself? - answers the same that once answered the mother: it is more convenient this way. To the question: what is more convenient? - the answer: in almost all areas of life.

There is some kind of quirk, but I just can't catch it, - I honestly admitted. “Either I don’t know something else, or I don’t see the obvious. If you want to talk more, come.

Mikhail nodded without a smile. And already leaving, with something like a challenge in his dull eyes, he asked the question:

Can you name at least one reason why it is more profitable to be a human being than a robot?

More profitable? - I was not immediately found. He nodded knowingly: well, you see - and left.

Then I mentally debated with him for some time (everyone knows how it happens; with psychologists after failures - the same thing, just shorter, otherwise you will quickly go crazy), I picked up good, vivid arguments, it seemed to me that I found one. But Mikhail was not there ...

Mother again.

We asked him about career guidance. He said: what do you think, where would it be expedient - with my grades, after my grammar school? Then I screamed that he should decide. This is his life! He immediately said: okay, I'll decide. And he fell silent. I "ran along the walls", then I said: maybe I should go to a psychologist and get some advice? He said: very good idea, thank you mom.

I again thought that most of the parents of sixteen (Mikhail is already sixteen) boys would howl with envy. And along with this thought, it seemed - I groped for something!

The main human desire is to be happy. Sometimes - to make others happy. Your decision to become like a robot has not made anyone happy.

Are you sure?

Undoubtedly. Your mother came to me with her anxiety: help, something is wrong with her son. You yourself are also happy, sorry, you don't look.

That is, you want to say that if I were rude to my parents and teachers in response to any of their instructions, hang out in shooters and VKontakte, yell, beat dishes, get deuces, break lessons and jump on roofs like an ordinary, non-robotic teenager - the amount of happiness around and inside me would increase dramatically?

Well, adolescent maximalism is at least present in you in normal, age-appropriate doses. And, as they say, thanks.

Answer! - demanded Michael. The eyes sparkled with anger.

I mentally praised myself: I lured myself out of the mink. Now what?

When it started? I asked. - Do you remember?

I didn’t hope for a positive answer, I was just playing for time, collecting my thoughts. However, oddly enough, he remembered.

For as long as he can remember, Mikhail's parents had a standard speech pattern: what are you doing? We don't need such boys! We need such boys who ... (further it was clearly stated what exactly the boys they need are doing or not doing).

Example: what is it you are in a joke? We don't need such boys! We need boys who are already adults, do not harass their mother and walk with their feet.

Over time, this phrase formally disappeared from speech, but in fact it did not go anywhere. It was always quite clear to the intelligent Mikhail which boys were needed by parents, teachers, teachers in circles, etc. Obedient, polite, helpful, ready to help, persistently solving the tasks assigned to them, not giving up from failures, not showing vividly their emotions ( jumping and screaming with joy, yelling and swearing with grief - all this was not approved anyway), speaking and doing exactly what is expected of them (expectations are always voiced if asked correctly). At about 12 years old, Mikhail, who had read a lot, asked himself: what kind of boys are these who would satisfy all these requirements? And pretty quickly I found the answer: these are robot boys.

As long as I live, no one has ever asked me anything of my own, human, ”Mikhail told me. - No one was interested and needed to have contradictions, so that I would say, do something of my own, in spite of them. Everyone likes to be agreed with. They came up with - within the framework that they themselves set. The teacher asks a question - if you guess what answer (s) he has in his head is ready (s) - everything is in order. Now with the girls - everything is the same. If you say what she expects from you (and believe me, it's not difficult to guess) - you are good. Me, myself, a contradictory and often simply pitiful, sad and disgusting person, no one has ever waited for anywhere, do you understand? What if you imagine that I am a robot? - I thought. Presented, played. Everything became so simple at once. I'm not very smart, not very handsome, not at all strong - well, you can see for yourself. But they immediately began to praise me, set me up as an example. Everybody needs robot boys. And everyone likes it. You say stop! Become human back. Do you think it will be better? To whom? Let's just ask my mom. Well, I'll become like my classmates. I will throw off my shell, become a human teenager - I will say what I think, argue with everyone (because most adults are talking such nonsense!), Be rude, if they get it, sit in the internet ... She wants?

We immediately asked (fortunately, my mother was sitting in the corridor). What do you think she answered? And what happened next?

How can a person become a robot? I'm not kidding. Today, you can often meet a person who asks such a question to a psychologist or in a Google search engine. To live “like a robot” is how and why? Let's talk in more detail.

Robot man

It seems that the strength is gone. You can't literally pull a person tired of life out of bed. and energy? Doesn't it look like anything?

People who are tired of the daily hustle and bustle and work have only one desire: I want to become a robot. What is it like? Without a soul at all? Yes exactly. At the same time, it is thoughtless to do everything that you are told. If a person stops thinking, he automatically becomes a zombie or a robot.

Thoughtlessly means to be like a technical device. As in that joke: “What can you do? - Dig. - What else? “Well, I can’t dig.” That is, the actions are programmed. The person becomes like a "biorobot".

Today, a human robot is not you. You can be controlled remotely, as if the remote control turns on the TV. A person has a “split personality”. In psychology, this phenomenon is called "social schizophrenia." This means that a person in such a state does not actually operate with consciousness, but uses a "trained intellect".

The desire to learn “how to become a robot in life” is generated by a psychological problem. Technological progress captures a person in its web from childhood, thereby putting pressure on the psyche. Such people do not realize the cause of illness, if any. Most often, a human robot suffers from serious oncological diseases. As practice shows, the outcome is very sad. Many people simply break down due to the fact that emotions have no way out. Let's talk more about them.


Emotions are an innate human reaction to external and internal states. This happens at the reflex level. Nature is designed so that a person can reflect, think, evaluate and analyze emotionally.

Arises on an instinctive level. A person without emotions is passive and indifferent. Becomes like a robot. He is not interested in or worried about anything.

Many people believe that if you do not show emotions, you can become a cold-blooded and calculating person. As if the Snow Queen from the tale of H. H. Andersen. However, this judgment is erroneous. For a person, emotions are life energy, thanks to which he develops a reaction. It is emotions that animate the body. Of course, you can't be hysterical and give in to emotions. Everything should be done with reason and calmness. This is the only way to make informed decisions.

Emotion Management: Why?

Beliefs, character, mood of another person create barriers in mutual understanding and provoke conflict situations. Resentment, quarrels and anger are those negative manifestations that "steal" a positive attitude towards life. If a person does not control his emotions, he can say too much in the heat, break wood, as they say. Therefore, to control your emotions, to learn to be a little "robot" is very useful and necessary. This is one advantage.

Controlling your emotions doesn't mean suppressing them. Emotions need a way out. Otherwise, all chronic grievances, unspoken anger are the psychosomatic source of many diseases, including cancer.

How to become a robot? It is necessary to abstract from external stimuli. Look at a stressful situation through the lens of calmness. Place some kind of shutter near you. Visualize it.

Emotions and thinking

Thinking is the "brain" of emotions. This is the main tool. Through thinking, a person can gain control over himself, and therefore over his emotions.

Most often, people express their negative emotions (which are destructive) in difficult situations. They simply do not know how to live on, how to act in a given situation. The only thing that remains is to let the "steam" out, that is, to show emotions.

A hyperemotional person resembles a sailing ship without a captain. Where the wind blows, there it floats. Almost like in life: where negative arises, emotions “emerge” there.

However, you need to be a little "robot", in the best understanding of the meaning of this word. You need to learn to control your emotions, and not go with the flow like a limp ship.

Look at yourself from the side

In order to learn how to manage yourself and your emotions, you need to learn to abstract from yourself. In other words, look at yourself from the outside. Yes, a look at yourself. Oddly enough. Imagine that you are driving your car and you have stopped in front of a traffic light. Suddenly, another car drove up in the next lane. You are in it. Observe yourself.

This is very helpful. Especially when there is a psychological "ulcer" (problem) inside you.

It will seem to many that this is a split personality or a mental disorder, when a person consciously invents a new personality for himself. However, it is an effective way to curb your emotions. The point is not to emotionally experience the event, but to refocus on yourself. Look at yourself emotionally from the outside. This exercise is especially effective for those who are in a state of depression.

Controlling your emotions with thinking is the best way to avoid giving in to your emotions.

Communication - to zero

How to become a robot? Less communication. Limit yourself in communication with friends and family. This is a manifestation of the signs of a robot.

At the next meeting with friends, your emotions can burst out. This is not typical for a robot. Therefore, load yourself up with work that is most likely to be “visible and invisible”. Yes, not entirely comme il faut, but the main thing for the robot is to keep everything under control and do the job for the top five. Another question: "With what and with whom will you stay?" In addition to loneliness, there will be no one to count on in the future. This is one of the consequences of human "robotics".

Turn on the poker face

How to become a robot? Simple and easy. Turn on poker face. In order to remove unnecessary negative emotion from your face, correct your eyes and lips. These are the first signs of a negative state. If you make such an expression on your face, then the intensity of passions inside you will subside a little.

It is necessary to train the poker face. This is one of the most effective ways to manage emotions, therefore, to become a little "robot".

How to Become a Living Steel Robot: Specific Steps

Doctor of Psychology Nikolai Kozlov once said that the one who controls his emotions becomes a robot. At first glance, this expression will seem crazy, but if you think about the essence, then it really is.

What is left of a person without emotions? Reason, which is driven by such dogmas as "this is good", "this is necessary", "this is bad." Robotic? Yes.

However, answering the question of how to become a robot, the following associations immediately come to mind: the termination of a living process, that is, life.

Controlling emotions is ending life. This means that the person becomes “emotionless”. A robot will never rely on feelings. He will think pragmatically in concepts, rules mechanically established in the brain.

How to become a robot? The reviews are not entirely positive. A robot means no emotion. Emotions are life, or rather the feeling of life. The choice is yours: to increase the saturation of life or to keep everything in yourself.

Are robotic humans showing feelings? Are they admitted to being tender, loving, in love with another person? Express your opinion? How can another person know that you, a robot, love him? No one has yet learned to read thoughts. Thank God or not, it's up to you.

Human robots reduce the saturation of life. They are consumed by anxiety, anger, envy, rules…. Installed by someone ... So they are managed or controlled? Mechanism, emptiness, emotionlessness - these are all signs of a human robot's life. And the feeling of life, and life itself, is in emotions, or rather in their manifestations. Have you still changed your mind about being an insensitive and lifeless robot?

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