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How to be flexible. How to be flexible in communication. Women's Flexibility is a Woman's Way of Solving Issues

One of the most important qualities for a successful businessman is flexibility. Despite clearly formulated plans and ways to implement them, circumstances may develop in such a way that they will have to be adjusted. In such conditions, flexibility, the ability to adapt and make quick decisions come in handy.

Flexibility thinking lies in the ability to change the initially planned path (plan) for solving problems if it does not satisfy the conditions of the problem that are gradually isolated in the course of solving it and which could not be taken into account from the very beginning.
Psychologos / Encyclopedia of Practical Psychology / http://www.psychologos.ru

  • Flexibility is the variability of approaches, hypotheses and methods used in the process of thinking.
  • Flexibility means quick response and adequate solutions.
  • Flexibility is the ability to establish contacts with completely different members of the team.
  • Flexibility is the ability to assess the real extent of the problem and take the necessary measures.
  • Flexibility is the adaptability and plasticity of thinking and behavior.
  • Flexibility is the ability to replace an inefficient way with an optimal one.
  • Flexibility is freedom from stereotypes.

Benefits of Flexibility

  • Flexibility allows you to achieve your goals in any given circumstances.
  • Flexibility of thinking helps to cope with difficulties and find alternative ways of development.
  • Flexibility allows us to adopt different points of view, looking at situations from different angles.
  • Flexibility helps you adapt to a wide variety of teams and circumstances.

Manifestations of flexibility in everyday life

  • Conflict situations. The contradictions that often arise between people run the risk of developing into conflict situations. Flexibility and diplomacy contribute to setting up opponents in a peaceful way.
  • Negotiation. Defending interests runs the risk of escalating into an open confrontation between negotiators. In any disputable situation, in order to maintain further relations, it is necessary to show flexibility, and sometimes accommodating.
  • Learning process. Accumulating new knowledge, we become the owners of a broad outlook and thanks to this we acquire the possibility of variant thinking. The more flexible our attitude towards life becomes, the more objectively we can assess the situation.
  • Research activities. The greatest scientific and technological achievements would be unthinkable if people acted solely by the rules. It is thanks to mobility, flexibility and extraordinary thinking that everything new opens up.

How to achieve flexibility

  • Use various methods to activate mental capabilities. For example, such as the "Method of focal objects", "Method of control questions" and others.
  • When setting certain tasks, try to ask yourself such questions as often as possible: “What are the additional ways of implementation?”, “Is it possible to consider the problem from the other side?”, “How can I optimize the process to achieve the best result?”, “Introducing what changes will be painless for the process under the circumstances?”.
  • In order to develop flexibility, it is necessary to train speed of reaction, attentiveness and good memory. Structured thinking allows you to consider the issue from different angles and choose the most appropriate option from a variety of possible ones.
  • Refer to yoga teachings. By achieving in parallel the plasticity of the body and the flexibility of thinking (they are directly interconnected), you can achieve a harmonious state.

Golden mean

steadfastness, stubbornness


Inconsistency, conformity

Popular expressions about flexibility

The flexibility of the mind can replace beauty. - Stendhal - Love and respect for people, compliance and complaisance form the basis of calmness. - Xun Tzu - Adapt to the circumstances that have fallen on your life. And with all your heart, love the people with whom you are destined to live. - Marcus Aurelius - God! Give me reason and peace of mind
Accept what I can't change.
Give me the courage to change what I can change.
And give me the wisdom to tell one from the other. - Russian Orthodox prayer of the 19th century - V. Wengar, R. Pou / Am I a genius? A very interesting and informative book on how to develop flexibility and originality of thinking. The author reveals the essence of many abilities and gives interesting techniques to help solve various problems. David Malden / Management and the power of NLP The author considers flexibility of thinking to be one of the most important qualities of a leader. The book describes the abilities and NLP techniques that will help you achieve success not only in business and management, but also in everyday life.

Flexibility of thinking


Snezhana Ivanova

Flexibility of thinking is a rather arbitrary concept. In most cases, they talk about it when it comes to the ability to control oneself and one's thoughts.

Flexibility of thinking is a rather arbitrary concept. In most cases, they talk about it when it comes to the ability to control oneself and one's thoughts, not to allow disturbing manifestations to prevail over the mind. Thinking as a cognitive process occupies an important place in the system of perception and human activity. It is thanks to thinking that a person has the opportunity to think and reason sensibly, to make plans and assumptions. The concept of flexibility suggests that a person has sufficient wisdom and prudence in order to change existing plans depending on the circumstances.

Manifestations of flexibility of thinking

It is important to know how the flexibility of thinking is expressed in a person. The presence of a reasonable approach to life is necessarily reflected in the way of thinking. The ability to clearly see the situation, to predict its development also belongs to this concept. Let us consider in more detail the signs of the presence of flexibility of thinking.


The ability to choose between several available options, as a rule, is inherent in people with a high development of thinking. After all, you need not only to make a decision, but also to justify its correctness before your own conscience, to see additional opportunities. It should be remembered under all circumstances that alternatives always exist. It is impossible at the first failure to despair and give up. With such an approach, nothing significant can be achieved in life. In order to cope with some difficult situation, you need to look for the answer within yourself, identify significant prospects and opportunities. The need to make a choice helps to take responsibility for what is happening. Flexibility of thinking in this case is necessary in order to be able to choose between different options. People, as a rule, learn this from personal individual experience. Any development is impossible without the flexibility of thinking.

Taking responsibility

Not every individual is truly responsible for his actions. The reason for this are factors that contribute to the formation of mental relaxation, irresponsibility. It's just that a person gets used to trying not to pay attention to what is happening to her. This makes life easier, because you don't have to make any effort for important actions. It is worth noting that one who runs away from his own essence can never be happy. It's like constantly running away from your feelings, without having time to discover and realize them. True acceptance always implies full responsibility for what is happening. The ability to admit one's mistakes demonstrates the flexibility of thinking. People gradually cease to notice how much they limit themselves in making decisions. Thinking as a mental cognitive process allows you to analyze each individual situation, to derive certain benefits.

Acceptance of responsibility implies that one must learn to live in harmony with oneself and one's inner being. And how often people contradict themselves in every word, while trying to please others. This behavior is by no means flexible. Genuine thinking is hardly involved here. That is why there are so many crippled destinies and wrong choices. Thinking for the individual is really of great importance. It is important that a person in no way seek to shift his own difficulties onto others. Any problems must be solved, and any complexity has its own individual key suitable for solving. People who have actually learned to overcome life's difficulties report that they did it by taking responsibility.

Switching attention

When a person concentrates on a thought for a long time, then he has a state of concentration. Constant scrolling in the head of a situation sometimes helps to quickly find the answer, to come to the optimal solution. Sometimes an individual vision of a problem overturns consciousness, and we begin to strive for a specific result. The final choice depends entirely on the personality itself, its worldview and system of internal beliefs. But too long focusing on the problem often leads to apathy, a strong immersion in the subject of experiences. The flexibility of thinking is usually manifested in the fact that a person is able to switch from one thought to another. This is an extremely useful skill that will come in handy in any business. Any new undertaking requires mental strength, perseverance and patience from the individual. This approach allows you to protect yourself from additional experiences, from starting to feel like a loser. People who really work on their character have the ability to change the unsatisfactory circumstances of their lives.


Creativity should be in everything. Whatever a person does, he must use his creative resources. Otherwise, his internal energy will gradually begin to fade, and it will not be possible to use it. Everyday reality is such that it constantly throws surprises at us. Sometimes these accidents are taken by surprise, baffled. Only genuine enthusiasm is able to lead forward, to reveal the existing abilities in us. The development of a person depends entirely on how she knows how to use her own endless resources. The flexibility of thinking allows you to really engage in self-improvement and at the same time remain in a significant plus. Of course, in life the one who gets used to engage in their own development, who has constructive thinking, always wins.

Thinking flexibility is a concept that is actually consistent with creativity. Creativity often becomes a manifestation of a non-standard view of things. Individual flexibility in views is inherent in everyone to one degree or another, but not everyone really pays attention to it. The fact is that a person is not always able to take responsibility for what is happening. The flexibility of thinking largely determines how much a person feels capable of influencing his life as a whole, determining the available immediate and long-term prospects.

Taking someone else's point of view

Perhaps this is the most difficult thing for a person. People are so arranged that in most cases they consider themselves right, and not their opponent. Such a worldview is dictated by the natural inner nature of each of us. This is because internal defense mechanisms are triggered. They are designed to help the individual avoid all sorts of troubles that may arise. Only genuine thinking can really lead to the good. The concept of flexibility here is defining and very significant. Real development is impossible without concessions. It begins when a person begins to realize the needs of others, and not only notices his own desires. The flexibility of thinking actually allows you to see each situation from the inside, to turn to the origins of any problem. When we accept someone else's point of view, we do not just yield to the interlocutor. In this moment, we demonstrate to the world how much true acceptance and respect means to us.

How to develop flexible thinking

The need to have flexibility of thinking does not need to be proven. The development of genuine self-respect often begins that way. It's always good to have an original approach to business. Thus, a person demonstrates his worth and can earn his own respect. Acceptance in the eyes of others also adds strength, makes it possible to feel strong and significant. How to develop flexibility of thinking? Let's try to figure it out.

Getting rid of fears

Various phobias are what really prevent a person from fully moving forward. Fears limit us in every way, contribute to the establishment of internal frameworks, from which it is impossible to break out later. It must be remembered that doubts and anxieties ruin any undertaking in the bud. To experience intense fear is tantamount to giving up any prospect at will. To achieve the desired goal, you need to forbid yourself to be afraid. In many ways, it is thanks to the flexibility of thinking that serious results can be achieved in life. When a person gets used to thinking constructively, his thinking is directed towards creation.

Ability to experiment

Most people live very limited lives and are afraid to go beyond the stereotypes invented by someone. They often do not realize how much they impoverish their lives. But in this case, development as such will be extremely difficult. A person needs to constantly experiment in order not to stop at the achieved result. There is nothing sadder than watching people give up before they get started. Having taken the first timid step, you must always continue to go further. The opportunity to conduct your own experiments is not provided everywhere and not always. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to take a closer look at the situation and draw appropriate conclusions. Developing the flexibility of thinking is a serious task that should be tried to be solved gradually.

Going beyond

It implies a real rejection of stereotypes. In most cases, this is quite difficult to do due to the fact that people feel rather constrained and limited when it is necessary to quickly make some kind of non-standard decision. Going beyond is a manifestation of the flexibility of thinking. After all, you have to master new behavior, learn the previously unknown, fight your own fear. As a rule, if all tasks are correctly formulated, then the person wins in the struggle with himself. Such an internal duel, first of all, implies the eradication of all laziness. As soon as you manage to get rid of it, it really becomes easier to breathe, think, make decisions. Rejection of the usual stereotypes really helps the development of thinking.

Belief revision

Each of us has our own life principles. They help us in making responsible decisions, often indicate the direction of movement. In order to become more loyal to some things, you need to learn how to develop an alternative view of the world in yourself. This goal cannot be achieved overnight. Sometimes it can take a lot of time and patience to fully understand the situation, to become a person who first thinks and only then does. To cultivate the necessary flexibility of thinking, you need to train a lot. The revision of significant beliefs allows you not to close yourself in the problem, but to look for real ways to solve it. Overcoming difficulties is incredibly hardening, especially when a way out of a predicament was found on your own, without anyone's help. This is where habit change matters. She can truly work wonders.

Personal development

How many people are really able to live by the voice of their own heart? Unfortunately, this is not the case. To grow a true individuality in yourself, it will not be superfluous to learn to act in accordance with your conscience and destiny. You need to find a favorite thing to which you want to devote your life, to become the master of existence, and not one on which nothing depends. In many ways, creative activities help to achieve this goal. The main thing at the same time is that they like, bring tangible benefits.

Thus, the development of flexibility of thinking depends entirely on the person himself. Everyone is responsible for himself, making decisions, preparing to take some important step in life.

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Flexibility of character is a positive quality of a person and the ability to communicate, to convince in the right direction. Achieve your Goal, avoiding direct decisions, instructions, conclusions or actions.

Manifestations of Flexibility and belonging

In a social society, in a family, in business partnerships and agreements, Men always prefer Directness.
Flexibility is more inherent in Wise women. The strength of a woman is in the flexibility of the mind.

And so, we will describe these management tools, and methods of managing us Men. You are a Strong Man or Weak - it doesn't matter! Method A woman's flexibility and ability to use this tool can unleash a Third World War if desired.
Why hasn't this happened yet? The answer is simple - there has not yet been such a woman with such a desire!

The flexibility of a woman is the ability to realize her intentions and desires, to easily structure existing knowledge and move from one action to another, to rethink the possibilities of another person, using him in a new capacity.

Now, if a woman reads this article, then she thinks, that's what we are! This is how men see us!

Do not flatter yourself, the properties of Flexibility are only for Wise women

Women's Flexibility it's a woman's way of solving problems

If a Woman treats the intentions and desires of a man with respect and understanding, she becomes a Gray Cardinal. A real helmsman!
She realizes her desire through the willingness to fulfill the desire of a man by the method of Compliance. The algorithm of her actions is simple - give up your own desire in favor of the desire of a man, and then your desire will come true.
A man by nature is designed to fulfill women's desires. The nature of a woman is a flow of desires. A man is not pretentious and unpretentious, but for his woman he is ready to make sacrifices.
Even the strong core of Men requires praise. A man is obsessed with action, determination and responsibility, he expects in return Respect, Trust, gratitude, Inspiration, Admiration and acceptance of him as he is. In this case, he will move mountains, reach Mars!

It turns out that a man is only a tool to achieve the Goal, and a woman uses and manages. To manage the entire family life, the Wise Woman only needs to be flexible and keep the steering wheel. Simple and correctly placed names and only declared rules, as the proverb says, “As dad says, so it will be like mom!”

Let's continue about Flexibility, life confirms for a Woman to achieve a Goal, sometimes you just need to be patient, give a man time to think everything over carefully, otherwise her idea will be doomed to failure.

In our minds, visual representations, the word Wise is the Snake. Permanent Association The snake's flexibility and wisdom come from the past and are recorded in our Subconscious.

If the Man does not quite meet the requirements yet, then the Wise Woman shows Flexibility, allowing the man supposedly to come to the right decision himself. The decision imposed by the woman does not allow the man to take responsibility.
The strength of a woman does not allow breaking a real man, this is the same reckless undertaking as goring a stubborn ram on a narrow bridge.
But a weak Man can be broken, but then who will be interested in him? A man who exhibits feminine qualities does not arouse sympathy in most women.

Trials of Life and circumstances harden a Man and make him stronger

Inflexible, straight forward behavior always takes a toll!

At the same time, Responsibility and directness are of no use to a Woman, it destroys her. An example of destruction is the business of Women. This is a direct and complete destruction of the Feminine. If a Woman shows masculine qualities, speaks directly, tries to achieve her rudeness, swearing and reproaches, that is, she goes to the ram, right through, then this is a stupid, unreasonable woman acting across her nature.

Today I want to cover the topic "flexibility in communication". Quite often, we lack this quality, but meanwhile, cultivating it, you can significantly ease your own life. Starting from the most ancient historical documents, historians find information about the great diplomats, people who influenced the course of history with the power of words alone.

Even the ancient book of wisdom, the Bible, says that the word can heal and sting like a sword. In all cultures, there are proverbs, sayings that are close in meaning, talking about the importance of keeping silent or saying something in time.

What does it mean to be flexible in dealing with other people? Now the majority wants to express the idea that they are not going to change their opinion and are not going to adapt to someone. However, this is a misunderstanding of the designated concept. The ability to show flexibility implies that a person knows how to bypass "sharp corners", contradictions, obvious confrontations with an opponent, aiming for a positive result of negotiations, mutually beneficial for both parties.

For example, riding public transport often causes great inconvenience to all participants. But when among the passengers, for example, there is a drunk with an unbearable fumes, and even noisy, then patience can end! How can you be flexible here? After all, you definitely don't like a drunkard.

However, you can maintain your dignity without stooping to rude words and screams. After all, this will not make the troublemaker embarrassed, but will only cause a sharp conflict, unpleasant for everyone around. In this situation, you can afford only a small mild remark (how would you like to be treated in this position). Or maybe the best thing to do is just keep quiet.

How to be flexible in communication

  1. To become a flexible person in communication, you need to be able to empathize with others. If you put yourself in the place of your opponent, try to feel everything that worries him, most likely, all your irritation will go away even with a major quarrel;
  2. Remembering that we are all people and have our weaknesses, find the strength in yourself to show indulgence to others, recognizing their right to make a mistake;
  3. Let the other always save face. Even if a person is fundamentally wrong, you can calmly explain to him the essence of his mistake. When he calms down and understands everything, most likely you will gain a friend, or at least your supporter;
  4. Don't hesitate to admit you're wrong. Often emotions blind us, under the influence of splashed out hormones, we are able to do and say things that we don’t even think and don’t want to do. Know how to sincerely ask for forgiveness;
  5. Don't add fuel to the fire. When it is impossible to come to a common solution, it is best to calm down by postponing the solution of the problem for a while. Only a cold-blooded approach opens the way to resolving conflicts;
  6. Learn to forgive. In English, the root of the word "forgiveness" carries the meaning of oblivion. To forgive means to forever erase a misconduct from memory and never remember it again, and even more so you can’t reproach it;
  7. It happens that with all the loyalty, a person continues to behave stubbornly, aggressively. Don't stoop to his level. You can resolve the conflict and simply no longer contact this person;
  8. Often, in dealing with loved ones, we stop appreciating them, taking for granted everything that they do for us. Because of this, irritation accumulates, people swear out of the blue. Be able to see every moment all the good in others, concentrate on their positive sides, constantly thank for every pleasant little thing. This is especially true in marriage. Try to treat loved ones as if they could disappear from your life at any moment. Do you want to keep them?
  9. However, flexibility in communication does not mean that you need to bend for everyone, on the contrary: set certain limits that you will never go beyond. People will know about it, they will reckon with your rules;
  10. Any constructive conversation can be compared to a game of ball: you can throw it gently, allowing you to easily catch it. Or you can throw it with all your might, hitting a person. Which game do you like best?
  11. Respect others. Contempt and arrogance are the main enemy of peace and prosperity. Do not exalt yourself, be overly proud. It is not for nothing that the Bible says that the humble conquers cities and countries, but the proud will be defeated. All people are drawn to someone who is able to show genuine concern;
  12. To achieve the desired outcome of the negotiations, to get certain concessions and benefits for yourself, do not be afraid to give something back. After all, communication is always a mutually beneficial exchange that brings satisfaction and benefit to all parties to the negotiations.

A deep understanding of the essence of the issue will bring real peace into your life. Because flexibility in communication can work wonders. Use this powerful tool for interacting with others, you will see how much more joyful and pleasant it will be to communicate even with unpleasant people!

These are our ideal partners, ideal friends, ideal lovers... And ideally, we ourselves.

Consider the case of a pair. She is a girl who wants to be taken care of, taken care of with an adult man who likes to take care of her, take care of her ... Ideal? If there are precisely feelings (and this happens more often than it is customary to think) - it seems to be an ideal. But - for a while.

Let's see what happens a little later, when she becomes 5-10 years older. So young and fresh. But she wants to be independent, she wants to find her own way in life. Unless it's Sveta Bukina, of course.

What's going on with the couple? The ideal turns into disgust for the "old man who bought her youth" ... By the way, his thoughts are no better ... Jealousy, distrust are extremely unpleasant feelings. Could it be otherwise?

Need to be flexible

Of course. To do this, you need to be flexible. Psychologically.

A normal person understands that children grow up, that a child should not and cannot sit forever in a nest ... And that a young woman, being normal, will definitely want to be active, to look for her own way in life. Preventing this is even worse than preventing a child from growing up. Losing anyway...

Flexibility (a developed quality of an adult) will allow a grown-up girl to become not a "daddy", but an equal, a husband - and find charm in this. But either you become flexible or you become miserable. Choose yourself.

And of course - the example is chosen only for example. for clarity ... Any other couple, family, if they want to stay together, must become flexible. You can’t once catch a partner in the bonds of marriage - continue to hold him with something unloving and be happy.

Unless of course we are talking about masochists and sadists.

Poems about those who are near

The lover went abroad with his wife,

And we did not have time to say goodbye to each other.

I returned home in a bad mood

My husband called out from the bottom of my heart and I turned around.

Handsome man, slightly greyed.

Athletic body and all without clothes.

Elastic ass, masculine,

How strange, but everything about him turned me on.

And arms, and legs, eyes, even ears)).

Daytime unshaven, so even better.

And the rival drops gently flowed,

The path to bliss has been pointed out.

Breath like a pulse and hardened in the chest,

I remembered the nights hugging in bed.

And the taste of a kiss, and the smell of a man,

The husband was just playing at taming the shrew.

Where did everything go? After all, it was all.

A neat man stands all dressed.

Passed, smiled, said goodbye ..

He didn't even kiss me goodbye.

But as they say, we do not appreciate

And become a husband a lover would be priceless.

The light is gone and the desire has cooled down.

After all, if he were a stranger, I would seduce him

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