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Like a baby at 19 weeks. Nineteenth week of pregnancy: the state of the mother and child. see all pictures

Only a week left until the middle of pregnancy. Mom is already “communicating” with her baby - with light or strong pushes, he tells her about his needs.

Be sure to remember and tell the doctor when you felt the first fetal movements during pregnancy - this is a very important indicator that will help the doctor calculate the date of the expected birth, as well as determine the position of the baby in the uterus. You still do not know how and with what force your baby pushes? Do not be upset: it happens that the baby makes itself felt only after the 20th week of the “interesting situation”.

Fruit size

The length of the baby at 19 weeks of fetal development is about 15 cm. It is the same size as a small cabbage fork.

Baby weight

The baby now weighs about 170-200 grams.

Fetal development at 19 weeks gestation

The nervous system of the fetus continues to develop, such an important substance as myelin is formed - it covers the sheath of nerve fibers and ensures effective transmission of impulses. The cerebral cortex is growing, the baby's respiratory system is moving to a new, more perfect stage - the baby's lungs are growing, the bronchial system (bronchial tree) is being formed. The digestive system progresses - the original feces (meconium) accumulate in the intestines. It consists of amniotic fluid, which is swallowed by the baby, as well as mucus, bile and water.


The fetal heartbeat is heard by the doctor at each examination of the woman. The heart rate at week 19 is 140-160 beats per minute. Tachycardia (over 180-190 beats) and bradycardia (110 or less) are signs that the child's heart is working somehow wrong and requires additional examination.

What does a fetus look like at 19 weeks pregnant?

The child slowly opens his eyes - now he reacts to light stimuli! American experts have found that a bright light directed at the mother's belly scares him. The kid kicks, rolls over, closes his eyelids. When the baby calms down, he begins to smile, tries to play with the umbilical cord, squeezes and unclenches his hands.

The body of the child is already completely covered with the original fluff - lanugo. The skin is still wrinkled, but no longer so thin and transparent.

Body changes and new sensations of a woman

At week 19, many women are worried about back pain during pregnancy. This is one of the most common ailments that can lie in wait for the expectant mother during the months of waiting for the baby. The reasons for its appearance are understandable: during the period of the “interesting position”, the femoral-sacral joints, which are usually motionless, begin to relax under the action of the hormone relaxin in order to facilitate the movement of the fetus through the birth canal. Relaxed joints, as well as an enlarged belly, disturb the balance in the body, increasing the load on the spine. Hence - pain and discomfort in the lumbar region. What do doctors advise women who have back pain during pregnancy? You need to sit down, relax, massage the sore spot. You can also use special ointments, but they should be selected very carefully - the preparations should not contain poisons and irritants. If the pain does not go away for a long time, consult a doctor.

Weight gain

Doctors strongly recommend expectant mothers to purchase scales and monitor their weight gain weekly - gaining extra pounds during pregnancy is very undesirable, just like not gaining them at all. The average weight gain is about 300-400 g per week, and the total by the end of the 19th week is 6 kg (these figures are approximate, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the woman).

Mom's belly

The size of the abdomen at week 19 often causes some inconvenience, primarily associated with sleep - it is becoming increasingly difficult for mom to find a comfortable position to sleep well. According to doctors, pregnant women should sleep on their left side (the uterus in this position does not put much pressure on the internal organs of a woman). And for complete comfort, the expectant mother can put a cushion or pillow between her legs.

We also note that the size of the tummy at this time can be very different: in some it is barely noticeable, while in others it is very impressive. This is absolutely normal! If a woman is pregnant for the first time, her belly tends to grow more slowly.

Analyzes and ultrasound

At week 19, you can still do a second planned ultrasound during pregnancy (doctors will check the development of the fetus, its size, possible anomalies, the condition of the umbilical cord and placenta).


The woman's body still lacks calcium, iron, iodine, vitamins A, B, D, E. But an excess of vitamins, as well as their lack, can be dangerous. Hypervitaminosis leads to various allergic reactions, weakness and nausea. If you do not take vitamins in a natural (with food) form, but drink tablets, be sure to coordinate their quantity and volume with your doctor.

Sex at 19 weeks pregnant

At week 19, when the presence of the baby becomes more obvious (many mothers could already feel the first movements of the crumbs), some men begin to refuse intimacy, fearing not only to harm the baby, but also because of the strange prejudice that the baby will become a “witness” to love parental fantasies. Nothing like this can be! Of course, rough sex and sexual toys should be abandoned, but otherwise you can leave everything as it was before pregnancy (if the woman is healthy and she has no medical contraindications to the physical expression of love). The child will not have any “memories” about the sex of mom and dad.


The time has come when a pregnant woman should give up high-heeled shoes - shoes with heels above 3–4 cm cause, starting from the 19th week of an “interesting position”, an increased load on the lumbar spine, ligaments and muscles. This leads to painful sensations in the lumbar region, as well as tension in the muscles of the uterus, and an increase in its tone.

Beauty and accessories

If the expectant mother has not done this before, now, at week 19, she needs to buy a bandage that will support her back muscles. A bandage for pregnant women in the form of a belt is considered universal. It is worn over underwear, does not cause any discomfort and is absolutely safe for both mother and baby. Wear a bandage during pregnancy with the narrow side forward.

The 19th week of pregnancy is an interesting and memorable time. Your baby actively declares its existence and while its movements and light pushes bring only delight and tenderness. It is actively growing and developing, along with this you are changing, both externally and internally. It's time to find out what the 19th week of pregnancy has prepared for you, what happens to the baby.

Baby development at 19 weeks

  • At the beginning of week 19, your baby weighs about 200 grams and is about 15 cm tall;
  • The proportions of his body are close to standard, only it is very thin and covered with fluff. Do not worry, the hairs will gradually disappear and the baby will be born with delicate pink skin;
  • In the meantime, the entire body of the baby is covered with a protective lubricant;
  • At this time, fat deposits are just beginning to accumulate, which will warm the baby.

Physical and mental development

  1. the baby at the 19th week of his intrauterine development already knows how to move his fingers;
  2. he blinks and wrinkles his nose if he doesn’t like something;
  3. sucks thumb when hungry;
  4. and drumming on your tummy while talking to you. He does this consciously, since the baby's brain is already transmitting impulses to the nerve endings. By the way, the baby can already turn her head around and roll over in her tummy (for how a baby develops throughout pregnancy, read the article Development of a child in the womb >>>).

sense organs

  • The fetus at the 19th week of pregnancy perfectly hears and perceives sounds, while the noise and screams frighten him, and your lullabies relax and cause a semblance of a smile on his face;
  • The baby, despite closed eyelids, distinguishes between darkness and light;
  • He also has taste preferences. Everything you eat will affect the taste of the amniotic fluid, and your baby will respond to your spicy snack with a decrease in swallowing movements and wrinkling of the nose.

Internal organs

At a period of 19 weeks of pregnancy, the development of the fetus and its internal organs progresses. The lungs are already formed and the bronchi, the digestive system are developing, the intestines are gradually filled with original feces, the baby pees thanks to the work of the kidneys.

By the end of the 19th week, the baby's weight will increase by 50 grams, but now it is not growing so actively, but is gaining shape due to subcutaneous fat.

Mom's well-being

Week 19 is the middle of the second trimester (you will find a detailed description of this period in article 2 trimester of pregnancy >>>) and the general well-being of the mother is noted as positive.

  1. The belly at the 19th week of pregnancy is not yet large and does not hinder movement, but your gait betrays your interesting position from afar. Your walking becomes more measured and can be compared to a duck. The reason for this is the expansion of the pelvic bones and the shift in the center of gravity, and weight gain also affects;

Important! Please note that an increase of 6 kg from your initial weight before pregnancy is considered normal.

  1. Toxicosis, as a rule, does not bother at this stage, and the cause of nausea can be low blood pressure caused by the weakening of peripheral vessels, the hormone progesterone that reigns at this stage of pregnancy. Your psychological state is still unstable, so if you cry when you get peaches instead of watermelon, know that hormones are to blame.

Uterine size

At 19 weeks pregnant, the fetus is up to 20 cm long and your uterus is 1 cm below the navel. And if the weight of the baby is about 200 grams, then the weight of the organ is 320-350.

You can feel for yourself how high the uterus has risen, for this it is enough to lie on your back, relax and put your hands just below the navel. With such a high position of the uterus, your navel may begin to protrude, there is nothing to worry about, everything will go away by itself after childbirth.

Pain at 19 weeks

The uterus at the 19th week of pregnancy has greatly increased in size and you can feel back pain, pulling pain in the lower abdomen. In addition, you may experience cramps, numbness of the limbs, swelling, headaches or dizziness.

  • Back pain. Most often, pain occurs with the growth of the abdomen and is provoked by a shift in the center of gravity. At this stage, you can’t wear shoes with heels, it’s time to change tight clothes to loose ones, and to reduce back pain you need a support bandage for pregnant women (read more in the article Back pain during pregnancy >>>);
  • At this stage, pain in the hip joints may occur, this is gradually expanding your pelvis, so your body is preparing for the upcoming birth;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen. The explanation for what pulls the stomach at the 19th week of pregnancy may be muscle tension caused by the growth of the uterus. If the pain is not sharp and is not accompanied by spotting, then there is no cause for concern. Another thing is when your lower abdomen has become like a stone, you feel cramping pains, there is blood discharge. Your uterus has come into tone and you need to see a doctor immediately;
  • Pain in the umbilical region. If your stomach hurts at the 19th week of pregnancy in the navel area, do not rush to panic. Yes, this feeling is unpleasant, but passing. It’s just that the uterus has reached the level of the navel, it can even bulge, but gradually the skin will expand and the discomfort will subside;
  • Edema and convulsions. Swelling and heaviness in the legs can be caused by being in an uncomfortable position for a long time. You need to change position every half an hour, don't forget to go to the toilet regularly;
  • Headache. At the 19th week of pregnancy, you may be bothered by headaches. The reasons are different: lowering blood pressure, dizziness caused by a decrease in hemoglobin levels, migraines.

In addition to these pains, you may notice unexplained hot flashes, increased heart rate, or excessive sweating. For this period, such sensations are normal.

Bleeding. Allocations

At week 19, an increase in the amount of discharge is considered the norm, while their consistency should be watery, the color should be transparent, and the smell should be neutral. All other discharge at the 19th week of pregnancy is a pathology.

  1. Whitish curd discharge, with a sour smell, which is also accompanied by itching, is a sign of thrush (related article: Thrush during pregnancy >>>);
  2. Yellow or green impurities in the discharge will indicate to you about inflammatory processes in the genitals;
  3. Small brown impurities can be a sign of erosion that bleeds a little;
  4. Bloody discharge with accompanying pain in the lower abdomen is a signal of a threatened miscarriage or missed pregnancy;
  5. Abundant watery discharge may rather signal leakage of water surrounding the fetus.

Feelings at 19 weeks

The most important sensations at the 19th week of pregnancy are the pushes of your baby. Its size is small and there is enough space in the tummy to swim and somersault. You may notice how your tummy sticks out in a certain place where the child is leaning.

By the way, you will notice the strongest tremors in the evening or at night. And this does not mean at all that your buzzer is a midnighter, the baby is not more active than during the day, it’s just that you lay down, calmed down, listening to every push. It is difficult to answer, for a period of 19 weeks, how the child should move, because the character of the baby is individual, the main thing is that the tremors are regular.

Another unpleasant nuance is shortness of breath. Take your time, give yourself a rest, if the choking attacks do not go away, take frequent shallow breaths and exhalations like a dog.

Surely you have noticed that the halos around the nipples have darkened, and a transverse path has appeared on the stomach. The reason for this is melanin, which is actively secreted in your body. It is responsible for the color of your baby's hair, eyes, skin, while causing changes in the form of darkening or freckles on your skin. Such pigmentation, as a rule, disappears after pregnancy by itself.

Narrow issues of pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special period when you are responsible not only for your health, but also for the development of your baby. Be careful and take action at the first sign of illness.


At a period of 19 weeks of pregnancy, a temperature of 37 degrees is not at all a signal of a disease. In your position, this is the norm, you may even feel hot flashes, but they quickly pass by themselves. Another thing is a mark of 37.5 and above with headaches or joint pain, runny nose or cough. Most likely, you were overtaken by a cold or a viral infection.

High temperature, 38 degrees and above, can provoke placental abruption. At the 19th week of pregnancy, what happens to the mother is transmitted to the fetus. So, an increase in your temperature can cause discomfort and overheating of the baby.

Cold at 19 weeks pregnant

Any disease during pregnancy is highly undesirable, and can negatively affect not only your well-being, but also affect the development of the baby.

  • Of course, at the 19th week of pregnancy, the child is well protected by the placenta, and his own immunity is already included in the work, but there are certain risks. For example, an active virus can get inside and interfere with the development of the fetal nervous system. The virus is especially dangerous for girls, since at week 19 they actively develop their genitals;
  • A strong spasmodic cough can provoke an increased tone of the uterus, which at this time threatens a miscarriage (read an important article: Dry cough during pregnancy >>>). A runny nose will also bring discomfort, as it makes difficult breathing already difficult;
  • The danger of diseases is also in the fact that the list of drugs allowed during pregnancy is extremely narrow. At a temperature, you can only take ibuprofen and its analogues, only plant-based cough syrups, and you can only fight a runny nose with saline solutions.


Sex at the 19th week of pregnancy, in the absence of pain and discharge, is allowed. Please note that most postures in your position are contraindicated. Choose a comfortable position, avoiding pressure on your stomach, and enjoy intimacy with your loved one.

Alcohol at 19 weeks

Alcohol is one product that is best avoided during pregnancy, especially at week 19. At this time, the baby's nervous system and brain are actively developing, and ethanol, which easily penetrates through the placenta into the baby's blood, can disrupt important processes. In addition, alcohol reduces the amount of nutrients in the blood, and for a period of 19 weeks, the risk of developing anemia is already high.

Examination of mother and child

For a period of 19 weeks, the doctor may prescribe a complete blood and urine test. The first should show the level of hemoglobin, and the second - whether there are any inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. Additionally, you may be given a blood sugar test. Also read the article

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 21 minutes


This record was checked by a gynecologist-endocrinologist, mammologist, ultrasound specialist.

The age of the child is the 17th week (sixteen full), pregnancy is the 19th obstetric week (eighteen full).

Obstetric week 19 is the 17th week of your baby's life. If you count in months, then this is the middle of the usual and the end of the lunar fifth month.

Feelings of a woman at 19 weeks

At this time, the multiparous woman already feels well.

If you're carrying your first child, you haven't felt it move yet. Don't worry, you may have to wait a few more weeks. But still, most often a woman already feels the movements clearly, they look like pushes and taps.

In addition to the magnificent sensations of the movements of the baby, the expectant mother also has other sensations:

  • For the last period of pregnancy you have gained about 3-5 kg ​​in weight. And now you feel very plump. But this is only the beginning, for the entire period you will gain approximately 10-11 kg, and maybe more. The expectant mother already notices how her enlarged breasts and buttocks. Your tummy already reaches the navel, and it is already clearly visible;
  • Your hair became shiny and thick, and the skin became sensitive. During this period, you do not need to spend a lot of time in the sun and sunbathe, because age spots may appear. And also do not experiment with new cosmetics, it can cause an allergic reaction;
  • Itchy skin may be felt on the abdomen. Be careful, it can cause stretch marks, so use special cosmetics to prevent them, because after childbirth it is very difficult to get rid of them.

In general, the most favorable period continues. Your usual way of life has not changed much, even sexual relations. You still go to work and do all the work that you can still handle.

And almost all the sensations that you experience can be called temporary inconvenience, namely:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen and in the pelvic area;
  • Shortness of breath and suffocation;
  • Discharge from the chest;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Changes in blood pressure;
  • Heartburn, flatulence, constipation;
  • Leg cramps;
  • Vaginal discharge;
  • Bleeding gums;
  • Forgetfulness and distraction.

Reviews on the forums:

We are in week 19. I feel great. I don't feel any fluctuations yet, but I'm looking forward to them.


I feel great. I was looking forward to the first movements, and when the baby moved for the first time, I did not immediately understand that this had happened. It felt like soap bubbles were jumping in my stomach.


Back hurts a little. In a few days we are going for an ultrasound, I hope we will find out who will be with us.

I'm a little worried. I am already 19 weeks old, but my tummy is not growing and I do not feel any movement.


This is the start of week 19. A week ago, I began to feel my baby. It's just great, I'm so happy.

What happens in the body at the 19th week?

  • At this time, you began to experience some inconvenience associated with the growth of the abdomen. Now you won't be able to lie on your stomach at night, besides, now it is quite difficult for you to get into a comfortable position for sleeping. Many doctors recommend sleeping on your left side with a pillow under your leg and thigh;
  • On the 19th week with an unsuccessful movement, severe pain may appear in the side, most often in the right. When you change position, they quickly pass. Their cause is the stretching of the ligaments of the uterus. Such pains do not pose a danger to the baby, not to the mother. Whatever they were, use a prenatal bandage which will also help you prevent stretch marks;
  • At this time, the woman leucorrhoea may increase, this is due to the very rapid renewal of the epithelium in the vagina and the high level of hormones. Also, a woman may begin to be disturbed by sweating, bleeding and soreness of the gums, caries. So make sure to visit your dentist regularly. Very often, women during this period complain of malaise, dizziness, headaches and low blood pressure;
  • Your total weight has already increased by about 3 kg, and maybe more. This is due to the fact that in the early lines, due to early toxicosis, you lost a little weight. Be that as it may, from now on nutrition plays a very important role for you, because if you eat incorrectly, you risk gaining excess weight. And also do not forget that you need to provide your baby with all the necessary substances.

Fetal development at 19 weeks

This is the 17th week of your baby's life. Now he weighs about 300g, and his height is 25 cm.

At this stage, your child's systems and organs are at this stage of development:

  • The baby's skin is still wrinkled, but no longer so red and thin.. All its folds are protected by a cheese-like lubricant. Gradually, subcutaneous fatty tissue begins to form, which will become a very valuable source of energy in the first days after birth. First of all, subcutaneous fat is deposited in the neck, kidneys and chest;
  • The central nervous system of the child is actively developing and, between nerve cells, numerous connections appear, the cerebral cortex grows. Due to this, the reflex activity of the child becomes more complex. He moves his arms and legs, sucks, swallows, blinks, winces, grimace, opens his mouth and searches. The baby reacts to loud sounds, shudders with a sudden shout or noise, and calms down when a calm melody sounds or in silence;
  • Your baby's digestive system is getting better every day.. In the intestine, the original feces begin to accumulate - myconium, which consists of peeling intestinal cells, dead cells of the skin epithelium, bile, which get there along with the ingestion of amniotic fluid;
  • Kid's kidneys start working, they actively excrete his urine;
  • The development of the lungs of the fetus is nearing completion.

In general, almost all the organs and systems of the baby have already formed and began to work. But still, the child has no chance of survival if he decides to be born, because he is very vulnerable. A young mother needs to carefully monitor her health, because harmful effects on the child's body can cause the development of pathologies.

Ultrasound at the 19th week, photo of the fetus, photo of the mother's abdomen

Almost all women undergo ultrasound at week 19, because a second screening is done on this line. This is one of the most exciting examinations in the second trimester of pregnancy, because the size of the fetus still allows it to fit entirely on the monitor screen.

Also at this time, the doctor can tell you the exact gender of the child.

Ultrasound 19 weeks

Photo of the fetus, ultrasound at the 19th week

Video: What happens at the nineteenth week of pregnancy?

Video: Ultrasound at 19 weeks

  • At this time, many women are worried about back pain, so doctors recommend starting wear a prenatal bandage. They are of two types: bandage shorts and bandage belt. The first must be worn only lying down, it fixes not only the stomach, but also the uterus. The bandage belt supports the stomach, it can be worn standing, lying down, and sitting. When using any bandage, it is necessary to take a half-hour break every three hours;
  • Also on the 19th week, it is often difficult for a woman to find a comfortable sleeping position. It is recommended to sleep on the left side and what would be more convenient buy a special pillow for pregnant women, which will later come in handy for you for feeding;
  • And of course do not forget about proper nutrition, because now it depends on whether your baby will receive all the necessary trace elements.

The most detailed weekly pregnancy calendar

The fifth month of bearing a child is full of significant changes both in the body of the fetus and in the body of the mother. For everything to go well, a pregnant woman should listen to the recommendations of a gynecologist, eat well, have a good rest and get enough sleep.

How does the baby feel at 19 weeks pregnant?

The weight of the crumbs by the end of the 19th week increases to 200 g, growth - up to 14-15 cm. Now the baby is similar in size to a large potato tuber.

If the child could be seen well, future parents would see a fluffy body with wrinkled reddish skin covered with a layer of white grease. This lubricant protects the delicate skin from damage and infection. The baby's face is already fully formed, the ears and eyes are in place. The first hairs appeared on the head. In the near future, the fetus will grow cilia and nails.

A baby at the 19th week of his intrauterine life sleeps most of the day, but he also has wakefulness phases, during which he actively moves. If earlier these movements were chaotic, now they are being improved - the arms and legs are bent in all tiny joints, so the baby can put a finger in his mouth, grab the umbilical cord, his feet.

Since the fetus has already grown significantly, and its muscles have grown stronger, the mother can feel how it is repelled from the walls of the uterus with arms or legs. If the movements are not yet noticeable, you should not be upset. Most likely, the baby will make itself felt in the near future.

At week 19, the fetus changes not only externally, but also internally:

Mom's feelings at 19 weeks pregnant

The growth of the uterus and abdomen continues. Now the bottom of the uterus is located somewhere at the level of the navel (18-20 cm above the pubis). Expectant mothers feel these changes not only in rounded shapes, but also in problems with bowel movements, with the need to often run to the toilet “little”, with discomfort in the lumbar region and abdomen.

Due to the hyperproduction of hormones, a lot of melanin is formed in the skin of expectant mothers, which causes hyperpigmentation of certain areas of the body and face. In particular, the so-called pregnancy mask appears on the face - above the bridge of the nose and on the cheeks. After childbirth, skin color usually returns to normal. In order for age spots not to darken even more, expectant mothers need to avoid direct sunlight and use creams that contain special filters.

By the end of the 19th week, the volume of circulating blood in the woman's body increases even more, so the heartbeat may become more frequent, the swelling of the mucous membranes may increase, and the amount may increase. For the same reason, chronic diseases of the lungs, heart, and kidneys can worsen.

Possible problems

At the 19th week of pregnancy, already existing problems (they have been repeatedly mentioned in other articles) may be added (or anemia) - a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood. According to WHO recommendations, anemia in a pregnant woman is diagnosed if the hemoglobin concentration is below 110 g/l (for non-pregnant women - 120 g/l). In parallel, a color index is necessarily determined, which displays the amount of hemoglobin in each erythrocyte. If this indicator is normal, a temporary decrease in hemoglobin levels may be caused by an increase in blood volume. Over time, the hematopoietic organs must compensate for this condition, but if they fail and repeated blood tests reveal anemia again, the expectant mother is prescribed special treatment.

The main cause of anemia in pregnancy is iron deficiency. Accordingly, the risk of anemia is higher in women suffering from severe (they cannot eat normally), having chronic diseases of the liver, intestines, kidneys (with these ailments, either the absorption of iron is impaired or its excretion from the body increases), carrying twins (the need increases), malnourished. In addition, if the expectant mother had anemia before pregnancy, carrying a baby can exacerbate this problem.

What is fraught with anemia for the expectant mother and baby:

  • The threat of abortion.
  • Preeclampsia is a severe complication that can lead to the death of both.
  • Premature detachment of the placenta.
  • Premature birth.
  • Fetal growth retardation

In addition, with anemia, childbirth and the postpartum period are more difficult.. In particular, there may be weakness in labor, postpartum hemorrhage, a problem with lactation.

You can suspect anemia by the following symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • severe pallor;
  • and brittle nails;
  • cracks in the corners of the mouth and dry lips;
  • abnormal eating habits (the desire to eat chalk, smell strongly smelling liquids, etc.).

Treatment of anemia in expectant mothers is also carried out with a diet. In the diet of women with anemia, there must be dishes from veal, beef, tongue, liver, as well as eggs, hard cheese, cottage cheese, fresh herbs and honey (if there is no allergy to it).

Required tests

At week 19, the expectant mother must pass before the next visit to the gynecologist. In addition, the doctor may prescribe and to exclude anemia in pregnant women.

If there is a conflict in the blood group between the body of the mother and the fetus, the gynecologist will give a referral to search for hemolysins in the blood- substances that destroy the baby's red blood cells. This study must be submitted monthly. If a conflict can arise due to the Rh factor, the expectant mother should be examined for the presence of specific antibodies in the blood.

Pregnancy is a very important period in a woman's life. The health and life of the baby depends on how well the expectant mother behaves. In this regard, pregnant women should in no case self-medicate, smoke, drink alcohol and drugs, work in hazardous industries and, in general, endanger themselves.

It is advisable for a future mother to discuss all the exciting questions with her gynecologist, and not rely on the advice of friends and relatives. It is the physician who must:

  • Prescribe any medications, including vitamin complexes.
  • Give directions for analyzes and instrumental studies, evaluate their results.
  • Adjust the diet of the expectant mother depending on weight and health status.
  • Recommend wearing a bandage and compression underwear (it is necessary for women who have).

You should not be ashamed of talking about intimate life, because during pregnancy in some situations it may be contraindicated. For example, if a woman has oligohydramnios, a multiple pregnancy, a low placenta, or a threatened abortion, the gynecologist may recommend sexual rest.

A expectant mother can also receive a lot of useful information at special courses for pregnant women. The plan of such classes usually includes questions about the nutrition of a woman, about preparing for childbirth, about caring for newborns and about lactation. In addition, the courses deal with psychological problems that often occur during pregnancy and the postpartum period.

Nutrition for a pregnant woman

Her well-being, weight and, of course, the pace and correct development of the baby depend on the nutrition of the expectant mother. When compiling your diet, a pregnant woman should remember that she needs:

  • Eat meat every day (preferably lean).
  • Periodically consume offal (in the liver and a lot of iron).
  • Several times a week, have breakfast with scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs or boiled eggs.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables daily.
  • Do not forget about dairy products (they contain essential amino acids and calcium). However, there is no need to force yourself to drink liters or eat kilograms, the expectant mother can use one thing that she likes best.
  • Eat hard cheeses and butter. A sandwich of bread and cheese is a very healthy and satisfying snack.
  • Try to pamper yourself with delicious fish (preferably fatty varieties) several times a week.
  • Eat porridge at least once a day. Grains contain a lot of fiber and vitamins.
  • Limit the use of sweets, strong coffee, flour products, sausages, sausages, semi-finished products.
  • Add not mayonnaise to salads, but vegetable oils, they have a lot of useful fatty acids and which is necessary for the absorption of calcium.

If a woman has digestive problems, it is better to adjust the diet with a doctor - amateur performance is unacceptable. It is also worth noting that the expectant mother should not eat foods that are potential allergens and possible sources of harmful chemicals. For example, in winter it is not advisable to eat strawberries or fresh cucumbers, you can not eat honey in liters and nuts in kilograms. Pregnancy is a period when the risk of allergic reactions and poisonings increases significantly.

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